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* . | ; - w FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION © Rar etomenaresar LOS ANGELES 7 euema 205-420 $1559 15, 18-45] cunacram or came “SEE Sane ae rors or racra Ropar ts contact witl ' aided six top argent hiding AITLUR upon his landing by submarine in Arcentina, HITLER reported to be hiding out in foot= hills of southern Andos. In‘ormation obtained &. from unable to be verified by . disappegranse. Attempts to looai . files. . Wo record of him in police or 7 : r reeetaiete! é REFSRUNTE: Los Angeles setter to Bureau, O-liphy ‘ Bollywood, Catiforaia, | GEE oporeea to 4 n the City Desk of the Los. Angeles Sxantm ‘Bewspaper that upon his leaving the Kelody Lane Restaurant at Hollywood and Vine on or about July 28, 1915, he mot a friend of his who at-the tine was en= eed in a conversation uith an individusl who later identified hinsolf as ie: on friend whose identity he doca not wish to sclose because of reasons that Will xpiained, renarked
  • and also the panes of the three other men who helped MITLER inland to his hiding place. explained that he was given $15,000 for helping in the deal xplained hat he was hiding out in the United Stat #0 that he could let fhow he got out of Argentina. He stated to ‘that he would tell his story to the United States officials after SIMsR's capture ao that they might keoy him fron having to return to Argentina, He further explained hat the mattor was weighing on his mind and that he did not wish to be mixed up in the business any further. According a. HITLER 40 suffering from asthns and ulcer has shaved off his mustache and has ‘ong "but" on his upper lip. gave the following directions to/ "if you will g0 to @ hotel in San Antonio, Argentina, I will arranze for a man to mect you ‘there and looate the ranch where HITLER is. It is heavily guarded, of course, od you will be risking your 1ife to Gaaliigy Tf zoo do ce to Argentine, place an ad in the Examiner stating, ar. mow that you are on the my to San Antonio.’ foal Hempatead 8158, ‘The above information was given to; WR. reporter on the Los angeles Bxoniner on July 29, 1915+ The writer oontacte Min an attempt to Locate In ‘order that ho might be vigorously imverviewod in detail concerning tho above store. ‘the information set out above, adding that the friend to ‘talking in froat of the Melody Lane Restaurant was a friend of ths name of "JACK," last name unknown, but that sinos the introduction he has had further conversation with "JACK" and “JACK" advised him that while be "as eating his lunch at the Melody Lane Restaurant feat at his table tor a we LA 105-410 and after the meal followed him out where he engaged in a conversation in front of the restaurant. ‘aooording to “JACK,” had mentioned that no : had important information ige and solicited his cooperation in locating * the proper officials to whom this information. "JACK" tgld that it was at this tine that joame along and he asked; st to his story inasmich es be, "JACK," was ine hurry, : Rdded that he had spent several hours enyecod in ral on wnich he explained was a “feeler" on the part ie a ‘was all right and could be relied upor has been related abov. MMM cviced that ho fe would try to help him, and for him to call back at the stead ‘a few days and he would have tinued that he immediately contacted tried to arrange a neetins wi in the newspaper which, according stated that he was unable to throw 1 the information obtained from “"” _ , Wo ieomporatet in the story. according aa. aid not? ‘Spell his name but simply introduced hinse. adel metie.——"-— GI: orient ty te wetter tat ——_ ‘elephoned hin or if he ‘observed at any time to immediately him in conversation to expiain that the proper suthoritics wished to dizcuas tho matters fumsscr in detail with him personally. To dategg@iy hes not conects ll advised that -he eats two meals daily at the Helody Lane Restaurant but he has not observed the subject since his first meeting. The + writer has continually epot-checked the Helody Lane Restaurant at meal tine in an effort to locateg@MMpith negative rosulte. ‘The Hollywood and police records have been checked with negative results on the nam and cther similar sounding names. ‘the records of Immigration and Natur: Service were also chocked with negative results under the similar sounding ~ nanes with neative resuits. Because of the lack of sufficient information to support the story advanced by| , At Le believed impossible to contime efforts to locate HITLER with Whe sparse information obtained to date. i =. ‘an appar \iable story but aduits there is some oust in his as to whether ia telling the truths A description ot QED crtasned cro. as rostone: a i909 eee ‘oma 7 51 OCT 1A tee A i~ BG _f Movember 6,°1945 * “<; ‘Avatotant Chief of Staff, 0-2 Ear Departuant “ attentions” * Reais Pe 5 : Military TateLigence ‘geese of interost to the military authorities, \ “I oopy'of your letter to Assistant Chief of Staff, Meobington, D. Gyo yc, Kae ALE. “sg the evant you repeive sdditionsl information-which you believe to he of dnterest toe. MALT ‘Nant you to feel. free to coumunicate with me. he of Antero ee a m te | _ "Sincerely yours, tr. J. Edger Yoover. oriet of Furesu of ‘atl invert ipetore. ostington TU Ly deer Fr. hoover? For avite long weeks T have teen plonning to write to you but fue to excer® of work 1 could not. That cen ly ae core very » propor, ec in the reentire it hes been offered # renaré to anyone whore informtion my sonduct to the detection of Hitler. del aaea a, To begin wituyl an one of those whe thine ne belte firndly that Acoi@yitler ae nell ne ave Srown sre live. “reir bodies have not been founc, both vanieted nt the eome tire, both were not caprbie of ccnmitting ruicife em with plenty of menne, there fe not a resecn wry they should not be se eafe ar poscibie, trying to enjoy 1ife. . Now, ar to the whereatoute my reeroning ig tht 1- Titler ¢ieappesred the very ery before the Russians entered Eerlin; there war no lerge rerpin of tire for nim to prepve his escaprde. 2- ritler @1é@ not lesrn ony Lemevege -foreing cne-, pretended to éeepive al? aenpurges. noturelly teri ces the Cermen, tut the Teri ressen must te, re trie? one coule not. So ne rvet hove theught of * ewuntry in rich | is Gernan would not attract the attention of others. 5- Switrerion€ -tho denyive it now-, played boli 712 the time curing the wor with the nezi Reich. “re Gerran Switzere ere nurerove ene powerful, ané, which fe more irrortent, they were,ere, the nesreet frience to whom rich Titler covle apply for ehelter. Besides the Gerzon part of Switrerlond ig peopled with far sited anc preeticrily feolrtee forme, in any of which !itler sn@ the Ercrn worn covl? live veacefuily en’ happily for the mst of their netural liver. (sEROOR Ly Behe L Consequently I tave x nunch tht it’ 4e in the Gerren switzerlend where thece fugitives of Ina are toFe found Tey muet be there, covered ond helped by mony cther Switzer of Germn ceecent, afilisted to the nazi icere. ih let me Wiening you 211 goo? luet in your taey Yours very © incerely, I have received letter of October 22, 1915, trans- mitting a clipping from the. ine Digest" for November, 1945, on ‘the possibility that Adolf Hitler may be in Argentina. Your action in tranmitting this clipping to me is indeed appreciated, Sincerely yours, John Edgar Hoover ‘Director rs October 22nd, 1945. ur. J. Edgar Hoover, Federal Pureau of Investiest ton, Washington, D.C. Dear lr. Hoover: : . I recently read the enclosed article, hich mey or may not have been called to your attention. I found 4t both interesting und rlaucible und would appreciate a reply fro you es to your"reaction.” . Cordially yours, Froar (° ) Sohn Eger Hoover ~ Director, Pedaral Bureau of Investigation Subjects RUMORS RITLBR MAY “BE IW AROENTTUA : There 1s transmitted herewith @ clipping fron the "Magazine Digest" for November of 1915 discussing the possibility. Stat Hitler may be in argentina, je transmitted primarily for your inforaation, However, in view of eileen 212° °F the Legal Attache in Monteriacc coe ot it ited \that*he be que: suggest sationed for any facts Muwb'he makes in the attached clippings t fi bss 53bIS-4YL “Novenber ab, 29Us Your interest and courtesy in making this information availeble are greatly appreciated and you may be assured that it will receive , appropriate attention. In the event you have any additional inforsation which you believe should be furnished to this Bureau, please feel free to contact the Special Agent in Charge of our Bireinghan Office which is located at 300 Martin Balding, Birmisighan 3, Alabena. : +, Sincerely yours, Li Joba Bdgar Hoover hr Fdgar J,Hoover Nov ird 1945 Dear Friend, I heve some nets in my possion whitch I believe to be true and vould interest you very much.I canot davulg the mans name ct present who gavc me the news but I will geve you the news I have and if you think it worth while then you can have one of your men contsct me,for futher informetion. Hitler is in Argentine,He is liveing in © greet unterground establishment benesth e vest hocienda- 675 miles vestfppm Florianopoli 450 miles northvest of Buenos Alres;and thet ‘two doubles' sre there with Eitler.the western enterence to elevstors leading to Hitlers new underground Is @ yall opereted by vhoto-electric cells,xnd unrt by code signi is of even dim flesh lights,wall slides to left,lets futos speed in,and instently slides beck énto place. To not believe the British lie thet Hitler is deca I am # full blooded fmericrn and think this should be investi at once. Your Friend, 'Y yee c FF Qe @ esesseis— , *) gECORDEP sac, New York 2 Movenber 15, 1945 } John Pagar Hoover ~ Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation si I mm_enolos: tL Le iil Kovenber 15, 145 .