Experiment 3

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Recipe Name: Peach and Chicken Salad Total preparation and cooking time 25 minutes altogether Ingredient List

2 ripe peaches 2 whole avocadoes 1 whole cooked chicken extra virgin Spanish olive oil 1 tablespoon fresh hone 1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar Utensil List 1 large glass bowl 2 small individual bowls 1 Chefs knife 1 knife cup ! tablespoons Chopping board

Method: Step 1" 2" !" &" 5" ("

Instruction #ash the 15og $esclun leaves unless purchased washed" #ash the 2 ripe peaches" Cut the 2 whole avocadoes% remove the seeds and slice the avocado smoothl " Chop the peaches into thin slices and set aside" 'ake 1 whole cooked chicken and shred the flesh% discarding an bones" 'o make the dressing% combine extra virgin Spanish olive oil% 1 tablespoon of hone % 1 tablespoon of wholegrain mustard and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar" #hisk until a consistent li)uid" +ather the ingredients and combine in one large glass bowl" $ix and toss to our preferred liking" .n/o 0

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1ction Plan
1-2-1-2-2 1-2-5 1-2-*

Put on hairnet and apron" #ash hands and prepare a damp towel and a chopping board" Collect utensils and ingredients and la out on kitchen bench" 3egin washing peaches and $esclun if the leaves are not washed alread "

Master Chef

1-211 1-215 1-221 1-22* 1-2!1 1-2&1-2&&

Chop the peaches into thin slices and prepare the avocadoes" Shred the flesh of the chicken and discard an bones" Concoct the dressing and continue to taste test" Combine the ingredients and toss until well mixed% then sprinkle with macadamias" 4inse and wash the dishes" Put awa the dishes and pack up meal" Sanitise and dr bench"

Insert photos here

Evaluate your product !ositives recipe selection and photograph Minus" Improvements

My salad is a tasty mi#ture o$ colour$ul and uni%ue ingredients& The incorporation o$ $ruit and nuts make it a light and delicious recipe& My choice o$ dish 'as ideal (ecause it is aesthetically pleasing) and can display time management) sa$ety and hygiene& I could complete 'ell on time and it 'as ade%uate $or my skill level and I kne' I 'ould not make too many mistakes cooking this meal&

As I 'as making %uite a (asic dish) I The peaches look a tad could have improved rotten to'ards the centre my time management o$ the slice o$ $ruit& There and $inished a 'hile is not enough dressing ahead o$ the time and it takes a'ay some o$ limit& I could (e more the colour& The selection organised 'ith my did not e#hi(it much skill use o$ the kitchen or kno'ledge o$ the space and more culinary 'orld& *espite e$$icient 'ith the this) it did sho' a good 'ashing o$ my sense o$ time dishes& I should have management and re%uired thought a(out ho' skills& I could also use much dressing I used sa$ety) hygiene and all the and analysed the limitations such as colour and taste so kitchen space to my side& there 'as no room $or errors&

Master Chef

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