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Pilgrim and Puritan Poster Assignment

We have studied components of Pilgrim and Puritan life in the New World and reasons for settlement in the new world. Both groups responded to situations in England in different ways leading to different ways of life and relationships upon settlement in the new world. For this project, you will do the following. You will be assigned a group and a topic; your topic will be either an event or person relevant to the Pilgrims or Puritans and their settlement. With your group you will research the topic answering the following questions: o When and where did your topic take place or have significant importance? o What was the significance of the person or event? o If discussing a person: Where they are from and why did they leave? Which colony did they settle in? What purpose did they serve in the colony? What did they do to influence the colony? What significant events occurred that the person was a part of? o If discussing and event: What events led up to the event you are discussing? What happened? What does the event show about the colony (religion, government, relationship with Native Americans), and how is this shown in the event? How did the event affect the colony? As a group you will create a prezi. o This should include: Pictures of the person or event Bullets of information (not all of your information should be on your presentation) Have short phrases or sentences but no paragraphs The rest of the information you should have on notecards and teach your class using the bullets as topic sentences. Information for each group member to present The following rubric will be used to grade your Prezi. Each group member must submit his or her own rubric. It must be submitted and filled out with a yes/no for each requirement. Failure to complete and/or submit a rubric will result in a ten point deduction in your grade. Requirement Prezi includes identification of topic and names of group members Prezi includes pictures of the topic Prezi includes bulleted information Prezi demonstrates creativity Prezi demonstrates research and effort of each group member Prezi and/or presentation answers all required questions Presentation is organized and information is given in a clear manner Total Score Points possible 5 Student Yes/no Points earned Teacher comments

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