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Lisa Latham PED 914 Project #1 Lesson Plan Grade Level: 5 Activity: Four-way Capture the Chicken Equipment:

13 oran e cones ! hula hoops "# re$% # reen% # &lue% # yellow' 1( ru&&er chickens pinnies "enou h )or each team% appro*+, o) each color' #! han$ hel$ heart rate monitors Objectives: -he stu$ents will. 1+ $e/elop strate ies within the rules o) the ame #+ achie/e their tar et heart rate "as measure$ &y han$-hel$ heart rate monitors' 3+ $emonstrate teamwork 4+ $emonstrate oo$ sportsmanship NETS and NASPE Standards: 012PE 2tan$ar$ 4. 1chie/es an$ maintains a health-enhancin le/el o) )itness 0E-2 2tan$ar$. 3esearch an$ 4n)ormation Fluency. 2tu$ents apply $i ital tools to ather% e/aluate% an$ use in)ormation+ Descripti n: -he o&ject o) the ame is to collect all si*teen ru&&er chickens )rom the other teams+ -he ymnasium will &e $i/i$e$ into )our e5ual sections or 5ua$rants+ Each team will ha/e one section as their 6home7 5ua$rant+ Each section will ha/e two hulahoops which are the same colors as their team pinnies+ 8ne hula-hoop will &e locate$ in the corner as a 6jail+7 -he other hula-hoop "or hen house% i) you will' will &e locate$ in the center o) the section an$ will contain the ru&&er chickens that the team has collecte$+ E/ery team shoul$ &e in with )our ru&&er chickens+ 2top ame e/ery 4 minutes to check heart rate an$ recor$ results+ 9eart rate monitors will &e locate$ in the /ery &ack corner o) each 5ua$rant in a protecti/e &ucket+ !ules: 1+ 4) a player is ta e$ in any section other than his:her own% he:she must o to the jail in that section+ #+ ;hile in jail% a player must keep one )oot insi$e o) the hoop+ 3+ -o &e )ree$ )rom jail% a player )rom that person<s team must come o/er an$ ta the jaile$ person on the han$+ 4+ =pon &ein )ree$% the person who was in jail must walk &ack to their home section% with a han$ in the air% &e)ore re-enterin the ame+ -his person has a )ree pass &ack+ >+ 1 player may )ree any num&er o) teammates )rom jail at a time+ (+ 1 player may only steal one ru&&er chicken at a time+ -his ru&&er chicken cannot &e passe$ to another teammate+ ,+ 0o players are allowe$ to 6 uar$7 the jail or the ru&&er chickens+ ;hen uar$in is e/i$ent% the teacher will stop the ame an$ $istri&ute the uar$in team<s ru&&er chickens to the other teams+

Lisa Latham PED 914 Project #1 Lesson Plan !+ 3un )ast an$ ha/e )un? 9+ 2tay on your )eet? Assessment: Check #1 @@@@@@@@@&eats per minute Check ## @@@@@@@@@&eats per minute Check #3 @@@@@@@@@&eats per minute Check #4 @@@@@@@@@&eats per minute Check #> @@@@@@@@@&eats per minute -oo low -oo low -oo low -oo low -oo low -ar -ar -ar -ar -ar et Aone et Aone et Aone et Aone et Aone -oo hi -oo hi -oo hi -oo hi -oo hi h h h h h

;hat $o these results tell you a&out this acti/ityB 4s it mo$erate e*erciseB 4s it /i orous e*erciseB 4) your heart rate was too low% what $i$ you $o to raise it upB 4) your heart rate was too hi h% what $i$ you $o to lower itB 9ow many o) you were in the tar et Aone at least two times $urin the acti/ityB "nclusi n: Clin$ stu$ents will ha/e a runnin partner who can lea$ them as a ui$e+ 2tu$ents in wheelchairs will also ha/e a ui$e who can &en$ $own an$ pick up a ru&&er chicken )or them an$ han$ it to the stu$ent+ Dia#ram:

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