Network Congestion Through The Eyes of Hong Kong A Market Based Study On How Developed Markets Benefit by Offloading Data To Wifi

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efit n e B s t e k n ar o i t M s d e pe g o l n e ev Co D k w r o Ho n w g t o Ne g Kon d Study iFi ase ta to W b Hon t ke r Da a g M n i A ad o l f f by O

u o r h t

e h t gh

f o s ye


The advancement and growth of the Internet is causing network congestions across the globe due to heavy data consumption required by its applications. However, with different penetration levels and usage patterns, there is a contrast for network congestion in developed and emerging countries. The network congestion issue in developed nations is more acute although current network technologies are advanced but yet they are insufcient to cope with data requirements. The only way forward is to continue upgrading to faster networks with higher capacity, but this option requires heavy investment in terms of time, effort and money. What then is a more cost-effective alternative? This paper studies Hong Kong*, a densely populated country with one of the worlds fastest growing telecoms sector and a victim of network congestion. Greenpacket presents a case study on how a cellular operator can battle network congestion without burning a hole in the pocket.
*Hong Kong is selected as it is a small country with a huge population and easily comparable to any other major city in the world. The objective here is to help readers understand that network congestion as experienced by Hong Kong and proposed solution can be applied to most dense areas around the world.


Network Congestion Phenomenon: Developed vs. Emerging Markets Getting to Know Hong Kongs Telecoms Market Issues Facing Hong Kongs Mobile Broadband Landscape Case Study Operator X, Hong Kong (HSPA+ Operator) Solve Your Network Congestion Woes Cost-Effectively Today! 01 04 08 12 16


Network Congestion Phenomenon: Developed vs. Emerging Markets

Across the globe, escalating data trafc is leading to network congestion, a phenomenon that the telecommunications industry dreads. However, developed and emerging markets undergo network congestion which is different in nature due to the disparity in broadband penetration levels which leads to dissimilar usage patterns (user perspective) and business models (operator perspective). Generally, broadband penetration exceeds 35% in developed markets but barely touches 10% in most emerging markets. Figure 1 maps the broadband penetration rates of developed and emerging markets worldwide. Developed nations have a higher broadband penetration rate compared to emerging nations. Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Internet World Stats, December 2008 December 2009

Developed Markets

Emerging Markets

Developed market Emerging market (more developed) Emerging market (least developed)

Image Source: Alex Covarrubias through Wikipedia

Figure 1: Economic Map of the World: Emerging Markets and Developed Markets



Causes of Network Congestion

In Greenpackets earlier whitepaper Operators Can Save $14 Million Yearly Through Data Ofoading (Note: You will need to complete a form to download the whitepaper), we mentioned that congestion occurs when throughput supply is lower than demand. This can be the result of too many users within a site or when the throughput level is too low. Typically, networks in emerging countries have low throughput levels such as 3.6Mbps or 1.8Mbps, in contrast to developed countries with 14.4Mbps networks and above. This condition contributes to network congestion in emerging countries. Figure 2 compares developed and emerging countries that have approximately the same build up area. As such, it can be assumed that almost equal number of network sites is required to provide coverage. Many operators in emerging countries support the same/more subscribers on networks with lower data rates. This situation leads to network congestion. For example, lets compare Japan and Philippines. Smart (PLDT) serves 38 million subscribers on a 2.0Mbps network, as opposed to SoftBank Mobile which caters for only 21 million subscribers on a 7.2Mbps network. Country Czech Republic Croatia Japan Economic Status Developed Area (in km2) 78,866 HSDPA Data Rate 14.4Mbps Supported Subscribers 2.9 million Remarks Both operators support the same number of subscribers but T-Hrvatski Telekom has a lower data rate. Hence, congestion occurs. Smart (PLDT) supports more subscribers but its network has a much lower data rate against SoftBank Mobiles data rate.

Example A

Emerging Developed

56,594 377,835

7.2Mbps 7.2Mbps

2.9 million 21 million

Example B





38 million

Source: GSMA, BMI

Figure 2: Operators in emerging countries support equal or more subscribers on networks with low throughput levels

On the other hand, in developed markets, users are more mature Internet users and therefore engage in heavy data usage that demands higher bandwidth. The Internet is relied upon beyond information gathering and communications. Instead, it is heavily used for entertainment, especially video content and applications. According to research rm Sandvine, users in North America and Europe are the highest consumers of YouTube videos, as shown in Figure 3.



