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MATHEMATICS Examination Papers 2008-2011 CONTENT CBSE Examination Paper-2008 (Delhi) CBSE Examination Paper-2008 (All India) CBSE Examination Paper-2009 (Delhi) CBSE Examination Paper-2009 (All India) CBSE Examination Paper-2009 (Foreign) CBSE Examination Paper-2010 (Delhi) CBSE Examination Paper-2010 (All India) CBSE Examination Paper-2010 (Foreign) CBSE Examination Paper-2011 (Delhi) CBSE Examination Paper-2011 (All India) CBSE Examination Paper-2011 (Foreign) 32 67 93 119 147 179 241 273 303 EXAMINATION PAPERS - 2008 MATHEMATICS CBSE (Delhi) CLASS - XII Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 General Instructions: 1 2. All questions are compulsory. The question paper consists of 29 questions divided into three sections-A, B and C. Section A comprises of 10 questions of one mark each, Section B comprises of 12 questions of four marks each and Section C comprises of 7 questions of six marks each All questions in Section A are to be answered in one word, one sentence or as per the exact requirement of the question. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in 4 questions of four marks each and 2 questions of six marks each. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such questions. 5. Use of calculators is not permitted. Set ‘SECTION-A 1. If f(x)=x+7 and g(x)=x-7, xe R, find (fog) 7) 2. Evaluate: sin| 2 - sin-?(-+) 3 U2 13) fy o]_[5 6 3. Find the value of x and yif ls a 11 hi ‘] 4. Bvaluate:| 7% ¢+id . Evaluate: ~crid a-ib 2-3 5 5, Find the cofactor of a,yin the following:|6 04 105-7 e 6. Evaluate: J) dx 1+x 1 dx 7. Evaluate: bs Find a unit vector in the direction of a = 3/ ~ 2j + 6k Xam idea Mathematics — XII 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. Find the angle between the vectors @ j+kand b =i+j-k For what value of are the vectors @ = 2) +2) + and b =i - 27 + 3& perpendicular to each other? ‘SECTION-B b (Is the binary operation defined on set N, given by a*b = for all a,b € N, commutative? (ii) Is the above binary operation associative? Prove the following: tant 2 stan-! Letom Ls tant 1-8 3 5 7 34 325 LetA=|4 1 3 06 7| Express A as sum of two matrices such that one is symmetric and the other is skew symmetric OR 122 IfAs]2 1 2 verify that A? — 4A —51=0 221 For what value of k is the following function continuous at x= 2? [eetise? FQ) = pxa2 Bx-1jx>2 / Tex - fi=x) Differentiate the following with respect tox: tan =v fivx+ Ji SNES) i Find the equation of tangent to the curve x= sin 3t, y=cos 2f at f= 5 Evaluate: [* =" > dy L 14 cos? x Solve the following differential equation: (x? ~y?) de + 2xy dy=0 given that y=1 when x=1 OR Solve the following differential equation: dy _x(2y~2) ax -x(2y+3) ae, ify=1whenx=1 Examination Papers ~ 2008 5 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24. 26. 27. Solve the following differential equation : cos? xt +y=tanx ie fa=i+)+band 6 =}~é, finda vector ¢ such that ax ¢=b and @.¢=3. OR Ifa +b + ¢ =O and| a|=3,| 6 |=Sand| c | =7, show that the angle between aand bis 60°. Find the shortest distance between the following lines : and “thy 7 ~ at a distance 3¥2 from the point (1, 2, 3). +2 Find the point on the line = A pair of dice is thrown 4 times. If getting a doublet is considered a success, find the probability distribution of number of successes. ‘SECTION-C Using properties of determinants, prove the following : a B Y a By? |=(a-BB-Yy-@arB+y Bty yta a+B a 6 ¥ a RB ¥ a? py? [aaepayfa? p> y? Pry yta a4 111 Show that the rectangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in a circle is a square. OR Show that the height of the cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a cone of 1 height his +h. ® 3 Using integration find the area of the region bounded by the parabola y? = 4x and the circle Ax? + 4y? =9, Ja ay ate Find the equation of the plane passing through the point (~1, ~1, 2) and perpendicular to each of the following planes: 2x + By 32=2and Sx ~ dy +2=6 OR Find the equation of the plane passing through the points (3, 4, 1) and (0,1, 0) and parallel to x+3_y-3 2-2 6 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 28. A factory owner purchases two types of machines, A and B for his factory. The requirements and the limitations for the machines are as follows Machine Area occupied Labour force _| Daily output (in units) A 1000 m? 12 men 60 B 1200 m? 8 men 40 He has maximum area of 9000 m? available, and 72 skilled labourers who can operate both the machines. How many machines of each type should he buy to maximise the daily output? 29. An insurance company insured 2000 scooter drivers, 4000 car drivers and 6000 truck drivers. The probability of an accident involving a scooter, a car and a truck are 0.01, 0.03 and 0.15 respectively. One of the insured persons meets with an accident. What is the probability that he is a scooter driver. Set-Il Only those questions, not included in Set I, are given 20, Solve for x: tan” | (2x) + tan Kan=4 x xtanx 21, Evaluate: [* ~~" dr. In Secx cosee x \ dy } fina 23. Using properties of determinants, prove the following 4a? b> 2ab 2b 2ab =a? 4b? 2a =(1+a? +b?)> 2» -2a 1-0? -b? 24. Evaluate: [*° =" > ax 1 +c0s* x 25. Using integration, find the area of the region enclosed between the circles x + y’ (x= 2)? +y? =4. and Set-lll Only those questions, not included in Set I and Set II, are given. 22. Evaluate: £ cot [lx + x2] dx Examination Papers ~ 2008 7 23. Using properties of determinants, prove the following atb+2c a b c btct2a ob |= 2a+b+0? c a chat2b 24. Using integration, find the area lying above x-axis and included between the circle x? +y? =8xand the parabola y? = 4x. nxt 25. Using properties of definite integrals, evaluate the following: {* we dx secx+ tan x UTE Set-l SECTION. 1. Given f(x)=x+7 and g(x) =x-7,xER fog(x) = f(g(x)) = g(x) +7 =(x-7) +7 =x > (fog) 7 j2ty 6 La axe2]> Comparing both matrices 24 y=5 and 2x+2 = y= Band 2x=6 > x=3,y=3. a+ih cid -c+id a-ib = (a+ib) (a—ib) —(c +id) (-c + id) [a? ~ ib?) - a? ~c] = (a? +b?) -(- a? ~ 0?) aa +b? +c24d? 6 4 1-7 5. Minor of ayy is My = Xam idea Mathematics — XII Cofactor C1) =(~1)1* 7Myy =(-1)3 (- 46) = 46 dx 6. Lett = fo +e Putting 1 +x? = 3x2de=dt Unit vector in direction of a = lal +k 1 gp _ af oh) +(-2)7 +67 10, @ and b are perpendicular if a.b=0 > (F+aj+k.G-27+3h=0 > 2-243 Examination Papers ~ 2008 ‘SECTION-B 11. () Given Nbe the set atb= st vaben 2 To find * is commutative or not. Now, ath = 226 bea (addition is commulative on N) 2 2 = bea So a*b=b*a *is commutative, (ii) To find a*(b* ¢) =(a*b) *c or not fi) (ii) From (i) and (ii) (a*by*c#a*b*e) Hence the operation is not associative. wows. stant A stan~? bs tant tant 2b 3 5 7 8 11 11 135 -1_7*5 stan”? 335 + tan"? 28 i a-2xl 3 7 8 =tan stan” 3s tan7? 3 7 iT nF 85 pag 1 8 =RHS 65 77-12 13. We know that any matrix can be expressed as the sum of symmetric and skew symmetric. 1 So, A= (at raha At) 10 Xam idea Mathematics — XII or A= P +Qwhere P is symmetric matrix and Q skew symmetric matrix. [3 2.5] [3 4 0] araty=-h]4 1 sfef2 1 6 ilo 6 7} [5 37 336 665 2 =$]62 9|-is 1 2 59 14} |5 9 7) 22°) Q 3.25 al 41 3l+|-2 -1 -6 0 6 7] [-5 -3 -7] fo-2 5] 2 0 -3 [-5 3 of -1 2 3 =|}1 0 -2 5 3 > -§ 3 9] 22 ! OR 122 A=|2 12 221 AM ZAxA 1x14+2x242x2 1x2+2x142x2 1x24+2x2+2x1 =|2x14+1x24+2x2 2x2+1K14+2x2 2xX2+1X24+2x1 2x142x241xX2 22HAxLHLX2 22HA2HIXI 98 8 898 889 48 8 5x1 0 0] [5 00 4A=|/8 4 8landsi=| 0 5x1 0 |=|0 5 0 884 0 0 5x1} loos Examination Papers ~ 2008 1 9-4-5 8-8 8-8 A? -4A-5I=| 8-8 9-4-5 8-8 |= 8-8 8-8 9-4-5] | 14. For continuity of the function at x= 2 lim_f (2~h) = f(2) = lim. f(2 +h) lim, £2 -h)=f2) lim, £¢ +h) Now, f(2-)=2(2-W+ lim f (2-1) =5 novo Also, f(2+h) = 3(2+)-1=5+ 3h lim OHH =5 =5-2h So, for continuity (2) = 5 12 Xam idea Mathematics — XII ; dy 16. Slope of tangent k dy d(cos2t) ia = 2sin 2t dx {sin 3) 3cos 3 dt dt © Apply the property f fl) dx = f fla~x) dx (x=) sin xdx I 1+ cos? x. t=nf* > dan? a 0 Tacost x ° 1+ cos? x 2 - n/2 sec? x sine (4 . xf Te | Using i “F(x) ax =2{" FO) as] 2 n/2 sect x TeaG Dente Putting tanx=t sec? xdx = dt Examination Papers ~ 2008 413 £ dt ° War +P 18. (x? ~y?) dx + 2xy dy=0 dy__(?-y) ax Day Itis homogeneous differential equation. xdu _ dy Putt =u > + Muy rutting y=ux uy ae a From() u+xd#2-20-") FE | dx 2x?u au} xdu > du dx xdu > du dx Qu = du= Leu? Integrating both sides, we get 5 joe pe Lew x > log|1 +u? | =—log| x| + log C ay = log] = | x|=t0gc x 24 ye 5 Pee ig x > x? ty? =Cx Given that y=1 when x=1 = 1#1=C > 2 ©. Solution is x? + y? =2x. 14 19. Xam idea Mathematics — XII OR dy _xQy-x) dx xQy+0) Let y=ur (o du (24-1) - from( OES aad lfeom@] du _2u-1 dx 2u+1 il _2un1= 20 ~u ae QT Qu+1 dx \—— tu u-1- 207 x Jj Qu 2? = ut] A(du-1) +B; A= log (22 -u+1) +32 tan 2f Putting w 64 log 2+ tan’ a cy 2 ia + Solution is log \ dy cos? x St + y=tanx dx dy Y «soc? xe ya see? van x dx 15 Examination Papers ~ 2008 Itis a linear differential equation. Jee? x de Integrating factor tan x General solution : y. IF = [Q.IF dx y- elt = felt tanx. sec? x dx Putting tanx=f =>sec” xdx=dt ye* = fel tdt sel t-feldtael tel +k "an (tan x=1) +k fans =e" (tan x1) +k ye where k is some constant. 20. Given @ =? +j+kand Let ¢ =af ty) pis (x-2j + y-ak=j-k ‘Comparing both sides xtytz=3 (+2 424253 32=2 16 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 21. oR a+b+e=0 > (+b)? =o? = (@+b)(a+b)= ce > fafts|bP+2a.b=)eP = 9+254+2a.b =49 = 29.6 =49-25-9 + 2| al] B | coso =15 = 30 cos @ = 15 = cos8 = 3 = cos 60° Now, let's take a point on first line as A line 4 A(A+3,-2445,2 +7) and let B(7k-1,~6k 1, k~1) be point on the second line The direction ratio of the line AB 7k-2-4,— 6k +226, k-2-8 8 line 2 Now as ABis the shortest distance between line 1 and line 2 so, (7k- 2-4) x1 + (~ 6k +22 ~ 6) X(-2) +(K-2-8)x1=0 A) and (7k-A-4) x7 +(- 6k + 2A- 6) x(-6) +(k-A-8) x1 oii) Solving equation (i) and (ii) we get A=Oandk=0 A=(3,5,7) and B=(-1,-1,-1) AB= (3-41)? +641)? +(7 +1)? = f16+ 36+ 64 = VT16 units = 2/29 units OR (3A - 2,241,244 3) is any general point on the line Now if the distance of the point from (1, 2, 3) is 3V2, then (34 — 2-1)? +(2%-1- 2)? + (204 3-3)? =(3V2) > (3A — 3)? +(24- 3)? +422 =18 > 9M? - 184 49-440? 120 49-442? = 18 Examination Papers ~ 2008 7 U = nO7). 30. Required point on the line is (-2,-1,3)or( 2, 71777) 22. Let X be the numbers of doublets. Then, X = 0,1, 2,3 or 4 P(X=0)=P (non doublet in each case) P(X=1)=P (one doublet) =P (D,D,D3Dy) or P (D,D,D3D,) or P (D,DyD5 Ba) or PD @ 15 8) (55 1 8) @ 5 2x tx2x2}4[2x2x5x2)4(2%2 Carer dar dd Cat iat ard a P(X=2)=P (two doublets) =P(D,D,D3D,) or P (D,D,D3D,) or P (D,D,D D4) or P(DD,D3D,) or P (D\D2D 3D.) or P(D;D,D D4) (2 1,55) 6 5.155) @ 5.5 4) =(2xx2x2}+(Sx2x2x2)+(2x2x2x5 6% 66) le 6% 5% 6) lee % 8% 6 i (s x2 1.1 J Exexana) xeon) vu) = 1296) 216 P(X=3)=P (three doublets) =P (D,D2D 3D) oF P (D,D,D3D4) or P (O,D2D3D,) or P DyD2D5D4) Sh). (LeSxbid) (Sdetid) x2xt|+[Sx2xixt 6 6) 66 6 6) -(*« 3) 5 1296) 324 P(X=4)=P (four doublets) = P(D;D,D3D,) (txt gh) xixtxt)=_ 6°66 6) 1296 Thus, we have Xx, 0 1 2 3 4 » 25 2 a SZ 1 ine 224 216 zi ins 18 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 23. 24. SECTION-C « 6 Y LHS.=|a? p? 7 Bry yta atB Applying Ry > Ry + Ry and taking common (1 +B + y) from Ry a Bp ¥ =(e4Beyfa? p> 1 1 1 a Bra y-a =(a+B+y)fa? B2-a? y?-a? (Applying Cp > Cy —Cy,C3 C3 - Cy) 1 0 0 = (4 +B +y)Iy ~ a) B—a) ~ (y ~ a) B? ~.*)] (Expanding along Rs) (2 +B + ¥)(y a) B-a)[(y +a) -@+a)] (4 +B + Ny -@) B-a) (y ~B) (+B +a -B)B-Yy-a) Let xand ybe the length and breadth of rectangle and R be the radius of given circle, (i.e. R is constant). Now, in right A ABC, we have 4 ~ 2 4 y2=(aR)? 9 e x? +y?=(2R) x?ey? =4R? => y= JAR? Now, area, of rectangle ABCD. > A= xy4r? [from (i)] For area to be maximum or minimum Examination Papers ~ 2008 19 dA _ 2x(x? -6R) dx? (4R? =x?) 7? aA LER dx? at x= VER (2R?)9/? Now, 0 So, area will be maximum at x= V2R 4? 2R? =V2R* Now, from (i), we have y= aR? -x7= y=J2R =V2R So the area will be maximum when ABCD is a square, OR Here x= Let radius CD of inscribed cylinder be x and height OC be H and @ be the semi-vertical angle of cone 8 Therefore, OC =0B-BC 3 = H=h-xcot0 Now, volume of cylinder V =nx? (h- xcot®) => V=n(x2h-x? cot) For maximum or minimum value K A a 2 n(2xh= 3x? cot) =0 de = na(2h ~ 3x cot) = 0 2h~ 3x cot =0 (as x= 0is not possible) > x= eno 3 2 Now, #YV «(2h 6x cot) ax? 2 = #V x anh ~ 6nx cot ae 2 = ay = 2h 6nx 2H tan cot® TE a va 2htan 3 = 2nh-4nh=—2nh<0 20 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Hence, volume will be maximum when x= 2 tan 6, Therefore, height of cylinder H=h-xcot0 = h~ 7 tan coto =n 2H = 3 3.3 ‘Thus height of the cylinder is x of height of cone. y= 4x (ii) From (i) and (i) Let P+ 16t= +18- 21 36=0 y (b+ 18) 2418) (¢-2)¢+18) te 2 ¥ yea? Required area = Os (xy - x) dy Examination Papers ~ 2008 21 aL v2 3 sin zs 3v2 2 26. Let 1=f' |* ax aVarx Put x= acos 20 dx =a(- sin 20) 240 If x=a,then cos20=1 20=0 6=0 x=-a,cos20=-1 in? @ do =2af"/ (1 ~ cos 26) d0 =alo sinzoy? (5 nn) (0 sin 0) Jo (22 2) x ~2a[(2-0)]=20 27. Equation of the plane passing through (—1, ~ 1, 2) is ax +1) +b(y+1) +c(2-2)=0 of) (i) is perpendicular to 2x + 3y - 32=2 ” 2at 3b-3c=0 wif) Also (i) is perpendicular to 5x - 4y +z = 6 : 5a-4b +=0 ii) From (ii) and (iif) a b c 3-12 -15-2 —8-15 22 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 28. Putting in equation (/) 9K(x +1) = 17k (y +1) = 23k (@-2) = = 9x +1) +17(y +1) + 23@-2) > 9x +17y + 282+9 417 ~ 46=0 = 9x+17y +232-20=0 > 9x4 17y + 232 = 20, Which is the required equation of the plane. OR Equation of the plane passing through (3, 4, 1) is ax - 3) +B(y-4)+e@-1)=0 ld) Since this plane passes through (0, 1, 0) also & a(0~ 3) +B(1 4) + (0-1) =0 or = 3a-3b-¢ or Bat Bb+e (i) Since (i) is parallel to x43 _z-2 2 a 2a+7b +5¢=0 Ait) From (ii) and (iii) 15-7 2-15 21-6 = a= 8k,b=—13k, c= Putting in (i), we have 8K(x ~ 3) ~ 13k(y— 4) + 15k (@- 1) =0 > B(x - 3) -13{y- 4) +15(@-1) =0 = 8x - 13y +152 +13 Which is the required equation of the plane. Let the owner buys x machines of type A and y machines of type B. Then 1000x + 1200y < 9000 i) 12x + 8yS72 (i) Objective function is to be maximize z= 60x + 40y From (i) 10x + 12y. $90 or 5x +6y S45 (ii) 3x +2y <18 io) [from (i)] We plot the graph of inequations shaded region in the feasible solutions (iii) and (iv) (0,0) 6.0) (8,0) Examination Papers ~ 2008 23 ‘The shaded region in the figure represents the feasible region which is bounded. Let us now evaluate Z at each corner point. at (0,0) Z is 60x0+40x0=0 zat (0, )is60x0+40%8 2 2 300 Zat (6,0) is 60x 6+ 40x 0= 360 za(2 2, 8 )is 602 + 40x13 -195 +225 - ag GTS => max. Z = 360 Therefore there must be 5 either x= 6, y=0 or x= 2 y=" but second case is not possible as x and y are whole numbers. Hence there must be 6 machines of type A and no machine of type Bis required for maximum daily output. 29. Let E; be the event that insured person is scooter driver, E, be the event that insured person is car driver, E; be the event that insured person is truck driver, and Abe the event that insured person meets with an accident. P/4]-oo1 E -— A) + PE3)-P (4 | E3) = 1 a Fyoo+txoos+txoas 1+6+45 52 6 3 2 Setll 20. We have, tan” | (2x) + tan” ! (3x) > tan?) 72438 _ 1% using property tan” !x+tan~!y=tan=? 242 LT=@3)-Gy] 4 . Toxy 24 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 21. 22, 15x on = tan == 1-6x? 4 = ps x-1=0 1- 6x" > 6x? + 6x-x-1=0 > 6x(x +1) -1(x+1)=0 > (x+1)(6x-1)=0 = xe mut which is the required solution xtan x Let [= [7 "* TE ross = cosx sin = T= ff xsin? x dx mo} = Is f (n- x). sin? (n-3) de [Using property [ F(x) dx = fg Fla-x) dx] => 1= ff (n=) sin? xde ii) Adding (i) and (ii) we have 21 = [F nsin? xdv x > 21 = nf" sin? xde= (1 cos 22) dx > sn) ; xtanx Hence [*§ "=" * _ icra tala We have, y= x? +1 —log|+ x +1 ~log (1+ fe? +1)+ og x = y Examination Papers ~ 2008 25 On differentiating w.r-t. x, we have ay ae x ax 41 -% 23. LetA=| 2ab 1a? +b? 2a 2b 2a 1-0? =b?| ApplyingC, +C, -b.C; andC, >C, +a.C,, we have L+a? +b? 0 -2 0 L+a? +b? 2a (lta? +b?) -a(1+a? +b?) 1-a? -b? Taking out (+a? +b) from C,and C3, we have 1000 =2b =(+a? +b?) ]0 1 2a bo -a 1-a?-p? Expanding along first row, we have =(1 +a? +b)? [1.(1-a? -b? +20) - 26(-)] 1. +a? +b?)* (14a? —b? + 2b?) =(1 +a? +b)? (14a? +b?) =(1 4a? +b7)5 26 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 24. x_xsinx Let I= fa (i) x (m—3) sin (n—-) I= dx [Using property [* f(x) dv =f" f(a—2) da] 2 ano [Using property [! f(x) dx =f flax) dx] x (m~2)sinx I= | ————_ a Demat n(n =x) sin x 4 wo Adding (i) and (ii), we have x msin x x sinx apap Ege f§ SO ax f 1+ cos? x. Dest Letcosx=! = -sinxdy=d! = sinxdy=-dt As x=0,t=Landx=m,t=-1 Now, we have od) and (x-22 +y? =4 (ii) Clearly, x? + y? = 4 represents a circle with centre (0, 0) and radius 2. Also, (x- 2)? +y? = represents a circle with centre (2, 0) and radius 2. To find the point of intersection of the given curves, we solve (i) and (ii). Simultaneously, we find the two curves intersect at A (1, 13) and DAL, - V3). Since both the curves are symmetrical about x-axis, So, the required area = 2(Area OABCO) Now, we slice the area OABCO into vertical strips. We observe that the vertical strips change their character at A(1, V3). So, ‘Area OABCO = Area OACO + Area CABC. Examination Papers ~ 2008 27 When area OACO is sliced in the vertical strips, we find that each strip has its upper end on the circle (x= 2)? +(y~ 0)? = 4and the lower end on x-axis. So, the approximating rectangle shown in figure has length = y, width = Avand area = y, Ax. tox=1 As it can move from 1 Area OACO =f yy dx ‘Area OACO = [4 (x2)? de Similarly, approximating rectangle in the region CABC has length adn. As it can move from x=1 tox=2 AreaCABC= ff ypdx = f° 4-3? ax Hence, required area A is given by - 2 12 + Asin 1 229 4-2? +Ssin-1 2 2 Io 2h sin”) (01) +2sin ta) -B asin a - f an 8)-( * 23) 54, units 3) Set-lll 20. Wehave, tan~ 28 Xam idea Mathematics — XII not [@&=1) @+2)+(-2) (+1) = ta |@-D@+D-G-Der 24x? -x-2| on aoeur | 4 5 = s 2 21 > 2x’ => xr st > 2 Hence, x=1.,~—L are the required values ATE zr 1 +sinx + /1-sinx v | Vi +sinx —JT=sinx | x+/l-sing) (fT +sinx + JT-sinx) scot] WARE (% ¥sing—J1-sinx) (fI+sinx +I 21. Given y= cot ins) | ] 2eos? = 21 + cos = cot t] 2046089) | ott 2sinx J 2sin* cos* 2 = cot{cot2]=2 7) =.) dx 2 1 22. Let T= foot”! (I~ x+27) dx 0 1 =fen? fs cot besten 12 d ax x 1 1 x+(1-x) = ftan7? Sx [+1 can be written as x +1~ 2x] x(1-%) Examination Papers ~ 2008 29 [tan~! x4 tan7!(1-x)Jdx 1 tan” xdx +ftan” | (1-2) de 0 1 1 4 = ftan7! xdx4 [tan [1-(-2)] dx : Jf@=fr@-a dx a 0 1 0 0 J 1 =2ftan”' xdx=2ftan” ' x.1 dx, integrating by parts, we get a 0 xd | ~ (log 2~ log 1) = 2 — log 2 1 styyt =2| tan” xx}, - ° I atb+2c a b 23. LetA=| ¢ b+e+2a ob c a ctat2 ApplyingC, >C, +C, +C3, we have Yatb+q a b =|2at+b+o b4ct2a Aatb+d a c+at2b Taking out 2(a+b + ¢) from C,, we have 1a b A=Yash+o]1 bee+2a — b 1a chat 2b Interchanging row into column, we have 101 1 A=Yatrb+ol]a b+e+2a a bob ctath Applying, >C, ~Cy andC, +C, -C3, we have 0 0 1 A=Aatb+o]-G@tb+d arbre a 0 (atb+o) chat 30 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Now expanding along first row, we have Yatb+o)[l.(atb+o7] =Aatb+o)> =RHS. 24. We have, given equations Ai) (i and Equation (1) can be written as (x4) +9? =(4)? ‘So equation (i) represents a circle with centre (4, 0) and radius 4. Again, clearly equation (ii) represents parabola with vertex (0, 0) and axis as x-axis. The curve (i) and (ii) are shown in figure and the required region is shaded. On solving equation (i) and (ii) we have points of intersection 0(0, 0) and A (4, 4), C(4, - 4) Now, we have to find the area of region bounded by (i) and (ii) & above x-axis. So required region is OBAO. Now, area of OBAO is A= ff (fae x? ~ Ji dx =f lo? == 9? - 2a ax - 3/2 =? +Bsin C9 4k x Bx- = 5) } squnits 25, Let=["—8"* @ me 0 secx + tan x * Y = _(m-3)tan 0 sec (nx) + tan (nx) +f =~ atanx 4, 0 sec x= tan x dx [Using property f fx) @ Examination Papers ~ 2008 31 x (R=2) tan x lo Secx + tan x dx. ii) Adding (i) and (ii) we have pnt a= [7S ae 0) Sex + tan x = wanff-—*_ x Ib Secx + tan x fanx _, (secx—tan x) —_ dx 0 (Secx+ tan x)” (Sec x— tan x) = =n = rant emsleeer— tan gy sec” x~ tan? x 21 =m [" (tan x.secx- tan? x) de ly 2 > 2l =n ff [sec x tan x—( sc? x- dx => UW =n[secx-tan x+ x15 = I =n[(secr — tan n+ n) ~(sec 0 - tan 0+0)] => 2U=n[(-1-0+n)-(-0)] = W=n(n-2) x 1=2(n-2) 2° ) x xtanx on Hence ["—"8*__2 (qa “0 secx+tanx 2 EXAMINATION PAPERS - 2008 MATHEMATICS CBSE (All India) CLASS - XII Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 General Instructions: As given in CBSE Examination paper (Delhi) - 2008. 10. 11. 12. SECTION-A If f(x) is an invertible function, find the inverse of f(x) tan”! x>0 x+3y y)_[4 -1 | uf 7 | -[ at find the values of x and y. Show that the points (1, 0), (6, 0), (0, 0) are collinear. + c0s 6: Evaluate : f 27 S°°* gy 3x? +sin 6x 3x? Te f(e™ +bx) dx = 4e** +=*— find the values of a and b. If] @|=3,| 8 |=2and angle between @ and B is 60°, find a.b Find a vector in the direction of vector a +2 2), whose magnitude is 7. If the equation of a line ABi ind the direction ratios of a line parallel to AB, x42 3 If = 3, find the value of x: xt5 4 ‘SECTION-B LetT be the set of all triangles in a plane with R as relation in given by R= ((T,,T,):T, Show that R is an equivalence relation. Prove thattan( 242 a2 cos” 4) tan(2—2 cos b) \4 2 Examination Papers ~ 2008 33 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, OR a8 31 Using properties of determinants, prove that following: ath+2 9 a b © b+o+2a b =2Aa+b+o)> c a c+a+2b Solve tan“! (x +1) + tan“? (x =1) = tan Discuss the continuity of the following function at x= 0 [xt 4209 4x? fF) OR Verify Lagrange’s mean value theorem for the following function: x? 42x43, for [4,6]. , find f (3), Also find (3) OR If x {ley ty JTe = o,fina ix Show that [°/? flan + feotw = vIn Prove that the curves x= y” and xy =k intersect at right angles if 8k? = 1, Solve the following differential equation: Meyoxtogy x40 ax Form the differential equation representing the parabolas having vertex at the origin and axis along positive direction of x-axis. OR Solve the following differential equation: (3xy + y?)dx +(x? + xy)dy=0 Ifi +7 +k, 27 +5), 31 + 2j -3k andi — 6 ~ kare the position vectors of the points A, B,C and D, find the angle between AB and CD. Deduce that AB and CD are collinear. Find the equation of the line passing through the point P(4, 6, 2) and the point of intersection <1 y_ 241 and the plane x + y-Z=8. 1 of the line => 3 2 Aand B throw a pair of die turn by turn. The first to throw.9 is awarded a prize. IA starts the game, show that the probability of A getting the prize is 34 Xam idea Mathematics — XII ‘SECTION-C 23. Using matrices, solve the following system of linear equations: 2x -ytz= -x+2y-z= xoyt2=1 OR Using elementary transformations, find the inverse of the following matrix: 2-1 4 4 02 [3 -2 7 ep 24. Find the maximum area ofthe isosceles triangle inscribed in the ellipse 7 +5 =1, with its vertex at one end of major axis. OR Show that the semi-vertical angle of the right circular cone of given total surface area and jesine 2 maximum volume is sin ‘> 25. Find the area of that part of the circle x* + y? =16 which is exterior to the parabola y a xt 26. Evaluate: [* *""* ay 0 secx + tan x x+2 2y+3_ 3244 3 4 5 measured 27. Find the distance of the point (- 2,3, ~ 4) from the line parallel to the plane 4x +12y~ 32 +1=0. 28. An aeroplane can carry a maximum of 200 passengers. A profit of Rs. 400 is made on each first class ticket and a profit of Rs. 300 is made on each second class ticket. The airline reserves at least 20 seats for first class. However, at least four times as many passengers prefer to travel by second class then by first class. Determine how many tickets of each type must be sold to maximise profit for the airline. Form an LPP and solve it graphically. 29. Amanis known to speak truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and report that itis a 6, Find the probability that it is actually 6. Set-Il Only those questions, not included in Set I, are given. 20. Using properties of determinants, prove the following: a a+b a+2b a+2 a ath |= 9b? (a+b) a+b at a Examination Papers ~ 2008 35 2 21. Evaluate: f log sin x dx 22. Solve the following differential equation: +x?) Me y-tan- bx dx 27, Using matrices, solve the following system of linear equations: 3x-2y+3z=8 Qxty-z 4x — By +2224 OR Using elementary transformations, find the inverse of the following matrix: 253 341 [1 62 28. An insurance company insured 2000 scooter drivers, 3000 car drivers and 4000 truck drivers. The probabilities of their meeting with an accident respectively are 0.04, 0.06 and 0.15. One of the insured persons meets with an accident. Find the probability that he is a car driver. 29, Using integration, find the area bounded by the lines x + 2y = 2, y-x=1and 2x+y=7. Set-Ill Only those questions, not included in Set I and Set II are given. 20. Ifa,b and care all positive and distinct, show that abe bc alhasanegative value. cab 1 21, Evaluate: [> cot” ' (1 —x-+2) de 22. Solve the following differential equation: dy xlogx—+y=2logx Bx t= 2log 27. Using matrices, solve the following system of linear equations: xtytz=4 Qty 3 2x-yt+z=-1 OR Using elementary transformations, find the inverse of the following matrix: 36 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 253 341 [163 28. Find the area bounded by the curves (x ~1)?+y? =1and x? + 29. An insurance company insured 3000 scooter drivers, 5000 car drivers and 7000 truck drivers. The probabilities of their meeting with an accident respectively are 0.04, 0.05 and 0.15 One of the insured persons meets with an accident. Find the probability that he is a car driver Set-I ‘SECTION-A 1 Sy+2 > x yt 3 2 1 x +x} 1- 1 +x)? tan ta(to*)__ O49)" a ty (14x) 429? -G-a)? p29) a > ta stan] x ay 1-x7) > tan x 2 =x > > 1 Examination Papers ~ 2008 37 = = aoa = xti-t = (- x50) V3" V3 a. civenf** 3 ¥)_[4 71 Sen 7x al7lo 4} Hence 4. Since| 6 Hence (1, 0), (6, 0) and (0, 0) are collinear. 5. Let efAteee ay 3x? +sin 6x Let 3x? 4 sin 6x > (6x + 6 cos 62) dx = dt = (e+ cos 6x) dx = dt_i 1 2 I= | —== log|t|+C=—log| 3x* + 6x|+C J Grgiesltl los 3x? + sin 6 2 3x! 6. f(e™ +b) dx = de® 4 Ji ) > Differentiating both sides, we get (e® bx) = 16e** + 3x On comparing, we geth= 3 But a cannot be found out. 7 |al=v3, |b |=2 2.b =| al.|b | cosd =V3.2.cos 60° =v3 2 8 a > i-2j Unit vector in the direction of a =~ Rid Hence a vector in the direction of a having magnitude 7 will be 7 (ii) iif) 38 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 9. The direction ratios of line parallel to ABis 1, -2 and 4. xt2 3 * fxts af” = 4x +8-3x-15=3 > x-7=3 > x=10 ‘SECTION-B M1. (i) Reflexive Ris reflexive if p, Rp, VT, q * — Risteflexive. (i) Symmetric Ris symmetricif 7, Rr, > 1, Rr, Since T=, 9 Th =T Ris symmetric. (ii) Transitive Since T Ris transitive if 1, Rr and 7, Rr, > 7,Rr, SinceT, =T, and Ty Ts Ris transitive From (i), (i) and (ii), we get R is an equivalence relation. 