Remedial Measures in Astrology by G S Kapoor

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Dr.G.S. Kapoor

J t



At A Glance
Remedial Measures to avert tragedies and disasters-Preliminary knowledge of birth chart and planetary aftlictions-Natural functions and characteristicsof planets. and evil results of their afflictionsPropitiation of planets through rnantras, charity, fasting and blessings of elders and preceptors-Beneficial effects of Colour Therapy-Remedial merits of Gems-Gem Therapy based on cosmic colours of planets and gems-Cheap and proven Totkas fr611 ftom'Lal

Kitab' for propitiation of planetsRemedial Measures illustrated by horoscope s-Remedial Measures for diseasescausedby sinful deedsRudraksha a panaceafor all ills and other gifts of Nature wiuh remedial merits-Yontros of the planets-Some remedial mnntras for day to day problems.


From TheAuthor
Our life is always full of diffisulfisg, pmblems and stress and strains. Keeping in view the busy schedule of people in present day life, this book contains easy and simple measures for protection from the malevolence of planets such,as grving in charity things connected with such planets and prayers, recitation of mantras, fasting, wearing of gem stones etc. The very simple, cheap and easy to perform remedial measures as given in the famous urdu fuk'Lo,l Kitab', have also been included in this book. The diseases caused by the planets with referene to each Ascendant have been discussed and illustrated by horoscopes and remedial measunes suggested in each case. The natural functions and nature of Sun, Moon and other planets and the evil they cause if afnicted, ",rn has been described in sulficient detail to enable appropriate remedial measures being taken in time. In brief, the material compiled in this book for protection from evil consequencesof a{Iliction ofplanets, is not only simple but also easy for practical use.

INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I - Preliminary knowledge about birth chart and some aspects of astrolory-Birth chart, houses, signs, constellations, planets, Vimsottari Dasha and information as to how planets get effected. - Nature, functions and II CIIAPTER characteristics of planets-effects of their aftlictions. CHAPTER III - Propitiation of Malevolent planets by prayers-ltrings which are to be given in charity-significance and utility of mantras for propitiation of planets-Vak Shakti-montros for lhe-diferent planets -Correct procedure for reciting mantras-Procedure for fasting-Benefic effects of blessings from the elders etc.-Vedic mantros of Planets. CIIAPTER IV - Propitiation of Planets and Colours-Division of the light of the Sun-Origin of seven colours-Relationship of colours with Colour of planets-Importance various Therapy-Practical use of Colour Therapy. of merits Remedial V CHAPTER shastra Dharma and Gemstones-Gems Speciality in gems - the Ruling stone Principles for using gem stones-suitability of gem stones for various Ascendants. CHAPTER VI-Gem Therapy lhe seven rays and colours of rainbow-Their signifrcance and importance-Cosmic colours of planets and their gems-Principles of Gem fherapy and a glimpse of t"lu-the"apy-Need of cosmic rays for curing diseases-Rahu and Ketu and their gems have also cosmic rays-How to prepare Gem Medicines.







CHAPTER VII - Propitiation of planets-Cheap, simple, effective and easy to perform rities for propitation of planets as given in Lal Kitab-The explanation about such beliefs-Their remedial values and practical utility. CIIAPTER VIII - Various kinds of afflictions of planets and their consequences-What is Destiny? Compoundableand non-compoundable sinful deeds-Information about the nature of Sun, Moon and other planets and consequential evil effects of their afflictions-Suitable remedial measures. CIIAPTER IX - Remedial Measures illustrated through Birth Charts. CHAPTER X - Consideration of the twelve housesin the context of remedial measures. CHAPTER XI - Remedial Measuresfor diseases caused by sinful deeds, as given in Prasna Marga. CHAPTER XII - The panacea of all ills-Gift,s of nature possessing remedial measures-Use of roots of herbs and plants for propitiation of planets. CHAPTER XIII - Yantras of Sun and other planets and their utility. CHAPTER XIV - Some remedtal mantras for solving day to day problems.


tL? L26 139


t62 168 L7r

Astrologr ls not determintstfc and it Ls given to man to change the course cf events to avert the nfsery' zgony anc dtsasterthreatened by evil inJluences of cenain inauspicious combi::ations or dispositions of planets by t aking appropriate remedial measures tn time. This approach is quite scientific and is ln accordance with the modern lir'.e of thinking. Man ls, no doubt, a creature of destiny but he is not entirely or absolutely its slave. Man has some freeoorn of will and action also. If man has no such freedom how can he overcome his karmaand attain salvation or how will his soul merge with unlversal soul. Thus it should be accepted that there is'no place for fatalism in astrologr. Fate and free will are two blades of a scissor and we still do not know which blade operates tn cutting a paper. It is man's supreme duty to do his mite lrrespective of results lilrc a Nishkama KarmaryogL It is true that errors of judgement creep in when we are destined. Miscalculations occur and our reasoning faculty becomes lnoperative and ineffective. The rnost important utility of astrologr irsto forewarn man to enable hirr t o forearm himself to face troubles and calamities and to take steps in accordance with remedial principles of astrolo$y to overcome or at least minimise the evil effects expected. To illustrate, if rain is inevitable and we cannot escape from it or avert it, either we don't go out or take steps to avoid getting wet by the use of a rain-coat or an umbrella. This is the precise scope and function of remedial measures in astrolory. . 'The law of karma is not stifling and one only gets what one sows, yet it provides options and allows room for the operation of free will. In other words it provides a system where action of a kind, though in the process of bearing results, can be manoeuvred into relatively less impactful effects. That is, a certain consequence, though bound to result out of a certain action, can be suitably alrtended to lose its sting. Not all causes attract the discount. Some do, some do not, yet others come partly under the relief. Remedial measures are a concomitant of this system"



'As in larv where there are compoundable and noncompoundable offences, so also do we have planetary alllictions (arrshtas or dosl:rrs) that are amenable to shanft (palliatives) and those that are not." In this material world it is dilficult to saythat there is even one person who has no problems to worry him. A man maJt be loaded with millions or even billidns but if he has no issues, or has no properly a<lusted conjugal life, or is not enjoying good health, he cannot be really called a happy person. Ore the other hand, a man rvho has no money suffers from pangs of hunger and has no roof over his head is blessed with children but he cannot alford to feed and clothe them or get them educated. All these problems and maladies are the consequence of one's karmas in the preuious brth or curtent Life and 1f one Fns a birth cllart, tle problems he has to Jace are clearlg skectched out in it in the Jorm oJ planetarg affltcttons. And to mitigate and sometimes to nulllfy the consequerrces oJ euil alfliction our learned and Jarsighted ancients gaue birthto he concept oJremediol rneasures. ft is tfu ough tle science oJas trologg ttnt tle planetarg malewlerrce is diogrased and adequatelg ga uged and ,e, lficacious, prouen, and tlme-tested rernedles like the use oJ gem stones (manl, mantras or Intsqations (under tle uast ambtt oJ lvlantra come also Tanfra and gantra), and medicine (AushadhrJ,are taken. Yoga discipline and exercises are also included in this. These remedial measures generate forces in order to deflect the unhappy and evil influences which are likely to manifest as a result of malevolent configuration of the planets. A*ologr has now come to be recognised as a vast science diagnostic as well as remedial. According to astrolgoy all the sufferings of the mankind (individual or country as a whole) are due to planetary afflictions and as said earlier there are remedialmeasures to alleviate ormitigate the suffering if not completely neutralise it. As an illustration it may be mentioned that in February 1962, it was predicted by reputed astrologers that the configuration of eight planets in the sign Capricorn was likely to cause all kinds of disasters and calamities in the world and particularly in India. As a remedial measure group Yqjnas were performed all over the country and whether the predictions were correct or not nothing



untoward happened. It is believed that when'a Yqina ts paJumed the sasr[ftcia] oblatiorts and. tfie sound uaues prduced bg the rythmlc chanting oJVedic mantrrrs have a beneflcial effect on the psycho-physical environment. mantras prescribed for each planet in the proper Recltatlon <.rf manner and by observing the correct rituals are believed to act as a very effectlve protection from the evil effects of any planetary a{lliction. When we recite the mantra of a planet who is giving us trouble, we actually pray to him to bestow upon us hls mercy and save us from his evil rays. The rationale of the use of gern stones to avert the evil effects of planets is dependent on the colours and vibrations of the planets. Our ancientswhowere no less scientlfic-minded than the scientists of the present day, tookthe view that everything lre the Universe is sensitive to colour inlluence. The various Augas l.e. Krita, lteto" Duapar and Kalt, and the various gunas-Sathta. Rqias and Tamas, have got their own colours and the various planets have got their own colours. The lnfluence they exert on men depends on the different colours emanated or absorbed. Likewrse each planet rules over or is related to a gem. The colour of the planet is reflected on the human body through the gem and creates an effect by absorptlon and reflection of the rays and vibrations. The gem acts as a filter and produces good or evil, depending on the need of the body. If a planet emanating a ray the vibration of which ls unsuitable for the body, ls counteracted by the ray absorbed by the gem, there will be no evil result. Jatak ParlJat descrlbes the colours of the planets and the gems related to them as under :Colours qg{qrqsdFd-gfr FffiFagdrq:, ilgFfq! Rroi'ir gar, Ii<ffiqt(: ts': ll

vrft:, Raag:g+1sfrair: trft rflT+-frfl:, qrftcr{fr -ilq R qE #g, ftftt-gfr: tl

This means that Sun has mlxed colour of black and red (dark red). Moon is young and of white colour. Mercury is of the colour of green Dwuo lgrass). Mixture of red and white is the colour of Mars. Jupiter has a body of fair complexion' Venus is white. Saturn has a black body. Rahu's body is of blue colour and that of Ketu is of a strange colour.



qrFrsRi f*mr{ov, hcri gRTsit {m, fliqv q h6q r.fii *qs qrafr-+1 ll gq<Fi g.<rsr{s fii eiqer Yit:,

itt{ }$ fu: tl firi frdsr{rfrrq rrRA

This means that the gem of Sun is Ruby, of Moon is white Pearl, of Mars is Red Coral, of Mercury is Emerald, of Jupiter ls Yellow Sapphire, of Venus is Diamond, of Sarurn is Blue Sapphire, of Rahu ls Gomedhn and of Ketu is Cat's Eye. "As an astrologer can only study the tendencies likely to manifest under certain situations, it may be logical, as an extension of this approach to find out the additional forces that can be generated in order to deflect any unhappy lnfluence likely to mantfest as a result of the gtven planetary configuration" says Shri Bepin Behari in his article 'Some Reflections on Remedial Measures' ln the September 1983 lssue of the Astrologial Magazine. An attempt has been made fn this small book how the 'additional forces'can be generated by use of appropriate gem stones or Mantras or other means to avert the misery that may be caused by afflictions of planets or by malefic configuration of planets in a horoscope. Prasno Marga, an exhaustive work from Kerala (English translation by lo.te J.N. Bhasur, published by Raryian Publicatiors) gives description in detail about identifying the alilfcilng planet and of locattng the correct remedy. According to the author of PrasnaMargaall miseries and difficulties in life are caused by one's sins of commission or omission. Remedies are prescribed in the form of medicines, Japas (repetition of mantras) , Aqjnas, oblations, worship, offerings in charity (Dana), feeding etc. This matter will be dealt with in this book in more detail at the appropriate place. Apart frorn Japas oJ Mantrag use of gem stones, prayers to the planets and other deities are very often resorted to in times of trouble. In North India Hanumargiiisbelieved to solve all problems if the dwotee recites HartumanCtnlisolaprayer book) regularly. Similarly prayers are offered to different deities according to the faith of the devotees. From our



personal experlence we can say that prayers, if offered with faith and due reverence to the deity, act as a very effective remedial measure in everyday life. How does the prayer work as a remedy ? The question is answered as under'When one prays one puts one's Ego (which is synonymous with duality) to rest and supplicates the Universal Self for grace. It is, too, well known that all human ills are the result of Ego. When the little self or Ego is subdued, it allows for our true nature to function. Our true nature is but Divinity and Divinity means the end of all problems springing from duality. In practice, when most of us pray there still remain traces of Ego which refuse to be subdued completely and in proportion do our afllictions fade away or remain"

about some Preliminary knousledge important aspectsoJ astrologg

In order to understand the implications of remedial measures in astrologr it will be very beneficial for the readers (particularly those who have no knowledge of astrolog) to have some idea about Rasls (Signs), planets, their ownership of Rcrsis and Nakshatras (constellations), aspects of planets and also ingredients of a birth chart or horoscope. (1) The birth chart is a map of the heavens which at the time of birth of an individual shows the Ascendant rising at that time and the position of the planets in the twelve houses or signs of the horoscope. (2) Rasls (Signs):To lmow about signs it is first necessary to know what is Zodiac .7-odtac is a broad belt in the heavens extending about 9 degrees on each side of the ecliptic. Ecliptic ts the path of the Sun which (path) passes exactly through the centre of the Zodlac.TheZodiac is an imaginary circle of 36O degrees and our ancients divided this circle into twelve equal parts of3o dcgrees each. Each equal part of3O degrees ts known as a sign (Rasr,l.Thus we have twelve signs in the 7-odiac, namely-Aries (MesM, Taurus (Vrishcbtl, Gemini (Mitfuno), Cancer (karka),I,eo (Sunha], Virgo (Karua), Libra (TuIa), Scorpio (Vrischik), Sagittarius (Dhal::u), Capricorn (Makdr), Aquarius (KunbM and Pisces (Meeno). (3) Aries is the first sign. In horoscopes it is written as 'l' '2' and so no. and Taurus is written as (a) The following table shows the lords of the various signs. The signs possess the nature and qualities of their lords. Srgn Aries Taurus Indication oJ SlEn

Lord oJ ttw Sign Mars Venus


l5 3 4 5 6 7 8 I

Vtrgo Ltbra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Plsces

tl L2

Mercury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter

(5) Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Moon are mutual friends. Similarly Saturn, Venus and Mercury are Mutual friends. Rahu and Ketu are friends of Saturn, Venus and Mercury. Actually in nature Rahu is like Saturn and Ketu is like Mais. Friendship amongst individuals depends on the friendship amongst the lords of the acending (Iagna). (6) There are some signs in which a planet becomes powerful and auspicious. If a planet is exalted in a particular sign, he is debilitated in the sign seventh to it. As the results are very much dependent on the strength of the planets it ls necessary to know the signs of exaltation and debilitation of the various planets. This information is given in the foilowing table :-

Sun Moon Mars

Sign oJ exaltation I 2 IO 6 4 t2 7

Sign oJ debilitation

Jupiter Venus Saturn

7 8 4 12 10 6 1

There is lack of consensus amongst the ancientu about the ourn signs and signs of exaltation and debiliation ofRahu and Ketu. According to Porashara's 'Brihot parashara Hora', (which ls available in English also) Rahu and Ketu do not own any signs. They represent the lord of the sign in which they



are placed. Accordlng to this view Rahu is exalted in Taurus tn Scorpio and is .nd aeUititated ln Scorpio, Ketu ls exalted 'saruarth chinto:mat'd' debilitated in Taurus. According to debilitation of the sign Rahu.s exaltation sign is c,emini and Ketu' with case ls Sagittarius. The opposite is the and (7) Planets are of two main categories-beneflcs person or good ihe of promote the malefics. The benefics +.hingson whom they exert their influence. Malefics destroy the lhings they inlluence and bring misery and troubles to the pers6n who falls their prey. It is, therefore, essential to lorow which planets are benefics and which are malefics irt a birth chart. (8) The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are natural malefics. Jupiter andVenus are naturalbenefics' Moon, when she is powerful, becomes a benefic and she is a malefic when weak. The Moon on the Amornsday (last day of the dark half of the lunar month) is nearest to the Sun. As a result the Moon becomes l.ustreless and entirely weak. Later with the start of Shukta Pakstn (the bright half of the lunar month), Moon moves rorward from the Sun. When the Moon is forward gain strength. Upto W 72 degreesfrom the Sun, she begins to as a maleflc. functions weak and remains Moon the that stage ls 18O Moon When Moon'. kaning ls called Moon a Such degrees away from the Sun, she is fully strong (Full Moon) and a full beneflc. In otherwords' the Moon goes on acquirlng strength after she ts 72 degrees frqm the Sun. After the Full Moon day (Parnamasi), the Moon starts losing its strength but she remains Vardng'and abenefic until she is 72 degrees near the Sun. On the Amcucs day, it is without any strength. (9) Mercury ts qlmbolised as a young boy Kumar). Wh-en a malefic. .he is conJoined with a malefic, he beqomes 'ConJoined ls also a He a benefic. he becomes with a benefic, planets shadowy Ketu are Rahu and benefic when he is alone. by influenced If are they independently. function and do not and maJor in their result give favourable they benfics, sub periods. Results are opposite if they fall under the tnJluence of malefics. (fO) tate ShriJ.N. Bhasul a noted famous and very learned astrologer and author of sweral books on Astrologr, has orpressed the vlew in almost all his books that Rahu and Ketu, in addition to havtng the 7th house aspect, also aspect



the 5th and 9th houses fror4 them. In support of his view he has quoted the following sloka from the Bombay Edition of 'Briitrrt Parorshnra Hora' :-

"gd+.efi{rgfEfu6rv, qqft 1" gqRqnqttqTtrEfu

In maintaining that Rahu and Ketu have the 5th house' 7th house and fth house aspects, ShriBhasitlhas expressed the view that if those planets are under the in-fluence of benefics, they communicate the beneficial effects of those benefics with their aspects. Similarly they transport the evil effects of the malefics influencin$ them. (1I) The sign rising in the eastern horizon at the time of the birth is called the Ascendant (I-agna)..In a horoscope the good and bad effects of the planets are dependent on the risin$ sign (Ascendant) to a great extent. (12) There are dilferent forms adopted for the horoscope in different parts of the country. It ts the form of the horoscope followed lrt Northern Indla:The horoscope has twelve as shown tn this houses 'cnart. It will be seen that the numbers move anticloclcwlse. In thts form of horoscope the house No. 1 ls always theAscendarrt (Wna) whatever be the rising sign. If the rising sign is Cancer the number 4 of this sign will be put in the First House. It is the form of the horoscope followed ln South India. In thls form of horoscope the place of stgns are fixed and are not lndicated by In thts their numbers. form the house which is marked No. I is alwaysAries and movlng clockwise the


Lagna I








other houses ar Taurus, Gmlnl, Cancer and so on. But the number of the houses change wfth the rtsing slgn. Suppose ln a parttcular case Llbra ls the Ascendant, then that will be the Ist house and movlng clockwtse there wlll be houses II. m. tV and so on.






XI Iagna I

The horoscope will then look as shown above :(13) Now suppose a person say Shnmatllndira Gandfuwas bom at a time when Cancer (sign No. 4) was rising in the eastern horizon. Then in the North Indian form of horoscope No. 4 will be put in the first house. But in the South Indian form of horoscope the l-agrworAscendant will be marked in the sign Cancer and that will become the first house tn the horoscope. (l ) The horoscope of Sffinattlrd:irrr Gandldlsas under :-


Lagna Saturn




10 Moon Venus Sun Rahu Merc.

In this horoscope there ts the sign Cancer in the lirst house. The lord of this house is the Moon. The sign of the second house is l,eo and its lord is the Sun. The sign of the third house is Virgo whose lord is Mercury. The lord of the fourth housewith the sign Libra isVenus. The lord of the fifth house with the sign Scorpio is Mars. The lord of the sixth house with



the slgn Sagllttarlus tsJuptter. The lord of the serrenth house wlth the sign Capricorn ls Saturn. The lord of the eighth houseAquarlus rs abo Saturn. Ttre lord of ntnth house wlth the stgn Plsces is Juptter. The lord of the tenth house with the sgn Arles ls Mars. The lord of the eleventh house with the stgnTaurus ls Venus. The lord of twelfth house with the slgn Ceminf ls Mercury. (15) In the horoscope of Shrtmatr Indtra Gandhi the lord of the first house orAscendant is the Moon and ls placed in the 7th house. (Houses are counted from the Ist house and in the counttng the Ist house ls also taken into account). The Moon is thus postted tn the stgn of Saturn, her enemy' The lord of the 2nd house (sign l-eo) Sun is posited in the friendly sign Scorpto of Mars, in the Sth house. Mercury lord of the 3rd and 12th is conJoined with Sun in that house. The lofd of the 4th and I lth houses Venus is located in the 6th house wtth Rahu, in the sign Sagittarius. The lord of the Sth and loth houses Mars is placed in the friendly sign of Sun. The lord of the 9th and the 6th Jupiter is placed in l lth in the sign Taurqs belonging to Jupiter's enemy Venus. The lord of the 7th and 8th Saturn is placed in the Ascendant in the sign Cancer belonging to Moon, hls enemy. (16) It is tmportant to know that wery planet exerts his lnfluence not only on the house in which he is posited but also on other houses. The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus aspect fully the 7th house from them and exert their inlluence for good or evil on that house. Mars, in addition to aspecting the 7th house, also aspects fully the 4th and the 8th house from him. Jupiter in addition to his 7th house aspect, also aspects the 5th and 9th houses from him. Saturn in addition to the 7th house aspect also aspects fully the 3rd and loth houses from him. Rahu and Ketu aspect the 7th house from them (and according to ShriBhasurthe 5th and 9th houses also). ( 16A) In the horoscope of Shrimati Indira Gandhi the lord of the Ascendant is posited in Capricorn in the 7th house. From there Saturn aspects Moon by hiq 7th house aspect and Moon frorn the 7th house aspects Saturn with his 7th house aspect. The lord of 2nd Sun is located in the 5th house with Mercury 0ord of the 3rd and l2th). They are aspected by Mars



by hls 4th house aspcct and by Juptter by hls 7th holT aipect. Sun and Mercury also aspect Juplterwlth thelr 7th house aspect.The lord ofthe 4th and the l lth Venus ls placed tn the slgn Saglttarlus tn the 6th house. Ketu aspects Venus from the f Ztfr trouse by hls 7th house aspect. Mars frorn the 2nd house also aspects the slgnAquarlus ln the 8th housc by hls 7th house aspect and the slgn Pfscestn the 9th house Uir t lr Sth house aspect. Rahu In the 6th house aspects the tith house (and also Mars ln the 2nd house by hts gth house aspect).Juplter who ts placed tn the I lth house also aspects thl sfnvlrgo ln the 3rd house by hrs Sth house aspect and bt'hls gth house aspect, he aspects the Moon and the slgn Caprlcorn ln the 7th house as well. Saturn poslted ln C,ancer ln the Ascendant also aspectsthe slgn Vlrgo ln the 3rd house andbyhts lOth house aspect,aspectsthe slgnArles and tfe loth irouse. Venus from the 6th house aspects Ketu ln the l2th house. (r7) The assessrrent of tlmlng of the effects of the planets ls made lrr thelr m4for and sub-periods. The maJor -pertodts calculatecl according to the posltlon of Moon at the ttme of blrth. The m4for perfoa of that planet prevails at the time of blrth who ls lord of the constellatton (Nakshctra,l ln whtch Moon ts poslted at the trme of blrth. It [s, thereJae, essentlal those wlo twrr. soJar rwt acqrird- ong krowledge oJ -Asvdqg, Ju totsrotD ttelords oJtle a nstellotlotts wlp are 27 nrusntrer.The followtng tables gfve detatled tnformatton tn thls regarf
Ftqn Cmstellottqt Lod oJ Deg. CnrnsteU'a- SIgn -Mttu tlon Astotrt Bhaflnt Krllflka Rohini Mrtgshtra tuldra P.naruasu To SW Deg. MtL Duratlon oJ MQU WId-

7 6

Pr,r.strya Asleshn

Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury

o.13.20 o.26.40 l.10.oo L.23.20 2.06.40 2.20.OO 3.03.20 3.10.40

o.13.20 o.26.40


L.23.20 2.06.40 2.20.OO 3.03.20 3.r6.40 4.OO.OO Total

7 18 16 19 T7




Cmstellatlmt Lud oJ &nstellat frort Magtu P. phrrlgtntl U. Phalgurn Hasta Cttlta Surafl Vlshnkhrr Arturadha Jgestho Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury

Ftom SUn tuq. MItu 4.OO.OO 4.t3.20 4.26.40

To. Duratlon Sign Deg. oJ Mo$or periodMtL aears 4.13.20 4.26.40 5.10.OO 5.23.20 6.06.40 6.20.OO 7.03.20 7.16.40 8.OO.OO Total 7 20 6 lo 7 18
5.23.20 6.06.40 6.20.OO 7.03.20 7,16..40

19 t7 L20

Cmstellatlst Lud oJ Ftqn Crrnstr,llo.- SIgn kg. tlon MtL

M@lo. P. olshnda U. Ashad.rr Shrauan Dhflrdstrr Satnbhlsha. P. bhadro U. bhodra Rersatl

To SUn kg. MtL 8.13.20 8.26.40

Durotlon oJ M@or Wriodaeqrs 7 20 6

Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury


8.r3.20 8.26.40
9.23.20 10.06.40
9.23.20 10.06.40


ro.20.oo ro.20.oo rr.03.20 r r.03.20 1 1 . 1 6 . 4 0


l6 19 L7 L20




(f8) This system of dtrectional firlluence is lorown as VlmstuttafiDasa System. Vlmstottortmeans I 2O.Accordtng to this system,the total of the periods of all the planets comes to 12Oyears as shown below :- , Planet Sun Moon Mars Rahu Juplter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus
Total Note ::The

Dwatlon oJDasa 6 years lO years 7 years 18 years 16 years 19 years 17 years 7 years 2O years 12Oyears

maJor periods run in the order shown above.

(19) For the sake of illustration let us suppose that at the time of birth of a certain individual, the longitude of the Moon {Chandra Spasfl was lO-6-42 (1.e.Aquarius 6 Degrees 42 minutes). If we see the table in para 17, we find that Moon is in Satabhisha whlch stretches from 1O-6-40 to 1O-2O-O. Thus we would come to know at once that at the time of birth the person concerned was having the major period of Rahu. (2O) Now we will have to find how much of the maJor pertod was to run at the time of birth. It will be seen that total stretch of Satabhishais I3-2O'(13 degreesand 2Omtnutes) i.e. from 10-6-40 to IO-2O-O.Only 2 minutes of longitude have been travelled by Rahu, and he has still to rr.n through 13 degrees and lSmtnutes. When 13 degrees and 2Omtreutes are equal to 18 years, 13 degrees and l8 minutes will be equal to 17 years I I months and 2O days. This means that the remaining period of Rahu's maJor pertod would be 17 years I I months and 2O days. After the major period of Rahu will come the major period ofJupiterwhich will last for,16years. Then will come 19 years of Saturn and 17 years of Mercury and so on in the order given in para lB.



(2f ) When we say that the maJor period of a planet remains lrr operatlon for 20. I B or I 6 years it does not mean that that planet ontywill rule for all these years. What actually happens ls that the maJor period ls divided into sub-periods of all the nlne planets whose maJor period is in force and other subperiods will belong to other planets in the order given in para 18. The lord of the sub-period if strong will have his lnJluence durtng lord sub-period. We are sorry we cannot go tn further detail on thts subject for want of space. (22) In every horoscope there are twelve houses. The houses are known in Hindi as (l)Tanu, (2)Dhana, (3) Sahaj, (4) Sukha, (5) Suta, (6) Ripu, (7)Jaya. (8) Ayu, (9) Dharma, (IO) Karma, (l l) Labha and (r2) Vyaya. The significations of the twelve houses are as under :complexion. Flrst House or Longa (Ascendan0-Body, longevity, wealth, fame, height, environments at the time of birth, infant stage, head, intelligence, character, constitution, health, vitality and vigiour, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle forlife, honour, dignity, prosperity, general well being, virtues, start in life and an idea of the general trend of life. Second Housa-Money matters, fortune, profit, gain or loss, one's power and resources, worldly attainments, jewellery, precious stones, speech, visron, teeth, chin, family members. This is also house of death or ntarak stho,na. Third House-Mental inclination, ability, memory, courage, valour, youngerbrothers or sisters, cousin, neighbours, short travels, communications, correspondence, writings, signing contracts or agreements, hands, throat, nervous system. Fourth House-Mother, minds, one's home (native place), residence,domestic environments, grains, private affairs, secret life, vehicles, fields, mines, buildings, ancestral property, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, water, milk, ponds, rivers, lakes. Flfth House-Progeny (children), inclinations, pleasure, artistic talents, competitive activities, love alfairs, lottery, ambassadors, good or bad morals, mantra tan/ra, high learning and wisdom, enonnous riches, spiritual practice.

24 REMEDLAL MEAsUREs IN ASTRotocy Sfxth House-Siclmess, disease, nurstng, food, servlce, employees, subordlnates or servants, debts, cattle, tenants, enemies, maternal uncle, miserliness, lntense anguish. Seuentft House-House of union bondage, partner tn Me (wife or business, conjugal ltfe, litigatton, countries and reputatton achleved maroka stlnno (house of death). or earthly ties, legal husband), partner in lnlluence in foreign there, danger to life,

(also called house of death), Ephth Hous+longeyity lnheritance, legacies, wills, insurance, pension and gratu lty, accidents, fire, suiclde, death by drowning, misery, misfortune, sorrow, strife, worries, disgrace, delay, disappointment, defeat, loss, theft, robbery. Ninth House-Faith, wtsdom, divine worship, fortune (bhogVa), philosophy, religious beliefs, meditation, forethought, places of worship, charity, sacrifices, father, preceptor, teachlng, dlurma" longJourneys, sea and air travel, hlgher educatlon, foretgn travel, knees. Tenth House--Honour, dtgntty, public esteem, name and fame, power and prestige, credtt (for good work) and conduct, success and status, respect and reputation, ambition and authority, worldly activittes, promotion, advancement, profession, gwernment, high posttions such asPresident and Prlrne Minister or Mlnister, ptlgrfmage to holy places. Eleuenth Hous*F)dends, favourttes, ambttlons, wtshes, desires and thetr fulfllment, gatns of wealth, success in undertaldngs, profits, prospertty, elder brother, dawn of fortune, ankles. Tv:eIJth Hous*Loss and tmpediments, llmitations, extravagence, expenses, drudgery and deception, lnvestments, donations, separation from family, goirg to far away places, poverty, imprisonment, secret enemies, disgrace, feet, left eye, comforts of bed, life in a foreign place. Formore details of preliminary and adequate knowledge of astrologr readers are advised to read our book 'lzarn Astrolqg the Easy Wag'in English or'ailfrEftf in Hindi, both published by Ra4jan Publrcations, t 6 Ansan Road, N ew Dehi-11OOO2.



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Planetary Afflictions As this bock dealswith remedtalmeasures for evils caused by planetary aflllctlons tt u:{ll be oJgreat use to lstow tt what nvuvlrrr the planets and,tle var'toushouses oJtte laroscope get qfJttcted A planet is sald to be alllicted clrcumstancesin the following

( I) When the planet is combust :- on account of nearness to the sun as indicated below:up L2 degrees to Moon L7 Mars ,. 13 Mercury ,, ,, II Jupiter ,, ,, ,, 09 Venus ,, ,, 15 Saturn ,,
In our opinion if a planet ls within 3 degrees of the Sun, he should be treated as really combust and without any strength. (2) When the planet ls posited rn the 6th, 8th or l2th house (which are considered as inauspicious houses) and is deprived of aspect of Jupiter, Venus or full Moon. (3) When a planet is in debilitation and debilitation ls not cancelled. (For principles of cancellation of debilitation, see our book'Learn Astrologr the Easy WuyJ. (4) When a planet is conJotned wrth a malefic and fs not aspected by a benefic like Jupiter, Venus or full Moon. (5) When a planet is conJoined with lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house and ts bereft of aspect by a benelic. (6) When a planet is tn exaltation and is retrograde (retrograde : movit:tg in the reverse direction i.e. moving baclnvards tnstead of direct motion). A house is said to be afflicted when it is aspected by a malefic, or a malefic is posited in it, or when the lord of the house is in any of the six circumstances mentioned above. The aspect of a benefic like Jupiter or Venus mitigates the aflliction to a great extent. A planet in the sign of an enemy loses some of its strength but is not to be treated as aIllicted.



We give below some lllustrative affltction of planets. Rasl Chart No. I



Lord of Lagna Venus Sun though conJoined wtth the Mars Mercur5 Satun Sun is not allltcted because Rahu Venus of the aspect of Jupiter. The 2nd house is affllcted Moon because lt is aspected by Saturn and tts lord ls conJoined with Rahu. The result is that the native often lncurs losses of money on Juplter Lagina Ketu (R) account of deceptton by people (enemies). The sixth house is allllcted on account of the presence of malefics Mars and Rahu. The native always sulfers from some disease or other. The loth house and its lord are alllicted by the aspect of Saturn and there is no aspect of a beneftc on them. The result ls that the native always remains worried for some reason of other and faces a number of set backs in hls career. The 8th house ls afllicted by the presence of Saturn in it and the 12th house is afftcted by the presence of Ketu there and aspect of Mars and Rahu with the result that the native has been put to financial loss very often and iulfers from eye troubles. The 4th House is afftcted because the lord of the 4th Saturn is in the 8th house. On account of the alllictton of the 4th house. the nattue did not achiwe any dtstinctton tn the educatlonal lield and was deprtued of hts share lnthe ancestral property. His domestic Itfe is also disturbed. Although the lord of the 5th house Saturn is in the 8th, he aspects the 5th house( hts own house) wtth his lOth aspect. Therefore, this house is not alllicted. The native has not, therefore, been deprived of chlldren and -lntelligence. Rasl Chart No. 2 l-agna is alflicted because the lord of LagnaMercury is with malefics Mars and Sun in the 12th house. There is Ketu present Xr Iognoand Iagnalord Mercury is the lord of 'The



4th house also. The Mercury Laflna mitigating factors are that Moon Mars there is Venus in his own Venus Ketu sign in l2th and Jupiter is aspecting the 12th house. Saturn Sun Though the native has bad health at times there are no critical problems. But his life and educational career have Rahu Juplter been full of struggles. Now see the Sth house. lnrd of Sth Venus is in the l2th. He is associated with Mars and Sun. Venus is combust beingvery nearto the Sun. Jupiter's aspect did not help much because Jupiter is also a{Ilicted on account of aspect of Saturn (loth aspect), Mars and Sun. Though the native got children, none of them survived. The lord of the lOth house Jupiter is in the 6th house. As said above Jupiter is alllicted also, but the loth house is not very much afflicted becauseJupiter aspects the lOth house (his own house). The native though started humbly is now well set up in his profession. Saturn as lord of 9th in gth has helped him a lot. The 7th house (house of married happiness) is also afflicted because of the evil inlluence of Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the 7th is in the 6th. Native's married life is not normal. We are in a position to produce hundreds of horoscopes but we are unable to give anymore tllustrations for lack of space. The two above should suffice for the purpose we had in view. namely to show how the planets and houses get afllicted and bring troubles in the lives of the people-and this brings us to remedial measures which is the real subject matter of thls book.

2 Nature, _functions o;nd charolcters

oJ planets<ffects oJ their Sflictions

SI]N (Surga)

According to astronomy, Sun is the parent of entire solar system. He is also called the 'Father of Stars'. According to Hindu mythologr the centre of all life, force and energr and the giver of .kcmoL Sun is worshipped as Sun Cod. He is held in high esteem. At least thrice daily Sun is prayed for by the Sun's devotees, 'Surya Namaskar'is done by many persons to regain the lost vitality and eye sight. Other nations also pay reverence to sun. He is believed to represent the Creator, the Brohmcr, with his four faces to have a srrrrey of all the four directions causing four seasons and the four elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Arnongst the Hindus, it is believed that the Sun is ever moving in a chariot drawn by seven horses. This is probably because in the Sun are contained all the seven colours of the Spectrum (VIBGYOR). When the Sun enters certain significant signs, the Htndus perform some religious function on those diys to satisff the departed souls and offer prayer to Sun God. One such important occasion is Makarasankranfiwhen sun enters the sign Capricorn. The greatest of our ancient astrologers Varahamihfiaworshipped onty Sun God. I{is monumental iork 'Briho,t Jatak' starts with this prayer to Sun Cod-

-dcR6fud:wugfrsetqr-frq-{r{ffi qrffi m-grq{sf,t ratsqrdftErqr ftFni' cqdrEqqfuftqfqrisuT a: gfr qFi+ v rerffirgrdti-flffi rR: il

This means-May the Suu, who gives form to the Moon. who is pathway for those who are alter eternal bliss or



salvation, who is the soul of the sages (who lmow themselves)' who ls the obJect of worshlp among those who perform sacrtfices, who is chief among the gods' planets and stars (the centre of the unlverse), who is the author for destruction' creation and preservation of all the worlds, who is irrvoked irr the Vedas in various ways-may that Sun of variegated rays, the light of three worlds, glve us speech. Sun stands to us as a symbol of spirit. Sun is the soul of Kalapunsho (The Moon is his mind, Mercury is his speech, Mars ishis strength, Jupiter is his lsrowledge and happiness' Venus is his desire and Satum is his misery, etc.)' It is said that the sweral constituents of Kalapunsho are either strong orweakaccordingto the strength of the planets representing them, only Saturn is exempted. Whenever Saturn is weak misery witt te much greater and will predominate' But if Saturn is strong there will be less misery. For all human beings Sun represents the positive and primal fount. Moon represents the negative inJluence. Sun ls constructive and creative while Moon is preserving and formative. Sun is the father, Moon is the mother. The Sun offers us the power of resistance and vitality' He governsthe inspiration and expiration, i.e' breath of life' Also he rules over our consciousness and denotes the individuality whereas the form and personaliff are attributed to Moon' Sun gives the force and self will and makes one determined and decistve.According t o Br'tlti:;tJo;takthe Sun possesses a darkred form. The Moon is whlte. Mars ts of pale red colour' Mercury has the dark green hue of Durua (grass).Jupiter has a body of yellowish hue. Venus is neither very white nor very black. Saturn is dark in form. Rahu is of smolry colour and Ketu is of variegated colours- The substances ascribed to planets from Sun onwards are copper' gems, gold' alloy of metals, silver, Pearls and iron. We are sorry, we have created some confusionbybringitlg all the planets in our description. This is because they are mentioned in this manner in the classical texts. Now we will confine ourselves to the Sun. The Sun rules the heart, so also the sign l.eo (Sunhc) denotes the heart of the Kalapurusha. Sun also represents



the right eye rr men and left eye rn women. The mouth, throat, spleen and brain are also indicated by Sun. sun tohen qfflictedwnl cause defects in the heart or in the eye sight. Saturn alllicilng the Sun causes low blood preassure. Mars alllicting the Sun causes haemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis etc. The constitution wtll be overheaied and bilious. Sun also denotes cerebral menengitis, eruptions of the face, loss of speech as a result of cerebral alrection, sharp fevers, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile complaints, sun-stroke, scorches and diseases in the head. Beneficial Sungives ambition, boldness, brilliance, capacity . to command, dignity, energ/, elevation in rank, faith, fame, gr?ce, generosity, health, hope, happiness, individuality, influence, Joy, kind heart, l,ringly appearance, loydlty, magnanimity, nobility, optimism, power, respect to elders, reputation, royalty, regality, success in worldiy affairs, good temperarnent, vigour and vitality. Alllicted sun takes away all these good effects and makes one arrogant, a blulf, domineering, egoistical, faithless, vainglorious, haughty, jeaous, lavish, over_ambitious or ambitionless, pompous and prou d, self-opinionated, irritable, angry and spiteful. MOON (Chandra) Sun ls satd to be the generator of power whereas Moon is considered to be the conductor of pbwer lent by the Sun. - The rays of the Sun reflected by the Moon dispel the paltrnep of the night on earth iust in the same *"irr.. Itght reflected from a mirror pliced in the sun removes "" the darloress in the house. Sun gives the sptrit and ltfe to all planets and the Moon is said to rule over the lives of the beings on earth. Sun represents individuality whereas Moon shows one,s personality. Moon also represents mother. sun is masculine and Moon is feminine. Hence the person born under the rulership of Moon becomes timid, vicillating, receptive and convertible. Sun is a fiery planet whereas Moon is waterv a one.