1.4% 4.6%

North America
45.1% 46.8%

Caribbean and Latin America Europe Africa Asia-Pacic


Source: Sandvine
Figure 3: YouTube minutes consumed by different regions worldwide

A Market Study Hong Kong

All developed countries offer high speed broadband. Greenpacket has selected Hong Kong for a market study as this country has soaring subscriber numbers within a small land area. Additionally, Hong Kong has one of the fastest growing telecoms sector that is aficted by network congestion. In this paper, we present a case study on how a cellular operator facing network congestion benets from an immediate, simple and cost-effective measure to combat the issue without heavy investments in network upgrades.



Getting to Know Hong Kongs Telecoms Market

Demographics & Economy
Hong Kong is situated on Chinas southern coast with a land mass of 1,085km2. With a population of over 7.08 million (6,502 persons/km2), Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, in comparison to Netherlands for example, which has a land mass of 45,526km2 and population of 16.6 milion (399 persons/km2). The density level of Hong Kong is so high that it even exceeds the density level of some of the worlds most populous cities such as London (4,863 persons/km2), Bangkok (4,478 persons/km2) and even Amsterdam (4,459 persons/km2)!

Image source: Wikipedia

Figure 4: Map of Hong Kong

Hong Kong is also one of the worlds leading developed nations, holding a GDP per capita of USD 31,849 in 2008, which is relatively higher compared to other countries (see Figure 5). One of the reasons for Hong Kongs high GDP levels can be associated with its high broadband penetration rate and vice versa.
30% Hong Kong South Korea 25% Canada Switzerland

20% Broadband Penetration


France 15% Spain



China 5% Indonesia Egypt 0 0 Brazil


Mexico Russia South $10,000 Africa Saudi Arabia $20,000


$30,000 GDP per Capita




Source: Alcatel-Lucent, 2008

Figure 5: GDP vs. broadband penetration levels of selected countries from around the world



Telecoms Background
Hong Kong has one of the most advanced and sophisticated telecommunications market in the world and this has been one of the driving factors in shaping this country as a leading business and nancial centre. Hong Kongs telecommunications sector has been liberalized to set a platform that is both pro-competition and pro-consumer. This objective provides a fair playing ground in the telecoms market and ensures consumers receive best-in-class services in terms of capacity, quality, coverage and speed. Ofce of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) is the governing statutory body responsible for regulating the industry. Strong governmental support, enormous connectivity infrastructure and geographical advantage of compact size have led to Hong Kongs successful Internet evolution. Figure 6 compares the broadband technology evolution of Hong Kong and the United States. It is evident that Hong Kong has been almost at par with United States which illustrates the formers impressive growth in the Internet and broadband arena over the past two decades.
2G Hong Kong 3G


United States


CDMA One PCS 1900 (GSM 1900) GPRS


04 05


















Figure 6: Hong Kong and United States Internet and broadband evolution

Hong Kongs Telecoms Market Today

Hong Kong is an extremely networked society gauging from its high inltration rates from the broad telecoms perspective, as shown in Figure 7. Telecoms Category Fixed Line Mobile Broadband IPTV Degree of Infiltration 101.6 lines/household 12.6 million subscribers 2.71 million subscribers 1.2 million subscribers % of Infiltration 102% (by population) 180% ~ 56% (by population) 82% (by household) N/A
Among highest in the world for residential penetration Figure 7: Hong Kong telecom sectors infiltration rates



As far as broadband is concerned, the services are highly in use which explains Hong Kongs high broadband penetration rate. At 82%, Hong Kong is ranked among the top three markets with highest household broadband penetration rate (Figure 8) and fastest average Internet connection speed (Figure 9). Markets with Highest Broadband Penetration of Households
United States United Kingdom Taiwan Switzerland South Korea Netherlands Hong Kong France Canada Australia
52% 58% 65% 74% 76% 73% 79% 72% 82% 81% 54% 58% 59% 77% 74% 74% 69% 76% 93% 97% 2007 2012

Source: Gartner, July 2008

Figure 8: Hong Kong is one of the top three markets with highest household broadband penetration rate

Average Connection Speed (Mbps)

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Worldwide Top 10 Countries Average Connection Speed (Mbps)

8.6 7.6 7.2 6.2 6.1 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.1 3.8

Re pu bl ic

Ko re a

ed en

an ia

Ko ng






De nm



Ro m


Ho ng



So ut

Ne t

Source: The State of Internet Q4 2009, Akamai

Figure 9: Hong Kong is ranked second for having the fastest average Internet connection speed in Q4 2009.

