Just Feet Aer

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: Just Feet

P.O.C.: To communicate all given circumstances (who, where, what, when) to an audience using just feet. Preamble: Some actors rel heavil on dialogue to su!!l given circumstances. This is "nown as !la writing and should be avoided at all costs. Other actors rel heavil on their faces to communicate emotions and#or reactions to the audience. $n truth, !eo!le react to situations and !eo!le with their entire bod . %oice hel!s to tell the audience the frame of mind the character is in. $n this e&ercise, actors will be forced to act with their whole bod , but most es!eciall the with their legs and feet. 'uidelines: (. )or this assignment ou will wor" with a !artner of our choosing. (Time out for mass whis!ering, !ointing, general e&citement#disa!!ointment). *. Plan a short scene ((+* minutes in length) in which both actors ma"e a se!arate entrance. ,. The action of our scene should revolve around an aw"ward or embarrassing situation. -. Careful use costumes !ieces will be ver im!ortant to establish our character: shoes, soc"s, !ants, etc. .. /ou ma use !ro!s to further clarif the given circumstances to our audience. )or e&am!le: chair, bench, table, bas"etball, !icnic ham!er, etc 0. /our audience will onl be able to view the actors from the "nees down. 1e will !resent these in a limited s!ace so ou will have to bloc" the scene using relativel small stage width (a!!ro&. 0+2 ft wide and , ft dee!). /ou ma choose to bloc" our scene so that a !ro! gets set down on the floor of the stage, or dro!!ed and we might briefl see the actor3s hands with the !ro!. 4. 5ctors must clarif what conflict develo!s between the characters and also how the conflict is resolved without using dialogue. 2. 6ecide whether ou will end our scene in a tableau or with e&it(s). 7. /ou will need music to hel! set the tone and establish characters. 8usic should run under the entire scene. (9. One lifeline: /ou ma use one (() offstage line to hel! clarif an of the given circumstances. :ominate one of our !eers to deliver this line. ;emember to set them u! for success: write the line down as well as !rovide him#her with s!ecific instructions about when the line is to occur. <Caution: Tr to ma"e sure actors move and use both S= and S;. 8a"e sure these crosses are motivated>

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