Danilo Kalafatovic

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Danilo, General
(1875 1946)

Commander in Chief of the Rear Area Command
Chief General Staff
- 1945
Prisoner of War
Emigrated to West Germany


Danilo Kalafatovi
( 1875 - 1946 )

Born on 27 October 1875 in village of Konarevo near Kraljevo. Graduated in 26th Class of
Lower and 8th Class of Higher school of Military Academy. From 1900 to 1902 went to
School of Applied Artillery (cole d'application de l'artillerie) in Fontainebleau, France.
In 1909 married Milica, daughter of Dragomir Lazarevi from abac. They had a son Ratomir
Ratko which graduated as first of the 57th Class of the Military Academy and daughter Vera.
On 15 April 1941 Kalafatovi was named chief of staff of royal Yugoslav army and given
power to negotiate surrender of the remains of the army, he issued order for unconditional
surrender ending April war.


1896 - 2nd Lieutenant of the Artillery

1903 - Captain
1 October 1915 - Colonel
5 January 1923 - Divisional General
11 April 1930 - Army General


The order of the Karageorge Star III Class

The order of the Karageorge Star IV Class


1900 - company commander and orderly officer to the king

1902 - commander 5th Battery/2nd of howitzer artillery regiment
28 March 1903 - commander 3rd Battery/1st of Danube artillery regiment
6 April 1907 - orderly officer to the king
3 October 1907 - assistant to chief of staff of Danube divisional district
1909 - chief of staff of Timok divisional district,
from 8 June 1909 to 1913 - military attache in Bulgaria
also from 27 April 1911 to 1913 - military attache in Romania
from 2 September 1913 to 1914 - commander of 3rd Battalion of 7th Infantry
from 1 April 1914 to 13 July 1914 - commander of Bregalnica Infantry Regiment
from 28 July 1914 to 16 April 1916 - chief of staff of Morava Division 2nd Call
1916 - president of Committee for troops embarkation in Valona
from 16 April 1916 - chief of Intelligence section of Supreme Command
from 25 July 1917 to 4 May 1920 - chief of Operational section of Supreme Command
1920 - military expert in Paris and Rapallo
from 15 April 1941 - chief of staff of Yugoslav army

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