12, LHS. =tan(2+1c0s 2) tan (Z—Los 14) a2 42° b) tan % +tan{¥ cos 2) ant tan (cos 14) 4 2 b) 4 2 1 tan ¥ tan (1 cos 14) t4tanZtan (1 cos~ 4 aa ob a" 1 tan G cos ¥) 1 tan(2 cos 2 i 2 1 tela 8) “Tetmn( Looe [2 +t Eeos-1(8)}f [tan (Las-1(2)] a ow) Examination Papers ~ 2008 39 2 tan? 2sec?@ _ 2{1 + tan? 0) [te doost(2)-9] OR We have tan~ | (x +1) + tan~ V(x pent 3 5 if@+D+@e-D]_ 1s 1-@?-1) | 31 2x _ 8 > 8 2-H = 62x = 16 ~ 8x? = 8x? + 62x-16=0 = 4x? + 31y-8=0 = xy=tandx=-8 4 As x= ~8 does not satisfy the equation Hence x= 1 is only solution. 4 atb+20 a 6 13. Let A=| c bte+2a ob ¢ a e#at2b Applying Cy >C +Cy +C3, we get 2atb+o) a b A=|2a+b4+0 bec42a Qatb+o a — c+at2b Taking common 2(a +b +0) 1 oa b =Aatb+o]l b+c+2a 0 [by Ry > Ry -Ry, Rz3 >R3-Ry] 1 0 cta+2b 40 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 1 oa b =Aatb+o}0 atb+c 0 0 0 atbee =2(a+b+ o){(a+b +0)? ~0} expanding along Cy. =2Aa+b+0)? =RHS 14. Atr=0 4 3 2 LHL. = tim O7*+20-W8 +O-m hoo tan”! (O-h) im (0+h)* +2004+h)9 +(04h)? hao tan”! (+h) RHL = lim <7" (on dividing numerator and denominator by h) (given) so, LH.L=RH.L= (0) Hence given function is continuous at x = 0 OR f(x) =x? 42x +4 3 for [4, 6) (i Given function is a polynomial hence it is continuous (ii) (2) = 2x + 2which is differentiable fQ)=16 +84 3=27 (f(6) = 364124 3=51 Examination Papers ~ 2008 a 16. = f(4)# f(6). All conditions of Mean value theorem are satisfied. these exist atleast one real value C ¢(4,6) _fO=f@) _24 o-4 2 > 2¢+2=12 ore=5e(4,6) Hence, Lagrange's mean value theorem is verified such that f’(c) = =12 secx-1 _ fl-cosx T-cosx fo) = secx+1 \1+cosx 1—cosx 1 Sf) = TS < cosee x- cot x sin x => F(X) =~ cosee x cot x + cosec?x > f'(m/=-1x04F1? = f(n/2)=1 OR We have, = xy tx? aay? ty? > yoy? > xy(x = y) +(x y) (x+y) =O = (e-Waytx+y)= butx4y Wey = Wl ta=—x a dy [(Q+x)1-xx1 ae ax (+x)? (+x)? FO (ane + (eorex ce? ( [sme feos) 0 Yeosx sin x } /2 (sin x+ cos») =z (07? Gmxtoos) o 2 sin x cos x x/2 ax =2{, __(sinx+cos.x) Ht ~ (sin x — cos Foqnrcna? 42 Let sin x- cos x=t (cos x + sin x) dx =dt Now x=0=9t=—landx=Fa9f=1 /2 KO Wane + feora) ax 1 dt =s2f ar =V2[sin7!1-sin7*(-1)] =¥2[2sin~ ! 1] = 22 |. a 2) 17. Given curves Solving (i) and (ii), y yak aK’ Differentiating (i) w. r. t. x, we get dy r= 2y Y ax = ay x 2y (ay) 1 (ars ars, “Qs And differentiating (ii) wart. x we get Ku3 (de Jy2/3, 4/3) TS my my =—1 -_1 2/3 _ > a ys = R/S a1/2 18. Given x 4yexlogx a This is linear differential equation Xam idea Mathematics — XII (i) (ii) Examination Papers ~ 2008 43 19. 1 ph Integrating factor LF. =e"* LF. a =el°8e* =x Multiplying both sides of (i) by Integrating with respect to x, we get yex=f xlogxdx fi) (from () = 49 _ Y which is the required differential equation dx 2x OR We have, (3xy ~ y?)dx + (x? + xy) dy=0 (Bxy—y?)dx =~ (x? + ay) dy ayy Sy Let 20. 21. Xam idea Mathematics — XII dv _V?-3V-V-v?_-av > Yeesveyvew iv dk (¥V) 1+V 1 dx ave > J I > fdavejav -4& Vv x > log V+V =—4logx+C > log V + logx* +V=C = log (V.x4) +V=C 5 tog (4x4 }+#=c or xlog(x3y) +y=Cx xo x Given oA OB =2 +57 OC = 37 +2) - 3k OD -i-6f-£ ‘AB = OB - OA =i44)-£ CD = OD ~ OC =- 2) - 87 + 2k CD -- 26 + 47-8 CD =-2aB Therefore AB and CD are parallel vector so AB and CD are collinear and angle between them is zero. 72 fi) Coordinates of any general point on line (i) is of the form = (1 + 3A, 22-147) For point of intersection (1 + 3A) +24-(7A-1) 1+ 3A+2A-7A41=8 Point of intersection Examination Papers ~ 2008 45 Required equation of line passing through P (4, 6, 2) and Q(~ 8, ~ 6, ~ 22)is: x-4 x-4 TR 22. Let Ebe the event that sum of number on two die is 9. E=((3,6),(4,5),6,4),(6, 3)) SECTION-C 23. Given System of linear equations Qx-y+z=3 x4 2y-z=-4 x-yt2=1 ‘we can write these equations as 2-1 17x] [3 -1 2 -1|/y/=|-4 1-1 242} [4 2-11 = AX=B,where,A=|-1 2 -1 1-1 2 x] 3] x=|y), B=|-4 2] a = X=A™'B oli) Now, | A] = 24-1) ~(-1) (-2+1) +1(1-2) =6-1-1=4 46 Xam idea Mathematics — Xi Again Co-factors of elements of matrix A are given by 2-1 Carly 2 Examination Papers ~ 2008 2-1 4) filo o 4 0 2\=|0 1 ofa [3-2 7] [oo 1 Applying Ry — Ry ~ 2Ry 2-1 4) F100 0 2-6 [3 -2 7) Lo 04) Applying Ry 31 / 2R; - 1 1-i 2]} 7°? 2 1 Tt -3]=| -1 Loja 1 2 2 on -2 Lo 10 0 2 o 1 -3|-|-1 1 ola 1 2 {8-3 01] 1 ola Ble lente 47 48 24. Xam idea Mathematics — XII 1 2 Hence A~'=| 11-1 -6 ah 2 2 2 Let AABC be an isosceles triangle inscribed in the ellipse =~ @ b ‘Then coordinates of points A and B are given by(acos®, b sin 8) and (a cos8,~b sin) ‘The area of the isosceles A ABC = ; x ABXCD > AG) = 3x 2b sin 8) x(a—ac0s8) => A(®) =ab sin 6 (1 - cos6) For Amax aAQ)) 6 ablcoso( cos) + sin? 0]=0 cos 6 ~ cos? 6 + sin? 6 =0 A (a cos 0, b sin 0) cos® ~ cos 28 = 0 , # (AQ) ao? an a (AQ) _ af Now, ib [- sin 6 + 2sin 26] B(@ cos 8, -b sin 8) For 8 Res - 3° do? Hence for0 ==, Aypax occurs Examination Papers ~ 2008 49 Amax = ab sin fr cos 2®) square units 3 3 = ab (14 3) = 395 gp square units 2h 4 OR Letr be the radius, Ibe the slant height and h be the vertical height of a cone of semi - vertical angle a. Surface area S=nrl+ ar? (i) 2 or l= Soar ar ‘The volume of the cone h 2 v2 <7 95-20?) = dv? _s 3 MW = (257 — sar a9 ) 3 (2s~24nr?) ii) Now > §(2sr- sr’) =0 or S-4mr2=0 > $=4nr? Putting S=4 nr? in (ii), ay? dr = Vis maximum when $= 4ar’ Snr? - 24nr?} <0 2 Putting this value of $ in (i) 4nr? = nl + nr? 2 or Snr? = nrl 50 Xam idea Mathematics — XII (3) Thus V is maximum, when semi vertical angle is sin“ (3) 25, First finding intersection point by solving the equation of two curves x? 4y? =16 a and y? = 6x (ii) > 2? + 6x=16 > x? +6x-16=0 > x7 +8x-2x-16=0 x(x +8)— 2x +8)= > (xt 8)(x-2)= (not possible ~* y? can not be - ve) or x=2 (only allowed value) Area of OABCO= f°" Yt6—y? -¥ = [3 i612 + 8 sin -1 43 _ 24V3 2 18 ~ [28k s (28. 8. ) 3 3" Required are = 3 3 3 3 =41v +108) sq units Examination Papers ~ 2008 51 x xtanx 26. 1 dx 0) 0 Secx + tan x Using property f f(x) dx = f fla—x) dx, we have c (n~x) tan (n-») hy sec (nm — x) + tan (nx) 1-2 fe sec x dx £ metonx yy pe_Xetanx 4 tt) i — fee secxttanx "0 secx+tanx Adding (i) and (ii) we have fe 0 sec x + tan x [F() = f2a-x)] then i fd) de=2 t Fx) dx sinx #/2 B=nx2x a > 0B am 5 pen (2S zHIA1 yy 0 T¥sinx > tan fae a4 ax 0 0 T¥sing 1 Trreine ft = dx l Using; Sfoax=[ fa sa] 52 27. Let 28. Xam idea Mathematics — XII x+2_2y+3_ 3044 3 4 5 Any general point on the line is 3A-2, 8 os 2 3 Now, direction ratio if a point on the line is joined to (~ 2, 3, ~ 4) are 4A-9 SAB > 34, —— , —— 2 3 Now the distance is measured parallel to the plane 4x+12y-32+1 (5A+8 (FES) <0 3) => 12A + 244 -54-5A-8 314 -62=0 a=2 Ax BAF12x The point required is (43 2) op haPas Distance = are Je 4(244)? 3643641 = [28 Let there be x tickets of first class and y tickets of second cl max z= 400% + 300y Then the problem is to Subject to x+y < 200 x=20 x220 40 x4 xs 200 (0, 200)}\ (aq, 180) 200 (40, 160) x40 The shaded region in the graph represents the feasible region which is proved. Le us evaluate the value of z at each corner point (20. 0) zat (20,0),2=400 x 20 + 300 x 0= 8000 zat (40,0) = 400 x 40 + 300 x 0 = 16000 zat (40,160) = 400 x 40 + 300 x 160 = 16000 + 48000 = 64000, zat (20,180) = 400 x 20 + 300 x 180 = 8000 + 54000 = 62000 max z= 64000 for x = 40, y= 160 40 tickets of first class and 160 tickets of second class should be sold to earn maximum profit of Rs. 64,000. Examination Papers ~ 2008 53 29, Amanis known to speak truth 3 out of 4 times, He throws a die and reports that itis a six. Find the probability that itis actually a six. ICBSE 2005] Sol. Let be the event that the man reports that six occurs in the throwing of the die and let S, be the event that six occurs and 5, be the event that six does not occur Then P(5,)=Probabilty that six occurs =~ P (S,) =Probability that six does not occur = 2 P (E/S,) = Probability that the man reports that six occurs when six has actually occurred on the die = Probability that the man speaks the truth = + P(E/S)) = Probability that the man reports that six occurs when six has not actually occurred on the die = Probability that the man does not speak the truth = 1 - 3 = i ‘Thus, by Bayes’ theorem, we get P (S,/E) = Probability that the report of the man that six has occurred is actually a six . P(sy) PES) PE) PES) +P GPUS) a ath a+% 20. Let A=|a+2b a a+b atb at2b a Applying Ry > Ry + Ry +R3,we have Harb) a+b) 3a+b) A=|a+2 a ath a+b a+2 0 a Taking out 3(a +b) from Ist row, we have 1 1 1 A=3(a+b)|a+2 a ath a+b at2b a Applying Cy >C, -CyandC, >C, -C3 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 21. 22. oo 1 A=3(a+b)|2 —b a+b -b Db a Expanding along first row, we have A= 3(a+b) [1 (4b? -6)] = 3(a+b) x 3b? =9b? (a+b) Let = [0/7 tog sin xd (i) rm /2 m_.) I= log sin | = x | = Te ffs ( 5 xis > T= [7/7 log cosx de ii) ly Adding (i) and () we have, 21 = fF? (og sin x + log c0s x) dx > a= [0/7 tog sin xeosxde am, 2 = I= tog ESSE a n/2 > 2 =f (log sin 2 x - log 2) dx =f og sin 2x dx — fF log ax Let 2x=t = dat 2 When x=0,5 1-02 lp ( a= ah log sin # dt — log 2 x = a=1-Etog2 off fe) ax= ft fe) es] x 21-1=-=log2 = ¥ tog x I=-=log2 = ¥ tog We have Dividing each term by (1 + x”) Examination Papers ~ 2008 55 dy, 1 tan71y ax Lex 14x? Clearly, it is linear differential equation of the form # +P.y=Q ix tan = and Q= 1427 14x? 1 as ix +2 wn Ox oP te Te ot Integrating factor, I. F. = Therefore, solution of given differential equation is yXxLF. =fOxLF. dx an tx pan x tan” Tear we ycth Te [ARTE can Ta Lex’ 1 Ty gtan ty tan”! xe! Let =x 14x ete" = Also tan“! x=logt = I= flogt dt logt-t+C {Integrating by parts] 1 1 fan” tan7 hx = Hence required solution is = = yet” by 2 ota” Gan Ty 1 4c 1 tan” Tx x-1)+Ce = y=(tan~ 27. The given system of linear equations. 3x-2y + 32=8 2Qxty-z=1 4x -3y422=4 We write the system of linear equation in matrix form 3-2 3 \[x 8 2 1 -1\lyf=|a 4-3 2]z] [4 56 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 3-2 3 x 8 > A.X=B,whereA=| 2 , X=|]ylandB=|1 z] 4] = X=A71B Now, co-factors of matrix A are Cy = 0 L@-3=C1? .)=-1 1) .8=-8 ) —1)* (-10)=-10 a =I? 7 449 =(-1)° Cx =(-9)?*?.(6-12) =(-1)4 (6) Cy, = C17 * 3-9 +8) =C1)° C=1 ) 2 Cy =C08* 12@-3)=C14 -N=-1 Cy = C047 3-9=C09 9) =9 Cag =(-1)9* 3 (344) = 87 =7 -1 -5 -8 -6 9 Where c = matric of co-factors of elements. -10 1 7 3-2 3 and |Aj=|2 1-1] =3(2-3)+2(4+4)+ 3-6-4) 4-3 2 =3x-1+2x8+3x-10=-3+16-30=-17 -1 -5 -1 1A 4 69 lal -10 1 7 Now,X=A'B f: -1 -5 -1)[8] = -8 -6 9||1 -10 1 7 J [4} Examination Papers ~ 2008 OR For elementary transformation we have, A= IA 25 3] fl 00 > 3 4 1|=|0 1 0|A 1 6 2} [oo 1) Applying Ry > R,- Ry, lo 7 4 Applying R >> Ro fl -1 1771 0-4 = o1 2 Sia 77 lo 7 1} [4 0 2} 57 58 28. Xam idea Mathematics — XII Let ‘vent of insurance of scooter driver C= Event of insurance of Car driver ivent of insurance of Truck driver and A= Event of meeting with an accident Now, we have, P(S) = Probability of insurance of scooter driver = P(g) = 20002 3000 9 P(C)=Probability of insurance of car driver > P(c)= 2000-3 3000 9 P(T) = Probability of insurance of Truck driver 4000 _ 4 = p= = 000 = 9 and, P(A / S)=Probability that scooter driver meet. with an accident = P(A/S)=0.04 P(A / C)= Probability that car driver meet with an accident = P(A/C)=0.06 P(A /T) = Probability that Truck driver meet with an accident = P(A/T)=015 By Baye’s theorem, we have the required probability Examination Papers ~ 2008 59 PC / A)= P(C).P(A / ©) ‘ © PS). P(A 7) + PO) P(A / C+ PM). P(A /T) 2 xo06 3 2 004+ 3x0.06+4x 015 9 3 3x 0.06 _ 018 X006+4x015 0.08 +018 + 0.60 B 29. Given, x+2y=2 of) y-x=l (ip ax+y=7 ii) Area of required region me “| Rar 60 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 1 arf47+})-e-1+2-n-(2-3-11) =12-4~2=65q, units Set-lll 20. We have abe A=|b ca cab Applying Cy >C,+C, +C3, we have (atb+o bc A=|(atb+o ca (atb+0 a b taking out (a+b + 0) from Ist column, we have lhe A=(atb+o|1 ca lab Interchanging column into row, we have aii As(atbig/b ca cab ApplyingC, >C,-C, andC, +C, C3, we have o 01 A=(atb+o|b-c c-a a c-a a-b b Expanding along Ist row, we have A=(a+b+o[1-0 (a-b)-(c-a)*] =(a+b+0)(ba-b? - casbe~c? - a? + 2ac) > A=(a+b +0) (ab +be + ca—a? —b? ~c?) > A=-(at+b+0)(a? +b? +02 —ab —be~ca) > A=-Lasb+o (ab? +@-0? +(e-0)%) Here, (a+b + ¢) is positive as a,b, care all positive and it is clear that (a ~b)*+(b - 0) +(c-@)* is also positive 1 Hence A (a+b +0)[(a—b)? +- 0)? +(c—a)?}has negative value. Examination Papers ~ 2008 61 21. Let I= foot x42) de 0 1 = fan"? 0 tan! [+1 can be written as x +1~ 2x] x(1-3) | tents tnt lan! x4tan7!Q—aj)de | tan7 {2th | |i-a 1 tan” 1 xde + ftan” 1 (1-2) de 0 1 fa a tan“Tadx+ ftan'f-G-xldx |v fr@=fr@ oa | 0 Loo a 1 1 2ftan~! xdx=2/ tan”! x.1dx, integrating by parts, we get a 0 1 1 2) tan” Tt xxig) -f xd pl+x t2: t =2ftan” 11 -0]-f. dx =2-2 — flog 1 +x?)}} tise 4 = 5 (log 2 log) = © — log 2 [+ log1=0] 22. We have the differential equation loge +y=2logx wy, 4 dx" xlogx 2 x Itis linear differential equation of the from 2 + Py=Q ix andg=2 loge x jb ae Lp = ele — gl Fog _ tog logo So,Here P Now, =log x Hence, solution of given differential equation is yx I.F.= [Qx1LF dx 62 Xam idea Mathematics — XII = ylog x= [2.log xax x 1 (log x)? > ylog x =2 flog xdx =2 4C x > ylog x= (log x)? +C 27. The given system of linear equations is xtytz <4 Qxty-32 =-9 Qx-ytz =-1 We write the system of equation in Matrix form as 11 o1i)fx} [4 2 1 -3llyl=|-9 [2-1 1 le} [+a = AX =B,wehave ard x 4 A=|2 1 -3|,X=|ylandB=|~9 2-11 z -1 X=ATB Now, co-factors of A pls lq—3)=-2 = )!*? (24+6)=-8 2434 -2)23 CI 3-ns-4 Cay =(-1)9*7(-3-2)=5 Cy =(- D9 * = -2 -2 adj A=(C)™ =|-8 -1 -4°3 Now, |A| =1(-2)-1(8)+1(-4) 2-8-4 14 adj.A Al -2 -2 -4 -8 -1 i 2 4 1 Examination Papers ~ 2008 63 x 22 474 = =]s 1 -s)-s L 4-3 1]j-1 fx] [ 84-18) +-4) = =| 32+(-9) +5 ir Mie 7 4-0) fx]. [-14] [-1] > y|=4| 28 |=] 2 iz} “ML e2} ts) x=~1,y=2andz-= 3is the required solution. OR [25 3 Let A=|3 4 1 [1 6 3 Therefore, for elementary row transformation, we have A=IA [25 3 10 0} => 3.4 1/=/0 1 O|A [1 6 3} [o o 4] Applying R; +R, ~Ry 1-10 10 -1 304 1/=|/0 1 O1A lr 6 3] [oo 1) Applying Ry > Ry ~ 3R, 1-10) fl 04 0 7 1J=\-3 1 3)A 1 6 3] [o o1 Applying R; >R3 ~R, 1-10 10-1 Oo 7 I= 1° 3/A jo 7 3 02 Applying Ry Ry += Ry 64 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Applying R, > 82 eNIaN)a Applying R, > Ry 10 RNIN AY Applying R; > Applying R, > Ry - @ Examination Papers ~ 2008 65 and, (x=1)? +(y-0)? Ait) Clearly, x? +y?=1 represents a circle with centre at (0,0) and radius unity. Also, (x-1)?+ y? =1 represents a circle with centre at (1, 0) and radius unity. To find the points of intersection of the given curves, we solve (1) and (2) simultaneously. Thus, = 1-(x-1)? =1-x? > Qx=1 = xt 2 We find that the two curves intersect at A(1/2,¥3 /2)and D(1 / 2,-V3 / 2). Since both the curves are symmetrical about x-axis. So, Required area = 2 (Area OABCO) Now, we slice the area OABCO into vertical strips. We observe that the_vertical strips change their character at A(1 / 2, V3 / 2). So. ‘Area OABCO = Area OACO + Area CABC. When area OACOis sliced into vertical strips, we find that each strip has its upper end on the circle (x~1)? +(y~0)? = 1 and the lower end on x-axis. So, the approximating rectangle shown in Fig. has, Length = y;, Width = Avand Area = y, Ax. As it can move from x= 0 to xe1/2 Area OACO = f, “s P(x, y;) lies on (x= 1)? > a ax | Gan) oD 2-1)? +yP =1 399, 2 y Similarly, approximating rectanglein the region CABC has, Length, = ya, Width Aand Area = y2Ax. As it can move form x= = to x=1. Area CABC = fia yd Q(x, Yo) lies on x? + y? ox? ty} sly) =y1 | Hence, required area Ais given by A 20 a (1)? acpi fax? ax| => AreaCABC= fi), fi=x? ax 66 Xam idea Mathematics — XII = 8 *(-3)-sin ‘ca {sm ‘8 sin ‘Ohl = Be sq. units q “t Let S= Event of insuring scooter driver Event of insuring Car driver T = Event of insuring Truck driver and A = Event of meeting with an accident. Now, we have 3000 3 P(S) = Probability of ster dh = a (9) = Probability of insuring scooter driver = S000 = 3 5000 _ 5 P(C) = Probability of car driver = (C) = Probability of insuring car driver = = = 7000 P(T) = Probability of insuring Truck drives 5000 and, P(A / S) = Probability that scooter driver meet with an accident = 0.04 P(A /C)= Probability that car driver meet with an accident = 0.05 P(A /T)= Probability that Truck driver meet with an accident = 015 By Baye’s theorem, we have PC).P(A/ ©) Required probability = (C/ 4) = 55 Sa 757 PO PA/O PO PAD > x 005 = 15 004 +2 x 005 +2 x 015 15 15 5 _ 5x 0005 © 3x 004 +5 x 005 +7 x 015 _ 025 © 012+ 0.25 +105 0.25 _ 25 12 12 EXAMINATION PAPERS - 2009 MATHEMATICS CBSE (Delhi) CLASS - XII Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 General Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. The question paper consists of 29 questions divided into three Sections A, B and C. Section A comprises of 10 questions of one mark each, Section B comprises of 12 questions of four marks each and Section C comprises of 7 questions of six marks each. 3. All questions in Section A are to be answered in one word, one sentence or as per the exact requirement of the question. 4. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in 4 questions of four marks each and 2 questions of six marks each. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such questions. 5. Use of calculators is not permitted. Set-I ‘SECTION-A 4. Find the projection of a on b if a.b =8and b =2/ +6) +3k 2. Write a unit vector in the direction of a = 2 — 6j + 3k Write the value of p, for which. +2} +9kand b =i + pj + 3k are parallel vectors. 4, fmatrix A = (1.23), write AA’, where A’ is the transpose of matrix A. 23 4 5. Write the value of the determinant} 5 6 8 6x 9x 12x 6. Using principal value, evaluate the following: af 3) sin“ sin Os 7. Evaluate 3+ tanx 1 8. ff (3x? 42x +k) dx =0, find the value of k a 68 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. + 3b, then find the If the binary operation * on the set of integers Z, is defined by a+b = value of 2+ 4. If Ais an invertible matrix of order 3 and| A|=5, then find | adj. A]. SECTION-B Weaxb=cxd and axc=bxd show that @~d is parallel to b -¢, where a#d and Bee. Prove that: sin" 1(2) -sin~ (3) ' sn i('8) = 5) us te)" 2 Solve for x: tan! 3x + tan“! 2x = Find the value of A so that the lines 4_5z-10 an 3 2h il are perpendicular to each other. Solve the following differential equation: a Ys y=cosx—sinx dx Find the particular solution, satisfying the given condition, for the following differential equation: wy, cosee( 4 =0; y=Owhenx=1 ae x xy} By using properties of determinants, prove the following: x4 2x Qe 2x xt4 2x [=Gx4+4)(4-2)? 2x dx xed A die is thrown again and again until three sixes are obtained. Find the probability of obtaining the third six in the sixth throw of the die. Differentiate the following function w.r.t. x 2 4 (Gin Jo Evaluate : dx V5—4e* * OR (x-4)e* (3° Prove that the relation R on the set A =(1, 2, 3, 4,5} given by R ={(a,b) : |a—b| is even }, isan equivalence relation. Evaluate : [ dx Examination Papers ~ 2009 69 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. AY 642 4 y2)2 Find 24 (x? + ind = if(* +y") OR 2 dy dy If y= 3cos (log x) + 4 sin(log 3), then show thatx?. 442% 4y=0. ae ax Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y= ¥3x—2 which is parallel to the line 4x—2y+5=0. OR Find the intervals in which the function f given by f(x) =x3 +L, x#0is x () increasing (ii) decreasing, ‘SECTION-C Find the volume of the largest cylinder that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius r. OR A tank with rectangular base and rectangular sides, open at the top is to be constructed so that its depth is 2 m and volume is 8 m?. If building of tank costs Rs. 70 per sq. metre for the base and Rs. 45 per sq. metre for sides, what is the cost of least expensive tank? A diet is to contain at least 80 units of Vitamin A and 100 units of minerals. Two foods F, and F, are available, Food F, costs Rs. 4 per unit and F, costs Rs. 6 per unit. One unit of food F, contains 3 units of Vitamin A and 4 units of minerals. One unit of food F, contains 6 units of Vitamin A and 3 units of minerals. Formulate this as a linear programming problem and find graphically the minimum cost for diet that consists of mixture of these two foods and also ‘meets the minimal nutritional requirements. ‘Three bags contain balls as shown in the table below: Bag Number of [Number of Black] Number of Red White balls balls balls 1 1 2 3 0 2 1 1 m1 4 3 2 A bag is chosen at random and two balls are drawn from it. They happen to be white and red. What is the probability that they came from the III bag? Using matrices, solve the following system of equations: 2x- By +52=11 3x+2y-4z=-5 Evaluate: = 70 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 28. 29. OR ni2 Evaluate: _{ (21og sin x ~ log sin 2x) dx. 0 Using the method of integration, find the area of the region bounded by the lines 2Qx+y=4, 3x-2y=6and x~ 3y+5=0 Find the equation of the plane passing through the point (-1, 3, 2) and perpendicular to each of the planes x + 2y + 3¢=5 and 31+ 3y+2=0 Set-Il Only those questions, not included in Set I, are given. 2 7 11. 18. 19. 21. 23, 26. Evaluate: fsec?7 —x)dx Write a unit vector in the direction of b = 2/ + +2k Differentiate the following function wart. x: y= (sin x)* + sin“ Vx Find the value of A so that the lines perpendicular to each other. Solve the following differential equation ax?) Be yatan x dx Using the properties of determinants, prove the following: a b c a-b b-c cma Babe b+e c+a ath ‘Two groups are competing for the position on the Board of rectors of a corporation. The probabilities that the first and the second groups will win are 0.6 and 0.4 respectively Further, if the first group wins, the probability of introducing a new product is 0.7 and the corresponding probability is 0.3, if the second group wins. Find the probability that the new product was introduced by the second group. Prove that the curves y? =4x and x? =4y divide the area of the square bounded by x=0,x5 and y = into three equal parts. Set-Il Only those questions, not included in Set I and Set II, are given. 4. 2 Evaluate: [27189 gy x Examination Papers ~ 2009 71 9. 15, v7. 19. 20. 24. 27. Find the angle between two vectors @ and b with magnitudes 1 and 2 respectively and when ax bl=v3 Using properties of determinants, prove the following: 14a? -b? 2ab 2ab 1-0? +b? oy 2a 1 Differentiate the following function w.r.t. x (2) 4 (sing 2* Solve the following differential equation y=2loge Find the value of 4 so that the following lines are perpendicular to each other. x-5 _2-y_1-z. x_2y+1_1-z Re. 5 1 HR 3 Find the area of the region enclosed between the two circles x + y’ Gand (x~ 3)? +y? =9. There are three coins. One is a two headed coin (having head on both faces), another is a biased coin that comes up tail 25% of the times and the third is an unbiased coin. One of the three coins is chosen at random and tossed, it shows heads, what is the probability that it was the two headed coin? Set-l SECTION-A 1. Given We know projection of a on B = 22 =__2__ 8 Vivseeo 7 2 Given a@=2-6) +36 Unit vector in the direction of a = lal 72 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 3. Since a || b, therefore a=Ab > 3 +2j +9k=AG +p7+ 3h) = 2=3,2=2p,9=32 or =3,p=2 3 4. Given A=(1 23) (1 3 3) AA’ =(1X1+2X24 3x3) =(14) 23 4 5. Givendeterminant|A|=|5 6 8 6x 9x 12x 234 > |Al=3x]5 6 8]=0 234 6. ” Seetans Let 34tanx=t sec? xdx = dt sect gy a fit tanx t =log|t|+e =log|3+tana|+c Examination Papers ~ 2009 73 (3x? +2x+K)dx=0 > 1+1tk=00 = k=-2 9. Givenasb=a+ 3b? Wa,bez 2ed=2+3x4? =24+48=50 10. Given |A|=5 Weknow |adj. Al = |A|? |adj. Al = 5 ‘SECTION-B M1, @~d willbe parallel to b ~ ¢, if (@—d)x(b- e)=0 Now (a—d)x(b—c)=axb-axc-dxb+dxe =axb-axcrbxd-exd 0 [- given ax b= exd and axc=bxd] (a= 4) || (be) 12. We know sin"! x4 sinl y= sin Mayl —y? +yv1-2x?) we (Soon (Jot af4 2 5 5 B 4 \ i 632 652 ~ 637 _ (65 + 63)(65 - 63) 657 657 74 Xam idea Mathematics — XII = 28 cos = 28 6 65 . Equation (i) becomes 36). cos (3) ' sin (28) 6 Les. [- sin“! A +cos OR Given, tan! 3x4 tan“! 2x= > 3x42x ) x = tan-1(_3242x_) T-3xx2x) 4 = Se = 6x? +5x-1=0 6x? +6x—x-1=0 6x(x41) -1(e+1) =0 (6x-1(x+1)=0 VU or 13. 7y-14_5z-10 2h 11 2e?x _y-8 SS are rearranged to get and 2a n + x14+=(-5)=0 7 5 o>) % 2k 11-0 77 Examination Papers ~ 2009 75 14. = he = R=? Given differential equation # +-y=cosx~ sin xis a linear differential equation of the type # +Py=Q. ix dx Here P=)! Is solution is given by > ye* =fe*(cosx~sin x) dx > yer =fe* cosxdx—fe* sinxdy Integrate by parts > ye™ =e* cosx~[-sinxe*dx~fe* sindx ye® =e* cosx+C = y=cosx+Ce™ + cosee{ 4) =0 od) ax x x It is a homogeneous differential equation, Let yor ° ax ae (Substituting in equation (i)) = +xB=v-cosecv ax = xi <— cosece x do __ dx > & > coseco. x Integrating both sides Joinvdo=-[# = ~cosv=—log|x|+C x = cosv=log|x| +C or log|x| +C =0, when x=1 = cos 0 = log|1|+C > 1=c Hence, solution of given differential equation is cos 76 Xam idea Mathematics — XII x4 2x Qe 16. Let|Al=| 2x x+4 2x 7. 18. Qe dx xed Apply C; 3C, +C, +C3 Bx+4 2x 2x |Al=|5x+4 x44 2x Bx+4 2x x44 Take 5x + 4.common from C, 1 2x 2x [Al=@x+4]1 x44 2x 12x x+4 Apply Rp Rp -Ry; R3 Ry 1 2 2x |A|=Gr+4]0 4-x 0 0 0 4x Expanding along C,, we get |Al=6x+4(4-»?=RHS. If there is third 6 in 6th throw, then five earlier throws should result in two 6. 5 Hence takingn=5, p= 2, 9-5 P(2sixes) = P(6, 2) = °C2p2q? + ron SEF =a 10x125 1 _ 1250 625 © 6 68 3x6 P(3sixes in 6 throws) = Let y=x°* + (sin x) Let w= x" and v= (sinx)* Then, ysu+o 5 dy _du do i) Now, u=xi™* Taking log both sides, we get = logu= sin xlogx Differentiating w.r.t. x du_sinx SALSA + log.x.cosx udx ox Examination Papers ~ 2009 7 19. = du _ ,sinx[ sinx Me sina] SINE 4 Jog x. cosx dx x imilarly taking log onv = (sin x)°°°* logy = cos.xlog sin x Differentiating w. r. t.x ee + log sin x.(- sin x) 2 sinx 0 gin 08 i 22 = (ein x)" [cos x.cot x ~ sin x. log sin x] ae Form (i), we have ay seos[Sne + log x.cos. J (sin x)°%* [cos x.cot x — sin x.log sin x] dx x Let I = fax a Suppose e* > e*de=dt Ie +4t+4-9) = 1=[—* sin 2? +c (3? +22 3 = san (2 #2) 46 J 78 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 20. 21. The relation given is R=((a,b):|a—His even} where abeA=(1,2,3,4,5, To check: Reflexivity Letac A Then —_aRaas|a~a|= Owhich is even. (a, a) € R. Hence R is reflexive. To check: Symmetry Let(ab)eR =~ |a~bliseven > [b-aliseven > b-aeR. Hence R is symmetric. To check: Transitivity Let (a,b) € Rand, eR = |a~bliseven and|b ~ cis also even. Then, |a—cl=|(a-) +6-0)| < |a-b|+|b~c| ja-cl=even So, (a,c) ER. Tt is transitive. As Ris reflexive, symmetric as well as transitive, it is an equivalence relation. Given equation is (2 497)? =3y Differentiating w.r.t. x (- a 242 = Ur +y)/ax+ 2 PVR 97a ay ax dy _y~4x(x? +9?) ax ay(x? + y?)