Experiment 2

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Recipe Name: Macaroni Salad Total preparation and cooking time 35 minutes Ingredient List 1 packet of grated parmesan

cheese Zest of one yellow lemon 4 green onions 3 whole garlic clo es 1 packet of macaroni $ dri""le of e%tra irgin Spanish oli e oil &ooden spoon Utensil List 1 large glass bowl 1 grater Chefs knife Medium!si"ed frying pan #arge steel pot 3 small bowls

Method: Step 1' )'

Instruction (egin boiling the water in a large steel pot on the sto etop and salt hea ily' &hilst the water is boiling* finely cut four green onions and separate into rings' +rate the "est of one yellow lemon and carefully chop three whole garlic clo es' ,nce the water is boiled -you will know this when bubbles start to rise to the surface. carefully open the packet of macaroni and gently pour in' Cook the macaroni according to packet instructions or until al dente' ,nce the pasta is ready* transfer into a colander and drain until all water is diminished' 0urn the pan on and dri""le with e%tra irgin Spanish oli e oil' 2lace the 4 chopped onions and 3 clo es of sliced garlic in the pan' Cook until the onions are carameli"ed and the garlic begins to take on some colour' 4emo e the pasta from the colander and pour it into 1 large glass bowl' 0urn off the pan and retrie e the garlic and onions from it'
Master Chef


4' 5' /' 1'

3' 5'

16' 11'

7or the finishing touch* sprinkle with grated parmesan' 8n9oy:

$ction 2lan
16;66 16;6) 16;64 16;63 16;11 16;)6 16;)3 16;34

2ut on hairnet and apron' &ash hands and prepare a damp towel and chopping board' Collect utensils and ingredients and lay out on kitchen bench' Salt and boil the water on the sto etop' &hilst the water is boiling* chop up onions and garlic and grate the "est of one lemon' +ently tip in 1 packet of macaroni and cook according to packet instructions or until al dente' 0urn on the pan* dri""le with oil and add onions and garlic' 4emo e the macaroni and set in a colander' 0ake the onions and garlic from the pan and set in a small bowl' +rab the large glass bowl and combine lemon "est* fried garlic and onion and the macaroni' 0oss together and garnish with a blanket of grated parmesan cheese'

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Evaluate your product !ositives recipe selection and photograph Minus" Improvements

The macaroni #as cooked al dente$ and the dish #as an interesting com%ination o& ingredients' It had a strong %ite to it$ so

A sauce #ould have helped the meal %e less dry and strong' The onion clashed #ith the lemon and the ratios #ere a tad o&&' The pasta salad #as also &or an
Master Chef

Improvements I could have made to enhance this dish #ould %e including a sauce to eliminate the dryness' (eing care&ul o& ho# much lemon$ garlic and

there #as de&initely enough &lavour' The recipe #as a good selection as it contained higher skill than my &irst e)periment as it #as cooking pasta' I &inished cooking on time'

ac*uired taste range making it unsuita%le &or particular audiences' It #as a risky recipe %ecause o& so many strong and %itter &usions all ent#ined'

onion I put in$ as these are all ro%ust ingredients #hich should %e used in delicate amounts' Recipe selection improvements could %e choosing ingredients #hich are not so likely to taste too strong or clash against each other'

Master Chef

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