Batting Investigation C Performance Rubric

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Achievement level 12

Criteria C Performance

Performance descriptor (maximum 10)

The student demonstrates little competence in basic batting moves, batting skills and batting techniques in the performance or playing situation. The student shows some batting awareness of movement concepts, batting tactics, batting strategies and batting/game rules. The student performs with little batting precision, synchronization and/or game energy. The student demonstrates competence in basic batting specific moves, batting specific skills and batting specific techniques in the performance or playing situation. The student shows awareness of movement concepts, batting specific tactics, batting specific strategies and batting sports/games rules, but has difficulty in applying them. The student performs with some batting precision, synchronization and/or game energy The student demonstrates batting specific competence in basic and some complex batting specific moves, batting specific skills and batting specific techniques in the performance or playing opportunities. The student applies some batting specific movement concepts, batting tactics, batting specific strategies and batting sports/games rules. The student performs with batting precision, synchronization and game energy most of the time. The student demonstrates competence in basic and many complex batting specific moves, batting specific skills and batting specific techniques in the performance or playing game situation. The student applies batting movement concepts, uses batting tactics, batting strategies and rules appropriately. The student performs with a high degree of batting precision, synchronization and game energy. The student shows a high level of competence in both basic and complex batting moves, batting specific skills and batting specific techniques in the performance or playing situations. The student applies batting specific movement concepts, batting specific tactics, batting specific strategies and utilizes the rules in a critical and effective manner. The student performs with a high degree of batting precision, synchronization, energy, style and flair.





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