Moongwernso\/erimpregnation'conception'b|rthofchild' rules the animat instinct, the unlon and the embryo' She also on influence powerful the tnfant sta$e of a person and has a ailments causes their lives. Afllicted Moon at the time of birth proper frequent$ and does not allow the native to have reduces vomitUng g.o*Ut. Siomach will be upset and frequent vitality. Moonisacoldplanet.AfnictedMoonoftencausescoldand fever. Her characteristic is changeability. Hence her influence isunsettling.Ifoneisinservice,hisdesirewillbetohave frequent ctringes. He will often change his residence. Moon -olr."rr.ry fasi and is waxing and waning' The pers-onsborn with Moon as their ruling planet (natives of Cancer Ascendant) will ever be unsettled, wavering and vacillating' A!flicted.Mooncausesindecision,lackofmentalbalance anisuffering from over-anxiety. If Moon is afflicted by Mars' will the person i^ritt U" impulsive, rash and reckless and ill deveiop strong attraction to the r:pposite sex, causing healttr'andbringingbadreputation.IfMoonisamictedby have Saturn, the person will be depressed and funky' He will pessimistic. become will also He complex. tnfeiiority fear and He will have weak concentration power. Allliction of Moon also disturbs familY life. The diseases causedby an alflicted Moon are: Eye diseases, lunacy, paralysis, hysteria' epilepsy, dropsy' Beri-beri' cold' cor-rgh, colic pains, worrns, intestinal disorders' catamenial disorders, tumours, peritonites, throat troubles' asthma' eosonophilia, bronch it is, varicos veins, complicattons due to dxcess of drinks' hydrocele, dysentry,scrofula' nervous debility, gastric troubles' cancer, typhoid, etc' MARS (MangaL X4icl Mars is one of the outer planets. It is nearer to the Earth than any of other outer planets like Jupiter or Saturn etc' Marsisredincolour.Soitslightisreddishinappearance' Mars is a dry, fiery planet masculine by nature' Mars is significator of energy, both constructive and destructive' depending upon hi- position, aspects and location in the noioscope. Mars has huch to do with one's ambitions and





desires. Mars q;mbolises the senses and rules over the animal lnstincts in man. If Mars is not alllicted and receives favourable aspects, it olfersgood qualiUes as self-conlldence, endurance, sharp wit, faculty to argue, go ahead spirit etc. Mars bestows one wtth qulck mental acttvity and extraordinary muscular strength, great organising abiltty, power for practical executlon, independent sptrit, force of character, strong determlnation, ambition to come out successful in the material world tnspite of oppositlons and above all leadership ln all pursuits. Mars gives the chance to accomplish werything which one deslres, tn a resourceful and ingenious manner. IJMars is weak and qlflictcdin a horoscope, the native will be rough, wtll lose temper quickly and will be fool-hardy.A3 Mars rules over contentlons and strife, one will be quarrelsome. If Mars is weak and alllicted all the good qualities mentioned above wtll be absent. Whenever there is any dillerence of opinion such a natlve wtll rely more in the applicatton of brute force than to argue tntelligently and try ,to convlnce logically. He would always be ready for violence. He will not achieve success ln ltfe on account of lack of ambition and effort. He will become an extremist and a sexual pervert. Mars is the chlef governor for brothers and landed property. If Mars is alfucted the brothers will suffer and either there will be no landed property or it wlll be destroyed by the nature of his reckless actions. Mars gorerns the external sex organs, muscular system, left ear, face, head, sense of taste, the bladder, nose, pelvis of lddney, prostrate gland, rectum, the colon, the testicles and bone marrow. If Mars ls allltcted the person concerned ts likety to suffer from the following dlseases-all acute fevers, plague, smallpox, chtcken-pox, mumps, inllammatory complaints, burns, ruptures of capillaries, ftstula, wounds, cuts, brain fwer, haemmorrhage, typhoid, ulcer ln the intesilnes, hernla, appendicitis, muscular rheumatism, boils, carbuncles. tumour, septic poisoning tetanus, etc. In the horoscopes of nations an afllicted Mars can cause dffferences of opinion, disputes, difficu lt ies, misunderstand-



lrrgs and quarrels amongst leaders. He can also cause wars, restlessness in the state, revolution, violence, rlots' disturbances, murders, rapes, loot' bloodshed, etc. According to the late Shri Kri.shnamurtL who gave birth to the KrlshnamurtiPaddfwti', a new system of astrolog5r' it would be "advantageous for the Flindu women to wear red stones, put on red kurnkum, use red clothes etc. Because from the time of blrth till the end of llfe at every stage. it is Mars who has to protect them e.g. (1) In infancy to have resistance against diseases, not to suffer from liver complaints, to put on weight, not to touch fire and suffer from burns, not to dip hands in boiling milk etc., and to avoid ailments from boils' (2) In youth to avoid fire accidents,wttich is common among girls when they light crackers or stand near stoves' etc' (3) io have proper menstruation and not to suffer from pains irt the breast or belly. ( ) To be free from Mars dasa and have a pleasing partner, to have the marriage celebrated in proper age without undue delay (for this purpose we would prefer yetto* sapphire). (5) Not to suffer from abortion, bleeding etc' iO) tiot to ask for surgeon's help or aid to have easy delivery without even instruments and no blood transfusions' (7) To own lands. (8) To avoid accidents while going by car' scooter' etc. (9)To own a house. (rO)To have good understandin$ with brothers and receive help from them. (1f ) To feel that she is respected by other-s. (12) To have no fears but to be courageous, to maintain health and be ever active ttll the end of life". MIJRCITRY lBuddtrsl Mercury is a variably, convertible, vactllating, neutral and dualistic planet. Mercury shows the type of mentality one is endowed with as he governs the reaction to one's sense and impressions' He rules cnrerthe solar plems and the centraL nervous system' Being an intellectual planet' the Mercurian is highly intel[gent, genious and ana\rtical. He will grasp the subjects very [uickly. He gives the native retentive power and reproductlve ability. Mercury with the aspect of Jupiter or Venus represents a subtle political brain and intellect and a logician with learnin$ and discretion- Mercury makes one a




sarcher lnto mystertes and learntng, sharp and wltty, learning almost anything wlthout a teacher and ambltions of bexrg orqutsite in erverysclence. He gtves curiostty to master occult sclence. Meratry u:twnoSltdd.makes the person phereneilc. fb wtl write nasty thtngs. He will become a great gambler, the worst liar, conceited,showy with vatn-glorlous statements extolltng htmself. such an aJllicted Mercurian will be a cheat. He will be talkative, pewerted, eccentrlc, unprincipled, inconstant and boastful. IJMercury A {flicted, the native is likely to suffer from the following diseases-vertigo, lethargr, giddiness in the head, madness, diseases of the brain, tuberculosis, stammering arid imperfection of the tongue, defects of memory, dry coughs, abundance of spittie, gout of hands and feet, leprosy, carrcer, indigestion, disorders of the nervous s)Btem, nervous break_ down, etc. If Mercury is alllicted by Mars, there wtll be disputes, Itttgation, loss through theft, ris\rventures, hasty decisions leading to public scandal and criticism, loss through fraud and cheating and forgery or the native may himself commit such crlmes. If Mercury ls alftcted by Saturn, all the efforts ofthe nattue will be delayed and he may be disappointed and depressed. It may cause dishan rony and dispute and lead to debts and diseases. FIls education will be poor, memory poor, Iinance poor, health poor and retentive power absolutely absent. , JIJPITER (BriFnspaL Guru)

Jupiter and the 9th house in one's horoscope tndicate the extent to which one would have meritorious deeds in his pre\dous birth and also howmuch of success, honour. fortune and glory one can have in this life. However much the other planets may be ill-posited and threaten difficulties to a person, if Jupiter is strong and well posited in a chart, the native will enjoy the providential help at least at the last moment to tide over the difficulties and rid of wil.



Juplter ts a flery, noble, benevolent, frultful. masculne, posittve and dlgnifled Jovral, buoyant, optimlsttc' expanstve, planet. Jupiter gives a generous dtsposition. Those ruled by Juptter wlU be generous and candld. Jupiter olfers high reasoning abilfty attA ptop.r Judgment. The hlgher attributes of the mlncl and the upltft of soul are governed by Jupiter. Hence Jupiter rules educational interests' law, rellgion' philosophy' uanting and economics. Juplter also indicates that one will be religious, study the religious scriptures and wtll respect the elders and PrecePtors. Jupiter as a benefic by lordship also, gives geniality and generosity,Joy, jubilation andjwiality. oree cart expect respect ana reprrlalion during his period. Jupiter is a significator for wealth and children. A $ood Jupiter in the horoscope blesses the native with children and wealth. othergifts from a strong and favourable Jupiter are progress and prosperity in life, philosophic and philanthropic nature' good conduct and morals, peace and prosperity, health and wealth' IJJupiterisqfllictedandownsevilhouses,thenativewill not be moderate but an extremlst. He will be very liberal and extravagant. over-optimism, false hopes, carelessness, debts, disputei, failure in speculation' worry through children and falJe prestige, loss by relyxr$ on others, donations beyond girth' unusual ones capacity, cheap popularity, misJudgement and miscalculations are all attributed to an alflicted Jupiter. Diseases caused by an afllicted Jupiter are tumours, liver complaints, Jaundice, dropsy' diabetes' cancer in the liver' dyspepsia, abcess, hernia, cerebral congestion, catarrh' carbuncles, infirmity in the back arteries, inflammation of the lungs, flatulence, diseases of the respiratory organs, asthma, discolouration of the body, rheumatic fevers, troubles in the right ear etc. AsJupiter occupies an important place in a horoscope, we give two horoscopeswhlch illustrate the effects of afavourable and unfavourable Jupiter Ix a nativtty.




No. I (Favourable Juplter)

This isthe horoscope of late Sun Stwi Moti Lal Netvu Jupiter, Moon Mercurl Mars Ketu lord of the 9th ts exalted in Venus Lagna and aspects the Sth house and 9th house and Iagna lord of lagna posited there. Jupiter There is exchange of stgns Saturn between lord of 9th and the lord of l-agna He was one of Rahu the greatest lawyers India has ever produced. He was a man of outstanding moral character, was very rich and honoured. British Governors considered it a privilege to dine with him at his house. Laterhe sacriftced all his luxuries anh comforts and joined the Freedom Movement. His son JawahnrlalNehruwas the lirst Prime Minlster of independent India and he occupied this position till hls death. His daughter V$ary LokshmtPandit occupied very high positions and was the first Indlan to become chairman of the U.N. General Assembly. FIis grand daughter Shnmati Indira Gandhi had been .ftnre Minister oJ Indin for a long time. No. 2 (Unfavourable Juplter) This person belonged to a well to do family but being the eldest son was pampered a lot. Inspite of all possible ellorts by his parents he could not go beyond the 9th class in education. FIis Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and lord of the 4th Saturn (educatton) is in debilitation and associated vrith Rahu. In his young and middle age he was a sex maniac. He did not mind having relations even Saturn with servant maids and Rahu sweeper maids. He always quarrelled with hts parents Sun Moon who supported him and his Venus family and even attempted to assault his father a number Mercurl of times. He is suspected to I agrv, Juplter have poisoned his mother. He Mars KEtu



neverdtdanythirrgtoearnhislivelihood.Afterthedeathof by his his parents he toot possession of all the property left due their of sisters and brothers his parents and deprived share.ThankstoastrongandunafllictedJupiterirrhiswife's his horoscope he got ei$ht children' one of whom died in got educated-and sons two only young age. Among"ioth.ts gieir own efforts. The others are very llttle by ,"ari.d iot 52-are Iducated. Three children between the age of 3O and alone living been unmarried and living asvagabonds' He has except tn his thatched hut in hisvillage with hardly anybody no the villagers to care for him in his old age' He receiveshas He iespect or regard from brothers, sisters or children' It may be the reputatiJn of being a very dishonest person' and notedihat Jupiter is lold of the 2nd (wealth and family) (dharmal in this house 9th the (children)and karorko'for Sth horoscope. vEnruS (Shukrq) Venus is considered to be the goddess of love' marriage' rules the beauty and comforts. Venus is a feminine planet' It si$ns of swenth the and second signsiaurus and Libra' the gentle the rules Venus planet the Zodiac. Being a feminine are byVenus ruled people why and refined atributes. This is calmness' personality' pleasin$ kind and sociable. By their patient hearing to what others say, and refined nature' they iitt *ft.n ttre rulllea feelings of others, change their attitude the and prove to be real peace-makers' Also Venus furnishes in Venus A strong bond between all members of the farrily' the to a chart indicates that the native will have attraction to aII other sex early in his life. He will also have attraction matterscontributingforamusementandgratificationof senses. Venus is for t-ok-Sukha and can bestow all comforts world' on one enabling him to lead a pleasant life in the the IJVmus is affliced. the native is likely to suffer fhom the irregularity-in eyes' in thb foliowing diseases--Tfoubles other catemenia, diseases of the ovaries, gout' anaemia' and eatlng' amusements' in complications due to over-indulgence arint<ing etc., including gonorrhoea and qlphlis' efflicted




Venus may also be the cause of inlurtes by an accident Injuries through anyvehicle, car accident' plane accldent' etc' be caused by antmals like panther' bull' cow' it* -.y buffalo, goat etc. Venus is the chtef governor for marriage. If Venus is not married alllicted one may be iait6ul ire love. If alllicted the Me will be hell. Venus|sthechiefplanetforvehiclesVa}ranKaraka.Art of alllicted venus will deprive the native of the comfort etc. vehicles, conveyLnces

SATURN (shanr)
Saturnlscalled'Yamc-'becauseheistheChiefgovernor for longwity. He is a barren' binding, cold' dry' defensive' hard, nervous and secretive planet' Saturn is considered to be very favourable for people born lrrtheSignsownedbyVenus'whereasSaturniseviltothose born in the stgns owned bY Mercury' Saturn will cause delay. It can deny' It will disappoint' Dish armony, disput e, difficulty, despondency, dej ection, and differences-are the outcomes of an wil saturn. Plodding, persevedng, patiently worki:rg, prude nce, frugality' economy' endrrrance, industry' thrift' power to keep secrets' ""nittg, stability, self-control, sense of duty etc', are attributed to Saturn. I.azy,|ethargic' idle persons are born under the inlluence of a malefic saturn or alflicted saturn. Never they will have mind towork. If theybeginto do anything some impediment' obstacle or hindrance dissuades or discourages them. They become diffident; there is the fearwhether it would be possible for them to come out successful. saturn causes distrust. Saturnian will always miss the bus. The people born on Saturdays' or in Capricorn orAquarius as escindants (Lagnas) or in the constallations of Pushga, Anuradlw or Ilttara Btwdrawill take the role of saturn and do good oI evil depending upon the favourable or unfavourable position of Saturn in the horoscope'



Saturn ls the chief signtftcator for longevtty and his occupation of the house of longevity, i.e., the 8th house gives 'KarakaBf'auo a long span of life to the native. The principle Nasya'does not apply to Saturn. Saturn when beneflc, makes a person true, reliable, honest, sincere, faithful, chaste etc. Also it helps in'concentration, mediation and prayers etc. Stupidity, dullness, want of ortgltnality and dearth of tdeas are due to ill posited Saturn. Saturn gives such diseases which take a long time to be cured. Saturn causes all impediments of the right ear and teeth, all agues from cold, leprosy, consumption, black Jaundice, palsy, gout, deafness, colic, paralysis, diseases of the spleen etc. All chronic ailments and those of the bony system are attributable to Saturn. Intoxication eczema and amputation are caused by Saturn. If Saturn is amicted by Mars there may be falls, injuries bruises, operation, amputation, fracture, curvature of the spine, gall stone etc. Sun's aspect or association with Saturn may cause blood pressure troubles, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral anaemia, thrombosis, cardiac trouble, gout etc. RAHU AIIID I(ETU Rahu and Ketu llke other planets are not substanttal heavenly bodles with an obserwrble body, shape or mass. They have been called chhogagrahas (shadowy planets). They are not independent planets like the Sun, Moon, Mars etc. They do not have independent orbit and as two parts of one body thier movement is interrelated orJoint. They are at all times at opposite points of the Tndiac like the head and tail. Though they are by nature evil andgenerally evtl in inlluence, but by association theybecome capable of doinggood hy association wtth benefics they turn benefic). According to HinduAstrologr Rahu and Ketu lndicate one bom in a low caste, one who may intrigue with girls, one whose thoughts and actions will be evil, one who will resort to outcastes and low born as well as ill-bred people. One who is dissatisfied, fond of travelling, finds pleasure in uttering



falsehood, contlnues to speak untruth loeowtng fulty well that he utters a lie, one who will not mlnd to cohabitate with quadrupeds or llke the animals; one who ls harsh tn speech; one who wtll be looking downward while walking or talking wlth others etc. (lJttorokalamrtl. Rahu and Ketu alfect the spleen, gas trouble' snake catchers, ass, ram, wolf, camel, serpent, poisonous insects' a dark place, mosquitoes, bugs, insects, owl etc.' belong to Rahu and Ketu (Ptuladeepikal. Rahu indicates paternal grand father whereas Ketu represents the maternal grand father. Both the nodes can cause imprisonment, sinking with the ship or drowining. Pleasure with diseased women. amputation' leprosy' giddiness, Me in a cave are attributed to Rahu. Fear complex, insanity, allerg5r, leprosy, injury, fire accident, punishm'ent from Government. renunciation, Mokshct, wisdom after suffer'rng and bitter experience and wealaress to have pleasure with other woman, are attributed to Ketu. As a result of our practical experience of several years we have come to the conclusion that Rahu and Ketu give good results (if not alflicted by a malefic), if they occupy the upaclugohouses, i.e. the houses 3,6,fO and 11. They also give favourable results when they are conjoined with or aspected by lords of beneficial houses particularly yqga karakaplanets i.e. those who own both a kendra (quadrant) or a tnkona {trine) even if such planets may be natural benefics or natural malefics. For example, for Cancer and l,eo Ascendants Mars 7s a gqakaraka planet and if Rahu is associated with or aspected by Mars and ls placed in an auspiclous house, he will $ive the results of a gogakaraka planet. Otherwise Rahu and Ketu should be treated as evil planets and expected to glve only evil results. The diseases caused by Rahu are rheumatism' cholera, dysentry and nasty diseases of mind and body, tendency to commit suicide. Sometimes the diseases are dillicult to diagnose. The diseases ascribed to Ketu are-skin diseases, pimples, colic pains, dropsy, abcesses, paralysis, heart diseases (if Ketu alllicts the Sun) hunger, ring worm, burns, injuries from accidents and fire, apoplocy and smallpox.

3 Propitiqtion of maleuolent planets

The things which are to be given in charityof mantras for and utility Singnificance p rop itiati.on of plane ts- Vak Shakti-Mantr as for procedure for the different planets-Correct for fasting for reciting of mantras-Procedure effects of the propitiation of planets-Benefic for mantras blessings from the elders etc.-Vedtc planets.
With miraculous advances ln Science, man's entry into space, landing of man on Moon and space survey of other planets there has developed a school of thought that worshipireg them is nrere superstition or blind faith. Those who follow this view, may be many or few, but the imprssion they have formed in this respect is due to the fact that they have not studied or correctly understood the vast material contained in our ancient religious scriptures on this subject. ftre fact is that God is Omnipotent and is present in all animate and unanimate obJects in the universe as Rig Veda says-

q1ftq: v: gvoilgaiq'r1 I Eq ffi qeomftqrg q'ai 3lfti qd qrdRsrlq6 ll agw a-<fu s'Efrrr:

This means that the truth (ire) is only one. The indestructible Supreme Lord is only one: The learned, have described him in different ways with different names. Some call HimAgni(Fire) that is one who produces light, some take Him as their benevolent friend, some accept Him as Varun described as possessing pre-eminent individuality, some follow Him as their own lord Vlshnu (Suparna], some have



glven FIim the name Yamathe Regulator orAdministrator of ifme and some worship him as the great Guru' Whatever name may be ascribed to FIim He would remain the same Supreme lord. God will remain Cod though Flindus may call Him Ishrlar' Muslims may call FIlm Rahman or Malkeyomlddin and the Ch-istians worship FIim as Jesus Christ. When we see Him as the Creator of the universe He is Brahma- When we see Him as all pervading protector He is Vishnu (\Rarq-rq qrq'lt h-{rsnq v gqai' )- when we see Hirn as annhilator of the universe He is Rudro or Mahesh' But He is the same Lord Supreme in different forms' When we treat Him as the abode of our life, the life of the universe, we call Him Surya (Sun). We do so as we see all life (qd 3IrFn wnKq${q)' giving qualities tangible itt s,rryo Thus when we offer prayers to the Sun' we in fact oller them to the supreme Lord describing His qualities as the Sun's. The Suprime tnrd is present in the Sun also' Similarly when we offer our prayers to the Moon (Ctnndrol' what we actually do is to see the Supreme Lord with the qualities of the Moon. In the same way when we offer prayers t? uars, we actually offer them to the Supreme l-ord' The only dillerence is that when we do so we see him as an afgressive administrator of regulations and one who has the power to kill (qr<untrs vrRt) wtrich we find in the blood red Mars' The sarne applies to other Planets. Gtvlng of thtngs (Dana-sr;i) tn chartty to propttlate the planets

There is widespread belief that the afflicted or malefic planets do not have their evil inlluences if things or articles ielated to them or ruled by them are offered in charity to the appropriate, deserving and needy persons' We give below what itrould be offered in charity in regard to the various planets. Sun:Ttre Sun is a Kshatriyaplanet. The things to be given in charity are ruby, gold, copper (those who can aJford this), wheat, jaggery (g9) etc. The charity should be given to a middle aged Kshatriya at noon on a Sunday'


Moon:The things to be given tn charlty are pearl, shell, silver, conch, water, milk, rice etc. They should be offered in charity to a Valshya woman on a Monday evenlng. Mar#The related articles are coral, sweet bread prepared ln a Tandoor, sweet preparatlons of white sesamum seeds gfrE ftq, batasfta (a preparatton of sugar white in colour), masoor dal, saunf Arry ofthese thingsmaybe given incharity to a person who observes celebracy (Brahmachar4 on the noon of a Tiresday. Mercury-Emerald, unsplit moong, green pumpkin used for preparing sweet preparations (like fta1wa-6gw), goat, green coloured clothes etc. Any of these things may be given in charity to a poor student on the noon of a Wednesday. Juplter:The articles to be given are yellow sapphire, topaz, saffron (+tr{), turmeric (ed;, u sapling of peepal tree, sugar, horse, yellow coloured flowers. These are to be oflered to a Brahmin on the morning of a Thursday. Venus-Diamond, silken clothes, milk cream, sandal, cu rd, refined sugar, scents, perfumes, cow-fodder, -1war (wx), camphor etc. Any of these things are to be given to a needy young woman on the evening of a Friday. Saturn-Blue sapphire, lron, steel, leather, stone, agricullural land, cow,urdunsplit, orenforcooking (sirft&), tongs (fr'Tdr), cookingplate ofiron (r+r), buffaloe, mustard, wine, black sesamum seed (fuc), any of these things may be given at dusk to a poor old man. Rahu-Comedft, coconut. radish, coal. old and counterfeit coins are some of the things related to Rahu. Any of these are to be given on a Thursday or Saturday to a leper. I(etu:The things to be given are a reddish brown cow with white spots, two coloured blanket, dogs, etc. Any of these things may be given to a poor and needy young man on a Thursday.



Deltles to be worshlpped

to propltl,ate the planets-

Sun-Lord Vishnu should be worshipped and Ilaribansh Puran should be recited or listened to. Moon-Lord Shiva. Mars-Ftranuman. Durga should be worshipped and Mercury-4oodness Durga Saptashafi should be read and recited regularly. Japlter-Brahma. Venus-Goddess Lakshmi (trE) Saturn-Bharrava Rahu-Bhar7ava (frqq) Ketu-Lord Ganesha. In this connection it may also be mentioned what'Brrhaf Jatak has to say on the deities of the various planets. According to this authoritative book the presiding deities are flre, water, Kumar (Ganesha), Vishnu, Indra, Indrani and Brahma (a-gr) of the planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively. Varahamtfttr, the author of Brihat Jatak, has given no importance to Rahu and Ketu. JatakPariJathas also e:cpressedthe same view and has also omitted to mention the deities of Rahu and Ketu. Stgniltcancc and utlltty propttlatlon of planets of Mantras for

There are two main divistons of mantras. Under the firct division come Vedr'cmantras. To the other divtsion belong the 'mantra' can be Tantrik mantras. Accordingly the word '!:fTrq irrterpreted in two ways: According to Vedic destgn Trqfr Eft riT:" that is mantra is that the devoted recltatlon or chantation of which frees the persons from all troubles and miserles. The necessity for devotlon to mantras has been described by Maharishi Patanjdi as follows'ffirarrrq+r','tft{ gTqtF: rulEr:" 'ft5.1q9q{qBnq"



Thls, means that mind can be controlled by dwotedly worshipping the God or by constantly praying in the language of God (frfi). His qlmbol is the holy monosyllable'OM'. It ls this holy and divine word'OM'that should be recited and its meaning should be understood and well thought of. On the other hand the Tantrlkas have interpreted the word 'Mantra'as follows :-

"qri'ffiFt:rptdqr<*mrEqe: m<]ftR'k t-q'trqqt v: l" of According to them the word (rri) meansthe knowledge
the world and the word'(ap1) means freedom from worldly chains. Therefore, what bestows accomplishment (R'fu) in both wordly and ultra mundane (E6qth-5' 3fr< crqfik) allairs is called'mantrd. The meaning of Vedic mantras which are in ordinary language, can be understood easily. For example'OM Namah Shivaya' (3[ts{ Tq: RTilq) isavedicmantrawhichsimply 'I means olTer salutation to Lord Shiva. But meaning of Tantrik mantras cannot be easily understood. All mantras are the semblence of Sftakti. One meaningful name of the natural processwhich has created the universe ls Sftakti. According to Hindu Shastras thts Siiva Shakti assumes dtfferent forms in the world. (+rqvk) Vak shaktl lunctions in four special and distinct roles. Only those persons acquire full loeowledge of this who are devoted to God and are engaged in merging their soul with Brahma. Amongst these four roles of vak shakti, three are subtle (q*t). It is the fourth role of this power, which people use in their speech. These four kinds of vak (cvq+), Madhyama shakti are Para (q-{'), Pashyanti Amongst them Para is the most and Baikhari (ffi). ltam) subtle and Baikhri is what we generally use in our speech. The'Bla' letters (fl-erq-<) which are used in the tantrik mantras for the propitiation of planets, are connected with the subtle roles of Para, Pashyantiand Madhyama. Therefore, they have nothing to do with the role of Baikhari. lt is mentioned in the Rigveda that-


f,rft frgatil''n q-ftftq; Ti{rR+rqvRft-arr{rfr, 56r frFr frBf,r ffi{T, gt{ qr+ qgqr:q-{fu|



or the 'word' was the very image of the lord Supreme from the'beginning of the creation of the vtstble world. Vak or word (vrq) is Brahmaor the Etemal Spirit. In other words thls whole world represents Vak or Shabda and it ts for this reason that we can describe its constituents in words and formulate mantras. From the beginning of the creation of the world there was WORD and this WORD was with the Supreme Lord. It is said ln the Bible. "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and WORD was God." The Sikh gurusand the promoters of the Radfiasoamisect formulated Surat Shabda (S<yrq) on the basis of Nadabindu upanishad. In the Guru Crantha Sahib there is 'qrq a sentence which means that'by of q< c6t' recognising Shabda as Brahma, the man gets to his destination or home, that is, he is able to accomplish hisgoal to meet the Supreme l,ord. The activity which is called 'gqn' (vibration) in our Shastras, has been described by the modern scientists as lMave Theory'. Einstein has proved that what we see in the world in the shape of trees and mountains, arejust another form of Energr or Shakti. Einstein had also prepared a formula for convening the mountains and trees etc., into Energ5r.The truth is that the making of powerful atom bombs is based on thls formula. Then when we claim that the human rnisery can be removed or minimised by the power of words (r< ufra) in the shape of mantras, why it should be disbelieved or termed as superstition. When lt is said that there is eners/ in magnetism and electricity, there is no reason to disbelieve that there is power in our manlras which are formulated from words (vi-<). The Divine Power was at first in the shape of Vakorword. According to Shaslras the word (srq) is another form of Brahma (*g). This is the reason why all ntantras begin with the word'OM' which represents Brahnta. 'OM'is a word which is very comprehensive and represents Brahma It is, therefore, a very powerful word. No mantrc can be formulated without this word. This is the first word in every Vedic mantra. The mantra of Buddhists'silfqEFrcEtg{' Mantras of Jains '$tt{ 3lfuf,K{ t'



'Radtwswmi the word'Om'.

sect's marTtro'qtq

r+.R ( tt6r( all start wtth

'BiJa'word is'Om' and then come In a mantra the flrst 'BiJa'words ltke other t, Eff, {, fr, qT etc. Our anclent sages saw these words and their meanings tn thetr divine vlslon and bequeathed them to us for our use and beneftt. Generally there are many such manhas whlch can be rectted by all, ltke mantras for Sun, Moon etc. They can be found tn almost all the Panchangas. ets., mantr:ors (S 5{q6 qqqt gFH $i<f{ Mahanvrqwlaga rqffi{ Tq-{r{dd$c {rfdrq ) beiqg vedic mantras are easily available. When a person is facing immature death and no medictne seems to work. this mantFa demonstrates miraculous heallng and curlng power and prolongs the longevity of the person concerned. For detatls, please refer

qt( Rrfrr to Tuqqw sr|F|r

Now we gtve below the mantras to propitiate the various planets. There are long mantras for each planet that may be recited fOO8, lO8 or 28 times, as may be possible,ln a day. Then there are narnaskar (salutatiorl mantrqs whlch should be rectted before the Tantnk mantras. The number of recltattons necessary for Tanh:ik mantrcs are tndicated Thts number can be spread out agatnst each such manthraover a pertod of time lf tt ls difficult with other preoccupatlons to complete them tn a slngle sltUng. Also glven ls Kauach (iFi|tt)Stotra and Ashtottara Namaualt for each planet. Those who have time can recite thls once. It ts not necessary that the Mantra. Kansach.Stoho and Namaualt should also be reclted: but tf persons concerned have the tlme and lncltnailon they can recite them all to thelr advantage. Mantra for Sun (Surya Mantra)

s ffiq { vtqdifr q{r6rrds+ru{W ffi: Fg{E<: {fi f561,



qq Rf{ftr.


| (qq 6s{rfr) | qttq q5srqt


{. +trrt

rFT {frK


;FT: r id



xfit df,ftqi 16r: I T{ERr qq+rwt qsq I dq..rq fi{rfr-ffqi gq lsnf,rq qfrkrqi *qg tsffirt mrnn-+.<gerqisq I (w6<nr:) | qqt{ 6<qiq'rq: | frffit N srsr I +<Erq M eqE I Rla s-{Erq'g{ | s[fl-q +i'irqrq ftq | +{rnftrt 3renq

rr+i vqffi, errfirqnefi gqrFl qqfqTfr l ri_fl-qrfl.i g+mrwrfr r t-r{nff+ ft+ {qstqft | ui*-.r5arqi qTfi frffi ti+-nqH (Fr.) 3n-+{ Nr.$rqffi frtvrrt1it q-d sfrcsr<q slffi'lt s I kwt{ sR-f,r <t-fl?d ffi Uo-*Rrr{E tl
Surya Kavacham

E t Ttgq-+frRft R.u;q.| (qriq) nfs w-d<i q {<i af vqi*se5.q9-q t (rnvgwr) d-gffi TWrR-d{| qr}M

uft qrfu':, ( +f,s1 w q{rvqft-{qE qt Io-*, fr ftq'{, hffi.r: | (antQ srn-ggqrisni h[q rq-6R{ r Ri6t*<mef q t@ q-to qni | qwrr+isrErd @q ra'ftq{ t @+<i 1fuftr: cRafud{ | qf qrar gqqtt+ c}q *-q=i qrg g-+ | (irq EF-<IQ crg qS, .rnffi m?vi dqra+.{i EFr, ffi crg qrg:gq crgvsr rfr: | fu6i rrg qr+{.: g-frcrg k{ffii. I croicrgH-Er oro rrg Rqr<-g: | 6d ftcfr: crg g-fr qrgnrrF6(: | 6rxqqm-(; Trg qrgqq tqui crg gqRndtilfd'vrg rffir: tarqsrtrr 6E 6eq vrg lrg sRTr rrg sRvrft lss crg g<Ni q1TftcTgfiFb-{:f ait t wg qE kci cfr: trr* FnqFr:crg rrg Hsftlai ag: | (me Te* fq1 lfm*f swftq{ | fr qRqfr guqrrrtoqrt v g "dt) BnR-d-s-rf {Frtt: r+ftmqrRxif Ep-t r iivrq:ltiqFr(gcrfrer vrqrqrq-ft tt\ | (erd qrl{) ert+-c"migfttemrmrg'rq l+q*rs'q.rffot I sriviFrsrmq{ qf qrtE ."gfr R-$-{qtq gqv:sinq {<CI-qot sg-+ffi qRftqrrirgri vgtr{ t q M Fc{rfl-frqr;-ai5ftq JrEf,rflin{r 11
Surya Stotram I qqTqi-{rq S,i6flq Fr&ff1-qrqurei6-(rq t

sF srs fr q{6qqqETq'?q-{Frd -



qofqf,rq-{urm gq

sb efs fr qffit-1q-6gqs epss 4ft;, qgq6:, qd*{dr, E



qt @ frq{, d vrfo: {' mil+.a q{ ;rq:l3rgrr<t6$ftqi aq;1 siusdrqi lenR-srq | (o-<qrs":) RftqtT'
fq|6-irq qqqFqi {q: lrqrs-(M gffirfrs.Fqi rrq':lv6{fu<!nq qRMrsqt il-. I qrdrsrq s(ds-6-qsr|qt Tq":| (3r$-qrs")3nktrrq ssq lsfltr<lq srar t kqr6<r+ ffi {qtr rq: t erg<r<} ffi qrdrsrq *qq I g{ | sfi'frt<snq ifiqrq *+qrq -ryq ffi{'i a1a"qdffi|ef{(0i frrtiq: l(qTrQ vq rq$SK{tfrft qlffii rmnTqt{qq.i ffi dffi?i si-s.-ql3fiFet w*vmgtrct qrdrsq't?i qtrffit gq1 | fdffi{qqFi

Rrdf,\ tqraqr FfrKdtffir fliIrFIT qqra g s(} | ilffss{ gc: rwe'5qv-<r<rfhivnq-q;rFr{: ?rr Rq: ;t*=, | .{Rq.rfr wi RwJ:Tfr{ffikqr+<: tqoq-fidl cil6{Rd: I s'}s{i T{g + fto' cEq-edtFqF6(rlq(q-6< rt dft: c|5{t qt ni'm qq: I qusqli rasrftrqtRetq afr aq; I wrflrrcaqYr ffr{fr ilqt af1 aq; Irofunq (qtq erasnqr* afr aq; I m t *g R ,i @l rffi q w: l(v r c-q lr+riqi6-t ns raRffi gftnrfiqrar{ | agdd Mr*i
rqf$elqTT*{ ll

