The Blair Witch Project Analysis

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The Blair Witch Project analysis: the effect of the film on the audience. Paul F.

Lazardfelds Limited effects theory ( !" # !$%& may e'(lain the effect of the film The Blair Witch Project on the audience. This theory attaches )reat im(ortance to conce(ts such as inter(ersonal influences and social relations. When it *as announced on +nternet that three cinema students disa((eared in a forest (ro,a,ly ,y s(ellin)s of a *itch- the myths that (eo(le had a,out the unseen *orld or the ma)ic of *itches *a.ed u( their intri)ue/ (eo(le start incessantly a,out that. They ,elie0ed the story ,ecause it laid in their (ree'istin) mind sets. 1oreo0er/ the audience *as (redis(osed to listen to the messa)e ,ecause it a)reed *ith their e'(ectations and ,elie0es. This is *hat some researcher called selecti0e attention. The tar)et of the film and its ad0ertisin) a((ealed to many )rou(s of (eo(le of all a)es. This may ,e ,ecause either the ne*s of the disa((earance of three cinema students or the myths a,out *itches concerned e0eryone. The o(inion leadershi( theory (Lazarsfeld/ !2"& may ,e useful to analyze this. The s(read of the notice may ha0e ,een hel(ed ,y the o(inion leaders/ *ho are mediators ,et*een the media and the masses. + mean/ for instance/ a mother read the ad0ertisin) on +nternet and tell the family a,out the ne*s- the rest of the family mem,ers ,elie0e a,out it as her o(inion is solid and rele0ant. This may ha0e ha((ened in many more social ,onds/ includin) many )rou(s of (eo(le. 3s re)ards hidden curriculum/ + consider im(ortant to analyze different issues/ for instance: (eo(le should not ,elie0e a,out e0erythin) that is told on mass media- ad0ertisin) on +nternet is chea(the *ord of mouth ,et*een consumers in im(ortant for the ra(id s(read of ne*s/ to name some. +t is 0ital to hel( students to de0elo( critical and not ado(t (assi0ely e0erythin) from the media.

4eferences Lazarsfeld/ P.F./ 1eton/ 4 5. ( !26&. 7omunicacion de masas/ )usto (o(ular y accion social or)anizada. 8e* 9or.: :ar(er.

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