— x = 20x? +y?)2y OR y= 3cos(logx) +4sin(log x) Differentiating w.r.t. x Ssin(log x) 4cos(log x) x x = of = -3 sin(log x) +4 cos(log x) Examination Papers ~ 2009 79 22. Differentiating again wr.t. x dy _~Bcos(logx) _ 4sin(logx) x x Given curve is y= /3x—2 i) dy__ 1x3 dx 3x2 Since tangent is parallel to line 4x -2y+5=0 3 = slope of line = > P 23x-2 = 429 _ a3x— = 48r-32=9 ox Substituting value of x in (i) =e 3 4 Thus point of tangency is (2 axa Equation of —— is pAeg z) ty _ata- 41 4 2 => My-18=48x-41 => 48x ~2dy ~ 23 = is the equation of tangent. = OR Given f(x) "(x) = 3x? -— f a 3x1) _ x? xt +x? 4) ge But x? +x? +1, x4 are always >0 80 Xam idea Mathematics — XII fia) =0x=41 Intervals = xel sign of £0) xe-l “ve wwe ve wa or 4 3 Differentiating (ii) again w.r.t. H @V bn _ av =“ a GH aH 4 at i Volume is maximum when height of the cylinder i _2r? 3 ale Examination Papers ~ 2009 81 24. OR Let the length and breadth of the tank are L and B. Volume = 8=21B=>B-4 L Se The surface area of the tank, $= Area of Base + Area of 4 Walls =LB+%B+1)-2 =LB+4B+4L The cost of constructing the tank is, C-=70(LB) + 45(4B + 41) 4 4.1) =70{L-+) +180 +1 (eplomens) 4 > C=2804180(4 +1 oi (i+) ® Differentiating both sides w.r-t.L ac 720 = > +180 itt) a2 (iii) For minimisation “© = 9 aL 720 _ = Baw = Pag 180 = L=2 Differentiating (ii) again wrt. L 2 C140 So vL>0 a? 8 Cost is minimum when L =2 From (i, B=2 Minimum cost = 280 + 180/ : +2) (from (ii) 2") = 280 +720 = Rs 1000 Let x units of food F, and y units of food F, are required to be mixed Cost = Z = 4x + 6y is to be minimised subject to following constraints 3x + 6280 4x+3y2100 x20,y20 To solve the LPP graphically the graph is plotted as shown, 82 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 10 The shaded regions in the graph is the feasible solution of the problem. The comner points are Ao, 222), 4 os) m4, 4) and f®, 0\ The cost at these points will be Zq = 404 6x10 Rs 200 Ziq =4x24+ 6x4 =Rs 104 Zo = 4x 82 +0 = Rs 229 = Rs 106.67 c 3 3 Thus cost will be minimum if 24 units of F, and 4/3 units of Fy are mixed. The minimum cost is Rs 104. 25. The distribution of balls in the three bags as per the question is shown below. Bag Number of ] Number of | Number of red| Total balls white balls _|_black balls balls I 1 2 3 0 2 1 1 ul 4 3 2 As bags are randomly choosen P(bag 1) = P(bag, ll) = P(bag I) = 4 Let E be the event that one white and one red ball is drawn. Ie 3 P(E/oag n= C1 °C. 3x21 5 83 Examination Papers ~ 2009 26 yh Cy x3C, 2x2 1 P(E/bag Mf) = —1* =1 = 2%2 1 P(E/bag III) = Now, required probability = P(bag Ill/E) P(bag Ill). P(E / bag I) P(bag 0. P(E / bag I) + P(bag Il). P(E / bag Il)+ P (bagi). P(E / bagi) Given system of equations is 26. 2x- 3y+5z=11 3x4 2y—4e xty-=-3 ‘The equations can be expressed as matrix equation AX = B 2-3 5)(x) (11) = > 2 -4//y|=|-5 (21 -2Jlz} (3) X=A7B | Al= 2-4 +4) + 3(-6 + 4) +5(3-2) Now, “14034 T exists, =-6+ ‘The cofactors of elements of A are Cy =2 Cy =1 ~9 Cy = =2 Cy =23 Cay =13 021 Matrix of cofactors=|-1 -9 -5 (2 23 13) fo -1 2) 2-9 23 1-5 13) Adj A= v 84 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 0 4 2) / \ > wf -9 23 ” 121 (agjay} ls 13} lal } (0 -1 2)(11) ( 0+5-6 ) (1 2-9 2] -5|=-| 2244569 |=|2 {1 -5 13/[-3} {11+25-39) (3 Hence solution of given equations is x= 1,y=2,2= 3. 27. olf) ix (» Jefe () de fife- sar) Ali) Adding (i) and (i), we get 2 ae i= [ae =x = OR Let I= Jetogsin x —togs in 2a)dx @ a > os x) -logsin 45 (» fpf) (x) dx = Sire sr) i-fe log cos x — log sin 2x)dx (i a Adding @) and (i), we get = J 2log sin x + 2log cos x ~ 2 log sin 2x 2 [log sin x + log cos x log sin 2vldx 0 Examination Papers ~ 2009 85 COS. 2 SINKCOS gy > I=log far=log+ 4] 2sin xc0sx 24 2 3 = I= flog a y 4 2 4 Area of AABC = EB ax fa 2yde— fae i 1 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 29. ‘The equation of plane through (-1, 3, 2) can be expressed as AQ +1) +BY 3)+C@-2)=0 0) As the required plane is perpendicular to x + 2y + 3z=5and 3x + 3y+z=0, we get A+2B+3C=0 3A+3B+C=0 A.B _.¢ ABLE 2-9 9-1 3-6 7 8 3 Direction ratios of normal to the required plane are ~7, 8, ~3. Hence equation of the plane will be -7(x +1) + ly - 3) - 3{z-2)=0 => -7x-7 + 8y-24- 32+ 6=0 or 7x-8y+32+25=0 > 11. Let I= f sec? (7 ~ x)dx tan(7 = 2) —. =-tan(7-x) +C c Given b =2) +7 +28 Unit vector in the direction of Let y= Suppose z= (sin x)* ‘Taking log on both sides logz = xlog sin x Differentiating both sides w.r.t. x Ldz_ cosx #1 zde “sing 8"* > % (gin xy (xcotx + log sin x) i B~(eins)* roost logsin s+ phe = (sinx)* (x 0s x + log sin x) + 1 20-9 Examination Papers ~ 2009 87 18. 19. ‘The given lines can be expressed as xo] _y-2_2-3 = x-1_y-1_z-6 BR TF The direction ratios of these lines are respectively ~3, 2A, 2and 3A,1, Since the lines are perpendicular, therefore 3(3A) + 2A(1) + 2-7) =0 => -9A+2-14=0 > -Th=4h=2 Given differential equation is and a2) Be y=ton Ty ix The equation can be expressed as tant x ax Lax? Lax? This is a linear differential equation of the type # +Py=Q ix ae Here I.F=0 1+ Its solution is given by o years oft ty fan x 14x? Ty tan Suppose 1=[e"" ae 14x Let tan x=t 1 5 dx = dt Integrating by parts, we get Tate felat = [ste +e tans (tan . > Tse (tant x1) +C From (i) tan te _ plana (gant ye’ (tant x-1)+C A = y=tan)x-14+Ce~"" * which is the solution of given differential equation. 7, 88 Xam idea Mathematics — XII abo 21. Let|Al=|a—b bc c—al ApplyC; 3C, +C, +Cy bte ct+a ath atbec ob oc |AJ=]| 0 bc c~a Aatb+e) cra ath Taking (a +b +c) common from Cy 1b oc |Al=(a+b+0]0 b-c cna 2 cta atb Apply Ry >R3 -2Ry 1b ¢ |Al=@+b+0]0 b-c cna 0 c+a-2b atb-2c Expand along C; to get JA] = (a+b + [@ — ola+b— 20) —(c+a—2)(c— a] = (a+b + fab +b? ~ 2be - ac - cb + 2c? = (c? ~ac + ac =(a+b+ 0a? +b? +c? -ab—be-ca) +b9 +c9 - 3abe = RHS 23. P(G;)=0.6 P(G)))=0.4 Let E is the event of introducing new product then P(E/G) = 0.7 P(E/Gy) = 0.3 To find PG), /E) Using Baye's theorem we get PCy /E)= PUG y)-PE/ Gy) POG). PE / Gj) + P(Gq).P(E / Gy) 04x03 06x07 +0403 oz “042+ 012 ? — 2be + 2ab)] ar) 26. We plot the curves y? = 4x and x? = 4y and also the various areas of the square. I To show that area of regions I = s 4 Area of region I= [ 4dx— J 2Vxdx d 0 Examination Papers ~ 2009 89 x staty 372\ u x8= square units 64_16 32 22 square units 3 a 2 Area of Region III 64 _16 = 2° square units. 2 3 Thus, the curves y* = 4x and x? = 4y divide the area of given square into three equal parts. Set-lll 4 Let + log x=t dax-at x r= [eae + J 3 3 Glog)? 6 3 9. Given| ax b|=V3 = absind=V3 > 1x2sin0=v3 sin = 2 radians, 90 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 15. 17. 14a? -b? 2ab 2b Let|A|=| — 2ab 1a? +b? 2a 2b -2a 1-a? =? Apply Ry > Ry +6Ry 14a? +b? 0 b ba? -b3 |Al=| ab 1-a? +b? 2a 2b 2a =a? -b? Taking 1 +a? +b common from Ry 1 o 4 |Al=(.+a? +b?) |2ab 1-a? +b? 2a 2b -2a 1-0? -b? Apply Ry > Ry -aR3 1 0 b JA|=( +a? +6?)| 0 14a? +b? ata? +ab? 2b 2a 1-a? -b? ‘Taking 1 + 4? +6? common from Ry 1 0 + |Al|=G+a2+b?)7}0 1 a 2b -2a 1-0? -b? Apply Ry > Ry ~2bR, 10 -b JAl=(.+a2 +57)? ]0 1 a 0 -2a 1-0? +b? Expanding along C,, we get |A]=(. +a? +67)? (1 — a? +b? + 207)] (+a? 4+b7)$ =RHS Let y= x + (sin x) ®"* -( Letu= x°S* y= (sin x) Taking log on either side logu= cos.x.log x, loge = tan x log sin x Differentiating wart. x ldu 1 1dv _tanx.cosx 1x cosx.t + log x(-sin a), +2 + log sin x.sec” x udx x vdx sinx Examination Papers ~ 2009 91 19. 20. 24. du _ coax cosx =x! ( do tan, = —-sinxl |, —— = (sin ¢ . xlog x} = Gin) (1+ sec? xlog sin x) From (i) we get dy cos cosx AY _ cosx( COS dx x Given differential equation is sin xlog x} + (sin x)""*[1 + sec? xlog sin x] ) slogx tt + y=21og3 ‘This can be rearranged as. yyy dx xlogx x da Itis a linear differential equation of the type 2 + Py =Q ix 1 ae Now, IF = ¢ "96% = ¢l98l08*) — Jog x Is solution is given by ylogsr= flog? dx 2 > vlogx= 282 +c “of f0)..(0) ax = eo? > y=logi+ {which is the solution ofthe given differential equation ee The given lines on rearrangement are expressed as ang Xa ¥t1/2 2-1 1 oh 3 s of the two lines are respectively 5A+2,-5,land1, 24,3 As the lines are perpendicular, (GA +2) x1 ~5(22) +13) = => 5h+2-10AK43=0 = SA=-SSA=1 Hence 2 = 1 for lines to be perpendicular. The two circles are re-arranged and expressed as y=9-x aU) wy? =9-(x- 3)? oii) To find the point of intersection of the circles we equate y” > 9-x? =9-(x-3)? 2 9-x7 29-37-94 6x 92 Xam idea Mathematics — XII The circles are shown in the figure and the shaded area is the required area. Now, area of shaded region 3 = j Beau [Yon ae 3 0 Let E be the event that coin shows head. Then, —P(E/C;)=1 PUE/C)= 22 =3 PEC 100 4 5 To find: P(C,/E) From Baye’s theorem, we have . P(C,).P(E / Cy) P(C,/B) = P(C)).PE / Cy) + PCa) PE / Cz) + PC 3). P(E / C3) Thus, probability of getting head from the two headed coin sf EXAMINATION PAPERS - 2009 MATHEMATICS CBSE (All India) CLASS - XII Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 General Instructions: As given in CBSE Examination paper (Delhi) - 2009. Set-l SECTION-A 6 (x+y (12) 1. Find the value of x, if } lay-x 3) "(-5 af 2. Let* be a binary operation on N given by a*b= HCE (a, b) a,b, €N. Write the value of 224. 1 Bo 3. Evaluate: [ dx. 0 vex cos vx 4, Evaluate dx. PE 5. Write the principal value of, cos! a-b b-c c~a 6. Write the value of the following determinant :|b-c c-a a—b c-a a-b b-c x4 7. Find the value of x, from the following:|) et ek at a 8. Find the value of p, if (2 + 6j +278) x(f + 3 + ph) = 0. 9. Write the direction cosines of a line equally inclined to the three coordinate axes. 10. 11. If p isa unit vector and (x~ p).(x+ p) =80, then find] x]. SECTION: The length x of a rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 5 cm/minute and the width y is increasing at the rate of 4 cm/minute. When x = 8 cm and y = 6 cm, find the rate of change of (a) the perimeter, (b) the area of the rectangle. 94 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 12. 13. 14, 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. OR Find the intervals in which the function f given by f(x) = sin.x + cosx, 0S x $ 2n, is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing. in? Ifsin y= xsin(a+y), prove that 4 = S8_(@+ 9) ae sina oR If (cos x)" = (sin y)¥, find ae M41 itnis odd Let f:N > Nbe defined by f(r) =| 2 for all ne N. 1 ifmis even 2 Find whether the function fis bijective. OR 2) dy ay dy dx? dx On a multiple choice examination with three possible answers (out of which only one is correct) for each of the five questions, what is the probability that a candidate would get four or more correct answers just by guessing? 1 +p 1+p+q Using properties of determinants, prove the following :|2 3+2p 1+ 3p+2q 3643p 1+ 6p43q Solve the following differential equation : 2% y-xtan(2) ax x) 2 dy Solve the following differential equation : cos” x2 + y= tan x ix Find the shortest distance between the following two lines : Pa +ayes(2-ay+asyk Taf 7-H + wat +7 +28, ( SESE + TBR)» of.) (Visine -vi-sinx) 27°") OR Solve for x:2tan*(cos.x) = tan” !(2cosec x) Prove the following : cot Examination Papers ~ 2009 95 22. 23. 27. 28. 29. The scalar product of the vector i ++ with the unit vector along the sum of vectors 2 +.4j —5k and Ai +2] + 3k is equal to one. Find the value of 4. SECTION-C Find the equation of the plane determined by the points A(3,~1,2), B(5, 2,4) and C(-1,-1, 6). Also find the distance of the point P(6, 5, 9) from the plane. Find the area of the region included between the parabola y = xand the line x +4 dx 2 2 Evaluate: ;—““___ 9.4? cos? x +b? sin? x Using matrices, solve the following system of equations xtytz=6 x+2=7 Sxtytz=12 OR 30-1 Obtain the inverse of the following matrix, using elementary operations: A=|2 3 0 041 Coloured balls are distributed in three bags as shown in the following table : Bag, Colour of the ball Black White Red Ll 1 2 3 u 2 4 1 M1 4 5 3 A bag is selected at random and then two balls are randomly drawn from the selected bag They happen to be black and red. What is the probability that they came from bag I? A dealer wishes to purchase a number of fans and sewing machines. He has only Rs. 5,760 to invest and has a space for at most 20 items. A fan costs him Rs. 360 and a sewing machine Rs. 240. His expectation is that he can sell a fan at a profit of Rs. 22 and a sewing machine at a profit of Rs. 18. Assuming that he can sell all the items that he can buy, how should he invest his money in order to maximize the profit? Formulate this as a linear programming problem and solve it graphically. If the sum of the hypotenuse and a side of a right angled triangle is given, show that the area of the triangle is maximum when the angle between them is OR A manufacturer can sell x items at a price of Rs. (5 ss) leach. The cost price of x items is ) Rs. (24 500} Find the number of items he should sell to earn maximum profit. G 96 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Set-Il Only those questions, not included in Set I, are given 2. Evaluate: [ ae x (xy Find the value of y, if | x dx IL. Ify=3e?* +2e3*, prove that @y ody ae ae 18. Find the shortest distance between the following two lines: Pal + 2a ed ap +ak ry =2 +) -—k+p(3i 57 + 26) +6y=0 19. Form the differential equation of the family of circles touching the y axis at origin. 21. Using properties of determinants, prove the following: xty ox x Brtdy 4x 2x 1Ox+8y 8x 3x 25. Find the area of the region included between the parabola 4y= 3x7 and the line 3x-2y+12=0. 29. Coloured balls are distributed in three bags as shown in the following table: Bag, Colour of the ball Black White Red I 2 1 3 tL 4 2 1 Ut 5 4 3 A bag is selected at random and then two balls are randomly drawn from the selected bag They happen to be white and red. What is the probability that they came from bag II? Set-lll Only those questions, not included in Set I and Set II are given 2 7. Evaluate : [=< FF ae 10. Find the value of x from the following (2x-y 5) (6 5) 3 4 Examination Papers ~ 2009 97 13. Find the shortest distance between the following two lines: Ta +2) +38) +a — 3) +28; (44 i+ G+ sj +(6+ wh 14. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves given by (x ~ a)? +2y? =a, where a is an arbitrary constant. 16. Using properties of determinants, prove the following: dex 1 1 1olty 1 sayetay+yetan 1 1 lez 18. Ify=e* (sin x + cos), then show that 2 ay 34s oy=0 ae dx 23. Find the area of the region bounded by the curves y? = dax and x? = day. 26. A man is known to speak the truth 3 out of 5 times. He throws a die and reports that it is a number greater than 4. Find the probability that it is actually a number greater than 4, Set-1 ‘SECTION-A 1. Given, (3x+y -v) 2) 2y-x 3) 3} Using equality of two matrices, we have Bxt+y=1, -y=2 sy=-2 Substituting the values of y, we get Bx4(-Q=1 3 xsl 2. Given a* b= HCE (a, b),4,beN > 22*4=HCF (22,4)=2 aE 98 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 4. cos Vx Let I= dx Let Jx=t vx 1 si ax=at Qvx > I=feost2dt => [=2sint+C I=2sin Vx +C Given determinant is a-b b-c c-a \al=|b-c c-a a-b c-a a-b b-c Use the transformation; C, +Cy +Cq, 0 b-c cua l4l=]0 c-a a-bl=0 0 a-b be We are given that x 4 2 mw > 2x? -8=0 = 2x? =8 = xa4 = xe42 ee et a (2i + 6] +278) x (i + 3) + ph) = 0 ijk , > |2 6 2]/=0 13 p Examination Papers ~ 2009 99 > (6p 81) -(2p-277 +0k = 0 => 6p=81 81_ 27 = = S127, 6 2 9. Any line equally inclined to co-ordinate axes will have direction cosines J, I, PaPaPea 3 =1 10. SECTION-B dy dt where x = length of rectangle and y = breadth of rectangle. Perimeter of rectangle is given by P=2Ax+y) Rate of change of P is 1. Given # =-5em/min =4cm/min cm =~2em/min y=6em, ie, the perimeter is decreasing at the rate of 2 m/min. Now, Area of rectangle is given by Azxy dA_ dy dx = BaxDyyS ate ax at =4r-5y 100 Xam idea Mathematics — XII = lem a (8,6) ie, the area is increasing at the rate of 2 cm?/min. OR Given function f(x)=sinx+cosx OS xS2n f'(2) = cosx- sin x For the critical points of the function over the interval v 0 < x < 2mis given by f()=0 3 ~~ cosx-sinx=0 => cosx=sinx = Possible intervals are oA) (t *2)(% 28) ala" 4a Mo0 cosx> sin x => f(x>0 = f(a)is strictly increasing. Uhre, ((Q)=cosx-sinx <0 seosx f(x) is strictly decreasing, Whereas =f) =cosx-sinx> 0+ cosx> sin x => f(x) is again strictly increasing, Given function f(x) = sin x+ cos x{0, 2n] is strictly increasing Ve (0, 2) and (7 2n) eg ge) while it is strictly decreasing V x ( ve | aa) 12. Ifsiny=xsin(a+y) dey (a+ y) cos y - sin y.cos(a + y)] sin?(a+y) > Msinasy-9]= sine y dy _sin?(a+y) ax sina Examination Papers ~ 2009 101 13. OR Given (cos x)” =(sin y)* Taking log on both sides log (cos x)¥ = log(sin y)* = ylog(cos) = xlog(sin y) Differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we get 4 cosy + log(cos x). 1 4 siny + logsin yd Sein y+ login cosx dx ax“ Siny => SIN 5 Jog(cos2). 4 = x S84 Y + tog siny cosx dx" siny dx = ytan x+ log(coss) = xcoty Mt + togsiny > log(cosx). 4 — xeoty & = log sin y + ytan x ax dx mu > Btog(cos.) ~xcoty]=logsin y+ ytan x ix dy _logsiny+ytanx dx Togecosx—xcoty n+) itnisodd Given f:N — N defined such that f(r) =| | 2 ifmiseven 12 Let x, ye N and let they are odd then +1 fo) =f) > whose fo)= faz yet If x,y€ N are both even then also foy= fy a5=S-x=y Ifx, ye Nare such that x is even and y is odd then fe)=2 Zand sly 4 Thus, x#y for f(x)=/() Letx=6 and y=5 We get f(6) f(a) = fly) butx 4 y (i) So, f(x) is not one-one. Hence, f (x) is not bijective. 102 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 14. Let =f ae V5 ~4x— 2x? (using integration by parts) = x +}sints|ec HC 15. If = dy_Ltxy > & wld dx y-x? ° (ay | » Oxf xBey|+oxa+ _ ey! Mie yJ x(L + xy) dx? (=x?)? Examination Papers ~ 2009 103 1 yx + y(l =x?) + 2x(1 + xy) ax —x2)x ya —x? — x2) x) =x?) + 2x12) (using (@) -x2)¥ arya) 16. = 4= probability of incorrect answei Here total number of questions = 5 P(4 or more correct) P(4 correct) + P(5 correct) = °Cyp*q! +5Csp°q® using P(r success) = "C, p" 9g” =5x(2) B)urx(2) 3) \3)" 3) 1 l+p 1+p+q 17. Let|A|=|2 342p 1+ 3p+29 3643p 1+6p+3q Using the transformation Ry > Ry - 2Ry,R3 +R -3R; 1 ltp 1+p+q laj=]o 1 -1+p 0 3 -2+3p Using Ry Ry ~ 3Ry 1 1+p 1+p+ql = |l=]o 1 +p 0 0 1 Expanding along column Cy, we get |4j=1 104 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 18. Given differential equation is ~y-xtan() eg 4 LY and ax x x = Itis a homogeneous differential equation. Let y a= Hen ttae ax de xe tot tant ae = x#s-tant ae dt dx = Ad tani x > cottdt =- 2 x Integrating both sides o feotia=-f& x => log | sint| =-log | x | +log = log sa(¥) | log x= log > log lk. (4 = log Hence x.sin 2 =C 19, Given differential equation is cos? x. +-y=tanx dx * ow ae +ysec? x= tan x.sec? x Given differential equation is a linear differential equation of the type # +Py=Q ix j sec pic fost sane Lee Solution is given by efamy =f tam sec? xed Let 1 =f tan.x.sec? xe™"*dx Examination Papers ~ 2009 105 Let tanx=t, sec? xdx= dt > [=f teldt Integrating by parts I=te! -f efdt =te! -e' +C, = I=tanxe™™* —e8™* 4, Hence e#"*y = e"* (tan x-1)+C > ystanx-1+Cee"* 20, The given equation of the lines can be re-arranged as given below. @ +27 +H +00 -j+Rand 7-B rua? +7 +26 ark, by a -2-j-k, by =2+j+2k The given lines are not parallel (2= 83) yb) lbxba Shortest distance between lines = We have a ~m =/ ~ 3-26 ~[ Sasa esas | Vivsinx -JT-sinx | (cosS+sin3) + |{oo%-sin3} Moo2 2 VW x xy it x x — - cos sin)" 2 2) 2 2) | 21. cot where xe (04 £) 4) = cot 106 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Xe oe cos <+sin=+cos¥-si 20"2 2 Xa, ¥ eet cos +sin%—cos*+si 2 2 2 ] x 2 Given 2 tan” "(cos x) = tan”! (2cosec x) dcos ay 2) JE] -tan( 22) — cos? x. sinx) cot [cot 2 OR 22. Let sum of vectors 2 + 47 —5k and Ai + 2) + 3k = T= (24 Ay +6) —2k (24d) +6) — 2k Jal \@+2)? +3644 jrjrd-S 24+ AE + 67 — 2k Hence (+7 +8) (2+)? +40 > (2+A)+6-2=4(242)7 +40 (46)? = (242)? +40 = = 2 +36+12h = 44+)? +4440 BA=8>A=1 ‘SECTION-C 23. The equation of the plane through three non-collinear points A(3,—1, 2), B(S,2, 4) and (-1, -1, 6) can be expressed as x-3 ytl 2-2 5-3 241 4-2/=0 3-141 6-2 x-3 yt 2-2 > 2 3 2 |s0 4 0 4 107 Examination Papers ~ 2009 = 12x - 3) - 16y +1) + 12-2) =0 = 12x ~ l6y + 122-76 = 0 = 3x ~ 4y + 32-19 = Vis the required equation. Now distance of P(6, 5,9) from the plane is given by [3x 6-46) + 3(9) ~ 19) Se 6 nits, Wor Te+S 24, Plot the two curves y? =x 0) and x+y=2 Gi) Solving ( and (ii), we have yr ty=2 = (y+2y-1)=0 > y=-21 x=41 We have to determine the area.of the shaded region. 1 1 Required Area = [(2-y)dy~ [y7dy 9 = = square units. 2 xdx 25. Let ! = | ———_——_____ (i) 9a? cos? x +h? sin? x ) i tusing f eax = [fla aed i ? cos?(n- 2) +b? sin? (n- x) «| Ir > 1-[/.+* (i) 9a? cos? x+h? sin? x Adding (i) and (ii) rk 21 = |. « [Peter ants j dx ai? cos? x +b? sin? x I= nia Divide numerator and denominator by cos” x 2 28 ri zy = — Se ate xd si-nf Se fusing f fla)de=2{ forded +b? tan? x pa? +B? tan? x a a 108 26. The given system of equation are xtytz=6 etd Bxtyhz=12 In matrix form the equation can be written as AX = B fl 1 1]fx] [6 > 10 2ilyi=|7 [3 1 ajfz} [12 |A]=10 - 2)-10 - 6) +101 - 0) =4# 0 = A“ exists, To find Adj A we have Cy =-2 Cy =5 Cy =0 Cy =-2 Cys C3) =2 Cy =-1 Cay =-1 205 1 Matrix of co-factors of elements=| 0-2 2 2-4-1 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Examination Papers ~ 2009 109 12424 =1) 30-14-12 4 | 6+14-12 2] 73 4|=|1 ts} 2) Solution of the equations is x= 3,y=1,2=2 OR 3041 Given matrixis A=|2 3. 0 041 We know A=1A 30 fl 0 0 23 o|=|0 1 ola 041] |oo1 Apply Ry >R, - Ry 1-3 -1] fi a 0 > 2 3 o|=jo 1 ofa o 4 1f|oo1 Apply Rp > Ry ~2Ry 1-3 -1] [1 = 0 =|0 9 2|=|-2 3 ola o4 i1fl[o o1 Apply Ry Ry ~2R3 1-3 -1] [1 = 0 > fo 1 o|=|-2 3 -2/A o 4 1} lo 01 Apply Ry > Ry + 3Ry,R3 Ry -4Ry 10-1) [-5 8 -6 =f|o1 ol=|-2 3 -2|A oo 1} {8 -2 9 Apply Ry >R, +R, 100) 73 -4 3 of=|-2 3 2/4 ij [8 -2 9 sjo1 00 110 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 27. 28. > 30-4 3 Ats|2 3 2 Ls -12 9 Given distribution of the balls is shown in the table Bag Colour of the ball Black White Red 1 1 2 3 in 2 4 1 im 4 5 3 ‘As bags are selected at random P(bag I) = 4 = P(bag II) = P(bag III) Let E be the event that 2 balls are 1 black and 1 red. P(E/bag, 1) = P(E/bag Ill) = Te, x3 c. °C, P(E/bag 1) = ——1* 1 2 Cy Bo, it We have to determine P(bag I/E) = P(bag 1). PCE / bag 1) x: ¥ Plbag i) PE / bag i) a 5 a 1 Let the no. of fans purchased by the dealer =x and number of sewing machines purchased = y then the L.P.P. is formulated as Ze > 22x + 18y to be maximised subject to constrains xtys20 - (2) [space only for 20 items] 360x + 240y <5760 3x4 2y< 48 a (i) x20,y20 . (ii) We plot the graph of the constraints. Examination Papers ~ 2009 11 29. As per the constraints the feasible solution is the shaded region. Possible points for maximising Z are A(0, 20), B(8, 12), C(16, 0) Z] 4 = 220418 x 20= 360 Z)q =22x8418x12= 392 Z]¢ =22*16 +18 x 0= 352 Hence profit is maximum of Rs 392 when the dealer purchases 8 fans and 12 sewing machines Let the hypotenuse and one side of the right triangle be k and x respectively. Then k+x=k (given as constant) Let the third side of the triangle be y y? +x? =h? (using Pythagoras theorem) > yavh > Az Areaofa=iys= Loli? y e Squaring both sides 2 Ar= s (k? ~2kx) For maxima we find “4 dx dA _ xk? 3kx? 2a GA _ xk old a& 2 2 o 2 2 ip Aly a2 See os & ax 2 2 3 112 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Differentiating (#) again wrt. x we get (aay? 2a~ A? FT dA ) @A_k $2AST =~ Ske dx ax Area is maximum x=k/3 > h=2k/3 In the right triangle, coso=*=#/3__1 _, 9-% h 2/32 3 oR , , x Selling price of x items = $P =(5- BPI ma 4500 5x 2 24x _X _509 5100, j ap To find maximisation of profit function bx ap 24 x > 2 2-0 i dx 50 iv mM ox = Bix ig Ss 3 50 = x= 240 items Differentiating (i) again w.r.t. x dx? 50 Profit is maximum if manufacturer sells 240 items To find I = jen re 1 Let Vx =1 * aedx=dt 2x Examination Papers ~ 2009 113 1 [Let Vx =t ». —dx= df] I wee —2eos Vx +C 5, Using equality of two matrices, we have x-y=2 equating @,, elements of two sides equating a>, elements of two sides 1. 4 +20* PU) Differentiating wart. x M320? 42.36% = 6€% + 66% ax dy _ gyre , y= 3e™*) ‘i > 6. (using (i ae 2 (using (i)) > Y «662 4 3y 962% = 362" + 3y Wi) ax ° (ii) By SY, gy 9 > ae x 18. Given lines are =(1+ 2a +(1-A)j +4 r f+) +AQi-j+8 Pah 47 B+ ma? 57 428 ais loo oe =a,-a, =i -k a =% 47-8 114 Xam idea Mathematics — XII > lines are not parallel shortest distance = [2= 400%) [b,xb3] ij ek byxb, =|2 -1 1)=3f-j-7k 3.-5 2 19. As the circle touches y axis at origin, x axis is its diameter. Centre lies on x axis ie,, centre is (r, 0). Hence equations of circle will be y-0)? =r? @ = ay -2r=0 (x=? +¢ Ditfrenatng wart. ‘Y’ we get ae 2y Ht w=0srext yt Vax Putting vale of rin we get ay sy (- x yi vy pele vy (ayy? (dy)? a 2fav) , 2424 aft ly = v[S) sy =x +y( 2) +2 y (2) Pola) ae > aye +x? — y? =Owhich is the required differential equation. ix 21. Given determinant is xty ox x Sxt4y dy 2x 1Ox+8y 8x 3x Taking x common from both C> andC we get Examination Papers ~ 2009 1145 29. xty 1a x?) Sxtdy 4 2 lor+8y 8 3 Apply R, > R, ~ 2R,,R3 >R, ~ 3R, we get x+y 11 x?|3x4+2y 2 0 Tx+5y 5 0 Expanding along C, we get x? [(15x + 10y ~ 14x - 10y)] = x9 = RHS 3x2 Given the equation of parabola 4y = 3x? > y = and the line 3x-2y+12=0 3x +12 _ 2 The line intersect the parabola at (-2,3) and (4, 12). Hence the required area will be the shaded region. = 4 Required Area = [ a =(12+ 24-16) -(3-12+2) = 2047 =27 square units. From the given distribution of balls in the bags. Bag, Colour of the ball Black White Red 1 2 1 3 u 4 2 1 i 5 4 3 As bags are randomly selected P(bag I) = 1/3 = P(bag Il) = P(bag III) Let E be the event that the two balls are 1 white + 1 Red le 3 26. x1 Cc C. Cc. C 2% 2) peypagn =X 9. 2 °C, 5 "Cy 2 P(E/bag, 1) = 116 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 40 3 P(E /bag tn) = 2* Cr _ 2 G@ Pobag n/n) = 22st PE/bag iy > Plbagi)- PE/bagi) i Set-Ill 7 Let Vit > Fede =2at I sec? dt =2tant +C > [=2tanvx+C 10. Using equali 2x-y of two matrices 65 = 2Qx-y=6 equating a3 y=2 equating a) x= 13. The given lines are = +2) + 3k) +aG- 37 +286) of) = a, =1 +2) + 3k, by 3 + 2 7 +6) +p? + 37 +k, (i) [by rearranging given equation] aaMe5f+6k by =F + a7 ak Examination Papers ~ 2009 117 14. 16. [by xba|= VBT+9+81 = VI71 = 319 ay-a, = 3437438 As lines (i) and (ii) are not parallel, the shortest distance la — a,) b,x by)]_ (a8 + 37-4 38) (97 + 37 +98) lot we . 