(Surya Ashtottarashat Namavali) (et qqfdffiril{rcrfi)

q% Jtr{utrq Tq: {r(!lr{rfi: 6qqRsftqi Tq; 3fi','Wll;tqrrqrq Tq: iffitttr+rq m: eilfrsrq{q: iflRqnrq rq: q|ffiftiilr: 3rdr{r Tq: 3[fr'-ffirqrrf: lo trgrffqrqTq:

gftcram: $r{t rq, qsFirq;rq:

s$i{q: ergtqrq qq' wltrqTq: sqFqt{tTq: vdqrq Tq, ffiTq: lo



F.n{rTq: Rr+sqrqrq' {qFrT{: Tqt-rtT{: qF4|aq; . qfu{-qfurtqrq rq: qqftqrqtq: {vnaw:

Tq|-q'FiRf{f Tq: lo 66rqqrq6rqotsqrq TT3 a-gsqrqP{f,rqT{:

3}sqfu{urqrqrq TT: qft$snqrq: gdsonq rq: fr<rqrq: qo ft$tq {q:

q-{ilq fi:

s<,aqRft$mfrqqr<vt;rq: lEfrqqrqr{:
a.rqd aq: e{rRfiirffYffqtq:

lEqtrtqt Tq: T1ilfffiqftfl-qrft $Efil-Aflzr;ffi: gtrq-(r{r Tq: qIT(TTq Tq: fifuqrq;fi;
Q;ffi fi; 16

dGrFt<rrrTq: qfutqq:
CME16Effifi: \9o

qqtqq<rqrfhqffidrq rq: dFqscEtiqr<qrtqrqrq: 3rg<r{tTq: .FTfft{FF-wrTq:

FltlG[TM T{: trffi:ItifiFtTr{f TIf: qR-qrq il{:

ffiffiTfiTqun{r fi:

Grfrdr{r;rq': qP{drfuqtsrqfi: sil-a<q$fifraq; qq-+ris-Erq rq:


qrflsft+ Tq:
qgilq T{' qqtYnq T\: (o

3i'6FF-{'r[ T{:

gffim: got w: rtrtrq: w' ts+{qrq rrst{m:

\rdrfrtTq' qffiaq; qffivoc*rRotm: TntrtTq': \o

<st i-rr: tr<t rq' s({rF{tTq;


qtqrqrq: raqic'dlT{: I
qIFfiIT{t Tq:

ffia*-T,,:io slqq-Erqr?T:

eFsR T{:


uRcrErqrq: {q: m-qt ct{rsr{:


etrqqkrq: vfimdrrdtqctc'q': *@rqlfti;rq: {t6qfttq: RffiflqTq:

m: cisrrq tfrFTr{r;rrr:
ftsffqrq;rq; ffi Tq: loo ffiq-q:

frffiqaq: friiqo<rqcq: {qer{ara*: d'grvaratt:1oe

(Japanumber 7000)

{q'' Tantrik Mantra'-sx Eift fr dtqEiq

Moon's Mantra (T{rir) 3FqR[ * 3[rq-.rdld*qqeiqqer-fr6q afr: I qrq.* rq:,ffi qt @ tfir, si fi-d{, fi vrft':, ( dq?Fq, q-q fr ldtnq $'gwt m: I Ftvn*rrq dftqi Rffiq: I (3rq 6-<.fl-s:)
r*rAr | ffiq{T4q qqflq..i q liTsft Fdtffq glnR-fiFqi

qcccoWrqt drvqtgsr1st g1 l<nc$vna sRGffirvi ffi q-{qs r{: | ft{ffi<r+ tnqrq k r t..q*t*) qfttE.irq i6qin{r I dr{+{r|q sq t R,rT+ srOr t #frqTdqdT{rq E{ +.Hqrq dvc., garqfrt srenq sE t q$q-q-tfrfr Rntq: | (qri{) .rqrgq'6R {aTqf FillTq'i{ ma<qartq,icdffiqwqrq | (vffitr e-4 lmr qrqq fitg t ffi'EForq{ ffiqqT *rql') ({E:) 3ITqr{rFr {rrt tl Chandra Kavacham (T{'+rilqQ

qgq{5q:, ffi tr3rgr*ffi7fr, qt t{il, r fi-d{, d {rfu, S fico{, qq @ qqqtqt {q: I st sirJstqi c-q:lfr iltftlqi'at: lti ftffirr; | (*-<;qrs;) q: (w5<re) q-q:| fi mFfrmnqt +r: | -* sr-{rfu+Fqi Tq: I 6<ffi5qsFqt lAfirtrag{ ldtiTim-q l{Mss{ lfiRsra <iqcaratq:



*qq t* srrq sE I Ttqpgqtffi ftniu: | (qr+{) fti Egw<i v gffirq-{urryq{ t'trdrvr<trqrct fqql<i rqfuUr{t$i TgSq *4 t{qtztqil{ tsrgh{s rrt rrg:<s q TEuF{ t\lti qrcqr-qifqa 6-{rf gEr t(w srrft ffi-q) crg mtli tsrct crg ry tF.-drRfb: ltgfr qqqr: crg gfr crg 6-mrfrr6: lsrsr crys-(,crg $i ggr{isst lffi o,tr g t vg trfr rrg gsrtrfi: tst tsffi: crg rai vrg hvn+<:I oE gvr+-<: crg rrq {nreisr: g.n* wTft vrg ait qrdg-drPqsr: ' *16ro-<: crgcrgvdsfui ag: I

qf,k Effii gua gfu-gfrr<rrcn1 tq: ct-qqrflfr ndT M. t'cq lt ft * il6r*t q-dr5cttsTwut Ter+.fitvgh tl Moon's Stotram

or qg ff -ftdc Tfr:, argEw:, qdl *{ilr, qsq-drws@ qt Rftfr'rr t(srfffirr orutrqrs:) qffinA fudq: | (q6q) r*rmrAnqi qigslot rtmrcgffi<rr,i g<tfraifr1 tdnqt [dFTq-{t T<i guiti f-q-frdfnffiq< rurqrfr q<q tqd s-gts ti *K<g-gdrqii I srgt{q rqi rr:f{s frW"q tri-cqrrqir<q<tt"tuqnffi{ trid@rqt re mk+rr$-o{ (q'r dr*q) qzfuqdr r<dffit qTg{e$rr{ lrsr-,qqq: T$sfit .r{rril ils?-g ifroftvr: lqii Tqrft s-ai rrgrw' fu{s"q to-qfifrf 5rqsf frqggarwcq f {<i Ea-fioi sEt{s d-fiq te{dort-qrqi T* ii ,urdts-d{ trffi *oFqTTdci{ lrffiFi nfiri glrqrrrtq I r{ qrrffi{qft gqRFTt: 6t: I dfq afr {qrif'{ gsrfcdql<ai lTqr Fi {rgorni q (qpr: qfr dF{: t dtrrfiqi slm <F ci <qftqil tTeTurTitq- 6wnffErRt to-qriffirien 6-{HM Ecr g | ff<nt{egd{ ffitrq t*rMt raR ei *rgqvtri,r il rtair<: aFrnrqrqd.r{rsc rtdofrF{rgr I Tq: gqrflr a-<{:_Rfifr *qifr {i latrg trr: tl | e6riq-cqrcfrft dt"crff dlr4 | Fi ffit=i @ qtvo<t q-ct sr<-+rw g=ta {rr 6rqt k{RUn ll fd rgrrggsdlq-qqiirsqr-qtw<<iiltT"m'ti dTut{| q:



ChandrastottaraShat Namavali

sF m;rq' {l!ftRrq;rrr: qqFrTq: ar<rffcnqm:

3i gs{(fqT{:

Rrqqftrorq;rq: qT-{ffiBqrqm:
sF|?rTFTfi: EFtrr{rc-TGFTqTq: TrI: GtStrfiFlIFt Ift6Fl1ffii;Irt' Yo

r{: Rrn+-<rq gffiulrw:

SIRTETI{;FT: nil-dtTc:

Frtkqrq tq: to vrfr*tnq;rq: dftqr r+dorqrq: ffi$qsgwra;rr: {rrqrq: GisAYrrqrq: ftgqiffiaq; dtqrfi-{rqrq:
qilIF6<tq;rrr: ffqqrqrq rq: w-tm+crqnq; +qrqrg6mT{:

!iT{rz[tq: ffirrrqrq:

ifiriltd+;frr: fi' 6rrRr{rqil-q' {Q{Er<nrair: qqFqtqm: ftilgqrrqFrrrqrq:
rfall{f fi: \o gq{qRrffifl-q Tq: friffiIffiEwr rq: dlerct"Frfirq: {ilWfuilrq Tq, RqtIITTiTFTq:



qfrt tc-'
sr{r5iT5|-Et{t T{:

gsrrqrtrTq: g<erFrirr: rrtnrqrftqqr{rtrrq;rq:

rq: rr4rrq s;r6,frgftqdrtrTq: funenqfrtarqtq: kcrsrqtq:

T{: !o

gRFErqfi: to Tfit'rtT{: qwrRrriw-nqqq:




d6qFF11-;[Fqr{f Trf:


sfrqorq rq: qFrrtffirqrq: q?flniEtfi:' qRFrqr{r;frr: rr*Eqffiq+rq cT: qrrir+mfr-<unqm:

$FrEFriFfil-tuITIITr[: so

agdrwm: $;qgsqfrr61-qrq;rq:
TfifqT'gF{rq fi: \o enMfdrnq Tq: hrrqrqErq;FT: q5Tffiqqrq rr;

ftsq1rq aq": qq: fr<ror<rq ftfr+r<rq;rrr: fr<rqqrqrq: {rs{r$rrk{rq Cq: sgs{k{r{ rq: qWqrq-rq:

fre"nr(qd{qtqr{: #rq:
qan-q;rq: q$($TRr;ITiAFI r?T: T$<mqq:

frqqrc{rqTq' ;F[:too RiqtTqrcsrtsrgrq

rr: fti+c-r.narera

qtFrustffifl'eTfq ;Pf: Zo

q-dtraTrqfi: R:q<rfl-qrq: gRmtw+q: Bgqrqfr'

ffitq: ffir*rqm: gfrqara rr:

ftspamqgqrq rq;



EftSffig<rirqqrffi$*tt I Moon's Namaskar Mantra

ShortTantrik Mantra *q {i ff *s: qq*m: ll (Japanumber 11000 Mantra of Mars (!ffi'{) qarrqtq--frTrs qer b 4ft:, qrr* F:, gtl${d * rW<o

qepFg'{rtrti*+qFnlt{r*qrqrfu qft:i r1s1 rrnflfga$lr{ I



rpr srff-c6yqTqftEq{ qt RFdrr: | (6.(qrfi, 3rsr(fi.rq tfir, qqqqi rq: I eFffiqi fi: I s{uftgdrq ilf,+qi rq: ltw{rst Tq: | (q-ffqrq) vrfur<rq *frknqt aq' 1o'fqrf,{rq w-+-<{*.qt avq I Ttr' sro I roerst ffi A{qrq rq: I q{uftgin{r m q-fr.rr6rqd-firq stlqrqg{ lnfus<rc iffiqrq frqe t*,{qrqrq ersrq q t q${q{tfrft rtnqrqiT{tr( tqec1 fuiq: l(qnq) hdturei t tqrsf nRnrfq.rsffir,q.fii s6<r9fr: t s-g$q{ qmqf,qr 6rqt) TiT-ffi qni:d<ong*qll(cffi+r Rs: qqfr: ll ERqr3ffi{ tqvrttf,iftffi Ttrtcr-{,fi{It I a: qs ff sril-cFr+{T{rqqqqfrqrw aft: q-ggw: | 3rfirG}t{drI if ftt, ri qq 3rf,l-<tsrfli.@ qt Rftdrn l(o',wrst qi dgqqt trfu:, t dq-dn{,
rq: t{rfftqi rq: ld' ctqqlqi il: lq {flfrd.rqi rq: ldt +frklqi {F: lq:

q.<rfr-6-r{ruqirr: | (*a<rr:) l<i 6<+rrrR lt RrG snr I S Rrort fi-q lt ffitr-{ g{ tfi t+rqra {tqEl+ srernr rn{ tql+qrtRfA fuiu: | (46$ aqre-rrcs qns-Tn erqt) qs\tdd*r6{ it6 cfralt qni r&Mfa<q | (sffi{r t nfu*i t ufts-<: sFtrr<6: ftnI @<f i stuftga:t qfi <oic<:vtg;ii t Td-d-d{: wd t ryg {fr*: l<fltqrfr g-f,t crg, u<i qrr<taw 1q-gtqt t Ed' rtn iq-<tr+ | $rtrqrqrc+, u61 ga vrg,crA qtc{Rr c{ | sqtrr vtft ffi qdfffin'ffii {FFi rttfemcn r4t'rrt $-{gfdt q sin-{R-4i r*rfin'q i-{ vftiq-*f gq{, ffitrq Zqf eA{hrrcrc-eq,:ev-rsrt frei @ersqfre:, Tfr(6rflt{ c{F|rt eqil g<q ldrrcni g dEqRiEsI} s{tFc l<wislHt' gq: rqws+-{rI Tt{ qrfirgoH: q1ii Kqfrr g c-i-tr{ft qffi: rrqqFs'Fdffi irRI nrwgeqlllRk{r c\gicdqTrq {<t d<-rq gat( qs{nwffd qqq*{ fsmtnEc qilarfit nfr qrffiE qfrtwrqflhd-s: 1aQ-q trqd' qtfuqrc|ft|rtrdqrFfiilfrt I

g-q sflit l'f,uutr{wi g zwgfo: t,{' ctq ? ildsm lTtilts re}i' {Ftrgil*t iiTg ii qrnRe:I dqer ff Tfutflqi |@qr{ qlac rfr: qlst ei q$f(d tqer, qq rft(d<tr-rarrqs



arrfrqts-{r$ qt Bffirr:l(qTr{) @tr(: | (dwg fu{sq ajr6-dtqreE. WSfr frq{lfr Trqwra-{rgn: q-aorq<-fuFrws: I | *frd dkarerrs flq.rnt Ew+-<: ffi qs"K+1{qdq lE*: s{nrnTdr<-6: gfr I ffi {Frfr TR-{q{: s(relsr: ft<i q: q-q-e: m'ntq ati q ff{a+{s 1fu4: | (w,qgfr) qiirfr gm{rqTfr ft | zui r qrqt ds s-{ nc-fu{isTT{ | (fl{rr) 3IFrr{ Tr&.r{ qtre|;TfiFErfirar h{rnq | (rftr-ms:) tsf,tiaTq ! qmsq rirriT qg;ffi qrqh gqw W-Acgffi: I x-qft-rg {.rdr6ft qRnm: T"rtqr ffid-d{r irs{tw deiftcr: I arq cfr'.il g il{ffi dgsq I ({q) q-sr6 qfue rqqqo+sq ! eqdffi{ qs Tfr I {d trr Erft tq)ry fr qqriqT'rflg Gd-Eq| (s..mtld,) "'oi r&ge qi-q I re-tfi flrrqrdft ilst Fr<} qqr I (qEf1) irs"r<+ rfiE|4rr6irmrFr ! r*W t fiTiqglqlg ffiqq 1{hg1: qartq: *drq: rfrsq t ll t aundgi eqEifsfu.J6rqTd ffi+ Ashtottara ShatNamavaliof Mars


sF q-Sgdrq rq: q6IrTFn-{t;rq: qs.f,r{tTq: qF'eTJKl-{rq-q: qEr4kr{r rq": F6r'{f,(Itrrq:

qIa[FFRFfiqM Tq:

Btgto?Tf{f Tq: lo ffiffi;l-{;

g@i tt:
fiqqErqrq; ftqlrfl-q {q: ftg<qrq{q:

{Elrlfirtt fi: fl-ffiqrqTq-: lo ({TFF-({r Trr: ITFlqr{t;tq:

qq{qr{r rrr: qT{r;frr: ilqTqhqFfflrq Tq:


$trflurFrr{: $GrsrEFrT{:

ffirq: +rr-q*'riqrfot Tq: tr;rflq;rq: fl'rqFfdrqrq: ffitfuRRtflq Trr:!o tr{rgffii-{rTq: fqw'nqrq: wfirrqilqrq;rq: qgfrtqqrErqrq: ftaarnqtq: ft6qa;qaq3 Fq$r rq: fts.4q1-1orqr{;

58 eiffiRtqlfurrrmfq;fq: Yo 6awft5q4ra;rT: frqRq;f$n<T{Fr i-q: TnqiFdd{fqrq r{: .6q+qrq rq': (4rT{l-rtT{: ffiffiTfiiTEsrr{lfi: ft{TETtq Tq: q-arFq?fl-q Tq: qrfiirq-*rcrEFt Tq:


oalwr<rRniqr<rq rq:
TqTEunq{q: ($tT<r{r {q': ffisgtffi' ftbrTlrl;lTrcr(FtT{: lo

Tg'tFrq rq: rrsrflRt m: tq-qr6rq rq': ft6q-as 1q'; rtftv;f,fiFr rq:


rrgrd m: qo rrfrfi6saq:

rrgRflfr{rr(Efq Tq: mffi+rq;rrr:

6qffiaq3 Tq: tO IIIIRTTqT(T{T il-qd1-q-{rqrq: 155iqq{6i{nq{q:


ffqa'rq: mr<gdqrqry: 5q{(r'r rq: Rnqfunqm: gffiqK6rq;rq; gYter{r(6rqTq: gwiwwrrr: to Ef<rqrq, tr<t rq: g:ewdllr: 5ffifi, gqrrffiqamTq; qcrqE*qilrq Tq: l$rfirqTrr: Fr{nftcsgdm rq: Sst Tqt gF{t<rc;flr: so Trr: ![<r{r gFqvqr{Tq: gq|-dEFrrq: tvtffiqnqrq: ffi|aq3

<mF$sre*qhqrqm: rifersF0tqrqm:
rilqErqqq rq:

gqftqvuru m: vgfr aq;,T{r fi:

w{r*{rqfi: tooqffinrqrqfi: qi+q, qpffiguram: ffiurrfneffrf,rq m: fteqtcqr{ rq: gqSRT{r Trr: \fsrnfrFr;Fr: Vqtfuq5rqTq loC



NamaskarMantra ' q<lfuFfffi Ftg-fitPtfitrr{ ErtrtfffisrrFicsmrqif{l ShortTantrik Mantra frFi fr nl t, q'tqrqrc, (Japa Number 10,000) Mantrasof Mercury

Br qs trgqroqqs<rqqzft:, FrEw, gstt{f,r, gs.r6rvIEfu{tqEqt Rftdrrr:| (o-${rs) gwraaigwei m: I q}qrq 6f,ftrqtar1:I Rloerq qqqrqt TT I -Eqqt il: I s-Sttt mfiorqi Tq: I rnrsqq qhknei Tq: I Crqgrqo-<art-68-( (affqrg:)gsrqE{q|-q rq: I Crqrqffi srtr lRfffrq M <rq t rgaffi o-<-tra qeru mOr qf{qdfqffr Rria: | (ar+q) U{ lrrdrr{r+ tT{qra {rrq t Cfcg-rrq l (sffi{r fr"orcdTgEE qErrsqqstu-q I dfqsi q-{R}4 eTM{Rfaq q t g+:er{<i ffi rr+epr orut) | qrra:-vqan<rrt cftMFJAffi fiFwcd gmr<rd*eAiltcq ll

ga rT{q t

orggw:.gdrt+er, o qs fi@7ft; d'ftq, qt Rffiq:l (a<qrr:) <i *gtuqi aq16 tfr nfu:;ai *q-+a cc gurrdrcrqfs{tqt qhktqi qqmqi rq: I T: rc: I i mff+tqi TIr: | fi r$ftqi lr: I i sc-{lt <i 6<ara lq: lfi ffi srtr l{M | (*ff;rys;) u-ca-q+{-$dqi;Fr: ,F( (qrt{) gti tnr{rq g{ lfi i-i-{qrq4tc-(t + irqrq I {t{qrtftft Rtdu:| -gq{.6ki rfi-agqFrgfrql qTa-q ilF{cd et r(-i s s-gg-q lt qqrFnwRrqrF t Feil-a-ggdtqq{ H nffrcatgArq il s-smrr{uilki Tq{rf*i rgq ffi


n-dRsrsqrcsr t{i qni ,?frlrq il (*-c-q{) gs: crg firtrld cfq: crgs snr+q I tt .Trg,gft qTqt il+qq: nfts-gr-<q:I TEftR: crg Wt gwqfr6; I wi qrggmrar: crg ltft" qrn-{r:t str frqrdm: crgcrg*s gtw{: t qrgft tRotg: rrg sit s-er<:t ndt qTon${: wg vrg{Hsfui sg:ftdi{<r{: vrg{rhRsmrcd{ ll Ffrgfd, qdfa +.-+i5u{rdffimq t vftrnvmi v:qfrsrsr{ f argrtqgq? gii-rln-*+q I q: ct.qs+r gtr: lggrer enFo; I qqhrqrrifr {qcrgrsRefd il Effrfro.Eq-6rg{itgr6++dtot{ 1

gq**q I
irFr * gffiirq-6rq-ffq-qft aft,; qg5qq:; g* |q61, a% qt^Rft tEi sigsrqi fi, | fi-a-gfird l-t: t{ ssftcvnw .*rr: qEmrqi m: Ii e-{rft-6rqi rq: fr +ftfummt irr: IE:Fr.ri|-.r{ysTEri Tr: | (eq-sq*:) si 6{qFq c-q:lfr N sro | lt M ssE ti ;sils g{ | fi iTirqrq fiqq t ir: qqrq c,q I T$arq{trfrft Aqu. F.q) ggci errq l-ftdr$ sq$i gig R @ hqwt gqfirrqrfr tt Fftenfur flcnTqr 6rqt) *t{ :fl"i..]fta-sg, R;tt& s sg{q' tffi s ftFfsgmq: il qr|ffiTm lger$r: sFffi ffi-{st"( l qTdrqaftqd TTr{ryRq smftffie-c: tqffirtffq'htr F-rwt rr rRengrrfrw I T{r rqfuui RI: gqfq-; 6rqoc-sq tt qffi s fctnqrrqmgwrm: I s-;{rqrhgqetft <rffidqT: il g{rrqr;qr+ R-eireqkqretsg.,ffa:terrfr TC+TT{st{ srrq lFW tl

About other planets reader should refer to the book

which contains detailed meterial in Sanslcit.



Rttuale and essentlal formalltles

for reclilng


One is rewarded only when mantras are cited tn the prescribed manner. The first important and essential requirement is that the devotee should begin the task of worship after taking bath etc. If one i:s unclean all efforts go invain. It is said' ?l-* t4 Tfr{ that is, one has to become like a god to worship a god. Next essential requirement is that the place for the recltation of mantras should be lonely. A place in a temple would be the best. A lonely room in the house will also serve the purpose. The object is that while one is engaged in recitation of mantras, his concentration should not be disturbed in any manner. There should be incense (Dtaop or Agarbatt| burning in the room and it should be full of its fragrance. Such an atmosphere keeps the mind peaceful ano cheerful. It is also very necessary that an idol or picture of the deity or the planet, whom one intends to offer prayers, should be before him. He should face East while reciting mantras. The Asona (3IrF{)on which he may be seated should be of deer skin ([rr+d) orffushc (gv). I[ should be on the floor and not on any kind of bed. A pitcher 1+cw) of water should be kept before him. The recitation of mantras should neither be in loud voice nor in a whisper. The mantras should be pronounced correctly. For this a little practice will be necessary. It is also essential that the number of recitations of a mantra should be the same every day until the prescribed number is compldted. If one has time, one can increase the number of recitations but then the same increased number will have to be adhered to on subsequent days. Once the number is raised its reduction is not premissible. Once a mantra is started, the recitations have to be done every day without fail until the prescribed number is completed. If, for any reason, there is a break in this routine, the whole thing has to be started aiiesh. Anothervery important requirement is that the worshipper or one who has taken up a prescribed course of mantras should, during the whole period observe celibacy (Brahmaclnrya) and should not take, non-vegetarian food



Fastln! or observlng Vratn (ra) for the propltlatlon of the planets There are a laqge number of persons who, for one reason or another. cannot take up the arduous task of reciting mantras regularly ln the prescribed manner. For them fasting on the day ruled by the planet, causing them trouble' is the easiestmethod of proplttatlon of that planet.ltre days ruled by the seven planets are as under :- Thursday - SundaY JuPtter Sun - Friday - MondaY Venus Moon - Saturday - TuesdaY Saturn Mars - WednesdaY Mercury
Rahu and Ketu tutse notbeenJumallg a\ocated ong oJthe dags oJ tlw week. For thern tlw Jast could be obsensed on Saturdngs. Tte pocedure Jor Jasts Is as wldq :(I) Fasttng on Sundays for the Sun-Fasting on Sundays for protectlon from maleflc effects of Sun should be observed during his translt, maJor pertod or sub period. The tstilg should be started from the first Sunday falli::g in Shukla Pakstto(bright half of the lunarmonth) of Jyestlto(*s)'The madmum number of fasts to be observed is 3O and the mlnlmum ts 12. On that day nothing should be eaten except chnpati of wheat flour wlth brown sugar or gur (1aggery)or Halwa(a sweet preparatlon made from wheat flour), ghee and should be taken -beforesun-set. Jaggery.No salt should be taken. Thls meal The fast would prove more effective if before breakrng tt, red clothes are worn' red Sondalpaste is applied on the forehead and Bgia ot Tantik mantra of Sun may be recited lO8 x 5 times (Five rounds of a rosary of lO8 beads)' Oe the last day of the fast hauan mag be prJormed with Poomq'Ahutt (WGh) and food should be given to the Brahmins. (2) Fasttng on Monda5rs for Moon-The fasting strould be started frorn-the first Monday of the bright half of Jgestha ShuklcPaksha. The maxlmum number of fasts ls 54 an'd the minimum is 1O.Before breaking the fast in the afternoon, the person concerned should wear white clothes' apply white landotpaste on his forehead, offerwhite flowers to tlte Moon and reclte the Bya or Tan/:r'tkmantra of the Moon 1O8 x I I or IOB x 3 times. The food to be taken should be without salt'



curd, rlce, ghee and Jaggery. On the last Monday Hansan. should be performed with Pooms-Ahuti and food be distributed to the poor. (3) fastlng onTuesdays for Mar#Thts fast should be started on the ftrst Tlresday of Shukla Paksha of Jyeshtha. The number of fasts should be 2l or 45.If possible these fasts may be continued for the whole Me. On the day of the fast only Halwa ofjaggery should be eaten. It may also be offered to the poor. Before breaking the fast, the person concerned should dress himselfwith red coloured clothes and he should recite the Bga or Tanfnk Manto of Mars IOB x I or IO8 x 5 or IO8 x 7 times as may be possible. Jaggery may be offered to a bull on that day. By observing this fast, a person becomes free from debts, gets chtldren and conquers the enemies. On the last day of the fast Hovan and Pooma-Ahuti should be performed and red coloured clothes, copper, Masoor, jaggery wheat or coconut may be given in charity to the poor. (4) fastfng on Wednesdays for Mercur5r:This fast should be strated from the first Wednesday of Shukla Paksho of Jgesthn The number of fasts should be 2l or 45. On that day after taldng bath the person concerned should dress himself in green coloured clothes and recite the Blja or TantrtkMantra of Mercury 3 x lO8 or 17 x 1O8 times. Thereafter he should offer to the poor preparattons made from Jaggery or brown sugar and Mung Dal flour such as hohtsaor laddoos and eat the same himself. On the last Wednesday of the fast, Hauan with Poomc-Ahuti should be performed. By this fast, the person concerned gains success in the educational sphere and buslness matters. It ls also believed that by keeping a fast on the Amotuas day of the lunar month, the planet Mercury is propitiated. (5) Fasttng on Thursdays for Juplter--The fastlng should be started from the first Thursday of Shukla Paksha of Jyestho. The fasts should be observed for 3 years or on 16 consecutive Thursdays. On that day after taking bath etc., the person concerned should dress himself in yellow clothes andthenrecitetheByc orTantrikmantra3x IO8or II x IO8 times. Yellow flowers should be offered to Jupiter. On that day only Besan (tm) r-addoosmade with brown sugar (uru-s)or J"ggery, or sweet rice preparations coloured with turmeric or saIlron maybe offered to the poor and then eaten. On the last


be performed and Thursday, Hauanwith Pnmo-Alutttshould poor Brchmurs. By to offered be should coloured) food $eliow good in wise' person becomes the fast, this observhg educatton and gains wealth. If unmarried girls keep this fast, thetr rnarriage is orPedited. fasting should be Fasttng on Frldays for Venu#The Jgestft,cr-The Pakstuof started from the flrst Flriday of shukla fast day, after the On 31. 2l or number of fasts should be himself dress should person concerned taking bath etc., thp Venus of Mantr.a Tanfr'tk or ln wh-ite clothes and the Biia that On x 2l times' IO8 x should be recited by him 1O8 3 or The eaten' be products strould day only sweetened rtce or milk white poor or a man same food amy be gtven to a one-eyed cow. Oe the list day of the fast Hauant with Pooma-Ahuti should be performed. Then silver, white clothes, rice of milk products may be given in charity to the poor' By observing itrts fast ptanit Venus ts propittated and the person concerned galns rtches and hts conJugal life becomes full of happiness' fast should be (7) Fasttng on Saturdays for Saturn:This started fromlhe first Saturday of Shukla Pakshaof Jgesthn. On the day of the fast, the person concerned, after taking bath etc.. should dress htmself in black clothes and recite the sga or Tantrik manta of Saturn 3 x IO8 or 19 x 1O8 times' Thereafter clean water, black sesamum seed' black or blue coloured flowers, lnrnrg, (wirr), Ganges water, sugar and some milk should be put-ln a utensil and facing Est these things should be poured on the roots of a Peepalttee, on tftat day only preparations made fromlJrad' Dal and oil should be eaiett a.ta girrett in charity. On the last day of the fast Ha'an with Poorna'Ahuti should be performed and preparations cooked in oil, blackclothes, leather shoes etc., may be given in charity. This fast ensures success to the native in quarrels, litigation and brings success to him if he is a factory owner or deals in iron and steel' (8) Fasttng on Saturdays for Rahu and Ketu:The fast should be started from the first saturday of shuklo Paksha of Jgesttto..The number of fasts is 18. On the day of the fast' the person concerned should, after taking bath etc', dress himielf inblackclothes and recite the Bgaor Tantrikmantra of these planets 1O8x 3 or 1O8x 18 times as may be possible'



Thereafter some water, green grass and Kusha (gu) be put in a utensil and poured on the roots of a Peepaltree. On that day only sweetened chopatishould be eaten and also gtven in charity. At night aDeepak (ftq5) 5l6rrldbe placed onthe 'the foot of a Peepal tree. observance of thts fast gtves conquest over enemles, favour from ktng or govemment and freedom from diseases caused by Rohu and Ketu. Benellcial effects of blesslngs and good behavlour

(f ) Though there ls no direct relationship between planets and blessings and good behaviour, it goes without saying that a person who takes pains and pleasure in being of service to his parents and elders gets their sincere blessings which help him to be long-lived, happy, contented and well to do in life. One who sewes hls parents, looks after them and gives them love and cornfort in their old age, in turn receives the sami treatment from his own children. According to the Holy Qoran there is heaven in the feet of father and mother. (2) Our Stnstras says that man gets the results according to his deeds (Karmal.If one does good deeds, he gets peace of mind, happiness and wealth in his life. Ore who does bad deeds becomes the victim of all kinds of sufferings in hls life. (3) If one finds that Jupiter is alnicted in the I lth house in his horoscope, he should not live awayfrom his father and mother in their old age. His service and care of hts parents will, by their blessings, give him happtness and wealth. (4) Another example may be given of a horoscope ln whtch the Sun is posited ln the I lth house. The Sun is a Saturik planet. Thereafter lf the native remains plous and takes only Satu.rrkfood, hts spiritual powerwill conttnue to exist and as a result, Sun who aspects the 5th from the f lth will do htm less harm and may not harm his children. Normally Sun tn this position will not allow any conceptions to mature. Vedlc Mantras Vedic mantras have also been prescribed for the Sun and other planets. Recitation of these mantras in the proper nnnner also helps ln the propltlatton of planets. The number of recitations should be determined according to convenience. For mantras refer to'qftq-qii', page 42-43.


oJ Plolnets and Colourc

of seven Dlvtslon of ltght of the Sun4gfn of colours wlth varlous colours-Relatlon of colour therapyptanets-Importance Practical use of Colour TheraPY'
If onewants to seean schibittonsf:all colours together' he should see the rainbow which is formed by the rays of the Sun passingthrough the drops of water in the sky. Rainborr has Jevencolours and ls formed m the sky: in the form of a serni circle. It is so enchantlng a scenethat one cannot help gazlngat the slqyas long as the ratrrbow remains there. All [he seten colours of the rainbow canbe seenclear]ywtth the assistance of a prism. The colours thus seen are called VIBGYOR-V-forviolet, I-for Indigo, B-for Blue, C-for Green, Y-for Yellow, Gfor Orange and R-for Red. rt would be easyto follow the effIcacyof the colour therapy after we understand how we see the varlous colours tn the world. Supposewe see the green grass durtnglrairry season we seethat the grass bears only the green colour-Why do we not seeany other colour in it ? The reason is that when the rays of the Sirn fall on the grass, lt absorbs the six out of the s6vencolours of the rays of the Sun and emits out only the greencolour. Thus the rays of the Sun after stnklng the grass enter our eyes, they carry only the green colour emitted by the grass.Thus we seeonly the greencolour in the grass.The same happens with red coloured roso tn a garden.When the Sun's rays fall on the rose, it absorbs six out of the seven colours of the rays of the Sun and emits out the red colour only. Thus we seethe rose as red. Similarly all objectsabsorb all the colours except their own and emit that colour out so that we see it only in its own colour.