To date, Hong Kong has 14 xed network operators (FNOs), ve mobile network operators (MNOs) and nine mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs). Such intense competition makes broadband services in this country very affordable. The combination of high penetration rate and affordable pricing formed an ideal platform for IPTV services which hit 1.2 million subscribers as of December 2009, again one of the highest in the world.

Cz ec h









Aside from IPTV, Hong Kong has a strong network of WiFi hotspots there were more than 8,900 public WiFi hotspots as of March 2010 and growing. An average Hong Kong Internet user spends more than 25 hours online per month, making it one of the most engaged Internet markets globally. Online communications, entertainment and social networking take up the highest share of minutes spent online (see Figure 10). Several interesting Internet usage behaviour includes the following: Instant messaging holds the highest share at 16% (October 2009), which is almost double the time spent by Asia Pacic region as a whole Entertainment is led by video-based applications led by YouTube and Social networking is led by Facebook 5% of Internet minutes are spent on business and nance sites which reect the countrys business and nance focused economy. This rate is more than double of Asia Pacics share of time for this category Hong Kong Online Activities (% Share of Minutes)


Instant Mesenger Netertainment Social Networking

11% 45%

Games Business/Finance E-mail Search/Navigation


News/Information Technology Others

5% 2% 2% 3% 4% 4%

Source: Comscore Report, October 2009

Figure 10: Hong Kongs Internet usage by minutes



Issues Facing Hong Kongs Mobile Broadband Landscape

Cellular Networks Face Ceiling-level Data Usage
Data usage on Hong Kongs cellular networks is at extremely high levels which explains the reason for network congestion. How do we know this? i) The number of cellular users in Hong Kong has reached 100% of active users (active users refer to population aged 15 to 65 who are in employment or expected to enter employment). Figure 11 shows that the number of cellular subscribers (2.5G and 3G) slighly exceeds the total number of active users this concludes that all active users in Hong Kong are enjoying Internet through their mobile broadband connections. Mobile subscribers (January 2010) 2.5G and 3G mobile subscribers (January 2010) % of active users Total number of active users Source: BMI, Q1 2010
Figure 11: Cellular users vs. total number of active users

12,483, 989 5,275,365 74.8% 5,206, 000

No. of cellular subscribers equal 100% active users

ii) Tremendous increase in data usage. Since the launch of HSDPA in 2006, subscriber count only increased 2.4 times but data consumption grew immensely by 80 times! Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2.5G + 3G Customers 5,000,264 3,490,602 2,947,378 2,206,586 1,848,254 1,349,015 729,554 179,931 3G Customers 3,819,186 2,812,002 2,004,565 1,331,651 645,965 N/A N/A N/A Mobile Data Usage (Mbytes) 638,388, 712 133,145,730 32,301,563 9,076,723 4,603,736 2,330,444 247,262 42,029
2.4 times increase in subscriber count but 80 times growth in data.

Figure 12: Number of customers and mobile data usage in Hong Kong from 2002 2009



Why is Hong Kong experiencing such a gigantic leap in data usage? Here are some reasons: a. Affordable broadband rates With the presence of 14 FNOs, ve MNOs, nine MVNOs and hundreds of other licensed ISPs, healthy competition exists and keeps broadband rates very affordable for the man on the street. As such, almost the entire active population of Hong Kong is able to afford a broadband connection and use data applications. Data card plans in Hong Kong range from USD 24 to USD 49 which is lower compared to similar plans in United States which range from USD 30 to USD 60. b. High usage of IPTV Television is loved for its rich visual and audio entertainment qualities. Delivering these qualities over Internet is a denite data gobbler. Hong Kong has 1.2 million IPTV subscribers which are among the highest in the world. c. High usage of smartphones Hong Kong consumers lead smartphone usage globally. Almost half (48%) of consumers in Hong Kong own a smartphone, which is more than double the global rate of 23% as shown in Figure 12. The smartphone is used to access Internet applications such as email, social networking and even blogging. In todays world of content and applications, social networking is king. This is obvious in Hong Kong whereby 30% of smartphone users regularly update their social pages compared to 12% globally. Smartphone penetration is approaching majority levels
% of mobile users with a Smartphone