27 +9+27|_ 3 Shortest distance PRE Sante Equation of family of curves is (x= a)? +2y? =a? oo @ > x? 42y? ~2ax=0 di) Differentiating wrt. x” 2x+ ay 2a=0 Vax = a=x+2yyy Substituting value of ‘a’ in (i) x? 4 2y? - 2x4 2yy,).x=0 => 2y* —x? ~4xyy, = Owhich is required differential equation. Given determinant is dex 1 oa Jal=] 1 .ty 1 11 lez Apply C, >C, -C3 ltx 001 l4l=] 1 oy 1 1 lz ApplyC, >C; C3 x oO 1 [Al=]O0 y 1 -z 1tz Apply C; 3C,-xC3 0 o 1 lAl=] -x oy 1 z-x-31z -z 142 Expand along R. JA|=1(xz + yz + xy + xyz) = RHS 118 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 18. Given equation is y=e*(sinx + cos) Differentiating w.r.t. x’ we get dy =e*(cosx~ sin x) + e*(sinx + cos) ax =e*(cosx—sinx) +y ae Differentiating again w. tx’ we get x, x a = Sha e*esinx— cosa) +e*(cosx—sin x) += y+ Hy H ix 23. The curves y” = 4ax and x? = day intersects at points where} 4 = SH 4ax = xt =64a5x 16a? = x(x3 - 6405)=0 => x=Oorx=4a We plot the curves on same system of axes to get the required region. a EE square units. 38d 26. Let E, be event getting number > 4 E, be event getting number < 4 2_1 4 P@E,)=2=4 P(Ey) === (Ey) 673 (Ey) z By Baye’s theorem P(E) P(E/Ey) PEE) FEY DEVE) + PUEa).PE/E) EXAMINATION PAPERS - 2009 MATHEMATICS CBSE (Foreign) CLASS - XII Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 General Instructions: As given in CBSE Examination paper (Delhi) - 2009. Set SECTION-A 1. Evaluate: (dx y+ xloge 1 2. Evaluate: [ dx Jers 3. If the binary operation *, defined on Q, is defined as a+b = 2a +b — ab, forall a, b€Q, find the value of 3*4. af!" F)(7 8), sina the value of ef J find the value oy Find a unit vector in the direction of a = 2i ~ 3] + 6k. Find the direction cosines of the line passing through the following points: (2,4,-5), (1,2,3). (2.3 -5) (21 WA=(a;)=|1 4 9 andB=(j)=|-3 4 4 |, then find ayy + by) lo 7 -2) {15 2} If| al=V3, | b|=2and a. b = V3, find the angle between a and b. 1 2) |, then find the value of k if|2A|=k] A]. ls a} Write the principal value of tan “ian 3] 120 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 7. 18. 19. ‘SECTION-B Evaluate: ——_—_ (2+ sinxj(3 + 4sin a) OR Evaluate: fx?.cos! xdx Show that the relation R in the set of real numbers, defined as R =((a, b): a < b?) is neither reflexive, nor symmetric, nor transitive. If log (x? +y?) = aean (2), then show that xty x ix OR ay dx? If x=a(cost +tsin#) and y=a(sint ~t cost), then find Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y=J/4¥—2 which is parallel to the line 4x-2y+5=0 OR Using differentials, find the approximate value of f(2- 01), where f(x) = 4x3 +5x? +2. Prove the following: afd 42 tan) + tan1(* an (+) +tan (2 feos (2) 2 \S. oR Solve the following for x: 2_4) x41) \-1) 3 Find the angle between the line ae as =? and the plane 10x + 2y ~1lz= 3, Solve the following differential equation: (x8 4y)dy- x? ydx =0 Find the particular solution of the differential equation. 2 + ycotx = 4x cosec x, (x #0), given that y = 0 when x= 5. ix Using properties of determinants, prove the following: 2 +1 ab ac ab b 41 be [=+a? +b? 407, ca cho Examination Papers ~ 2009 121 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. ‘The probability that A hits a target is : and the probability that B hits itis 2, If each one of A 5 and B shoots at the target, what is the probability that () the target is hit? (ii) exactly one-of-them-hits the target? Find 2, ify* +x¥ =a", where a, b are constants. ix If a,b, ¢ are three vectors such that @.b = .¢ and ax b = ax ¢, a 20, then show that bee. ‘SECTION-C One kind of cake requires 200 g of flour and 25 g of fat, and another kind of cake requires 100 g of flour and 50 g of fat. Find the maximum number of cakes which can be made from 5 kg of flour and 1 kg of fat assuming that there is no shortage of the other integredients used in making the cakes. Formulate the above as a linear programming problem and solve graphically Using integration, find the area of the region: {(x,y)9x? + y? $36 and 3x +26) Show that the lines +3 Y=} _2= 3 1S equation of the plane containing the lines Show that the height of the cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a sphere of are coplanar. Also find the radius R is =. Also find the maximum volume. OR Show that the total surface area of a closed cuboid with square base and given volume is minimum, when it is a cube. Using matrices, solve the following system of linear equations: 3x —2y + 3: Evaluate: _—*“* __ vemee Tae +1) OR Evaluate: [*[]x-1|+|x-2|+|x-4|]dx Two cards are drawn simultaneously (or successively without replacement) from a well suffled pack of 52 cards. Find the mean and variance of the number of red cards. 122 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Set-Il Only those questions, not included in Set I, are given. 7. Evaluate: 2x gtr [ee er se (3x-2y (35). 10. If |, find the value of y. Lox 2 zy . 3-2 13, Find the angle between the line and the plane x + 2y +2z-5=0. 15. Solve the following differential equation: 24 2 & oe + 2xy = 16. Using properties of determinants, prove the following: Tox x 2 4 x|=Q-x3)?, x Pol 18. If y=acos(log x) +b sin(log.x), then show that 2 PE Mey dx? dx 26. A pair of dice is thrown 4 times. If getting a doublet is considered a success, find the mean and variance of the number of successes. 28, Using integration, find the area of the region: {(x,y):25x? + 9y? < 225 and 5x + 3y 215) Set-Ill Only those questions, not included in Set I and Set II are given. Jy 5) (-21 5). . 1 HL. oy 5) Ch 33} find the value of x. 4, Evaluate: ic em e+e 18. Vix? +1 —y? =a(x- y), show that Examination Papers ~ 2009 123 17. Using properties of determinants, prove the following athe c+dy p+qr| acp axtb cxtd pxtql=(-x*)|b d q uv w vow 18. For the differential equation wt = (x +2)(y +2), find the solution curve passing through ix the point (1, ~1). 20. Find the equation of the perpendicular drawn from the point (1, -2, 3) to the plane 2x — By + 4z+9 = 0. Also find the co-ordinates of the foot of the perpendicular. 24. Using integration, find the area of the triangle ABC with vertices as A(-1,0), B(1, 3) and (3,2). 27. From a lot of 30 bulbs which includes 6 defectives, a sample of 4 bulbs is drawn at random with replacement. Find the mean and variance of the number of defective bulbs, 124 Xam idea Mathematics — XII UTES Set- SECTION-A 1. Lot = [—+—dr-j;—*& _ x+xlogx x(.+ log) Let 1 + log dax-at x log |t|+C = log|1 + log x|+€ 1 1k 2 [= adr= [(2x+ 3) 2dx las Je J a} (2x + 3)2 1x2 lo 2a =52 32 = 5-3 . Given binary operation is a*b=2a+b~ab 344=2x344-3x4 > 3*4=-2 x y+22)-7 3 y= Given @ = 2-3) +68 VERTF% -7 = |a 4, _B-3f + 6k ae HBA 3i +k lal ? Examination Papers ~ 2009 125 > d= Unit vector in direction of a =27-37 48% 7 77 6. Direction ratios of the line passing through (-2, 4,5) and (1, 2,3) are 1—(-2),2-4,3-(-5) =3,-2,8 Direction cosines are =——3__,_=2_,_8 _ * Wri Wri ah 3-2 8 OMT S77 7. ayy =4, by =-3 ayy +byy =4 8. Given|al=V3, |bl=2, a-b=V3 We know a:b =| al [blcosd = 3 =V3(2)cos0 1 = 4=coso 2 = 9. Given = 2A|=8- 32=-24 |Al=2-8=-6 > ~24 = k(-6) 4k = fan 38) = tan” n)) Jo. tan (tan—")= tan "(tan n= {10 F)-on(vo(n-3)) 1 =tan1(-1) =-2 an =-4 Principal value of tan“ {tan : Fz SECTION-B 11, Let = fos _ @¥siny(B+4sin) Let sin x= 126 Xam idea Mathematics — XII cos x dx = dt 1 dt (2+98+4) Tet 1 __ Grea 20 344 = 12AB+4)+ 52+ > 3A42B=1 4A¥B=0 5 3A-8A=1 1 5 A= =j—# oye “le N44) SI 24E S344 Vyogl2+e)+4tel3+#l 6 = log 2 +sin s+ blog |3-+4sin a+ fad 4sin al. 2+sinx Let I = [x? cos! xdx [Integrating by parts] +ha-x) 4c 1p shoe 2) 4C Examination Papers ~ 2009 127 12. Given relation is R = {(a,b):a $b?) Reflexivity: Let a¢ real numbers, aRa=asa? ‘il 1 1 butifa<1 Leta=5 = atal 2 4 aga Hence R is not reflective Symmetry Let a, b € real numbers. aRb =>a bRa For example, let a=2,b=5 then 2<5? but5 <2? is not true. Hence R is not symmetric. Transitivity Let a, b, c€ real numbers aRb =>a-3<1 aRe = 2<1is not true 13. Given log (x? + #)=200(4) Differentiating w.r.tx ds ax 2y xy? 128 Xam idea Mathematics — XII (ya dx L* J > avr 2y Hh a0? OR Given x= a(cost +t sin), y = a(sin t - f cost) a> a aesint +tcost + sin) = atcost, = cost +tsint ~ cost) =atsint dy _dy/dt_atsint _ dx dx/dt atcost Differentiating w.r.t.x again tant 2 > FY. soc? 1 dx’ dx 1 “at cost sec? f a 14. Given curve is y= V4x—2 a) Differentiating w.r.tx dy 4 2 ax Wix-2 Jie ‘The tangent is parallel to the line 4x - 2y+5=0. 4 The slope of this line is 2 Slope of tangent = 1=Vie—2 Sls4r-2 0 Sox Put value of x in (i) lax 3 a Examination Papers ~ 2009 129 Equation of tangent will be =n votaa(x3) = y-1=2x- i vie or 2y-2=4x Hence equation of tangent is 4x-2y-1=0 oR Given f(x) = 4x3 +5x? +2 > f(x) =12x? +10x We know for finding approximate values fleet Aa) = f(a) + f).Ax f(2.01) = f(2) + f"(2)(0.01) =140)° +5(2)? + 2) + [12(2)? + 10(2)](0.01) =[4x 845x442] 4 [12x 4 +20](001) 54 + (68)(0.01) 4.68 15. LHS of given equation = tan 2 Using 2 tan“! A = cos? 14a? 130 Xam idea Mathematics — XII afte 2n = r= cos) Ute 3 [Using cos“(-A) = - cos"! A and tan“1(-A) =- tan A] > = 2tan tx 2tant x= 2% = G3 +D03-1) ye SNE os 16. Given line can be rearranged to get x-(-1) 5/3) 2-3 2 3 Its direction ratios are 2, 3, 6. Direction ratios of normal to the plane 10x + 2y - 11z= 3are 10, 2,- 11 Angle between the line and plane 210+ 3%2+ 6-11) sing = S30 VEF FF 360100 + 4+ 12 2046-66 _ 40 7% 1 sino == or0 =sin-(=8) 2 (a1) 17. (x? +y9)dy — x7ydx = Vis rearranged as. Examination Papers ~ 2009 131 It is a homogeneous differential equation. Integrating both sides, we get (1,1) dx J (tal J x + log|»| =—log| 4 tog| 3y> x3 => = + og| y|=Cis the solution of the given differential equation. 3y (2}]--tesisiee di 18. Given differential equation is # + ycotx = 4x cosec x and is of the type a +Py=Q ix " LF i= eltottde _ log sins Its solution is given by > sin x.y= [4x coseex.sin xdx =sinx 2 = ysinx=fard Bec > ysinx=2x? +C Now y=Owhen x= +C3C Hence the particular solution of given differential equation is 2 a sin x= 2x? -2 y 2 132 Xam idea Mathematics — XII a@+l ab ac 19. Let|Al=| ab b? +1 be ca cbc +1 Apply C, 3aCy,Cy 3bC,,C3 eC ata? +1) ab? ca > |Al=+] a 16241) cb abe we Be ec? +1) Take a, b,c common respectively from Ry,Ry and Ry nel? oe fod jaja] at ar ae a a 41 Apply C; >C; +C, +C3 ar eer ec%+1 bc’ JAl=|a2 462 4072 41 b2 41 c? a7 +b2 40741 2? 2 41 1 BP =@ +b ecr If bet c’ 1b? Pad Apply Ry > R3 - Ry Ry R3-Ry 1b? |Al=@? +62 +c? 4/0 1 0 001 Expanding along C, |Alsa2 +b? 407 41 20. Let P(A) = Probability that A hits the target = P(B) = Probability that B hits the target = 2/5 (i P(target is hit) = P(at least one of A, B hits) =1-P (none hits) 2,3 9 x3 305 Examination Papers ~ 2009 133 21. 22. (ii) P(exactly one of them hits) = P(A& B or A& B) = P(A) x P(B) + P(A). P(B) 2.2 7 2y2 7 3°05 15 yee aa! “ Let v=y* uax¥ Taking log on either side of the two equation, we get logy = xlog y, logu= ylog x Differentiating w.r.t.x, we get 1 togatl udy x dx = Given a.b = a.¢ = a.b-a.c=0 = a(b-c)=0 = cither b= Coralb-e Also given ax b= axe. = axb-axe=0 3 — ax(b-e)=0 > allb-corbee But @ cannot be both parallel and perpendicular to (b ~ c). Hence b = ¢. 134 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 23, 24. ‘SECTION-C Let x = Number of cakes of Ist type while y= Number of cakes of IInd type The linear programming problem is to maximise z = x + y subject to. 200x + 100y < 5000 = 2x + y $50 25x + 50y < 1000 => x +2y< 40 and x20,y20 To solve the LPP we draw the graph of the in equations and get the feasible solution shown (shaded) in the graph Corner points of the common shaded region are A (25, 0), B (20, 10) and (0, 20). Value of at each comer points: y Z] =0+20=20 (0,20) Z] — =20+10=30 (29,10) Z| =25+0=25 (25,0) Hence 20 cakes of Ist kind and 10 cakes of IInd kind should be made to get maximum. number of cakes, Given region is {(x, y):9x? + y? < 36 and 3x + y> 6} We draw the curves corresponding to equations 2 2 9x7 +y?=36 or Apr aland srt y=6 The curves intersect at (2, 0) and (0, 6) Shaded area is the area enclosed by the two curves and is We x #) 2 — |dx -|(6- 3x)d: 7 Je 3x)dx Examination Papers ~ 2009 135 25. 26. Given lines are x+3_y-1 1 x+1_y-2 a2 These lines will be coplanar if 2-8 Yeh 22-2 a by “1 @ and (i by 2 5-5 1 5 |=26-10)-1(-15+5)=0 2 5 Hence lines are co-planar. ‘The equation of the plane containing two lines is x+3 y-1 2-5 3 1° 5 |=0 10205 -S(x + 3) +10(y -1) -5-5 -5x-15 + 10y - 10 -5z +25=0 Sx-+10y~52+0=0 -x+2y-z=0 or x-2y+z=0 Let r, h be the radius and height of the cylinder inscribed in the sphere of radius R. Using Pythagoras theorem 4y? +h? =4R? p22 R? 1? 7 a Zo <> vuauag (aR? = Ver i 3 dv 2 7 = Ven oi dt (i For finding maximum volume é—t—} w > aR? SS dh 136 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Differentiating (i) again @V __ on, de av (aR? ~n? (2) \ 3 4nR , cubic units, av OR ‘The sides of the cuboid in the square base can be x, xand y Let total surface area = S= 2x? + 4xy i) As volume of cuboid is V = x?y= constant v yes (i) z S=2x? ¢dxV nar? [Substituting (i) in ()] x x si smum § ds To find condition for minimum $ we find 7 ix w fi x (iti) 2 4x3 =4V 1 9 x8 eVerxaV3 Differentiating (iif) again wart. x 25 4 ax? x Examination Papers ~ 2009 137 es dx? (x-v¥3) 1 Surface area is minimum when x= V5 Put value of x in (ii) yeyev3 Hence cuboid of minimum surface area is a cube. 27. Given linear in equations are 3x-2y+3=8 Qety-z= 4Ax- By +24 The given equations can be expressed as AX = B (3-2 3)/2) (8) = [: 1 -aly|=|1) 4-3 2}\z) la) X= A"B To find A™ we first find Adj. A Co-factors of elements of A are ey ecl, ey 2-8, G3 =-10 oy c= ey =I cach os, e357 -8 10) Matrix of co-factors=|-5 -6 1 | 19 7) (1-5 -1 8-6 9 {-10 1 7 32-3) +204 +4) + 3-6-4) =-3+16- 30=-1740 -1 -5 -1) <|-8 -6 9 7 ates to 1 7) 138 Xam idea Mathematics — XII = x=1,y=2,2=3is the required solution of the equations. 4 28. Let! = {—— ax (x-1)(@* +1) Suppose xt xfs (x=? +1) (x=)? +1) ex¢1+—1_ (x=? +1) Also let ——1___-_A_, Bxve (x=1? #1) X-1 x? 41 => 1= A(x? +1) +(Br+Q(x-1) Equating coefficients of similar terms A+B -B+C A-C A-B fix | L J 1 1 2x 1 dx = 4x4 ogix—1j-} ax-}| dx 2 Ja Jaa 2 =* 4 xt]tog|y—1]—-log|x? +1)-btantx+¢ 2 2 4 2 Examination Papers ~ 2009 OR 4 Given I = [[|x-1]+|x~2|-+|x-4|]dx 1 4 2 4 4 (x= Ide + f(x 2)dx + f(x Ade + [Ge Ade 1 2 1 Ddereaet 2) 2 2 =141.3 22 29. Total no. of cards in the deck = 52 Number of red cards = 26 No. of cards drawn = 2 simultaneously x= value of random variable = 0, 1,2 4 ia) xP) afP(2) ° 25 ° ° 1m 1 52 52 in 02 02 2 25 So 100 im 102 102 aPC) = 1 Ex P(x) = 82 102 Mean = = 3x;P(x) =1 Variance = 0 = Ex? P(x) - 50 25 102. 51 139 140 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Og ede = dt at ¢ 1 Fhog|t| +e ziesltl 1 2x 4 9-23 = slog |e?" +e c hes! | 10. Using equality of two matrices, we have 3x-2y=3 x=-3 3(-3) -2y=3 > -2y=12 = y=-6 x=-3,y=-6 13. The given line is Itis rearranged as Ho2_y-5/2 3 2 DR's of the line are = 3, 2, 6 The given equation of plane is x + 2y + 2z-5=0 ‘The DR’s of its normal are = 1, 2,2 To find angle between line and plane ing = 30) +20) + 62) 19 Words d6vl44ed 21 = 05 sin) 2 15, The differential equation given is 24.5 (2 Ft 2ay Examination Papers ~ 2009 Itis an equation of the type # +Py=Q ix is required solution. Tox x? 16. Let|AJ=|x?2_ 1 x xox Apply C, 9C, +Cy +C3 lexex? ox x JAl=|lexex? 1 ox Texter? x? 1x = |Al=(4+x42)1 10 x rx oa Apply R, >R, -Ry, R3 >R3-R, 1 x x? = |Ala(l+x4x?)]0 1-x xx? 0 x?-x 1-2? Take (1 ~ x) common from R, and R 1x |Al=G+x4x2)0-97]0 1 x 0 -x 1+x Expanding along C, JAl=(4x4x2)-92 04 x4x7) =(1-x°)? fe1-x3 =G-yt+x+x?)] 18. Given y= acos(log x) +b sin(log x) = AY _ ~Asin(logs) , beos(log 3) dx x x 141 142 Xam idea Mathematics — XII = rf =-asin(log x) + b cos(log.x) Differentiating again w.r.t. x acos(logx) _ bsin(log x) * x 26. Here number of throws = 4 P(doublet) = p = z 6 6 P(not doublet) = q= 22 =5 366 Let X denotes number of successes, then P(x=0)=4C, O4# <1 x1x(3) = oa a) 296 @ 125 _ 500 3)" 24x 300, é) 1296 1296 1296 1296 y 6) “6 1296 4 1 1 Px=4)=4e,/ 4) = 9 = "Cale ~aa56 Being a binomial distribution with n=4,p=Land g=2 axt 2 63 mean 1 5 = variance = npq=4x+x2=2, H pq axe 3 28. The region given is {(x,y):25x? + 9y? < 225 and 5x + 3y 215} Consider the equations 25x? +9y?=225 and = 5x+3y=15 2 2 =1 which is an ellipse. Examination Papers ~ 2009 143 The two curve intersect at points (0, 5) and (3, 0) obtained by equating values of y from two equations. Hence the sketch of the curves is as shown in the figure and required area is the shaded region. The required included area is @ x 9B 3\2°2 Set-Il 1. Using equality of two matrices > y3 4. 1 ax, gna £'Q) =Htogle™ +e-™|+C » [E? ae=tog| feo |+C a8 Fig) = 8 15. Given Vi-x? +y1-y? =alx-y) Letx=sin A = ty yesinB = => Basin ty V1-—sin? A +¥1-sin? B =a(sin A — sin B) > cos A +.cos B= a.2c0s4*B sin A= B 2» 2c0sAFB cos AaB - aa cos A sin AKB 144 7. 18. atby c+dy ptqx Let|A|=|axtb cxtd pr+g uo» w Apply R, +R, - xR, atbx c+dx p+qx |A|=|b-bx? d-dx? q—qx? u 2 w Taking 1 — x? common from Ry atbx c+dx ptqx |Al-Q-x7) bd g uv ow Apply Ry > Ry — xR, we get acp |Al=@-x7)]b d q|=RHS wow Given differential equation is wy fh (04 21y 42) ax = Yay tae ytd x Integrating both sides —dy=((142) Saw f(v+2 es = if - Ale = so + 2)ix ye Xam idea Mathematics — XII Examination Papers ~ 2009 145 = y-2Dlog|y +2) =x+2log|x|+¢ @ The curve represented by (i) passes through (1,~1). Hence -1-2logl =1+2log|1 |+C = C=-2 The required curve will be > 2log|y + 2|=x + 2log|x|~2 20. Let the foot of the perpendicular on the plane be A. PAL to the plane PU1-2.3) 2x-3y+42+9=0 DR’s of PA =2,-3,4 Equation of PA can be written as xe1_yt2_2-3 2° 304 General points line PA = (2A +1,~ 34-2, 44 +3) The point is on the plane hence 2(2A +1) ~ 3(-3A 2) + 444 43) + 9=0 => 29442920 or A=1 Co-ordinates of foot of perpendicular are (-1, 1,1). 24. We mark the points on the axes and get the triangle ABC as shown in the figure 146 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 4 =3+5-4=4 square units. 27. Total no. of bulbs = 30 Number of defective bulbs = 6 Number of good bulbs = 24 Number of bulbs drawn = 4 = robability of drawing defective bull 4 = probability of drawing good bulb = : ‘The given probability distribution is a binomial distribution with n=4, p=} =! 955 5 Where P(r = 0,1, 2, 3, 4 success) Hence mean =.= np po4xtid 55 EXAMINATION PAPERS - 2010 MATHEMATICS CBSE (Delhi) CLASS - XII Time allowed: 3 hours General Instructions: 1 2. All questions are compulsory The question paper consists of 29 questions divided into three Sections A, B and comprises of 10 questions of one mark each, Section B comprises of 12 questions of four marks each and Section C comprises of 7 questions of six marks each. All questions in Section A are to be answered in one word, one sentence or as per the exact requirement of the question. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in 4 questions of four marks each and 2 questions of six marks each. You have to attempt only one of the alternative questions. Use of calculator is not permitted. Set ‘SECTION-A Question numbers 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each. x-1 1. Whats the range of the function f(x) ae 2. What is the principal value of si (cosa ~ sino 3. IFA , then for what value of ois A an identity matrix? ina coset) 020 4. Whats the value of the determinant} 234]? 456 k 5. Evaluate : {8* x 6. What is the degree of the following differential equation? Maximum marks: 100 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. Write a vector of magnitude 15 units in the direction of vector? ~ 2 + 2k. Write the vector equation of the following line: 7 2 me aie 1)_{7 1) shen write the value of [5 alle 5] _ then write the value of k 23) What is the cosine of the angle which the vector V2i + j + £ makes with y-axis? SECTION-B On a multiple choice examination with three possible answers (out of which only one is correct) for each of the five questions, what is the probability that a candidate would get four or more correct answers just by guessing? Find the position vector of a point R which divides the line joining two points P and Q whose position vectors are (2 a +b) and (a ~ 3 b) respectively, externally in the ratio 1 : 2. Also, show that P is the mid-point of the line segment RQ. Find the Cartesian equation of the plane passing through the points A(0,0,0) and B(3,~1, 2)and parallel to the line 774 _¥+3_2+1 1 4 7 Using elementary row operations, find the inverse of the following matrix (2 5) 3) Let Z be the set of all integers and R be the relation on Z defined as R =((a,b);a,beZ, and (a~b)is divisible by 5.] Prove that R is an equivalence relation, Prove the following Prove the following co) tn \i3/ Show that the function f defined as follows, is continuous at x = 2, but not differentiable: 3x-2, O2 OR sin7 [x JT—x ~ vx y1-x?]. Examination Papers ~ 2010 149 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, Evaluate: [e* 1-x? sax, x0-2) /3 sin x4 cos x 16 jin 2 Find the points on the curve y= y-coordinate of the point. Find the general solution of the differential equation dy, 2 xlogx & + y=2-log x ax x oR Find the particular solution of the differential equation satisfying the given conditions: ay Evaluate : [ Evaluate : at which the slope of the tangent is equal to the = y tan x, given that y=1 when x=0. ax Find the particular solution of the differential equation satisfying the given conditions: x?dy + (xy +y?) dx=0;y=1whenx=1 SECTION-C Question numbers 23 to 29 carry 6 marks each. 23. 24. A small firm manufactures gold rings and chains. The total number of rings and chains manufactured per day is atmost 24. It takes 1 hour to make a ring and 30 minutes to make a chain. The maximum number of hours available per day is 16. If the profit on a ring is Rs. 300 and that on a chain is Rs 190, find the number of rings and chains that should be manufactured per day, so as to earn the maximum profit. Make it as an L.P-P. and solve it graphically. ‘A card from a pack of 52 cards is lost. From the remaining cards of the pack, two cards are drawn at random and are found to be both clubs. Find the probability of the lost card being, of clubs. OR From a lot of 10 bulbs, which includes 3 defectives, a sample of 2 bulbs is drawn at random. Find the probability distribution of the number of defective bulbs. The points A(4,5, 10), B(2, 3, 4) and C (1, 2, ~ 1) are three vertices of a parallelogram ABCD. Find the vector equations of the sides AB and BC and also find the coordinates of point D. Using integration, find the area of the region bounded by the curve x* = 4y and the line x=dy-2 150 Xam idea Mathematics — XII OR xtan x Evaluate: [" —“"" ax. N Secx+ tan x 27. Show that the right circular cylinder, open at the top, and of given surface area and maximum volume is such that its height is equal to the radius of the base 28. Find the values of x for which f(x) =[x(x—2)]* is an increasing function. Also, find the points on the curve, where the tangent is parallel to x-axis. 29, Using properties of determinants, show the following: +0? ab ca ab (a+0? be |= 2abe(atb +0)? ac be (a+b)? Only those questions, not included in Set I, are given. 3. Whats the principal value of cos" | 8), 7. Find the minor of the element of second row and third column (a3) in the following, determinant: 23° °5 6 0 4 105 7 11. Find al points of discontinuity of f, where fis defined as follows = |x|+3, xs-3 2x, -3t, —foy- =P 1 1) (i) Forx<1, f(a) (x-1) [1] Range of = is (+1, 1} ge oF fa) = is Hh 2. Letx=sin“*(- 23) (2) v3 2) > sinx= + sinx=sin(-* 2 \ 3/ x = xe-k 3 af). = ‘The principal value of sin a is-= principal va Bis We have given feos —sin a “| sina — cos. For the identity matrix, the value of Aj, and A; should be 1 and value of Ay and Ay, should be 0. ie, cosa=1 and sina=0 ‘As we know cos 0° = 1 and sin 0° =0 > a= Examination Papers ~ 2010 153 o2 2 4) 12 3 4. [23 1 gl g.g |(exPanding the given determinant by R) 45 . =-2(12-16)= The value of determinant is 8 5. We have given 1 [PB ax x Let logx=t => Lav=at x Given integral =frdt 2 logy? = +e 2 2 6. 6y = log x ’ Degree of differential equation is the highest power of the highest derivative. In above“ ¥ is ax the highest order of derivative. Its degree = 1 7. Let Aai-27 42k Unit vector in the direction of A is = 51 — 10) + 10k 154 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 10. 11. We get given line passes through the point (x71, 9,3) i, (6,4, 6) and direction ratios are (a,b, 0) ie, 3,7,-2) Now, we can write vector equation of line as A =i - 4) +68) +2.(37 +7) -28 fl 2yps a (7 1y (3 a s+ k 23) fl 2yp3 1 LHS al: 3] (OGB+QVQ MA+QeQ,_l[7 Ww LIA+4H2 (3)M+46))} [” a Now comparing LHS to RHS, we get k=17 We will consider (JB +pok Unit vector in the direction of @ is @= ‘The cosine of the angle which the vector JZ +] + & makes with y-axis is (1 ls ‘SECTION-B No. of questions =" =5 Option given in each question = 3 p=probability of answering correct by guessing = 4 = probability of answering wrong by guessing =1-p=1 ols ols This problem can be solved by binomial distribution. payer ray poy="c, (2) "(4 ° ( J 3) four or more correct answers = 4 or 5 wherer ( Pa)=5c, (2) (i) P@=5C, (ay Examination Papers ~ 2010 155 P =P(4)+P6) eA(3)G) “a (s) “(ft [Ea 0 os \3, 3.3 3x3x3x3L3) 243 12. The position vector of the point R dividing the join of P and Q externally in the ratio 1: 2is )-2Q8 +b) 1-2 Mid-point of the line segment RQ is (Ba+5b)+@-3b)_ 123 2 As itis same as position vector of point P, so P is the mid-point of the line segment RQ. 13. Equation of plane is given by a(x- x4) +b(y-yy) +2, es through (0, 0, 0) Given plane pa: a(x-0)+b(y-0)+c@-H=0 i) Plane (i) passes through (3, -1, 2) = 3a-b42c=0 (ii) Also plane (i) is parallel to the line 4_y+3_z41 4° 7 a-4b+7¢=0 (iii) Eliminating a,b, c from equations (i, (i) and (iii), we get x oye 3-1 2 1-407 a 2) )3 4 of Za? | => x(-748)-y(21-2)+z(-1241) = x~19y~11z= 0, which is the required equation [5] Wecanwrite, A=IA 14. Given, A 156 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 2 ie, 1 ir IR, +R, - Ry] ja lo IR, > Ry - Ry] [Ry Ry -2Rp] 15. We have provided R=((a,b):a,be Z, and (a~b) is divisible by 5} (8) As(a— a) = Vis divisible by 5. (a@eRVacR Hence, R is reflexive. (i) Let(a, KER = (a-b)is divisible by 5. > —(b-a)is divisible by 5. => (b-a)is divisible by 5. @,MeER Hence, R is symmetric. (iii) Let (a,b) € Rand (b, Je Z Then, (a—b) is divisible by 5 and (b ~ ¢) is divisible by 5. (a-b) + (b ~ dis divisible by 5. (a- ois divisible by 5 (der = Ris transitive. Hence, R is an equivalence relation. 16. We have to prove (1 tant Vr =4eo at “), xe (0,1) 2 Tex LHS.= tan! Ve=2 [tan Ve] af @?- 03)? ] 4) cost OW) a (1)? +3)? | 1-x Tex 1 (- cos"| | =RHS. Hence Proved. u Examination Papers ~ 2010 157 LHS=RHS_ Hence Proved {3x-2, O yssin~ Differentiating w.r.t. x, we get dy 1d (2sin 2x cos 2x~4 2sin? 2x sin 2x cos 2x and 1 ~ cos 4x =2 sin? 2x] “fel = Je® (cot 2x ~ 2 cosec? 2x) dx = Jot 2x.e* dx~2fe* cosec? 2x dx = [cot 2x.e* ~ f(-2 cosec? 2x) .e*dx]~2 fe* cosec? 