The same principle appltes to the colours of the planets. Our ancient sages in their research and with thetr divine vision found out that the Sun is of orange colour. This view is supported by the findfngs of the modern scientists. The colour of the Moon ts white, of Mars ts red, of Mercury ls green, of Jupiter is yellow, of Venus ls beautiful white, and colour of Saturn is black. The black colour denotes absence of colours and lack of Shaktl (Vilour). According to Fltndu Astrologr Saturn is a destitute and Meless planet. Fh does not emtt any colour-he is miser. He only collects: but does not give. He ls selfish. Mars is a symbol ofviolent institutionsjust as Red Square, Red Star, RedArmy etc. The association of red colour with Mars is in consonance with the principle of creation because this colour is an extremely Rqjogwti (f*gfi). Vedos and Shatras have called the red colour as q,rmbol of passion for love and pleasure (one of three constituent qualities of living beings which i:s the cause of vice- (<Cfgufl. The more an obJect is full of colour, the more it will express tts quality. The abundance of colour determines the quality and value of the gems. Both a coral and a piece of glass are of red colour: but the price of coral is much more than that of the glass. This is because the colour in the coral is in a concentrated state, and is, therefore, in abundanie, while there is no concentration of colour in the piece of glagE It is for this reason that people go in for gems and not for pieces of glass. If, therefore, we are able to concentrate red colour in any manner, we can use that concentrated colour as a coral. This is how the system of colour therapy functions. Suppose we need red colour oractly that which is contained in the rays of the Sun. For this purpose we should take a red coloured glass bottle and fill it with Ganges water or ordinary drinking water. Its cap should be removed and it may be kept tn the sunlight for the whole day. When the rays of Sun penetrate into the water through the red glass, the latter will get merged with the water and with this will be merged also the good or bad qualities of the red colour. In other words the water will assume the qualities of the red colour. In other words the water will assume the qualities of Mars and vuill fully mainfest them when the bottle is kept in the sun light for seven or eight days. The person who will drink the water



so treated, wtll get tnstde hls body the qualities of Mars. This process translated tn astrological terminologr wlll mean that we have strengthened the posttion of Mars ttx the horoscope of the lndtvldual. This prtnctple can also colours. If there is need for would be of green colour. would be of yellow colour. used ln this system be appled to other planets and strengthentng Mercury, the bottle To strengf,hen Jupiter the bottle Cenerally only these colours are

Now the question arises, what would be the circumstances when there ts need for strentthening Jupiter and other planets ? We shall clari$r this polnt by giving some lllustration. Suppose in a boy's horoscope the Ascendant (i-aglnal ts Pisces and the lord of the Ascendant Jupiter is posited in efghth house conJoined with Mars, Saturn and Rahu. In such situation, although Jupiter may be retrograde, he would be taken as weak, because not only he is in the most lnauspictous house of the horoscope, he ts postted in hrs enemy's stgp Llbra and ts under the malevolent influence of three maleflcs also. A.s a result of thls affIction of Jupiter, the bratn power of the boy represented by the Ilrst house owned by Jupiter will fail to develop. He may become an idiot. In order, therefore, to remedy this alllction, it would be lmperatJve to strengthen Jptter so that the boy ts able to get the proper dwelopment of hts bratnpower. For thls purpose while medical treatment and use of an approprtate gem (in thts case yellow Sapphlre) would help. The drintring of water treated by the Sun's rays ln a yellow bottle would also strengthen Jupiter in the horoscope. Iet us take another cas of Ieo Ascendant. In such horoscope althougih Jupiter may be posited ln the Ascendant, the Sth and the 9th houses and 9th lord Mars may be under the malefic lnlluence of Saturn and Rahu. Juplter may also be under some evtl inlluence. Consequently the nattve will be deprived of any issue. In such a situation if Jupiter is strengthened, three benefictal consequences will follow. Firstly, the benefic aspect of the strengthened Jupiter will fall on the Sth house (the house of conception and progeny). Secondly, his benefic aspect will also fall on 9th house which



belng 5th from sth fs abo treated as a house of progeny and thfrdly' Jupiter as a signillcator for children tswtar-axiraxa when strengthened will help the nadve to be blessed with chfldren. In such a case also the use of water treated by sun's rays in a yellow botile, by the native would help htm to ggt chtldren. For another enample we take the horoscope of a lady with VlrgoAscendant tnwhichJupiter, though arvayfro* the Sun, is prey to the malefic and separative inlluences of saturn and Rahu. This allltction ofJupiter as lord of 7th and significator TKaraka) for husband is likely to cause friction in thJconjugal Me of the native and may even separate her from lier husband. It is, therefore, essential to strengthen Jupiter in the horoscope. This can be done apart from other remedial measures by the use of the water treated in sunlight in a yellow coloured bottle. It is generally accepted thit weak planets cause friction and bring trouble from enemies and strong planets invite goodwill from friends and a favourable atmosphere. We will try to orplatn the efflcacy of the system of colour therapy by the following further examples:(f ) Suppose there is a horoscope with I.eo Ascendant in which Jupiter is under evil inlluences of saturn and Rahu (by aspect). A.s a result, the native of the horoscope who is a_govt. employee ts harassed ln his office by his superior officers who are intent on doing harm to htm. Ttre reasbn for this is that nlnth house ln a horoscope ts indicattue of favour from government(RqjgaKripa) and Jlpfter ls the signtficator of the 9th house. It would be, therefore, necessary to take the following steps to alleviate the sullerings of the nattue. (a) Propitiation of Satrunand Rahu. (b) Strenglhening Jupiter by the system of colour therapy or by another means lil{e use ol appropriate gem stone. (c) Strengthening Mars lord of 9th by the system of colour therapy or by any other means. (2) Now consider horoscope of a native with Aquarius Ascendant in which Jupiter is alllicted by the aspect of-saturn and Mars. As a result the marriage of the native's daughter



of ls stgl{cltor is bein$ delayed. The reason ls that Juptter in-the flUs f:ikorto sign 5th house (chtlctren) and his Mulo of husband and lord signtflcator is also I lth house. .lupitei of hs i rit t o,rse (l lth houi denotes the husband ;iil; Jupiter' daughter' a." ttte aflliction of the lord of the one way for the and strengthened be to therefore, requlres ln sunlight in a native to do it' ls to use the water treated yellow bottle. Aries (3) For example there is a horoscope of a native with Saturn with is conjoined i.t tit. horoscope Jupiter e*."aarrt. house' As a result the sixth is the that Virgo' in Rahu and reason for this is that rrU.r. *o"ld suffir from Insomnia' The and both the-l2th tn. fZttt house denotes sleeping (F{*r) Saturl and Rahu house and its lord Jupitet ate amiitedby house)' (who are associateduith 'lupiter and aspect the l2th areinlluences evil The remedial measures to avert these the (a) Propitation of Saturn and Rahu by reciting approPriate mantras, fastlng etc' (vellow Sapphire) (b) Wearing a gem stone related toJupiter system lor therapy colour the .nd t" nEtp of strengthening Jupiter in the horoscope' (4) If in the horoscope of a nati-ve-of Taurus Ascendant' in the sign Libra' Venus and Saturn are posited in 6th house and Rahu and Ketu Sun and Mercury are itt the 4th house horoscope ls likely'to are in the 8th house, the native of the because in hi$ suffer from hernia-and kidney trouble' are all alllicted' horoscope the sixth house and iti Ilrd Venus in between The srgn Virgo is alllicted because it is hemmed SunandSaturn.-Mercuryisalllictedbecauseoftheninth because of the aspect of Rahu on it. Sixth house is alllicted from the 2nd Ketq pii"..r". of Saturn and the 5th aspect of be necessary to house. In these circumstances it would 6th house' This strengthenthe sixth sign and th-elord of the thelativt Y.t?tittg can bi done by strenglhening venus by in sunlight in treated water using his and ring an Emerald a green bottle. (5) Suppose in a boy's horosco^petras Taurus Ascendant (education) and Sth and' tvteicury the toia of the ind influence of Saturn evil the him (intelligence). Mercury has on



and Rahu. As a resuit he ls deflctent ln hts studtes and does not show enough intelligence to get a grasp of the subJects of his studies. It will, therefore, be necessary to strengthen Mercury in this horoscope. One of the ways to do it, is to make htm drink regularly water treated in sunlight in a green bottle. (6) It in any horoscope Mercury is lord of the 3rd or the 8th (This can be possible when the Ascendant is Arles, Cancer, Scorpio orAquarius) and is afflicted by malefics, the native can have imrnature death. Here again one of the ways to strengthen Mercury would be for the native to regularly drink water treated in sunlight in a green bottle. (7) Mercury is a significator for skin. When Mercury is associated with the Sun, Moon or the Ascendant, he becomes afllicted by the evil influence of disease-causing planets like Saturn, Rahu etc., the native would sufferfrom skin diseases. In such circumstances, Mercury, wherever he may be posited in the horoscope, has to be strengthened. For this purpose, the native should live in an atmosphere of green colours (by walking in gardens with plentiful of greenery, wearing green coloured clothes etc.) and should drink water treated in sunlight in a green bottle. If Moon and the 4th house are also alllicted alongwith Mercury. the native is likely to suffer from skin diseases caused by pollution of blood. In such conditions not only Mercury is to be strengthened by use of green colour but Moon should also be strengthened by the the native weadng white clothes etc. If, in any nativity, Mercury, Moon and lords ofAscendant, 4th and Sth are all alllicted, the native ls likely to sufferfrom lunacy. In such circumstances all these planets will require to be stengthened by the help of colour therapy and the use of appropriate gem stones (We will deal with gem stones in a separate chapter). t8) If. in any nativity, Mercury and the lord of 2nd are in 6th and are showered with evil influences of Saturn and Rahu, such a disposition will cause defects in speech as both Mercury and 2nd house are significators of speech. In such conditions the lord of the 2nd and Mercurywill require to be strengthened by the help of colour therapy and other means (such as use of appropriate gem stone).



(9) Saturn ts a sodess (eunuch) and scanty planet' Mercury also has stmilar characteristlcs particularly when he is conJotned wtth Saturn and has no other lnfluence on it. In thts disposition Saturn and Mercury with their combined charactertstlcs wtll bring slownes.s, scanttness and wealmess to the house occupied by them. For example in a Iro Ascendant nativity, Rahu is tn the 6th irt Caprlcorn' Mercury and Saturn are in the Sth in Sagittarius and there ts no lnfluence of any planet on Mercury and Saturn. In such situation, Saturn being (a) a disease-causetng planet (bt lord of sign occupied by Rahu and (c) lord of the house of diseases, will cause stomach disorders and Mercury will give him full assistance in this nefarious activity. Here the remedy will not be to strengthen Mercury who will act like Saturn by colour therapy or any other means but to stren$then Jupiter lord of the Sth by the native wearin$ a yellow Sapphire in a gold ring and drrnking water treated in sunlight in a yellow coloured bottle. (10) Although strengthening Saturn' will make his aspect more powerful and harmful, there are circumstances when by strengthening Saturn, the life of the native is prolonged and it becomes very essential to give him more power. For example, ln a Cancer Ascendant nativity, Saturn will be in the 9th in Pisces close to the Sun and be aspected by malefics like Mars etc. This will mean that the lord of the house of longevfty has been rendered weak resulting in loss of longwity for the natlve. It will, therefore, be necessary to strengthen Saturn although a strengthened Saturn will not be good for the health of the native. In the end, it may be pointed out that in the context of the qrstem of colour therapy this root principle should be kept Xa mind that although the 6th ltouse is called the tause oJ di.seases, it is actually the house of health. If this house is occupied or aspected by malefics, there will be deterioration in health of the native. Or the contrary, if the house is occupied or aspected by benefics or if the lord of the 6th is associated with or aspected by benefics, there wifl be improvement in health of the native. Therefore, if we stengthen the lord of the 6th in a nativity' it will mean that we would be strengthening the health of the native.

i'!t iu



Consequently, we should always strengthen the lord of 6th lf he ls weak Note :-.:The contents of thts chapter are based entirely on the vlews expressed by the noted and learned author of a number of books on Fllndu Astrologr late Shri J.N. Bhasin, in his book Anisht Gralt ilr Hindi. We, therefore, take absolutely no credit forwhht ts contained tn this chapter nor do we necessarily agree with all the views expressed by Shn tshcsrn We parttcularly dtsagee with Shri Bhasin's view given tn the concluding paragraph that the 6th house ts the house of health. The 6th house ls an inauspicious house and so is the lord of the 6th. According to almost all the recognised and authoritative classical texts, the lords of the 6th, 8th and l2th destroy the houses where they are posited and those houses are destroyed if their lords are in the 6th, 8th and I2th. The lords of these houses are said to be good only when they are weak This is why Vipareet Raja Yoga is caused when the lords ofthese three houses are ln any ofthese three houses. They are also helpful if they are in their own sign in these houses. In fact, we consider the Ascendant or Lagna as the prime house of health and any alflicition of the Lagna or the lord of Lagnrrand lord of Logna, are not alllicted the longevity will not be adversely allected even if the lord of the 8th house is weak. If the ragnc and the lord of Lagna and the Bth house and lord of the 8th are afflicted, the best course would be to strengthen, as far as possible, the lord of Lo.gna lnstead of strengthening the lord of the 8th. It is an acknowledged princlple in Hindu Astrologr that for full longevity (frvtg or Wk) ttre lord of the Lagna has to be stronger than the lord of the 8th house.

5 Remedial Merits oJ Crenstones

ln Gems and Dhorma ShastreSpeclaltty gems-The philosophy about the colours of gems-The nrling stone-Prlnciples for using gemstones-Suttabtlity of gemstones for various Ascendants.
Our ancient physicians and chemists, by their researches found out the good and bad qualities of various roots and plants and their natural characteristics and brought them in use as medicines to improve the health and longevity of the people. They found out and proved by their experience mantras and that alongwith medictnes (Atrshadhi-- ffS), gems (mant-tft) are also helpful in cuirn$ diseases.Thus the efficacy of gemstones is not only recognised by those learned ln astrology but also by AguntedaOur Dharma Shastras have glven equal status to medlclnes and astrologl. Saint Tulstdas says in Ramchorifrnoncls-

qq:r rs rn{t*.r gfr{r, m tvq qer dr{ETq gsq wr ceR gco+ ftr I
Thls means that just as medlclne s (Aguruedic) admlnistered with appropriate mediums 0ike milk, honey, fruit and vegetable Jutces etc.) become more potent and curative, the planets become more favourable or unfavourable according to ausptcious and inauspicious Uqgas (combinations and dispositions) they form. The water assumes the shape of a glass or a cup when put into it. The air $ets contaminated ln a contaminated atmosphere and is full of fragrance and fresh tn uncontaminated atmosphere fiust as prwailing in a garden full of blooming and fragrant flowers). The clothes also look beautiful on a well built body.



Many of the learneds, ofwhom Ma:orrullor ls foremost' are of the view that Rigwda is the oldest written book in the world. In that Rigwdnmention has been made of Rafia (gem) in its very first montra which is as under-

Undoubtedly in thts manta. prayers have been offered to the Supreme I-ord by the word ?gni'but the main thing to note is that the Supreme lord l(r<a,ew) had been mentioned as (<eurer$, that is, one who wears rottors (gens). This indicates that gems are meant to be worn. There are different irrterpretations for Vedic Mantras.It is very much possible that this mantraof Rrgrrcdrrtntends to point out the intimate relationship betweenAgniand Ratnas, that is, it throws a hint that the heavenly ftre (Agni) is present in the ro,tnrrs in the form ofrays. From times immemorial, gemstoneshavebeen usedby men and women for decoration and for their welfare- The precious stone' Dictionary meaning of the word'gem'is-'a a precious stone on which is engraved a design, anything of outstanding quality, worth orbeauty; the best' the choicest'.

tnfrftfli<rq<at F{srqY
This stanza in a prayer to Lord Rama confirms that gem trs a very valuable kind of wealth. Everybody is aware that precious stones like ruby, dlamond, emerald etc. are very valuable. But from the scientific point ofview {iamond lsJust carbon. It is made from the same carbon from which coal is made. Then why should be such a vast difference in their value ? The reason for this dilference is that the rays which have become concentrated in the di,amond' are absent in the coal. In other words dtamond is very costly (valuable), because some special quality possessing rays have got concentrated in it. Thus we come to the concluslon that gems are costly because in all of them are present the rays of light peculiar to different planets. These rays of light are present in diamond, yellow or white or blue sapphire and other gems. But the gims are different from on'Canother on account of



thelrcolours. The dtamond is colourless orwhlte, sapphires are either white. blue or yellow. Mars ls of red colour and Mercury is green ltke grass. Saturn ls far awayfrom the Sun. Therefore,hedoes not emit much ltght. Therefore,according to astrologl, Saturn is a planet of destitution pursation and nothtngness. It ls for thls reason that black colour has been ascribed to htm. According to 'Jatak Parllat'the colours and gems of the planets are as under :(l) Colours ngT{nrcrar@irSFrq: ffigil, (st{utffi-+lfdR$riq:, dTff+(: tq: I f*frfifrf,{: fraag: gdnfrargr nR: qFnqtEnato-q'T R qft: tg Rk{ gR: tl This means that Sun ls of dark red colour. The Moon is young and white in colour. Mercury is of greencolour like that of dooruagrass.Mars is of red and white mixed colour. The body of Venus is white. Saturn's colour ls black. The colour of Rahu is blue and Ketu has strange colours. (According to Brihnt Jatak, Mars is of pale red colour, Jupiter has a bodyofyellowishhue andVenus is neithervery white nor very back- The view of Brilut Jatok is more authoritative). (21 Gems qFr+i' FfirqqRr, hmi gwffirr{ {ffi: qrt{tq q fug{,r<fit *qg.rrqerqt tl t*{Fr q gq{r{r{ g<rards fii tr+



This means that Sun's gem ts rirby, Moon's is white pearli Mars's ls red coral, Mercury's is emerald, Jupiter is yellow sapphlre, Venus's ls diamond, Rahu's ls gomedaand Ketu's is cat's eye. It is always advtsableto wear the gem stone of the l,ord of the Ascendant who rs the matn supporting piliar of a horoscope,becausethe Ascendant combines ln itself all the



good and bad qualities of the nativity. It ts related to longevity and health of the native. It also represents the wealth the native may earn and the name and fame he may acquire. It also indicates the profession suitable for him and his good or bad behaviour. The gem stone of the Iord of the Ascendant has, therefbre, been called the 'ruling stone'. We give below the gems related to various Asendants. The gem stone of the l,ord of the Ascendant will always prove to be a protective charm for the native and it can be worn in the major or sub-period of any and every planet.

Sign oJ ttrc Ascendant

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer I,eo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Lord oJ the Ascendant Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturrr Saturn Jupiter

Related gem stone Red coral Diamond Emerald White pearl Ruby Emer.'ald Diamond Red coral Yellow sapphire Blue sapphire -doYellow sapphire

There are certain rules or principles for wearing the gemstones. The most important principle that the planet whose gemstone is worn will gain more strength by this action because the rays of the planet enter the body of the native through that gemstone. Therefore, the ring, whether it be of gold, silver or copper, should be so made that the gem touches the skin. The native is benefitted by wearing a particular gem stone ring, because by this process the related planet is strengthened. For this purpose we should take into account the lordships of the various houses and consider which house needs to be strengthened. For example if a native of Aries ascendant wears a yellow sapphire, the gth house and its lord Jupiterwillgain more strength and consequently the native's



relattonsurtth $orernment offlcralswtll lmpro\rc. lb wtll recelve favours from government (R4lua KriN) and all obstacles ln htsprogressandpromotionwildrsapper.Hlsfatherwtllget rond uri and good health. He wtll become more reltgious mfnOea. Simtlarly, tI. a Taums Ascendant native wears an emerald rrng, hr; 2nd and 5th houses and their lords wtll acqulre more strength and ausplclousness. The result uill be ttrat ttre nattve wttt earn or recelve more wealth. He will become more lntelllgent and dtplomatlc. Hls farnily life will be happy and he wlll become eloquent. But it should be notedvery carefully that only the lords of the auspicious houses should be strengthened' We should never stiengthen the lords of the 6th, 8th and l2th which are tnasupicious houses and their gemstones should be worn in occeptional circumstances which we will explain later in this chipter. It is always good for the lords of these houses to remain weak. Before we discuss which gemstones would be suitable for various Ascendants and what good they will do to the native, the readers should kncw about the rituals to be performed before wearing a ring of the appropriate gemstone' If the expected, desired and favourable results are to be obtained, thi rttuals must be observed with devotion and faith. The gemstones may be purchased as far as possible on Mondays ind Ttrursdays orcept for Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu which could be purchased on Friday and Saturday also' The ring with the gemstone set in tt should be worn on the day of ltre planet.-Before wearing the ring it should be purifted by immersing it in Ganges water or unboiled milk' Then itr".t". and flowers, as far as possible, of the colour of the planet should be offered to the gem stone. Then the ring should be worn after recitin$ the Namaskor artd Tantic Morntrasof the planets (given in chapter IID lO8 times each' Suttabtlity of gemstones accordlng to Ascendants

Ruby is the gemstone of the Sun. Therefore' if Sun is the lord oi an auspicious house in a nativity, the native will be favoured with benefical results if he wears a ring with ruby



set ln lt. If Sun hing lord of an ausptclous house ls allllcted tn anyway, ruby will neutralise the consequent evil effects. For the Arir,s Ascendant Sun ls lord of the Sth house (a trfne) and is frtend of Mars the lord of the Ascendant. Therefore, nattues of Aries can always wear a nrby for acqutrlng intelligence, for lmprovement of sptritual power, for betng blessed with chtldren, for achtaring rutme and fame and for gains and favours from govemment. Wearing of a ruby will be special$ beneflctal ln the major period of Sun. For the Taunts Axendant Sun wlll be lord of the 4th house (a quadrant): but Sun is an enemy of Venus, the lord of the Ascendant. Therefore, rrby will prore beneficial for the natives with thisAscendant, if it is worn in the major period of Sun. By wearing ruby the natives will gain peace of mind, get comforts, achieve success in educational matters, gain land or house property, get happiness from the mother's side and acquire conveyances. For the GentniAscendntt Sun will be lord of the 3rd house. Therefore, it would not be advisable for the natives of this Ascendant to wear ruby ercceptin the major period of Sun if he ls in his own sign in the 3rd house. For the hncer Ascendant Sun will be lord of the 2rd house, the house of wealth. Sun is also a friend of Moon. the lord of thisascendant. Therefore, the native of thisAscendant will benefit bywearing a ruby f the native faces loss of wealth or suffers from dlseases of eyes. The house is also maraka sthana (house of death). Therefore it would be advisable to wear rrrbywith pear!, the gemstone of the lord of Ascendant. Ruby will prove particularly beneficial if it irsworn in the mal or period of Sun. For the Leo Ascendont Sun will be the lord of the Ascendant. Ruby will act as a protective charm for the natives of this Ascendant and they can wear it for their whole life. By wearing ruby the natives will be protected from enemies, will enjoy good mental and physical health and also get long life. They will also achieve success in their professional ventures and gain wealth and spiritual power. For the natives of this Ascendant ruby is a'must'if Sun is alllicted in any way and the native faces hardhips and distress on that account.



FortheVtrgoAscendnrttSunislordofthel2thhouse(the houseoflossandexpenditure).ThenativesofthtsAscendant lf he is stroutA wear a rubyonty ln the maJor pertod of Sun t:: his own stgn ln the l2th house' Gherwise they should never wear a rubY. For the lihraAscendant Sun, who ls an enemy of Venus' (the house lord of thls Ascendant' ts lord of the 1lth house gains of have will of gains). The natives of thls Ascendant If Sun is period Sun' of *.ittt, if ruby ls worn tn the mdor in all losses from allticted in any way and the native suffers his ventures, ruby can be owrn always' For the Scorpio Ascendart Sun is lord of the foth house (the house of profession, name and fame, honours etc')' He is atso a friend of tvtars, the lord of thisAscendant. Therefore, to get ruby can be worn by the native of this Ascendant in recognition by government, honours, respect' promotion prove will Ruby wealth' acquire to and servi"ceot ptofession particulariy beneficial if worn in the maJor period of Sun' For the Sagittamrs AscendantSun is lord of the 9th house (house of Bhtrgao). sun in this case is also a friend of the lord of the escendint (Mars). Therefore natives of this Ascendant and can wear'ruby to enjoy good fortune, for happiness in the iorrg*rty of faiher. nuty wiU be part_iculariy beneficial alongwith -"iot plriod of Sun. wearing of yellow sapphire good fortune *6y .t",tt"s good health, gain of wealth and throughout life. For the CapricomAscendantSun ls lord of the 8th house which is considered a very lnausplcious house. It has been saidthatMoonandSunhavebeenoremptedofAstxnmesh -O*o(Le. they wtll not be inauspicious f they are lord-of the for the 8th). But inspite of this, we conslder it inadvisable nativesofthtsAscendanttousearubyexceptinthemaJor period of Sun if he ls in the 8th house in his own sign' Forthe Aquaril-s AscendantSun is lord of 7th house-the the marakasthana(house of death). Moreover, as said above' will' It Sun' of enemy is a bitter lord of the Ascendant therefore, not be advisable for the natives of this Ascendant also to wear a ruby wen if the Sun be in his own stgn



Forthe piscesAscendantsun is lord of the 6th house-an lnauspiclous house. The natives of thisAscendant maywear ruby only in the major period of Sun if he be in his oi#, in the 6th. "rgn , Ruby should be worn in gold mixed with copper ring alter sunrise in the morning of a Shuklapakshasunday in tfe dng fiyger of the right ha;d after observing the rituals we have already mentioned earlier in his chapter. Ruby should be at least 2t /z carats. Important-Ruby should never be worn alongwith diamond, blue sapphtre, gomed.aand cat,s eye. It can be"*o.n with advantage alongwith pearr, red coral, erir..oro atroy.iio* sapphire.

Pearl is the gemstone ruled by Moon, pearl can be worn by .those in whose horoscope Moon is the lord of a an o""pi"ro"" house' If such a Moon is strong and weil placed, tne pe'J-lt enhance the good effects. If the Moon is afnicteA, in. p.orf will neutralise the consequent evil effects. For the Anes Ascendant Moon is lord of the 4th house. Moon is a friend of Mars, the rord of thisAscendant. Therefore, the native of this Ascendant will, by wearing a pearl, gain peace of mind, happiness from- mother, s,r""e"J r' ed-ucational sphare, andgaln land and house property. Fearl yill grove particularly beneflcial in the maior pertod of Moon. It will be more advantageous to wear pearl arong with ied coral, the gemstone of the lord of this Ascendant. For the ?aurus AscendantMoon is lord of the 3rd house. Moon is also an enemy of Venus, the lord of this ascendant. It will' therefore, not be advisable for the natives of this Ascendant to wear a pearl. They may, howwer, do so in the major period of Moon if Moon ts in her own sign in the 3rd. For the Gemini Ascendant Moon is lord of the 2nd house (the house of wealth and arso marakasthana) rtre natJes of thtsAscendant can weetr pearl in the major period of Moon; but it will be better to avoid wearrng pearia" io, ." po""ibl..




lll or whose horoscope Partbularly those who are sertously pearl' If' however' wear not ao* ttot tndtcate long ltfe should l lth or 9th house' the tn ftf-*" i" *tfted in f 2[r' or ls poslted Moon' Dr' B'V' of perts Pearl can be worn tn'the maJor Ramanisofthevtew(see.Hina,,PredtctiveAstrologl')that is lord of a marallrr sthana for the Cemini r"r*. ih"il; powers' she does not ocerclse death tnflicting e*.iauttt, of the Ascendant' l'or the Catrcq AscerdantMoon is lord of pearl for the wearing the ' escendant fo.ift* tt.ttves of this Pearl wtll ensure good whole of their life will prwe very useful' in professional health, lor.rgevity' g;4" of weatth and success charm for protective a as act will pearl ventures. Actually for piousness, purity and thern. pearl is a lgnificator humilitY. 12th house' The For the I'eo AscendcrntMoon is lord of the except inlhe pearl wear natives of this Ascendant should not in the l2th' sign o.trm of Moon' if she is in her ;j;;;;;"d the I lth house For the Virgo Ascendant Moon is lord of period of Moon (House of gain!). wearrng of pearl i1 the major gain? of wealth' will enable the native t6 ni"e substantial with children' name and fame and he will be blessed the loth house' For the lihra AscendantMoon is lord of Ascendant' are of this lords Although Moon and Venus' the to achieve native the not friends, weafln$ of a pearlwill enable and respect fame' and success in his profession, nzune more be will results honours from go'.-ernment' These period of Moon' pio"orrtt .d, if a=pearl ls worn in the maJor the 9th house For the Scorpio AscendantMoon ls lord of native (the house of ntngad' Wearing of a pearl enables the ventures' in his io rtu"" good fortulie and to achieve success native prosperity' and health $e fti"f"tnJ.', rould enjoygood and fame' The results will be more will also achieve ""*J is worn in the if pearl and beneficial of this Ascendant' *ilt ptottt very fruitful the native. the 8th house' For the SagiIlortus AxmdantMoon is lord of wearpearl therefore' not' The native of thisAscendant should

pio"o""".d T"]::-lt^t^"A,ly?:" of Mars' lord iv.*-g of peait -itrr reOcoral' the gemstone for



o(cept ln the maJorpertod of Moon, lf Mmn ls tn her own stgn in 8th house. It vrill do good if pearl is worn alongwith yellow sapphire, the gem stone of the lord of thls Ascendant, who has not enemity with the Moon. For the Capricorn Ascendont Moon is lord of the 7th (a maraka stluna). It wtll, therefore, not be advisable to wear pearl for the natives of this Ascendant. For the Aquariis AscmdantMoon is lord of the 6th house. Pearl can be worn by the native of this ascendant only in the major period of Moon, if she is in her own sign. For the Plsces Ascendant Moon is lord of the Sth, a very auspicious house. Wearing.of pearl by the natives of this Ascendant promises them happiness in the matter of children, high intelligence, good education, respect, name and fame and honours. Pearl assures them success in matters of competitive nature and love a.ffairs, Sth being 9th to the 9th is also treated as house of Btnggcl Pearl makes the nutlve more fortunate. The good results will b more pronounced if Pearl ls worn ln the maJor period of Moon. Pearl should be worn ln a silver rlng on the morning of a Monday of Shukla Paksha in the ring finger of the right hand after perfomring the usual rituals. The pearl should be of at least 2 carats. Important-Pearl should not be wom alongwith emerald, diamond, blue sapphlre, gomedh and cats's eye.

Red coral is the gemstone for Mars. Red coral should be worn by person in whose birth chart Mars is lord of an auspicious house. If Mars is well placed and is strong, wearing of Red coral will enhance the quantum of beneftcial effects. If Mars as a lord of an auspicious house is amicted, wearing of Red coral will neutralise the consequent evil effects and will aflord protection to the native from them. For the Aries Ascendant Mars is lord of the Ascendant and the 8th house. His lordship of theAscendant will prevail over the lordship of the 8th. Therefore, it will be very beneficial for the natives of this Ascendant to wear red coral for the whole



of thetrlife. Thlswlll ensure long llfe, good health, name and fame, respect and all comforts of life. For the ?aunrs Ascendart Mars ts lord of the 7th and l2th houses. The l2th house is an inauspcicious house and the 7th is amarakasthnna(house of death). The natives of this Ascendant should as far as possible, avold wearing red coral. Forthe Gem{ntAscendantMars ts lord of the 6th and 1lth houses. If Mars ts in his won sign in the 6th or I lth, red coral may be worn in the major periods of Mars. As Mercury the lord of this Ascendant, is an enemy of Mars, natives of this Ascendant are advised to avoid red coral as far as possible. For the Cancer Ascendant Mars is lord of the Sth (a trine) and the lOth (a quadrant). He is, therefore, a gogakaraka planet for this Ascendant. If red coral is wo'rn always by the natives of thisAscendant, they will be blessed with children, become very intelligent, get respect, name and fame and recognition from government and achieve,great success in their professional sphere. The quantum of beneficial results will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. If red coral isworn alongwith pearl, the gemstone of the lord of this Ascendant, the native wiil get more fruitful results. For the Leo Ascendant also Mars is gogakaraka planet as he is the lord of the 4th (quadrant) and the 9th (trine). By wearing red coral, the native of thisAscendant will get peace of mind, domestlc happiness, acquire land and house property, have galns of wealth, achleve success Ie all hls ventures, be blessed wlth good fortune and his mother and father will enjoy good health and long life. The quantum of benelicial results will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. The beneficial effects will be enhanced if red coral is worn along with lr:by, the gem stone of the lord of this Ascendant. For the Virgo Ascendant Mars is lord of the 3rd and 8th house-both being inauspicious. The native of thisAscendant should, as far as possible, avoid wearing red coral. For the LibraAscendant Mars is lord of the 2nd and 7th both marakasthona(house of death). Venus the lord of this Ascendant is not a friend of Mars. We would advise that



natives of this Ascendant should avoid wearing red coral. However, if the maJor period does not come in oldige and the btrth chart does not show short longevtty, tlie person concerned can wear red coral in the major period ol Ua.s when he is in his own sign. Generally we are averse to recommendgem stones related to the lords of mcraka sthana who are not friends of the lord of the Ascenclant. Fo1 the scorpio Ascendant Mars rs rord oJ te Ascendant artd ,_ he 6th fause. The remarks made bg us amut tte uearing oJ the red coral by the natiues oJ tte Artes Ascendant uould. appty to this Ascendant also. For tle sagittca-rusAscendantMars is rord of the Sth (a trine) and the l2th. Being lord of a trine Mars has been considered as a functional benefic for this Ascendant. By wearing red coral the natives of this Ascendant will enjoy happineis of children, become more intelligent, achieve name and fame and will be blessed with good fortune. If the native is a student. he would achieve success in competitive examinations. The quantum of beneficiar effectswill be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. Wearing yellow a sapphire with red coral would enhance the beneficiat effects. For the Copricom Ascendant Mars is lord of the 4th and I lth houses. If red coral is worn in the major period of Mars, the native gets happiness from the side of mother, domestic harmony, gains of land, house property and wealth. - For the Aquarils Axendant Mars is lord of the 3rd and roth houses. If Mars is in his own sign in the roth wearing of red coral in the major periods of Mars brings favoulrs and recognition fromgovernment, gains of wealtti and success in the professional sphere. The native wiil also enjoy full benefits glJh. Ruchakayoga. one of the panchmattapurushayogas. If Mars is not in his own sign in the 3rd or ine tott it"wilr , not be advisable for the native of this Ascendant to wear red coral. For the PiscesAscendantMars being lord of the 2nd (house of wealth) and 9th (house of Rhaggalood fortune), wearing of red coral by the natives of this A-scendant will yield very beneficial results. The quantum of favourable resuits will bl more pronounced in the major period of Mars. It will be more ,



advantageous if red coral is worn alongwith yellow sapphtre, the gemstone of the lord of thls Ascendant. Red coral should be worn Xr a gold mXed with copper ring in the ring finger of the rfght hand on the morning of a Trresday of Shukla Pakstn (bright half of the lunar month) after performing the usual rituals. The stone should be of at least 6 carats. Important-Red coral should not be worn alongwlth emerald, diamond, blue sapphlre, gomedh and cat's eye. Note-when two gemstones are worn, the main stone worn in the appropriate finger of the right hand be should and the supporting stone in the appropriate finger of the left hand. For ruby, pearl, and red coral, the appropriate flrger ls the ring finger (or according to palmistry the Sun finger). Forblue sapphtre and gornedhthe appropriate is the middle finger (second finger counted from the side of the thumb). For the yellow sapphire appropriate fingers are both the index fxrger (Jupiter flnger) and the rtng finger. For the diamond. emerald and cat's eye, the approprtate finger is the little or the fourth finger. According to Htndu Palmistry, the Thumb is calledAngusth. The first fingeris called Tarjini" the middle or the second frnger Madtryano. the third finger or ring finger Anamikaand the fourth or ltttle finger Kanishtrkcu We have taken some valuable space to mention this at thts stage so that there may be no confuslon as regards fingers in whlch the concerned gem stones are to be worn.

Emerald ls the gemstone of Mercury. Ernerald should be worn by those ln whose natMtles Mercury is lord of auspicious house. If Mercury ls well placed, wearing of emerald will enhance the good effects of Mercury. If Mercury b alnicted in any way, wearlng of emerald will neutralise the evil effects and afford protection against them. Forthe Arles AscendantMercury is lord of the 3rd and 6th houses. Wearing of an emerald by the natives of this Ascendant isnot advisable.It canbewom, fnecessary, only tn the major period of Mercury lf he be ln his own slgn tn the 3rd or the 6th.



lord of the 2nd Forthe TauntsAxendantMercurybeingthe very beneficial is a (Sth is a trine) house and 5th houses the emerald' wearing gogakoraka By planet. He acts like a gains wealth' of family' in the get harmony irative wiU tntelligence, happlness in regard to children, name, fame, good iortt',ne and success in competitive examinations and ventures. The quantum of benefictal effects will be more pronounced in the major pertod of Mercury. The native will tecome more prosperous if hewears emeraldwith diamond' the gemstone of the lord of this Ascendant. For the Ccmini AscendantMercury is lord of the Ascendant and the 4th house. The natives of this Ascendant can wear emerald as a protective charm throughout their life" By wearing e*etaid, the native will enjoy good health, gaing of wealth and his longevity will be prolonged' He will get happiness from the mother's side, success in the sphere of education, peace of mind, gain of landed and house property' comforts of con teyance and domestic happiness' The quantum of good effects will be more pronounced in the m4jor period of Mercury. For the Cancer Ascendant Mercury is lord of the Srd and the r2th houses. It is, generally, not advisable for the natives of thisAscendant to wear emerald. It can, however, be worr' if at all necessary, in the m4jor period of Mercury, if he be in hts own sigin in the 3rd or the l2thForthe LeoAscendantMercuryis lord of the 2nd and I lth (both wealth giving houses). Bywearing emerald in the major pertod of Meicury, the natives of this Ascendant will enjoy harmontous relauons in the family and get abundant gains of wealth. name and fame. It can be worn outside the major perio<l of Mercury if he is not well placed in the horoscope or is afllicted in any other waY. For ttre Virgo Asendant Mercury ls lord of the Ascendant and the 10th house. Therefore, the natives of this Ascendant can always wear emerald. Emerald will ensure good health' long life, success and promotion in professional ventrrres, favJurs from government, respect' honours' narne and fame' Emerald will prove significantly beneficial in the major period of Mercury.