° ‘Thank yda for your letter of November 7, 195, the contents _ Of whioh have been carefully noted by mo, In the event you have any additional {nfornation which you Delieve may be of interest to thie Bureau, please fool free to furnly it to the Special Agent in Charge of the Row York Field Division, address of which 19 254 United States Court House, Foley Square, Wew York 7, Wew Yorks Sincerely yours, as Ow IE Ae, : John Bigar Hoover Direotor ‘BOBrom 65~53615 Daud dai» “Wins Py tn, he Ab if fhe? gate Ke ph wth Liss ob Sty Mat the > Saar 0 Tar Aad h, an. laa dig ie i mena lle mt a. Gray da the rial ALL hay ws Stche PP Nae an rary sop thay bt Meike nila: sade Ae Ml y My mths Ayes hile fo th sll n beams é “Se nov Hi in * Seed a by fre a = We t : Dire (3h P98" ‘ fiwhk theacace OS Mee Apelor Nar dew 0 co ae all aatiiel Preusl Ge Csrnar oe Bes crlleag 20 “ae a Ke ote ae Cerner, taka ola ie 2 one who bare Pears bale <4, ee at ee Sylirtet » atk ROL TE Lecefl 2 Ghd Uf yo would Toes Borie oe cele bieteo Corl Lalhe Gruner, cts tert B catl Sate Lreries. why ee OE Phere, Fated (7 eegartttia for Lor 04 Kec etre iP cee tt the rnredlle , oa rae te YL avectes Carviecrt, a ee ee other. Lag “tke at Lo Cop ted, ae et Ta pe 7a 4. ae) ne - ertio lees trlivecLed ere cas 12/25 gee Week “et faga ex ON geet it oe “18 ¢ C5 5 3615-47 Movesber 14, 1945 = T thank you for your later of Stobr 26 and for ‘the clip- “ping which you enclosed. : : ax sorry that Ido not have any recent inforaation concern 16 Aaspecter Drew of Scotland Tard, Sincerely yours, Sohn Edgar Hoover Director ‘ BOBrRMB LOMMUNIGTIUNS Styliuis 4 MAILED 15° | 26@e (eo a et ee tee . a TESS : : ; Strat fee 7 ah . & eP aoe wnt “as = Broly — ~ ie Z a) PA EEE OT re abn i} hege weE LS 4 forsotten by Hitler and that dyring the years after he case her & friendshlp wiu: Eltler bocame so close that she ana of her fanily lived withiEitler in tho sane hutel on tho on of their annual vieLt to ‘Soran “d. that if Nitler should fat any tine get into difficulty) Wdherbin it was necessary for hin to find a safe rotreat, he would fing such safe rutroat at her hotel (Ia Falda) where they hac alroads rede the necessary preparations." aan = ‘This 4s bee Sunished only for your information and ‘for ue \, SF tdon-oF your files. / > ae MMUiGATIONS SECTICN | ywaAlLeED & Preeereticks 9, OED PSS ce i fal i ‘This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Noveaber 2h, 19U5. i ‘The content of your letter has been carefully noted, and I went to i ‘thank you for your interest and courtesy in writing to this -ureau. In the event you receive additional infornation which you believe ‘to de of interest to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I want you to feel free to communicate with the Special Agent in Charge of our Philadelphia Field Division which 18 located at 500 Widener Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sincerely yours, . John Edgar Hoover 4 Director Made —— skiax, Sac si ay “4A af d wetiny tone UC: 2 : 7 1 Aiuled’ teadera ‘aatike the pros fervers™ pect Of ie lang rawn-out ater "A depanese avy slat Steer told "3 sat .detailn of m plus to evacuate Hite 4 BS ¢ er and eva Braun to Japan after Uae fall of Germany, and thats Terme Japanese submarine en ‘barked on the enterprise. ‘Nothing further waa heard of the submarine, according to the Jap. Ae the sume time, some of the fhoge German U-bosta ail are un- ssecounted for. * ‘| —_ ate i i i E i Big Sub Cache ‘That there may have. been con siderabje wubmarine trafic bee ‘tween Germany and Japan wae ite icated, by the Interception Text July of a Nast U-boat Japan-bound SAU 0 $5,000.00 cache of mercury (tne other valuables sorely heeded by the Jepe for # lest-alten stand ‘euticlent credence wan aitached to the possibilty Cat Bigh-ranking German might have eacoped to Je: gon that United States Army air Thorities have bees carefully ened fing the approsimately three thou: ‘sand Germans gathered i the Fe tote mountain district of Auhino- you, whose tall peaks resemble Boose of hitters beloved Bavaria, "Dati and unteas the Her mys tery. defcitely ts solved, these re: ports can cogtinue and grow ttl Brey reach ete eltimate end of someone ‘etunly seeing Hitler himaclt tn the flesh, Under r years that It Sia pot Lincolva astamin, Doh Wilkes ‘Booth, who was ehot to Seath hy Union wovarers in = bac $3°Shyw ater he annatcatipn, but seeping tramp who was mistake ‘ca for Booth, "Up nil a few youre ago st was ‘Ringtyrtwo charred and. broken, _ bodies were removed from & mass ferave pear Hille bunker in the Rechachancollery. ‘Teay were sub ‘to mmuch worse destruction. yet the {ce and live out hia natural fe. rneceassry for cial denial to De sade that Booth Gd not evade jus “Sue of the frestest International + TAS an at of the tebulour o— 3? tae or anotter, ae et Lincoln's wesazsin, ohn End hace cote ced Xrny Bima Wilkes Banth. who wae ah to ‘Ris teeth and seh Je bones Bere photographed. They have Fone back into old police records of iene ave arrests before he be- ‘Enme chiet of Germany on Jan. 30, as. "The searchers consider Mt more than on acelsent that mo remaine Ihave been found which cam be Iden {ied aa theae of Eva Braun or of Siartin Bormann, deputy chief of Uesth by Uaign wore ina bore 12 days after Uw areaerinatyon Na rn alooying (amp who wae mist efor Broth ‘Up until e few years ago i wae eceneary. for nfics denial te be rade that Booth aie not evane ae tlce and live out hin natural fi ‘One of the greatert Intemations! legends was that of the fabulous Marahal "Nes, Napoleon's chiet elles Hitler Ieutenant and called by Bim “the ‘contend Dravent of the breve.” that’ "Bormann superintended the Dia Nev Eocene? Eremation of Hitler and Bva Bras, “Aithough Ney wa convicted by fand when last seen had Hitler's last ‘Testament narsing him succeanor In ‘the Neal movement, 1 Fronen courlmartal and oftein= Ty executed on Dee. 8. 1815. in Lue tiibourg Gardens, the reonet ei Bormann Bay Be Key ulated that the Bring agi, for- Autied authorities are inclined to ter soldiers under Ney, purpoesiy belleve that Bormann ts the key to fmlased theit alm and he Was per ‘he mystery. I Hitler is alive, Bor- mitted to escape. “ro this day there are DisLorlang who contend that Ney eventually cwenped to the United States where fang persona later reported seeing Samii toe with in or : ee ey one eri rae ele egos as ree he ete Br : Tater the sempce meraenee nese ~ Foe brap pang ated TS ange tae Ingen Sesser accomplanes it Fe lt Sikes enone wea te Borer Ba ee SETTENIIS TA cay ot atta tne Hun dsnppeaces |foreatal by uncovering etciove BE Ea ws ae Ma can eae rt ec samo od “4 SS gener rumor ones tne eaten en ef [Rime nthe aco ll Setoraret Ame tet anna han | blongenieg in wich Sepia Benin - oe ater nat toe meats Ma lao decree swt, there are thre who Sa ty ae en oeveh rors have originat-|remsar coined hat Hr es Pan eg a ene ARNE Terenas es |X iesing athe: open pall Fe oo en pen Arata | A tating, pb tno te Moet anaes nave wach) Sovetan of fares wich might] Soa of theee Ameena i ied ann nar ens err Rain ang ee eee a Mae eee nae Germany hase ily hoped that his anppeatanee has not relaxed 1° ame suernberg tat ta une SUT ean of Mtmemon | tne srret ot Gerlach Hemme dervay the abence of Knowle Dong hs