2x dx = cot 2x.e* +2 feosec” 2v.e* dx-2 [eosec® 2x.e* dx=e* cot 2x+e OR We have given jae ax 2x? =x Examination Papers ~ 2010 159 By partial fraction x-2_x-2 A = + Qe —x XQx-1) x 2x-1 x-2=A(2x-1)+Bx (ii) Equating co-efficient of x and constant term, we get, 2A+B=1 and -A=-2 1x 1 1 (2 Sega ratte ase 1 3 =4x+log|x|- log|1-2x| +e 2 | *|— 7 log Il |ax = 2x] 19, Given integral can be written as n/3 sin x+cosx sin x+ osx m3 dy = [2 SREP SSS ty */6 J —(1—sin 2x) 16 Nh ( sim x — cos x)? Putsin x~ cos x=t so that, (cos x+sin x) - 2 20. Let P (x;, y,) be the required point. The given curve is, yar? @ Wy 352 ax . ay = 3x? Ma), 160 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 21. the slope of the tangent at (x), y,) =) 3x =, (i) Also, (x¢;, y;) lies on (i) soy, =x? (ii) From (ii) and (ii), we have 3x2=xP = x2 (3-x,)=0 > y=0 or x =3 When x; =0, 44 =(0)9 = When x; = 3, y; =(3)° = 27 the required points are (0, 0) and (3, 27). a rlogx . dy 1 > i * vlog x log x a0) ‘This is a linear differential equation of the form ay Ya py ai Pye where P = andQ xlogx {Let log x= ylogx= J log xdx+C [. solution is y (L F)=fae F)dx+C] x => ylog x=2 flog x x? dxve T = ylogx=2| log x e +c = ylogs=2[-BE% fx? ax] +c x = ylogr=2| -°8% disc ; x = log x=-2(1+log.x+0), which is the required solution x Examination Papers ~ 2010 161 22. OR ytanx = Yetanxax ax v By integrating both sides, we get fran x.dx y log y=log| seex| +C (i) By putting x = Oand y= 1 (as given), we get log 1 = log (sec 0) +C c=0 2 > log y=log|seex| = yasecx xP dy + y (x+y) dx=0 xPdy=-y(x+y) dx ty z » +y w @ Putting y=ox and Y =o + x in equation () ix ae dy __ (ox? +0?x? do 2. vex Sa | AON | vex Bee) a | J ae = > (by separating variable) = (integrating both sides) = 162 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 23. = log sa +2log x=2logC => log sol ti? wk, where k =C? > =logk => ca k . - = xt y=k(y+2%) Itis given that 1 and x=1, putting in (if), we get k => kab 3 Putting k= + in (i), we get Dy =(3)u+29 > 3x7y =(y + 2x) ‘SECTION-C Total no. of rings & chain manufactured per day = 24 Time taken in manufacturing ring = 1 hour Time taken in manufacturing chain = 30 minutes ‘One time available per day = 16 N| Maximum profit on ring = Rs 300 % Maximum profit on chain = Rs 190 2-4 Let gold rings manufactured per day = x g Chains manufactured per day = y 2a LPP. is 20 maximize Z = 30x + 190y s Subject to x20, y20 x+ys24 2 x +t ysl6 8 Possible points for maximum Z are 4 (16, 0), (8, 16) and (0, 24). At (16,0), Z = 4800 + 0 = 4800 o Examination Papers ~ 2010 163 At(8,16), Z= 2400+ 3040-5440 <— Maximum, AL(0, 24), Z=0 + 4560 = 4560 Z is maximum at (8, 16). -. 8 gold rings & 16 chains must be manufactured per day. 24. Let Ay,E, and E; be the events defined as follows: A: cards drawn are both club Ey: lost card is club E,: lost card is not a club 131 39 3 Then, P(E; =, PE; == en, PE) = Sy P= Ag P(A / E,) = Probability of drawing both club cards when lost card is club = 2 x # 515 P(A / Ey) =Probability of drawing both club cards when lost card is not club = s To find : P(E, / A) By Baye’s Theorem, POE, / A) = EPA Fy) __ P(E,)P(A / Ey) + PE,)P(A / E) 1,20 _ 50 _ 12x11 noon “TT 3, BB Batis sxx T1439 50 4 51 50 4 50 OR There are 3 defective bulbs & 7 non-defective bulbs. Let X denote the random variable of “the no. of defective bulb.” ‘Then X can take values 0, 1, 2 since bulbs are replaced 3 > p=PD)=—5 and g=PO We have FO 5 C. 7x6 P(x a0) = 62% Co _ 7X6 7 We, 0x9 7x3 p(X) =O %2Cr 79x27 Cy 1x9 15 Fo. 3 P (Kan) S0% Co _1X3x2_ 1 WG, 0x9 1S - Required probability distribution is x o 1 2 P(x) 7/5 7s wis 12 164 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 25. 26. The points A (4,5, 10), B(2, 3, 4) and C (1, 2, ~1) are three vertices of parallelogram ABCD. Let coordinates of D be (x, y,2) Direction vector along AB is 7 =(2-4)7+(3-5)] +(4-10) k= 27 27 - 66 2. Equation of line AB, is given by ° (di +5) + 10K) + A (2f + 2] + 68) Direction vector along BC is (1-2) +(2-3)7+(-1-4) <. Equation of a line BC, is given by 2f +37 44h) +n +7 +5k) Since ABCD is a parallelogram AC and BD bisect each other ( 5+2 eet) Ce Sey ‘] 2° 2° 2 2 2 = 44229 = Co-ordinates of D are (3, 4, 5). Given curve x? =4y li) Line equation x=dy-2 (i) Equation (i) represents a parabola with vertex at the origin and axis along (+)ve direction of y-axis. Equation (i) represents a straight line which meets the coordinates axes at (2,0) ana(o, 3} respectively. By solving two equations, we obtain x=x?-2 > x*-x-2=0 (by eliminating y) > (x-2(x+=0 => x=-12 The point of intersection of given parabola & line are (2, 1) and (- L 3] Examination Papers ~ 2010 165 required area= f°, (yp -y) dx (it “P(x, yp) and Q (x, yy) lies on (ii) and (i) respectively x+2 Y= TT andy, = x42 2 *. (iil) = Area =f] a = face! far ee xtan x 0 Secx+tanx sin x x cos 2 xsinx an *=f os * cos x (m—x)sin dx fi) 0 T+sinx (a= asin (n=) 0 T¥sin(e—a) _ pt (n—x)sinx dx [: w f f(x) ax=[) fla~2) ar| t=) 1+sinx i ma nsinx 2 -f ; dx [Using (i) and (ii)] in x (1 => Q-=n 0 @¥sin x) (= sina) 2 2 sin x~ sin? x x[ sinx _ sin? x anf ES A axan ft foe Je 1~sin? x © | cos? x cos? x =n ff tan xsecxdy—n [* tan? xdv =n fF tan xsecxdy—n [¥ (sec? x-1) dx ff secx tan xdx—m f* sec? xdx+n f° dx =n[secx]j - [tan x]j +x[x]j +C=2[-1-1]-0+2[n-0]=n(n-2) x = 1=2(n-2) 20 ) 166 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 27. Let be the radius and h be the height of the cylinder of given surface s. Then, nr? + 2nhr [From eqn. (] do dr 2 For maximum or minimum value, we have ii) aig ar =n? +2nrh= 3a? => rsh Differentiating equation (ii) w.r.t.r, we get &o dr’ Hence, whenr =h, i., when the height of the cylinder is equal to the radius of its base v is, maximum. 28. We have given y=b@-2P @ =x? (x? -4x44) Ax? 44x? 3nr<0 Ye ax3 - 12x + 8x ax For the increasing function, Wo ax > 4x3 -12x7 48x>0 = 4x(x? -3x4+2)>0 = 4x(x-1)(@-2)>0 Ford2, 2 =) (4) = (ve dx Examination Papers ~ 2010 167 ‘The function is increasing for 02 If tangent is parallel to x-axis, then 4Y = ae > 4x(x-1)(x-9=0 = x=0,1,2 For x=0,f(0)=0 For x=1, f() =f (1-2) For x=2, f(2)=[2 x0]? =0 :. Required points are (0,0), (1, 1), 2,0). (b+0? ab ca 29. Toprove: | ab (ato? be |=2abe(a+b+o)? ac be (a+b)? +0? ab ca Let ab (a+o? be ac be (a+b)? [Multiplying R,, Ry and R by a,b, c respectively] abb+o? ba? awe ast} a? bare? Be ate ac? be? (at bye eq? @ mm 6? (c +a)” ? ave ra cz a+b)? [Cy 9C, Cy andC, Cy - C3] +o? 0 a 0 (c+? b> b? =(a+b? ce? -(a+b)? (a+)? (b+ctab+c-a) 0 a = 0 (c+atbb+c-a) 7 (c+atb(c—a—b) (c+a+b)(c—a—b) (a+b)? bec-w 0 a a+b+o?} 0 cta-b wo c-a-b c-a-b (a+b)? 168 Xam idea Mathematics — XII b+c-a 0 a =(a+b+0?] 0 cta-b BF (Ry Rg -(Ry +R,)) 2 2 2ab eo @ be+ba 7 [Cy Cy +C5, Cy 9C, +C5] 0 2ab bso? bec a a athe =O ab. 20h b cra b a 0 01 bec a = 2ab 2 a dablarbrg? |e = 2ab (a+b +0)? (+0) (c +a) — ad} = 2abe (a+b +0) =RHS Set = cosy=-3 2 la => cos cos) n The principal value of cos U We have given 2° -3 5 6 0 4 1 5 7 Minor of an element 43 = Mo Examination Papers ~ 2010 169 1. 14. We have given |x|+3, xs-3 f=) 2x, B e= 58 170 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 18. i) +» feydr=|fla—dx Lo a J Ci) Adding equations (i) and (i), we get nn 0 T¥sinx a 1=sin x anf — x © (sina) sin) =nf (sec? x= sec x tan x) dx =n[tan x— sec x]} =n{(0+1) -(0-1)]=20 > 2U=2n or I=0 20. Given equation of curve yar 42x46 i) Equation of line x+14y+4=0 (ii) Differentiating (i) w.rt. x, we get M3242 axed dx dy 3x? +2 Slope of normal = ax? +2 and itis parallel to equation of line. =a 3x2742 14 = 3x2 42-14 = 3x? =12 wad o xot2 From equation of curve, y=18; ifx=-2,y=-6 Equation of normal at (2, 18) is yi8=-E(e-2) or x414y-254=0 ifx and for (-2,-6) itis 1 +6=- 2) or x+14y+86=0 y gt?) oF x+y Examination Papers ~ 2010 171 23. for 42x) de We have to solve this by the help of limit of sum. $0,a=1,b=3 f(a) = 3x? + 2x, n-2) 5 nh=2 7 fer + 2x) dx= lim ALF) +f +H) +f 42H) +... fA +G=D A) oli) FQ) = 34)? +20) +h) = 301 +h)? +2(1 +h) = 3h? +8h45 (1+ 2h) = 3 (1+ 2h)? +2(1 + 2h) = 12h? +16h45 fA -G=T h) =3(. + (2-1) hy? +20. + (9-1) =3(n-1)? bh? +8 (n-1)h By putting all values in equation (i), we get fer + 2x) de him, h (6) + (3h™ + 8h +5) + (12h? +16h +5) +.. +[3(n-1)? h? +8 (0-1) h+5]] = lim h[3h? 144+ . + (t-1)?} + 8h {1 +24...+ (0-1) +5n] Mo = lim h| 3n2 (n-1) (2n-1) Sh(n- ng hoo 6 2 fled)? CODED E and L244 1) = Jim (AME EH «6-19 804] ao 2 = tim [2“MOE= go +10 kool, 2 | [2x2x4 =) axexae | [by applying limit] = 34 OR We have given 172 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 29. There are two equations (i yy =equation of ellipse oN? fe) (30) x x . ex. We have required area mp2 tart 3 =f) 1 - ye) dx _ [2 fort 2 03_yl fh [5 o-# -26-9] ae y 2 ef x? (3 | de Let Line 1: tay el) From above, a point (x, y,2) on line 1 will be (2u-+1, 31+ 2, 61~ 4) x-3_y-3_245 6 2 From above, a point (x, v,2) on line 2 will be (44+ 3, 6 + 3, 12-5) Position vector from equation (), we get YP =(2u+1)i+(3n42)) +(6u-4)e +2) - 48) +p (2i + 3] + 6) Line 2: a, =i +2) - a, by =2 +37 + 6k Position vector from equation (ii), we get ? = (dA + 3)2 + (62+ 3)] + (12A-5) = (38 + 37 5) +A (AP 4.67 +128) Examination Papers ~ 2010 173 a= 314 37-5k by = 4h +67 412k Fromb, and, we get, =2b, Shortest distance =] !@2 = 41) | lel (a -a,) =(39 + 37-58) - (+2) -4 =2F +f -6 vo a fF TE (ay -a)xb=|2 1 -1]=98 147 +4k 23 6 a ay) x BL = YO? +A? + @? = JTF TBETTS = VBS |B |=? +? +? = JTF 9436 =7 258 Shortest distance = units 1. We have given sin-!(-2) cot (-2) But, as we know sin“! x + cos ©. principal value is S 9. Given |3A|=K|A|, where A is a square matrix of order 3. Weknow that |3A|=(3)3|A|=27| A By comparing equations (i) and (i), we get K=27 11. Let A, E;, E, be the events defined as follow: A: Ball drawn is white E, : Bag Lis chosen, F> : Bag Il is chosen Then we have to find P(E, / A) Using Baye’s Theorem PUE))P(A / Ey) P(E, / A) = 1 SETBAT Ey) + PE) PAT Ey) |o S| 174 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 14. 17. tan“! (1) + tan7! (2) + tan“! (3) = Consider LHS. tan“! (1) + tan! (2) + tan“! (3) A) Let Z=tan™ (1) tan Z=1 z= ii) Andweknow tan“! x+tan“!y=n+tan? 27¥ (iti) y Putting value of (i) and (iii) in equation (i), we get LHS Eine tant 24 2 ogy tant 4 T=xy 4 T=2x3 = 4mttan (-1)=24n-2=n=RHS q a" 4 tan etan?(211)_2 2) 4 Consider above equation xt We know tan! x+ tan! y=tan ) 24% l-xy [ox xl = = ie, EE We have given S=((a,b):a,be Randasb*) (9 Consider a= 2 Examination Papers ~ 2010 175 11) Then a=(24}er e @a (3 A} 3 But 3<(3) is not true 2°) © (aa) @R, for allaeR Hence, R is not reflexive, 1 (ii) Leta=4, b=1 Then, 4<()° ie, 41 2 2 > HER 18 But 1 ¢ (3) 2 b deR Hence, (a,b) € R but (b, a) €R (iii) Let a= Then Also, ‘ OER 3 4 64 But S4[F) ie ae " 1 * (3) 88 a : (ager Hence, (a, DER, (b, JE Rbut(a, JER > Ris not transitive. 19. We have given x-7 woes eli) Let (i) cuts the x-axis at (x, 0) x-7 then = —~—__ (x-2)(x-3) . the required point is (7, 0). Differentiating equation (i) w.r.t. x, we get dy _(&~2)(¢~ 3) 1-(@-7@-2) +(x~ 3] [@-2(e- 97 176 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 2 (2 -5x +6)? x? = 5x +6 2x? + 19x 35 dy _-49+98-29 20 41 4x \y 9) (49-3546)? 400 20 ©. Equation of tangent is 1 ont (x) 1 yon > y . 20 23, f(x) =sin x- cos x, 0SxS2n Differentiating wrt. x, we get f'(2) = cos x+ sin x= V2 sin (E+s) a For critical points, “/ ‘or critical po 3 ix > cos x+sin x=0 > sin x=~ cos x = = 3n i) For0 Bsin(E+x)>0, \2 0} an 7 exc 4 (ii) For nextZcan ie, 4 > Bsin(E+x)} Bsin(2+x)>0, Ma") o=L(x-7) o x? + 14x29 (2 +6-5x x-20y-7=0 ) > tanx=-1 It ies in quadrant I, Il Hence, function is increasing It lies in quadrant IIL, 1V. Hence, function is decreasing, It lies in quadrant 1 Hence, function is increasing Examination Papers ~ 2010 177 Internal where function is strictly increasing is (0,3) (22 ) 0,52) U(Z an Wala Interval where function is strictly decreasing is aa) 24. fie? 9) ax We have to solve it by using limit of sums. b-a_4-1 Here, a=1,b=4, h= ie, nh=3 nH Limit of sum for fia? 2) deis = fim AUD + f+ + $1 +2) + + TM Now, f(l)=1-1=0 fQth=( +h)? -A+h=h? +h f (1+ 2h) =(1+2h)? -(1 + 2h) = 4h? 42h fl+(n-1) = +@-1) 2-1 4-1) =(n-1)? Wh? +(n-1)h fer aydx= lim, hlO+h? +h 4h? + 2h .(n-1)? h? + (n-1) h) = dim Al? Dd D7) +hO4+2+..4@-Y)] So R be defined by f(x) =(3- x9) 1/5, then find fof(x). 2. Write the principal value of sec“! (-2). 3. What positive value of x makes the following pair of determinants equal? 2x 3) [16 3 5 x 5 2 4, Evaluate Jsec? 7 - 4x) de Write the adjoint of the following matrix 2 \4 6. Write the value of the following integral : Jue, sin’ xa 7. Aisa square matrix of order 3 and| A|=7.Write the value of| adj. A Write the distance of the following plane from the origin : 2x-y+2+1=0 9. Write a vector of magnitude 9 units in the direction of vector -2 +} + 2h. 10. Find 4 if (27 + 6j + 14K) x? - aj +78) = 0. ‘SECTION-B Question number 11 to 22 carry 4 marks each. 11. A family has 2 children. Find the probability that both are boys, if it is known that (i) at least one of the children isa boy (ii) the elder child is a boy. 180 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. Show that the relation S in the set A = (r€ Z:0 avd 15, For the following matrices and B, verify that (AB)’ = B’A’. rt ( 4], B=(-1,2,1) 3 te 17. Solve the following differential equation 24) 2 (x? 41) Ls any = fx? +4 (2? 41) Fo day OR Solve the following differential equation (8 +x? sxe 2x? +x ax 20. If y=cosec™! x, x>1. then show that 23. Using matrices, solve the following system of equations : x+2y-32=-4 2x + 3y+2z=2 3x-3y-4z=11 oR If.a,b, care positive and unequal, show that the following determinant is negative : abc aslo ca ca b 25, Show that the volume ofthe greatest cylinder that can be inscribed in a cone of height i’ and 4 nh? tan? a, y semi-vertical angle ‘a’ is 184 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Set-I SECTION-A If f:R > R be defined by fx) = then (fof) x=/(F() =f(G-29)"9)] = [3—((3- 29) /3)3]/3 = [9-(3—x39]/3 33 ax Let = 2n = 2x 3 > We have given 2x 3] /16 3 5s x] [5 2 > 2x? 15 = 32-15 (solving the determinant) = 2x2 =32 = x7=16 > x=44 But we need only positive value xed Let I= fsec? (7 ~ 42) de Let 7-4x=m, -ddv=dm = [sec mdm 4 1 1 ==“ tanm+c=~- tan (7 ~4x) +c 4 4 We have given matrix : Examination Papers ~ 2010 185 2 5 6. [7 sin? xdx Let f(x) =sin? x fx) Thus, f(x) is an odd function. mi2 5 dee [ej sin’ xrdx=0 7. Aisa square matrix of order 3 and| A|= then. | adj. A| =| A|? =(7)? =49 8. We have given plane 2x-y+2+1=0 (2x0) = (1x0) + (2x0) +1 (2)? + (1)? + (2)? Distance from origin = 9. Let rp =—ah +f +2k Unit vector in the direction of r =F = A 7 Vector of magnitude 9 = 9 a+ f+ 2k (2? +)? +2)? | ~ 6+ 37 + 6k Units in the direction of r =9 9 w+pr2k ‘4+1+4 10. We have given (2 +67 +148) x aj +78) ij &k , = 2 6 ul-0 1a 7 “4 6) > > 7 “A = 7 (424140) -0f7 +£(-20-6) = 0. Qs A= > 42+14,.=0 = 14a= 186 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Also, -22-6=0 => A= SECTION-B 11. A family has 2 children, then Sample space = $={BB, BG, GB, GQ, where B= Boy, G = Girl (#) Let us define the following events: vat least one of the children is boy : (BB, BG, GB) B:both are boys: { BB } AQB:(BB P(ANB)_ 1/4 1 PA 3/4 3 (i) Let Azelder boy child : (BB, BG} B:both are boys: (BB} AOB:{BB) _P(ANB)_ 1/41 P(A) 2/4 2 > P(B/A) > P(B/A) 12. We have given, A=(xeZ:0 |a-blisdivisibleby4 and — |b~clis divisible by 4 = (a-bisdivisibleby4 and (b—¢) is divisible by 4 => |a-cl=|(a~b) +(6~0)|is divisible by 4 @oes It is transitive. From above we can say that the relation $ is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. +. Relation S is an equivalence relation. The set of elements related to 1 are {9, 5, 1} Examination Papers ~ 2010 187 13. We have to prove: tant tan (l-x") 4 LHS =tan! x+tan z 1+ cos [tan {sin (cot! x)}]= x @ LHS ‘0s [tan (sin (cot x))] Let x= cot LHS = cos [tan (sin 6)] ( y = cos| tan | = cos| tan oli) ) Let 6, -tant|—1 = tano,-—1 f+ x? + x? + 3x? ay ite? cos; = => 0, =cos Now, put®; in equation (i), we get a fiex? +x cos| cos 14. Consider Xam idea Mathematics — Xi 188 We can write Liasaneda—ad 2 2 where, ; (A+A)isa symmetric matrix and 3 (A~A)isa skew symmetric matrix. Now, 303 2-2 445 3 5/2 1/2 2 co) 2 33 -s|-|-2 2 [4 3/2 3 (ii) 0 Putting value of equations (ii) and (iif) in equation (i), 3.1/2 5/2] 0 5/2 3/2 A=] 1/2 2 -2)+]5/2 0 3 5/2 2 2) [3/2 3 0 30-2 -4] =| 3 2 -5 4a 1 2) Hence Proved. 15, Given, a=i+j+k b=ai-2j4+3k c=i-27+k Consider, Pa2a-b+3e 2f +2] + 2k -47 +27 - Examination Papers ~ 2010 189 Since the required vector has magnitude 6 units and parallel to 7. Required vector = 6F - UE) of aj ak fives ajs2k b=al-2f+7k, c=2f-j+ak Vector d is perpendicular to both @ and b ie, d is parallel to vector @ x b- 4 2 Now let d = (32! ~j - 14K) Also, ¢.d=18 = (2f —7 +48). (32/ —7 - 148 = 18 = H(64+1-56)=18 => 9U=18 or w=2 d= 2(327 ~j - 14k) 16. Given cartesian form of line as: x+2_yt1_z-3 3 2 2) © General point on line is (31 ~ 2, 2u 1, 2 + 3) Since distance of points on line from P (1, 3, 3) is 5 units. (3u— 2-1)? +(Qu-1-3)? +Qu4 3-3)? =5 2j — 28k = (34-3)? + (24-4)? + (24)? = 25 = 17? - 34u=0 = 17p(u-2)=0 = w= «- Required point on line is (-2,~1, 3) forw=0, or (4,3,7) for OR Plane determined by the points A (3, ~1, 2), B, 2, 4) and C(-1, ~1, 6) is x-3 0 ytl 2-2 x-3 ytl 2-2 5-3 241 4-2|=0 = 2 3 2 |=0 -1+1 6-2 -4 0 4 190 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 32 22 3 95 gf-weD] 4 gfee-2 = 12x36 -16y-16 +122~24=0 = 3x-4y+3z-19=0 Distance of this plane from point P (6,5, 9) is 4x5) + (3x9) 19 18—20+ 27-19 6 units fo" a+" 9+ 16 +9 v34 17. Given, (x -y# By simplifying the equation, we get dy, 2x 1 zp wp This is a linear differential equation of the form 4 +Py=Q fpaxb ahaa «xy Given, fltx? +y? +x7y? +xy2=0 dx By simplifying the garation we get Hae stax ty? 4 x2y? taf y 4 (Daw =- fa ao = Ba fa+eyary) =— fare) lary) flex? > 7 = dx yity? * Integrating both sides, we get te yi+ dx o Examination Papers ~ 2010 191 18. Let 1+y? => wdy=dt (For LHS) Let 1427 => 2xdx=2mdm => xdx=mdm (For RHS) 1 iy 1 @ z = L dm=0 2 / ) = verte |dm=0 = Fims+liog|™ nm? -1} 2° 8)m+i Now substituting these value of f and m, we get hay? + fits? + Flog viet +C=0 flex Given, (x-y Wexsry ae By simplifying the above equation we get dy _x+2y == (i) ae ey x42y Let Fox y= Ax+2Ay_ A(x+2y) Ax- Ay A(x—¥) F(x, y) and hence the equation is homogeneous then F (Ax, Ay) F(x,» Now let y=ox Way x ax dx Substituting these values in equation (i), we get = By integrating both sides, we get Jp ew: dx (ii) or totl x 192 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 5 1 LHS Ia Let 1-v=A(20+1) +B =2Av+(A+B) Comparing both sides, we get 2A=-1, A+B=1 or wl) veh Ligele? 32 tant | 2 =-1 ogo? +0+1]+2 x tan 2 ies! oe VB/2 J Now substituting it in equation (i, we get log|v? +v+1|+ V3 tan (FE toes 1 |e (2%41) = - slo; 4+241]4+V3 tan | + = log x+C 2 8 x va |e \ } = (x42) dx 19. Given, f= dx v(x = 2)(x= 3) (x42) dx Examination Papers ~ 2010 193 (i) [2 a5xa6 ‘i (x-8) + fx? “5x46 (i "2 5) x2 (a) Wess ~(4x+ 3) 2 gt? aed dx=5 [dx Sf "ae 2 dee 3 h f bare dxa5—5| 7 22D ye sft [TP sar43 yas | 2x44 10 fp 4 ae 25? Ty? 4 deed (x42? -1 =5-[10.gl2 +4x43|- [10 log 15 ~ Fog 194 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 21. We have given, yre' , -isxsl () and we have to prove ey ds ana) tt -Wy=0 sii) Now differentiating equation () w.r-t.x, we get dy _ gasin” we dx (Squaring both sides) Now again differentiating w.r-t. x, we get 2, 2 2a-x2) 4 #¥ 9.( WY Lo dx ax? dx) Dividing both sides by 2 4 swe get s (=x?) Hence Proved. 22. Given, Let x= cos0t so that et = cos 1 3eosa +41 ~cos* ow > y= cos 4 cosatSsina 0 dsinal] @ ‘os 8, then, y=cos! [cos « cos @ + sin o sin 8]= cos [cos (a —6)]= 0 — 8 Differentiating w.r-t. x, we get dy 1 ax oy Examination Papers ~ 2010 195 SECTION-C x x? Lepr 23. y Pl tpy? |= 0 + pry) (x-9 y-3e-9 z 2 1+p23 x xt Lp? LHS =|y y? 1+py? z 2 1+p23 By splitting into two parts, we get x x? 1{ |x x? px? sly ipely ¥ pye zz af fz 22 ped eo 1x 2 aly wT fe pay yy? 221 122 eo. xxl ly vy? f+)? pre]y y? 1 2 Po zl {In second determinant, replacing c; and c3 and then c; with] eod =(+py)}y 1 zo By applying Ry > Ry ~ Ry , Ry Ry ~ Ry, we get x-y (x-W(xty) 0 =(1+pxy)|y-2 (y-2)(y+2) 0 z 2 1 1 x+y 0 =(1+px2)(x-W(y-2)|1 ytz 0 zo 4 By expanding the determinant, we get > (1 + pxye) (x—w(y-2ly+2—x—y) => (1 + pyz) (x—W (yz) (@—%) 196 Xam idea Mathematics ~ XIl OR 1 2 2 1 3 ~«0 o 2 1 Let A=1A 1 2 2) f1 00 > -1 3 oO s|0 1 OjA Lo -2 1) lo o 1) Applying Ry Ry +R; 1 2 2) f1 0 Oo o 5 -2\=/1 1 oA lo -2 1) [0 0 1 Applying R;>R, +R3,Ry >R, +2R, 1 0 -a]f1 o 2 o 1 of-|1 1 2|a jo 2 1f jo 0 1 Applying R3>R +2Ry 10-1] fio1 o1 of=|1 4 2a loo 1] i225 Applying R; Ry +R3 1 0 oO) [3 2 6 o 1 ol-}1 1 2/A jo o 1, |2 2 3 3.2 6 Ata|1 1 2 202 5 24. Let us define the following events. E: drawn balls are white A: 2 white balls in bag. B: 3 white balls in bag. C: 4 white balls in bag. ‘Then P (A) = P (B) =P (C)= Examination Papers ~ 2010 197 8 Cc. p(E)- 2-1, Bt HB B) 4c, 6 By applying Baye’s Theorem Po©.r(2) p(C)- \¢) (5) P(A).P (E)-r@ °() +POP/ (2) dy = 3 7,1) (1 (Gxe)+(Gx3)" Ge) 3 66" 25. Let number of first kind and second kind of cakes that can be made be x and y respectively Then, the given problem is y Maximize, zexty Subjected to «x20, y20 300x +150 $7500 => 2x+y<50 1Sx+30y< 600 > x+2y<40 From graph, three possible points are (25, 0), (20, 10), (0, 20) At (25,0), +y=25+0=25 At (20, 10), zaxty=20+10 30 Maximum At (0, 20), z=0+20=20 As Z is maximum at (20, 10), ie., x =20, y=10. + 20 cakes of type I and 10 cakes of type II can be made. 26. Let (ct, B, 7) be the image of the point P (3, 2, 1) in the plane 2x-ytz+1=0 PO is perpendicular to the plane and $ is the mid point of PO and the foot of the perpendicular. + P21) DR’s of PS are 2,-1, 1. eyed 2-1 =3_y-2 .. Equation of PSare *—* = 4 H . 2 Too +. General point on line is $ (24+ 3,-m+2,u+1) If this point lies on plane, then 2(u+3)-(H+2)+1U+)+1=0 > 6 +6=0 = p=-1 $ o(a,8:7) 198 Xam idea Mathematics — XII +. Coordinates of $ are (1, 3, 0) As Sis the mid point of PO, ( 248 1+y) (See 248 141) 4 3,0) 2" 2°" 2°) By comparing both sides, we get 3+0 = 2 246 > pea 2 1 => y=-1 Image of point P is (-1, 4, -1). 27. Equation of circle is 4x? 4 dy? and equation of parabola is x? = 4y yar /4 By putting value of equation (iii) in equation (i), we get 72y2 4x? 44/~ | =9 4 = xt + 16x? = (x? +18) (x7 -2)=0 = 1x7 +18=0,x7-2=0 = x=-Vi8, x= 42 > x=tv2 (: x=-VIB is not possible) *. Required area =2 ° (yy ~ Ya) dx Examination Papers ~ 2010 199 OR Given triangle ABC, coordinates of whose vertices are A (4, 1), B(6, 6) and C (8, 4). Equation of AB is given by 6-1 y-6= 220-6) oF y= Equation of BC is given by 4-6 -4=—— (x-8) -x412 y= 52-8) or yma Equation of AC is given by 4-1 ~4=—— (x-8) or y=>x-2 y goat) oF 3 le Area of AABC = Ean -yacdar+f? Wae ~¥ac) ax -f (Zx-9-3ee2)are (-x+12-3s42]ae -f (Fx-7)ace (-B +14) ax 27 2 ° ] r ) 2" 7x] 4|-2 star [(G-#2)-ca-2)]+[c-56+109 - 63 iI , 8 , We J 2 42-14 428 s6s1i2+ a] =7 sq. units 28. Given, the length of three sides of a trapezium other than the base is 10 cm, each ie, AD=DC=BC=10em. D 10 A=(x+10) {100 -x* wi) Differentiating wart. x, we get #4 e410), 2-2») + fi00— 9? «1 de 2100 - x’ =x(x+10) + (100 x?) _ 2x? - 10x +100 V100 ~ x? 100 - x? 200 Xam idea Mathematics — XII . dA For maximum area, 4 =0 ‘0 jum area, ix > 2x? +10x-100=0 or x? +5x-50=0 > (x+10)(x-5)=0 > -x=5,-10 = x5 Now again differentiating w.r.t.x, we get {100 — x? (~4x - 10) — (-2x? - 10x +100) (2) Pal yt aE dx? (100 = x?) Forx=5 aA _ f100=25(-20-10)-0 V75(-30) 0 falea cme RO) ax? (100 = 25) 7 For x=5, area is maximum. Aynax = (6+ 10) JT00~ 25 cm? [Using equation (i)] 5V75 cm? = 753 cm? 29. Question is incomplete. Set-ll 6. Let x= cot! (-V3) > cotr=- V3 =~ cot 8 = cot(n-2) 6 6) 5 Sn > cot x= cot = x= 2% 6 10. Given, @ and b are two vectors such that|axb| > |a||b|cos0=|a|| b | sino sin 0 > cos=sind = cos = tan0=1 3 0-2 4 11. We have to prove tan" (2) stat (2) tan (2) ton (2) : LHS = tan (4) stan (2}+ 107 (2) tan (3) Examination Papers ~ 2010 Given, 14. 202 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 20. -1 2) fe o 3] [2 0 o}f1 a = 2 s}-|6 3 9|+/0 2 oF] 3 3 ~4 1 2) [3 -3 0} [o o 2; {3 2 0 yx? +4x+10 Let 5x+3=A(2x+4)+B= 2Ax + (44 + B) Comparing both sides, we get 2A=5 = Aaz 2 4A+B=3 3 B=-7 5 jt anf ee? ae yx? +4x+10 yx? + 4x +10 2x44 dx ie? ae +4410 Ip + 4x +10 1 L Forl, Let x? +4x+10=m = (2x+4)dx=dm = \jgam = 2x avi =3ni=5 fx +4x+10 +6, dx dx L=7 =7f ——& ___-7j__ Lb =—— —— aan | prac "a =7 log| (x +2) +x? +4x+10|+C, dx =1,+1, yx? + 4x +10 -7 log| (x +2) + yx? +4x+10|+C, C=C, +Cy ydx + xlog(¥) ay -2xdy=0 a) Simplifying the above equation, we get ) [x log (4) - 2s| dy =-ydx x Examination Papers ~ 2010 203 dy y a 0) a oy veel) Let F(x,y)=——*» __ all F (ux) = —1 =F sovaehe w) ox xog( 4) .: Function and hence the equation: is homogeneous, Let ysox = Y yy Ht dx dx Substituting in equation (), we get dv vx v+x@-__ _ dx 2x—xloge an) dv _vlogv-v = de p= xe _clegene dk 2-loge ax 2—loge = 2-logo do- vlogv-0 x Integrating both sides, we get [2 loge 4, fat plogv-o x PO a108 y= de v(logo—1) x j—&-j#-(# 2 ve Let 1 1 = 2 tm [hao =f Jeam— [oa > log| m| — log || = log| x| + log| ¢ = tog|™ log| ex] > m > => (k -i Beer = (loge = j98(4) al=cy which is the required solution. 204 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 23. We have given x=1-cos8 x y=0-sin } a © mg BR 1 EO Ta Now differentiating equation (). w.r..0, we get #8 sino and gat cos By dy OV 6080 soc 8)— cot dx do “dx sind Ato== osee = — cot == J2-1 4 29 which is slope of the tangent .. Equation of the tangent is y-(2-4)-0t-nfe-[i -1}| (4 V2) we} > > > (2-Dx-ytF-W2+2=0 Which is the equation of the tangent. Slope of the normal = = = =1_ = _-W2 +1) (241) dyjdx J2-1 (¥2-1)(V2+1) Equation of the normal is Examination Papers ~ 2010 205 > (Benxe(aen Fd = (+x 24 mola = OR+Dxty- Tt 0 > (241 xty- which is the equation of the normal 24. Plane through the point P (1,1, 1) is [r -@+]+1.n=0 ( BF + 7+ 5K) + ABP ‘As plane contains the line r (i) (iii) 3-1 5 Substituting 7 in (), we get [r -@ 47 +B). 87 +48) =0 > 7.(af-87 +48) -(4-844)=0 = 7.@-2+h=-0 Which is the required equation of plane. + .¢-2) +8) =Ocontain the line 7 = G42] +58) +m 27-58) if (F427 +50.0-27+H=0 ie. -1-4+5=0, which is correct and (§-27+8.@-27-5h=0 ie, 144— = 0, which is correct. 206 Xam idea Mathematics — XII an 6. Weare given sin (sin als ala I. (a,b) Sd) > atd=bre ( For (a,b)e NxN atb=b+a—> (a,b) S(a,b) ». Sis reflexive (ii) Let (a8) S(c,d) =» atd=b+e = dta=cth = ctb=d+a ab) (c,d = (c,d) S(a,b) ie, S is symmetric. (iii) For (a, 8), (c, 0,(e, JENXN: Let (a,b) S(c, d) and (c,d) S(e, f) = atd=btcandc+fadte atdtcrfabtctdte a+fabte (ab) Sle f) (@,) Sle, dand(c,d Se) > (a,b) Sle, /) ©. Sis transitive. +, Relation $ is an equivalence relation. ud 1 45. Given, A=|-4|, B=(-1 2 1) 3 1 “10201 AB=|-4/[-1 2 1=| 4 -8 4 3 3 6 3 102 1) [4 43 * i & L u N L Examination Papers ~ 2010 207 ay fa 104 3 BA'=(-1 2 1) |-4] =] 22-4 2 8 6 L3 1) 1 4° 3 (AB) =B'A’ a7. (x2 +1) # a 20y dx Simplifying the above equation, dy 2x 44 x ¥ dx x2 41° (x? 41) This is a linear differential equation of the form Here, P oy? = dye tt “G2 eI (e+)) Integrating both sides, we get Jay= [2s _ dx Ai) (+N (e+ By partial fraction, a+ A, Bx+C G4D(t) FFT x41 2x? +x =x? (A+B) +x(B+C)+(A+C) Comparing both the sides, we get A+B=2, B+C=1 and A+C=0 = A(x? +1) +(Br+O)(x+1) 208 Xam idea Mathematics — XII J y= Slog] x+1] +S log]? +1] tan yee xed ax 41 2 20. Consider, y= cose! x Differentiating both sides w-r.t. x dy al a fet Again differentiating w.r.. x, we get eft re ' 2 = x8 9 hat 23. Weare given xt 2y- 322-4 2x + By +2 3x - 3y-4z=11 The matrix equation form of equations is 12 -3ifx] [-4 2 3 2ailyl=| 2 where A= aga [Al 102 0-3 Al=|2.30 2 al 3 ~ -4 3 303-4 =(-12 + 6) —2(-8- 6) - 3(-6-9) =~ 6+ 28+ 45=67 #0 Examination Papers ~ 2010 209 7 13 5-8 9 -} = abe ca co ab atb+c atb+e atbte =| 6 ¢ a {by applying R; > Ry +R, + Rs] c a b 111 =(atb+o |b Cy andC, Cy -Cy o 0 1 A=(atb+o|b-c c-a al=(atb+ Applying C, >C, =(a+b+0)[-0 (a-b)-(c-a)7] ab —be ~ eal 2ab) + (b? +c? — be) +(c? +a? — 2ac)] (a+b +0) [a2 +b? +2 = ferbsoue 1b? Ferbrota by? +0)? +(c-a)?] Asa#b cand all are positive. a+b+e>0, (ab)? >0, 6-0 >0 and (c-a*>0 Hence, A is negative. 