For the Libra Ascendanf Mercury is lord of 9th (a trine) and 12th houses. The lordship of a trine makes Mercury quite auspicious for this Ascendant. We are of the view if th e natives find it necessary to always wear emerald, they should wear It alongwith diamond, the gemstone of Venus. The quantum of beneftcial effects will be more pronounced in the major period of Mercury. For the Scorpio Ascendant Mercury is lord of the 8th and the l lth houses. Mercury is an enemy of Mars, the lord of thisAscendant. Still if Mercury be in his own sign in the I lth or if as lord of the l lth be posited in the Ascendant, 2nd, 4th. Sth or the 9th, emerald can be worn with advantage in the major period of Mercury. Wearing of emerald will get the native gahs of wealth and improvement in hts prosperity. For the Sagtttarius Ascendant Mercury is lord of the 7th and loth houses. Being a benelic, lordship of two Kendras makes him avictim of Kendra-adhipati Dosha. Still if Mercury be in the foth ln his own sign in the loth (causing Bhadra Yoga),Ascendant, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th or I lth, the native will get beneficial results, if emerald is worn in the major period of Mercury. He will then have gains of wealth and will achieve success and promotion i:r his professional sphere. If Mercury as lord of the loth is posited in the 6th, 8th or l2th, wearing of emerald will neutralise the consequent evil effects of such disposition. Forthe CapricornAscendantMercuryis lord of the 6th and the fth (a trine) houses. Mercury is, therefore, considered a beneficial planet for thisAscendant. Mercury is also a frienci of Saturn, the lord of thisAscendant. Emerald will, therefore, yield immense gain to the native if it is worn with diamond. the gemstone of the Venus lord of the Sth and toth (therefore yogakaraka). The quantum of beneficial effects will be more pronounced if emerald is worn in the mqior period of Mercury. For the Aquarius Ascendant Mercury is lord of the bth (a trine) and 8th houses. Being lord of a trine, Mercury is treated as a functional benefic for thisAscendant. Emerald will prove very useful if it is worn durirlg the major period of Mercury. Here again Venus being lord of the 4th and 9th houses,



', E a yogakaraka for thts Ascendant. It wlll, therefore, prove veryAdvantageous tf emerald ts worn alongwith diamond, the gemstone of Venus. Emerald could also be worn wtth advantage .by the nailves of Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants alongwith blue sapphlre, the gemstone of Saturn, the lord of these two Ascendants. For the Plsces Axendant Mercury is lord of the 4th and 7th houses hoth quadrants). He, therefore, suffers from Kendra-adhtpatt Dosha. Emerald can be worn if Mercurv be irr his own sign in the 4th, or he be in the Ascendant , ind,, sth, fth, loth or 1ltn'. Emerald can be worn in the major period of Mercury. As Mercury is a strong maraka (killer) ior this Ascendant, it would not be advisable for those who are seriously ill and who are in their old age or those in whode birth chart short life is indtcated, to wear emerald even in the major period of Mercury and wen if Mercury be in the 7th Ar his own sign. Emerald should be worn in a silver rirrg ln the litile finger of the right hand on a morning of a Wednesday of ShuLla Paksha' after performing the usual rituars. Emerald should be of at least 3 carats. Important-Emerald and red coral. should not be worn along with pearl

YELLOW SAPPHIRE Yellow sapphire is the gemstone ofJupiter. yellow sapphire wlll prove very beneflcial if Jupiter in a nativity is lord of auspicious houses. If such Jupiter is afflicted in any way, w-earing ofyellow sapphire will neautralise the consequent evil effects and will provide protection to the native. For the Aries Ascendant Jupiter is lord of the fth (" trine) and 12th houses. On account of his lordship of a trine, he is considered a benefic for this Ascendant. By wearing a yellow sapphire, the native of this Ascendant will acquire Lnowledge of scriptures, will become more intelligent, gain wealth, name and fame and good fortune, and thJ fathJr of the native will enJoy good health and be long lived. The beneficial results will be more pronounced if yellow sapphire ls worn in the major pericid of Jupiter. yellow sapptri.e



the becomes more effective if it ls worn alongwith red coral' Ascendant' gemstone of Mars' the lord of this For the Taurus Ascendant Jupiter is lord of the 8th and llth houses. According to principles of ftndu astrotogr' planet for this Juptter ls not consideied an auspicious Ascendant is this of lord the Venus, from LienOant. Apart jupiter. Still if Jupiter as lord of the 1lth' is in rn .r,.-y of (in his own sig;n)' the escendant, 2nd, 4th, 5th' bfir or I lth yellow sapphire can be worn with advantage tn the major period of JuPiter. Ascendant Jupiter ls lord of the 7th and For the kmini from loth (both quadrants) houses' He, therefore' suffers if as However' maraka' a Kendra-adhipati,Doshaand is also (in loth' 5th' 4th' 2nd' lord of IOth, he is in the Asscendant, yellow lth' I and 9th or hts own house causing HamsaYago) period of sapphtre can be worn-with advantage in the major ill' or seriously who are .lupiter. But persons of this nattvtty span short a indtcate .ra t , old age' or their horoscopes str-ong is a Jupiter as of ltfe should not wear yellow sapphlre, is worn-when marakafor this Ascendant. If yellow sapphire will have native the sign' the lord of the loth is i:e his own and will career professional unprecedented success in his go-vernment' from reciiue honours and recognition FortheCancerAscendolttJupiterislordofthe6thand9th (a trrne) Jupiter houses. Because of his lordship of the 9th isconslderedtobeanauspiciousplanetforthisAscendant. a yellow sappttire' th-e nattve of thls Ascendant BV;;"ti"g he oriU U" UteJsed witfr chtl-dren, his lcrowledge will-improve' good have will'take interest in reltglous scrlptures' he wlll will fortune, name and famJand gains of wealth. FIis father good results l":"V good health and long life' The quantum of will be more pronounced in the maJor period of Jupiter' (a trtnel For the Leo Ascertdant Juptter is lord of the Sth of a trine, lordship his of and the 8th houses. On accbunt this for planet auspicious an ts considered to be Jript* will native the sapphire' yellow Ascendant. By wearing h qrill with children' blessed be U."o-. more inteligentl he in competitive success and will achieve name ind fame the examinations. For'both Cancer and l'eo Ascendants'



beneficial effects wtll be more effectlve |lr yellow sapphtre ls worn alongwith red coral. For the natives of Cancer and Iro Ascendants, weartng of a pearl and ruby respecttvely prove qutte beneficial'-For alongwith -Iro yellow sapphire will also lGcendani, ttre good results of wearing yellow the sapphire will be more pronounced in the major period of Jupiter. FortheVirgoAscendantJupiterislordofthe4thandthe 7th house, amarakasthancu still ifJupiter as the lord of 4th and 7th is posited in theAscendant, 2nd' 4th (in his own sign causing iom"a Yogo),sth' 7th (in his own sign--causing UamsiVoga), gth, lOth or 1lth' wearing of yellow sapphire inthe maJJrperiod of Jupiter, willbr.rn$the native happiness inregardio childten, gains ofwealth, narne and fame etc' But whilJ giving materialGt $ain Jupiter can assume the role of (t itter). Therefore, it would not be advisable a stroig -iroto towear-yellow sapphire forthe natives of thisAscendant who are seriius$ ill, ire tn their old age or are those ln whqse birth chart long life is not lndicated. For the l^ilto,AscendantJupiter ls lord of the 3rd and the 6th_twoinauspicioushouses.Accordtngtothepr|rrciples.of tltndu Astrologl, Jupiter is not, therefore, considered to be t fot this Ascenda't. Besides these facts, an auspiclorr"ltatt venus, lord of ttrisescendant, is an enemy ofJupiter. In these clrcumstances tt would normally not be advisable for the natives of this Ascendant to wear a yellow sapphire' But 'Bhouarth a recogntsed and Rabukar' accordlrrg to of authorita-uve book on Hindu astrologl, Juptter, rnspite view-of hr planet U.ittg lord of 3rd and 6th, ls a AogagMng it i","*" would ad'tse that yellow sapphire could be worn by the nattues of this Ascendant in the maJor pertod of Jupiter if he be h his ourn slgn in the 3rd or the 6th' For the Scorpro AscendantJupiter ls lord of the 2nd and 5th (a trine) houses and is, therefore, a beneficial planet for thisAscendant.Bestdesthis'JupiterandMars(thelordoi a the Ascendant) are mutual friends' Therefore' wearing this of natives the to very beneficial prove will yellow sapphire Ascendant, particularly in the major period of Jupiter Jupiter, if miOe strong, will give gains of wealtu-' happiness



tn regard to chtldren, narne and fame, good fortune etc. to the natlves of thts Ascendant. For the Sagittarlus Ascendant Juptter ts lord of the Ascendant and the 4th house. Warlng ofyellowsapphtre by the natives of thisAscendant wtll give them gooa neaittr, long Itfe' galns of wealth, success in the educattonal sphere, peace of rnind, domesilc happtness, land, h ouse property, comforts of conveyances, achrevement in professional mattirs etc. The natives of this Ascendant can wear yellow sapphire always as a protective charm. It will prove more beneficial if vellow sapphire ls worn alongwith ruby the gemstone of Sun, the lord of the 9th house (house of nfwgAa) For the capricomAscendantJupiter is rord of the 3rd and 'Irttara l2th houses--both inauspicious. kcilamrit' ls, however, of the vrew that inspttb of being lord of the 3rd and l2th, Juplter is a Aqa glv[ng planet forlhis Ascendant. We do not really agree with this view as this is against the Parastwri principtes. we would, therefore, .."o.rrir.rrd that the natives of this Ascendant should wear yellow sapphire, if necessary, only rn the maJor pertod of.lupiter rrne iiin trrs own sign in the 3rd or l2th. For the Aquorius Ascend"antJuptter is lord of the 2nd and I 2th houses, both wealth gMng houses. FloweverSatum, lord of this Ascendant, rs not a fnend of Jupiter. still yellow sapphlre can be worn ln the maJor pertod of .lupiter arra tn. native would get happlness from children, gains of wealth, success in the educailonal sphere. B't JupGr, being lord of the 2nd which ts also a maraka stl-no., can also proie to be a strong maraka_ This should be kept tn mind. For the Prsces Ascendanuupiter is lord of the Ascendant and the l0th and is, therefore, a very auspicious planet for the PiscesAscendant. wearing a yellow sapphire will enable the native to enjoy good healih, long life, name and fame. recognition by government and the society, gains of wealth and promotion tn the professional and potiiicit career. It will prove doubly benelicial if yellow sapphire is worn with red coral, the gemstone of Mars, the lord of the 2nd and 9th. Yellow sapphire should be worn in a ring of gold in the second finger (Index finger) of the right hand on the morning



of a Thursday of the shuktrz paksha after performrng the usual rltuals. Yellow sapphire should be of at least 3 c-arats. Important-yellow sapphtre should not be wom alongwith emerald, diamond, blue sapphve, gomedhand cat's ele. DIAMOND Diamond is the gemstone of Venus. If Venus as lord of auspicious houses ls well placed in a nativity, wearing of a diamond will enhance the good elfects. If Venus ls affrcted in any_way, wearing of diamond will neutralise the consequent evil elfects and provide protection to the native. . For the Aries AscendantVenus being lord of the 2nd and 7th houses' is a strong nnraka(kilrer). Besides this, Venus and Mars-the lord of this Ascendant, are not friends. stiil lf Venus ln any nativity be in his own sign or be oralted or otherwise well placed, the wearing of diimond will ensure gains of wealth, happy relations in the family, marital h-appiness and acqutsitton of conveyurnaces. But is poArted above. Venus is a strong marakaforthisAscendant, persons whose blrth charts do not indicate long life, shouid avoid wearlng diamond. For the Taurus AscendantVenus is lord of the Ascendant and the 6th house. FIls lordship of the Ascendant will prevail over the lordship of the 6th. The natives of this Ascendant can wear diamond as a protective charm for the whole of their life. Thtswill enable them to enJoygood health, theirlongevity wiltrbe prolonged and all obstacles will disappear fiom-their path. If diamond ls worn along with emerata, trr. gemstone of Mercury who rs lord of the 2nd and sth and a-friend of Venus, the persons concerned will get abundant gains of wealth and good fortune. The quantum of beneficial results will be more pronounced in the maJor period of Venus. For the Gemrni Ascendanty enu s is lord of sth (a trine) and l2th. The Lordship of a trine makes venus an auspicious planet for this Ascendant. Moreover, Mercury the lord of the Ascendant is a friend of Venus. Therefore diamond, if worn in the major period of Venus, will bestow happiness in regard to children, intelligence, nante and fame, gobO fort,rn., g".irr"



Here agatn the of wealth and success tn competltlve ventures' resultswtllbemoremarkedandbeneficialifdiamondlsworn emerald, the gemstone of the lord of this J""g*tttt Ascendant. 4th and I lth For the &trcer AscendarttVenus ls lord of the is- not Venus prtnciples houses. According to Parashort Ascendant. this for planet considered to be in auspicious ls an enemy Apart from thts, Moon, the lord of this Ascendant' lth houses I 4th and the that view oiv.rrrr". Still we are of the if Therefore' houses' of a birth chart are not inauspicious wealth' gains of Venus period of diamond is worn In the maj or and comforts of success in education' aoiresiic happiness expected' be may ttorr"a, land and conveyances, and lOth For the I'eo AscendarttVenus being the lord of 3rd we are planet. houses, is not considered to be an auspicious in the is foth' of the view that if Venus, as lord of the gth' (in sign his own foth Ascendant,2nd' 4th' sth' 7th, name and wgslth causing Amola and- Malaugo Yogas-t6s dtamond ln the of wearing 1lth, or gaving and fame Aagasl career professlonal m.joi ptti"od of"venus will promole the will and wealth of the native-Hswill have abundant gains of be honoured and recognised. and 9th For the Virgo AscendarttVenus is lord of the 2nd by Therefore' gqakarakcu a (a trine) house and is almost his and wealthy become will wearing a diamond the natlve success learnin! and good f<rrtune wlll enable htm to achieve the emerald' with dtamond tn all hls ventures. Wearlng prove will Ascendant this of lord lemstone bf Mercury, the e,ren more beneficial to the native' ForthelibraAscendanttVenusislordoftheAscendantand theSth.HislordshipoftheAscendantwillprevailoverthe lordshipofthe8th.ThenativesofthlsAscendantcanand for the whole of should wear diamond as a protective charm good health' long their life. Wearing of diamond will bestow gains of wealth iif., ,r"*. and farie, success in ventures and tothenative.Itisa.must'forthenativesofthisAscendant in the major Period of Venus' 12th' Fortlre ScorpioAscendantVenusislord of the 7th and



Therefore, it will normally not be advisable for the natives of this Ascendant to wear diamond. For the Sagrttanus AscertdantVenus being lord of the 6th and f lth houses, is not considered to be an auspicious planet for this Asctndant. Further, Venus is an enemy of Jupiter, the lord of this Ascendant. stilt if as lord of r Ith Venus ls in gth' the Ascendant, 2nd, 4th, sth, 6th (in his own sign)' 7th' or l lth (in his own si$n) wear'rng of diamond in the major period of Venus will brin$ abundant financial gains' For the Capricorn Ascendont Venus being lord of the Sth (a trine) anA fOttr (a quadrant) houses, is a gogakaraka planet. For the Aquorils Ascendanttalso Venus is a gogakaraka on account of his lordship of the 4th (a quadrant) and 9th la trine) houses. Therefore, the natives of these twoAscendants will gain in every way bywearing a diamond. The wearing of 'must' for the natives of these Ascendants in a diamond is a the major period of Venus. The good results will be significintly enhanced if diamond is worn alongwith blue sapphire. For the Pisces AscendantVenus being lord of the Srd and 8th is avery inauspicious planet. Venus is also enemy of the lord of thts Ascendant. We would, therefore, not advise the natives of this Ascendant to wear diamond' Diamond should be worn in a platinum' with gold or silver rtng in the little finger of the right hand on the morning of a Sn*ta PakslnFriday alter performing the usual rituals' Diamond is a very costly gem. Therefore' it is not possible to fix any minimum wei$\t for it but we are of the view that it should be of at least l:carats. Important-Diamond pearl and red coral. should not be worn alongwith ruby'

BLI]E SAPPIIIRE Blue sapphire is Saturn's gemstone. When in a nativity Saturn is lord of auspicious houses and is well placed' blue sapphire will enhance the good effects of Saturn and those



trouses.If such Saturn ls affltcted,wearing of a blue sapphire wtll neutralise the consequent evil effects and provide protection to the natlve. Although blue sapphtre ts very benelicial for those for whom It ls sultable but some very unluclqy stones come out of the earth. Blue sappltre stwuld" tlvereJore, aluags be wom qfter a trialbecause an unluclry stone can play havocwith the Me of the natlve. For the ArtesAscqtdont Saturn is lord of the lOth and I tth houses.Although both the housesare ausplcious,Saturn has not been considered as an auspicious planet for thls Ascendant becauseof the lordship of the t lth house. But we can saywlth full conlldencethat tf Saturn as lord of the toth and l lth is posited in Ascendant, 2nd. 4th, 5th, 7th (in hts sign of exaltation caustng SasaAoga),gth, IOth (tn hts ourn sign causing Sasa goga), weadng of blue sapphire ln the maJor perlod of Saturn will brtng to the nailve lmmense successln professlonal sphere and abundant flnanctal gains. For the TanrusAscendont Saturn betng lord of 9th (a trtne) ls conslderedto be ausplclous. For thtsAscendant tt will be very beneflilal to wear blue sapphlre tn the maJorperiod of Saturn. The good resultswill be pronounced if blue sapphire ls worn alongwith emerald, the gemstone of the lord of the Ascendant. For Gemlnl Ascqtdant Saturnbecomes lord of 8th & gth housesand the Mool THkona Rastfalls Ir the 9th house. The reader will see that the case becomes ambiguous here. If Saturn ts evilly placed in thls casei.e., placed tle6, B or l2th then we cannot wear blue sapphire in tts pertod. But blue sapphire can be worn if tts placement ls in the 9th house, or Sth house or lf placed ln other beneflclal houseswith Venus or Mercury because associailon with these two planets lnduces beneflcial results for Saturn. Blue sapphire can be worn tn Saturn dasa lf Saturn ls tn loth with Jupiter. This ts the only casewhen it ls with most beneflclalplanet Juptter otherwise it becomes a first rate MorakaFor the Cancer AscendantSaturn is the lord of the Zth (a mo,ro,ka sthana) and the 8th (house of longevtty and death). Therefore,the natives of thisAscendant should never touch a blue sapphtre.



The same appltes to Leo Ascendant where Saturn ts lord of the 6th and 7th and a bitter enemy of Sun, the lord of this Ascendant. For the Viigo Ascendsnt Saturn ts lord of sth (a trine) and 6th. As Saturn is lord of a trine also, blue sapphire can be worn with advantage by the natlves of thts Ascendant: but It will be advtsable to wear blue sapphire alongwith emerald, the gemstone of the lord of thts Ascendant. For the IlbraAscendant Saturn being the lord of 4th and 6th, is a gogakaraka- Saturn ls also an inttmate frlend of Venus, the lord of thisAscendant. Therefore, wearing of blue sapphire by the natives of this Ascendant will bring them domestic happiness, gain of landed and house property, happiness in regard to mother and chtldren, intelltgence, good fortune and success in competitive ventures. Blue sapphtre fill prove more benelicial if it ls worn with diamond, the gernstone of Venus, the lord of Ascendant, or emerald, th gemstone of Mercury, the lord of the 9th. Forthe ScorpioAscendantSaturnbeing lord of the 3rd and 4th houses is not consldered to be an auspiclous planet according to Parashcrlpr'mciples. Still, if Saturn is ln his own sign in the 3rd or 4th, blue sapphire can be worn with advantage tn the maJor period of Saturn. For the Sagittarlus AscendontSaturn being lord of the 2nd (maraka stfuna) and the 3rd house, is not considered to be an auspiclous planet for thts Ascendant. Th erefore, normally the natives of thtsAscendant shouldnot wearblue sapphlre. But Brihat Jatak says as under :

irgermft ft rrfiq{rt}rdfimqfu{: Rrg-effi : qkggdairistr{F{r{ | gqssffiilfrtrgstqrqg{T: ffiffisqemfua:tl

This means that f Saturn occupies the Ascendant at a person's blrth, he wtll be poor, slckly, love-strtcken, very unclean, suffering from diseases during his childhood and lndistinct in his speech. If any one of the signs Sagittartus, Plsces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Librabe theAscendant and Saturn should occupy it at birth, the person concerned will b equal to a king, the headman of a village or the mayor of



a clty, a great scholar and wtll be handsome- In the other houses Saturn produces the same elfect as that of Sun ln those places. Thus the natlves of the Sagtttartus Ascendant can wear blue sapphlre ln the maJor period of Saturn tf he ts posited In the Ascendant.rTheY will reap the beneflts menttnned by BrrhotJatnksubJect to the structure of the btrth chart berng otherwtse not weak For the Capricom Ascendrrt Saturn ts lord of the Ascendant and the 2nd house (house of wealth andmaraka sthana). As Saturn is lord of the Ascendant who always protects the native, he will never act as a marakoFor the Aquor'us Ascendant Saturn is lord of theAscendant and the 12th. He will act more as lord of the Ascendant as his Moolr trtkona slgn falls ln lt. Therefore, the natlves of these two Ascendants should always wear blue sapphire whlch wtll not only act as a protective charm but will also enable the natlves to enJoy good health, long life' gains of wealth and success tn all ventures. It will be very benefhl,al for the natlves of these two Ascendants to wear blue sapphlre alongwtth diamond, the gemstone of Venus who ls a yqaJarakafor both these Ascendants. For the Flsces Ascendant Saturn' belng lord of the I lth and .l2th houses, ls constder.ed to be an lnauspiclous planet for this Ascendant. We are, however' of the vtew that lf as lord of the llth, Saturn ls tn the Ascendant (where he causes RqtaAqa) 2nd, th, Sth, 9th and f lth (ln hls ourn sign)' blue sapptrrre can be worn tn the maJor perlod of Saturn for ffnanctal gatns. We would, hoqrever, advlse that the natlves of thrs Ascendant should wear blue sapphlre ln the major pertod of Saturn onl5r when he ts tn t lth ln hts own slgn cr ' ln the Ascendant. Blue sapphlre shouldbeworn fn arlnglof steeltnthemtddle flnger of ihe rtght hand on the afternoon fbefore Sunset) of after performtng the usual rltuals' a Snukhrotshasaturday Blue sapphlre should be at least of 4 carats. sapphtre should not be worn alongrvtth Important-Blue ruby, pearl, red coral or 5rellow sapphtre.



GOMEDII AND CAT'S EYE Gomedh and cat's eye are gemstones of Rahu and Ketu respective\r. The gemstones of these two should be worn ln theirm4ior periods tf they are posited tn the 3rd, 6th or I tth house or they are conJotned with the lord of an auspictous house (parttcularly lords of trtnes) or with yogakaraka planets. The mtnimumwetght of gomedhshouldbe 6 carats and that of cat's eye 5 carats. gomedhshould be worn in an Astrlo.Dhaturfng fn the middle or litile llnger on a ThursJay two hours after dusk Cat's eye should also be worn tn the same linger In Ashta Dhtfu ring on a Thursday at mtdntght. Both the flngs should be worn after performiqg the usual rltuals. Importanthmdh and cat's eye shorrld not U! worn alongwtth ruby, pearl, red coral and yellow sapphtre. Not+For fuller detafls about the gemstones mentioned above (which are treated as preclous stones) and other semi stones whlch can be used as cheaper; but elfective ,Rabta substitutes, the readers may refer to our bookshadeep' lnFltndt and'Cems and Astrologf tn Eng[sh-both publrshed by Ragan P.&ittcadfr:s., t&Attsr;lrt Rmd. New Delht-L1OOO2.

The seven rays and colours of ralnbow-Thelr stgntflcance aoh lrnportance-4osmlc colo'rs of of gel pfrnets and thetr ge',ns-Hnclples -ttt"rapy a $rmpsC of the tele-therapy-Need rays foi curtng dlseases-Rahu and of cointc"od Ketu and thetr gems have also cosmlc raysHow to PrePare gem medlclnes'
late The founder of gem therapy in the world is him To (west Bengal)' Dr. Benogtash WnnncharAaojNaihcti dit of establishing gem therapy as an effegtive' go." itt";t Eependabre and reliable system of medicine. Dr. Btrottnchatyo diverse iJogniseA the efficacy oigems in curin diseases of from prepared medicines natulre. It was noted ty trti tfrat the powders (Bhrcmd or gems tft. g.r.t" in the form of ashes of (pis[0 were very costly and only-the rich could take advantage the ashes of gems like diamond' ;r? th;tt-particularly sapphfre Dr- BtattacharAo" alter making emerald, t"Uy through "ttA r,esearches, t iats anA elrperiments evolved a method extracted be gems could which the curative potrers of system homeopathically without destroying the gems' The be now can gem-medicines has been made to slmple that ridiculously at sundry dispensed in globule form by all and but ctriap prices. Wot only the gems can be used singly in sweralgems methodshave been developed for combining a mixture accordir4;to necessitY' intents Cremsare mtnes ofcosmic rays' These rays are' for The omnipresent' and ominscient omnipotent' and purposes, rays lmow the disease by their omniscience' they cure body "ooni" by their omnipotence and they spread to all parts of the dter foundBtattactwya Dr. bi their omnipresence highly gems were that decade a tJran more eiperience of



Dr. Bhottoctnrga having been connected with curative. various schools of medicine intimately and having treated at least three lakhpatients dudng fortyyears ormore, came to the conclusion that all the therapies in existence were defective. They did not reach the very root of the problem of the origination and eradication of disease. According to him cosmic rays were at the botton of disease and cosmic ra5rs were the only force capable of curing the disease. When the hunger (of rays) was appeased by gems radiating difierent colours, the disease left the body. We have to look for the origin of wery thing to the cosmic colours, includinglwen, the Sun, Moon andthe otherplanets. the se\ten principal cosmic It is saidintheKurmoPwanothat Colours, viz, violet, Xedigo,blue, green, yellow, orange and red in modern science as ffound in the rainbow-known VIBGYOR) are the matrices of the seven planets, that is to say, the seven planets are to be conceived as condensation of the seven dilferent colours of the rainbow. Among the planets originating from the cosmic colours of the rainbow' the Sun is the condensed form of the red colour, Moon of orange, Mars of yellow, Mercury of green, Jupiter of blue' Venus of indigo and Saturn is the condensed form of violet colour. According to Dr. Bhattachargcr, this is how the origin of the seven planets is to be conceived according to definite statement of the Kurma Purana The relevant verse quoted by Dr.Bhattachargo in his very popular book'Gem Therapy' as translated in English is as under :this manner the Great Lord, the Lord of the Lords' the universal Grand father, always createsTime. He being of the Essence of Time, with a body endowed with all conceivable powers. The rays that compose His body; are omnipresent, and illuminate the limitless worlds in the universe, and among them seven are the best and the highest because thev form the matrices of the seven planets" (Kurma Purana) Chapter 43, Verses l-2). According to Dr. Bhattacharya like the planets' the planetary gems are also to be conceived as condensation of the seven colours. Thus ruby is a red colour concentrate' pearl is concentrate of orange, coral of yellow, emerald of 'In



green, Moon stone andPushpraga{ropazl of blue' diamoned of indigo, and sapphire of violet cosmic colour. (Here we may warn the readers that these colours of gems are the cosmic colours and not the colours as we see them and as mentioned as wili irr classical texts like BrilutJatakaandJatakaParyaf lines). few next in the be clear from what is mentioned eye, naked to the Although these colours are not apparent prism wh en a their true cosmic colours will reveal th emselves is applied to the eye. The gems are inextraustible mines of cosmic colours and they can release torrents of coloured rays when rotated on an electric motor or vibrated at high frequency. The view of b. Btnttncharga is that the seven cosmic colours belong to two classes, hot and cold. All male planets and their cosmic colours are hot in nature, while all the female planets and their cosmic colours are cold cosmic forces. The male plants are Sun, Mars and Jupiter and their colours red, yellow and blue are hot forces fo nature. The female planets are Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn and their cosmic colours orange, green, indigo and violet are the cold forces of nature. In evolving the Gem Therapy system, Dr. Btrsttachtrya thought that the hot and cold forces of nature were there in the seven cosmic colours of the rainbow and he considered it desirable that the necessity was to $et the capability to generate these colours artificially and to transmit them to alllicted persons in order to make them well' The question arose as to how to find out where the cosmic colours were to be found in abundance so that they might be manipulated by human beings. The storehouse of cosmic colours was in the planetary and theirgems. The gems weremines of cosmic rays and they could be made to yield their valuable colour contents in various ways. They could be burnt and turned into ashes iih/Ismas) and in that form could be administered to the patients. Secondly, the gem might be kept in alcohol for seven days and power released by the gems woulfl be absorbed in the alcohal which would then turn into powerful gem medicines. Dr. Bhattacfwrya, the master thinker, researcher and



Scientist evolved yet another method by which gems could be made to yield their valuable colour contents for the purpose of distant healing. He perfected a system by which a silver disc set with gems could be prepared. The size of the disc mi$ht be three to four inches in diameter. This disc be fitted to a small electric motor and switched into action. As the motor whirled with a speed of say 13OOto I4OO RMP' the gems yielded their colour, any photograph of a person suffering from disease or healthy person kept before the radiating motor would at once receive the vibrations. According To Dr. Blrottactnryacosmic colours could also be broadcast to either the healthy or a person suffering from any disease by vibrating the gems at a very high frequency. This could be Vibrations per done through a Vibrator at the rate of 3OOO vibrating geT the in front of kept photograph minute. Any gem parricular and woulil the rays of would receive the coimic in the where person any residing to the carry it in an instant Teleas Dr.Btnttacharya named by was world. This system and incurable diseases, cure him to used by was therapy'and people from all by of was availed provided him by the facility diseases. incurable with world afflicted parts of the Suitabtltty of the raJrs emanatlng curing diseases from gems for

t.. Red Cosmic RaYs According to Roland Hunt (Author of the book'Seven Keys To Colour Healin$') quoted by Dr. Blnttacharya in his book 'Gem Therapy', red rays are most suitable for persons prone to diseases such as aiments of the blood-stream, anaemia, Physical debility and lassitude, colds' circulatory deficiencies, moronic cases etc. Red rays have been found suitable in impending collapse, without pulse and with profuse perspiration and cold body. Idiots and imbeciles have been very well influenced by red cosmic rays. It is ruby which supplies red rays in concentrated form' 2. Orange Cosmic Ra;rs Orange colour rays which are cold are capable of curing disease arising out of heat. It is Moon who emits cold orange



rays. Moon's rays are present tn pearl. The rays issuing out of pearls belong to the element of water and have connection with the thin secretions of the human body and its blood s,ystem.When heat is required to be counteracted, pearl rays may be used with confldence. According Roland Hunt, Orange colour is suitable for the following diseases-chronic asthma, phlegmattc fever, bronchitis, Wet cough, gout, chronic reheumatism, ir:flammatism of kidneys, gall stones, prolapsus, cessation of menstruation in females, mental debility, cholera and other similar dlseases. Orange rays have gtven good results tn tnsanity of the young, fevers, bleedtngs etc. 3. Yellow Cosmlc Rays The coral of yellow cosmic colour releases hot rays. The coral and its yellow colour are associated with the martial planet Mars. Yellow colour nourishes the marrow system. The head and the genitals also come under the inlluence of Mars and therefore of yellow cosmic rays. According to Roland Hunt, yellow rays are necessary for subjects prone to diseases such as stofnach troubles, indigestion, constipation, flatulence, liver troubles, diabetes, blind piles, eczema, skin troubles, leprosy and nervous exhaustion. 4. Green Cosmlc Rays

It is emerald which is a storehouse of green cosmic rays. The colour of earth element is green and is cold in character. Therefore, green is a positive force with power of integration. According to Roland Hunt, green rays are necessary for the following complanits : heart troubles, blood pressure, ulcers, cancer, headache, neuralgia, influenza, syphlis etc. Green rays have been found curative in asthma, burnt skin, injuries, ulcers, skin diseases and high blood pressure. 5. Blue Cosmlc Rays The moonstone, crystal and topaz (Pttshporaga) belong to the same colour group viz. blue. This group of stones is, therefoere, blue ray concentrate. Blue colour belongs to the Akashoelement which imparts life force to the whole mobile



and immobile creation. The controller of blue colour is Jupiter who presides over the Me principle in all human beings and breathing animals. Roland Hunt blue rays are necessary ln the following disi:ases: All throat troubles, laryngitis, goiire, sore throat, hoar:seness, feavers like scarlet fever and typhoid, bubonic plague, small-pox, chicken-pox, measles, apathae, apoplo,qy, hysteria, epilepsy, palpitation, spasms, acute rheumatism, vomiting, purging, thirst, dysentry, diarrhoea, Jaundice, biliousness, colic, inflammation of bowels, inllamed eyes, stings, insomnia, painful menstruation, nervous disorders, shock etc. 6. Indlgo Cosmlc Ra5rs The cosmic rays of this colour are abundantly stored in diamond, the gem ruled by Venus who alongwith its indigo colour belongs to the water principle according to Dr. Bhattachatya and they are both cold and positive in nature. According to Aguruedic books diamond contains all the six tastes-sweet, sour, saline, pungent, bitter and astringent. By virtue of this quality diamond should be regarded as a medicine for diseases arising out of the simultaneous (arr) prtta (fire) derangement of the Tftdoshaelements-Vogu (water). and Kaphn According to Roland Hunt indigo rays are good for the following diseases:- eye troubles, ear and nose complaints, facial paralysis, all diseases of the lungs, pneumonia, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, asthma, T.B. dyspepsia, creeping palsy, infantile conurlsions, delirium, obsession and otherforms of insanity. According to Dr. Btwttacharyaindigo rays have cqred leucoderma, appendicitis and purulent tonsils also. 7. Violet Cosmlc Rays These rays are concentrated in blue sapphire (Neelarn)the gem ruled by Saturn. Violet is the colour of air element. Saturn rules over the whole of the nervous system and his violet colour satisfies the nerve hunger. According to Roland Hunt violet rays are good for the



followxrg diseases:- Newous and mental disorders, neurosis, neuralgia, sciatica, diseases of the scalp' epilepsy, cerebrospinal meningitis, concussion, cramps, rheumastism' tumours, kidney and bledderweakness etc. According to Dr. BhottacturUaviolet rays have successfully and easily cured all forms of acute nerve pains in any part of the body' rheumatic pains, ulcers on the skin and flesh and various other skin diseases, includin$ leucoderma. 8. Illtra Vlolet Cosmlc RaYs Accordtrrg to Dr. BttsttachargaGqrtedhfs the ultraviolet ray concentrate. The gem and its colour have connection with Rahu. This is the coldest cosmic ray and should be broadcast only when a person suffers from excessive heat complaints. Ultra violet rays are useful in hyper-acidity and burning ensatlons. Comedh improves appetite, corrects digestion. Ultra violet rays are supposed to cure insomonia and help women during child birth. Gomedhmay also be useful for bowel dlsorders, sexual Excesses and glandular dlseases. 9. Infra-red Cosmtc RaYs Cat's eye is the Infra-red cosmic ray concentarate and has connection with the planet Ketu. Infra-red is the hottest cosmic ray and is often required tn very chronic cases and trr terminal dlseases. According to Dr. Bttnttachaty@ cancer cases have responded wonderfully to the vibrations of cat's eye. Diseases which respond to infra-red rays are paralysis and croup. It removes excess of Kaptw(water) and VaUu (air) and aids digestion. Acute skin diseases, cholera, nervous debility, samll-pox, uterine diseases etc., respond to infrared rays. IIow to prepare Gem Medlclnes In his book'Ciem Therapy' Dr. Bluttachcrya has also given the method to prepare medicines from gems. The method is almost the same as used forthe preparation of Homeopathic medicines. The list of materials required for preparing gem medicines and midures is as follows:(1) Nine gems (pure and genuine) either single pieces



Weighing 2 rattieach or small pieces weighig 2 rattis namely ruby, pearl, coral, emerald, topaz $ellow sapphire), diamond or uikranta" sapphire, gomedh and cats' eye. (2) Several one ounce or 30 ml. phials, properly cleaned with hot water, rinsed in alcohal or rectified spirit and provided with new corks. (3) Absolute alcohol or rectified spirit or other anaesthitius on suficient quantity. (41 Blank globules either No. 2O or No. 30 in size, two pounds in quantity. With these materials in hand we can now proceed to prepare gem medicines. First of all let us take an empty one ounce phial and pour one dram of alchohol in the same'. In the alcohol ruby shouldbe immersed. The phial should then .be corked well and kept in a dark chamber protected from white light for seven days and nights. At the end of this period the phial should be taken out and given a good shake few times. The alcohol should then be put in another phial, and blank globules added to lt. By gentle rotation of the phial all the globules will be medicated properly. The phial should then be marked RIIBY+LOBS and the medicine is readv for dispensing. In the same manner, the other gem medicines namely pearl, emerald, topaz, diamond, sapphire. gomedh and cat's eye. Medicines should be prepared and labelled properly. The phials may be marked as either RIJBI-GLOBS ro REDGLOBS. The gems may be taken out from the phials and stored for future use when necessaq/. These complete the nine single gem remedies. The preparation for the mixtures is also done in the same manner except that all the gems of a particular mixture must be put together in the alcohol. The gems required for the various mixtures are as follows :VIBG-GLOBS-Sapphire, VIBGYOR-Sapphire, and ruby. diamond and emerald.

diamond, topaz, emerald, coral. pearl



IBGO-Diamond, topaz, emerald and pearl. (topaz ts really Pttshparag oryellow sapphire whose cosmlc colour rs blue). OGIV-Pearl, RYB/IR-Ruby, Ntne gems-All emerald, diamond and sapphire. coral, topaz and cat's eye. the nine gems are required.

For all gem medicines, single or mixture, four globules No. 2O or one globule No. 30 form an adult dose. For children behpo 1O,two globules No. 2O orhalf No. SOform one complete dose. Gem medicines may be given according to requirements. There are no hard and fast nrles for dosage but some guidance lsgivenbelowwhich is always subject to corection. All sin$le gem medicines-4 to 6 doses a day. Nine and seven gems-l to 4 doses a day. to 2 doses per day. All other mixtures-3 In all chronic cases one dose per day of the Nine GEM mixtrrre ls very useful alongwith any other specific gem medicine either single or in combination. These medicines are very effective both in acute and chronic cases. For want of space, we are unable to give details and Gem prescriptions. For this, those interested will have to read Dr. Bhattochnya's book'Gem Therapy.' Note-We have taken the liberty of basing this chapter entirely on the book'Gem Therapy' W Dr. Bhattactwrya. Our only intention in doing so ls to propagate this miraculous system of Gem Therapy and Tele-Therapy which if properly used by the medical profession can be of inestimable utility to the mankind, particularly in case of certatn incurable diseases for whichever the highly developed and advanced medical science has not been able to find a definite curative remedy.

