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Howto install Monitorix on Centos 6.4 6.3 5.

9 Fedora 18 17 RHEL
1. Install the required packages: With CentOS: Please install epel repository first /os/linu!/redhat/centos"redhat/ho#"to"install"epel"repository"on"centos"$"%"or" redhat"$"%"rhel/
[root@fedora18 ~]#yum install httpd rrdtool rrdtool-perl perl-libwww-perl perl-MailTools perl-MIMEite perl-!"I perl-#$I perl-%M -&imple perl-!onfi'-"eneral perl-(TT)-&er*er-&imple

&. 'o#nload and install the (onitori! package:

[root@fedora18 ~]# rpm -i*h http+,,p-'s.repofor'e.or',monitori/,monitori/-0.1.01.el2.rf.noar3h.rpm 4etrie*in' http+,,p-'s.repofor'e.or',monitori/,monitori/-0.1.01.el2.rf.noar3h.rpm555555555555555555555

). Start apache and (onitori!:

[root@fedora18 ~]# ser*i3e httpd start root@fedora18 ~]# ser*i3e monitori/ start

%. *dit the (onitori! Configure file:

[root@fedora18 ~]# *i ,et3,httpd,3onf.d,monitori/.3onf 6lias ,monitori/ ,usr,share,monitori/ &3ript6lias ,monitori/-3'i ,usr,share,monitori/,3'i-bin 7#ire3tory ,usr,share,monitori/,3'i,8 #ire3toryInde/ monitori/.3'i 9ptions E/e3!"I order deny:allow deny from all allow from all ,, 6lllow 3onne3t from the outside 7,#ire3tory8 # 6pa3he rules to restri3t a33ess to Monitori/+ # #on;t for'et to add 7username8 in .htpasswd with the <htpasswd; 3ommand. # # =n3omment these lines 7#ire3tory >,usr,share,monitori/?8 9ptions Inde/es In3ludes @ollow&ym in-s

9rder #eny:6llow #eny from 6ll allow from all ,, 6lllow 3onne3t from the outside 6llow9*erride Aone 6uth=ser@ile ,et3,httpd,3onf,.htpasswd 6uth"roup@ile ,de*,null 6uthAame >Monitori/+ 4estri3ted a33ess: sorry.? 6uthType $asi3 4eBuire user 7username8 &atisfy 6ny 7,#ire3tory8

+. 'isabled S*linu! and restart the ser,er:

[root@fedora18 ~]# *i ,et3,selinu/,3onfi' # This file 3ontrols the state of &E inu/ on the system. # &E IA=%C 3an ta-e one of these three *alues+ # enfor3in' D &E inu/ se3urity poli3y is enfor3ed. # permissi*e D &E inu/ prints warnin's instead of enfor3in'. # disabled D Ao &E inu/ poli3y is loaded. &E IA=%Cdisabled # &E IA=%TE)EC 3an ta-e one of these two *alues+ # tar'eted D Tar'eted pro3esses are prote3ted: # minimum D Modifi3ation of tar'eted poli3y. 9nly sele3ted pro3esses are prote3ted. # mls D Multi e*el &e3urity prote3tion. &E IA=%TE)ECtar'eted

$. Connect (onitori! ,ia Web bro#ser:

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