conqueror: irich'an exineniber of te German tas to’ tne precae tare or wheres "Finke have teen instances in his-: general staf and slated to be a de- abouls of Miller prebabiy. will be- tory when the followers of dead: fendant st Nucrnberg, after he fd jeme more of an aching void vatent Jecters have’ tried to. perpetuate sorked incognito for four montis! the meantime some of the most heir force through complete cons ca # United States Army billet in?aentational discoires in & period “Seelment of thelr remains, [Bevin highighted the Rosina: jot aovarenatsonteananing events S"Litles may have known that the! of Nazi leaders going uncerground! are forthcoming. SSRIS TP 1g 00 UOT Fe Roem — - setae san Sreyndod ays je—suiezebi9 HOKE) SH Seaman eon sat HLI3L 2IHM *} vat Od a aSaHi aivinguday THM NVH OV vr $67 = $GZ ae Buyyewsseag aWo}y send 20819 ° goypeg ano, aa eee 49 WOOS 490d suoyeassany 494915 “saya “yy uy H20K0> parog sAureNY, WOO WOOD 400d O4L : 3% January 17, 1946 Dei Be ‘Thank you for your communication of January 7, 1946, which will ecoive appropriate consideration. To the event you have additional information, which you believe to be of interest to this Bureau, please feel freo to communicate with the Special Agent in Charge of our Los Angeles Office, the address of which is 900 Security Building, Los Angeles 13, California, ' Sincerely yours, Jobn Edgar Hoover ‘Director . January 22, 1916 veer i Thank you for your letter of Jamary 6, 1916, woich will receive -{, appropriate consideration, ©. : fi In the event you have additional information which you believe to be of interest to thie Burem, please feel free to commnicate with the Special Agent in Charge of our Los Angeles Office which is located at 900 Securtty Building, Loe angeles 13, Saltromta, ” Sinoerely yours, Py . i i i : - Lbdlere} (Fareed § = adetey z ve a ten 9.0. Al igh My ue E en Weber os : 4, eho oy he vio obvrg arg nyjeth 20 on. F : on had Stem 4A alan peg | % th foot ALS tictaeh Ries Ages oid bo Rj Soientils Setad 6. ge % de -ferneneeg, : cond. aD ay Heating Sere orevdear 8 on atu! wreuletn, Hho aan La Conus om Ee a ee C a ada fe good: Pe hee eee Pune Laren 3 rhe devdtadeiy faves pres aniiode ee 46 ot by Mrs ren rns de va 23 dio io Senpidentead * Wsrro far & beter, het, sed — y. Edger Hoover, Federal Bureau of Investination, ashington, D.C+ pear Sirt he enclosed picture “ae teken from the U. ana 1 am mailing it to you, because the party eft of the figures, standjns behind the post, ery marked rezemblence to Hitler. Tao not know if this js of interest to you OF ut T thought I would mail ite Strike by Bu: Effect on political line-ups as Colonel Peron faces fest in presidential election A threeday strike of Argentine busi essen agnnattheit Government now has offered something new in the way of iikes, This wan a trike of erployers fesint an order to increase wages not & fhe of workers to force a wage inreae. ‘What happened wes th ‘The Argentine Government, dominated by soup of Army colonels led by Ca Joan Fron, in December ordered employ. betta incense wages ofall workers and to “pay each worker t December bonus eqoal to one month's salary. Total increases in pay ranged rom 18 to $334 per cent. Protest, Burincermen immediately tented, Some of thei compl order, bet mod of then qos of iegality and inability to pay Businessmen Sally bit upon a three-day ‘Brana, with emplayes sontinaing to et Seive tir regular pay, as a means of Sowing their dinapprovnl Most bubinesae tod indutrierremeived cowed throughout the Uses days prielpal exceptions were ‘tities, banks and sone small shops asnesemen tow have taken the decree into court; they ary itis unconatittiona becauise the Argentine Congress did pot approve it, There has been'no Congress her country since 1845 ‘Responsibility forthe cre is id at the “dor” of Colon ‘Peson, Eaters ox decree to give workers #5 per cent of their ‘ploy’ pos. Thus actions were. Interpreted as bids teckiog fer hin predentad ‘Col. Peron followed these moxes by or- sntising the Labor Party, which now has Sominated him sits presidential candidate, ‘Support of « large share of Argentines 15900.000 workers might ‘enable Colonel Peron to win the Febronry £4 election ‘without coercion or ‘manipulations. And {Btbough be sometimes has used strong tnethods, he is believed now to desire elec toa by an overwhelming popular vote. ‘Colgnel Peron counts on the mpport of eeberal elements: The Army, on the whole, osm be ex: pected to beck him. The colonels’ clique Z ve hs imprisoned generals known to have lotted or suspected of plotting agaist the Bevcamcat i has wa lees duty far from Bucnos Aires, But Army Backing ean be deceptive; at times, defection has ‘Supped out in unexpected places. The ational police are considered selidly Behind Colonel Peron. They, to ess as Weapon Against Raise Ordered by Government The balonce of power between these: ‘sto alignments appears to lie ia the hands (of certain elements, Workers in busineses and factories and ‘on ranches, nonnvembers of the old uaious. fare the largest group. It is primarily to ‘them that Colonel Peron has been direct- + ing bis labor overtures COLONEL PERON CAMPAIGNING «++ his elevation would create some delicate problems gether with the Army, may control the lection if the voting appears to be un- favorable. Catholic leaders favor him, and Ar seatina is overehelmingly Catholic. Young netionalists, although not mu- ‘merous, are bis active supporters. Ni and Fascist sympathizers are expected to ‘work for bis election. ‘Opposition. Colonel Peron’s opponent, ose Tamborini, candidate of the Dem ‘eatic Union, will count on the backing (of the parties in the Union—Socialists p fect few deters), Tro gressive Democrats and Comm ange from mildly iberal to strongly leftist. Longeestablished labor unions, in the main, are believed friendly to Tamborini, but they claim only £00,000 members. Intellectual leaders, stodents, and busi- pessmen are others upon whom Tamborini ia depending. Notional Democrats may split their voles, This conservative party's overs: ‘rent was overthrown by the colonels in 103s, Ubroconservetive owners of huge estates ‘will find themselves having to choose be- tween Communist-backed Taraborini and Colonel Peron, who recently promised to break up a vast ranch holding and tom it over to the workers. Politically opothetic citizens, a final group whose aid Colonel Peron’ seeks, in Inany-enser reented the closing of shops during the business strike, Some of them [se capecled to rupport Peron. WE Colonel Peron’ popular suppart proves too weak to assure bis eboice by free voting, force may sting the election in bis favor. His elevation to the presi dency would create some delicate prob- Tems for the U.S., whose officials have Publicly denounced him in the pas. THE UNITED STATES NEWS | have always led - SOCIAL PROGRESS “Whatever is right can be achieved through the irresistible power of awakened and informed public opinion. Our object, therefore, is not to enquire whether a thing can be done, but whether it ought to be done, and if it ought to bé done, to so exert the forces of publicity that public oe ‘ll . 2” oO opinion wil compel it to be done. “es:* aoont dajthe, 1880's ee ttearet Nows- ‘1 1922 the Hearst Newspapers 7 ise There is attached hereto a brochure or book entitled "adolf ities / Gertificats of Surriage, Private Will and Political Testament.» Tits brochure is prepared with the original document eppéaring on the left-hand Side of the page and the [nglish translation appearing on the rigat-haml side. It is notes thet the signatures of Adolf Hitler, Fva Titler nee — #2 a —fravn, Josep Gorbbels and Martifgormann are signed to the marriage certificate————- ee which signatures enpear on page 2 of the marriage certificate. It is noted that Ej the fignatures of Adolf iiitler and signatures of artin Tormann, Nicholaus —vort|plow, and Dr. Ooebbels appear on page 3 of Hitler's private will, The nang 0° Bormann appears on a letter prepared by Wartin Tormann to the Srand RUmiral. The signatures of Pitler, Dr. Joseph Coebhels, Wilhelm Parcd-rf, Yartin Dornan and Hans Krebs appear at tho botton of page 10 of ‘itler!s political testenent. The attached brochure was hooded to: of the Liaison Section by Colonel , MIS. Colonel advised that the attached brochure was prepared by the Military Intelligence Service from captured documents, and was prepared in the.attached form so that the Chief of Staff might give it to the President, who undoubtedly will eventually place it in tho