7 hopitiation of Plartets
Cheap, glrnple, effectlve and easy to perform ritiesforpropttlatlon of planets are glven ln La.l IKittrb (rgr" k ffi)-The explanatlon about such bellefs, thelr remedlal values and thelr practlcal utlltty.
There ts no countr5r ln the world where superstlttous beltefs are not practlced ln one form or other to ward off troubles, diseases and other lCnds of dtstress and dtsasters. In Indta also such belefs have been tn odstence from times lrnmemorlal. One very common such beltef ls that |f an lron shoe of a black horse ts hung on the wall of the front door of a house. mlsfortune nwer strlkes that household. We have seen every cMllsed, cultured and educated people hangfng horse's shoe above the front of thelr shops. Even a doctor ln our nelghbourhood has a horse shoe had brought him good luck and hls practtces when no other alternatfrc ls left to them ln thelr troubles. It ts a common practices tllndus at least to put tn an earthen pitcher full of water tn the houses before their shfting rn tt. 'LaI Kltnb' a well lmourn book wrttten tn Urdu by Shrt ,ln Glrdhartlala retlred oIIIcer of the Defence Accounts Deptt., there is no collection of such superstltlous beltefs ( ffi ) which have been found effecttue as remedial measures for bmkts of lL72 pages tn alliicted planets. ShrlctdhaflIal's whtch he has also orplatned hts system of astrplogr and pafmfstry. In the small portton deallreg wlth predictive astrologr the 'I-al Kitab' has omitted the sign indicating the author of Ascendant irr a birth chart. Suppose there ls a birth chart with CancerasAscendant and inwhlch Sunis posited inthe Libra and Mars is in tJre fth in Pisces, accprding to the system given



lrr'Ir,lKlltrb'although Sunwtllbe shown in the 4th and Mars number of 7 of the slgn Libra of 4th house and ln the 9th the house wtll not be there. No. 4 of the tn the 9th Pisces 12 of Ascendant wtll also be absent. Instead of the signs of the 'l'al Kilnh' Ascendant and other houses, the author of the takes the view that they bear the sings of the stgniftcators (karakas) of those houses. According to htm the flrst house or the Ascendant belongs to the Sun, 2nd to Juplter, 3rd to Mars, 4th to Moon, Sth to Jupiter, 6th to Ketu, 7th to Venus & Mercury, 8th to Mars & Saturn, 9th to Jupiter, loth to Saturn, l lth to Jupiter and l2th to Rahu, and on this basis has been gtven the elfects of planets I the different houses. For the purpose of e:mining the horoscope and making predictlons, the author of Loi Kilob has assumed that whatever be the actual Ascendant at the time of btrth of a person, that Ascendant will always be Artes, 2nd house wtll be Taurus and so on and the 12th house will be tn the sign Plsces. Naturally, thts method cannot be accepted being against all prtnciples of Hindu astrologr. But the purpose for which we consulted lalKttabwas the remedial measures suggested ln lt for evil consequences of afllicted planets. These we gtve below in brief for the guidance of our readers:Sun ( 1) If as a result of ill posttlng of the Sun, the native sulfers from troubles stgntfied by Sun such as heart trouble, harassment by government, eye or stomach trouble, he should give tn chartty thtngs ttke Jaggery (Gud, wheat, and copper. As Sun represents Lord Vishu, the recltatlon or Purano would help in allevtathg the reading of Har1u,ar:.s,h sullert4gs of the nattve. (2) It fs believed that Sun Xe the 7th house ylelds evil results. It is possibly so, because in the natural horoscope (where the sign of the first house ts Aries), the Sun will be in Libra (trlrhis stgn of debilttatton). The remedial measure given ln lal Kitnb for this effection is to put by the use of milk. This possibly means that the Sun who is like fire will get the help of Moon who is like milk. Another remedial



measure suggested is that the natlve should put some sweet preparation in his mouth and then drink water. According to the thinking of the author of lalKitab Mars ls connected with sweetthings like honey etc. Using milk and sweets will possibly mean that the native with the help of Moon (Mitk) and sweets (Mars), is neutralising the evil effects of Sun in the 7th. (3) If the Sun be alllicted in the loth he will be causing sufferings to the native in the matters relating to his signilications, the remedial measure sug4ested is to throw a copper Wisa to be swept away in mnning water (of a river, canal, sea etc.). The principle behind this measure seems to be to give in charity something connected with the Sun. Copper is one of the things connected with the Sun. 'Get copperpalsa swept away in running water'would mean that some power is carrying away like running water, the miseries of the native far awav from him. Moon (f) It fs well known that the metal connected wtth Moon is silver. When Moon placed in any house in a horoscope is causing trouble or the native suffers in respect of matters connected with Moon such as illness of mother, mental worry or mental debility, affection in the lungs or some lung dlseases, or lack of money, the remedial measure suggested to ward offsuch troubles is to get silver sewpt away in a river. Another measure suggested is to keep water or milk in a vessel near the head of the bed at night and to pour tt in the morning on a Krkcrtree. The inference from these measures seems to be to give tn charity, things like silver, water or milk connected with Moon. (2) If Moon betng aJllicted in the Ascendant, is causing evil effects, the remedial measure suggested in LolKitab is that the native should stop selling milk. Another measure suggested is that the native should keep with him things like natural water, rice, silver etc., i.e. things connected with Moon. (3) It appears that author of lnl Kitab keeps in view the natural signs of the 3rd and other houses of the horoscope.



For example, if Moon being alflicted in the 3rd house is causing trouble to the native, the remedial measure suggested is to give in charity green coloured cloth to an unmalried girl' The measure seems to be based on the fact that the 3rd si$n (Gemini) is owned by Mercury whose colour is green' (4) If Moon be alllicted in the 4th house' the remedial measure suggested is not to take milk at night' In such a situation milk should be given free to others' (5) If Moon is alllicted in the 8th house the remedial measure suggested is to obtain water from a well within the it in the house. This kee_p precinctsof icremationgroundand -*.u"rr.. is believed to ward, off the evil consequences of the afflicted Moon in the Bth house. (6) If Moon being alllicted in the loth house, is puttin$ the native in distress and giving him set backs, the native should never take milk at ntght. otherwise the evtl effects will be escalated. This measure seems to be based on the principle that givIxg up or giving in charity, the things connected with tfre Jnictea planet, will prove useful. To use them will prove harmful. (7) If Moon is evil in any way in 1lth house' the remedial measure suggested to offer milk in Btuirauji's temple' Here Moon win bJ in the Saturn's sign aquarius and Moon being an enemy of Saturn, it will not be a happy positi,on of Moon' offering milk is suggested to propittate Moon and Blwirauji's templelas been suggested on account of Saturn's affinity to thls deity. lfiars The most ordinary way to propitiate an evil Mars and to ward off troubles caused by him is to give in charity sweet if inopatis prepared lrr a tandoor. Mars is also propitiated Batnsho (reusriesor \S-$) -h ite tilpreparatists s*..t.n"d (this is made from sugar) are thrown to be swept away in a ii*rer or where there is running water. The other things to be given in charity to ward off evils caused by Mars are Masoor bat and deer's skin. The deity of Mars is I-ord Hanuman who should be devotedly worshipped and the Prasadam oJ



Hanumarlt should be eaten.

Mercury If Mercury proves evil to any person, in order to protect htmself from the harm done by Mercury's allliction, he should bum counes (dr$) and the ashes should be throurn in a river on the same day. (The canals etc. originating from a river should be treated as a rivr for this purpose). Another remedial measure is to throw a copper paisa with hole tr: it tn the river. The thing to be given in charity is unsplit Moong. To strengthen Mercury, emerald should be worn. According tor alKilnb, the deityof Mercuryis GoddessDurgcl Therefore, Goddess Durga should be devotedly worshipped and the related prayer book should be regularly read. For those for whom Mercury is evil, getting their nose pterced will prove useful. Cleaning of teeth by alum (fum-ft) and worshipping unmarried girls also ward off the troubles caused by an evil Mercury. If the native suffers from any disease on account of the malevolence of Mercury, he should give unsweetened pumpldn (which is used by sweetmeat makers) in charity. Donations may also be made to religious institutions. Mercury ts also propitiated by giving goats in charity. Juplter If Jupiter ts malevolent tn any nativtty, hls eytl effects could be neutraltsed tf each blood relation of the farnily of the na've gives a paisa as offertng in a temple. Jupiter is also propitiated by looking after, watering and worship plng a peepaltree. The things related to Jupiter whtch are to be given in charity, to propitiate him are sallron (+$<) turmeric | (E), dorb, grarn and gold. Though the deity connected with Jupiter is Brahma, but if on account of inauspicious position ofJupiter ln the horoscope, the native is deprived of a son, he should devotedly worshtp Har-i (Efr). Venus If Venus is evtl in a birth chart, his evil effects will be neutralised if the native gives a part of his meal to the cows. He should alsogive in charitya cow and cattle feed. The other



thtrgs connected wlth Venus which could be gtven tn charity are ghee, curd, camphor and white pearl. It will also prove useful if the native makes donations or hi:nself takes up the maintenance of the poor section of the public especially women. The deity of Venus, Qoddese Laksharnt should be devotedly worshipped. Saturn If Saturn is wil in any nativity, it will do good to the native if he throws small balls made of wheat flour to the fish to eat. It also proves beneficial if a part of one's meal is given to the crows. The things connected with Saturn to be given tn charity are black unsplit Urd, iron, oil' leather, stones and things made of iron like oven {Angithl, Chitnts, mustard oil, wine and spirit. The deity of Saturn is Lord Shitnwho should be dwotedly worshiPPed. Rehu To neutraltse the malevolent effects of an sril Rahu, tn a birth-chart,coconut should be thrown to be swept away in barleywith milkand throw a river. Anotherremedyistowash it in running water (of a river or canal). If any person suffers from T\:berCulosis on account of the evil effects of Rahu' he should wash barley wlth cow's urine and keep it in a closed tlrr orboxand at the same time he should clean histeeth with cow's urine. Givin$ in charity of rad-lsh also protects from the evil effect5 of Rahu. Throwing of coal in a river has also been found useful. The things connected with Rahu to be given Il charity are mustard and blue sapphire. These thmgs should be given in charity to a sweeper {,,Btwng\.If Rahu proves evil tn the 8th house, throwing of a counterfeit coin in the river' propitiates Rahu. Ketu It will prove beneficial to feed dogs if Ketu ls wil in any birth chart. Arnongst things to be given in charity to propitiate Ketu. the author of Lal Kitab includes sesamum seeds (trl) also. If the son of the native is not obedient and misbehaves towards him, the native should donate ablanket to atemple'



If there ls any trouble tn the legs or ln urlnatton, the nattve should wear a white thread of pure silk and a silver ring with pearl set in it. The deity of Ketu is Iord Ganeshowho should be dwotedly worshipped. Other Inausplclous events and thelr remedles

Accordtng to the author of Lal Kitorb,Ketu is a signficator of both dog and son. Therefore, if the native's son is in trouble he should feed a dog. The author of this book is of the view that it will be good for the native to have good relations with relatives connected with the l2th house. If that relatiw is dead, any of his thtngs llke clothes, ring etc. should be worn. For example, if Jupiter is ln l2th, the native will pass his nights comfortably as long as his father and grandfather are alive. After their death, the native will pass comfortable nights lf things connected with Jupiter such as daL gram gold etc. are kept by him near his body. Another example given is of Moon in 1lth house. If Moon is so posited, the author of Lal Kitab is of the view that tf the natives'wife gets labour pains, the mother of the nattve should go awayfrom the house and should not see the child for 43 days..The pnnciple behind this advice seems to be that a malefic Moon who is significator of mother, is in the I 1th. She (Moon) will cast her glance on the 5th, thereby harming the child to be delivered. It will, therefore, be advantageous if the mother {signified by Moon) ls removed from the site for the safety of the child. Sfmilarly the view of the author of LaI Kttob is that if Mars is evil tn 9th house the native should look after and maintain his brother's wlfe to ward oII the malevolent elfects of such Mars. (9th house being 7th to 3rd represents brother's wife). If Mars ls in the 2nd, he will aspect the Sth and may make the native childless. But according to the author of LaI Kitab, this will not happen if the native looks after and maintains all the members of his family. Again the author of this book says that if Saturn is in the Sth and the nattue takes up constmctton of house, hts children fill get lnto trouble. The remedy suggested for thls ts to keep things connected with the enemies of Saturn to the west of the ancestral house of the native. The enemies of Saturn are Sun, Moon and Mars. So the things connected with these



planets should be kept or placed as advised by the author' It is also the view of the author of I-al Kttab that wery planet promotes the matters connected with the house 7th to him initiaUy. For orample, if Saturn is in the loth, the matters of the 4th ho,rse like construction of a house will be promoted irritially but as soon as the house is constructed, Saturn will stop his favours. Inausplclous comblnatlons and thelr remedles

(1) Il in any birth chart, Sun be conjoined with Jupiter' and the native suffers from linancial difficulties' he should eat and wear things connected with Jupiter. Saffron should be taken orally and gold ornaments mayhe worn by him to neutralise the evil effects' (Zi tf Sun and Saturn be together in a chart and the native's wife suffers from ill health, he should give in charity cattle feed equal to the weight of hls wife. (3) If Sun and Satumbe together and on account ofgreater strength of Sun, Saturn gets alllicted and things connected with Saturn are gettlng harmed, the Sun may be propitiated by giving in clrarity things connected with Sun. If' however, Sitrrrn Ue stronger andvrctfn to Sun resulting tn loss of gold, honour, ldngdom, eye sight etc.' Saturn may be propitiated by giving in charity things connected with him (such as iron, oil etc). (4) If Sun be conJoined with Rzihu Rahu maybe propitiated by things connected with Ranu (Coal' mustard etc.) may be thrown in the riverlso that they are swept away) at the time of solar eclipse. (5) Again Rahu may be propitiated lf he be conjorned with Moon ana tnings corrnectedwith him may be thrown in a river or running water at the time of lunar eclipse. (6) If Mars and Mercury (Mercury ls the enemy of Mars) be together and there is a break dorvn of the health of the yonnger sister, things connected wtth Mars like brown sugar' ito.y, So"nf etc., may be put lrr Surafu (a ldnd of earthen pitcher) and burled in an isoiated place. specillcally mentloned in any case, all Important:-Unless the re-mediaUobs should be undertaken durtng day time only' that is. between sunrlse and sunset.

Vrrrious kinds oj Alflictions oJ plonets o;nd their con"sequences

What ls Desttny (Pr:orabdh) ?-{ompoundable and non-compoundable slnful deedsInformatlon about the nature of Sun, Moon and other planets and consequentlal evll effects of thelr affllctlons-suttable remedlal measures :
Good or bad deeds which we are doir now and will do in future, have no connection with the birth-chart. We will mostly suffer the consequences of such deeds in our next birth. According to Shosbas, the happenings in our present life are connected with what we did in our previous birth. It ls for thls reason that many a person leading a very sinful life are happy and very well to do. Such people are reaping the good results of thetr good deeds in their previous birth and will reap the bad results of sinful life now in their nexr birth. Confirming thtsVarahamihirasays in Bnthal Jatak.

ffi*si6fuIFffi'n-qt sdftfd"X4qiveTR {trs {fr sq'ffi


This means that according to some, the word dr<r (hora) ts simply an abbreviation of 3rftr-{ (a}rlratrol) got by the cancellation of the first and last letters. Whatever has been acquired by his person through his Kormc-whethergood or bad-done in previous births, the hora now reveals its fruition or effects (Horameans Jgoftsh Shastra-the revelation is in the birth-chart of an individual). The results or effects are oftwo kinds--compoundable and non-compoundable. Bad effectswhich are compoundable can be remedied by prayer's, charity, recitation of mantras, wearing of gems etc., but the non-compoundable ones will



never respond to arry ktnd of remedlal measures and we wtll have to fully bear the results of those Karmas' 'strq{qtq frtrdf Ufi g:ng{ | Thls means the results of Karmas of the previous birth good or bad have to which are non-compoundable-whether be borne. The results of compoundable andnon-compoundable stnful in thetr own deeds manifest themselves in the birth-charts '4' i'e' Cancer is sign the way. Suppose in a birth-chart aspected & conjoined bymalefics like Mars or Saturn etc' and the lord of Caricer, the Moon is under similar evil influence. In this way the house in the chart with cancer as its sign and l6rd of th; 4th sign are under the inlluence of malefics by aspect or coniunction. Consequently the limb connected with thi fourth iign ',tir. Cancer, that is lungs, will become diseased. Thus-, if aJlvlz'the 4th sign, Moon, the fourth house and the lord of the 4th house are allltcted, the disease will be incurable. But if one, two or three of these are conjoined or aspected bv benefic, there will be a ray of hope that the diseased limb t ou ld be cured by medical treatment and other measures for propitiating the planets responsible for the_evil effects. The intention to mention this is that it is possible to lorow by examining a birth-chart whether a partlcular allliction is rernediable or not. The question arises that if we have no freedom to avert the results-of certain Karmas,why shouldwe resort to recitation of mantras or other remedial measures. This way of thinking is not correct. Man is freq to do whatever he likes. similarly Godandlaw,maygivehimpunishmentforhtscriminar actions. The fact is that man has freedom but it is not absolute. FIeis like two cows-one of whom has a rope round her neck of 1Ovards length and the other is bound by a rope of 5o yards tengttr"both'arbfree'lOLo grazi but the frqedom of yards and 5O yards. Thus both is limited to a distanci of while the other man has more extent one man is free to some we see in the world. The what is This former. freedom than the hT efforts not give should nlan a is that meaning of all this "P of set kinds other is fgcing or health ill from if he is Jrff..itrg measures remedial of help take F{e should life. his backs in for whtch guidance is being given in this book but how far



he wtll succeed and what partlcular remedlal measures he should adopt, wtll be tndtcated by hts btrth-chart. There arefour secttonsof a blrth-chart vtz., planets, stgns, constellations and houses. Amongst the most prominent are the planets as the analysis of the signs, consetellations and houses ls done through the planets who ou'n them. For example the sign Cancer indtcates that it is owned by Moon. givesits effectsthrough its lord Sun. The l{rltdlr.laconstelliation only wlth reference to thetr Slmllarly houses can be ercamined lords and slgniftcators who are planets. All thts leads us to the concluston that Xr analyslng a blrth-chart. the planets should recelvemdn conslderatlon.We gtve,therefore, l:r the following paragraphs some rmportant details about planels whose positlon ln the horoscopemay causegood results ltke Joy,happlness, gatn of wealth or evtl results like loss ofwealth and health, accidents, set backs in career etc. These would enable us to adopt approprlate reirredlal measures ln the event of tnauspiclous effects. SI'N Sun: Eyes-Sun betng source of ltght represents eye.The Moon who recelves light of the Sun dtstrtbutes tt further. Moon, therefore, also represents eye. In the blrth-chart the 2nd and l2th houses represent the two eyes.Therefore, the problem of eye-slght, bltndness etc., should be examined wtth referenceto the 2nd and l2th houses, thelr lords, Sun and Moon (SeeBlrth Chart No. I tn the next chapter) account of his large slze, heat Sun-Strfe andfrlctlort4t sun creates and llght, the Sunbecomesintolerable.Therefore, trlctlon with the relatlve representedby the house in which he ls posited, espectallywhen he is assistedby Saturn and Rahu. For example if Sun is ln the 7th house tn the sign Caprlcorn, he createsfrictton wtth the married partner. (See B.C. No. 2). Sun: FIreSun representsftre. So do Mars and Ketu in a btrth-chart. Similarly the lst, Sth and 9th houses represent flre. Therefore, when Sun, Mars and Ketu, the lords of the signs occupied by them, and lords of the lst, Sth and gth, onthe body of the native,that is, onthe *ert their inJluence



Ascendant, lord of Ascendant and the lord of the slgn occuptedby Sun, by conJunction or aspect, the body somehow or other gets ttnto contact wlth fire, and lf the inlluence be substantial, the death of the natlve may be througft ftre or electrtclty. Sun: .Etones-If Sun, who already rules orrerbones ln the body, be affllcted in a blrth-chart as lord of the Ascendant, he would fully represent the bones. In such clrcumstances, the native can sulfer from fracture after a fall or acctdent. Sun: Separahrrness-Llke Saturn and Rahu, Sunhas, by himself, a separative qualfty. If he becomes lord of the sign occupied by Saturn or Rahu, he becomesmore powerful to perform hls quality of separattveness, and causes erril effects on the part of body whtch comes under hls inlluence. Sun: Stonactt-If the Sth house, lord of the Sth and the sigp Ico, are afllicted alongwith Sun bymaleflcs ltke Saturn, Mars, etc., the part of the body indtcated by them vlz. stomach gets lnto dtsorder.(SeeB.C. No. 3). Sun: Heart-When Rahu exerts hls inlluence, he does so all of a sudden. Therefore,lf the 5th, lord of the Sth, sign Leo and Sun fall under the evil inlluence of Rahu, the nattve suffers from heart attack (SeeB.C. No. 4). MOON Moon: Eges-The Moonls a slgntflcator of the left eye-+o ts the l2th house. If Moonbecomeslord of the 12th and falls under evil influence, harm comes to left eye. Moon: Wte adlctrbn-Moon ls especially connected with eating and drlnldng-+o are the lords of the 2nd and the Ascendant. When all these planetsfall underthe evil lnlluence or Rahu, who is foul and filthy and a drunkard, the native becomesa liquor-adtct or drug-adict (SeeB.C. No. 5). Moon: Ltnacy-The Moon is a significator of mtnd (Manaskarakd. She also rules over emotions.The 4th house of a birth chart also signifies emotions. Similarly Mercury and lst and Sth signi$brain powerand intellect. Therefore,if the lst, 4th and the Sth, their lords, Moon and Mercury fall under



the malevolent tnfluence of maleflcs, the nailve becomes a lunatlc. Moon: Epilepsg-hr eptlepsythe mtnd ls suddenly attacked by a ldnd of phobla. Phobla ts also a kArd of emoilon. Therefore,Moon ls the signiflcator of this afflicilon. Epilepsy ls causedby the evil lnlluence of Rahu on Moon. (SeeB.C. 6). Moon: AsthmeForthts diseaseboth lUercury and Moon have to be taken lnto account. Mercury ts the signiflcator of breathing and the Moon of blood. When Mercury, his sign Gemintand Moon all three are alllicted, particularlyby Rahu and Saturn, thls diseasets born. (SeeB.C. 7). Moon: Lung-Lungs are the fourth part of Kalapurustta. When the 4th slgnvlz. Cancer,its lord Mmn, the fourth house and its lord are afllicted, the nattue suffers fromT\rberculosls. and other lung dlseases. Moon: Drowning-ll1e Ascendant, lts lord, the 8th house and its lord, and the inlluences fallirngon them, tndicate the manner of death. When they have the evil lnlluence of a watery planet, the nattve dies by drowning. Moon: Leprosg-Moon and Mars are the main slgniflcators of thts diesease. Moon ls karaka for blood and Mars represents both blmd and muscles. Mercury represents sldn. The natlve suffers fnom thts disease f these three planets are under the evil lnfluence of Saturn and Rahu (SeeB.C. Z). Moon: Rerusrclatiort-lnrenunciailon tt ts lnevttable to have a sense of detachment tn the mIrd. While Moon ls mind, Saturn ls stgnfiIcator of renunciation and detachment. If the 4th house, its lord and Moon are under the inlluence of Saturn, the native acqulres a sense of detachment. And if the 2nd house (family-kufumba and wealth), 4th (domesilclt5r), and the 12th house are afflicted by planets of separatveness, vlz., Sun, Satum and Rahu the detatched person becomes (SeeB.C. No. 9)an ascetlc (Scngras0. Moon: Wealtl*lf ln any btrth-chart, the Ascendant ts strong, that ls, the Ascendant be aspected by its lord and benellcs and the lord of the Ascendant be also ln conJunction wlth oraspectedbybeneflcs, ...andthe house tn whlch Moon


ls poslted (Chandra W&a) be aspectedby benefics and tts lord, the nattve becomes tmmensely rich. MARS by nature ts a llery and vlolent Mars: Vtolentnahr*Mars planet.When he becomeslord of the 6th and 1lth ln a nativity and alsois lord of th sign occuptedby Ketu' htsviolent nature wlll becomemore pronounced. lf such a Mars exerts hts lnlluence on mind, that ls, the 4th house, its lord and Moon' the native becomesso violent that he may not hesltate even to commlt a murder. Mars: In debilttotion-4i,seoses oJ chest-Mars gets directional strength in the l0th house. Therefore' in 7th to toth, i.e.,4th house Marsbecomesdevoidof any directlonal strength. If Mars be in his sign of debilition, viz, Cancer, and be posited in the 4th house wtthout counjunction with or aspectby beneflcs, he will do harm to the flrst and 4th houses of the chest, like and the native wlllbecome proneto dtseases Tlrberculosis. its lord and the Mars: Mwder oJttenatil:*TheAscendant' 8th house and its lord indicate the manner of death of the native. If these houses and thelr lord fall under the evtl lnlluence of Mars, espectally of that Mars who is lord of the 6th and I lth and of the house occupled by Ketu' the natlve ts Ulrcly to be murdered. lf,ars: A tluurtor u;otttt&-Mars lores vtolence. Any part whtch recelveshls wll lnfluence gets hurt orwounded. Ketu ls slmllar to Mars in thls respect.'In the bfrth chart the 6th h ouse signifles hu rt (accordrngto Bhotnth Bl:o;rnmTtreory). Ttrerefore, when Mars, Ketu and the lords of signs occupied by Mars, of Ketu and the lords of the 6th and l lth, cast thetr evtl tnlluence on any house and its lord' the part of the body represented by that house gets hurt or wounded. Uars: FIr*Mars ls a ftery planet like Sun and Ketu. The body is stgnified bry the Ascendant' its lord and Moon lCtrandralagna) and its lord and lords of the si$ns occupied by the lord of the Ascendant and Moon slgn. Therefore, wlten Sun, MarsorKetu andthe lordsof the signsoctupredbythem



cast thelr eyll lnfluence on the houses and planets :epresenttng body, the nattve gets burnt by some means. StncetheAscendant ltke the 8th house indicates the manner of death, gettIxg burnt may lead to death. Mars: Hgdrxel*-t,lIars ls connected wtth the head as well as testlcles becausehe ls the lord of 8th stgn Scorpio. When the 8th house" its lord, the slgn Scorploand Mars fall under the evtl inlluence of maleflcs ltke Saturn and Rahu, and watery lnlluence be there (e.g. the 8th house or tts lord be in a watery stsn), the native sulfers from hydrocete, MERCTTRY Mercur5r: Short lf+Mercury ls a Kumar (very youfig). When Mercury and Moon (stgnficator of tnfancy) are badly allllcted, the natlve is Lkely to die tn tnfancy wen though an e>ltedor retrqgrade Juplter ma1r be aspectingthe Ascendant. Mercur5r: Kldrugs--'Itre Maln ffikuta srgn of Mercury is Virgo whtch represents lddneys. When the sign Virgo, 6th house, tts lord and Mercury be affltcted, (particularly when such a situation arises both from the Ascendant and Cttandra Iagna), the Ktdneysgetdlseased andmayhavetobe removed JI'PITER Juplter: Weak brain pwr.-},Jthough Jupiter ls a great beneftc and becomesa stronger benefic when retrograde, lf he, eislord of theAscendant, falls underfive evtl fifluences, hls beneftc qualittes urill be supersededand subdued. Such a Jupiter wlll be constderedas a weak lord of the Ascendant and the natlve will sulfer from weak brain power. Such a person will have retarded growth (SeeB.C. No. fO). Juplter; Flahienc*Jupiter ls connected urtth stomach. Dlgestion is very much dependent on htm. If Juptter" alongwith the lord of the Sth" falls under the evil tnlluence of Satum, the native wtll sufferfrom flatulence (gastrouble)" (SeeB.C. No. I l). Juplter: Childlessness-If tn any natively, Mars be in the 2nd and Saturn in 3rd (they will be aspectingthe Sth), they will have enough power to prevent conception or to cause



abortton. But tf alongurlth such dlspositlon, the lords of the 5th and 9th and Jupiter be also afllicted, the native can never hope to get a child. (SeeB.C. No. r2). Juplter: Manlngts oJ a glrHlupiter promotes the house where he ls posited. But tf he gets affllcted he tnflicts harm to that house with a vengeanceeven f he be a stgnificator of that house. (SeeB.C. No. 13). Juplter: DeaJ--Iupiter ls significator of hearin$. When he ts lord of the 3rd or l lth, he fully represents the ears. If Jupiter be alllicted and 3rd or llth be also under evll lnlluence, the native becomesdeaf. Juplter: Iiuq touble--When the Sth, lord of the Sth and Juplter be afflicted, the natlve sufiers from liver dlsorders. VENUS Venug: Yqakarala but weak-Wen lf a planet be a gqakarkabei:rg lord of a quadrant or trlne, tf he falls under a strong malwolent lnlluence, he, lnstead of giving wealth and prosperity, makes the nattve banlcupt. Venus: Utertne colrrcq-If Venus be lord of 7th from the Moon and be ln the 7th from the Ascendant and be aflltcted by a number of maleflcs, the natlve lf a woman suffers from uterlne cancer. The same would be the effect lf the planet ts lord of the 7th from the Ascendant and ts ln the 7th from Moon and ls badly afflicted. SATI'RN Satum: CoUc Wtr*-Saturn and Rahu are habttual patrt gvers. If the three LagnasvV,the Wna" Chandralagnaand Surgc Wna(theAscendant, Moon sign and Sun stgn) and their lords be under the e\ril lnlluence of Saturn and Rahu, the nattve suffers from severecoltc paires.There ls ltkelthood of paln ire other parts of the body also (SeeB.C. No. f4). Saturn ln 8th: Short llf*lt is generally believed (and it ts so stared in a number of classical texts parttcularly Bfurucrth Rottokor) that Saturn ln the 8th gtveslong life. This happens only if Saturn ls in 8th ln hls own sign, tn slgn of oraltation



or in a filendly sign. If Saturn be in the 8th in an enemy sign, especially as betng lord of a sign occupted by Mars, the native will be short lived. (See. B.C. No. l4). Saturn: Educatirl*^I}:^e 2nd and 4th houses ln a nativtty deal with education. If these houses or their lords get alllicted, the native takes no lnterest in getting educated. (See B.C. No. r5). Saturn: Clvonic dtsease*When Saturn and Rahu are cause of a disease. it tends to become chronic. RAHU: Leprosg-Pa}ru is a great malefic and is a foul and filthy planet. When his wil inlluence falls on the Ascendant, Moon sign, Sun sign and the 4th house, the native suffers from leprosy. Rahu: Indebtedness-Like Saturn, Rahu also signifies scantiness and scarcity. When his wil influence falls on wealth-giving parts of the birth-chart, the native becomes indebted. (See B.C. No. I6). IEIU-Like Mars Ketu ts a flery planet. He emits fire in his He aspect. becomes more fiery if there is inlluence on him of flery planets like Mars and Sun. Note-Thls chapter should be read alongwith chapter II.

I Remedial Measures
Illustrated through Birth-charts
Blrth-chart No. I The second house is the Lagna slgnificator of right eYe. Sun Mars Moon Sun Merc. is also significator of rigttt Venus malefic weak, ls Moon eye. Jupiter and harmful because of the Rahu Sat. folloulng reasons(a) It ls a wanlng Moon (within 72 degrees of Ketu Sun). [b) She ls tn r2th to her own house, the 3rd. (c) Moon is lord of the si$n occupied by Rahu. (d) She ls hemmed in between two malefics Mars and Rahu' The second house is also hemmed ln between Mars and Rahu. The lord of 2nd is in 1 lth tn his stgn of debilitation and ts also hemmed in between Sun and Saturn. Sun. the slgniflcator of right eye though exalted' is in the 12th riom thi Ascendant and is aspected by a powerful Saturn. Further saturn is also lord of the sign occupied by Ketu and he carries with him the malefic influence of Ketu also. In these clrcumstances the significations of the rtght eye are badly damaged. Now let us take the left eye. 12th house and Moon are significators of left eye. We have already discussed the position of Moon. The f2th house is aspected by Saturn carrying with him the influence of Ketu. The lord of the l2th Mars ishemmed tn between Sun and malelic Moon. Mars ls assoclated with Venus, in his own sign, and Jupiter. Thls



apparently looks good but Jupiter ts lord of 8th (where his Moola t'ikona sign falls). Mars is also aspected by Ketu and is in Kendrato Satum. Thus the significations of the left eye are also damaged. The result of all these dispositions of the left eye are.also damaged. The result of all these dispositions was that the native became blind at the age of three. The assoclation of Mars with two natural benefics in the Ascendant only prevented his being bornblind. It is possible that lf Mars was strengthened before he became blind, he might have retained some sight. Here the malefic influences are so predominant that other remedial measures would not be of much help. Birth Chart No. 2 Born on 29-f1-1943Balance of Ratru Daslu at birth 3 years one month and 4 days. Venus This ts the btrth-chart of a Ketu



lady who was married at the Sun Rahu age of 30. Only a few months Mercur after mariage, the husband Moon started quarrelling with her Mars and ill treating her although theygot a son. The ladyis living separatelyfrom herhusband slnce then and ls with her parents. The husband was repeatedly advised to give up his present attitude and k_eep his wife with him; but he refused to do so. The main reason for the friction between the couple is the presence of Sun in the 7th in an enemy sign. He has become more malefic to destrcy the married life because he is lord of the sign occupied by Rahu. The 7th house is also hemmed in between Mars and Ketu. The lord of 7th is also hemmed in between Rahu and Mars-their aspects (Rahu aspects the t2th from Saturn and Mars aspects the 2nd from him). From the Chandra Logna the lord of the 7th Mars is aspegted by Rahu but Jupiter also aspects Mars. This is the only ray of hope. The remedial measures which should be adopted in this case are(a) The lady should wear a gold ring with yellow sapphire ln it to strengthen Jupiter.



h) Saturn and Sun who are responsible for destroyxrg the conJugal relations should be propitiated by prayers to their aeiiieJ, by giving in charity things connected with them and by reciting regularly their mantras. Blrth Chart No. 3 The native of this chartwas born on 27.1.1919 and he died on f .4. f 964-Balance of 7 Jupiters Daso at birthyears 7 months. Ketu Jupiter
Mars Venus

Saturn Sun The native of this chart was suffering from ulcer in the Moon I-agPa stornach which ultimatelY Mercury Rahu - --- I | | t I proved to be the cause of his his in 5th placed in the death. It wiil be seen that Sun is enemy's sign. Sun is lord of 8th from the Sth and of the l2th from theascendant. Ketu aspects the Sun and the Sth house' Its Ketu ts aspected by Mars and saturn his aspect carries the malevolence of Mars and Saturn also. Thus Sun and the Sth house are very badly alllicted. The Sth sign, viz', l.eo is no less afllicted. It is occupied by Saturn and aspected by Mars. It is also aspected by Venus but Venus is lord of the sign (house) occupied by Ketu. Therefore, his aspect ls also ad-.' lord of the Sth is Saturn who is posited ln the 8th to the Sth ln an inimical slgn, and is aspected by Mars andVenus, both carrying evil influence. It will thus be noted that the Sth house, lord of the Sth, the Sth sign and its lord, are all under malefice lnfluence. All of them represent the stomach. Therefore, a serious disease of the stomach was tnevitable and it tookthe form of an incurable ulcer. The only slight mitgating factorwas of Jupiter's benefic inJluence on bolh sides of Sth (by aspect to the 4th and 6th). If Jupiter had been strengthened and saturn propitiated, the suffering and pains might have become lesser; but in the face of so many malefic inlluences complete cure was not possible'

Incidentally the chart does not indicate long life for the naUve.TheAscendant, lord of theAscendant, Sun and Moon' the lord of 8th house and Ayushkarako (significator of



longevlty) are all alflicted. The Ascendant ts aspected by malefics Mars and Ketu. Lord of the Ascendant Mercury is hemmed ln between Rahu and Sun. Sun's and Saturn's afllictions we have alredy discussed. Moon is afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. The 8th house is hemmed in between Rahu (by aspect to the 7th) and Ketu who is in the gth. Lord of the 8th Mars is aspected by Saturn and Conjoined with Venus who holds the evil influence of Ketu. All these wil inlluences lndicate su{fering, continued illness and short life. But for Jupiter in Kendrato the Ascendant the native might have died tn his infancy. Btrth Chart No. 4 This birth-chart is of a native who sullered a heart attack (cardiac arrest). Here, the main mischief maker is Ketu who attacks suddenly. As we have already mentioned, Rahu and Ketu possess also the Sth and 9th aspects. In this birth-chart Ketu aspects the 5th house and its lord Mars who is there in his own sign. Ketu also aspects Sun who is in the gth in his own sign Leo. Thus, Ketu aspects the 5th house and its lord and 5th sign l-eo and its lord Sun. Saturn also aspects the Sth house and lts lord. From Ctwtdra Wna" the 5th house is occupied by Rahu, and the lord of this house, Mercury, is under the evil lnlluences of Rahu, Ketu,.Saturn, Mars and Sun.(Rahu is in l2th to Mercury and Ketu aspects 2nd to htm). Therefore, the Sth limb of Kaln pwusha, heart became a victim of not only Rahu and Ketu; but other malefic inlluences too. The aspect of Jupiter on Mercury, the lord of the Sth frorn Chandra Wno. is a very weak mitigating factor because Jupiter ls lord of the sign (house) occupied by Ketu and his aspect carrieswith it the poison of Ketu. He is also debilitated. If the following remedial measures had been taken the heart attack might have been avoided:(l) Strengthening of Sun and Mars bywearing rings of gold



set with ruby and red coral. (2) Propitiation of Ketu by worshlping lrrd Ganesh and by offering food to dogs and by recittng manttrls connected with Ketu. (3) Propitiation of Saturn by gturng tn chartty thlngs connected urlth Saturn and by recitlng his mantras. These measures can sttll prove effective for protection from future attacks. Blrth Chart No. 5 This ls the birth chart of a Ketu Juplter drunkard (liquor adict) who had been drinking for the last Moon 35 years. This is because lord Mercury Venus of the Ascendant Mercury, Sun lord of the 2nd Venus and Saturn Moonwho are significators of are eattng and drinldng Rahu Mars Lagna aspected by Rahu. Rahu has given the watery Moon and Watery Venus the form of liquor. Rahu hlmself ts tn a watery si$n. Rahu similarly affects the Chondro lagno and its lord Moon. The lord of the 2nd to Chandra I'ogna Sun is alfucted by Saturn. Thus all stgniflcators of eatlng and drintrrlng are under alllictton' The only ray of light in the darkness ls the aspect of Juptter on the 2nd from Ascendant. The remedlal measures to protect the nattve from hls adlctlon are :(a) Strengthening ofJupiterbywearln$by the nattve a gold rlng set with yellow sapphtre and eating thfngs like sallron. (b) Propittatlon of Rahu by offering prayers to reciting mantras corurected wtth Rahu and by giving in charity things relating to Rahu. NCId ls the blrth-chart of a person who suffers from eptlepsy. This disease had been caused by the afflicUon of Moon who is a significator of mind (/ffanaskarako). Moon ls lord of the 4th which also signifies rnind, and is aspected not only by


131 Bfrth Chart No. 6


Mars and Ketu, but also by Lagna Mercur5l Venus Moon Jupiter Saturnwho is lord of the slgn Saturn occupied by Rahu and carrles Ketu tn his aspect the evll influence of Rahu as well as Mars hls own. The fourth house Rahu from Moon is also affltcted by Saturn by his Placement there. The lord of thls house Mercury is also alllicted by the aspect of Rahu. The remedlal measures necessary to protect the native from this dlsease are:(a) Strengthening Moon by wearrng a silver rtng set with a whtte pearl by the native. [b) Propttiatlrqg RAhu and Ketu by offertng prayers to Bl.orirouji and lord Ganesh and by gfdng in charity things connected with them. Blrth Chart No. 7

Moon This is the btrth-chart of a Venus L,agna Ketu person who is suffering from asthma. The Ascendant ls Sun Cemini and therefore its lord Saturn Mercury is a significator of organs. Mercury the respiratory to the is in the 8th Mercury is by Jupiter Rahu Mars aspected Ascendant and the evil Ketu Ketu. contains lnlluence of Mars also, as he is aspected by the latter. Mercuary is also aspected by Mars. Mars has the evil inlluence of Rahu also, as he is lord of the si$n occupied by Rahu. At the same time Mars being the lord of the 6th and l lth causes disease.The 3rd from Chandralagnais aspected by Rahu. The lord of 3rd Moon is aspected by Mars (who as



satd above has the evtl lnlluence of Rahu Xx hlm). Ttrus both MercuryandMoon are undere<tenslve evil lnlluence of Rahu, maklng the nattve a vtcttm of troublesome disease like asthma. Apart from proper medical treatment, the remedial measures whtch would help the natlve ar* (a) Strengthening Mercury by the native weartng a sllver ring set with emerald. h) Propftiation of Rahu by offertng prayer to BtntrauJl" recitlng rnanfas of Rahu, feeding lepers and giving ln charity thfngs like mustard, coal etc. connected wtth Rahu. As the Ascendant ls aspected byJupiter, there ts hope for recovery. We would have recommended strengthening Jupiter by the native bywearing ayellowsapphtre in agold ringbut this gem cannot be worn alongwith ernerald. The native if not satisfied with the aelopathic, ayurvedlc and other treahnents, he can take help from gem therapy descrlbed in detail Ir ChapterVl. Blrth Chart No. 8 Thls ls the birth-chart of a very learned gentleman who Jupiter Ketu suffered from leprosy in his posited irt Moon is later age. Sun Merc. t}:e Lagnalnthe stgn of Mars. Therefore, Mars who is lord of Venus the Ingno ls not only a Saturn of blood by stgntflcator I-agna himself but also because he Rahu Mars Moon is lord of the sign occupted by Moon (who ls also a slgnificator of blood). Mars has thus become a full representative of blood. Such Mars is in the l2th to the Lognaofwhich he is the lord and is aspected by a strong Saturn. Thus the Mars so afllicted pollutes the blood. On the other hand Mercurywho ts signlllcator of skin is also alllicted by the aspect of Saturn. These factors were the cause of the native suffering from leprosy. The trouble came only in the later stage of life possiblybecause of the aspect ofJupiter on Moon. If the native had worn yellow sapphire and red coral in gold fing from the early stages of life and propitiated 6aturn, he might not have been inllicted with this disease.



kprosy upto a certatn stage ts curable now and tf the medlcal advisers of the nattue give him a hope of curtng the dtsease, the above remedial measures will definfte$ help hlm. He can also take advantage of gem therapy (See chapler VI).

