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Pratik Trivedi
Address: Flat no. 002, Bldg. No. A/34, Yogi Nagar, Borivali (west), Mum ai ! 4000"2. #$one No.% ""3020&'(0 / "32323'420 )*mail% +at,trivedi-.a$oo./om Objective: I am seeking a suitable post in Research and Development in an organization where I can utilize and expand my knowledge in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetic ngineering! I would be instrumental in contributing not only in the implementation phase but also in ideation! Education: Class Year M!"c! Genetic #$$%&#$'' ngineering B! "c -.oology/ #$$0&#$$1 2!"!3 #$$4&#$$5 "!"!3 #$$'&#$$# Board/University (admashree Dr! D! )! (atil *niversity! Mumbai *niversity Maharashtra Board Maharashtra Board ivision "econd "econd "econd 7irst Percenta!e +%!$$, +$!$$, 50!60, 60!04,

Skill Su""ary: 8 pleasant personality9 good convincing power9 presentation and designing skills9 technical skills9 leadership skills9 in:uisitive an artistic nature9 innovative mind9 open to criticism9 team&work and confidence! Tec#nical Skills: '! Molecular Biolo!y Tec#ni$ues %Reco"binant &' Tec#nolo!y( like Plas"id )solation* Restriction i!estion* +i!ation and Trans,or"ation#! 3ertification in 3omputer Basics from 3omputer "tation Inc! 4! 3ertification in ;eb Designing < Graphics from . D 3areer 8cademy! .orkin! E/0erience: 5! 1our "ont#s issertation Project in R 2 at 3ydus Cadila* '#"edabad+! .orked as +ab 'sst- in 3oolo!y +ab ,or +ord4s Colle!e %as a trainee(Stren!t#s: Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems9 adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically9 technically inclined9 :uick9 ingenious9 polite9 organized9 energetic9 professional approach and computer expertise! Personal Pro,ile: "ex= Male Date of Birth= #+th M8R329 '%16! Marital "tatus= "ingle!

Re,erences available u0on re$uest-

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