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PPhA)DA.A& C/"0 C%AP"-* Executive Officers 1a( 2il3a 4ebua) 4al5a, *Ph President *ebecca Ale5an3re *Ph 3i!e President .ivien 6eigh Pasicolan 14Pharm Se!retar$ Daniel 7oshua Pen3on *Ph Membershi Se!retar$ -lena 3el 1un3o *Ph &reas,rer *ossana 0ambao *Ph ",ditor 4hel3on 7a, 4ilva *Ph 0,siness Manager 8enn, 7ames 1erin *Ph P,bli! 6nformation Cffi!er $oar3 1embers Dean 1a( -va 4an 7uan, :d1D1 Dean 6eilani $etonio MSPharm #atima 1a, "esoro MSPharm

November 12, 2013 ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Dear Sir/Madamme: Greetings from the Phili #ha ter% ine Pharma!ists "sso!iation Davao #it$

&he 2013 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) b$ the Philippine Pharmacists Association of the Philippines (PPhA) 'ill be on November 16 2013 at ( "M to ) PM to be held at Davao Do!tors #ollege* +os italit$ Management Pra!ti!,m #enter, Davao #it$ 'ith the theme: !"he #ilipino Pharmacists for $etter %ealth &utcomes'( &he #PD b$ the PPh" rovides val,able o ort,nit$ for all -ili ino harma!ists to meet and e.!hange vie's, dis!,ss relevant to i!s and listen to series of tal/s from PPh" National S ea/ers 0,rea,1 &he to i!s to be dis!,ssed are: 11 !Anti)microbial *esistance+ "he *ole of Pharmac, in the Philippines 21 -thical Challenges in the Practice of Pharmac, in the Philippines(' 2egistration fee 'ill be !olle!ted to defra$ the e. enses as follo's: 3en,e and food 42 sna!/s and a b,ffet l,n!h5Ph 200100 Seminar fee 4PPh" National5 100100 6f $o, have not $et aid the ann,al membershi fee for 2013: 7o!al Membershi fee Ph 100100 National Membershi fee )00100 "s health !are rofessionals, 'e en!o,rage ever$one to bring e.tra !ash, food, 'ater or medi!ines1 8e 'ill be a!!e ting donations for the vi!tims of t$ hoon 9olanda d,ring the #P: Seminar1 Davao Pharma!ists, let;s all be one in hel ing and serving o,r fello' -ili inos1 -or an$ <,er$ or !onfirmation, lease !all or te.t an$ of the follo'ing: Gigi: 0=22*3321>?(/ 40(25 2(?>1(2@ 3ivien: 0=A2* (2A(A3?/ 0=20*2>?)030@ or Ben: 0=32*()3??=?1 8e are sin!erel$ ho ing for $o,r ositive res onse and a!tive arti!i ation in all o,r f,t,re a!tivities1

Alliance &rgani9ations Phili ine So!iet$ of +os ital Pharma!ists 4PS+P5 DS"P P"#CP D,nior PPh" 9o,ng Pharma!ists Gro,


-or the harma!ists,

Ma. Gi !a Se"ua#Sa $a% RP&.

President- PPhA Davao City Chapter

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