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Oracle ASMLib Availability and Support - Red Hat Customer Portal

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Oracle ASMLib Availability and Support

(Updated October 7 2013 at 5:00 PM

* Oracle ASM (Automated Storage Management) i a data !olume manager "or Oracle databa e # ASM$ib i an optional utilit% t&at can be u ed on $inu' % tem to manage Oracle ASM de!ice # ASM a i t u er in di ( management b% (eeping trac( o" torage de!ice dedicated to Oracle databa e and allocating pace on t&o e de!ice according to t&e re)ue t "rom Oracle databa e in tance #

* +ed ,at -nterpri e $inu' .#/ and ne0er 3 '1.2./ arc&itecture

4 Resolution
ASM$ib con i t o" t&e "ollo0ing component : * An open ource (5P$) (ernel module pac(age: kmod-oracleasm * An open ource (5P$) utilitie pac(age: oracleasm-support * A clo ed ource (proprietar%) librar% pac(age: oracleasmlib ASM "eature and "unctionalit% are a!ailable 0it&out ASM$ib# 6&e u e o" ASM$ib doe not a""ect databa e per"ormance# 6&e ASM$ib (ernel module pac(age i pro!ided a a con!enience to +ed ,at cu tomer !ia t&e Supplementar% 7&annel on +ed ,at 8et0or( (+,8)# +ed ,at 5lobal Support Ser!ice 0ill "ield ASM$ib related i ue and u e commerciall% rea onable e""ort to upport t&e ASM$ib (ernel module4 until uc& an e""ort re)uire (no0ledge o" or modi"ication to Oracle9 proprietar% dependent component( )# 6&ere"ore4 t&e ASM$ib (ernel module pac(age A:; are not guaranteed per +ed ,at9 Supplementar% o"t0are pac(age upport term a tated at &ttp :<<acce #red&at#com< upport<o""ering <production< cope=moredetail#&tml (&ttp :<<acce #red&at#com< upport<o""ering <production< cope=moredetail#&tml) #


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