Library of Congress. Colone qqggRN sdvisccam@MMMM that he had been acvised uy General Vandenberg that the Chief of Staff was delighted with the attached material, hat was reluctant to pass it to the President until some attempts have Leen made to verify the authenticity of the documents and signature of fitler. ‘ There are also attached numerous docuuents which were captured by the 1 ifilitary Intelligence Service at the Headquarters of the Wehrmacht witch contain -} copies of Hitlerts signature in September, 19403 January, 1942; Septender, 19443 October 12, 19445 October 24, 1944 and December 15, 194}. There are also attached — docunents captured at the Headquarters of the ‘iehrmacht cont eining the signatures of ~ WU, Yormann and Purgdorf. There is elso attached a folder dated September 22, 1939, | containing Iitler's signature on page 2. Colone a advised ur. MMMM that seneral Vanienberg desired the Bureau to make a couparison of the signatures appearing in the attached book with ‘those appearing on the attached official documents in onder to ascertain whether oj not the signature appearing on the alleged marriage certificate and wills aro / authentic. Colonel. Colonel MMMM indicated toqQEEMBP that the chief of Shaft de: that this information be obtained as expeditiously as possible. cee 3 Colonel mg the natter handled special in the Bureau. ago TE 5 7; : Colonel also cautioned ‘thahy Me ypenttbe apnexring ‘yin the book, that is, the fact that the Army has what ap} Rd BaSitcler's wmarrigge certificate, private will and public testament, is not known at the present J tine, eh is desired that. this matter be maintained secret by the pupsad! -' 1.8 1906) Sey We den nehne movandu.. for ir. Ladd until after the Presinent has made it known vablicly tat the United ctates horities are in possession of these decunents, There is also attached a chotostatic com: which was handed to RMS by chore dln. PEC yer"DsTI ON: of the official socunents It is ~ecommended that this memorandum with the attachnents he forwarded to the Technical Laboratory and an exanination he confuctes as exreditiously as .ossible and that the results be made known to the Liaison Section with the return of all the documents attached other ti the photostat: so that they may be returned to ier It should oe noted that the nal drcunents can be renoved from the book by releasiny certain sections of scotch tape whieh hold these documents in places Attachrents REPOLT - of the + tAsonarony 2 Usk os ig FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ‘ . SHINGTON D.C, ude ee 536 /5- ay March 13, 1916 te Asstatant chter of staff, 2 ott far Departnent ae Hiatt, De Ge — ‘There fi ‘ollows the report of the FDY Labora! on the exanination of a evidence received in the Buresh froa subaitted to ‘the Laboratery on Kareh 7, me Joho Edger Hoover, Dicsctor Bewwew 4 a Adolf Hitler, Certificate of uarriage Se Private Wil’ and Politics) Testaments Exexination for Var Departnact, Your FILE No. 1 FILE no. . : 58) 1D Gaamination requested by: Barvan Me No. = tubewrce ~ March 6, 1916 : Exomiaation requested: Doounsnt ae The bound eriginal papers; : : “Adolf Ritler: : £ } T= Covtirioate of uarringe i B-S Private RI ~ oe Be ~ GT Political, Testanenss a atated that this te and the signature of 1ale as well os the it was also Sosuaen analysis of state, historical and ancient writings (as with paintings) ” $y @ search for evidence of any kind (in the physical mater: Bowever, to verify the authentielty of the i 5 i i i j i i 4 : : E aap habits of executéon) which 1s inconsistent with the ostensible nature of the Materials 2. tipped oat a ae C7: i Joseph Goebbels. Horerer, there is evidance that these are cemuine aicaatures Wineograph | ‘aachines) ent ordinary marriage forns even in war-torn Berlin are printed, If a special form was typed for this particular corecony, the thing to do woul be to copy fron tne printed forse anctying an ended but gdharing to the legal provisos as much as poset, ‘and using the tyyveriter for fim blank spaogss The fact that the other douments ere typed ratees the quem tien wig" this document is differents J Accordingly, the handwriting of the signatwren. Tt vas concluded thet the "registrar Ralter 4 slenature appeara at the lower laft of the papar, ink entries. The fact eer at of th pavers Oe rota oe RASS of the : original spectasns, 12 to tates and to Ani “na basa Petar in pera ; : 1944 " “"paily Treatuent of adolf" Tuecay, Noveaber 14 Traia = zbg (Muenzenborg) 2 P.M. + Adolf's burial In the evening trip to Hanea +, “Bln. (Berlin) train (Gruber, Stelsers Becker) _ Afternoon Prof. Becher's death learned through Schmidt, Crim. Dir. (Criainal Dirootor)." Hot eB regrottable because of the work to be jubitshed jointly “as Deoause of the ) for moi B, vogetar.; no tobucco; no alcohol; Creat eolontist esySCiaTly of the intoetisasl aren ant of bascoriolonical +". Flora (books thereon). Wednesday, Novenbor 16 Afternoon arrival Berlin ~ to Schwanemmerder (Hanni sang) - in the evening 6:00 o'clock departure for WLFSCH. (Wolfschanse). ‘\thureday, Novenbér 16 & In tho morning arrival Goorlits Station. 3130 P.M. to the Fe x Blood purification and X-Ray examination proposed; great retreat for mesis LY. F. face sunken and pale. (He is no simple school boy and knows what he : » “has to do). 4 ~ Trbe, Vit. £, Glyce Ton. f. No honoseran. : von Bicken arranged fort =| Friday, November 17 { . Yo Eicken arrived. 3130 pems (after breakfast) to Fs and examination (Tons, throat; nasal cavity and phar.)= = I remained (Trb. & lt. f+ ) Beforehand F. conversation von Bickent ‘pea untii 4:25 7 oo. Be sddvely” “go ‘cinvated for supper 4n-the evening’ to Foldn. Keitel (Gen. Schertt (Worset) Ar ION weer strong.) 1450 ome Aaa ae ‘the-Karlelio? hospital’ (antrum of sseto ‘bunker, examination by von Es” . ey Hh Sunday, Nov. 19 (fea until 4 a.u, animated conversation). 3:00 paw. Fe looking much bettor ‘thon yesverday; allegedly conplotely well, voice harsh. = Ps 72, heart 0.3 seounds light. - wants no-inj. at prosent, - conversation about antigas pills ani etrychn. Monday, tovenber 20 (Tow until + m.},,talked Well and also ate woll.). At 12:00 waken. Wednesday, Kov. 22 : : : 11130, otclock ~ F. feels very well, no more swelling in abdonen, no trouble. = Mphs, 0.01, Atrop. 0.0001 I. subc.- 1280 o'clock Polyp. op. I, von Eicken, Dr. Stumpfogger held tonel, Gicter/7/ Maria asst. Pol. eize of a lentil.= Bed in’bunker. I went out (met Fri. Es) P66, full. 7- o'clock back fron eating, Innediately to F.: ‘Whether: oatmeal broth is pernitted. Yes. 10:10 pam, Come imediately: | aputum tinged with blood. von E. 10 ccm Sango- ‘Btop-and 20 drps. codeine ordered. Sister/¥7 Waria (from Laubach. Fathor from Henson at Bteb.) brought the things herself, ~ The bleeding has no significance, since only slight. “Been to F. in all 4 times in the evening, +2 optal. for sleoping. On leaving met E. Afternoon in /%/ and evening Pho. Es Pl. 20 lying in bed the abdomen of the patient examined: soft all over without reaistance, nowhere pain due to pressure! - : Thursday, Nove 23 . } F.-in disoussion with von Z. asks questions about what he my eati everything _ permitted without any restriction. In tho visit /7/ complete well-boing indicated. Ps 72, Ble 120 mn; sbjomon soft, without pain due to pressure, Conference sbout Prof. Canout £Y/. = X-Ray exam,} Again the necessity stressed. - Prof. Blaschke undertaken tooth cavity. Uennwhile v. £. arrived, quite satisfied. Dr. Stumpfegger present. “F, without any complaints. ~ F. gone up toward evening and hunted up tho’ secretaries. Ate well. ‘nthe evening’ made inguiry, but-F, more. Friday, “Nove 24, 3 : + 143Q, pem, = P. 72, Bl-120 mj abdouen same as for days without trouble; slept _ only 2-hours, I considered inj. unnecessary; but F. wants some for more speedy strengthening. = Trbz.‘sol, 20 com Ini /Tnjoction intravenously17_ plus glyconorm and Shear Poa Peace mtremuscular injection?