Btrth Chart No. 9

This chart ts of Stoami Viuekanand. He was a Mars Ketu disciple of Ramakrishna Pararnltrrnl.s and became an ascetic inyoung age. It will be seen that the fourth house Sun Mars signiffhg mind and Moon, (the slgnificator of rnind) are Venus both under the influence of Lagna Rahu Jupiter Moon Saturn Saturn who gives a person a sense of detachment from worldly desrres. The lord of the 4th Jupiter is not only hemmed in between Saturn and Rahu. he .lro aspected by Mars who is lord of sign occupied by Rahu. ! Jupiter ls also lord of the 4th from Ctnrtdral-agna el, coming under the influence of Rahu (through Mars) and Siturn (by aspect) he created a sense of detachment fromworldlydesires tn the mind of Su.ramyl Under such clrcumstances a person iecomes a complete ascetic. As Jupiter is lord of 4th from both the ascendant and the Moon sign, he is a full representative ofthe house, land, residence etc. The inlluence oisaturn and Rahu' made him leave hts house. similarly the tnlluence of Saturn and Rahu on the l2th house gave Suamgifreedom from worldly comforts and luxuries. rhe 2nd house which is a significator of family (Kuhtmba) is aspected by Ketu. This separated him from his famity. The placement of Mercury, lord of the sign occupied by Saturn and sun in that house also created similar effect. Venus, lord of the sign occupied by Ketu, fortified the quantum of separativeness. All these elements encouraged Stuamr Viuekanand to become an ascetic in the real term. the alfliction of the lord of l-agan dtd not give him a long life but he won aclaim wherever he went and by his intellectual and spirtiual pursuits his name has become immortal. The question of remedial measures does not arise in this case.



Blrth Chart No. 1O This ls the blrth-chart of a retarded child. FIis brairt I-a$na Merc. Moon Venus power ts very weak causlng Sun Saturn Mars retardation ln his intellectual growth. The lord of the Rahu Asctndant Jupiter |lsaI 8th Xl an lnimical sign and ls Ketu aspected by Rahu. JuPiter is Jupiter also aspected bY Saturn (a (R) I tr.' I I I I malefic by himselfl who is evil the acquirtng lord of the sign occupied by Rahu' thus inJluence of Rahu also. Mercury and Venus also aspect Jupiter. These two planets are natural benefics but Venus ls a functional malefic being lord of 3rd and 8th. He has also become malefic by being lord of the sign occupicd by two malefics-Mars and waning Moon (who is wtthin 72 degrees of Sun). Mercury has become malefic because of his assoclation with maleftcs. Thus Jupiter comes under the lnfluence of fourmalefics: Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Rahu apart from his beingi in the 8th as lord of the Ascendant tn itti-ical sign. Such strong allliction of the lord of the "n Ascendant became the cause of retardation of intellectual grol rth in the natlve. The remedial measures to be adopted in this case are{a) Strengthening of Jupiter by the natlve wearing a ring of gold with yellow sapphire set tn it. of Rahu and Saturn ln the manner h) ttopitiatlon described earller.

Blrth Chart No. 11

This ls the chart of a Person who suffered from flatulence (gas trouble) for more than twenty years. It will be seen that the lord of the sth Mercury and the Karakofor the Sth Jupiter are Placed together in the 1lth house. Jupiter is lord of the 5th from Moon also. Venus is lord of
Mars Lagna Rahu Moon

Ketu Sun Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn



Sth from SurglcrWna. All these planets who are connected wtth the stomach are aspected by Saturn (who rs powerful on account of betng exalted). Saturn has become more evll as he is lord of the slgn occupied by Sun and Ketu. Saturn slgniftes wtnd. Therefore, his evil inlluence on the planets connected wtth stomach caused gas trouble. Saturn causes dlseases whtch become chronic. Therefore, the trouble lasted for a very long tlme. Renedl,al measures are(a) Strengthening Jupiter by the native by weartng a rl:rg of gold set with yellow sapphire. We have selected Jupiter beCause he is Karaka of Sth from the Ascendant and lord-of the 5th lrom Chandra Logna. [b) Propitiattng Saturn in the manner described earlier, Btrth Chart No. 12 This ts the chart of a person Sun who is childless. His wife did Mars Saturn VIercury Rahu will It be at all. not conceive Moon seen that lord of Sth being in I-agna Venus hts own sign aspected bY Santanakorakcq has been of no avail. The reason for thls is that the Sth house and the Jup. lord of 5th are aspected by Ketu Mars and Saturn who is associated with Rahu (and carries with him his evil influence). The 9th house andJupiter are also aspected by Mars, Saturn and Rahu. Jupiter is further afflicted by association with Ketu. The lord of the 9th is in the 6th. All these dispositions have caused childlessness. The evil inlluences are so strong that no remedial measures can help the native' Unfortunately his wife's birth details are not available, so it was not possible to know whether there was any miti$atin$ factors there for the adopting of some remedial measures. The native of the above horoscope also consulted Bhrigu Samhita according to which he was not likely to get any child neither in this birth nor in the next. Thus Btvigu Samhtta confirms. our conclusions.



Blrth Chart No. 13 The natlve of this chart is a lady who was married at the Saturn Ketu age of 36. Apparently with Jupiter in the 7th it was Jupiter Moon unthinkable that the marriage of the native could Iagna be delayed. Aclose e&rminaSun tion of the chart shows Mars Venus Rahu following alllictions of 7th Merc, house and its lord Saturn:, (1) 7th house and Jupiter are aspected by Rahu. , (2) Jupiter is lord of the sign occupied by Sun, Mercury and Mars all malefics and is, therefore, under their wil inJluence. (3) Lord of the 7th is in the 8th is aspected by Mars and is hemmed in between Rahu (by aspect on the 7th) and Ketu in the 9th. (4) D<changes between lord of 7th and 8th. Fromthe Ctwrdralagnaalso lord of the 7th is Saturn and is aspected by Mars. Jupiter (Karaka for husband in a female's horoscope) is in the Bth and is aspected by Rahu and lord of 7th is hemmed in between Rahu and Ketu. The adverse disposition was the cause of delay in the marriage. If the lady had worn a yellow sapphire in a gold ring when she had reached the marriageable age and propitiated Rahu and Saturn, there was possibility of the marriage being expedited. Btrth Chart No. 14 This is the chart of a person who frequently suffered from Jupiter colic pains. Here Venus is lord of the Ascendant as well as Clwndra Logna. He is conJoined with Mercury. Mercury is lord of the signs occupied by Rahu and Saturn. Thus Mercury is Mars Ketu casting inlluence of Rahu

lagna Moon

Rahu Merc. Venus Saturn Sun



and Satum on the lord of the Ascendant xd ChafuralagnaThe coltc pain is felt in the intesUnes. The 6th house (lntestlnes) is aspected by Rahu (who carries with htm the ewil influence of Saturn also who aspects Rahu). The lord of the 6th Venus, already stated, is under the malefic inlluence of Rahu and Saturn. The aspect of Jupiter on Venus, the Sth has not proved helpful as he ts also the lord of sign occupted by Mars and Ketu. Jupiter is also aspected by Mars. ttrus he hasbecome doublyalflicted. The colic painrs inthe intestines because of the affliction of the 6th house and its lord Venus. The remedial measures which could help tn this case arF (a) Wearing of diamond in a silver rtng to strengr_hen Venus, lord of the Ascendant and the 6th. (b) Propitiation of Saturn and Rahu. Blrth Chart No. 15 This is the chart of a boy who takes no lnterest in hts Rahu Moon studies and is, therefore, not Jup' progressing at all. Education is mainly dealt with by the 4th house though the 2nd Sun house has also some say in Merc. the matter. It \Mill be seen Mars Lagna Saturn that lord of the 4th Saturn is Ketu ln 12th associated with Venus malefics Sun, Mercury and Ketu. Ketu also aspects the 4th house. Jupiter, the Karakafor educaUon, though well placed, is aspected by Mars and is hemmed between Ketu (by his aspect on the th) and Rahu in the 6th. The 2nd house fares no better. The house and its lord Mars are aspected by Rahu and saturn. These evil inJluences have alrected the piogress in studies of the boy. His indifference to his studies could also be attributed to aflliction of Moon (mind)byMars and Saturn (by aspect). We would recommend the following remedial measures in this case. (a) Wearfng of a blue sapphire in a steel ring. As blue sapphire is too costly for a small boy to wear, an amethyst of dark violet colour will serve the purpose in view. This will



strengthen Saturn, lord of the 4th (educatlon), and 5th (intelltgence). (b) Propittation of Rahu, Ketu and Saturn tn the manner already described earller. Blrth Chart No. 16 This is the chart of a Person I-agna who was irrvolved in debts in Sat Mars Me. his of the earlier stages This is due to the affliction of Moon Ketu the 2nd house (the house of Jup. wealth). The lord of the 2nd is Sun house of Rahu Merc. tn the 6th-the lndebtedness. Further, both Venus the 2nd house and its lord Rahu. bY Venus are aspected Saturn, who is lord of the sign occupted by Rahu' also aspects both the 2nd house and its lrod. In these circumstances to get indebted was inwitable. The remedial measures to be taken in such a case are: (1) Wearing a diamond in a sllver rtngto strengf'henVenus' (2) Propitiating of Saturn described earlier. and Rahu tn the manner


Consideration of the T[telue .Elonses in the context of Remedial Measures

If;orko;firtas of Sun and other planets tn the of context of remedlal measnres-Lordship various houses by Sun and other planets wftl re ferenc e to different As c endants-Auspicious and inausplclous lnfluences on them-Their results and remedlal measures. SIJN
Sun is Ksttob-igc- Therefore, the one who receives things connected with the Sun in charity should be Kslntrtycu Sun is king, ldngdom or Government. Therefore, if the native is harassed by Government officials, prayers can be offered to Sun and SurgaNamaskarmaybe performed. Sun ls light and therefore, is a significator of eyesight. If Sun is alllicted in a nattvity causlng trouble to eyes' the Sun should be strengthened. This is done bywearing a ruby in a gold mixed with copper rtng. Sun ls significator of heart. If in any nativity, there is evil i:rlluence of Rahu on Sun or his sign Iro' there is possibility of a heart attack' particularly when the Sth house and the lord of the Sth be also underthe inlluence of Rahur..In such a situation the Sun is to be strengthened and Rahu is to be ProPitiated. For the propitiation of planets the basic rule is that the planet who is the recepient of evil influence should be strengthened bywearing the gem connected with him and the planet who is the cause of trouble should be propitiated by prayers, recitation of appropriate mantras, fasting, giving things connceted with such planet incharity etc. Suppose in a birth charl Sun is posited in the 2nd house in an inimical



sign and Mars from the l lth is aspecttng htm. In such circumstances Sun wtll be the alllicted planet and Mars wlll be the planet responsible for Sun's aflllction. The Sun will be requlred to be strengthened by the native weaflng a ruby in a gold rtngl and Mars is to be propitiated ln tiie manner described already. Sun is fire. If Sun along wtth Mars etc., aflltcts the Ascendant or Chstdro Wna" it will be necessary to proptttate the planets causir3g alllication and to strengthen the lords of the Ascendant and Chandrol-ogrt* For example, Pisces ls the Ascendant and Moon is tnvirgo andJupiter andMercury are together ln some sign under the evtl influence of Mars and Ketu or Sun, Mars and Ketu. the native should be advised to strengthenJupiterbywearing ayellow sapphire and Sun, Mars and Ketu should be propitiated. The Sun causes separativeness and disharmony. When Sun is posited in an inimical sign i:n the 7th in any natlvlt5r, he causes disharmony in the married life and separates the husband and wife, especially when there is maleflc influence of Saturn and Rahu who also possess the quality of separativeness, on the 7th or lord of the 7th. In such clrcumstances Sun should be propitiated byfasting, reciting of appropriate mcnhasetc., and the lord of the slgn occupied by Sun, should be strengthened. Sun ls a significator of father. If, as lord of 9th, he ls under the evil influence of Saturn and Rahu, misery ls caused to the father of the native. In such a posttion, Sun will require to be strengthened and Saturn and Rahu will have to be propittated. Sun is the significator of bones. When, as lord of the Ascendant, he is alllicted in 4th house, the native is likely to sufer from fracture. In such a positlon the Sun will be required to be strengthened and the pLanets causing the aflliction will have to be propitiated. Sun, if posited in the Sth, causes harm to the conception. In such circumstances Sun will be required to be propltiated and the lord of the Sth will have to be str-engthened by the native wearing the appropriate gem.




Moon ts the signtflcatorfortnfancy. In the nailviileswhere Moon ts very weak or rs badly affricted, the native dies rn lnfancy. In such circumstances, lt proves useful tf a small Moon made gf silver is put round the neck of the lnfant tn awhite thread. we have also found from experience that the sllver Moon along wtth a small piece of whtte pearl and a small red coral in a white or red thread proves very elfective. Moon is a stgntficator for wealth. When Moon be weak because of nearness to the sun (tf Moon ts wtthin 22 degrees of sun) and be cor{otned with or aspected by maleflcsl the native will be poor. In such circumstances, thi native shourd wear a white pearl tn a silver ring to strengthen the Moon. By doing so the native gets gains of wealth. The lord of the sign_occupied by Moon also becomes the stgnificator for. wealth. He also needs to be strengthened irweitr. If Moon be in Scorpio and the Mars (Lord of this sign)be in debilitation and aspected by saturn, the native should be advrsed to wear a red coral in a silver dng to strengthen both Moon and Mars and to propitiate Saturn. _Mo9n is eye-espectally the left eye. When as lord of the l2th (also stgnillcator of left eye), Moon is affltcted bv Saturn or any other malefics, the left eye suffers. In such a iituation the native should be advtsed to wear a pearl ln a silver ring to strengthen the Moon and to propitiate the planets responsible for Moon's allltcailon. When the Moon, as lord of the 4th, is in the gth under the evil inlluence of Rahu, there is possibility of native sufrering from epilepsy. In such a situatton the native should be advised to wear a white pearl in a silver rtng and to propittate Rahu. If the dlsposition of planets in a nativity indicates lunacy and the cause of lunacy be the alllictton of Moon also, the native should be advised to wear a whtte pearl in a silver ring to strengthen the Moon. Moon is alsb strengthened by wearing white clothes and eating of white ediblelhings. The ashes (bholsmas) of pearl are alJo useful'in such cases but they should be taken under the supenrision of an Aguruedic physician. Gem therapy (Chapter VI) could also be taken advantage of in such casea.



If'aslordof4th'Moonfallsunderthee\rtllrrlluenceof would or the lord of 4th and Moon be so alllicted' it -"t.ii"" u,se the Accordingty Moon' the be advantageous to strenghen planets The prove beneflcial. ul'' lvho sily"er,milk etc., "in.-t of allltction should never be strengthened but -iit.'"."se remedial ptopitiut.a in the manner already described' Such troubles' from free native the of make the mother ilri"rrt." of When Moon, as lard of the Sth, be weak on account Mars of lnlluence evil nearness to Sun and falls under the and Mars and and Ketu, the Moon should be strengthened strengthened be should Ketu should be propitiated. Ttre Moon prayers may and ring by the native wiaring a pearl in a silver and a recited be mantras be offered to Mars aia ket", their measure remedial This iu"t *"y be observed on Tuesdays' will prevent the death of children tn infancy' evil If Moon being the lord of the 5th falls under the such under also lnlluence of nahu and Satum and 5th house In evil inlluence, the native will suffer frorn loss of memory' suchacaseMoonwillberequlredtobestrengthenectbyt}e Rahu nattue weartng a pearl ln a silver nng' Saturn and should be ProPitiated. in the When Moon as lord of the A'scendant be in the 6th wftlin ]Z sign Sagittarius, be weak on account of being the AJg...""of the Sun andbe also assoclatedwith amalefic' in n"]ti". will have short life (AlpaAyu)' In such a situation be should order to help in prolongation of life, the native Moon advised to wear a pearl in a silver ring to strengthen Moon afllicts (the lorO of Ascendant) and the planet who should be ProPitiated bY him' of If Moon as the lord of the 8th be weak on account by a nearness to Sun and be conJoined with or aspected she would require to be strengthened' The Normal -", prrnciprethatthelor.dofSthshouldnotbestregthened are not sfrorrta not be applied here as Sun and Moon i'e' house' 8th the of lords are if they considered evil remains Moon If them' to not apply AsthomestnDostudoes weakthenativewillbeinfinancialtroubleandshortlived. white The native should be advised to use pearl' silver'



clothes, milk products and other whlte thlngs to srrcngthen the Moon. The planet or planets causing alllictton should be propitiated.

With Aries as the Ascendant, tts lord Mars is fully representative of the longevity of the natlve as he is lord of the Ascendant and the 8th house. Such Mars, if falls under the evil inlluence of Saturn and Rahu, he becomes cause of short lfe. It is, therefore, necessary to strengthen Mars to prolong the life of the native by advising the native to wear a red coral in gold or copper ring and to propitiate the planet alllicting Mars in the prescribed manner. If Scorpio be the ascendant, Mars will be fully representailve of blood. If such Mars be alflicted by conjuction or aspect by Saturn, Rahu etc, the native will suffer from the ill effects of pollution of blood. For puri$tng the blood, the native should strengthen Mars by wearing coral in a siluer rrng so that the Moon, another representative of blood, and Mars get their normal strength. Saturn and Rahu should be propitiated. If Mars as lord ofAscendant, or otherwise, be posited in the 6th, 8th or l2th and be under the inJluence of malefics without a benefic influence, the naUve suJfersfrom marasmus ( qd 6r t r ). In thts situation Mars should be strengthened by the native wearing a red coral in a silver ring. The maleflcs alllicting Mars should be propitiated. If Mars be connected wlth the Ascendant, its lord, the 4th. its lord and Moon by conjuction or aspect, the native will become inclined towards violence and can commit even a murder. Such Mars should not be strengthened but propitiated. If Mars as lord of Ascendant be posited in the 4th in his sign of debiliation (Cancer), he can cause dtseases of the chest. The native should be advised to wear red coral in a silver ring to strengthen Mars and Moon so that there may be no loss of longevity, health and wealth. If Mars and Ketu by conjuction or aspect alllict the Sth, its lord and Jupiter, the children of the native die in infancv or



the native remains childless. If the lord of the 5th is strong, the children are born but do not survive' In such ctrcuirstanes the lord of the 5th should be strengthened by the native weartng the appropriate gem and Mars and Ketu should be propiuated ln the manner already described earller. The 7th house in the man's horoscope represents his wife and in the female's horoscope her husband. T:he karaka (signilicator) or 7th house ln a man's horoscope is Venus arr-ditt the female's horoscope the karaka is Jupiter' When the 7th house, its lord and Venus are alllicted in a man's horoscope, the wife of the native is likely to die. If, ln a female's horoscope, the 7th house, its lord and Jupiter are afllicted, she loses her husband. As Mars is a known killer, our ancients have, therefore' described as evil, every disposition of Mars in which he is likely to kitl the partner of the natlve. Thus if Mars ls in Ascendant 2nd' 4th' 7th' Bth or 12th (ln a man's or female's horoscope) , Manglik Yogais formed' and the natlve is called Manglik ot ManglL If Mars be in the Ascendant, 4th or 12th, he will be throwing his killer aspect on the 7th. If he is in the 7th his presence will have the same effect. If he is in 2nd or 8th (from 8th he will aspect Znd)' he will be causing harm to the longwity of the partner as 2nd ls 8th to 7th. it may, however, be noted that Mars will not' always from such positions, be able to kill the partner' because it is possible that the lord of the 7th and Venus in a man's horocope and lord of the 7th and Jupiter in female horoscope be very well placed and strong neutralising the wil effect of Uars. The following Ascendants are exempt from Marglk Doshs:(l) Aries and Scorpiol\scendantswhere Mars islord of the Ascendant. Lords ofAscendant never harm any house by aspect or conjuction. (2) Cancer and Leo Ascendants' where Mars is a Yqakaralcaplanet. For theseAscendants Mars is treated as a very ausPicious Planet. (3) Taurus and LibraAscendantwhere Mars himself isthe lord of the 7th house. It is also believed that Mars is also not able to do any harm



when he ls posited tn the tst, 2nd, 4th,7th, gth and l2th lf he falls under the evil inJluence of saturn and Rahu as he ls rendered very weak by such alfucilon. When the fth house is amicted by Mars and the lord of the 7th and its karaka fVenus formales andJupiterforfemales) also fall under his evil influence, the propitiation of Mars is very necessary by offering prayers to him and his deity, recitirrg appropriate mantras in the prescribeci manner, fasting on Tuesdays and giving i'charity things connected with Mars. rn such cases Mars shouldneuer oe strengthenedand natire s oJ s rch natiuttie s slrruid net)er w ear o red. cor ar. On the otler hand the lord oJ the 7th and. Karaka slrculd. he stengtherrcd. The native should wear a ring of the appropriate gem for this pulpose. The ring should be olgold orlilver, will . depend on the disposition of Sun. If the Sun afllicts the 7th, its lord or its karakcq the gold ring will not be suitable because gold will strengthen the sun also. The silver ring will be quite appropriate. If, However, the strengthening of Sun does not lrr any way harm the 7th, its lord and karoka. there will be no harm in wearing a gold ring if that is prescribed for a particular gem. If Mars and Ketu and the lord of the sign occupied by them cast their evil inlluence on the Bth or the lord of the gin, the native is likely to dle in an accident. In this context, it should also be kept in mind that the lords of the 6th and l lth also cause hurt. Ther inlluence on the gth, and its lord, causes fatal accidents. whenthe evil influence of Mars and Ketu falls on theAscendant, lord ofAscendant, gth, and lord of the gth. and there is no benefic tnlluence on them, the death will definitelybe caused in an accident. In such a case no remedial measures can prove helpful. If evil inlluenceis by only one or two, the native can be protected by propitiation of ivtars. Howeuer, red coral should neuer be wom dn such situatircns. Mars is a significator of younger brothers. When he is lord of the 3rd, he represents younger brother in a more specific form. Therefore, for the pisces and Leo Ascendants, Mars the lord of 9th represents the wife of the younger brother of the native. If such Mars is strong, gets connected with brother of the native. If such Mars is strong, gets connected with



(Ptscesand Leo)' Juplter or Sun, the lord of these Ascendants or by itre natirre gains financially through his brother-in-laws the will be more the their assislance. The stronger the Mars' to worn be should financial gains. In such cases red coral strengthen Mars. If, as lord of the 8th' Mars gets afllicted by Rahu and Saturn by conJuction or aspect and the Bth house be also alllicted' not ttte tra:tine is likely to sulfer from piles' Normally it is in but 8th the of lord the to strengthen considered advisa6le thepresentcaseMarswouldbethelordoftheSthhewillbe Arles' also lord of the Ascendant as the Ascendant would be weartng native the by strengthened Therefore, Mars can be a red coral xr gold or copper rin$' The fasting on Tuesda-ys will also help. Saturn and Rah,l should be propitiated in the manner alreadY described. Mars gives mixed results in the loth' If Mars' in adequate will strengtli, is posited in foth' the houses owned by him will be them become strong and the matter related to the aspect promoted. gut Mars in the loth will always (except iscendant which will harm the longevity of the native whentheAscendantisirrthesi$nofMars).Therefore,Mars should not be strengthened (except in case of Aries and Ascen<lants when Mars will be lord of the Ascendant scorplo -only his propitiation should be performed' and irt If the Ascendant be cancer, sun and Mars be posited ltandMoonbeirrthe6thandSaturntn4th,thenativeis (Sel0' tts dishonoured and insulted because the Ascendant afflicted all are lord its and (honour respect) and iord, the loth a situation In such ofthem' all by Saturn by hls aspects on be slturn snolta never be strengthened but he should of reciting prayers' Saturdays, piopitiut.a by fastin$ on giving by and manner prescribed ippropriate rnantras in the things connected with Saturn' The planets which iti "tt".ity will require strengthening are Mars, lord of the loth' and Moon lord of the Ascendant. This should be done by the native wearlng a frng of gold with red coral and pearl set in it' IfthelordoftheAscendantandthelordofllthorthelord a of the l lth and the lord of the 9th are posited together-in these etc" Rahu Saturn' by aspected are nativity and they



wealt! gMng combtnations will be nunfled on account of the erdl lnlluence of maleflcs. In such a sltuaflon the correct thing to do wlll be to strengthen the planets fromtng the combtnattons by the nattue wearing the gems connected with such planets, and to propitiate the malefic planets alnicting them. Note : We ftnd it necessary to potnt out at thls stage that red coral for strengthenhg Mars when necessary, ihould norma$ be worn in a ring of gold mixed with copper, or of only go-l{ or copper. It should be worn in a sflvei ring only ln the following clrcumstances : (a) If tn any natMty Sun alllicts Mars, the gold or copper ring with red coral will also strengthen the sin. rne.eio.e, red coral should be worn in a silver ring. In - _(b) 1 1rativtty where it is necessary to strengthen both Moon and Mars silverwilr strengthen Moon and red cora.rwfll strengthen Mars.

is lord of the Ascendant, he becomes a full represntative of the brain. Therefore, his affuction causes many kinds of brain tro,ubles. If Mercury, as lord of theAscendant, faus under the evll inlluence of Mars and Ketu, there is possibility of serious head lnJuries. In such a situation, Mercrrry should be strengthened from childhood ofthe nattue and Mars and Ketu should be propittated. If Mercury in the Ascendant in his own stgn falls under the erril rnfluence of saturrr and Rahu, the natlve suffers from headache etc., form his very childhood. If at the same time Moon and lord of the ath be weak. the native may suffer from lunacy or retardation. In such a situation Mercury should be strengthened by the native wearing a silver ring set with emerald and Saturn and Rahu should be propitiated. If as lord of the 4th, Mercury falls under the evir innuence of saturn and Rahu and the 4th house is arso under similar influence, the native becomes very backward in education. In such a case the native should wear an emerard to propitiate Saturn and Rahu.

MERCURY of bratnand its power. If Mercury |Ieryuy is a signiflcator



If Mercury as lord of the 2nd and the 2nd house fall under the separative influence of Sun, Saturn or Rahu, the native gets into the habit of runnin$ away from his family house. In such a situation, the native should wear an emerald and the malefic causing the trouble should be propitiated. If Mercury, as lord of the 2nd, is with Venus; and Mars and Ketu alflict them and the 2nd house, the native's wife is likely to die. In such a case if the lord of the 7th is strong, the native may be able to avert the tragedy if he wears together or separately emerald and dlamond in a sllver ring. Sirnilarly if tn a female's birth chart Mercury as lord of 2nd be with Jupiter; and Mars and Ketu affict them and the 2nd house, the nativemaybecome awidow. However' itmaybe possible to avert the tragedy by the native wear'mg a yellow sapphire ln a gold ring. In both the cases mentioned above Mars and Ketu will have to be propittated in the prescribed manner. If the 4th house be in the signVirgo, its lord Mercury' lord of 9th Saturn and, Sun be under the evil inlluence of Mars and Ketu or Mars and Rahu hy aspect or conjunction), the native's father may have permature death. The reason is that 4th house being 8th to gth is the house of longwity for father and the lord of 9th and Sun wlll represent father. In such a situation the native should be advised to wear together or separately both blue sapphire and emerald in a silver ring and to propitiate the concened malefic planets in the prescribed manner. If Mercury as lord of the Sth be in the 9th and Rahu be ln the Sth or the Ascendant, in the major period of Rahu and sub period of Mercury or ire the major period and sub-period of Rahu, the native may suffer from flts of unconsciousness because Mercury as lord of the sth will be a significator of consciousness. In such a case Mercury should be strengthened by the naUve wearing an emerald in a silver ring. Rahu should be propitiated in the prescribed manner. If the Ascendant be Taurus orAquarius, and the lord of the Sth Mercury and lord of the fth (Satrrrn orVenus)be alllicted, the only orpectation of getting a son will be from Jupiter (who will be lord of l lth for both the Ascendants)' If Jupiter be retrograde and aspects the 5th and 9th (this will be from his

749 position ln the Ascendant), the nattue wfll be blessed with more than one son. But if Juptter be weak or aflricted L u.ry way' it will not be possible for the nattue to get a son. rn ott er words rf the lord of Sth or gth be strong as a mare planet or only Jupiter in the same role be retrograde, the naitve will deflnitely get a son. The remediat measures will depend on the situation as it maybe. rf the lord of Sth, ;..;;;;i;;.., he should be strength-e1ed by the native _.*urttf,;;;r" connected with htm. If the lord of 9th is a male p.ianet'ine gem connected with him shourd be worn. r.lupiter be i'it. role of male planet, }tts gem yellow sapphlre should be worn. Juptter is a natural male pianet butL certain Ascendants or in certain situations he acts as a female pranet rr, trrtt, chart. If he acts as a female planet, ne *iU gi"e " O""g;.i and no son. For example, Jupiter act" "rrfy " a"i femje pru".?}o, virgo ascendant because oi 'is lordship of houses the signifcators of whtch are feamles (4th mothe r, Tthwife) and Venus be in the 4th-or Zth, Jupiter completely .t" ., u tl.ilf. planet. suppose, venus be tn sagittarius in the 4th, Moon be in pisces in the 7th and.lupite? be in the r tth in Cancer aspecting the Sth' Jupiter then, though exalted, ur ue i'trr. stgn of a female planet and will, therefire, give only daugthers and no sons. If Mercury be l'r his own sign h 6th but be under the evir . influence of Sun, Saturn urrt n"n,, or the lords of sEns occupied by them, the native is likely to JrJi"" of intestlnes or Hernia. If the* U.""ff".iio_ very sfong, he can even sulfer from cancer of the intestines. In such a situation the nailve should be advised to wear an emerafOto strengthen Mercury and to propitiate Sun, Saturn and Rahu in the prescribed manner. If Taurus be the Ascendant and Venus be in 4th in Leo hemmed in between Sun and Saturn etc., and Mercury be also afflicted, the native is very likely to suffer from intestinal cancer. In such circumstances the native shoud be advised to wear both emerard and diamond in sirver rings and to propitiate ail the malefic planets responsible for the allliction of Venus and Mercury.If the lord of the 7th andVenus in anybirth chart, be under the evil inlluence of Saturn, nafro oi Mercury (all sexless planets) or the lords of signs occupieJny tn.- and there be




native becomes a eunuch no other Inlluence on him' the There ls no remedY for lt' l"J.""t. if lord of the 8th' Mercury' Fornatives of ScorpioAscendant have a long life. T be alllicted, the nauve wlll not "Y*,' Mercury (as lords of 6th' sltuation instead oi"tl"gttttttFg are stron$ we should 8th and l2th cause mise?es if they tnsilver ring to str-engthen advise the native to *"ut ita coral also to propitiate Mercury f,auoift" lord of the Ascedant and and the maleflcs affllcting him' 9th house be aJllicted' If Mercury as lord of the 9th and the concerned with the 9th the life of the relative of the native and 9th house' Sun house is shortenea' If afongttrith Mercurv nativl will be the sufferer' be also alllicted, the fathe; of the wear native should be advised to In such a situationihe alllicting planets to propitiate the emerald in a gold Sun' "fu;d and house Mercury' thsgth Ascendant' the native If Mercury' as lord of 9th be in the attitude wlll become more U."o*." t.iiiiously inclined' This also be there (Libra pronounced irtneiJJittAscendant Venus and Satum)' If the and Caprico* e"t"ttJants--lords to gain more spiritual po\^/er' natives of such birth charts want ring' lfrey stroutd wear emerald tn a stlver and' Jupiterbe ln loth If Cemint orvigro be theAscendants will be religiously inclined' and Mercury itt th; ;;;' irt t tt"tvt r. If the natlve of such a chart charitable and a Jl"l'-ort and earnin$ name ' fame ls desirou s of expanding his activities emerald in a silver ring' By and honours, he should wear an wealthy also' ;"*g ; he will become very under evil influence of If Mercury' as lord of the 1lth' be to get prematurg de.ath' Mars, the mother of G. tt u". is likely strong' In-such a situation wen if Moon and lord of the 4th be Jhould wear emerald for the safety of his mother the native lte a silver ring and propitiate Mars' Venus and falls under If Mercury, as lord of 1lth' be with like Mars etc" the native's the evil influen".-of -ltfics life' This situation can be daughter-in-fu*'it'iU trave strort emerald and diamond in remedied by the native wearing



gilver rtngs and by proplttating the concerned rnalefics. similarly if Mercury as lord of I rth be conjoined with Jupiter and be affucted by Mars and Ketu the native's son-in-liw rs Itkely to have short rrfe. For thls yellow sapphire shourd be worn in a gold ring by the native. It wourd iiso be advisabre in these circumstances, to have birth charts of the daughterin-law and son-ar-hw examined and they may be adviled to take appropriate remedial measures. If Mercury, as lord of 12th (Cancer and LibraAscendants), be with Jupiter or lord of the bth and they be under the malefic influence of Mars etc., the son of the native wfll have short life. In such circumstances the native should wear the gem of the lord of the sth and the planets responsible for a{Iliction should be propitiated. In thts case arso the son. should be advised to take suitable remedral measures. if necessary, on the basis of his horoscope.

