Lesson Plan - Striking

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Teacher Candidate(s): Daniel Miller Lesson Plan 2 of 10 NYS/National Standards

Unit/Activity: Striking with Paddles and Rackets Central Focus: Strikes a ball with a short handled implement, sending it upward (S1.E24.1)

School: Hartnett

Date: 10/7/13 Grade: 1st # in class: 3

Domains Psychomotor Affective 1a / 1 2a, 2c / 4

Objectives Situation / Task / Criteria 1. Student will be able to hit a soft ball upward with a paddle 3 times nonconsecutively without moving their feet. 2. While using their paddles, students will maintain personal space 100% of the time 2a. When entering another students personal space, students will say excuse me 100% of the time 3. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell me what standing in opposition means correctly. Standing in opposition, strike, personal space CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.B.2 Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. Hello class! Today we are going to be working on striking objects with paddles! This is a lot of fun but we need to make sure we are being safe too. When practicing today, make sure you are in your own personal space. If an object goes into someone elses personal space, we say excuse me and only get our object back when it is safe to do so.

Assessment Tool

Length of class: Teaching Styles:

Command Practice Reciprocal Self-Check Inclusion Discovery Problem Solving Cooperative Stations Jig-Saw

30 mins

Checklist Visual Observation

1a / 2 Cognitive Academic Language Used Common Core Standards Literacy

Verbal Assessment

Equipment: foam paddles, wooden paddles, balloons, fuzzy balls, hula hoops References( e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete web address URL): On the Move (pg 94-96)

Safety Statement

NYS Learning Standard 1 Personal Health and Fitness 1A. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will attain competency in a variety of motor and sports activities. 1B. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition NYS Learning Standard 2 A Safe and Healthy Environment 2a. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity. 2b. Students will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and communication. 2c. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants. NYS Learning Standard 3 Resource Management 3a. Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity. 3b. Students will be informed consumers and be able to evaluate facilities and programs. 3c. Students will also be aware of career options in the field of physical fitness and sports

National Standards The physically literate individual: 1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. 2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. 3. Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness. 4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. 5. Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression, and/or social interaction.

Health-related Fitness (HRF) NYS LS 1B (Please Bold) Cardiovascular endurance Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition

What is the ongoing fitness theme or emphasis in this lesson? Explain how it is embedded and where in the lesson it occurs: Skill-related Fitness (SRF) NYS LS 1A (Please Bold) Balance Coordination Agility Reaction time Speed Power (i.e. Concepts taught, goals, estimated MVPA through a game/activity, heart rate, RPE, step counts, FITT, etc.)

Explain how it is embedded and where in the lesson it occurs:

(i.e. Concepts taught, goals, FITT, etc.)

Lesson Components

Time (mins)

Organization T S S S Transition T S S S


Adaptations, Assessments, Reminders CFU, Academic Language Check for understanding Remind about personal space