/ 6 o'clock in the — ‘evening v. Eicken - 1. (left?) antrum of Highnore sprayed, tonsils sprayed and Ag. nitr. (6%) cauterizing. . . Fe walked inthe garden a short time in the-afternoon, ~ Ate woll. Saturday, Nov. 25 : : F. has very good appetite, f garden for 1 hr. It is not ne quite well and went for 9 walk alone sary that I go to him today. © ‘Sunday, Wov. 26 oe : ~~ 12130 pam. Fr. Krause, my former mod. techn. practice assistant requested to come for work. in connection with the Fuchrer. - First extractions for Bltb., Blts., Bltz. and Haem. content. - I.then aid extractions (30 com and 15 com) with ¢lyo. venule for calc. and diXastase = speculum, bilirubin » Kidney acids - cholesterin, Giastase and amino acid witrogenj besides urine and stool ‘given for’ Institute, of Schmidt. > Furbach,'s once more injected. F, discussed situation until Sam.) ¢ - 8 o'clock ¥. Eicken.called that the histols, Pinas of Profs eee L¥eB.chere. From the Sonsili ‘lfte and right 2 abscess cores _ pach removed, The gr. bits. he explains from the tonsillitis, The nagal ‘Cavities: were touche with 56 arg. nitr. ‘sglution. Findings on cores: ” picture 7 rly’ stage of the’so-called laryngitis nodulosa.” Decision: 4n no'caso tumor, = Pathol. Instit. of the University (Charite). = Findings. Fr. Krause/Dr.Webert Bits. 33/66 (sutrum of Highmore, Tonsillitis and trachea.) dltz. "80:mg % haemogl. 88%, ‘b1tb. 5.600 leukro., 4.38 erythro. 1.01 ° Fe-I. ‘white bltby3:: sega. 56%, lymphoo. 350%, 'eosinoph. 5%, monoc. 4%, neutrophs oh tag ae: ‘Urine: ap. wotent 1017, alb. G, Sacch. 0, urobilinogen + sedimy: 0.B. Alithout findings 17 Very little earvoniferous linestone and a” % i Little spithelfen, " Informed the P. of those findings.’ In the treatment of te. "Me Bloken Dre, Stunpfeggor sasisted: : : fe * monday low 28. wens 22130 pee = Pe da ‘setd'bo lave eaten vory weil yasterday, Slept only .2.bre, denise’ of disturbances (doors banging and noises: kitchen;. flyers eto.) From now on guards below, to see, to rest. “From long ‘hours awake and at e s+ WoiK ght. conjunctiv. = "Ga account of exacting work at: hand the F. injections o'! ail] have (20 com 20% trbz. sol. plus f. and liver, abdomen when felt in ‘standing posTtionr softs" Not evar the Teast divficaivice exist. He ascribes it tothe Gallestol, Voice is-clear,” and gufficienty strong. ‘5150: pom, “Findings of the Inst, ‘Schmidt = Burbach by'Fr. Krause ~ aed, techn. assist. now Fasanenstr, 297 at Gens “(T, 91-41-82): turn overs: + Stool blood (benzidin test) negative; fat and starch normally digested. Blood aiastase 36°/36° -'16 units/77, ‘Resmhie Y 22 mg % a Gholesterin - 182 ng % (16 ‘Galoius ~ 5.7 ms x." “Bilirubin direct, ‘negat.. Fy gone fora "vigorous “wailiiof ‘about “L°hr.’ (eth Gen, ‘Bodenschetz). Voise good and decisive. = Appetite -good. ~"Proposition:: X-Ray exam, by Prof. Chaoul, and‘his ‘reguldtion of the Institute agein proposed.’ Rosults of: the Instit. Sohn. ‘Burb, tranenitted (overything norm}). = no treatuent ei evar ee B eepe Sm ‘the’ efternoon- Se hr. walk. ‘Appetite very ° ‘ouent, by ¥. Hicken (entrun of" ‘ighmare sprayed tonsils © aia 34 * A gbod. = 1300 poms te sprgyed: and cautei sing ig tteatment undertaken 1130 -pem. Enquiry on uy part whether to cone or note pee, at 4130 eam anid goodbys 11:30 asm, rok appetite and walitea-1 br. Was very full of energy, his associates cay. Dgtelook to the. F. “20 com trbs. sol. Ini, plus vit. f., liver Im. — Desire ‘to. got homoseran’inj.; aince”the Wrenbling Well be GEE ef therely. I always ‘do'5 inj. each (5 oom) at intervals. = Yery great spasms after poverful “vq (Qmotional disturbances: 1924 Ipmsuit, (1if 1929 variation (Volk. Beob. ‘, %-Ghe Publishers), 1935/36-Wilitary unreliability.'= Added Dyskraktion /or : : ‘eiDy8. Bakterie/ which prosably arose from the srasns. 1945 before union with - idea or in the Imorledge of the iminent betrayal ‘of the "1 italien arry (Peltre)., 2o44cacter attempt ox bi saturday, Dee. 2° 4 * : ‘Fe hold conferences until 5150 a.m, (Dre So) eS 12:00 noon wakened, Feeling well.and very. energetic. Now 1 hr! ‘Ho, trestmts givent:”! ” 7 ‘called: Trbz. I.é, plus Honoseran’10 cons Iom. ‘= State of health ee ae ‘soup (We 2 Lalegen/77 and 2° glycon.) and uonday,. Doses Worked until’ 7:00 inthe mornings at, 21:00 asm. air raid alarm. 1:00 pam. = 2 20 com ‘Trees Iobs (20%). = On feet ofthe 1, eye I must jheve Prof. YsonTein cone. fs not #0 ‘mich needed just now; in this T'opposed:' F. maintains he, is completely without Pcs Poomplaints, has good appetite and hence ‘such an examination (X-Ray exam.) would be superfluous ae : Fe explains that his iLiness “is from his vexation of 1] yrs. over the generals of July 2ist. In the evening spoke ‘with Diy’ alli: and order” given to Kaninchen to test ‘pls. turni)-whether homoseran inj. causes speeding up of sedimentati f blood corpuselés/T/, since homoseran ig composed from placenta and wravity pauses the speeding, up.~ iy of May 1943 the Bite.” ‘as ‘only. 2.5 mm. ~ Before the Duce visit re 1,32 Feltre ‘about. 7. 20.43. there was @ severe attack ‘beginning in the Wolfsschanze < "and ‘the day after at the Berghof, then again a xe severe one and most BBs TEE. over. previous" 215"aime sealed wy Arndt,” Youtorday noon F. ate greens without any aietioulty, ‘/ resulting, ‘At night 12:00" supper with lettuce salad. ‘Noted immediately ™ thereafter: hele haateaeee with him. S,hra. later ‘pain. in the forner . 5 hig place (rscebove:Sm:abdonea), after, 5 hrs, more :(6100 a,n-):s0 severe that: he ‘sumoned, : Yesterday afternoon, great annoyance, (air situation. and, mils ' ‘prsktuation q not ‘resultin? fron-an. order’ /2/'~ ‘Gen. /7/. , ‘7 Findings:;,-Gall bl. area-resistant and due 40 Pressure but not so much yee bearers <{Still span. on‘ift. -(at. tip of liver): decreasing, outlet of Yatonach soft and without. trouble,” "= "Eukodal = Bupor. I.i. = Spasm, beginning jMomediately ‘gradually: letting up. ~ At present alleged strongest afflictions. sof bis'whole life..” In greatest nervous tensions from imminent events and “the constant’ terror attacks on German cities. “If would require, therefore ! only slightest causes':to-produce Fosulte. He has mado up his mind zthat he hasn't’ anything wrong with hie abdomen; for he nevor has had blood ‘Sh "the stool or vonited.'. Stool only-once,, color normal and neither “fhin-nor very hard.’ At 7115.a.m. I Ment again, after I had convinced myself Fabout the effectiveness’ of tho inje.'~"The still said T-should give the Adrops very slowly'so. that 1 should get no héart ‘trouble. ‘First /17 we spoke » Bins he usually works until 7 a.m. I considered siejpous aot > “gtherwise’ just now, he eit Everything. gain’ail right, ‘the spasm attack just now The, 1ft."leg does. not ‘tremble ‘now ‘but.the lt. arm-and the hand. P72, | OMES regulars hotrt soumde ‘olesrs bia ‘ine. Aba i fojideep dom somewhat resistant rie pee pain aie: ’ fag ‘Dre’ Stumpfogger was waiting outs: Qould he come in and could he also-feel the that he too could see ‘ani how well everything: looked. But ‘the Fuehrer if I aid“it; he wouldn't want somone else to look after hin. ‘\ansnered ‘I’would ‘be,.very: glad {fvanother doctor would confirm the findings.- 10 ‘the’ question about whet he was taking’ for the purpose of registering it Fated: / 2-S'tinge daily 1-tbs. Gallesto (today only’2) 2 days ago sar’ of a,cold ‘guinineawine’and yeaterday.? tion 10 drps. Cardiazel sol.— “aT0 ga ho’ haa oxtmeal gruel (ho could:eat 1t-todsy 2 times if T gave it) and heat, applications he, takes constantly. ‘(Heating pads). asked, -thorefore,”to ™ alowed to ook int Again in the qvenings "IE I ats #e have ony difficulties, 111 call,"'the Fs said, "but otherwise it is unucessary." Se gyn Bes She come $9 pond", o:¥eqe, *ahAI2 Eroomtngy «Hay, T want to speak +} fo him along, 'v,Ten 1'Lert Bt : . Rew. 2 : from the teh to. “eno” ben 1 ‘Dec, in “the night there was & vory eroat azop in the barometer ‘and ag a result ‘I°had such great,pain in the heart for 15 hrs, 1; Rist I had-to wale, abont ‘the room continual ly.- certainly also ‘present “ahtogether 27 (6 plus 6)" and fools vory woll very Tolls’ mo his.abdonen is entirely soft, which I find is - ‘ont irmed by’ examination, ...concerning‘the: gall bladder are a, if I should press deeply," since there,also,thore is nq ‘acre swelling and only’in the depths & elight irritation still, it would be ‘in condition! = I'said: Some gentlemen ~~ “should soe these findinze,'who maintain you wore wrongly treated, the diagnoses weren't ‘right and‘who talk: of’ the devil’ for such cases. = Wanted to stop... Anjections, then gave at request becduse “of great existing strain 10 con ‘urbe. Tet. plua Homoseran 10 come’ Iom.‘bs¥-;/plonse turnt/ inether reminded - eet day of ole we Bloban Be ae vyiof Prof. ¥. Bioken." He at Isat ‘was to'como'thia evening but 4 was changed. Prof, Loghlein was provided ‘for for Sunday (sHent walking only’ 3/4, Bras, [eons “Large, one.t,! -» stant,-becomos softer: during ‘; days'of entire life.” “A great victory, must be: won. 4 + 11:30 asm: “F. has ‘snother ‘spasm and had no ‘sleep, a ‘the some tine serious * conferences’ constantly necessary. ° Departure dependent-on a few important postponenent “till morning.’ Gr.‘ inj. in train. not possible on account of necessary ooolness cn alighting,: but unconditiomlly Yoot exciting * r [necessary according ‘to his interpretation ‘after a gr. intraven. inj. - An i" f ~ Buparverin Tom. given. :* ae eve oy nee ‘W. Eicken: «,r tonsil.ehows on,washing 3 abscess centers, otherwise : + Jeverything well. ~'¥e1:, Dr. Giesing had to: see.the. pol. /polyp?/ v. Ee ~~ : Sonswhat perplexed and tells.a story about ‘a prof. who treated KeiserW. II : v7 and a pol.‘only partly removed. . First, Prof. Spiess ~ Prkft. givq only f6llow-up treatment for the. Yoice, found the Fouai removed ite': of F 3? 5100 pam. Departure’ bln,” Grunerwald Sta.~ ‘tn the train 4fteraspasas out only [SETERE. Spasopurisi suppos.; used: (1unst). Relief theveupon, in spite of ‘Jong train Pip. : / —l ere e : Xondey, Dec. ‘12 8:30 = arrival in Adlorhorst (Taunus) 4n the noming. To inquiry informtion that Fe is wells . 21130 pens. Fs without complaints, urine yesterday and today, however, broun ‘ Like beer. White of the. eye 0.B. /Without findings7, however facial skin ; yo ./ barely noticeable yellowish tinge. Gallestol §x daily. 1 tbs, and warath; iowo brought Aiet. In'the evening at ted from Gel] o'elockt + Fe had previously | conference of wany'bré, with about'40-50 generals. .F. said to be very frech Pend’ Lively,-eninated and impulsive, after S-hour conference then somewhat tired: (Fegelein). “at 8°o'clock however until beginning of ‘tea and the rost ‘of'the tine: very conversational, .lively and é good mood.” Qn saying Entirely.without complaints, : o-Ps took Leave at 4 dem, and was wekened at 12 ‘didnt need to-oone.'= Have urine brought. 7 (as samp! Iabor, Sige Maria - Bad We heim). Sriabingss “TALDS” ope: Bach. 0 Bilirubin’ +1 plus ‘Urobilinogen “normal “Without complaints; I Crime Dir. Schmidt 12246" pome*= ‘eighte. as ee “thursday, Doo, 14 7 « ,Fevelept well and 2 ‘in'the charming woods and grassy valley’ for over an hour in presence of : ~ ra dog, Ave) Mo treatment. eh Sleep on aconmt ‘of the approaching offensive. ~ Bltdr. 147-153 mm, continually (Foo Motllating with constant trembling of Hast, Mlecedly without, the, least trouble, hence exam. re we 1 Ba Sunday, Deo. 17 Yostordey | tea until 4.8m aday, veo. Hs iy 3 me ee ‘Bete ‘go, com trbz. aq Ii. plus Vite fs, liver and cat Fequeston account, of gr. reuaining work on hands. — Dee. 20 Feiaay, Deoe 22 MPs is good health. "=" 20°eom'tebs.. Tis’ plus Vit. £,,\ liver Im. = Pe 72,” :Bltdr. 145 min, = 80-far without: any. complaints.’ Sleep still without means ; Batjefactorily. .“Appot. \good. nog Sundey, ‘Deo. 24 + Wo ‘treatnent. Ast Christus dey. net ane Caen i ‘Yonday, ‘Deo. 25+ SEES Reed the Bitar. 51 cae 2 2 ccm Trb: plot Vit. f. and liver Iam. = health good, -.. sce e5ed, of re ant (situation in Hungary!) | pga 2nd Christmas ‘Dey me Tuesday, ‘Dec. 26 ° y+ Mo treatments Friday, Dec. 29 fo trontmentt ‘Saturday, Dec. 30 wf 4 : = ‘vy; For,2 days relief, in sbdomen, allegedly from pea soup?. (talk mil. measuros “4uminont) ~ vr. Bicken’ ~ controls good, ‘0-B,~,20 oom Trbz. Ini. plus peog, Be * wit Tee Tiver Tam ae so Bupar, Iei. -/Slept in bunker on accomt of disturbance - *of morning sleep by .eneny, plane: Gre ef j 2c "ALAS pens.” Fe hag! Decons alngst entirely calm. ' Trembling of 1, ara or ; + hand: ridw only’ quite, slight:. at-21 pem, a 2nd offensive: begun on the west front. Hae 2 + UNITE) aed ERNMENT SunjucT: ADOLF “HITLER, Certificate of iarriage, v 2 Private Will and Political Testaments : a ‘EXAMINATION FOR WAR DEPARTMENT ‘AS you will recall, the Laboratory performed a document analysis in the above-captioned matter for the Military Intelligence Service. oratory delivered 4 by, Colonel jead the report & great, tisfaction with the report| and was ‘ofuse in his praise of the manner in which the Laboratory handled this examination. > EB -- is in charge of the Document Section subsequently ad hhad reviewed the Bureau's report and be too was his pri manner in which the examination was conducted. Colone: “advised that he intends to recommend that the Bureau's report be made a original docunents when they are delivered by the Chief of Staff to the President. || eae EX~ 69 RECORDS 3 ‘SITAPR1 8 i546 # & a Office Mens. zndum + orev sl. res GOVERNMENT ! 65-5365 ~ if To |: Mr. Harbo DATE: yarch 27, 1946 PROM EL Ay Sites _ SUBJECT: Adolf Hitle: Marriage Certificate Private Will Political Testanent ®. \ : YA r In the above-entitled matter, one complete set of photographs is being i pyade 2 part of the Laboratory file for record purposes. A second set of thesé Ufpnotograpns 1s revainea in Hoon 7350 for instructive purposes in connection w:th the trairing of new technical employees of ené(Section. The third group | of photographs is ereto for sp2cial filing in|the event it is desirable | 3 u | ye June 6, 1946 ThGIRR Your undated letter postaarked May 29, 191%, has been recatvod snd ite contents noted. The inforaation contained in your letter will be ‘© part of the records of this Burem. AL BUREN OF UrESHSATION S We Tae Sweats / 7 : . Sincerely yours, John Bdgar Hoover Director q ' ~BeAG) Sly 23, 1946 Reference ie rade to your letter dated duly 16, 1946. / Aer oe +16 Ta pendent fo act aster un Hereava ania fave them. Ircarcely baw ery te lrictory nic Tromacintaly fend of the Warns Allies-to Watch Franktut—A German informant people of Ae rear who rovelted, t- tlt International News service today eiea by Jews et pea emee inovement in Gec-| Again thie legend of the wnetenied] Ree es ocean the Us [Garman acmy 4p being uouched, bere: reanyacra! ftwas are released from{oniy this timo there was 29 revolt But eabornee. feet came, eT rant, refusing to. be| The German acme, the Drotagoniete earned sea feat rtahatiom told ths |of thle degen a, Dad every concelY> lst the eristanceeibvement bax veh eae reas che "BIOLW, amin [pabounge peovented ia materia fom sc OeeEe Hite ES Nuts ec betas Brobant to tho Stont, Eu, fre ee Set Stee iter Da nino vo reerult {rope te ay down ther erm. Aa tere Mort wereweit unt, ahs “Euscivtely" no: ema whott one Seer iemiy deliere toat|could lame, fe This sabolars they pine i SorTacea ‘bor fa hldinge watte| were repinced, By “Big caps Fete, Ret dead eave cam come| The. capiaiiats, the 3 reader “ioientt vente \Gsiiom ours have tnreatened And the ME ng tie of the &| wealth, while au Nited ictory Youd lad atts Salen canatig'n sursne eine them th otipracticlly ai) Europes Generals Tealiors Aveaay. Toate the plaon camps] _Generas, ike, von, Witexsben, end i St clea in new unite with} Fela Marshall Rommel, were Walters Secs alt venort af reawlar incervae| ig capital eae ea ar gel thats srdera| one” amasine ,tBing it that, much tt leer be are reves to ex |poraenade.fnaee> S2 Moe "inarse Sabotace eeDiaiere who resnentber how oh ‘mucie reg hnes wil be sonng otticre| several, cccunona aupriieg 8, pot lot ine former” Weirmacit. who [Sere commassloned. aod, for x abort |no Tine, seit powers aa never before, plies besa poner Tei Petites | worse and. wae, “None. tink of, di. Free meer esent. te alica|teultie caueed ty, the Tenet, of tbe] [BELGE "Eng are" randy to do-aimest| There Sings wily aid Beeshine’to get tack what they lost, |, Ge rR RFR cures Be not forget the lembotaEe, ere asia Sees ten casental for] -Aceosding to the Geyaan Informant Feustance quctile warfare young war velcrans ould, be, wing Jccroan undersroand wtaried the Ie Vite Ga esi heat Ne Freed Prisoners of War eee or lealon fable mar material im eu(iclent rnagch real atom bom, Bul Lars ase with or ling tae vieorioun conauerora, of 2s Ma Line Mer tbe fend |onzs were iceveated Im the defeat of Gzaceese ‘ae icirous | National jp oe the alied ea" hey were the masters|taliatz ed ae oitta where ler “Ther: of course, weve BITGED of PreesEere, eepeclaly atone for ‘aniates igh so} eo) tseritet themy of tneit| supply ines of ack of, ram materia aku muse selZe kev up aruoe afin and it the] Rules want go ruppress merrell wa around started CE; [fare, he aad, they anoutd look out fo- nS prison earns, ‘ater World war 73 daly 18, 195. Suby 25, 9%) ils well ac!zuled:: reeaipt of puur Letter dated I wart to thank you for your interest tn furalsh— ing the information a9 you did, I have forwarded tiis dita to SAP faBLLLiystOny De Coy ih abrned cavelore sie ‘nelooure WK /ebs 62-0. cco Duresa arters for nepron’ hore iu retiened to you hevew$th se 8k et pon for ated Very truly yours, a md ee pene rene ronan Ky, 7 a ~ ' Office Memorandum + onrrep states GOVERNMENT ie 2 Director, JBI pare: July 25, 1946 fi or There 4s ith a lutter dated July 1é, 1946, received .from iverdale, Culpeper, Virginia, in which sho inaicates that one Fetently sa\r a man who looxed like iitler in Charlottesville, Virginia. y ‘ 4 copy of xy letter of acknowledgaent to irs. Jones ~.. | is also enclosed herewith. va I : \ hiuK/eot : Pa 62-0 ; 1,613 Lnelosures : Ce veel a CURITY MATTAR = G nt called upon! astor, Fa., pursuant to hi ‘him to obtain sone material which had ; nich indicated that ADOLF jounty, Fas, atid he ing the ‘week af June 10, 1948, tho material, At nad det oy ir at “ Ployed..’ This parking lot is operated bj F ¥ located in’ the re: ihe 'Hotel Pennsylvania, 122 Queen Street, len- , ‘i=: supply 0 further infornation in the dvised that the material was found by an une ie parking lot who was notessco-ular custoner, on an afternoon during the week of dune 3, 1946, 2 not notice the ‘ type of car operated by the finder, or obtain hts munber, and “tated thet this individual merely’ said that he picked up tho neterial leading into the parking lot, imediately vefore giving known patron of “The above mergicped naterial which was bound by a email strap, consisted ! of the following tons which are being subaitted herexith for the tafecs mation of the Bureau “ f - Je cenvelope addre: containing an undated letter to him signed by| At ‘the top of the letter aproars a list of "6 new eoabers of our organization® and in the inter-alia, the statement, on August 19, 1946, our dear and beloved Hitler from the hiding place and give en tion of Argentina, which numbers C RAL COPY Flu IN 11 from the Fathor country". This letter also Andientod that the writer was jt * about to eail for Argentinas r ci iL Be 2 * psoosne (osm ee BL at meow lve 8 od 7 ; stat co Be AA boo 1886 ben 3 On Unnayh = & wo sue 271986 ‘ Mar EES ps Fae LRN LEE ” +1 ot iy 4 w shade 31, 1946 2, a ssall shect of white paper on hich is pasted a rap of South morica, on which is roughly traced a proposed route fron fhiladelphia to Argentinas There is a short message under the ap signed by "FRITZ" of watts narer of Ze A Gornan coin wrapped dn a sual2 ~ine If a cup ef cerfoo, youre 4. Aanall notebook headed, "Contributions to the Iron Cross Organteation", Various euns are then listed ax "monthly paymenta" ado by individuals morely idontificd by use of thoir Christian neres and tho first initial of their sur- nanos. Inero aro various notations cn several oages of this ee + the vost significant of rhich acponrs on tho wsird » roading as follows: “I saw AD.IP “Ti28 the othor a while in Argentina. Ho is coneidorably norvous, but stopped taking druge. He is hiding very safely while we take the chanoos, but he started this whole dann ness and we right we go thru with it", CLippod to another pave of tho book ise sortion of a five dollar “411 ard the follening rotation: "All mexdors? roncy must ratch up and thon thoir numbers munt bs checked, 18 monbers of cur croup.” Although it would appear that the ~aterial was possibly pree pared as a childish prank, or by a person of unsound mind, +! in the letter as "new renbers” of the organization wore x dicor of thie nares listed Jin the ine PPice with nocative results. The newoe of rere alao searched. Tro references wore no apparent connection and references : catod. The Inttor individual, wo resided atwe Philadelphia, Pa., was tre subjoct of a conslaint recotvod Ucconbar 12, 1941, Srdieating that ho was bolioved to be a rember of a Gorin Sund. Although no invasthzation was conducted at that tira, ho ras the eubject of a spocial inquiry nade duriny tha follodine year at ve raquast of tzo “ar Departrent who contonplated onrloyins hin in afreraft aad ~unitions Production. Tho Bureau file in the latter matter 1s 96-5898. ihe bureau is doing advicod of this matter in order that tho nenos referrod to may be searched in its indices, or for any actio: iesrad advisable. Taakie } . of Oe igo 4™ October 3, 1946 8215 Cedar Street, at boa. ‘Walter ‘linchell, Now York Journal, New York, New York. Dear ‘r. “jinekell: Your broadcaste of September 29,.1946, at 9:25 P.X. you mention that the United State and Russia had spent a lots of money, are still doing so, in effert to find Hitler, when he is in the United States, You will ask the question, how do you know 2727 Here is the story: 4 One day in August 1966, I went dowm the street on business stopped Dat the S. ¥. Restaurant for lunch, as usual tho place was crowed, tables scarce, looking eround trying to fino a place I found this mn at a snall SN table Just for tuo, so I askot if I nay share his table, le said (¥ esses) 4+ YQ 50 then 1 sat down, trying to Tigure out just who tout person could be, NY arter close observation, Hitler came to ny min, "I thoucht Hitler in person". 3o then I looked for something to mako that nao fit with tho person, the \._ following : uisoription: T found wes right Jew larser than the Lert, black mustache out like he had Ais cut, durk oyes, black heir, it looked —— Nike it had been dyed, the most impressive thing about the nan was his { 1 NS" hands, Large with large ring on the left hand, just as white as could be i locked 1ike’he had been in confinenent for soretine, would sey he was about Sfeet, 7 jaches, 1501bs, more or less, suit was miss aatched, coat of checks, cnoo® looking, very nervous he ployed with bis mpkin, arter he finished his lunch ho sat at tie table playing with his napkin, and +watching his watch, after s period of t: Leaves seying (Per don), . After returning to the office { called FAI, giving my story to than, ¢ I asked the arent if he deleived #BAt"Hitler, was dead the reply (I don't knou) then I reluted ny story, ho asked a lot of custions, then he asked ._- ne for my mae anu address, have'nt heard fon, than yet 5 I agree with you thet Hitler, is negSGead, I reslly think he is right aut here in washington, D. C. ye _ fe fe an a aeRO RO Le seuss [t ev Yours vory tr : REE AS ED ORE aes ePAbERAL BUREAU OF Ives tIGér tos WASHINGTON Dc, TO MIO IP MAY ConeERNs BAVE HEARD THAT BITLER, 15 ry SPATN UNDER CARE OF DocToR NAVEDSSTAMKER pe NERVOUS con ItroN, os : ¢ Re JeEDGAR HOOVER FEDERAL iL BUREAU OF IRVESTIGATION WASHINGTON D.Cy Office “Memoiandum « ur, nin DATE: October 1¢, 1946.. M.A. dones bits peiad hereto is 2 co of RC ae POP rrosident Wun, Rite House, Yashinton, Us S.A, havo been rdceived by the Preside: 1 9f State, and thoreafter sent te ws. dia In his leticr, Shin Wuard,” ond that he nes one employed as Butlor for De Veleri not kiown ahether or not he is a Tt appears to “v." to the Secretary ‘ated "I worl at the Dock's ‘as a to tho offect that "Hitler is ietter is coherent and it is ' ychopathic, REOGISTUATION: Thet the attaches letter be sont to the Legal Attache tay. Jonson, and that ne further action be tasen by this Prcau, Lae sg : i ERR es {\..] DATRL —- October 1f, 1946 Tor Legal sttachs ‘tho Anorican Exbassy London, England FROM: ‘Director, Foderal Pureau of Investigation SUBJFCT: ADOL?H HIT Attached hereto is a photostetic copy of a letter dated Septenbor 27, 1946, sairesead to The Private Secrotary of Prosicent Truman, W at io ugyastod that yw y Pete: = February 11, 1947 Tor ‘The Cormisotoner Royal Cenadian Mounted Police Otte, Oaterio, Cenada From: Jobn Edgar Hoover, Director - Federal Buresu of Investigation cuhject: Pear ae setae ane Suithrille, Ontario, iu being directed to you for eny action yen Yor your information, MBMBMMIR nas boon etvised on letter has been forvarted to you, Attechnent y EFL:EW 7 : ce: 7 c/o ‘The Comisaioner : Royal Canadian Mounted Police Ottawe, Ontario, Cenada (with copy incoming) 1 xoceas noma or ey cat vantgnt ad weet { ' y February 11, 1987 Quterio, Canada a ‘Your commmication of Jenuary 27, 1947, bas been received ani the contents carefully noted. ‘The interest shovn by you in vriting to me as you did te greetly |pprecieted; hovever, inasmuch es this Bureeu hes no Juriediction in the matter mentioned by you I have taken the liberty of forvarding copies of your letter to The Comuissioner, Royal Canedian Mounted Police, Ottava, Ontario, Canada. Sincerely yours, John Edgar Hoover ° f Director tard 3 b LR, “~ GES, 50.270,19:7 norvert Hoover, 8: a T neard over fho air that a certain actopess stated thet = she is sure Adolph Hitler is still living. Have you any means = Of identifying nim despite any plastic surgery or other change, of phystography that might have occurred? there any financial reward offered for a