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Cuts push NHS to crisis point


55,000 people took part in the demo in Manchester, nearly twice what the TUC expected. It was a spirited and an impressive show of force. You could sense the class anger at the government. We call on trade union leaders to coordinate their strikes this autumn to drive out the Tories and for health unions to produce a plan of action so that the ConDems cannot destroy the NHS. The High Court quashed the governments decision to slash Maternity and A&E services at Lewisham Hospital and upheld that decision following an appeal from Hunt to cause him more embarrassment. This shows that mass campaigns can win. Local opposition was given as one of the reasons for the ruling. Across London and the rest of the country, campaigners should take heart in this victory, and we should continue the fight to oppose more cuts.
Union Donation to SW Please let me know about future Socialist Worker events (phone/email)



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