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All About GD - Excerpt!

Avinash Maurya

All About Group Discussion

Excerpt from the online course - All About GD

- Avinash maurya
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All About GD - Excerpt!

Avinash Maurya

How are you marked in a GD?

There are certain macro and micro parameters on which each candidate is marked in a group discussion. Only after evaluating on each of these parameters does the moderator selects or rejects a candidate. Following is the most common list of parameters on which you will be marked on. This is also the most likely sheet of paper the a moderator keeps with himself.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Personal Introduction ..................................................... _____ Remarks ____________________________________________ Verbal Communication.................................................... _____ Remarks ____________________________________________ Body Language.............................................................. _____ Remarks ____________________________________________ Eye Contact................................................................... _____
While listening ____ While speaking ____

Remarks ____________________________________________ Interruptions................................................................. _____ Remarks ____________________________________________ Opening statement......................................................... _____ Remarks ____________________________________________ Content........................................................................ _____ Remarks ____________________________________________ Summary...................................................................... _____ Remarks ____________________________________________ OVERALL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! _______

*each of these parameters are explained with in-depth analysis in the full course. For full course visit -

All About GD - Excerpt!

Avinash Maurya

How should you make your point?

Like the previous question, rarely do we get a structured and precise answer for this question as well. Having taken part in many group discussions and having judged many other group discussions myself, I have come up with an elaborate and structured answer to this question in my course. Here is an excerpt of the same. When a candidate speaks to his/her point in a group discussion, I as a moderator will judge him/her on three main parameters. They are; 1. Content 2. Verbal Communication 3. Non Verbal Communication

The point that you are about to make must Express richness (diversity/innovative) of your thoughts. Be structured* Express your knowledge (facts/quote) on the topic.

Be relevant to the topic and the point that the group might be discussing at that moment.

The way you put your content/point forward is also very important. It must Be simple and devoid of any jargons. Be precise and short. Not be extreme in thoughts.

Be practical rather than ideal.

Express modulation in your voice.


While you are making your point your body language speaks simultaneously. It tells a lot about you. While speaking you must Maintain eye contact with all the members. Body should be relaxed and calm. Hand movements should be controlled.

*nd a whole session on how to structure your thoughts in the full course. For full course visit -

All About GD - Excerpt!

Avinash Maurya

Following is the checklist that you must do on the day of your group discussion.

Read todays newspaper Carry 2 pen Carry sheets of blank paper Go through your personal introduction (as explained in the course) Dont get into argument with anyone Demonstrate happiness Run your mind casually through the current a!airs Observe other candidates behavior Note the time of the day before entering the GD room Think before you make your point Do not be self centered Let others complete their point Speak only in English Speak with logical reference Let the quieter group members speak Summarise the group discussion
! ! ! ! ! ! _________

Extensive sessions on Understanding GD | Personal Introduction | Communication Skills | Listening Skills | Leadership Skills | Body Language | Group Behaviour | Art of Interruption | Content Management

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