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Arab Engineering Bureau Job Description: Electrical Design Engineer Page 1 of 2

Name Job Title Reports to: Reported by: Job Purpose

Electrical Engineer Head- EMD

To design electrical systems of projects and lead a team of draftsmen Key Accountabilities / Responsibilities

Designs all electrical systems including power, lighting, e tra low !oltage

"repares all systems details such as schematics, calculations, schedules and

connections details#

$o-ordinates for with other departments for all project stages including concept
design, preliminary design, detail design and appro!al#

"repares full specifications for all power and e tra low !oltage systems# %ollows-up with the updated re&uirements from departments


"articipates in project discussions with departments $hec's $AD drafting as and when re&uired# (uper!ises a team of Electrical Draftsmen# $onducts sites !isits and assessment, as re&uired to e ecute design wor'# )eeps records and documents for projects handled# De!elop a holistic approach of integrating whole systems in a *D Digital en!ironment, facilitating digital information shared for engineering analysis and digitally-dri!en design for buildings using +e!it ME"# communicated with other AEB Department and can be distributed to the e tended drafting team for clash resolution#

,enerate a $-A(H +E".+T /by +e!it ME" 0 1a!iswor's2 that can be

Functional Relationships Internal:

3or's and confers with Head- EMD, "roject Mangers, (tructural and
Architecture departments and other engineers to collecti!ely ensure re&uirements of projects are met E ternal:

-iaises with go!ernmental departments for necessary appro!als

E perience / !uali"ication

Arab Engineering Bureau Job Description: Electrical Design Engineer Page 2 of 2

Minimum Degree in Electrical Engineering or e&ui!alent

Personal Attributes / #$ills ,eneric $ompetencies re&uired 4 desired for the role5 High -e!el of

Accuracy "lanning and .rgani6ing "roblem (ol!ing 0 Decision Ma'ing +esults .rientation Adaptability 4 fle ibility Team playing abilities

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