*Covers Australia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. 48 23 27 40

Global 2010

Developed Asia* 2010

Hong Kong 2010

Hong Kong 2009

Figure 13: Hong Kongs smartphone penetration rate exceeds global and Asian levels

d. High Public Transport Travel With the advantage of being geographically compact, Hong Kong has a highly developed transportation network. Over 90% of daily travels take place via public transport. This form of commutation gives subscribers time to enjoy Internet while on the go through their smartphones and other mobile devices.

Decreasing ARPU
Hong Kongs telecommunications landscape undergoes intense competition which leads to price wars that sets the ARPU on a downward scale. Figure 13 shows ARPU decreasing for several leading mobile network operators in Hong Kong since 2007.



Source: Business Monitor International (BMI), Q1 2010

Figure 14: Decreasing ARPU trend faced by operators in Hong Kong

Aside from the price war, the decline in ARPU (Figure 14) can also be attributed to the stronger prepaid growth than postpaid (Figure 15). Although in the past, operators in Hong Kong received higher revenues through postpaid plans, prepaid services are gaining popularity as subscribers are more conscious of their commmunication and connectivity spend. Prepaid ARPU is undeniably much lower than postpaid. For example, in 2008, Hutchisons postpaid ARPU was almost nine times larger than prepaid ARPU1.

Source: Business Monitor International (BMI), Q1 2010

Figure 15: Hong Kongs increasing prepaid subscriber base




Poor Indoor Coverage

Poor indoor coverage has always been a constant battle for wireless technologies. In high density countries like Hong Kong and Singapore, more than 70% of trafc occurs indoor. Analysis Mason anticipates that by 2016, over 80% of global wireless data trafc will be generated indoors. This concludes that indoor capacity demand is much higher and operators must address this issue. Operators currently face numerous complaints on bad indoor coverage from subscribers. In Japan alone, NTT Docomo recorded that over 90% of complaints are due to poor indoor reception quality. It is important to understand that indoor coverage is usually poor because wireless signals originate from base stations which are deployed outdoors. These signals need to penetrate through building material (for example, glass or concrete) and experience radio wave penetration loss of 6 13 dB or more which translates into throughput loss as well. Though operators today employ inbuilding solutions to boost coverage, however, in the case of Hong Kong, due to its complex morphology, these solutions are expensive to deploy. Figure 16 gives an overview of typical throughput levels at three different locations from the base station peak rate (nearest to the base station), median users (mid way distance from base station) and cell edge. At each of this location, throughput levels are lower indoor compared to outdoor.

R8 Multicarrier Single Carrier



21Mbps 15-18Mbps

7.8Mbps 3.8Mbps 5.2-6.8Mbps 2.8-1.8Mbps 3Mbps 1.5Mbps 2-2.6Mbps 0.8-1.2Mbps


Indoor Peak Rate





Median Users

Cell Edge Users

Source: Modied from Qualcomm

Figure 16: Comparison of throughput levels indoors and outdoors



Case Study Operator X, Hong Kong (HSPA+ Operator)

Technical Background
There are four operators in Hong Kong and each has four frequency carriers for a total of 20MHz (three 5MHz bands and one split 5MHz band). This frequency arrangement enables three 5MHz bands to be grouped.

3G 3G 3G Operator Operator Operator 2 3 1

1904.9 1909.9 1914.9

3G Operator 1

3G Operator 2

3G Operator 3

3G Operator 4

Satellite Mobile Service (Exemption Order)

2010 MHz

1919.9 1920.3



1979.7 1980

TDD Spectrum

FDD Spectrum

Figure 17: Frequency allocation across four Hong Kong operators

Among these four operators, Greenpacket has selected Operator X* for this case study. Operator X is Hong Kongs leading operator and the rst to launch a HSPA+ 28.8Mbps. To deploy and operate a 28.8Mbps network, 5MHz frequency band is sufcient for data while the remaining 15MHz is reserved for voice and/or mobile TV (R99/MBMS). Bandwidth 5MHz 10MHz 20MHz HSPA+ Data Rate 42Mbps 84Mbps 168Mbps LTE Data Rate 37Mbps 73Mbps 150Mbps

Figure 18: HSPA+ vs LTE data rates corresponding to different bandwidth levels

Since Operator X (and the other operators) are investing huge sums of money into HSPA+, it is necessary to assume that they would most likely adopt the HSPA+ path in coming years which enables data rates of up to 168Mbps through four frequency carriers (20MHz spectrum). These data rates are equivalent to that of LTE as shown in Figure 17. *Name of this operator is withheld to protect its interests

Expected Network Cost by End 2010

Going along the path of HSPA+, how much would Operator X need to spend to maintain its network? For this indication, Greenpacket has set certain assumptions and predictions based from our observation.