Instant Activity

Hello class! Id like you to grab a foam or wooden paddle, grab a balloon, and find your own personal space. When youve don e that, Id like you to experiment and find out how many different ways you can strike a balloon with your paddle. Be safe and creative! Teacher says Clean Up! students will return the balloons to the hula hoop and return to their designated spots. Hello again class. My name is Mr. Miller and I will be your Physical Education Teacher for the day. When you hear me say p ick up! you are going to put the equipment where it needs to go and sit quietly until I give you further instructions. Today we are going to working on striking a ball with our paddles! By the end of the class, I want to see everyone able to control the direction of the ball when they strike it with their paddle and get it to go upward! Ready? Lets go! Teaching Progressions Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet. Cues (Refinements) Variations / Modification Simple secrets to Add variations to make the tasks easier and harder improve performance. according to the skill level of the students (lower E.g. Low to high and higher skilled students). I will demonstrate how to properly hold the racket and go over the cues for basic striking of an object (balloon) with a paddle. Tasks - Activities for the whole class. E.g. Hit the ball over the net to your partner 10 times. 1. Have each student get a foam paddle and a balloon. Students will attempt to strike the balloon in any direction with the paddle. 1. Stand in opposition Easier Use a scarf instead of a balloon 2. Watch the balloon 3. Strike with an flat Harder - Attempt to hit the object multiple times surface Teach says Clean up! students will return the equipment to the designated hula hoop, sit down, and wait for further instru ctions. Station 1: Balloons and rackets it general space: demonstrate hitting the balloon multiple times using proper form. 1. Stand in opposition Easier Allow students use single hits instead of 2. Watch the balloon multiple hits 3. Strike with an flat Harder - Students must hit the balloon up and surface touch their toes before hitting it again Teach says Clean up! students will return the equipment to the designated hula hoop, sit down, and wait for further instructions. 2. How many upward hits can you do with no mistakes? Count them and try to get your personal best! Station 2: Balloons and rackets with forward travel: Demonstrate hitting behind the balloon to make it travel forward. 3. Travel across the gym striking the balloon forward with the paddle. 1. Stand in opposition Easier Use single hits to travel forward 2. Watch the object 3. Strike behind the Harder - Change the locomotor movement balloon Teach says Clean up! students will return the equipment to the designated hula hoop, sit down, and wait for further instru ctions. Station 3: Foam Balls and paddles in general space: demonstrate hitting the fuzzy ball. Similar to the balloon but the ball moves faster. 4. Try to hit the ball 3 times consecutively with no 1. Stand in opposition Easier use small beach ball mistakes. 2. Watch the ball 3. Strike with an flat Harder - use a waffle ball surface Teach says Clean up! students will return the equipment to the designated hula hoop, sit down, and wait for further instru ctions. Station 4: Balls and paddles into a Clover: demonstrate aiming for the hula hoops in a clover. Hit similar to when trying to travel

30 sec Introduction, Signal for Attention, Hook 2:30

Check for understanding. Focus on protocols

Adaptations, Assessments, Reminders CFU, Academic Language Check for understanding Feet in opposition Check for understanding Model correct form Wait till all quiet and equipment is back Multiple demos/different angles Have students shout out their personal world record Wait till all quiet and equipment is back Multiple demos/different angles Be wary of personal space Keep head up when traveling forward Wait till all quiet and equipment is back Multiple demos/different angles If unsuccessful, focus on single hits without moving feet Assessment: Checklist Wait till all quiet and equipment is back Multiple demos/different angles

30 sec

Demonstration #1 T S S S Transition Demonstration #2 T S S S Transition Demonstration #3 T S------------- S------------- S------------- Transition Demonstration #4 T S S S Transition Demonstration #5


30 sec 30 sec

5 Body of Lesson (Lesson Focus)

30 sec 30 sec

30 30

30 30

forward with the balloon to make the ball go forward. T 5 S X S Transition T S S S S 5. Strike the ball and try to hit it into the clover. The middle of the clover is worth 2 tens, the outer clover is worth 1 ten. Count your score! 1. Stand in opposition 2. Watch the ball 3. Strike behind the balloon Easier Get closer to the clover Harder - Move back one giant step each time you are successful Check for understanding Allow students to choose how far they need to be to challenge themselves but still be successful Wait till all quiet and equipment is back Check for understanding

30 sec Lesson Closure, Hook to Next Lesson

Teach says Clean up! students will return the equipment to the designated hula hoop, sit down, and wait for further instructions.

Good job today class! Who can tell me what standing in opposition means? Good job! Because you did such a good job working with paddles today, we are going to play a quick round of Swamp Monsters! I need everyone to spread out in the boundaries and 2:30 get ready to try and tag your classmates. When you get tagged, you must crawl on the ground like a Swamp Monster and try to tag standing classmates. Last one standing wins! Pre-planning: Previous instruction in this activity (earlier grade levels) Post-planning: Assessment Informs Teaching: future needs based on assessment results Teacher Reflection Notes: (Include any assessment, task cards, exit slips you used): Describe and number

Evaluation of Lesson


Reflection: This lesson plan was for a first grade class. The class has already had previous instructions using the station format so knew what to do when clean up was said. The students were able to complete their stations and quickly clean up and wait for further ins tructions before moving onto the next station. This helped create a very calm and organized learning environment. Setting these protocols for students in my future classes will be critical in order to have my entire year run smoothly when introducing new material.

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