210 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 25. Let a cylinder of base radius r and height hy is included in a cone of height h and semi-vertical angle «. Then AB=r, OA=(h~hy), In right angled triangle OAB, AB tr AB etna = OA h—hy ° or r=(h—hy) tan Ve=nl[(h-hy) tana}? hy (+ Volume of cylinder = nr?h) > @ AE V=mtan? oh, (thy) Differentiating wrt. hy, we get AY emtan? oth; .2(8—hy) (1) + (hh)? x1] ah =mtan? a (h— hy) [-2h, +h hy) =ntan? o (ty) (h~ 3h) dv For maximum volume V,—— =0 > => (+ h= hy is not possible) Again differentiating w.r.t. hy, we get ° EM orton? lh) 3) +08- 34) D1 z TY ntant al(n-En)e +0] di x 3) =-2nhtan? a <0 h Volume is maximum for fry 3 Vaux niente (En)(h-Zn) (Using =A nh? tan? — EXAMINATION PAPERS - 2010 MATHEMATICS CBSE (Foreign) CLASS - XII Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 General Instructions: As given in CBSE Examination paper (Delhi) - 2010. Set-l SECTION-A Question number 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each. 1. Write a square matrix of order 2, which is both symmetric and skew symmetric. 4 2. If'f is an invertible function, defined as f(x) = pwrite f(x). What is the domain of the function sin“! x? 4, What is the value of the following determinant? 4 a bte A=|4 6 ca 4c ath Find| x |, if fora unit vector @,(x ~ a).(x + a) =15. 6. For what value of p, is (? + 7 + &) pa unit vector? 7. If f(ax+b)? dx = f(x) +c, find f(x). 8, Evaluate: ax, A f 9. Write the cartesian equation of the following line given in vector form j-8 10, From the following matrix equation, find the value of x (xty 4) (3 4) 5 3y} {5 6) lex Pam aj-akead 212 Xam idea Mathematics — XII ‘SECTION-B Question numbers 11 to 22 carry 3 marks each. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. Consider f:R—[-5,<) given by f(x)=9x? +6x-5. Show that f is invertible with 1 y*6-1) fo W= (=). OR Let A= Nx Nand * be a binary operation on A defined by (a,b) *(c, d) = (a+ ¢,b +d). Show that * is commutative and associative. Also, find the identity element for * on A, if any. Prove the following: tan [5 + ; cos (3 +tan [5 - ; cos (2 = 2. Prove the following, using properties of determinants: atb+2e a b © b+c+2a b&b |=2(a+b+0)9 c a c+at OR ( 1 Find the inverse of A + 1 | using elementary transformations. 2, Ify=log tan (2 +), show that 4 = sec x. Also find the value of “Yat x= (42) dx dx? 4 (or+2) 144" Evaluate: f sin x.sin 2x. sin 3x dx, OR 2 3 Evaluate: f—* —** — ax. (e-1) (x-2) xtan x Evaluate: f*” —*""* _ gy. D Serene Form the differential equation representing the family of ellipses foci on x-axis and centre at the origin. Find the particular solution of the following differential equation satisfying the given condition : (3x? + ye x,x>0,when x=1,y=1 dy OR r Solve the following differential equation: y dx + x log|# | dy = 2x dy tx) Examination Papers ~ 2010 213 20. 21. 22, Let a j,b = 3] -Kand c =7i —k.Find a vector d which is perpendicular to both @ and bland ¢.d Find the shortest distance between the following pair of lines and hence write whether the lines are intersecting or not x-1_ytl_oxt1_y-2 2 3S 1 An experiment succeeds twice as often as it fails. Find the probability that in the next six pz=2 trails there will be at least 4 successes. ‘SECTION-C Question numbers 2 to 29 carry 6 marks each. 23. 24, 26. 27. 28. 29. A factory makes two types of items A and B, made of plywood. One piece of item A requires 5 minutes for cutting and 10 minutes for assembling. One piece of item B requires 8 minutes for cutting and 8 minutes for assembling. There are 3 hours and 20 minutes available for cutting and 4 hours for assembling. The profit on one piece of item A is Rs5 and that on item. Bis Rs 6. How many pieces of each type should the factory make so as to maximise profit? Make it as an L.P.P. and solve it graphically. Anum contains 4 white and 3 red balls. Let X be the number of red balls in a random draw of three balls. Find the mean and variance of X. OR In answering a question on a multiple choice test, a student either knows the answer or guesses. Let : be the probability that he knows the answer and 2 be the probability that he guesses. Assuming that a student who guesses at the answer will be correct with probability + Fe what is the probability that the student knows the answer, given that he answered it corel? Find the coordinates of the point where the line through (3, ~4, -5) and (2, ~3, 1) crosses the plane determined by points A (1, 2, 3), B(2,2,1) and C (-1, 3, 6) (2 3 5) 3 2-4], find A~!. Using A solve the following system of equations : 11 \ ) 2x-By+52=16; 3x+2y—de=-4; x+y—2=-3 Using integration, find the area of the region bounded by the lines, 4x-y+5=0; x+y-5=0 and x-4y+5=0 OR Using integration, find the area of the following region : {(x, y);|x+2| Rare given by f(x) = sin xand g(x) =5x?, find gof(x). 3. From the following matrix equation, find the value of x (1 3) ( } | () \4 2) le) 11. Prove the following, using properties of determinants bee cta a+b c+a a+b b4+c]=2(3abe-a> a+b bte cha OR 363) (3 2) Find the inverse of the following matrix, using elementary transformations : A af1-*) (irs) 14. Differentiate the following function with respect to x: f(x) = tai 17. Evaluate: f° |x +2|dx. 21,_ Find the cartesian and vector equations ofthe plane passing through the points (0, 0,0) and “4 (3, -1, 2) and parallel to the line ~ =. =¥t3 zt 4° 7 23. Using matrices, solve the following system of equations : x-2y4 322-1; 2xty-z=6; 4x-3y+22=5 3/2 24, Evaluate the following :[°/* | xsin ax| dx. Set-lll Only those questions, not included in Set I and Set II are given LIE f) =27x9 anda =x'/3, find gof(x) (3 4)(x)_ 7. If 19) find the value of x {2 x}la}"las} 13. Prove the following, using properties of determinants atbx? — c+dx? p+ gx? bod q ax? eb cx? td px’ A u v w uv w Examination Papers ~ 2010 215 : ) 2 (cost +1og tant), y=a(1 + sin‘), fina 2Y \ 2)" ax? 17. Ifx= 19. Evaluate the following Le (1 =x)" dx, 21, The scalar product of the vector i +27 + 4% with a unit vector along the sum of vectors i +2) + 3k and Ai + 47 —5k is equal to one. Find the value of A. (2 1 ) 23. IfA=| 1 3-1), find A“. Using A~, solve the following system of equations : 2 1 J Qxtyt32=9; x+3y-z=2; -2x+y+2-7 27. ‘The sum of the perimeter of a circle and a square is K, where K is some constant. Prove that the sum of their areas is least when the side of the square is double the radius of the circle. sts Set- ‘SECTION-A 1. Square matrix of order 2, which is both symmetric and skew symmetric is ro ol Lo oJ 2. Weare given f(x) = which is invertible Let Sxt4 3 and fly=2 3 3. -1 $x is the domain of the function sin“ x. 4. Weare given 4 a bee A=|4 b ca 4c ath 216 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 6. 8. 4 4 btcta load A=|4 6 ctatbl=4(a+b+o]1 b 1 4c atbte loc 1 As we know if two columns are same in any determinant then its value is 0 A=0 For a unit vector 4, (8 a).(e +a) =15 Pgs 322 -|eP-15 > [x2 -1215 {laf =1) => | x[P=16 or |x|? =(4)? or | x]=4 Let, @=pG+j+h Magnitude of 2 is| a | Vals? +o? +? As a isa unit vector, Ja V3p = +V3p=l = pa Given [(ax+t)? dx= f(a) +C 3 3 = 4D ceapmec 3 poy = Othe 3a 3a Vector form of a line is given as ry =+j-4k+ai Direction ratios of above equation are (1, ~ (2,1,-4), «Cartesian equation is ~1) and point through which the line passes is 2-24 or x-2=1-y=-2-4 Examination Papers ~ 2010 217 10. Given matrix equation [x+y 4] 73 4) [5 ay} [5 6} Comparing both sides we get, x+y=3 and 3y=6 2andx=1 xe, y=2 ie, SECTION-B IL Given f:R[-5, =), given by (fla) =9x? + 6x5 () Let flr) = fl) 2 = 9xp + 6x, 9x} + 6x, —5 => Oxy — xy) (Xy + XQ) + 6 (4 — XQ) = 0 (x= 4g) 19 (xy HQ) 4 6=0 = xy 7x, =Oor Hx, +34) +6=0 oli) ia) > xy =x) oF 9(x, #x7)=-6 ice,, (4; +42) =~$ which is not possible xyex, So, we can say, f(x) = f(x) > x1 =, «fis one-one. (ii) Let ye[-5, =] Sothat —y = 9x7 +6x-5=y (x) for some xe Ry > 9x? 46x-5-y=0 6 + [36+ 4G +Y) = 9x2 +6x-Gty)=-0 3 x= 2x9 646 Jls5ty 18 l+Jyr6 -1 f is onto. Since function is one-one and onto, so it is invertible. -1+Jyt+6 x+6-1 sf y=-—> ie, f= 218 Xam idea Mathematics — XII OR Given A=NXN * isa binary operation on A defined by (a,b) (c,d =(ate,b+d) (i) Commutativity: Let (a,b), (¢, d)eN x N Then (a,b) *(c, d) =(at+c,b+d)=(ct+a, d+b) (va)b,¢,deN,atc=c+aandh+d=d+0) =(c,d)*b Hence, (a,b) *(c, d) =(c, d)*(a,b) *is commutative (ii) Associativity: let (a,b), (B, ), (cd) Then [(a,b) *(c, D]*(e, =(a+e,b+ a *(e, =(atdr+eb+d+f/) =(ar+(c+e),b+(d+f)] (eset Nis associative) =(a,b)*(ct+e,d+ f)=(a,b)*{(c,d)* (eh Hence, [(a,b) *(c, ))*(e, f)=(a,b) *M(c, d *(e, * is associative (iit) Let (x,y) be identity element for ¥ on A, Then (a,b) *(x, y) =(a,b) > (atx, b+y)=(a,b) > atx=a, bty=b > x=0, But (0,0)@A For *, there is no identity element. 2 tan| 2 1 - Geli Sos" (2) ]-% 4/2 b) b)) a LHS. Let tan a~tanb and tan (a—b) = ‘ zy tan atan Examination Papers ~ 2010 219 1+tan(: _2 "cos x 2. a/b a LHS = RHS Hence Proved. atb+2c a b 13. LHS. = c btc+2a b ¢ a cta+2 Applying, 3C, +Cy +C3 2atb+0) a =|2@tb+d bre+2a b 2arb+o a chat 1 a b =2(atb+oll b+c+2a b 1 a c+at2b Applying R; >R ~ Ry andR, +R, -R3 0 -(@+b+0 0 =2(a4+b+ 0/0 (atb+g — -(atb+0) 1 a erat lo 1 0 =Aa+b+c+)3]0 1 -1 |=2(a+b+0)3[10 - 0)]=2(a+b+0)> = RHS ha c+a+2b] OR 1) Given A 11 We know that 3 = 220 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Applying R, -> Ry +3R, [4 1 Applying R, +R, +4R, Applying R>>- Ry Applying R; >R, +t Ry 1 0) fa fo 1 [4 -3} 14. Given y= log tan E ‘ 3 By differentiating of w.r-t. x, we get -1/2]_f 1 1/2 lo af [4 -3 1 1/2) fl 1/2 Ho ‘T} aah “aa fo -a} ls 3 Now again differentiating w.r.t. x, © Ye secxtan x ax? a, 4m sec tan © = V2 dx? 4 4 Examination Papers ~ 2010 221 (ore? 2%! 15. Given y= cos zt) > y=cos (ie) [+4* Let 2* =tana = a= tan! (2*) 2ta poco! 228 ) coe ina) =cos! [os(E-2] 2@ 2 J 1+ tan > y=5-20 Fo 2tan™t 2") By differentiating wart. x, we get dy 2]=- - ra ~ 2S fran (2*)1 Tea 2.27 loge? 16. {sin x.sin 2x. sin 3x dx Multiplying and dividing by 2 1 J2sin x sin 3x sin ae dea} fain xi2 sin 3x sin 2x] dx Jsin x{cos x-cosSx]dx [2 sin asin b = cos (a~b) ~ cos (a+b)] = [(sin x c0s x= cos5x sin x) die= 3 f(asin xcosx— 2eos5esin adx cos 2x cos 6x cos 4: 1 * +C 2 6 4 J(sin 2x ~ sin 6x + sin 42) dx = 4 cos 2x | cos 6x _ cos 4x 8 24 16 OR 2 = 3x) do = a Given{ © = 39 ae _ (= Sd @E-9 1 oarv2 ae =s& 3x +2) (et = 8x42) 92 jae x42 oe =fav-2 =x lela i 2 x-a =x-2} log +C oS 8) 3,1 yea 2° 222 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 17. 18. Let =f" EP * gy eli) Seex+ tan x As f FQ) dx =f fla-x) dx = (m~a) tan(n~2) 0 sec(n — x) + tan (m — x) dx ii) By adding equations (i) and (i), we get aan {® —B2* __ ae h Secx+ tan ® Multiplying and dividing by (sec x ~ tan x) , we get = tan x(secx- tan x) 21 =n [o BR EGSEST EDD ay fea ena = nf (ecxtan x tan? x) de ff secxtan xde—n[° sec? xde+ [P dx =n[secx]f -n[tan x] +n [x] =n(-1-1)-0+2(n-0)=n(n-2) => UW=n(n-2) => 1-5-2) The family of ellipses having foci on x-axis and centre at the origin, is given by 2 2 vy z + z 1 Differentiating w.r.t. x, we get ) 2x (# J-0 = b? (dx) a ye. > a. > Be a Again by differentiating w.r-t. x, we get ay (dy |_( dy) ‘hy 2B) ee) @ 0 The required equation is Examination Papers ~ 2010 223 19. We are given 2,)a Gx? +) Fax x20 My dx x > z dy 3x7 +y 2 = dy 3 ay ax x dy 1 Lyos, > ae x? This is a linear differential equation of the form # +Py=Q ix Here P=-+,Q=3r x 1 = jhe e K LF. log x _ glog ¥ fh axdx =3 fae x = Lear = yar? +Cx x But, itis given when 34C y= 3x? 2 Given ydx+xlog x, = bea le- ydx x a te oye ol 2—xleg(¥) Let y=ex, Batt ax ae o+y@-__& _ a a 2x—xlog{ me dow = x@._ __y dx x(2—logd) Xam idea Mathematics — XII 224 = dx 2-logv 2 - logo. . 2-logy 4, _ dx vlogv-0 x 5 joao w(t > = ol) Let 1 Oa loglex| => “x > sor v ¥ [s(2)-1) > sox ¥ x = jiee(4)-1 |= > M7+0-3) > Les an dal Gajeak gts +3h Examination Papers ~ 2010 21. Given, pair of lines xol_y+l_) yg xtliyo2_ 2-2 2 3 5 1 0 In vector form equations are FaG-f+wer+ 37+ and +2) +28) +267 +)) a, baa sapek ae-fsapeak, — bpasiej a, a, =- 2% 4 3p 42k » 5 fi i Bixby =[2 3 5 1 =24+15-26=-9 ‘As we know shortest distance =| (@2— 41) 1 Xba) Lines are not intersecting as the shortest distance is not zero. 22. An experiment succeeds twice as often as it fails p=P (success) = 2 and q=P (failure) no. of trials == 6 By the help of Binomial distribution, ay rye rome ® 3] 3) P (at least four success) = P (4) + P (6) + P (6) (a a) -(by xb,) = (-28 + 37 + By (P+ 5) -138) 225 226 Xam idea Mathematics — XII ‘SECTION-C 23. Let the factory makes x pieces of item A and B by pieces of item. Time required by item A (one piece) cutting = 5 minutes, assembling =10 minutes ‘Time required by item B (one piece) cutting = 8 minutes, assembling minutes Total time cutting = 3 hours & 20 minutes, assembling = 4 hours Profit on one piece item A = Rs5, item B= Rs 6 Thus, our problem is maximized z=5x+ by Subject to x>0,y20 5x + 8y $200 10x + By < 240 y «0 x0 (0,25) 2 @20) : | by . x qf 10 2 \ a Np 3-200 y t0x+8y=240 ve From figure, possible points for maximum value of z are at (24,0), (8, 20), (0, 25). at (24, 0), at (8,20), 2 at (0,25), 2 20 0+ 120 = 160 50 (maximum) ©. 8 pieces of item A and 20 pieces of item B produce maximum profit of Rs 160. 24. Let X be the no. of red balls in a random draw of three balls. As there are 3 red balls, possible values of X are 0, 1, 2, 3. 4 3x40; _4x3x2 P= ° C3 7X65 3c x4 pay= cx Cy _ 3K 6X6 Cy 7X6x5 Boy x A D(a 202 XAG 3K AKG 7X 6x5 7c, 18 35 12 35 Examination Papers ~ 2010 227 3e,x Cy _1x1x6 1 P(3)2—3* 0 OL C3 7x6x5 35 For calculation of Mean & Variance x PX) XP (X) PPX) 0 4/35 0 0 1 18/35 18/35 18/35 2 12/35 24/35 48/35 3 1/35 3/35 9/35 Total 1 9/7 15/7 Mean = XP(X) = 5x? 2_15_81_24 Variance = 2X?.PO9 —(2X. PQ)? = T= OR Let A, Band and E be the events defined as follows: A: Student knows the answer B : Student guesses the answer E:: Student answers correctly Then, P (A) P(E/A)=1 Using Baye’s theorem, we get P(A).P(E/ A) P(A).P(E/ A)+P(BP(E/B) 3 P(A/E)= The line through (3, ~4, -5) and (2, -3, 1) is given by x-3 y+4 z+5 3 x-3_y+4 oz a re “0 The plane determined by points A (1, 2, 3), B(2, 2,1) and C (-1, 3, 6) x-1 y-2 2-3 2-1 2-2 1-3 1 3-2 6-3 0 228 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 3 > -2\=0 3 0 -2 10 => (x lt 3 wy 3 2 alte a] 2 1 SF O-DQ-Y-IY+E-HM=0 SS d-24y-242-3=0 ety 4z-7=0 P ("+ 3,4, 6-5) is the general point for line (i). If this point lies on plane (ii), we get 24+ 6+u-44u-5-7=0 => w=2 P(1,~2,7) is the point of intersection. 2 3° °5 26. If 2 -4 WO Given equations are 2x- 3y +5z=16 3x4 2y—de= xty-% Matrix form is f2 -3 S][x] [16 32 -4|/y\=|-4 lp 1 fle] [3 AX=B = X=A71B Ai) 3 Examination Papers ~ 2010 229 From equations (i) and (fi), we get x} fo 1 -2If16 yl=|-2 9-23 || -4 lz} [4 5) -3][-3 fx] [2 yl=|a lz} 13 = x=2,y=12=3 27. We have given 4x-y 45 fi) xty-5=0 (ii) x-4y+5=0 iii) By solving equations (i) and (iii), we get (-1, 1) and by solving (ii) and (iii), we get (3, 2) ©» Area of region bounded by the lines is given by: Pfu (xt ap | (x+5)| ae-y +520 ray #520 rty-5=0 Given region is {(x, y):|x+2| Sy y20-x?} Itconsists of inequalities y2|x+2| ys{20-x? 5 Plotting these inequalities, we obtain the i adjoining shaded region. Solving y=x+2 and y= 20-27 => (x+2)? =20-x? “4-3 2 41q 1234 x = 2x? +4x-16=0 x 230 Xam idea Mathematics — XII or (x+4)(x-2)=0 = xan 4,2 The required area 2 2 2 =f, 20-x?de— fo (x42) dx— fi (x+2) dx =f 0-9? + 22 sin a) -[2x) 2 2 4, LL, * \+i2-4-8+8]-[2+4-244] 1 =4+10sin“! —+4+10sin“ al= ol =-2+102=(6n—2)sq. units. 278 ) sq. 28. As given, the lengths of the sides of an isosceles triangle are 9 + x?, 9 + x? and 18 - 2x units. Using Heron's formula, we get 25=9427 +9427 418-227 =36 | s=18 A= 18 (18-9 — x”) (18 - 9 — x7) (18 — 18 + 2x?) = J18(9 - x7)(9 - x?)(2x) A= 6x(9- 37) A=6(9x-x°) onli) Differentiating (i) w.r.t.x dA 2 Ba 69 -3x ik ' ) For maximum A, “4 ax = 9-3x7=0 = x=tv3 Now again differentiating w.r.t. x 2 #4 6-62) =~ 36x ax? 2 Atx=3, fA. 3 <0 dx’ Examination Papers ~ 2010 231 Atx=-V3, PA = 36V3 >0 ax? ©. For x= V3, area is maximum. 3/2 29.” | xcosmr| dr ‘As we know that For For cosx=0 > cosmx=0 => o0 2 cosmr>0 = — xcosmx>0 exe, xo0 2 cosmx<0 => xcosmx<0 3/2 fp? [cos nx] dx 2 3/2 xcos mx dx ava (-x cos mx) dx wi) 1 1 ; 3/2 (212 ae [se] 9/2 sin mx b> ® ® hyo 2 qv? 3/2 cos nx 1 cons] V2 2. Given f:R—Rand g:R>R defined by f(x)=sinx and g(x) =5x? [f= g (sin) 1 3y[x [AE] W@)+QQ {5 fxt6] [5 (foreo Ia) > [eewol[6 232 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Comparing both sides, we get x+6=5 => xecl Also, 4x+10=6 = 4xe-4 or bte cra arb 11. Wehavetoprove|c+a a+b b+c|=2(3abe—a -b9 -c4) a+b b+e cta bee cha ath LHS =|cta ath bte a+b bte cta Aasb+o Aatb+o) Aa+b+d] =| cta a+b b+c | (By applying R; +R, +(Ry +R,)} ath bee c+a | atbte atbtc atbte 2] c+a a+b bee a+b bre cta Applying Ry +R) -R,Rz >R;-R, 1 1 1 111 =2(atb+o]-b -c -al=2(-1)? (@tb+0]b c a -c -a cab Applying C; >C; -C, ,C, >C, >C3 0 0 1 =2(atb+0|b-c c-a a -aurrrol|e: oll c-a a-b cma a-b b =2(a+b+0)[(b-c)(a-b)- (ca) (c-a)] =2 (a+b +0) (-a? ~b? ~c? +ab +be + ca) =2(3abe — b3 -c3)=RHS Hence Proved. OR Weare given 3.2 (; 5 > A=lIA Examination Papers ~ 2010 233 7 S)[o 4 By applying Ry R, > Is 2/71 o (By applying Ry Ry] ober By applying Ry Ry ~2R = 13 21}41 00 [By applying Ry >R, ~2Ry] jl = lo [By applying Ry Ry ~ 3R,] 1 ° lo [By applying Ry > Rj +R] fl = lo [By applying Rp > ~ Ry] 4. if x+2) = tan” tan | =7* | T+x1} (1-22) =(tan“!1— tan“) —(tan“ estan?) (+ tan at =tan“la—tan *s) \ a stan“! 1-tan7 2-2tan? x Differentiating w.r.t.x 2 f@=- 143? ((x+2) ifx+2>0 ie,x>-2 17. oe ifx+2 x[-7 +8]-y[21-2]+z-1241]=0 = x-19y-11z=0 and in vector form, equation i 7-19} -118) =0 SECTION-C 23. Now the matrix equation form of above three equations is [3-2 3]fx] [1 l4 3 ailz} Ls. ie, AX=B = X we know that A"! = — Adj. A =-3416-30=-17 40 “1-8 10 -1 Adj A=|-5 -6 1 [1 9 7] [40 1 7] Examination Papers ~ 2010 235 “5 -1)f-1 6 9/6 1 75 st} |-3 By comparing both sides, we get x=2,y=-1z=-3 3/2 24. fC [x sin nx| dx As we know, sind=0 > O=nn, nEeZ sinnx=0 = x=0,1,2,.. For-1 xsinnx>0 For00,sinnx>0 = xsinnx>0 ForiOsinnx<0 = xsinax<0 2 | xsin mx| de 1 3/2 sin nde + [°/" (-x sin nx) dx 1, ~cosnx Jyh dy La | 1 a [Evost o [° mee 1. Given f(x) = 27x9 and g(x) = x49 (gof) (2) = g[f@}= 2729] = 2279]? = 3x 236 Xam idea Mathematics — XII 3 4yfx]_p fF 3@)+4@) ] [19 > 2 1 (i > loo.we| il [3x+4]_ pis ° Lo 3x |" [15 Comparing both sides, we get Bx¢4=19 9 and 3x=15 = 3x=19-4, 9 3x=15 4 13. We have to prove atbx? —ctdx? — p+qx? bod q 2 2 2a gleat ash cxtsd pr®sql=(x4-]a cp u v w uo w atbx? — ctdx? — pagx? LHS =|faxt4+b cxt4d px? tg u v w Multiplying R, by x? and dividing the determinant by x? ax? bx ext tdxt prt sgxt ot ad prrtg v w Applying R; > R, -Ry bext-1) d(xt-1) g(x -1) ax? 4b ext ad pxrsg Examination Papers ~ 2010 237 17. OR 6 5 crn a-[f 5] We can write A=IA 1 1]_[1 0 [5 4 ol [By applying Ry 11 - 54 [By applying R, > Ry ~5R,] fl 1) 1-1 A lo -1} [5 6 [By applying Ry + Ry + Ry] re Given x=a[cost + log fan {| =) y=a(l+sint) ii) Differentiating equation (i) wart t = Differentiating equation (i), want. t 4Y _ (0+ cost) =acost dt tant 238 Xam idea Mathematics — XII Now again differentiating w.r.t. x, we get > #Y_ 4 tant) = sec? 1 ae dx ae =sec? t 19. LetI=[ x? 1-3)" de = I=f) a-a? 1-day ax (ff fey dx= ff fax) ds) =f a axta%)x" d= ft (x ax Ly x2) dy 1 yes 1 2 1 = 2 12,10 nel me2 n43 |, n+l nt2 n¥3 _ (n+ 2n+ 3) — Ant Nn 3) + (n+ Dl 2) (ee Dene Hew 3) nm? +502 6~2n? ~ 81-6 4n? + 3n42_ 2 (DO Hine 3) Det De 3) 21, Sum of given vectors is 2p + 3k+ai+aj 5k We have given (+2) +48).F=1 [a +A)i + 67-26) _ las - => (+A) 412-8=y(1 4a)? +40 > AeS= yl +r)? +40 Squaring both sides, we get 22 +102 + 25=14 24+? +40 (+A) i + 67 - 2k = G+27+4h. 1 = Bh=16 = A=? 2 1 3 23. Given A=| 13 2 1 1 and Qety+ 32-9 ) x+3y-z=2 ii) -2ety+z=7 (iii) Examination Papers ~ 2010 239 As we know Ats ala 3 Aft 8 1A] 1 1 201 =2(4)-1(-1) + 3(7)= 3040 4 1 7) [4 2 -0 AdpA=| 2 8 -4/=]1 8 5 -0 5 5) [7 4 5 Matrix equation form of equations 0 a, (iii, is given by 1 IH (2 ie, AX=B = X=A1B 4 2 -10) {9 > 1), 3 sla 7-4 si 7) 30 x] [a >» |y\=4] 0 > fyl=] 2 | | 90 z| | 3) By comparing both sides, we get x=-1, y=2, 2=3 27. Let side of square be a units and radius of a circle be r units Itis given, 4a+2nr =k where kis a constant > r= on Sum of areas, A =a? + nr? oat +L aay? an k > As@ an pr Differentiating wert. x 4 og 19 (hay (-4) = 20-249) G da rd © ° 240 Xam idea Mathematics — XII For minimum area, #4 = 0 da ; yg 20K = 4a) ® = pn 2k=40 nr) = * [Ask=4a + 2ar given] => a=2r Now again differentiating equation (i) w.r.t. x 2 FA 2 (4-248 da? n n 2 ata=2n, #4224850 da’ iT -. For ax = 2r, sum of areas is least. Hence, sum of areas is least when side of the square is double the radius of the circle. EXAMINATION PAPERS - 2011 CBSE (Delhi) Set-I Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 General Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. The question paper consists of 29 questions divided into three Sections A, B and C. Section A comprises of 10 questions of one mark each, Section B comprises of 12 questions of four marks each and Section C comprises of 7 questions of six marks each. 3. All questions in Section A are to be answered in one word, one sentence or as per the exact requirement of the question. 4, There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in 4 questions of four marks each and 2 questions of six marks each. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such questions. Use of calculators is not permitted. SECTION-A Question numbers 1 to 10 carry one mark each, 1. State the reason for the relation R in the set (1, 2, 3) given by R = ((1, 2), (2, 1)} not to be transitive. 2. Write the value of sin [5 3. Fora 2x 2matrix, A= [aj], whose elements are given by aj = 4, write the value of ayp. i Sax x41 4. For what value of x, the mat] 4 | is singular? 25 Write A tora[ ] 13 6. Write the value of f secx(secx+ tan x) dx dx 416° 8. For what value of ‘a’ the vectors 2i - 3) 7. Write the value of f. 4k and ai + 6] - 8k are collinear? 242 Xam idea Mathematics-il 9. Write the direction cosines of the vector ~ 2 +7 ~ 5K. 10. Write the intercept cut off by the plane 2x + y -z=5on x-axis, SECTION-B Question numbers 11 to 22 carry 4 marks each. 11. Consider the binary operation* on the set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5} defined by a*b = min. {a, b}. Write the operation table of the operation * 12. Prove the following: 1 | vivsing +yT-sinx | Vivsing- Ji-sing cot ‘a Find the value of tan“ () y) 13. Using properties of determinants, prove that a? ab ac ba -b? be |=4a7b?c? cach =e? 14. Find the value of ‘a’ for which the function f defined as asin E(x +1), x0 £0O)=) tan x~sin x lS x>0 eo is continuous at x=0. xeosx , 32 +1 +S torts xa 15. Differentiate x OR ay Iex=a(0 —sin0), y=a(1 + cos0), find Y ax? 16. Sand is pouring from a pipe at the rate of 12 cm*/s. The falling sand forms a cone on the ground in such a way that the height of the cone is always one-sixth of the radius of the base. How fast is the height of the sand cone increasing when the height is 4 cm? OR Find the points on the curve x? + y? — 2x - 3= Oat which the tangents are parallel to x-axis. 17. Evaluate: j Examination Papers ~ 2011 243 OR Evaluate: | —* __ae (x? +)? +3) 18. Solve the following differential equation: e* tanydx+(1-e*) sec? ydy=0 19. Solve the following differential equation: di cos? x4 + y=tan x. ax 20, Find a unit vector perpendicular to each of the vectors a+b and ab, where a = 37 +27 +2kand b =i +2) - 26. 21. Find the angle between the following pair of lines: and check whether the lines are parallel or perpendicular. 22. Probabilities of solving a specific problem independently by A and B are ; and 3 respectively. If both try to solve the problem independently, find the probability that (i) the problem is solved (ii) exactly one of them solves the problem. SECTION-C Question numbers 23 to 29 carry 6 marks each. 23. Using matrix method, solve the following system of equations: 14 4_6,5 zx yz (x Using elementary transformations, find the inverse of the matrix (1 3 -2 |-3.0 -1 (21 0) 24. Show that of all the rectangles inscribed in a given fixed circle, the square has the maximum area. 25. Using integration find the area of the triangular region whose sides have equations y=2x+1,y=3x41and x=4. x/2 26. Evaluate: J2sin xcosxtan 1 (sin x) dx a OR n/2 12 sin xcosx Evaluate: [ ——~—""— dx a sin* x+cos* x 244 Xam idea Mathematics-il 27. 28. 29. Find the equation of the plane which contains the line of intersection of the planes 7.42) 43%)-420, .(+7-8+5=0and which is perpendicular to the plane T.(f +37 - 68) +8=0. A factory makes tennis rackets and cricket bats. A tennis racket takes 1-5 hours of machine time and 3 hours of craftman's time in its making while a cricket bat takes 3 hours of machine time and 1 hour of craftman’s time. In a day, the factory has the availability of not more than 42 hours of machine time and 24 hours of craftsman's time. Ifthe profit on a racket and ona bat is * 20 and ° 10 respectively, find the number of tennis rackets and crickets bats that the factory must manufacture to eam the maximum profit. Make it as an L.P.P. and solve graphically. Suppose 5% of men and 0.25% of women have grey hair. A grey haired person is selected at random. What is the probability of this person being male? Assume that there are equal number of males and females. CBSE (Delhi) Set-ll Only those questions, not included in Set-I, are given. 16. 19. 20. 23. 29. Write the value of tan 2 sec? x dx. s Write the value of Form the differential equation of the family of parabolas having vertex at the origin and axis along positive y-axis. Find a vector of magnitude 5 units, and parallel to the resultant of the vectors @ =2 + 3)-£ and D=f-2)+k Barsb, ife>t If the function f(x) given by f(x)=} M1, ifx=1 5ax— 2b, ifx<1 is continuous at x=1, find the values of aand b. Using properties of determinants, prove the following roy oy 2l=mztx-Wy-ae-9 py Bag I contains 3 red and 4 black balls and Bag II contains 5 red and 6 black balls. One ball is drawn at random from one of the bags and is found to be red. Find the probability that it was drawn from Bag I. Show that of all the rectangles with a given perimeter, the square has the largest area. Examination Papers ~ 2011 245 CBSE (Delhi) Se’ Only those questions, not included in Set Land Set II, are given. 