If theAscendantbe pisces and lord of theAscendantJupiter be in 8th and be under the malefic inlluence of two or t-hree planets, the native will be an idiot. Jupiter ts a planet signiffing lorowledge, leaming, intelligence etc. If such Juptter be in the 8th in an inirnical sign ano ue also affltcted, it is quite natural for the native to be an idiot. As a matter of fact no remedial measure can help ln such a case but there is no harm to make an ellort, vlz,tomake the nativewear ayellow sapphire t:r a gold ring and propittation may be done of the planets responsible forJupiterls alllction. If tle native cannot do it himself, his parents or other near relatives can do it for htm. It rs a gift of c'od if Jupiter as the lord of the 2nd be strong because in such a situation he will also be lord of the Stir (ScorploAscendant) or the I lth (AquariusAscendant)_ two wealth giving houses-Such Jupiter should always be strengthened by the native wearing a yellow sapphire in a gold ring. If a strong Jupiter as lord of 2ndbe so situated ire a btrth chart that his aspect falls on the Ascendant, Sth or l lth. the native gets substantial financial gains. IfJupiter as lord of the 2nd, be weak and be conJoined with Mercury, and be afflicted by Satum, Rahu etc., the native gets



He also very ltttle educatlon and ts not eloquent ln speech' b,e should rras tittte wealth. In such clrcumstances, Jupiter If sapphireyellow by the native wearingi a strolg-malefics' "tr..rltft.ttedtora of zna and Sth be afflicted bv ;;;ll;;t" If Jupiter as ihJ native,s son will suffer from loss of wealth. loss of influence' lord of the llth be under heavy malefic wealthbethroughtheelderbrother.Inthesecircumstances Jupiter will require to be strengthened' Ifaslordofthe4thJupiterbeweakandafllicted'lifeofthe is-to strengthen native will be full of miseries' The remedy nim' alllicting planets malefic Jupiter and propitiate the and the If Jupiter as lord of the Sth be weak and alllicted get a son' not will lord of bttr be similarly disposed, the native No remedY can helP in this case' aspects the If as lord of the Sth Jupiter be very strong and the native them' with conJoined be oi Ascendant and its lord larosapes Int!ue good intutivlp.ower' L.t" f"t"igtttedness and and Scorpto Zj ii",tig"rs if Jupiter A. tne lard oJ ttw Sth I'eo strengthen to gellout sapphire uear -titr:ir iscenaartts), theg sfrouldproue correct' uill predtcttons Jupiter. T}len their house' If as lord of the 6th Jupiter is connected with the 2nd linancial the and wealth there will be no accurnulation of be shalry' In such a situation' the fosition of the native will native wearing iord of the 2nd should be strengthened by the Jupiter' propltiate the appropriate gem and he should Cmini If in a female's horoscope the Ascendant be and Juptter) by owned be will house (then 7th the o, virgo will suffer Jupiter be weak and alflicted' the native if such horoscope ",r"t from a misirable married life' The natives of gold ring' in a sapphire yellow wear should always (Taurus nscendant) be If Jupiter in his sign of exaltation longwity will be native's be"alllicted' the tn the tnirA In such a case "ttO to 8th' 8th aOlre.setyalTected as 3rd house is Juplter' strengthen to it wlll ,rot U" advlsable for the nattve InsteadheshouldstrengthenVenusthelordoftheAscendant view the strength by wearing a diamond ii a silver ring' In our for longevity important oitfr. lord of the Ascendant is more 3rd' than the strength of the 8th or




If Juptter as lord of 9th be weak and alllicted the consequences will be(a) The natlve will sulferlosses through government olficlals and gove-rnment. CI The husband of the younger sisterwill have short life. (c) If Jupiter and the Sun be together, and be afflicted, the longwity of the father is adversely affected. In such a situation, yellow sapphire should be worn by the native in a gold ring to strengthen Jupiter. If Jupiter, as lord of the loth, be weak and alllicted, the native will have setbacks in his profession, loss of wealth and disgrace and dishonour. The loth being 2nd to 9th the native's fatherwill have financial losses. To strengthen such Juptter, the native should wear a yellow sapphire in a gold rlng and propitiate the malefics afllicting Jupiter. If Jupiter, as lord of 1lth, be weak and aIllicted, the native wlll incur financial losses and his relations with his elder brother will be adversely affected. Here again, Jupiter will require to be strengthened by the native wearing a yellow sapphire and the malefics afflictin$ Jupiter will have to be propitlated. If, as lord of the 12th, Jupiter ls weak and alllicted by Saturn and Rahu, the native is likely to suffer from insomnla. Here we should not strengthen Jupiter because a strong lord of the 12th is likely to cause other complications for the naUve. Therefore, only propltiation should be done forJupiter as well as for Saturn and Rahu. Venus In a man's horoscope Venus is significator for his wife. If Venus be alllicted alongwith the 7th and its lord, the natlve is likelyto remain unmarried. If there is benefic influence on them alongwith evil inJluence of Sun, Saturn or Rahu, he may get married but the marriage is likelyto end in separation or divorce. For the Libra Ascendant, Venus is lord of the Ascendant and the 8th. He, therefore, fully represents the longevity of



the native. If Venus be alllicted by malefics and there be no beneflc influence, the longwity of the native urillbe adversely affected. In such a situation Venus should be strengthened by the native wearing a diamond in a silver ring. The malefics aflhcting Venus should be propitiated. If Venus for an Aries ascendant native be alllicted the native incurs financial losses and htswife always remains sickly for which the native has to incur lot of expenditure. To escape from such difficulties the native should wear a diamond to strengthen Venus and propitiate the malefics afflictin$ Venus. It should, however, be noted that when Aries iE the Ascendant, Venus is lord of two marakahauses 2nd and 7th. Therefore, if the native's horoscope does not indicate long life or he is in his old age or is seriously ill, he should not wear a dlamond. For the natives of LeoAscendants Venus is lord of the 3rd and loth. If Venus is afflicted the native will suffer on account of his brothers and wtll also have setbacks in his professional career. In such a situation it may prove useful for the native to wear a diamond and to propitiate the malefics a{Ilicting Venus. For the natlves of Aquarius Ascendant, Venus is a Yqakarakaplanet being lord of the 4th and 9th. If Venus be weak and alllicted the native will suffer immensely. His domestic life will be disturbed, his mother maybecome sickly and he may suffer losses if he is engaged in transportation buslness and he will have misfortune in all hisventures. His father is also likely to suffer. It will, therefore, be very necessary for the natives of thlsAscendant to wear a diamond in a silver orwhite gold ring to strengthen Venus. The malefics alllicting Venus should be propitiated. If Gemint be the Ascendant and Venus be alllicted the native will incur financial of his beloved (mistress). In such cases the a diamond to strengthen Venus and cut with the mistress. in the Sth or 12th losses on account native should wear off his connectlon

If Taurus be the Ascendant, and Venus be alllicted, the native is likely to suffer from many kinds of diseases as Venus



ts the lord of two houses of health (the Ascendant and the 6th). In such a situatlon, the nattve should wear a dlamond to strengthen Venus and he should propitiate the maleflcs alllicttng Vtnus. Forthe natlves of the cancerAscendant,lf venus as lord of l lth is strong the nattve gets financrat gains. If venus ts weak and affucted, the gatns turn lnto losses. It is, therefore, necessary to keep the Venus strong by the native wearrng a dlamond. SATURN F or the Aquarlu s Ascendant saturn is fully representatlve of the legs. tf saturnis allllctedby Mars, Rahu etc., the native sulfers irom various kind of dtseases in the legs. Betng lbrd of theAsccn<lant, the alllicted Saturnwlll also adversely affect the longevity of the native and he wtll face obstacles in all his ventures. The native should' therefore, wear a blue sapphire in a steel or lron rtng to strengthen Saturn. He should also propitiate the planets afflicting Saturn. If Saturn be lord of the 2nd (Sagittarius & Capricon Ascendants) and be posited in 6th, the native will incur losses through enemies and may also havc defects in speech' For the Cipricorn Ascendant, Saturn wlll be lord of the Ascendant also and hls allliction will adversely affect the longwity of the nauve. He should, therefore, wear a blue sapphire in a steel r1ng to strengthen saturn. For the natlves of sagittarius Asclndant, Saturn will be lord of a marokasthana and they should avoid wearing a blue sapphire as far as possible. They should concentrate bn propitiation of Saturn as well as the planets alllicting him. If Saturn. as lord of 4th, be aJllicted by Rahu' the native will lose his landed property. It will, therefore, be in the interest of the native to wear a blue sapphire to strengthen Saturn. If the Ascendant be Llbra and Saturn and Jupiter be aspectedby Mars and Rahu' the natfve suffers immensely on aclount oftris son. The native should strengthen Saturn by wearingi blue sapphire' Jupiter could also be strengthened



by wearlng a yellow sapphtre also, but we have always been agatnst wearlng yellow sapphtre alongwlth blue sapphlre. Therefore, Jupiter may also be propitiated alongwith the Mars and Rahu. Saturn ln the 6th irr a friendly stgn is not bad for health but if he be in the 6th tn an inimical sign, he is likelyto cause chronic health problems. The remed5r is to propitiate such Saturn and not to strengthen the lord of the 6th. Instead the lord of the Ascendant should be strengthened by the native wearing the appropriate gem. If Saturn as lord of the 7th ts weak and allltcted, he adversely affects the longwity of wife or husband. But the remedy is not to strengthen Saturn by the native wearing blue sapphire as 7th 7s maraka sthruta but to propitiate Saturn as well as the planets alllicting him. If Saturn as lord of 8th is weak and allltcted, the longevity of the native is likely to be adversely alfected. The remed5r is not to strengthen Saturn but to strengthen the lord of the Ascendant by the nattue weartng the appropriate gem. Saturn and the planets alfecting him should be propitiate(, Saturn as a strong lord of 9th is beneficial to the native in all respects. If such Saturn is weak and allltcted, he should be strengthened by the native wearing a blue sapphlre. The same applieswhen Saturn is lord ofthe loth and I lth. When lord of the l2th, he will be either lord of llth and l2th or Saturn ls l2th and Ascendant. There is, therefore, no harm ln strengthentng such Saturn when necessary.


Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets. Generally they are treated as malefics but they become very benelictal when they are conJoined with Yqakaraka planets. Only when they become beneficial their gemstones should be used to strengthen them. Otherwise they should always be propitiated. Further the gems of Rahu and Ketu (gomedhand, cat's eye)should be worn, when necessaqr, only in their major periods.


Remedial measures for diseases

Remedlal Measures for dlseases caused by slnful deeds as lald ln Prcsna ltlo;rgo,.
(f) T.B.: Killing of aBrahmmforthefault of somebodyelse, enemity to elders and teachers, sexual intercourse at the time of eclipses etc., lead to T.B. The remedy isjapaand reclting of 'Shrtn Sahasrananw' and 'Rudra Sukta'. Hauon with manblas relatlng to Agnt and Moon are benefictal. (2) Weakness-In Smritis the cause of physical weakness has been stated as the 'theft of food'. As a remedy gold statue tn the shape of Shcnku'should be given in charity. (3) Leprosy-Murder of a Brahmirl lntercourse with the wife of the preceptor, despicable acts, poisoning by deceit of a person who places his trust in us, are the causes of this disease. The remedy tsjaprroJRudrasukt4 giving in charity of the tdol of Sun and ox and performance of Kushmanda, lntsan accordlng to proper procedure. In the case of 'Suref Kttshto'(a form of kprosy) also, the same expiatory measures should be adopted. The cause leading to this disease is theft of bronze, cotton, salt and clothes. (a) Vbarpa-The cause of this disease is the l,rilling of a serpent, or having some one },rilled by a serpent. The remedy according to Smnfis is-giving away in charity an idol of noga (serpent). (5) Pandu (Joundtce)-To carr)' away wealth of a deity (in temple) or of a Brahmin and the consumption of unhygienic food, are the causes of this disease. The remedies are to perform'K.ushmanda' havan and to give gold in charity. (6) Dysentry-Destroying public wells, tanks etc., is the physical cause of this disease. The remedies arejapa of Rudra and Varuna Sulctas of the Vedas, giving in charity a black



coloured cow accompanied by an idol of Iord Kr{shncu (7) Dlseases of the mouth:To cut lips of another person' break his teeth or cut his tongue' to disobey the preceptor' to speak harshly, to speak lies, and to give false eyidence are remedies are the causes for ihe diseases of the mouth. "11're ' Kushmartdo' fuliDorru JaW of Gag afr' mattba and gMng away in charity herbs, gold and grains. (8)Piles-Theftofthewealthof.Ehahmtns,learnedmenand the blind, lntercourse wtth the wife at the time of eclipse etc. ' and killing of anlmals lead to the disease of piles. The remedy !s to give gold and cow in charitY. castlng lusty glances on (9) Eye dlseases-Ungratefulness, otft.t women and caustleg harm to the eyes of others' have been stated as the causes of eye troubles' Remedies arF rice' milk' ghee and the giving tn charity of Mwqa, 'Ambaka Rakstrakcrtu' hortan' performance of ) is causin$ harm to The cause of night blindness ( {frft theeyesofcows.-Remedais_givingincharityoftheidolof Lord Kftsfvt'u ( 1O) Ear trouble--Back-biting, harming the ears of others, caustng much obstrucuons in the actions of others, are stated in to be the causes for ear trouble. Remedies arFgiving recitation charity of gold, grains, land and blankets and the of uedic mantrcrs in praise of the Sun' speech before the (11) Tongue trouble-Dlsrespectful lies' and to cut through others to preceptors,lausing sorrow for tongue causes the be to stated offtni tongue ofothers are and herbs in charity giving away trouble. alrte remedies are 'kushmonda' hstsan' jap of food articles, performancJof 'Drrlnanu1ridan(I" mantras of Rahu and,japaof Sul;tacalled (t 2,1PrabhanJana-Back-biting about others, enemity'urith parents and preceptor and theft of food are stated to bie the of this kind of trouble. Retnedie*-Giving :tway in ""r_r*" deer made of copper' clothes and food, and japa of charity ,Ashtnpadn'sulctaor recitation of verses in the praise of vagu (13)Coltc-Cohabitationwithanunmarriedgirl'animal, widow or maid servant, unhygientc diet, causing death



through polson or a piercing lnstrument, are stated to be the causes of this ailment. Remedtes4ivarg away tn charity trl (sesamum seeds) and blankets or ?hdshulmade of some metat. (14) Gulma-Great enemttywlth the preceptor or plactng him in confinement, enry and theft of food are stated to be the causes for thts ailment. Remedies-Hau,ort by mantras of. 'Indragni' sukta, japa of Indra and Manta suktas, japa of Gagatri and giving away ln charity an idol of Ganaptt ( 15) Dtabetes and Semlnal ifroubles-Cohabitation with an ascetlc woman, animal, unmarried girl, wife of the preceptor, a widow, enemity with preceptor, steeling things belonging to Brahmurs and hurting the feelings of others, are causes for sexual weal,mess. If there is intercourse with mother, mother-in-law or brother's wlfe. diabetes results. Remedies are Sarua Rqga Nashnk' ttauan" giving away in charity gold, water, cow, cooked food and japa of mantras relatlng to'Varun'. (16) Stomach troubles-Intercourse with the wife of the preceptor and causing abortion leads to stomach troubles. Remedies-=Japa of 'Varun' and of 'Rudra'suktos of Vedas and giving away in charity water and an idol of crocodile. (f 7) Bladder Stone-This disease is caused by intercourse with an unmarried girl, animal orwidow etc. Causing harm to Brahmurs and defaming them is the cause for urinary troubles. Remedie*GMng away ln charity til and lotus flower, ho:van and japo of verses from the Vedas. (18) Flstula-Disobeying elders, intercourse with the wife of the preceptor are causes for this disease. Remedia*Giving away in charity ofjewels and silver or elephant made of gold or gold itself andjapa. of Gogatrtmartra, vedic mantra. of the Sun and 'Rudra Sukta'from Vedas. ( 19) Dlseases of the Neck-Theft of public property is the cause of this disease. The remedles are-propitiation of planets and charity of jewels. (2O) Dtseases of Head-Enemitywith the Brahmrns is the cause of this diease. RemedgRepentence and giving sacred thread in (qffio ) chariW.



(21) Blood Potlutlon-Thls dlsease ls caused by cutting down reverred trees like peepal and l'rilling of cows. of a cow embellished with Jewels. Remed}-Charity (22) Epllepsy:Thts dlsease is caused by kiiling the preceptor or one's employer. Remedy---Japo of the mantras charity and performance of of SanlcnogaNashok'treatise, houan of lntellect. Murder of (23) Lunacy and fever-Dullness in enjoyment of engrossment preceptor elders, and the going back on one's wives, men's for other desire luxuries, Rernedgr-Repentence disease. of thts causes the words are and giving away in charity an idol of an elephant. Causes for fever are killing of serpents, enmity and lntercourse with the preceptor's wife. Remedy-Hauqnwith mcntras relatlng to Goddess Durga (24) Intermlttent Fever-The cause for intermlttent fever ls to strike terror in others through dogs' Remedtr worshipping Lord Visluru abhisheka oJ Lord Shiua and the 'Nansorna' mantra oJ Goddess Durgarecitation of (25) Burnlng Sensatlons:This disease is caused by sinful deeds like intercourse with the preceptor's wife. RemedgrRepentence and charitY of water. (26) Wounds-Theft of vegttables, betraying trust of others, company of low class women and cutting of trees. RemedAr Charity ofjewels. The cause of wounds ln the hands is bringing about death of baby in womb and the cause for wounds in feet is intercourse with the wife of the preceptor. Remedl5Giving away in charity Jewels to Brahmins to the extent one can allord. (27) Chlldlessness-Killing of children, eating of egls, enmitywith the successors of othermen's property' causing forceful separation of children from their mothers' killing of theyoung deer, neglect of ShraddttoKarma- Remedg=Giving away in charity cow's idol made of gold. (28) Vomtting and Dyspepsla-Betrayal of the learned is


161 charltywhatever

the cause of thfs dseasc. Remedy4Mrrgtn ls posstble.

(29) Dumbness-The cause for thts inflrmity and other dlseases of voice, ts breaking of promtses. Remedg-Givxeg away tn charity silver idoi of Goddess SaraswatL (3O) Btlndness-To take food wtthout taktng bath and without washing the utenstls and theft of food. are causes of blindness. Remedgr-Giving away in charity an idol of '&ruda'. (31) Enln'gement of Intesflnes-To destroy the gqjna started by somebody ls the cause of this disease. nemedg_ Gtving away in charity a gold idol of l-ordVistnu For patns in stomach one should give tn charity articles of lron. Remedy for leprosy is giving away silver in charity. For palns all over body, one should give away milk in ctrarity. ln case of trouble tn the eyes, one should give gold in charity. The Rudra Sul;ta'removes all dtseases.Oree should perform Japa of its mantra to the greatest extent possible. In case and other wealthy persons, setting up of _ -of !tg" hospttals for the benefit of patients is a very efrective remebial measure for all ldnds of dtseases. of all the charities, the charity that leads to the restorailon of health of people is the best. people desirous of happiness should, therefore, engage themselves ln such chariiies.


TtnePo;no;ceoJoralt ills
Gtfts of Nature Possesslng Remedtal MerttsUse of herbs and plants for propttlatlng evil causlng planets.
Rudrakshahas been, from tlme fnrnemorlal in our country' a symbol of purity of mtnd and thought and has been given thestatus of Manit.e., Ratnalike ruby'pearl etc. It has always beenconsiclered a panacea for all ills as will be seen from the following sloka-

cvu-qftRfraiwaw luanRwq,
| ffi6q1il5aqqq-qfr{in-d{ rrqifuqqqR qr{E:, g.ffi q.Er F-{reTqrwntEq-ffi { Rrqrt t Actually Rt:(lraksrrris the dried fruit of the Rudrakshatree. Such trees are generally found inJava, Sumatra, Himalayan region, Nepal, Bhutan, Slkhm and Assam' Small beads come frJm .lava and those btgger tn slze from other places mentionedabove.Somesaythatredcolouredandmixed coloured Rudraksttsare also in existence but they are rarely seen. It is belleved that white Rudrakshcbelongs to Brahmin class, Red to Ksry,lf:igaclass, mixed coloured to Vai.:shgaclass and the black to Shudra'class. ActuallywehavenotSeenanyRudrakshoofthesecolours. What are generally avilable andworn arevery darkbrown in colour. Rudraksha is believed to irnprove general health' remove misfortunes' give purity, peace and stability of mincl and prospenty. The ShiuaPuronhas laid down the procedure for wearing oi.Rudrcksha of one of fourteen facets. The deep lines on Rudrokslts' are the facets' The Rudraksha with one facet (q*' g6) represents Irrd



Shrua.It is very costty and rare. The Rudraksha wtth gtrgolaroopa(gmwr). two facets (s)gd)
is called

The Rudraksha with three facets (ft-{gfi) represents the fnfluence (ttk) of Bra.hma. vrshnu and Morreshor. By wearlng thrs the srns of three previous btrths are washed away. It neutralises the e'il effects of all planetary alllictions and gives the wearer good health and prosperity. rhose who face obstacles at wery step of their life u.. victims of misfortune will greaily benefft from the Rudraksrawith "tto three facets. The Rudraksha with four facets (@) ts believed to represent the influences of Brahmc. Those who are childless' will be blessed with children by wearing this Rudrakshcl It also vanlshes misfortunes and brings prosperity to the wearer. The Rudraksha nrith llve facets ({sgfr) is very easily ald vgry cheap. It ls generally cattea XabgniRudra fllp. (6ttm-r{ a{). It brrngs good luck and prosperity. Ii protects the wearer from accidents. It washis away all sins and sorrows. Shastras prescribe only three teads of thrs Rudrakstto. to be worn. The Rudraksha with six facets (s, g6) l, berieved to bear the inlluence of Lord Ganestn- n*pitrence has shown that students who are backward in their studies and are dull minded' gain inteilrgence and inspiration to take interest in their studies and then copre out successful in their examination by wearing a mixture of Rudrakshabeads of five facets and six facts. This Rudraksho.also brings to the wee.'er all comforts of life and happiness. The Rudraksha with seven facets (vngfi) ts satd to renresent Anang (:upid). Its use is not in vogue. The Rudraksha with eight facets (3rqgfi) represents goddess Bttogwati with her eight arms. f"hi wearer of this Rudrakshnneverremains in want, that is, he possesses every thing he requires. His past sins are washett out and tre gets name, fame and prosperity.



(@) is ruled by The Rudraksha with nlne facets the evtl neutralises Rudraksha thls of wearlr$ The Btwirau. Rahu. and bY Saturn caused effects The Rudraksha with ten facets (Esgd) is ruled by Lord vish'ru. Some say this Rudrokshcr is ruled by the lords of the (R-q*1 The wearer of this Rud.rakshc is ten directions protected from ali kinds of miseries, agonies, distresses and disasters. He achieves success in all his ventures. Thls Rudrakshc also brings success in true love affairs (not lusty affairs). Ttris Rudraklhoalso neutralises the evil effects of all planetary afflictions. It protects the wearer from the malevolent inlluence of evil splrits' The Rudrakshowith twelve facets (errc gd) is ruled by lord vishnu and the sun. It is very powerful and protects the wearer from all kinds of diseases and removes all obstacles from his life. As this Rudrakshc is ruled by Lord vishnu, the wearer becomes a favourite of goddess lakstvnl thereby becomhg very rich and ProsPerous. The Rudrakshawiththirteenfacets Kamdev (CuPrd). It is not is vogue. (i-<a gff) lsmledby

The Rudrakshawith fourteen (+{6 g6) is ruledJointly by I.ord. Shfin and, goddess B|togusatL Therefore, it rs called 'C,ourl Shankar,Rudraksha'- This Rudroksha provldes the wearer with all kinds of worldly comforts and later gives salvation to hts soul. By wearin$ this Rudrakshc the wearer, achieves name, fame, honours and all ktnds of prosperity. The Rosary of Rudraksha beads--The Rosary of Rudraksha UeaOs(enr ry61;i" considered the best for Joqa. of mantras et'c. The good effects of mantras are expedited by using this rosary. Wearin$ a Rudrakstwmola protects the nativ"efrom hgart diseases, high and low blood pressure and other diseases like depression, nervous break down etc' He is also protected from accidents. He becomes more luclqy and pro"p.iorr". FIls moral character lmproves and his mind and itto.tgftt" become pure' That is why all Hurdu saints and scdhus wear Rudrakstw mala




Other durlne glfts of remedlal merlts -The presence of Sl",rphclat the (f) Shrlphafa (Ssc) slte of worshtp tn any home is considered very tmportant. It is the fruit of tree which grows at sea shores. Although its shape is like coconut, it is much smaller tn sDe. It should be (Ri-{{. kept in sttdoor Shrtptlol is belleved to make the devotee rich, healthy and wtse. (2) One eyed coconut (qfirtr Trfufl).-The coconut trees generally grow on sea-shores. After removing tlie hald cover or skin of the coconut, the fruit that comes out has generally three circular dots on one end. These dots are called eyes of the coconut. Amongst thousands of such fruits, there may be one with only one dot or eye. This coconut which is called one eyed 1g+Rft) tls believed to have divine powers. It is a rare thing and one, who ts able to procure it, ls really a luclry man.' It should be kept at the place of worship irr the house and should be worshipped by offering flowers, burnfng incense etc. By so dolng the devotee becomes very prosperous and earns high reputation and honours. He becomes a great favourite of goddess lakshmL Rtght faced Conch. (<Rrarr+fiviv)-fhf conch is like a brottrer of goddess l-tzkshmrwho is also believed to have come out of sea at the time of Samudra Manthort ( Tg( qnml. Thfs conch is great favourite of l-ord Vushnu and goddess La,kshmL Generally the conches are left faced. Right faced conch is a rare commodity. It is believed that gpddess Lakshmtcomes to reside in the house where this conch ls kept. If one is able to procure such a conch, he should on an auspicious day first (qqTd), milk and Ganges water, bathe it with Panclnmrit then set it on a silver seat. By worshipping the conch daily, the devotee will never be short of finances. Even those who are victims of poverywill become rich and prosperous if they are able to procure this conch and worship it in the manner mentioned above. Hatha-Jorl (orcr frS) -This is averyrare herb. If any one is able to.procure it, he should at first keep it immersed in trl oil. l,ater on a Shukla Paksha Sunday he should take it out from the oil and while reciting Gagat'imantraput it in Sindcror alongwithCamphor, l-oung{ fr.r ):Ilotchi ({drr*) and?hlsi



leaves and then he should keep all these thlngs ln a small silver case. Thls case should always be kept at the place of worship ln the house. Thts herb is satd to have miraculous divine powers and protects the person, ln whose house it is kept, in matters of lttigation, from enemles, accidents and poverty. He becomes prosperots and achieves success ln all his ventures. Jackal horns (.ft<Sfrrt) -Normally aJackal does not have horns but rare$ horns grow on the head of somejackals. This, however, becomes so painful for him that he somehow gets them out. Thus such horns are almost impossible to find. If any one is luclry to find it" he should adopt the same procedure as hasbeen mentioned above for Hathojonexcept that it should not be immersed in oil. Instead, before keeping it in the silver case alongwith other things, Ganges water should be sprinkled on it. By keeptngl it in hls house, the person concerned becomes very prosperous and owner of house and landed property. The women duringtheirmonthly period should never touch the silver case. Narmadeshwar ShlvallngaNarmada is 1{d?r*< ffi;rr) one of the sacred rivers of our country. Any piece of stone found from it is treated with the sarne reverence as Slriua Lhga- On some rare occasions agates (sr#fi q-er( rn {i{) forming the shape of ShruraLinga come out from the river. Such Sfuua l;hgas do not require performance of religious rites (rrr cFdsr) for their lnstallation. Worshipping of such Shua Lingamakes the devotee very prosperous and all his ambitions are fullllled. Oresuch Shitnlingasthere are natural strlpes and they assume thls shape by natural process. The Shfunl;tqaswith strtpes are considered the most auspicious. Dlvtne powers of certaln herb roots

According to what ismentioned by Dr. RudrrrDeumpthi in his book ?crnfra Shakfi'the following herbal plants help in the propitiation of the malefic planets causing sulfering to the native :(1) For propitiatton of the Sun the root of Bilwaptra (kq w) should be worn in a red coloured tiread on a Sundav.

(2) For propitiation of the Moon the root of Kfurni (ffi) should be worn in a white thread on a Monday. (3) For the propitiation of Mars the root of Anant Mol (w-<Xc)should be worn tn a red thread on a Ttresday. (4) For the propitiation of Mercury the root of Tridtnro (frsrc) should be worn in a green thread on a Wednesday. (5) For the propitiation of Jupiter the root of (Bhnrangi(crcft) or the root of banana tree may be worn in a yellow thread on a Thursday. (6) For the propitiation ofVenus the root of Sarponkha({-(ml) may be worn in a white thread on a Friday (7) f'orthe propitiation of Saturn, the root of Btchchh,a(fr6) should be worn in a black thread on a Saturday. (B) For propitiatlon of Rahu, the root of ushile sandal tree, should be worn in a blue thread on a Thursday. (9) For the propitiation of Ketu, the root of As9a'ndho(3i-$r;a) should be worn in a slry blue thread on a Thursday. Dr.mprlthihas also mentioned in hisbook "Tantrashakti' the procedure for bathing with certain herbal medicines for the propitiation of malefic planets to neutralise their eul effects. We are unable to describe them here for want of space. Those who are interested may obtain the book (which is in Hindi) from Rargian htblications, I 6-Ans ari Rog,d' N eus DeLfu 110002.


Yantras oJthe Sun and otherplanets

The planets help the native ln every respect when they are well placed and own ausplcious houses. But lf they are not well placed and get affllcted ln some way or other, the results are dlsastrous for the natlve. We glve below the garttras of the Sun and other planets. Wearlng of these garXras strengfthen the afllicted planets and brlng joy, happlness, health, wealth etc.,to the natlve.
Sun's yantra This gantra should be engraved on a gold or copper disc or rtng and worn on a Sunday in the sarne manner as the gem for Sun rn worn.

\ q



Moon's yantra Thts yantra should be got engraved on a silver disc or a ring and worn on a Monday in the same manner as the gem for Moon is worn.

\ q






Mars's yantra



Thts yantra should be got engraved on.a gold or copper disc or rtng and worn in the same manner as the gem for Mars is worn.


\ q


Mercury's yantra
This yantra should be got engraved on a silver disc or ring and should be worn on a Wednesday ln the same manner as the gem for Mercury is worn.



Jupiter's yantra


This yantra should be got engraved on a gold disc or a rtng and may be worn on a Thursday in the same manner as the gem for Juplter ls worn.


\ q



Venus's vantra

This yanfa should be got engraved on a silver disc or ring and should be worn on a Friday in the same manner as the gem forvenus is worn.







Satrun's yantrll Thts gantrc should be got engraved on a steel dtsa or ring and should be worn on a ln the same Saturday as the gem for lnanner



t1 t\





Rahu's yantra

Ketu's vantra





t1 K


K t\e



and ketu should be got engravedon The gontasofRahu Thursday art Astl.rrrdlotu disc or ring and should be worn on a worn' gems are ln the same manner as their

'\"/ d/ n'7 "rro

rhe workis a mustnotonlvI"-t!!?.119]y"j,ti"Y,' of astrology. roi'in"li"I*"'rtro""ts andpractitioners


roov no *t,t E"il?ft'd8isr

Prof' P' S' Sastrl

wollftf}'Eiiir scHoI'AR Exr{AUsrIvE

Rs'Eool Deluxe P'B'Rs'5oo/16:A-n;ri'R^;d, oatya a"ni N-ewDelhi'110002



Some remedial mo;ntras for Dag to Dag Problems

Serious Danger Manta Sf s'rtffi{rq-ftgrtfr16ffi!ft | gctr-$trftgffimgffi tt grlffi ft gfqTq-6r I 5trnR $fflT{-{ grftdrd6s-{Fqr ll ${n-gffisrgffi!ft1 $fttFkTgffi-qr gffiEEr rl ShTrqrieflTrgrt,rarmrft-ft t g,t+drg.tq-q'r g,fqr{Fffi'ft tl . gTfqrgqqrRufr t ffi 5fqi.ft 5,f{il $tqr Ft}q-{ft t grh{r gffisft ll 5ftfiqr g,irr+n,
Whenever a person ls in serious danger or trouble such as becoming a victim of a conspiracy against him, dismissal from senrice, supersession in service by hisJunior, litigation, fear of tmprisonment, the recitailon of thts mantrawill give him protection and solve problems. This mantra should be recited regularly lO8 times. The results will manifest themselves in 45 days. This rncntracan also be recited always as a protective measure. For regalntng health If a person is laid down on account of prolonged illness he should recite the following mo;ntra- He can do so in his bed if he is unable to get out of it. But before beginning the recitation of mantra he should have an idol or picture of Goddess Durgain front of him. There should be deepak frr+ or burning incense before the idol or picture. If he is on



account of hls illness unable to recite the montra. any one of his near relations like parents, wife' son or daughter can 'Ihe mantrashould be recited daily unttl he recovers. do so. Mantra:,

| dsrgsfqr{qffiTffqr{ n ftftqqlrrt irqrfYdni eqTiYarPrq-dirflfu ll On recovery the person concemed should start the recitation of the following mantra as a protective measure following the procedure mentioned above. Mantra:
gqTft q-{Fqft-d;g qrcE: ll For Malntalnlng good health

*-tltqrn Uctgffi

The following mantra is useful for those who desire to be always in good health. Mantra

rqrigd' I ?frMraiefti cq'aRqd *R,q{frefr Rft qR tt

This mantra should be recited 1O8 times daily as long as possible. For domesttc dlsturbances If a person is disgusted with daily quarrels in his family he ls advised to recite the followingmantra lO8 times daily. This will bring an atmosphere of peace in his house. Mantra

ai ft {qdt: I ll r$etfi{sr{rffi st tld I r r t fi q t{F g { l l

:r, ii,'

..' 1}l



For endlng dtsputes When a person ls very unhappy on account of prolonged dtsputes 9r lttlgation wtth hts landlord or tenant or tn hts family or ln his olllce or dtsputes with his frtends or other persons,the followtng manfawill be of immense help to htm. The recitatlon of marttashould be done ln front of an tdol or picture of goddess Dwga or KalL tO8 times daily, after offerlng red flowers to the Goddess.Incense should also be kept burning durtng the period of recttation of manfa The results will manifest themselves after 2l days. Manta qq-qrq-9ilrfufi: I vfsrqr Rffi qffi rgd W eRTt-{ r dyrq: ll Sudden dlsaster If a person fs fact4g a dtsaster, he shouldstart rectttng the following mantfa as long as the danger is not averted. The manttacan be rectted 1O8times as a protective measure by sttting trr front of an ldol or picture of gcdrdessdwga Manta rr<unrffiffi cffif I



For achlevlnglglrcat ruccesa ln llfe If a person ls very amblttous and wants to achleve great success, $ame, fame, promoflon and honour ln hts professtonal, political or soctal sphere, he should along wtth hls other eff-o,rts reclte the followlng manha log tfrneJdaily frr front of an ldol or picture of gddcss hrga.After the Japa l-l^oblations 1vqftai) of ghee should be performed. Offering of flowers and burning of dcepak (fiv-o) or burning of tncense before the god u gddessts alwAys necessary before starttng recltatlon of any manta Manta sEffE#qigrsrtPd* | ql rfi tEff {v: wrca Eqrcqcrm cffid dFi ci tl Eg|irr



For delay ln marrlagle or chlldlessness If any parents are worrled about the marrlage of thetr daughter or son or any couple are wtthout any chtld the followirrg manttarnaybe rectted byhusband orwife IO8 tlmes daily for 45 days before an idol of a god or goddess after observtng the rituals mentloned earlier. Mantra

s aRfrdqRaqqn, qqt-iqfrffi{rqqgn I T6fiqr <Mg-fr EFc-fr nt+ cmrqEdmir: ll


For solvlng financlal

trnes tn front The following manboshould be rectted 25OOO (mother after Hanuman) Shn of picture Aryjatt of of the be stretched can The recitatlon rituals. usual the observtng orrer a number of days as converrient to the person concerned. The recitatton of this manha will help him to solve hls financial problems. Manha

strrfrtqqrrqfrfufrtrihg{ | sisrft+ 6,-qrrt g g{ RrEr tl

To get a chltd Thts mantra will prwe very helpful for those who do not have a child orwhose children do not survlve afterbirih. The mantra should be recited 1O8times datly by husband or wlfe lrr front of a plcture of LordKrtshnaas a child after observtng the usual rttuals. The results wtll manlfest themselves within a maximum period of 12 months. Thc se who are medically or physicalty unfit to produce a child wlll not be helped by this manha. Martra

trdfffiffSqS+:Fr: cFffignrfrFcq|gt{q'rtral rrd: tR t r+i Eur errd sRUi 3i eF:g.{:[:fia'ftdfr t



To escapc wtdowhood No Hlndu woman llkes to become a wtdow. Thts ts a very useful manblafor women to escape widorrrhood.Ttrc mantf:a should be reclted 1O8 tlmes regularly e'yery morning after taklng bath. Manta

Fs%f;erfifr,sFrsr6rI To get rtd of fear and neryousness There are peoplewho get nervous on the sltghtest pretent. They are unable to live alone on account of imaginary fears, feel afraid after a bad dream and lackwill-power to overcome the above wealmesses. They should recite the followtng mantra lO8 ttmes dally after taldng bath. Manta

35ES agrfr<rqnr w: ll

T\e mantta should be recited ln front of an tdol or picture of Shri Honumant. For Success ln the Educatlonal Sphere The followlng two mantras will give the destred result. The number of recltations ls ten thousand. (r) etrfiEfre5g-<s*rq:il or (2) t rq: qr-{R aa qq qFtq tqwr ll To gct a son The following to be recited by the husband f Og tlmes datly until the wife concelves.In the place for name wlfe's name should be used. Marttro s% T(ftr r-{firqi (llq)qf

frEfi-ftS(gFrar I
For financlal dlfflculttes This mantra should be recited tO8 times daily after taking



bath etc. It promtses gatns of wealth and promotlon ln the professlonal sphere.

trfrfrfrfrSffSqffi | qq G m Xt R'<r * gt srdr ll I,AST TIP

We give below a very elfective remedial measure called 'Shant PmJa'to ward off the bad lnlluence of Saturn. Ftnd out a horse shoe fallen on the road from the foot of some horse and bring it home. Clean the horse-shoe thoroughly. After wiping ft dry, put it in an iron or steel vessel and keep the vessel in the place of worship in your house. After taking bath every morning apply sandal paste, oller flowers and burn Incense near the vessel. Then put one spoon of mustard oil or til otl on the horse shoe. Initially start thls pooJaon a Saturday..$fter offerrrg oll etc., do a japa of the manta "F Tq: Rldrq:" tO8 times on a rosary. This pooJa has to be performed every day as long as the wtl influence continues or always f necessary. On every Saturday yQu (fu6) should put the collected otl of a week in the lamp ttt:n a temple of Hanvimo;n or Slunl


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