Prediction # 1: Data Usage

Operator Xs data usage is at 152TB as at June 2010. Greenpacket assumes that Busy Hour (BH) rate is at 15% with a throughput/user growth rate of 4.3 times on year to year basis.

Prediction # 2: Subscriber Growth by 2010

Based on a yearly (subscriber) growth rate of 15% (or 7.2% half year growth), Operator X will have 620,000 HSPA+ subscribers by the end of 2010, an increase from 575,000 subscribers as of June 2009. Total Mobile Subs @ June 2009 2,000,000 3G/HSPA+ Subs 3G subs @ June 2009 500,000 Growth (GP assumption) 15.0% June 2010 3G subs 575,000 End of 2010 620,000 Additional Subs (Jun Dec 2010) 45,000

Prediction # 3: Additional Coverage Required

As of June 2009, Operator X currently has 5,300 sectors (approximately 2,120 sites). For a more precise calculation, we make reference to sectors (as opposed to sites). This is because in Hong Kong, networks are not necessarily congured as 3 sectors per site. Due to the compact size of the country and limited space in between buildings, each site can be congured from S1/1 to S2/2/2/2/2/2. Based on the Predictions 1 and 2, to support an additional 45,000 from June December 2010 (six months), Operator X would need to install an additional 415 sectors. The total cost of ownership (TCO) to deploy these 415 sites is estimated at approximately USD 24.4 million.

Expected Revenue
From the 45,000 additional subscribers Operator X expected to be acquired by end of 2010 at ARPU rate of HKD200/month, Operator X will gain a total revenue of HKD108 million/year (USD13.8 million/year). The question now is, is the expenditure of USD 24.4 million justied for an increase of 45,000 subscribers over a short period of six months? How much will Operator X need to spend over the next three years to improve its infrastructure and support subscriber growth? With ARPUs declining rate versus large network upgrade costs, how will Operator X sustain in the long term? From an ROI perspective, with the investment expenditure of USD 24.4 million for 415 sectors, Operator X faces an ROI period of one year and nine months. This duration is based on the average growth pattern of subscribers. However, as data usage per user continues to rise through the use of data intensive applications, Greenpacket believes that the ROI on required infrastructure upgrades can extend to two or three years. This is a very risky approach as technologies evolve at a fast pace and infrastructure normally changes every ve years, for example the evolution of from GSM-WCDMA-HSPA+ to LTE.



Is There a Better Alternative?

As opposed to expensive and time consuming network upgrades, it would be more cost and time efcient for Operator X to manage extra network workload by ofoading to WiFi. This is an ideal alternative for Operator X in view of the excellent network of WiFi hotspots available in Hong Kong. With close to 9,0002 WiFi hotspots available, mathematically assuming, every km2 has an average of eight hotspots! By partnering with these WiFi providers, Operator X can support its growing subscriber base with involving time, effort and money on network upgrades. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, poor indoor reception is a major concern for mobile broadband operators. This issue can only resolved through indoor solutions such as WiFi. Hence, aside from managing data inux on their networks, WiFi help operators to improve indoor coverage remarkably. Ofoading data to WiFi hotzones3 is also an approach undertaken by AT&T, a leading mobile network operator in the United States. AT&T began this project in May 2010 in New York City to supplement its mobile broadband in areas with high 3G trafc and mobile data use. Customer usage and satisfaction levels have been extremely encouraging according to Angie Wiskocil, Senior VP, AT&T WiFi Services. AT&T is in the midst of rolling out more WiFi hotzones to more cities in United States.

