Higher Self Dowsing

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Access Your Higher Self by Meera Lester In the process of working with the Law of Attraction, you may

seek a clear and immediate response to a question !endulums are belie"ed to operate as transmitters of psychic energy #hey represent intuiti"e information e$pressed by your higher self or %od&self through the channel of intuition 'eteran pendulum dowsers swear that the more you use the pendulum (thus relying on your intuiti"e powers), the more your psychic powers will de"elop Your pendulum should be considered a personal sacred ob*ect or tool You should not let others handle it and you should keep it in a "el"et or silk bag when you are not using it In order to get the answers you seek about your life, you first must understand how to interpret the way your pendulum responds to your questions #here are a "ariety of ways of working with the pendulum, but the following method takes the guesswork out of what the basic yes+no pattern might look like ,hen you are ready to start working with the pendulum, establish your ground rules #ell your higher self or your angels or guides that a clockwise circle indicates a yes answer and counterclockwise indicates a no Show them by deliberately swinging the pendulum in each of those directions Ask them to show you when they are ready by demonstrating a yes response ,atch the pendulum start to swing in a clockwise circular pattern ,hen it does, thank them for demonstrating that they are present and ready Ask your first question Many pendulum users also ask to be shown what a maybe response looks like It may be a forty& fi"e degree mo"ement, side to side, or some other pattern distincti"ely different from the circular yes and no patterns #o test the accuracy of your pendulum, intermittently ask questions for which you already know the answer, such as -Is my name Mergatroid./ You know the answer is no and the pendulum should swing in a counterclockwise circular pattern, according to the rules you0"e established

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