MIS Notes

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Characteristics of Web 2.0 Content sharing though open sourcing o Open systems Open source Source code User contributed content o User generate content Flickr Youtube Wikipedia o Reputation systems Ebay Amazon Collaboration inside the organization o Collaboration sys Collective intelligence o Knowledge man sys Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Collaboration outside the organization o Crowdsourcing

10/2/2013 12:23:00 PM

Sir Tim Berners-Lee: founder of WWW

Web 1.0 static text-based information Web 2.0 user contributed content Web 3.0 based on intelligent web applications using natural language processing, machine-based learning and reasoning and intelligent applications Semantic Web eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

Deep Web Reading

Databases (many things are driven by databases) o Crawlers cannot go to the databases Registration based websites banks, facebook, blackboard etc o Have to access after registration, crawlers cant PDFs o Come from academic research, thousands of journals o Sometimes are pictures and crawlers cannot process photos At one point, deep web was 500 times larger than web o 50% more traffic o we do a lot of things in the deep web but crawlers cannot reach the deep web google is stupid bc cant reach deep web

10/2/2013 12:23:00 PM

10/2/2013 12:23:00 PM

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