In the age of growing intensive data usage, celullar operators in developed markets need an immediate and cost-effective way to manage their networks. The proliferation of smartphones and decreasing ARPU levels further add urgency to ensure network congestion does not pose a threat. One of the solutions to prevent network congestion is by ofoading data to alternative broadband networks, especially WiFi. Aside from balancing network bandwidth, WiFi is a good indoor solution and provides a much better reception compared to cellular networks.

Performance Comparison: 3G vs. WiFi

Rysavy Reseach and Quality in Motion conducted a metropolitan survey to gauge performance levels between 3G and WiFi. WiFi provided better performance compared to 3G as shown in Figure 19.

2Office 3Fierce

of the Telecommunications Authority, Hong Kong Mobile Content



Test FTP download throughput, average of all locations Highest FTP download speed Lowest FTP download speed FTP download failures FTP download standard deviation across all eight locations Throughput test, loaded network (4 simultaneous clients) FTP upload throughput, average of all locations Test Webpage ( download time, average across all locations Microsoft Outlook download time (3 megabytes), all locations Micosoft Outlook over VPN upload time (8 megabytes), all locations

T-Mobile HotSpot 1,274kbps 1,396kbps 548kbps 1 in 18 tests (6% failure rate) 348kbps 367kbps 1,329kbps 6 sec 23 sec 16 sec

Verizon EVDO 310kbps 528kbps 51kbps 6 in 24 tests (25% failure rate) 162kbps 248kbps 100kbps 55 sec 122 sec 214 sec

Figure 19: Performance comparison of WiFi (T-Mobile HotSpot) vs. 3G (Verizon EVDO)



Solve Your Network Congestion Woes Cost-Effectively Today!

Greenpacket welcomes you to embark on the ofoading journey today and enjoy tremendous cost savings on your network operations. At Greenpacket, we understand the demands placed on Operators like you. That is why our solutions are designed to give you the capacity to constantly deliver cutting-edge offerings without exhausting your capital and operating expenditures. With Greenpacket, limitless freedom begins now!

Free Consultation
If you would like a free consultation on how you can start saving network cost through data ofoading, feel free to contact us at kindly quote the reference code, WP0810DL when you contact us). As part of the consultation, we will be happy to walk-through your networks TCO and determine how much savings you would gain by ofoading data.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2009 Global Broadband Phenomena by Sandvine Hong Kong: The Facts Telecommunications, Ofce of the Telecommunications Authority Wireless Network Assessment, EV-DO and Wi-Fi Hotspots by Rysavy Research & Quality in Motion (QIM) The importance of prepaid mobile increases in Hong Kong by Sherrie Huang, Ovum HSPA+ is here, what is next? by Qualcomm



About Green Packet

Greenpacket is the international arm of the Green Packet Berhad group of companies which is listed on the Main Board of the Malaysian Bourse. Founded in San Franciscos Silicon Valley in 2000 and now headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Greenpacket has a presence in 9 countries and is continuously expanding to be near its customers and in readiness for new markets. We are a leading developer of Next Generation Mobile Broadband and Networking Solutions for Telecommunications Operators across the globe. Our mission is to provide seamless and unied platforms for the delivery of user-centric multimedia communications services regardless of the nature and availability of backbone infrastructures. At Greenpacket, we pride ourselves on being constantly at the forefront of technology. Our leading carrier-grade solutions and award-winning consumer devices help Telecommunications Operators open new avenues, meet new demands, and enrich the lifestyles of their subscribers, while forging new relationships. We see a future of limitless freedom in wireless communications and continuously commit to meeting the needs of our customers with leading edge solutions. With product development centers in USA, Shanghai, and Taiwan, we are on the cutting edge of new developments in 4G (particularly WiMAX and LTE), as well as in software advancement. Our leadership position in the Telco industry is further enhanced by our strategic alliances with leading industry players. Additionally, our award-winning WiMAX modems have successfully completed interoperability tests with major WiMAX players and are being used by the worlds largest WiMAX Operators. We are also the leading carrier solutions provider in APAC catering to both 4G and 3G networks and aim to be No. 1 globally by the end of 2010. For more information, visit:

San Francisco Kuala Lumpur Singapore Shanghai Taiwan Sydney Bahrain Bangkok Hong Kong

Associate Member

Copyright 2001-2010 Green Packet Berhad. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form by any means, without the written permission of Green Packet Berhad. Green Packet Berhad reserves the right to modify or discontinue any product or piece of literature at anytime without prior notice.

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