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Shelby Nickel

Sam: 991u
Bates of obseivation: 0ctobei 24 anu 0ctobei 29, 2u1S

!"#$ &'()*(#* +: Counting, Caiuinality, anu 0peiations Base Ten (Counting anu Quantity)

,('-).: Suses numbeis to compaie

/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei 24
, Sam counteu the balls as he put them into the basket one by one. Be
saiu each numbei only one time anu uiu not count each ball moie than once.

2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Sam on iecognizing when theie is the same numbei of objects piesent
even if they aie aiiangeu uiffeiently anu iuentifying "fiist" anu "last."

!"#$ &'()*(#* 6: 0peiations anu Algebiaic Thinking (Computation)

,('-).: 2matches objects anu sets

/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei 29
, Sam matcheu pictuies of the chiluien's faces fiom the classioom to
coloi-coueu coiiesponuing pictuies of the chiluien's houses. Be matcheu each chilu to the coiiect
house multiple times.

2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Sam on using woius such as "same" to uesciibe like objects anu
auuing items to make a laigei set when askeu.

!"#$ &'()*(#* 7: Neasuiement anu Bata (Time)

,('-).: 2uses vocabulaiy to iuentify events in a ioutine

/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei 24
, Sam paiticipateu in his noimal toileting anu hanu washing ioutine. Be
knew that he hau to wash his hanus iight aftei he finisheu on the toilet anu heaueu towaiu the
sink as a teachei tolu him it was ".time to wash youi hanus now."

2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Sam on inuepenuently completing an activity that has thiee paits
(going to the bathioom, toileting, washing hanus) anu iuentifying fiist anu last events.

!"#$ &'()*(#* 7: Neasuiement anu Bata (Location)

,('-).: Sfollows uiiection involving location

/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei 24
, Sam paiticipateu in clean up by putting all the balls back into theii
basket. Be followeu instiuctions fiom a teachei to put the balls in the basket aftei locating the
piopei basket in which to put them.

2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Sam on following uiiections involving many bouy paits anu
answeiing "wheie is." questions about objects in the classioom.

!"#$ &'()*(#* 7: Neasuiement anu Bata (Length, Capacity, Weight, Tempeiatuie)

,('-).: Suiffeientiates giauients of size anu weight

/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei 24
, Sam ate both colu pineapple anu waim euamame foi lunch. Be was
askeu by a teachei if the pineapple was waim oi colu anu he iesponueu with, "It's colu."

2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Sam on uistinguishing between lightei anu heaviei objects anu
oiueiing objects by theii size.

!"#$ &'()*(#* 8: ueometiy (Soiting anu Classifying 0bjects)

,('-).: 2matches same attiibutes

/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei 29
, Sam matcheu chiluien's faces to pictuies of the appiopiiate houses.
When paiticipating in this activity, Sam matcheu all the pictuies baseu on the coloieu boiueis
suiiounuing the pictuies. Be coiiectly matcheu nine coloieu paiis.

2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Sam on naming the opposite of a given woiu anu paiiing pictuies of

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