1 2. 11. 12. 13. 14. 23. 24. Write the value of cos-{ cos 7) Write the value of {225% ay cos” x Using properties of determinants, prove the following: x+d 2x Qe 2x xt4 2x [=Gx+4)(4-07 2x de xt Find the value of a and b such that the following function f(x) is a continuous function: Bxs2 F(x)=fax+b;2 (a, )ER ¥a,b,ceR] 2 Let sin | 2/2 > sino=-1 > o=-2 6 Now, salE 3 a, =! j a. uf]? * **7 is singular mate af] * *ffissingular matrix, Box x41 then 2 g_ [70 EeAsquare matrix A is called singular if| | = 0} > 4(5—x)-2(x+1)=0 > 20-4x-2x-2=0 = = 6x=18 > For elementary row operations we write Applying Ry @ Ry Examination Papers ~ 2011 247 > Applying Ry > R, ~2R, > Applying R, +R, +3R, > Applying Ry (1) Ry 3 8 > A => A ae | [Note : B is called inverse of A if AB= BA=1] 6. Jsecx(seex+ tan 2) dx a 2 +» L (tan y = = fsec? xdx+[secx. tan xde ay (an d= sec" x d =tanx+secx+C and 7 (secx) = secx. tan x 8. If2i- 37 +4kandai +6] —8kare collinear then 2.3.4 1 22%6 a6 3 = a=-4 [Note : If a and b are collinear vectors then the respective components of a and b are proportional.} 9, Direction cosines of vector -2/ +7 - 5k are 2 1 (-2)? +1? +(-5)? [a2 +ey? fase? 2 1 = V30' 30’ J30 Note : If I, m, n are direction cosine of ai +bj + ck then b 15, m- ——__., la? 4b? +c? la 4b? +c? © fa? +b? 40? 248 Xam idea Mathematics-il 10. 11. The equation of given plane is, Qe 2x x = By > 5 572 . eid Hence, intercept cut off by the given plane on x-axis is > [Note : Ifa plane makes intercepts a, b, c on x, y and z-axis respectively then its equation is, 2444221] abe SECTION - B Required operation table of the operation * is given as . 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 4 H 2 3 4 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 \I=sing + yI-sinz | LHS. =cot™!| +sinx— jl -sinx T+sinz + T-sinz | +sinx + Jji-sinx | fvamx + Jism)? (Ji¥sinx + JT~ sin x) (i+ sin x)? -((T=sin x)? | inx+2 (0 +sin 1+sinx—1+sine | Xx (9 @) => Zl g Ie Examination Papers ~ 2011 249 =ot" (nt (5 x ~tan -a? ab ac 13, LHS.=| ba -b? be a cb -a boc sabe] a -b Taking out factor a, b, c from Ry, R, and R, respectively a ob - - ab7c2} 1-1 -1| Taking out factor a,b,c fromC,,C, and C respectively. 14a 0 0 2 sab2c2/1 -1 1] — Applying R, >R, +R» 114 =a*b*c? [0-0+2(1+1)] = 40*b?c? =RHS. 14. + f(2) is continuous at x= (LHL. of f(x) at x = 0) = (R.HLL. of f(x) at x = 0) = f(0) = = lim_f(x)= lim, f(x) = f(0) A) x0 root Now, lim _ f(a) = lim, a sin Fo +1) |= f@)=asin Fat 1), if x<0 x90 250 Xam idea Mathematics-il = lim asin( E+) x30 2 25 = lim acos® x=a.cos0=a x30 2 tan x~sin x 3 lim = lim. x07 fe x0 x sin x sin x~sin x.cos x x90 cosx Also, Putting above values in (i) we get, @ = reosr , 241 ns 15, Lety=¥ x2-1 Lety=u+o () Now, tan x—sin x [+ 10 x0] sin x (1 = cos x) cos x.x9 1= cos x=2 sin? [Differentiating both sides w.r-t. x] Examination Papers ~ 2011 251 Taking log of both sides we get logu=logx%8* => logu=x cos x.log x Differentiating both sides w.r.t. x we get 1 dt 1 cos x.log x + (~sin 2) .xlog x4 1.x cos x wu dx x 1 du =.— = cos x. log x— x. log x. sin x + cos x u dx du _ x cos x s {cos x. log x—x log x sin x +.cos x} Again, (x? =1).2x-(x? +1).2x (? =? do _2x3-2x-2x3-2e te dx (2-17 (ec? -1)? Putting the values of @ and 2? in (a we get dx dx dy _ yx cose as 4x AY <8 08 (co8 x. Jog xx log x.sin x + cos} - 4 * {cos x.log x—x log ao x cos 4x = x4 * {cos x.(1 + log 3) — log x-sin 3 -—* — (1) OR Given, x=a(0-sin®) Differentiating wart. (0) we get F -at-c0s0) -) y=a(1+cos0) Differentiating w.rt. 0 we get ay , 48 (sind) =-asin6 o 2 ¢ ) si (ii) ~asin 0 Now, ant [Putting values from (i) and (i re [Putting (and (i) ~2sin 2 cos® 2 cot 2 2 252 Xam idea Mathematics-il 16. Let V, rand h be the volume, radius and height of the sand-cone at time t respectively. av Given, oS a120m5/s © ace => r=6h 6 Now, Aath => v=4n36n? =120h> 3 3 Differentiating wrt. t we get AV aon gn? dt dt dh_ 12 > ahs dt 36nh? = —? e+ m/s Bonx16 48m Let required point be (x, y;) on given curve x? + y? Now, equation of curve is 2 4y2 x+y? -2x-3=0 Differentiating w.r.t. x we get dy WY p-05 ax 2x4 2y. (2 2x, +2 MaKe yy) V4 Since tangent at (x, v3) is parallel to x-axis, Slope of tangent = 0 (av) oe tt oun wn = xy + Since (x1, y,) lies on given curve x? + y? - 2x- 3=0. x} ty} - 2x, -3=0 = V+}? -2x1-3=0 fe x)= > vist > yy=t2 Hence, required points are (1, 2) and (1, -2) [Note : Examination Papers ~ 2011 253 17. Let, 5x4 3-AS (0? oar 1048 > Sx+3=A(Qx+4)+B = Sx+3=2Ar+(4A+B) Equating coefficient of x and constant, we get 2A=5 > Aad and 4A+B 5 2 (2x44)-7 yrs) Hence, dx (eras yt earrio 2xvddx , ax ee fe xt +4xe10 ° yx? +4410 A, where I; Now, dz pad gy Let x? +4x+10=2 ve Lr) de=dz C,=2vz+C, 1 =2yx? +4x+10+C) (ii) Again 1, -;—*_ yx? +4x+10 dx dx 4 - | —s yx? + 2-2xt446 © (x42)? + (V6)? = log|(x +2) + y(x+ 2)? + (V6)? |+C, Ty =log| (x +2) + yx? +4x410/+C, (iif) Putting the values of J, and I, in (i) we get 254 Xam idea Mathematics-il 3x2 fx? + 4x +10 -7 log |(x +2) + yx? +4x+10/4+C | where =>C; 7, | =5 yx? 44x 410-7 log|(x+2) +x? +4x4+10]+C OR Let x? =z = 2xdv=dz J dx dz (x? +1) (x7 + 3) Jane 3) Now, —1 4,3 @ GEFs 21 243 1 _AG+3)+BE+1) +I) E+3) @+)E+3) > 1=A(z+3)+Be4+1) = 1=(A+B)z+(3A+B) Equating the coefficient of z and constant, we get A+B=0 (ii) and 3A+B=1 (ii) Substracting (ii) from (iii) we get 2As1 = Aah 2 pe-1 2 Putting the values of A and B in (i) we get 1 1 1 @+DE+3 2+) 243) j 2x dx dz G+)? +3) “@+NE+3) dz z+ =ff te \2e+) 2@+3) 1 1 2 1 2 =< log|z+1|-=log|z+3]+C=—1 #1)- log|x? +1] ~> log|x x41 [Note: logm+logn=logma ] lo 6 Land logm—logn=logm / n| 43 Examination Papers ~ 2011 255 18. 19. 20. e* tan ydx + (1—e*) sec? ydy=0 > (1-e%) sec? ydy=-e* tanydx => tan y Integrating both sides we get Let tanysz 2 x = pe ydy _pne* dx = sec® ydy= dz tany 1 Also, 1-e* dz _ dt => —e%dx=dt = Je-fF zt = logz=logt +log => z=! = tan y=(1-e7).C [Putting the value of z and #] 2 cos? x. 4 y= tan x a! t = MN ye BRE, Ws soc? xy = sec? x. tan x dx cos*x "cos x dx The above equation is in the form of, “+ Py=@ ae where P = sec? x,Q=sec? x. tan x LE = elP ae 2 foe? ede _ tan x Hence, required solution is y XL. =JQxt. Rdx+C = y.e8®* =f sec? x.tan xe" * dv +C Let tan x ] > yeO® = [rede 2 => sec? xdx=dz| > ye are? —ferdz+C => ye ane? 2 4C ye tan x eB — e840 = y=tanx Given a = 3) +2) +2% 256 Xam idea Mathematics-il Now, vector perpendicular to(a + b) and(a — b)is (@+0)x(a—b) cat i =a 2 = (16-0)? ~ (16 - 0) j +(0- 8) k= 167 ~ 167 - 8K «. Unit vector perpendicular to(@ + #) and (a ~ b) is given by . (a4b)x(a-b) \@+B)x@~8)| 167 — 16) - 8k + 8 (2) -2)-B) 16? +(-16)? +(-8)? 8/2? +2’ 21, The equation of given lines can be written in standard form as, x-2 y-1 and Ifb, and by are vectors parallel to lines (i) and (i) respectively, then b, =27 +77 - 3k and by =-7 +2) +4k Obviously, if is the angle between lines (i) and (ii) then 0 is also the angle betweenb, andb, coso =| brb_ [by 11421 (27 +7} = 3k) (i +27 +48) 2? +7? +(-3)? .-n? +27 Examination Papers ~ 2011 257 2414-12 62. /2T > o=2 2 Angle between both lines is 90° Hence, given lines are perpendicular to each other. 22. Let A and B be the events that the problem is solved independently by A and B respectively. Pa)=4 and P= 3 Probability of event that the problem is not solved by A ~ P(A) =1-1.1 22 P(B’) = Probability of event that the problem is not solved by B =1-P(B) 1.2 33 ()P (event that the problem is not solved) = P (event that the problem is not solved by A and B) =P(A’AB)) = P(A) x P(B) [. Aand Bare independent events] P (event that the problem is solved) 1_2 P (event that the problem is not solved) 33 (ii) P (event that exactly one of them solves the problem) =P (solved by A and not solved by B or not solved by A and solved by B) =P (ANB) + P(A‘ OB) = P(A)x P(B) + P(A’) x P(B) 12,11 1 1 +hxt 2°3°2°3 3 6 2 [Note : If A and B are independent events of same experiment then. (i) A’ and Bare independent (ii) A and B’ are independent (iii) A’ and B’ are independent] 258 Xam idea Mathematics-il SECTION - C Now the given system of linear equation may be written as, 2u+ 30+ 10w=4, 4u-60+5w=1 and 6u+ 9v~20w=2 Above system of equation can be written in matrix form as AX=B => X=A7B ol) 2 3 10 « 4 whereA=|4 -6 — 5),X=| 0|,B=|1 6 9 -20 wl [2 2 3 10 JAl=|4 -6 — 5]=2(120~ 45) - 3(-80 - 30) + 10 (36 + 36) 6 9 -20 =150 + 330 +720=1200 #0 For adj A: Ay, = 120-45 =75 yy =- (-80 - 30) = 110 Ayg = 36+ 36=72 Ag, == (60-90) =150, Ay, =~ 40 - 60=~ 100 Agg =~ (18-18) =0 Ag, =15 + 60=75 Ag =~ (10 ~ 40) = 30 Ag, =~-12-12=-24 75 110 72 i‘ 75 150 75 adj.A=|150 —100 0} =|110 -100 30, vid 30-24 72 0 -24 75 150 75 so adA=_}110 -100 30 Al 1200 vn Putting the value of A!, X and Bin (i), we get u) 75 150 75)[4 v|-|110 -100 — 30/|1 v| P| 2 0 -24)|2 u] 300 + 150 + 150) , = 440 ~ 100 + 60 w| 288 + 0-48 Examination Papers ~ 2011 259 u 600 1 > ° |" 300 w 240 uw) fs2 = o|=|1/3 w| [1/5 Equating the corresponding elements of matrix we get 1 3-2) Let A=| -3 o -l 2 1 oO} For finding the inverse, using elementary row operation we write A=IA fa 3 2 100 > 3 0 -1/=/0 1 O|A ,2 1 0 ool Applying R, +R, +3R; and R, >R3 ~2Rj,we get 1 3-2 1 0 0 > oO 9 Tl=|)3 1 O|A lo 5 4} [2 0 1 Applying Ry > Ry 4 Ry 1 0 1/3 o -1/3 0 > oO 9 7i=| 3 1 OA lo 5 4) [2 o 4 Applying Ry ER 1 0 1/3 0 -1/3 0 = oO 1 7/9 1/3 1/9 O|A lo 5 4) | 2 o 4 Applying R; >R3 +5Ry fl 0 1/3) 0 -1/3 0 = 0 1-7/9 =| 1/3 1/9 O|A lo o 1/9) [173 5/9 1 260 Xam idea Mathematics-il Applying Ry > Ry —3R3,R, Ry +7R3 10 0 1 2 «3 > oO 1 of=| 2 4 7A lo o 1/9] [73 5/9 1 Applying R; > 9R3 10 oOo] f1 2 1 2 3 = 0 1 Of=|-2 4 I=|-2 4 7A lo o 1p [3 5 9 3 5 (8 12 3 Hence, Ats|-2 4 7 3 5 9 24. Letx and ye the length and breadth of a rectangle inscribed in a circle of radius r. If A be the area of rectangle then Aa=xy =x.J oe Azx.fa? = “: ABC is right angled triangle dA 1 i) Now, Examination Papers ~ 2011 261 x(-12r? +2x?) wey [ea _ V2 (127? +22") la? | og at _ v2 x= Br? 889 | (27)9/2 av3r8 Hence, A is maximum when x = ¥2r. 4<0 Putting x= V2rin () we get y= yar? — 27? = JR ie, x=y= 2 Therefore, Area of rectangle is maximum when x= y i¢., rectangle is square. 25. The given lines are y=2x+1 @ y= 3x41 (i) x=4 (iii) For intersection point of (i) and (ii) y=2x441=9 Coordinates of intersecting point of (i) and (iii) is (4, 9) For intersection point of (ii) and (iii) y=3x441513 ie., Coordinates of intersection point of (ii) and (ii) is (4, 13) For intersection point of (i) and (ii) Qe+1=3x+1 => x=0 yel i.e,, Coordinates of intersection point of ()) and (i) is (0, 1). Shaded region is required triangular region. Required Area = Area of trapezium OABD ~ Area of trapezium OACD 4 4 =f (3x41) dx- (2x +1) dx n 4 2 2 =[34 +e] - 2 ee do L lo (24 +4) - 0]-[(16 + 4) - 0} sq. units 262 Xam idea Mathematics-il /2 “lei 26. Let 1=2° sin x.cos x. tan“! (sin x) dx Let ralE-s) sin(Z-) cos(% x) By Property PE reiE a) [ional seas = rl ax n*/?_cosx.sinx 7/2 xsinx.cosx > 2 tacts | Geter ™ RD g on™ P sin xscosxde ° 2 J sin® x4 cos* x Examination Papers ~ 2011 263 sin x.cos x aa dx 12 s cos > aeons 2 | Sntaeante 2 | Tanta [Dividing numerator and denominator by cos? x] 7 *f zune sec? xdx 0 1+ (tan? x)? Let tan? x=z; 2tanx.sec? xdx=dz Ifx=0,2=0;x=2,2=00 2 ny de 4 ! 142? =F tant ap =F (an =— tan 0) 2 ae (& - 0) Ss ih 4\2 ) 16 27. The given two planes are 7 +2 +38-4=0 (a and r+j7-8 (i The equation of a plane passing through line of intersection of the planes (i) and (ii) is given by 7.642)+30-4+Alr (i +j-H+51=0 7 [+208 +(2+2)) +(3-2) 4 45A=0 (iii) Since, the plane (iii) is perpendicular to the plane 7 .Gi+ 3) 68) +8=0 lio) = Normal vector of (iii) is perpendicular to normal vector of (io) (+ 2a)? +(2+A)7+(3-a)H. Bi + 37 - 6h) (1+ 2A) x54 (242) x 3+(3—A) x(-6) = 5 +102 +64 34-18 + 6A=0 194-7 =0 buggy 264 Xam idea Mathematics-il 28. Putting the value of 2 in (iii) we get equation of required plane pitts) Normal [Note : Normals of two perpendicular planes are perpendicular to each other. Let the number of tennis rackets and cricket bats manufactured by factory be x and y respectively. Here, profit is the objective function 2, z= 20x + 10y (a We have to maximise z subject to the constraints 1-5x+3y<42_ ...(ii) [Constraint for machine hour] Bxtys24 (ii) (Constraint for Craft man’s hour] x20 y20 [Non-negative constraint] is the y-axis yeaxis Graph of x=0 and y= and x-axis respectively. Graph of x20,y20 is the Ist quadrant. Graph of 15x + 3y = 42 x 0 28 u 0 Graph for 1-5x+3y$42 is the part of Ist quadrant which contains the origin, Graph for 3x+y S24 aeaxis 12 16 20 24 28 Graph of 3x + y= 24 x 0 8 y 24 0 e: Graph of 3x + y $ 24is the part of Ist quadrant in which origin lie Hence, shaded area OACBis the feasible region. Examination Papers ~ 2011 265 For coordinate of C equation 1 -5x + 3y = 42 and 3x + y = 24 are solved as 15x 4 3y=42 (iv) Bxty=24 (0) 2x(2)-@ = 3x + 6y = 84 _3xt 2 in (io (Substituting y Now value of objective function z at each corner of feasible region is Comer Point 2 = 20x + 10y 20,9 0 ABO. 20x8+10%x0=160 B(9,14) 20x0+10x14=140 (412) 204+ 10x12= 200 <—]— Maximum Therefore, maximum profit is ° 200, when factory makes 4 tennis rackets and 12 cricket bats. 29. Let Ey, E, and A be event such that E, =Selecting male person E, =Selecting women (female person) A=Selecting grey haired person. Then P(«é)=1 (E; Here, required probability is P| t a} A + |+PE).P| = Pe) 266 Xam idea Mathematics-il 10. 16. CBSE (Delhi) Set-ll sec? x Mee Toa = tan? x ds= f (sec? x-1) dx = Jsec? xdx—fdx=tanx-x+c ‘The equation of parabola having vertex at origin and axis along +ve y-axis is, x? = day oo) where a is parameters. Differentiating wrt. x we get, 2x=4a & ix , dy ie, x= 2ay jwhere =<") > a= 2y” Putting a=—*- in (i) we get 2y = S Itis required differential equation. Given two vectors are a=2i+3j-k and If ¢ is the resultant vector of @ and F then caatb Examination Papers ~ 2011 267 19. = (2 +3)-H+G-2)+8) = +jp+Ok Now a vector having magnitude 5 and parallel to ¢ is given by 258 _ lel Itis required vector. [Note : A vector having magnitude I and parallel to a is given by I +44 la += fla) is continuous at x= 1 > (LHL. of f(x) atx=1) = (RHLL. of f(x) atx= > lim_ f(x)= lim_ f(x) =f) -) ror vor Now, lim _ f(a) = lim, Sax - 2p be fla) =8ax -2f if x1] wt rol =3a+b Also, f()=11 Putting these values in (3) we get 5a-2b=3a+b=11 > 5a—2b=11 ii) 3a+b=11 iii) On solving (ii) and (ii), we get 3, b=2 [Taking x, y,zeommon from C, ,C,,C, respectively] zox Cy 9Cy -Cy,C3 9Cy-Cy 268 Xam idea Mathematics-il 10 0 [Taking common (y— x) and (z~ x) =me(y-ye-y}x 1 1 from C, and C; respectively] x? oytx ztx =xyz(y-) @- NL @+x-y-D] {Expanding along Ry] ye(y—x)@-M@-y) = xyz(x~y) (yz) 3) 23, LetE,, Ey and Abe event such that E, = choosing the bag I Ey = choosing the bag Il A= drawing red ball Then, P(E) PE (E)) P| = |is required. \A} E; By Baye’s theorem, — P{ 2 29. Let the length and breadth of rectangle be x and y. If A and P are the area and perimeter of rectangle respectively then Aaxy and P=2(x+y) P (. P = Aax(P-x syen-x G+) bee) = Azex-? 3 aA Poy 2 dx 2 For maximum and minimum of A. dA ade P > Fioxe0 = 2 Examination Papers ~ 2011 269 Hence, A is maximum for x = P_P_P 24 4 Therefore, for largest area of rectangle x= y = ie, with given perimeter, rectangle having largest area must be square. CBSE (Delhi) Set-IlI 2) < cost (cos(28 =) . Fetol| 6) \ 6 6 1. cos” = cos! {cos()} [+ 0s (22-8) = cos] cos"! (cos x) = xif xe [0, n] Here (0, 71 3 (0, x) [Let cos x sin xdx= dz] xt4 2x x MW. LHS.) 2x x44 2x 2x 2x x44 Sx+4 Sy+4 Sut4 2x oxtd x Ry Ry, +R, +R3 2x 2x xt Xam idea Mathematics-il 270 1 1 1 =(x+4))2x x+4 9 2x [Taking (6x + 4) common from Rj] 2x 2x xt4 1 0 0 Cy 9Cy -C, =(Gx+4)}2x 4- @x+4]2x 4-x 0 occ 2x 0 4-x =Gx +4) [1((4-2)? - +040) [Expanding along Ry] =(6x+4)(4-x)? =RHS. 12. Since f(2) is continuous. > f(a) is continuous at x= 2and x=10. > (LHL. of f(x) at x=2) = (RHLL. of f(x) at x= 2) = f(x) > lim_f(@)= lim, f(x) = f(2) ror e-a2t Similarly, lim_f()= lim | f(x) = 10) so x 10t lim_ f(a) = lim iy FO Hi § =5 lim, f(@)= lim, ar+b 292 ro? =2a+b £2) =5 Putting these values in (i) we get 2a+b=5 Again lim f(x) = lim ax +b 2510 x10 =10a+b li = lim 21 lim, fe)= lim, =21 flo) = 21 Putting these values in (ii) we get 10a+b=21=21 = 10a+b=21 Substracting (iii) from (i) we get i) (i fv fla) =3 if xs] fe fa) =ar+b if x>2] (iii) fe fl) =ax+b if x<10] fe fl) =21 if x>10] (io) Examination Papers ~ 2011 an 10a+b=21 13. (1+y?)(1 +log2)dx+xdy=0 xdy=—(1+y?) (1 + log x) dx dy __1+logx x dx [Let 1 + log x =z fae=de x 1 2 L(+ logy? + 5 ll +loga)? +e 44. Given |2|=2,|b|=1 and @.b =1 Now, (3@-5b).(2a+7b)=3a.2a+3a.7b-5b.2a aa+21a.b-10b.a~35b.b =6|@|2+11a.b- 35] 6/2 =6(2)? +11x1-35(1)? 4 +11 35=0 2p [Note:a.a=|a|.|a|cos0® =| a |? x1=| Also, scalar product of vectors is commutative abba 23. Let E,, Ey and A be event such that Ey = Occurring six on die. E, =Not occurring six on die. A= Reporting six by man on die. 272 Xam idea Mathematics-il 24. Here P(E) =7 pA). P (Speaking truth i,, man reports six on die when six has occurred on the die) (Not speaking truth ie., man report six on die when six has not occurred on die) Bll 44 /E,) Required probability is P | x) . Ey By Baye’s theorem, Pz] (x+y) , [ue Aaxy > p=2(x+4) A Ue) | ovat L x For maximum or minimum value of perimeter P # a-Aloo ax 2) = 1-420 = 5A 2 = x=VA [Dimensions of rectangle is always positive] @P of, -1)\_2A Now, fF 22/0-ax ax? \ sox 2 @P _ 2a. lax? aya Way? ie., for x= JA , P (perimeter of rectangle) is smallest. A_A vva4 Hence, for smallest perimeter, length and breadth of rectangle are equal (x= rectangle is square. CNC Yad SE 0 CBSE (All India) Set-1 Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 General Instructions: As given in Examination Paper (Delhi) — 2011 SECTION-A Question numbers 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each. 1. Let A= (1,2, 3}, B= (4,5, 6, 7} and let f = {(1, 4), (2,5), (3, 6)} be a function from A to B. State whether f is one-one or not. 2. What is the principal value of cos 3. Evaluate: lcos15°_ sin 15" sin 75° cos75%| a a-[2 3 A fA, . =| 5 _} tite A+ in terms o 5. If amatrix has 5 elements, write all possible orders it can have. 6. Evaluate: f(ax+b)* dx dx 7. Evaluate: f 8. Write the direction-cosines of the line joining the points (1, 0, 0) and (0, 1, 1). 9, Write the projection of the vector ? —j on the vector +}. 10. Write the vector equation of the line given by SECTION-B Question numbers 11 to 22 carry 4 marks each. TL. Let f: ROR be defined as f(x) =10x +7. Find the function g:R-4R such that gof = fog OR A binary operation * on the set (0, 1, 2,3, 4, 5} is defined as: 274 Xam idea Mathematics-il 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. gape] 188, asb<6 |a+b-6, ifa+b26 Show that zero is the identity for this operation and each element ‘a’ of the set is invertible with 6-2, being the inverse of ‘a’, Prove that: tan-}| MEE =VIEX Vivx+ Vix Using properties of determinants, solve the following for x: x-2 2-3 3x-4 x-4 2x-9 3x-16 x-8 2x-27 3x64 Find the relationship between ‘a’ and ’b’ so that the function ‘f defined by: Aaya[@th eso x) = ova, ites 3 Scondinuousatx=3. OR IfxY =e*"¥, show that 2-28 _ dx {log (xe)}? logx 4sin0 (2 cos0) OR If the radius of a sphere is measured as 9 cm with an error of 0.03 cm, then find the approximate error in calculating its surface area Prove that y=. =6 is an increasing function in [o3} ifx=tan{ log /} show that la 2 4x?) Boer a Yeo ae ax FID wa gi Evaluate: [ <1°"* } Treose Solve the following differential equation: xdy—yde Solve the following differential equation: (+3) Bax Using vectors, find the area of the triangle with vertices A (1, 1, 2), B (2,3, 5) and C (1,5, 5). Examination Papers ~ 2011 275 21. 22. Find the shortest distance between the following lines whose vector equations are: 7 =(1-Di+(t-27 +(3- 2 and 7 =(s4+1)i +(2s-1f-(2s 4k A random variable X has the following probability distribution: x 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 P(X) oO K 2K 2K 3K 2K? 7K? +K Determine: (K (ii) P(X <3) (iii) P (X > 6) (iv) P( Ais invertible matrix. Here,Cy, [Note : Cj is cofactor ay, of A= [ay] 5. Possible orders are 1x5 and 5 x1 6. flax +b) dx Let axt+b=2z ade=dz => dx=% a 3 aye fed 2 Jarry? dr= fo? a a a in! x +c, Because © (sin! 2) dx 8. Direction ratios of line joining (1, 0,0) and (0, 1, 1) are 0-4, 1-0, 1-0 ie, 1 4 1 ©. Direction cosines of line joining (1, 0, 0) and (0, 1, 1) are at ye? +0)? #0)? Y-? +)? #0)? YD? +0)? +0)? -1 aa Examination Papers ~ 2011 279 9. 10. n. Let a=i-j, b=i4j Now, projection of a on 5i-4j + 6kand b = 3) +7) +2k Here, Hence, required vector equation is Paatab ie, ? = (GF — 4) + 64) +39 +77 +26) SECTION - B of = fog= = fog=lp = fags) =1(9) = figa)ex [: (2) = xbeing identity function] = 10 (g(x) +7 =x b= f(a) =10x +7] > ie, g:R Risa function defined as g(x) OR For Identity Element : Let abe an arbitrary element of set {0,1,2,3, 4,5) Now, as0=a+0=0 0 O+a=04a=0 sulf) [5 a+0=0+a<6¥a€(0,1,2,3,4,5)] Eq. (i) and (ii) > a¥0=0+a=a Vae(0,1,2, 3,4, Hence, 0 is identity for binary operation +. For Inverse: Let a be an arbitrary element of set {0, 1, 2,3, 4,5) Now, as(6-a)=a+(6-a)-6 le a+(6-a 26) 280 Xam idea Mathematics-il 12. =a+6-a-6 =0 (identity) A) Also, (6-a+a=(6-a) +a-6 fe a+(6-a 26] =6-at+a-6 = 0 (identity) (ii) Eq. () and (ii) 7a «(6 ~ a) = (6 ~ a) +a = 0 (identity) ¥ ae (0,1, 2, 3, 4,5) Hence, each element ‘a’ of given set is invertible with inverse 6 ~ a Let x=sin® > O=sin |x }ssin os sin 2 Now, tan [ sin“! x4-cos™ nis | and xe[-Pafetun Examination Papers — 2011 281 x-2 2x-3 3x-4 13. Given, x-4 2x-9 3x-16/=0 x-8 2x-27 3x-64 xt ; { } Cp Cp = 2C, = 4 4 - * C3 9C3 -3C, x-8 -11 40 x-2 1 2 Z Ry RyRy = 2 2 -6|=0 RoR, -R, -6 -12 42 expanding along R, we get => (x2) (84-72) - 1 (B84 — 36) + 224-12) =0 = 12x-24-48+24-0 = 12x=48 > x=4 14, Since, f(x) is continuous at x= 3. = im_ f(@)= lim, f(a) = (3) @ r33 x3 Letx=3-h Now, f FO) jim, (3-1) [eos Shoo = im, a3 +1 fo fl) =ax+1¥ x53] = lim 3a-ah+1 =3a+1 noo lim f() = Ii (3+h Let x=3+h 3) = lim f(3 + a TO [x33 sh0] = lim, BO +H) +8 [+ fQ) =bx +3 ¥x>3] =a43 From (i), 3a+1=3b+3 3a-3b=2 a-b-2 or 3a—3b=2 whichis the required relation. OR Given, x” =e*"¥ Taking log of both sides = log x¥ = log e*~¥ 282 Xam idea Mathematics-il 15. = y.log x=(x-y) loge fr log e=1] = yelogx=(x-y) > ylogxty=x x = = ’ Ty logx 1 1 +loga).1-x.(0+4 , ay Cori 1x (043) dx (1+ log x)? 5 dy Velox 118% ay tog a} dx (1+loga)? (loge + log x) 5 dy__loex | dy__tepe dx (log ex)” dx {log (ex)? Given, ‘sing “_ 2+ cos8 dy _(2+cos@).4cos@ ~ 4 sin @ .(0 sin @) dx (2+ cos 8)? _8cos 6 +4cos” 8 +4sin? 8 - (2+ cos)” (2+ cos 0)? 8 cos 0 +4~4~ cos? 6-4 cos (2+ cos)? > dy _4cos®—cos 8 _ cos8 (4~ cos) dx (24 cos)? (2 + cos 0)* 5 dy _ +e x+ve - 86 [0,2 / 2] = cosd>0 dx | 4- cos is +ve as—1 4S Lan ora snr ar Now by definition, approximately as [Be tim & a i aro 9 cm] Given = atan! x=logy Differentiating w.r.t. x, we get = = = (1+ x?) Y= ay q Ve y Differentiating w.r.t x, we get 2, 4x?) Sao ay ae ax 2, = +22) 4s ar Hao ax? dx af sib a 5 TFeosx n/2 n/2 = fas fae 4 Trcosx"* ) Treosx T=Iy+ly 2) 284 Xam idea Mathematics-il n/2 _sinx where [y= T+ cos x Now, tn x 1 -ol fai [fa-¢-fate|ee =" a/tog seo |-tog seco} 2 “| a J =~ hog (v2)? 2 1, =4-log2 1= 57 log ‘ px/2_ sin xdx Again, 1, = J, Tyrese Let 1+cos.x=z Also, ifx=5,2=1 40s ~sin xdx=dz ifx=0, z=1+1=2 = sinxdx=-dz L —dz neh ede “Ly =[logz, = log 2- log 1 = log 2 Puting the values of I, and I, in (i), we get n/2 xtsinx ) on x SESE x= ~ log 2 + log 2= Wo Treen 875982 *982°5 18. Given xdy—ydx=yx? +y? dx = xdy=(yt x2 +y?)dx = aye ax dx f+ Jsec® x dx = tan x+<] ftan xdx=log secx + ¢] fe log1=0] [[F09 de = = ff) ae | ytyx x Examination Papers ~ 2011 285 Let Now, ay J ax x Let yaox dy do = Haye & a Integrating both sides, we get dx dv x 1407 > log x+log c=log|v+ y1 +0" | dy dx 286 Xam idea Mathematics-il ay dy Itis in the form of 2 + Py = is in the form of $+ Py=Q Here P=~+and Q= 3x x fe el8? 23 Hence, general solution is =J3x.4de+ [General solution yx1.F=[Qx1F. dv +C] x = Yesrec x > y= 3x? 40x 20. Given, A=(1,1,2);B=(2,3,5);C= (5,5) AB=(2-1)?+(3-}+6-DE AB=i +27 + 3k AC=(-)7+6-)}7+6-k =0/ +47 + 3k s. The area of required triangle 4 ABx AC ol ie BxAC=|1 2 3 043 =((6-12 7-3-7 +(4-9R == 6 3p 4k | ABx AC|=\(-6? +3)? +)? = VT c: Required area =F sg. units, 21. ‘The given equation of lines may be written as r= -27+ 3h +t(-i +7 -26 wl) —B+s@+2j- 28 (i) Examination Papers ~ 2011 287 Comparing given equation (i) and (ii) with r =a; + Abyand r =a) + Aby, we get by =-i+j-2k by =i +27 -2k +> ik by xby = 1 2 2 2 =(-24+4)7-(2+2)7 4(-2-Hk =2-4j-3k |b x63 |=y2? +9? +3)? = c. Required shortest distance = (= ty) Oy Xba) [by xb2 | G48) 27 ~ 47 - 3h) . 2 yR=1 m1 O+k+2k+2k+3k+k? +2k7 47k? +k=1 > 10k? + 9k -1=0 = 10k? +10k-k-1=0 = 10k (k +1) -1(k +1) =0 = (k=) (Q0k-1)=0 = k=-1 and k=t 10 But k can never be negative as probability is never negative. kel 10 Now, Okey (i) P(X <3)=P(K=0) + P(K=1) + PK =2) =0+K+2K=3K=> 10 288 Xam idea Mathematics-il (iii) P (X > 6) = P(X=7)=7K? +K 1 x 100 10 100 (iv) P(0 X=A™'B oli) 43 2) [x [60 where A=|1 2 3),X=/y| and B= 45 6 23) |z |70 | A|=4 (6-6 - 3(3-18) +2(2-12) =0+445-20= 2540 Examination Papers ~ 2011 289 For adj A Ay =6-6=0 Ay =-(9-4)= Ay =-(3-18)=15 Ayy =(12-12)=0 Ay3 =(2-12)=-10 Ay; =- (8-18) =10 r fo 15-10 adjA=|-5 0 10} =| 15 0 [5 -10 5 -10 10 Bi Now putting values in (i), we get [x o -1 14/60 y 30 -2/|45 lz 2 2 1\\70 x 0-45+70 > y|=4} 180+ 0-140 iz] °|+120+90+70 rx] [25] [5] = y|=2)40|=|8 iz] °[40] [3] Hence, x=5,y=8,2=8 -10 24. Let ABC be right-circular cone having radius ’r’ and height ‘h’. If V and S are its volume and surface area (curved) respectively, then S=nrl S=anr qh? +r? - (i) Sam Joe? mr = texte A {Maxima or Minima is same for $ or S] 290 Xam idea Mathematics-il (il) [Differentiating w.r-t.’] [Putting value of V] > Differentiating (if) w.r-t.'r, again say? (927 = 1202? > ()") 4, 30 (for any value of r) Hence, $? ie., S is minimum for r = or h = V2r. i.e,, For least curved surface, altitude is equal to v2 times the radius of the base. OR Let xand y be the dimensions of rectangular part of window and xbe side of equilateral part. IfA be the total area of window, then Also x+2y+2x=12 = 3x+2y=12 y x i2-3x = y= ar! aon 28 LB | | = x = (Differentiating w.r.t. x] Examination Papers ~ 2011 291 5 2 6-3 Again Av=-34 2 <0 (for any value of x) ie, Ais maximum if x= i.e, For largest area of window, dimensions of rectangle are 2 _18-6v3 6- V3 YO 25. Let m3 feosx dx I a ) ajo Yeast + sin e ol 6) els feo E) faleE 1 ni3_fsinx dx yin x + Joos x i) ay 2/3 Gay ain + feos Adding (i) and (ii), 27= [ 22 —YE** g; 6 (and (i, Fite fez i / w= f dx=[x1h/3 1 292 Xam idea Mathematics-il Let Now, Let 6x+7=A Ae 9x +20) +B ix 6x+7=A(2x-9+B > 6x Ax -9A+B Comparing the coefficient of x, we get 2A=6 and -9A+B=7 A=3 and B=34 [= 31, +341 @ (2x~ 9) de ax where 1, =J——— and 1, -/—“— yx? -9x+20 yx? -9x-+20 Now, (2x- 9) dx yx? -9x+20 Let x? ~ 9x +20=27 (2x9) dx = 2 dz zdz 1,=2f*2-2+¢, 2 [Bates —_———_ 1 =2 yx? -9x420 +c Examination Papers ~ 2011 293 bane = log log| x +x? -a?