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Nama Kelas Tanggal Mata Pelajaran

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Erina Dwi Lestari X.I 3 Desember 2012 Ba asa Inggris



Pen(ab)ngan Bea*

Penyabongan beach is one beach that has the the beauty of the beaches there Belitung. This beach is 20 miles or approxi mately 30 minutes from the city district membalong. Preci sely located didusun Batu Lubang, desa Padang Kandis, Kecamatan $arious froms of roc! that resembles an elephant sleeping , embalong, !abupaten Belitung.natural stone structure composed beautify the beach atmosphere. "ecorated #ith turtles, and early human head, this un spoilt beach is so aulet and peaceful, so the beach is perfect for tra$elers #ho #ant to ma!e personal acti$ities,#ithout being distracted li!e s#imming and sunbathing. Traditional beach that begins %ust used to berth boats of local fisherman. Penyabongan beaches are di!ecamatan embalong, & '( Km from Tan%ung Pandan.

This beach you #ill en%oy the charming scenery and not boring. The pounding of the #a$es hitting the roc!s o$erhanging the sea cluster ma!es its o#n charm. Penyabongan beach ha$e #hitle sand, tourism is fairly #ell maintained. )lthought there are no facilities and infrastructure but on holidays or *undays cro#ded enough. +oastal area because the air is pretty cool shaded by pandanus trees lined along the sea shore. Penyabongan beach is perfect for a holiday for you and your family.


"esember 20,2

-rina "#i Lestari

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