Important Rules For Wearing Rudraksha

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after having studied rudraksh deeply for more than 4yrs now i personally FEEL there are some

very extremely important points which should be followed with the wearing of rudraksh, these are listed below....all of the below mentioned Golden points may NOT be strict rules(to be followed with rudraksh) since some of below mentioned points are my personal suggestions or viewpoints so i leave this for the reader to decide......... **energise/Pran Prathistha ur rudraksh bead/mala from a brahmin pandit in a shiv temple on monday morning before 6.30am & then wear ur energised rudraksh bead/mala for first time immediately after its Pran Prathistha puja in temple **before u wear ur energised rudraksh bead/mala for first time make sure u follow the vidhi of saying the mantras as laid down in scriptures.. **here after every time u remove or wear ur rudraksh bead/mala say om-namahshivah minimum 3times or 11times.mansic jap is fine. **ladies should remove rudraksh & not wear it during pregnancy & during periods **remove rudraksh without fail before going to toilet for shitting,before engaging in sex/masturbation,before eating non-veg,before drinking alchol,before u go visit new born kids,before u attend participate in some one's death funeral procession,before visiting any cemetery or cremation ground(shamshan) ground,before u go near a dead person's body **after u come back from attending participating in some one's death funeral procession &/or visiting the cemetery or cremation ground(shamshan) &/or visiting new born baby &/or nearing a dead person body,then 1st most important thing u should do is take a complete body water bath & change ur clothes and wear rudraksh again **2 different or same mukhi rudraksh beads should not touch each other,one can always place a big spatik or parad bead between 2 different rudraksh beads to separate them,if at all 2 different rudraksh beads touch each other in mistake then one can do a small re-energising puja at home or in a shiv temple on monday or thursday morning or get a small re energising puja done at shiva temple thru panditji on monday or thursday morning. **remove rudraksh before attending a hospital & before visiting new born babies **do not touch rudraksh with pointer finger & left hand fingers **remove rudraksh before going to sleep **do not touch rudraksh with dirty hands **do not keep displaying ur rudraksh to any one & everyone,it should be hidden well below ur clothing,rudraksh is not a object of fashion to be displayed to everyone. **if at all by mistake u have touched ur rudraksh bead/mala with dirty hands or toilet hands then 1st wash ur hands with soap then pour some good amount of clean water on bead/mala & then pour ganga jal on rudraksh bead/mala & ask forgiveness from lord shiva & then touch rudraksh bead/mala to lord shiva photo or shivling & then wear is always good to keep 1 or 2 big bottles of ganga jal handy at home,i find that ganga jal is available with most puja shops **sometimes it may happen that a person may eat a food item(labelled as veg)

which may indirectly contain some nonveg item,so one needs to be conscious & aware of this as well.for example i have come across birthday cakes which contain egg **higher mukhi's like 14 mukhi rudraksh & others needs special care & handling as it is the very very aupuciouse,it is good to encap it in gold or other suitable metal which will cover & protect the rudraksh bead from all sides **navratri,shivaratri,mahashivratri,eclispe,nagpanchmi are auspiciouse times to dharan new rudraksh **if for some reason u are not able to dharan/wear ur rudraksh then keep it in a small box at puja place & offer daily namaskar with om-namah-shivah jap 3times or 11times or 108times **sometimes mistakes may happen with rudraksh after all we are all humans however a person should remember not to repeat those same mistakes again **always buy rudraksh from ur own money & not other people's borrowed money or snatched money or stolen money,also same applies when u give dakshna to panditiji after rudraksh Pran Prathistha ,in case if u do borrow money(to buy rudraksh) then make sure u return that money back to concerned person,also it is good if one does not bargain when buying rudraksh bead/mala.also do not bargain with shiv temple panditji when u have to give his dakshna after he does ur rudraksh Pran Prathistha should happily give panditji his dakshna & also take his blessings. **get ur rudraksh bead/mala re-energised thru its Pran Prathistha puja at a shiv temple thru temple panditji once every year at maha shivaratri or shivratri **one can also buy a complete readymade rudraksh bead/mala,which is energised by the merchant/dealer in ur name,when u do buy readymade rudraksh mala please check if the beads are separated properly thru parad or spatik placed in between from genuine rudraksh dealers **rudraksh beads or malas should not be exchanged or interchanged after u dharan/wear it **it is suggested to clean rudraksh beads/mala with new small brush & ganga jal once in every 3 months or so,this is to keep the rudraksh beads/mala clean.the brush that u use for cleaning rudraksh beads/mala should be used only for 1 time use & then disposed off,everytime use a brand new small brush for cleaning rudraksh beads/mala.use brush gently to clean rudraksh bead/mala.after cleaning rudraksh beads/mala offer incense to it **no matter what do not let anyone(other than self) touch ur rudraksh beads/mala **everytime before u touch ur rudraksh ensure that ur hands & fingers are clean **I FEEL THAT ONE SHOULD ALWAYS REMEMBER THE AMOUNT OF BENEFIT U GET FROM UR RUDRAKSH WILL DEPEND ON THE AMOUNT OF RESPECT & CARE U SHOW TOWARDS UR RUDRAKSH ........RUDRAKSH IS LORD SHIVA & REMEMBER U CANNOT TAKE LORD SHIVA FOR GRANTED.................... OM-NAMAH-SHIVAH... ""in this message where-ever i have mentioned word-rudraksh,it means rudraksh bead or rudraksh mala.""

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