|+x log (x-2}+ (a? 920 ec, Putting the value of [y and I, in (i) 1 =6 yx? —9x+20 + 3c, +344 tog x-3)+ yi? = 93-+20 | +s, = 6x? — 9x-+20 + 34 log (x-3)+ (i? = 90420 +c voy where C= 3c, + 3c. 26. For graph of y=|x+ 3] »fof[sa[s[2][-4 » ts fols [ili axis Shaded region is the required region. Hence, Required area =f, [x43] dx [2 [xs aldr+[), |x+3]de [By Property of definite integral] [x+320 if -3 (Ea 63) 2 the probability that the other coin in the box is also of gold = (2) A P(E,)-P (4) A (A {4 |+P@).e/4 ele prot Examination Papers ~ 2011 295 29. Let the number of desktop and portable computers to be sold be x and y respectively. Here, Profit is the objective function z z= 4500x +5000y (a we have to maximise z subject to the constraints x+y S250 ..(éi) (Demand Constraint) 25000x + 40000y <70,00,000 _...(iii) (Investment constraint) > 5x + 8y $1400 x20, y20 ...(iv) (Non-negative constraint) Graph of x= Oand y= Ois the y-axis and x-axis respectively. « Graph of x2 0, y2 Ois the Ist quadrant. Graph of x+y < 250: Graph of x + y= 250 x 0 250 ¥ 250 0 Graph of x + y $ 250s the part of Ist quadrant where origin lies. Graph of 5x + 8y <1400: Graph of 5x + 8y = 1400 x 0 280 v 175 o Graph of 5x + 8y £1400 is the part of Ist quadrant where origin lies. (200, 50) For cooridnates of C, equation x+y=250 and 5x+8y=1400 are solved and we get x= 200, y=50 Now, we evaluate objective function Z at each corner Comer Point = 4500x + 5000y 00,9 0 A.(250, 0) 1125000 (200, 50) 1150000 «~~ maximum B (0,175) 875000 Maximum profit is * 11,50,000/- when he plan to sell 200 unit desktop and 50 portable computers. 296 Xam idea Mathematics-il 9. Let Now, CBSE (All India) Set-Il log x=z = de=z (differentiating both sides) 20. Given, Now, =tan atx a-x ana As|a-x atx a-af=0 a-x a-x ata 3a-x 3a-x 3a a-x xta a-x]R, Ry a-x a-x atx 1 1 1 Sa-x)}a-x atx a-x a-x a-x atx Examination Papers ~ 2011 297 aa? oe cee =(3a-x) ane coco, Qe 2x atx 3a 2) [1 (0+ 4x2)] [Expanding along Ry] = 4x? (3a-x) 4x? (3a-a) =0 = x=0 or x=30 n/4 21. Let T= flog(1 + tan x) dx a na 1+ tan x+1~-tan x) T+tan® dx na a = J log 2dx — J log (1 + tan x) dx 0 a I= log 2fx]5/4 -1 m > 21 = 2 log 2 48 x = tog2 > Flog 22. xdy~(y + 2x?) dx=0 The given differential equation can be written as rl yore? or . dx dx x ~ flee LF, 298 Xam idea Mathematics-il ©. Solution is = 28. ‘The given system can be written as AX=B => X=A71B oli) 10201 x 7 whereA=|1 0 3|,X=|y|andB=/11 2 3 0 2 1 10201 JAl=]1 0 3/=1(0+ 9) 2-6) +1(-3-0) = 1840 2 3 0 For adj A Ay =049=9 Ay =-(043)=-3 Ay =6-0=6 9 6 adj. A=|-3 -2 6 2 Ate ada 9 3 6 -4)6 2 2 3 7 «2 Now putting above values in (i), we get 9 3 6I[7 6 2 -a|iu 3 7 -2{l1 ix 63-3346 [36 = yew) 42-22-2] =a 18 iz] "S| -21477-2 [54 a) pn = yf= [a iz} [3] > x=2,ys1z=3 [From equality of matrices] Examination Papers ~ 2011 299 29. Two given planes are 7 .@4j+h-1=0 7 Qf +37-B+4=0 It’s cartesian forms are xeyee 0 and 2x4 3y-244=0 (i) Now, equation of plane passing through line of intersection of plane (i) & (i) is given by (ety +2-1)42Qx4 3y-z44)=0 (1422) x4(14 30) y4(l—Ayz-144d=0 (iin Since (ii) is parallel to x-axis » Normal of plane (i) is perpendicular to x-axis. > (1+22).1 + (14 32).0+ (1 -2).00 [Direction ratios of x-axis are (1, 0,0)] > 1+ =0 > he Hence, required equation of plane is ova(t-3)yr(ted eaves = ~1y+22-1-2=0 27°2 > y—324+6=0 or 77-38) 46=0 CBSE (All India) Set-II [Differentiating we get] ix=fe* dz se 4+e= 2. If be the angle between @ and b, then a.b =|a].[b | cos0 300 Xam idea Mathematics-il V6 = V3.2cos0 Bxta 3x+a 3x+a =| x oxta x Ry OR, +R, +Ry x x oO 0 0 C,9C,-Cs = ao c. Cy -C. -a a xt+a 292 3 = (3x40) (0+a) {Expanding along Ry] =a (3x44) = Sax +a Given A=0 Examination Papers ~ 2011 301 13. 14. 23. Let =f) tos(4 jax =f log (Eye @ [ ff foodx= ff fla-2 a| Adding (i) and (ii), we get 1 (l-x 1 ( a=, tog ("are lea [- log A + log B= log (Ax B)] = > Itis in the form of 24 4 Py=Q ae where P= Land Q=x? x 1 Ma FE ior x oy Hence, solution is, y.x=fx.x? drt wate = The given system of equation can be written as AX=B = X=A™B @ 12 4 x 4 where A=|2 3 2|,X=|y|,B=| 2 3-3-4 z u Now, | A|= =1(-12 + 6) -2(-8- 6) - 3(-6-9) =67 #0 one 2 4 302 Xam idea Mathematics-il 24. For adj A: Ay=-6 =17 Ay =14 =5 Ay =-15 9 “ v7 2B 5 5-8 =| at 13 8 1 Putting the value of X, A~ and Bin ny we get [x 6 17 4] [24+ 344143 [ 201 y -4 4 = oy J-2 56 + 10-88 -4 134 lz [as PA lz | 6o+18-11 | 67 [x ° y lz > x=3,y=-2,2=1 The given planes are 2x+y-z-3=0 a and 5x -3y +44 9=0 (i) The equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of (i) and (ii) is given by (Qx+y-z2- 3) +AGx~ 3y +4249) = (2+5A) x+(1- 32) y+ (44-1) z+(94— 3) =0 (iii) y-3_2-5 “1 Itis given that plane (ii) is parallel to = 45 = Normal of (iii) is perpendicular to given line. (2+52).2+(1-3A).4+(44-1).5=0 > 18, +3=0 = neh 6 Putting the value of 2 in (iif), we get the required plane. Qxty-2-3)- 2 Gx- 3y +4249) = 12x + 6y - 6-18 -5x + 3y—4z-9=0 = > 7x4 9y~ 12-27 =0 CNC Yad SE 0 CBSE (Foreign) Set-I Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 General Instructions : As given in Examination Paper (Delhi) ~ 2011. SECTION - A Question numbers 1 to 10 carry one mark each. 1. If f:R Ris defined by f(x) = 3x +2, define fIf(a)]. 2. Write the principal value of tan! (-1), 3. Write the values of x - y +z from the following equation [xtytz] [9] xez |-[5 Ly+z | (7) 4. Write the order of the product matrix : 1 2|2 3 4) i3 5. u|* *[=]° 4), write the positive value of 5 aft *)=] | write the positive value of 6. Evaluate: (1 + log x)? stow x 7. Evaluate e—* 1 dex? 8. Write the position vector of the mid-point of the vector joining the points P (2, 3, 4) and Q(4,1,-2). 9. If @.a=Oand a. b =0, then what can be concluded about the vector b? 10. What are the direction cosines of a line, which makes equal angles with the co-ordinates axes? 304 Xam idea Mathematics-il SECTION - B Question numbers 11 to 22 carry 4 marks each. 11. Consider f:R, —[4, «Igiven by f(x) =x? + 4.Show that fis invertible with the inverse (f~) of f given by f(y) = y—4, where R,, is the set of all non-negative real numbers. 12, Prove the following : 9n_9 1 (1)_9 a (v2 288 sinh (2)= 3 sin t (AE OR Solve the following equation for x Lian, x>0 13. Prove, using properties of determinants : yek oy y yooytk oy [=k y+ y ¥ ytk 14. Find the value of k so that the function f defined by k-cos x x , ifxee flo) = [= 2 2 3, ifx=% 2 x is continuous at x=. 15, Find the intervals in which the function f given by fQ)=sinx+cosx, 0SxS2n is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing. OR Find the points on the curve y=x° at which the slope of the tangent is equal to the y-coordinate of the point. 16. Prove that : d\x faa iw (5) 242 Sa? - x2 +% sin“ (=) | = Ja? - r+ts a? = x dx |2 a OR Uy =ogte i? prove that? #9 HE oe 0. 17. Evaluate : Je? sin x dx OR dx 3x45 Evaluate: — Examination Papers ~ 2011 305 18. Find the particular solution of the differential equation (1+ e?*) dy +(1+y) e*dx=0, given that y= 1, when x= 0. 19, Solve the following differential equation a + y cot x= dx cosec x, given that y= 0 when x = >in at 20. If vectors @=2%+2743k, b=-f+2%+k and C=37+) are such that a+Ab is perpendicular to ¢, then find the value of A. 21. Find the shortest distance between the lines : y= 61 +2) +2k+A(@ —2) +28) and —4i—k+u(3i -2) -28) 22, Find the mean number of heads in three tosses of a fair coin. SECTION - C Question numbers 23 to 29 carry 6 marks each. 1-1 2-2 0 1 23. Use product)0 2 -3|| 9 2 -3|to solve the system of equations (3 2 4i[6 1 2 x-y+2e=1 2y-32=1 Bx—2y + 42=2 OR Using elementary transformations find the inverse of the matrix: (20-1 cn) jo 1 3 24. A window is in the form of a rectangle surmounted by a semi-circular opening. The total perimeter of the window is 10 metres. Find the dimensions of the rectangle so as to admit maximum light through the whole opening. 25. Using the method of integration, find the area of the region bounded by the lines Qxty=4 3x-2y=6 x-3y+5=0 26. Evaluate f(x? ~2) drasa limit of sums. OR Evaluate: n/4 sin x+cosx fo a 0-916 sin 2x 27. Find the equation of the plane passing through the point (-1, 3, 2) and perpendicular to each of the planes : 306 Xam idea Mathematics-il 28. 29. 10. 19. 20. 21. 22. x+2y+3z=5 and 3x+3y+z=0 A cottage industry manufactures pedestal lamps and wooden shades, each requiring the use of grinding/cutting machine and a sprayer. It takes 2 hours on the grinding/cutting machine and 3 hours on the sprayer to manufacture a pedestal lamp. It takes one hour on the grinding/cutting machine and 2 hours on the sprayer to manufacture a shade. On any day, the sprayer is available for at the most 20 hours and the grinding /cutting machine for at the most 12 hours. The profit from the sale of a lamp is ° 5 and that froma shade is * 3. Assuming that the manufacturer can sell all the lamps and shades that he produces, how should he schedule his daily production in order to maximise his profit? Make an L.P.P. and solve it graphically. A factory has two machines A and B. Past record shows that machine A produced 60% of the items of output and machine B produced 40% of the items. Futher, 2% of the items produced by machine A and 1% produced by machine B were defective. All the items are put into one stockpile and then one item is chosen at random from this and is found to be defective. What is the probability that it was produced by machine B? CBSE (Foreign) Set-Il Write fog, if f: R-» Rand g: R — Rare given by flxy=[x| and g(x) =|5x—2| Evaluate : ax _ pdx er Sad Prove, using properties of determinants : a-b-c 2a 2a 2b b-c-a 2 |=(a+b+0)% 2c 2c c-a-b Find the value of kso that the function , defined by fest, ifxen IO>) cass, i x>n is continuous at x= x Solve the following differential equation: a +2y tan x=sin x. given that y= 0, when x= Find the shortest distance between the lines : ola 7 a(+27 +342 3) +2h) and + 6K) + (2? +37 +8) Examination Papers ~ 2011 307 28. 29. 1. 12. 13. 14. 23, Find the vector equation of the plane, passing through the points A (2, 2, 1), B(3,4, 2) and C(7,0, 6). Also, find the cartesian equation of the plane. Bag I contains 3 red and 4 black balls and Bag II contains 4 red and 5 black balls. One ball is transferred from Bag I to Bag II and then a ball is drawn from Bag II at random. The ball so drawn is found to be red in colour. Find the probability that the transferred ball is black. CBSE (Foreign) Set-Ill Write fog, if f :R + R and g:R R are given by f(x) = 8x9 and g(x) = x73 Evaluate cos vx J dx vx Prove, using properties of determinants : xty 42 x y z y+z42x y l=2@e+y425 z x zext2y For what value of A is the function Ja? -2), if x<0 f(x) 4x¢1 , if x>0 continuous at x= 0? Solve the following differential equation 1 , given y= Owhen x=1. dy d+ x7) B20. eat) ee day = ¥ Find the shortest distance betwen the lines : PaG 4+ +BraG-Frd and aij -B+p(ai+j+2b Find the equation of the palne passing through the point (1, 1, -1) and perpendicular to the planes x + 2y + 32-7 =Oand 2x ~ 3y + 42=0. ‘There are three coins. One is a two headed coin (having heads on both faces), another is a biased coin that comes up heads 75% of the times and the third is an unbiased coin. One of the three coins is chosen at random and tossed, and it shows heads. What is the probability that it was the two-headed coin? 308 Xam idea Mathematics-il ———V/\ Solutions 2 CBSE (Foreign) Set-I Section - A Let > = ) | range of the = 4°\2'2) principal value branch of tan! > a function and tan| —* Principal value of tan7! (1) is + We have 0 Gi) (iii) @- > xeyerox-2-9-5 > ya4 .. (iv) js x-yte-5-4 = x-ytzel Order is 3x3 because itis product of two matrices having order 3x1 and 13. We have xx +; ‘| 1 xf [12 > xP ax = 6-4 = x2 -1-2=0 Examination Papers ~ 2011 309 x? dv bx-2=0 > x(r-2) +10 -2)=0 > > (2 x +D=0 > x=2 or x (Not accepted) > x2 2 6 raf CRED a Let 14 logx = dared: > I=] 2a +e -La+togx)? + 8. Let a. b be position vector of points P(2,3, 4) and Q(4, 1, 2) respectively, a= +3} eae bai Position vector of mid point of P and Q-* +47 + 2K 2 2 = +27 +k % .a.a=0 > a|.[a|.coso=0 > al.fal=o oP > = a| -0 = |al-o al.|b scos = 2 B may be any vector [« 34 -cox0-03 10. Let a be the angle made by line with coordinate axes. => Direction cosines of line are cos a, cos a, cosa. 310 Xam idea Mathematics-il > cos? a + cos? a +08? =I > 30s” a=1 = cos’ 1 > cosa =t—— a Hence, the direction cosines, of the line equally inclined to the coordinate axes are Lyd 2 [Note : If J, m,n are direction cosines of line, then I? +m? +n? =1] Section - B 11. For one-one Let x1 .x%2 €R (Domain) FOY=f0y) > xptdexd a > xPex} > xpaxy [eoxy .x2 are 4ve real number] /f is one-one function. For onto Let y €[4, 2) st =f) Vx eR, (set of non-negative reals) > x4 > [eux is + ve real number] Obviously, ‘Vy €[4, at], x is real number € R (domain) i.e,, all elements of codomain have pre image in domain, = fis onto. Hence f is invertible being one-one onto. For inverse funetion : If f! is inverse of f, then fof Tay (Identity function) = fof 1(y=y Vy els) > g o=y > (1 o? #4=y [efla) =x? +4] = LT aso4 Therefore, required inverse function is f~! [4, ©] > R defined by ST a WF ¥yel4, 0. 12. LHS. = Examination Papers ~ 2011 311 [8 10, n]] Ge [0, x] [5 sin Bis +ve =sin7 ( 2 } (3 Putting the value of 6] By property = [Here-1< 1% c1asx>0 l+x ( 2 = tant {___20-x*) | (a+? -a-1)? } > x = 3x? = x>0] 13. LHS. = y yok » > [Applying C) +C, +€2 +Cs yek ly oy =Gy+b|1 ytk y [Taking common @y +) from C, ly ytk 312 Xam idea Mathematics-il ly Ok 00 =Gy+b y 0 k Expanding along C we get =Gy +k) (I(k? —0)-0+0} =Gy+ hk? =k? Byth) lim f hoo 14, lim fo)= G im f(x) = tim f[2+h (x keon(Z4) = lim — 22 a x-2|2 4h] 20) sinh = lim St" hoo —m-2h 20 i) 2h Also Since f(x) is continuous at x 3 (x) lim f(x)= lim. f(x) 5) « x (2) Applying R, 9R, -R, Ry Rs -R, a Co) [ fey =3if x=3) Examination Papers ~ 2011 15, f (x) =sinx + cosx Dit For critical points 313 ntiating wart. x, we get ‘f') =cosx ~sinx F'@)=0 = cos ~sinx =0 => cosx=sinx = > where n=0,44142, = > (Not exist) = [.0Sx S2n] x Sn The critical value of f(x) are =, 58 citcal value of f(x) ae 2,2 Therefore, required intervals are [a3 2) (2,58) ana (8, 2s| sway Obviously, $1) >0itx a 5) 4) and SJ) Slope of tangent at point (x; , y1) on curve (y=x4)is| (2) Ky 4) 314 Xam idea Mathematics-il 16. From question ax? =y “@ Also since (x4, yy) lies on curve y= x7 wax? «i From (i) and (ii) ax? ax} > ax? -x} <0 > x? G-x))=0 > x) =0,x) =3 Tf x, =0,y, =0 If x, =3,y =27 Hence, required points are (0, 0) and (3, 27). Prove that LHS. Given > [Differentiating] Examination Papers ~ 2011 345 Differentiating again, we get 2 #y 1G? yy 2 aye dx? > G+ 17. Let cos x ~f 2e”* (eos x) dx =-e* cosx +2) e* cosx dx mH 0 cose + 2[e2 sin —f2e2* sin x ds] =e cosx +2e™ sinx 4 fe sinx dr +C" =e” (2sin x —cosx) 41 +C’ 2x = [2 sin x ~cos.x]+€ [where C OR Now 3x +5-A Le? 8 4B ae = 3x +5=A (2x -8) + = 3x +5=2Ax -8A+B Equating the coefficient of x and constant, we get 2A =3 and -8A +B =5 A= and -8x34B-5 2 2 > B=5+12=17 ae pte pene Hence J—_—« x? 8x +7 rE 8x +7 3) 9 anf 28x47 x? 8x47 Bien 0) dx Where a IF 8147 Now Let (2x -8) de = 2ede 316 Xam idea Mathematics-il i) a vx? 8x47 dx Is fe? -2.x4+16-16+7 © (x4)? (x-4) + x4)? -3? Jc, (x4) + yx? 8x +7 Putting the value of J; and I> in (i) TS? fr? 8x +7 +17 log| (x —4) + yx? —8x +7/+(Cy +) fe? 8x +7 =3yx? 8x +7 +17 log | (x —4) yx? -8x +7|+C. slog hale? a Jre | =log Ip =log $C, iy [ ae Note : | ——— Pe le 18. Given equation is (+e) dy ++y?) ede =0 > a+ e*)ady Integrating both sides, we get > For particular solution : Putting y=1 and x =0, we get tan!) + tan > Therefore, required particular solution is tan! y+tan! e* = Examination Papers ~ 2011 317 19. Given differential equation is 4 2 + yeotx =4x cosee.x ae 4 > Bs cot .y=Ax cosee x Comparing the given equation with Bop ry =O, we get P =cot x, Q=4x cosecx LR, ele er Jog sin Hence the General solution is yesinx =f 4x, coseex. sinx de +C => ysinx =[ 4x dx + [cosee.x . sin. x =1) > ysin x =2x7 +€ Potting y=0 and x =5, we get 2 o-22 405 4 2 Therefore, required solution is y sin.x =2x? — Note: When the given differential equation is in the form of a + Py=Q, where P,Q are constant or function of x only, then general solution is yxLF)=[ (QxLF) dx + where LF.=e 20, Here 22+h ent] G4hb = +27 43H 404427 )=2-wi (2+2Wj+B+HE Since (a +.B) is perpendicular to ¢ = (@+hbe > 6 <0 => (2-2).34+(2+29.1+842).0=0 A+ 24+ 2A=0 => A=8 [Note : If @ is perpendicular to b, then a. b =|a|.| b|.cos.90°=0) 318 Xam idea Mathematics-il 21. Given equation of lines are Gi + 27+ 2k + AG 2} +28) “@ =-4) -& + Gi ~27 -28) 2 @ Comparing ()) and (ji) with r =a, + Ab, and y =a; +%b3, we get a, =67 +27 42k ar=-4i-k by =i 2} =2k ay ~ a2 =(61 + 2] + 2k) —(-4i -& = 107 + 27 43k » > [Pak bixb2=/1-2 2 3-2 -2 =44+ 97-20 7+ 2+ Hk =8 +87 +46 | bx b2| =\8248? +4? = Via = 12 ‘Therefore, required shortest distance > >) (> (« a} (Bb \ | } by x by 07+ 27 +38 8? +87 +48) 12 80416 +12 12 3 + 1by is given by Note : Shortest distance ($.D) between two skew lines «ele ay +hby and r 2 X by 22, The sample space of given experiment is S=((HHH), (HHT), (HTT), (TTT), (TH), THE), (HTH), (THT)) Let X denotes the no. of heads in three tosses of a fair coin Here, X is random which may have values 0, 1, 2, 3. Examination Papers ~ 2011 319 1 3 Now, P(X =0)=— P(x =D== (X=9=5 ce 5 3 1 P(X=2)=> 0, P(X =3)=— 8 8 Therefore, Probability distibution is x 0 1 2 3 PX) v8 3/8 38 18 23. Given system of equation is xnyt2c=1 2y3e=1, 3x -2y + 4s Above system of equation can be written in matrix form as AX=B=>X=-A'B @ 1-41 2 x 1 whrere A=|0 2 -3).x=/y|,e=|1 3 2 4f kz 2 f20 1 Let 923 612 1-1 220 1 Now ac=o 2 -3|/ 9 2 3 [3s 2 4jl 61 2} -2-9412 0-242 143-4 =| 0+18-18 0+4-3 0-646 “618424 0-444 346-8 = AC=1 > AT AQ=ATT [Pre multiplication by A~'] > a tae=at [By Associativity] > 1c=At > at 20 1 > 923 1 61-2 320 Xam idea Mathematics-il Putting X,A~! and B in () we get x 2 0 1 yl=| 9 2 3 z 6 1 2) 3 . OR 20-1 Let A=|5 1 0 Loi 3} For elementary row operation, we write - A=IA 20-4 51 |= lo 3 Applying Rp <> Ry s 1 0 20 4 lo 13 Applying Ry > Ry ~2Ry flor 2 20 -1 fo 13 Ry OR, 11 1 0 oo. o 14 20 00 Ri OR, fl 0 -1) f-2 ob -t o 1 3/-|0 0 14 2 0 a} L1 0 0 Ry Ry -2R flo -) f2 41 - o 1 3)-}0 0 1A lo o ibs 2 2} Ry Ry + Ry, Ry Ry ~3Rs ro 0} f 3 a 2 0 1 0|=-1s 6 SA fo o if) 5s 2 2} Examination Papers ~ 2011 321 3-101) T=) -15 6 -5|A 5-2 2} 3-11 > Ats|-15 6 -5 L 5-2 2] 24, Let x and y be the length and width of rectangle part of window respectively. Let A be the opening area of window which admit Light. we we Obviously, for admitting the maximum light through the opening, A t must be maximum, Now A = Area of rectangle + Area of semi-circle y 1 Anwttn ery From question > @ Now Hence for x and thus (Putting x= 2" in 0 at 322 Xam idea Mathematics-il 5(n+2) 4 5n+20-Sn-10 10 xed a4 Therefore, for maximum A i.e, for admitting the maximum light . 20 Length of rectangle =x = 20 “ . wa Breadth of rectangle = y=!” ea Given lines are de ty=4 3x -2y x-3y45 For interseetion point of (i) and (i) Multiplying (by 2 and adding with (i), we get dx + 2y=8 ax -2y=6 Teal => x=2 y-0 Here, intersection point of (i) and Gi) is (2, 0). For intersection point of (i) and (ii) Multiplying (i) by 3 and adding with (iti), we get 6x F3y=12 x~3y=-5 ~Wx=T => x=l yaa Hence, intersection point of (i) and (iii) is (1, 2). For intersection point of (i) and Multiplying (i) by 3 and subtracting from (i), we get 3x -2y=6 3x 3 9y=) 5 Hence intersection point of (ii) and (iii) is (4, 3), With the help of intersecting points, required region ABC in ploted. Shaded region is required region. Required Area = Area of AABC @O (i) (iii) Area of trap ABED ~ Area of AADC ~ Area of ACBE WS af? G20 ae Examination Papers ~ 2011 323 {fe \ ft WL _4) —(4-]) }-. (18420) (5 +5} 18-9 4-9 }-5 1 (4-3)-5(0+6) 26, Comparing in (x2 -x) de with g ‘F(x de, we get fQxy=x? -x and a=1b=4 By definition ff fe ae = lima [f+ s(a+ i) + flat 2H) +... +f (a+ (nD) « hoo #13 where h =2= = nh=3 Also nae h>0 ff 2 Hx de = him bY +f +h +f +2) +... +f C=(2-DII] no Here h 4 = fim, EO + (14 AY? + A) + (4 2H)? 04 )) Hae (4-DAY? —A + AN = lim A[O+ (1+ h? + 2h-1-h) + (1+ 4h? +4h-1-2h) noo tL (nh? + 2m h(n} = lim h[0+(h? +h) +(4h? + 2h) +... {(n-D7h? +(n—D A) aso = lim WU? (142? + sey?) eh 42+. DH = tim al 42 CD AAR—D , od hoo | 6 2 wl | = lim U ao / a(t La 3 = lim ni hee noe 6 ha0>n>0 _ 270-0) 2-0) | 90= 6 2 324 Xam idea Mathematics-il 21. 28. oR Let sin.x ~cosx =z Ifx=0,2=-1 et (cos.x + sin x) dx =dz Ix =0 4 Also, ~ sin x ~cosx = > (sin x —cosx)? =2? = sin? x + cos? x —2sin x cos. > Now 5..|] th 2 ()-2 16,5 2-2 a) al 14 Ja 2 ngt-net] =the hel =e = tog9 Let equation of plane passing through (-1, 3, 2) be a(x +1) + B(y-3) +z =2)=0 -@ Since (i) is perpendicular to plane x + 2y+32=5 = a.1+b.2+6.3=0 > a+2b+3c=0 we i) ‘Again plane (i) is perpendicular to plane 3x +3y +z =0 = a.3+b.3=c.1-0 = Bat+3b+ce=0 os iii) From (ii) and (iii) 9 < (ay) > a=-Th, b=8), c=-32 Putting the value of a, b,c in (i), we get -TA(x +1) +8 K(Y-3) -3R (2-2) =0 > AIx -7+8y-24-3¢ + 6 =0 > Ta + 8y 3c -25=0 > Tx ~By + 3c +25 =0 It is required plane. Let the number of padestal lamps and wooden shades manufactured by cottage industry be x and y respectively. Here profit is the objective function z zaSx+3y @ Examination Papers ~ 2011 325 We have to maximise z subject to the constrains 2x +ysi2 3x + 2y<20 x20 yeot Graph of x =0, y=0 is the y-axis and x-axis respectively. Graph of x 20, y20 is the Ist quadrant. Graph for 2x + y<12 Graph of 2x +y=12 x 0 6 y 12 0 Since (0, 0) satisfy 2x + y<12 => Graph of 2x +y Graph of 3x + 2y <20 is that half plane in which origin lies. The shaded area OABC is the feasible region whose corer points are O, A, B and C. oy (iii) @) 326 Xam idea Mathematics-il For coordinate B. Equation 2x +y=12 and 3x + 2y=20 are solved as 3x +2(12-2x) =20 > 3x +24 4x = 20> 4 => y=12-8=4 Coordinate of B =(4, 4) Now we evaluate objective function Z at each corner, Corner points z=Sx +3y 0 (0, 0) 0 A, 0) 30 B (4, 4) 32 <_____} € ©, 10) 30. 1 maximum, Hence maximum profit is * 32 when manufacturer produces 4 lamps and 4 shades. 29, Let Ey, Ez and A be event such that E; = Production of items by machine A Ey = Production of items by machine B A = Selection of defective items. By Baye's theorem 2 500 500° 6+2 PE) ele |rren le E>) 1 Zz Examination Papers ~ 2011 327 CBSE (For % foa x) =f(e2)) =flSx -2)) =[I5*-2]| =|5x-2| 10. Let a-b-c 2a 2a 19. LHS.=| 2b b-c-a 2b 2 een a~b Applying Ry > Ry + Ry +R3, we get atb+c atbte atbte 2b b-c-a 26 2e e-a-b 1 1 1 2b b-c-a 2b 2e ee a~b =(a+b+o Applying Cy +C, Cy and Cy ¥C ~C3, we get 0 0 1 s(a+b+0| 0 -b-e-a ctatb ctatb c-a-b Expanding along Ry, we get =(a+b+0 [0-0 +10-Cb-c-a).(c+a+B)}] a+b+o.(asb+o? RHS =(a+b+ 328 Xam idea Mathematics-il 20, 2. Tim_ fox) = tim foi |E*=*E im_ f(x) = tim fone FO yon ho = Jim Ke) +1 [fo = ke +1 for x hv = Tim cos (+h) [Flx) =c0sx for x> x] noo = lim -cosh nao Also f(t) =kn=1 Since f(x) is continuous at x =7 > lim f(x) = lim, f(x) =/() > kntls-l=katl > kn=-2 > ke? x Given differential equation is dy ® 5 2tanx.y=sinx a ~ Conpaingt witn «9-0, wee P=2tanx, Q=sinx Lp a el2im ade (e203 sox _ ylog sec? x =sec2x Hence general solution is yesee? x =f sin x. seo? x de +C psec? x =fseox tans de +C > ysee? x sex + 2 = yeeosx +C cos? x Putting y=0 and x Ewe get O=c0s= +. cos? = 3 3 1.£ 5 c= 2 Required solution is y=cosx ~2cos? x Examination Papers ~ 2011 329 22, Given equation of lines are 7 a@ +2] +38) +20 35+ 28 oo 7 Ha +57 +60 +p rsa} +8 wa Comparing () and (ji) with r =a, +4B and r =a, +4 5b respectively we get ay <4 45) +68 by = +37 4k =(-3-6F 0-47 + B+ 0k =-97 437 + 9% Ye9? 43? 49? =3N9 =| (a2 =a) bi xb9) SD. > 1x Dy 3h) .-97 +3} 49%) | _-2749427_ 3 3y19. 319, v9” 28, Let equation of plane passing through A (2, 2, -1) be a(x-2)+b(y-2)+e@ +) =0 .@ Since, B (3, 4, 2) lies on plane (i) > (3-2) + b(4-2)+ (2+) =0 = a+2b+3c=0 (ii) Again C (70,6) lie on plane (i) > a(7-2) + b(0-2) + c+) =0 = Sa-2b +7e=0 (iii) From (ii) and (iii) a b ¢ 14=6 15-7 2-10 a= 202, b=82, c= 124 Putting the value of a,b,c in (@ 20A(x 2) + 8Ny—2) -12Ne +) =0 20x —40 + By -16 -122-12=0 20x + 8y-12c 68 =0 Sx +2y-3-17=0 uuu 330 Xam idea Mathematics-il => 5x +2y—3¢=17 which is required cartesian equation of plane, Its vector form is (ai + yj +B). (Si + 27 =, = 7 (58 +2738) =17 29, Let Fy, Ey and A be event such that E, = red ball is transferred from Bag I to Bag IL Ey = black ball is transferred from Bag I to Bag I A= drawing red ball from Bag II Now From Baye’s theorem. 82) A, ) CBSE (Foreign) Set-Ill 1, fog(x)=f (g(x) =f cel) =8(219)3 Let 2 J cost dt =2sinr $C =2sin Vx +e Examination Papers ~ 2011 331 xtytee ox y 1. LHS: <0 ytet2e y z x gtx t2y Applying Cy >C, +C2 + C3 we get Ar+y+) x y [2a ty+2 yte42e y Arty+) x x42y 1 x y =2rty+a]l ytzt2x [Taking common from C;] Lox ctxt2y Applying Rp Ry —Ry and Ry —> Ry —Rj, we get 1 x y Oxtye 0 0 0 xtytz =Axtyt+2. Expanding along C,, we get (x+y +I +y +9? --040) =2(x+y+9 = RHS 12, lim f(x) = Jim, d(x? 2x) Lf) =2.(x? =2x) for.x <0) xo x =1(0-0) =0 Tim, fe) = im, 4x 61 Lf) =4x 1 for x > 0 20 ca =4x0+1=1 Since lim f(x)# lim_ f(x) for any value of 2. Hence for no value of A, fis continuous atx =0 x0 0" 13. Given differential equation is aes) 2s 20= 1+ 332 Xam idea Mathematics-il Hence general solution is 1 2, y+ x?)=[— dex) dv oe is dx + 2 > yd +x?) Io Cc > yd +x?) =tan tx +e Putting y=0 and x =1 we get O=tan (+e cut 4 Hence required solution is y.Q¢x?) =tan 14, Given lines are ra +24 040-74 @ 7 =f -j-+pOi+j+2® Ww Comparing the equation (i) and (ii) with r =a, + 4b; and r =az + by We get a, =2-j-k by =28 +} +28 Now +2j3+b [b; x by |= 3)? +@)? (az ~ay) (b, x bp) 2 Shortest distance = vit by x by | 33-26 ai +0 +38 by x by Examination Papers ~ 2011 333 3-0-6 | 3v2 | 98 32 v2 ov2 _3v2 “3x22 23. Let the equation of plane passing through point (1, 1, -1) be a(x) +b) +e + =0 @ Since (i is perpendicular to the plane x +2y+32-7=0 Lat2.b+3.c=0 a+2b+3e=0 (io Again plane (i) is perpendicular to the plane 2x ~3y-+42= 2.a-3.b+4.c=0 2a-3b+4e=0 oo iti) From (ii) and (iii), we get > > a=1Th b=2%, c=-Th Puttting the value of a,b,c in () we get IT A(r=1) + 24D TA + =O = 17 (1) +201) 7 41) =0 > 17x +2y-T-17-2-7=0 > 17x + 2y-7e-26=0 Ic is required equation. [Note: The equation of plane pasing through (x), y4, 21) is given by a(x x1) + by) +e@-z1) =0 where a,b, ¢ are direction ratios of normal of plane.) 24, Let Ey, Ez, E3 and A be events such that E, = event of selecting two headed coin Ey = event of selecting biased coin, Ey = event of selecting unbiased coin. A =event of getting head, 1 PE;) = (Ey) = PE 334 Xam idea Mathematics-il 353 fA io ae]

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