clue which might start invostig Fesulting in Me identification, In my travels T have contact- ed a family which might be of interest in thet direction, I would be pleased to have a few items of description such as 5 height,build eto,family group characteristics which might help §& to confirm my suspioson.y uth identity must not be divulged in £: connection with rainy conditions I must beperfectly — incognito. Please any Fewary le iten to mo. After nearing froa you case I shall lend furtner co-operation, Yours yery truly, eae way 10, 1947 ‘Caracas, Venesuela Doar ‘Your letter of April 25, 1947, has been received and the contents carefully noted. ‘Your intorest in writing to me as you did is, indeed, appre~ ciated, and you ary be asaured that the contents of your letter will be made @ matter of record in the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Sincerely yours, + dob Edgar Hoover Director : = he t COMMUNICATIONS SEGHOn] e- [ MAILE D & I / : M7 ag MaY 12 1947 Pa, : 7 ' Fak was o meray 2.8. Déraatuent oF susnice oi* : fas ai a ta hal S fille bg pg desi S Mauss ore fn tid olin t ton 8 tp Krillr Car Necuase, 04 te Mirada eg Labusanciis, tix Obueh te aur hes usarit eee Bxkui Oe Laie f ; ECEIAg Tee Si sy RN wc eR FE i My ne Dame eT SL : Keb B > Le. oF Che MI nt heat; I het, Xe. etn oe + Po gee Fon, a be EES teeth [tween ae th, a. A) ‘ GA 4 SPRINGFIELD, MASS. pemqretm ; TEXAS EXPLOSION RESEMBLES BIKINI BLAST /* Smoke Muhioom Iolo Air Ailes Fin! Eapaion piel i "Office Menu. pe UNITED 3 DATE: june 5, 1947 To + prREcTox, FBI a = + SAC, Los Angeles a SUBJECT: 3 .TES GOVERNMENT Argentina other American countries nin one of th ies near Buenos Aires or Rio before some notables. consented and was drivento # small comunity outside of Busuos de Janeiro which was entirely populated by German people. before @ small gatherinj at this gathering recognized EVA AR sitting at a table. .dly mentioned this recog- t and was cautione hould not mention it on fe would be in danger. salty OB cures subs! bed bj =. ee aes ee er a question, oe ‘tom of cag ee related to| ae war, was of the opinion ‘legal evidence of the a death of BATLER and EVA BAAUN and +! wos entirely possible. any reference Sea oro, FBI dune 5, 1947 Res ADOUPH HLTLRR Aid BVA BRADY ad been introduced to ii —. thal had recently arrived in tomer wk! u — until they found out and then the ke: nuneroi of prominenteta the country began om and scrape” ta Through ¢teeptoe cng — tvs ioe aa that the story had been given tof in confidence and |furthermog , ory bad been furnished to the gevernnent officials by letter. & stated that they had no ob.ections of agents intervieri! 5 the latter was not advised as to the source of informations 8 country. During the Ee ed Ios Angeles, California, stamped Yay 1, 19. ie passpor po numerous entries from vorious countries in South America and Surope, and pind the fact that (Minas en route from Rio de Janeiro to Martinique, French : possession, 3 Angeles. ar for Uartinique, where, Jaddress was given os Ve"SROR, FEE dune 55 1947 Ret ADOLPH HITLER AND FVA BRAUW INFORMATION CONCERN, issport, whic! xplaine? @gabeing a the information was anameteur Journ alist and fed sspirations tovard writer. a of income, however, was from os | mentio: ve, claimed to be traveling oo ie volunteered, ‘this connection merchandise for importing. ‘laimed to have arrived in this country by air from kio de Janeiro on 9, 1947 at i..C.and transacted business there until arriving in Los Angeles about the first of May. . et of the intervie mention: had beet Phe sa it was cubscquctttertne! «qi ais certal® papers ispection that one of his letterheads @arried the following information: "GENERAL SXCRETARY TO THE COMPANY: € 8 sieporoR, Fal June 5, 1347 Re: ADOLPH HITLIR AND EVA BRAUN INFORMATION CONCER} about warch 5, 1947, at least of ‘arch of this year, was in Brazil on business. several nexspapers in Brazil peeking Snforeation 2 group of “notables in the Cvsino area, Through this individual, QRBRBMBss airectea to a journaist in Rio Grande, which is about fifteen miles. from Casino and near the a 3 ese successive nignts. sineluded one corse EM 27 the nane of php said was fonne Theatre, Buenos Aires cote Nacrices huss io wee ge was an Australian, another ad no negotiations with the booking of these’ consequent ‘Was not advised too much as to their background Tit! ‘exception of the txo named above. Upon arrival at Casino, di as a conmunity of approxinately five thousand people, 4t occurred at this was an unusual community inasmuch os dt was necess 17 10F to secure a pass to = enter the vicinity of the town, and furthermore practically of one hundred percent German population. This area also lecked commercial establishaents and consisted of villas or hones and a large hotel which had been remodeled and was very modern, It appeared in sive out of proportion to the size of the conmnity. a 1 ‘the exception of the Russian ceived ho cordial reception an of tionality. The rest of the into the various homes of the inhabitan & nN Sune 5, 1947 AND EVA BRAUN hotel no identificaticn was necessary nor was it necesscry for thel egister. They stoun directly to their rooms. The manager was very courteous to the s well as were the townspeople, ho was apparently well known. am a little ce in view including’ rere invited and were engaged in social conversation frequently. One thing of ntcrest came to the attention Scar at Casino when one of the reported a large radio station near hotel. This station was pecubtarein that the antenna:which nas quite lengthy was parallel to the ground instead of perpendicular, It was Cenced off but could pe observed from the street and, dings necrby, having. sone sort of electrical equipment i a heard a dynano but did net actually see the equirment. scribee the location of this radio station s follo.s: ®theh standing in front of the hotel tele the first boulevard to the right and a short distance away the first path or narrow street which cuts to the left, Turn left and walk approxinately from five to seven minutes and the equipment may be observed.” nN, vas cdvertizes in casino and nos to be given at three performances in successive evenines. The performunces were to be held in a hotel, combination Lallroom and thertre, which would seat several hundred people. observed one of the naids in the hotel speaking to a =e young girl-approxinately seventeen years of age who was attractive and had chestnst colored hair, This youn, ave a *heil HITLER salute” to one of the hotel servants, | ‘thought was of particular interest, It was further learned that. the er also had interest ina cafe and club known as "The Jockey Club" at Casino and also had interest ina large manufacturing plant about holf way between Casino and ‘io Grande. This plant manufactured woolen and other types of goods. The inhobitants of Gasino did not appear to be engaged in any particula: occupation. ot to yu cto, FEE June 5, 1947 Rez ADOLPH HITLAR AD EVA B AUN INFOICA if Aa inquiry NR Bi icone friends subsequently disclosed that no one c ive in Casino except persons who had homes. there prior to the time it Lecane a military area and blocked off froi the rest of the surrounding community, This area allegedly becane restricted three to four months before the end of the war in — The first performance was given on the evening o arrival in Casino. Shortly befove the performance began ‘that the bellr-on which had a stage at one end, was comple — with chairs which were occupied ty local tomnspeopie. There nas a large table situated in a strategic position before the stage which had eleven empty chairs, There was what appeared to becharpagne on the table. Shortly before the performance started and when the lights were sonenhat dimmed, eleven people came in and seated themselves at the table. They were a mixed group, both men and women, He recognized one of the persons as the seventeen or eighteen year old girl he observed in the hotel lobby earlier ‘that day. inqu-ry was made of the assistant stage manag-r as to who tnese People were, The answer —_.. was that “They are rich Souta Americans”. sittn on te staple close secre oi occ I os, selon steely oh espiag ctiet MAMR Goas a ete eee an eeree the table.’ observ le man at the table who: had seen oefore. This as obvious because of a 2} Be scar under chin on the right the name ofp Wer SSHAN. enenbered this man as being a member of the Garman Occugation Forc¥s ih Parte during the lest war in charge of the = jtaff whp censored songs and other entertainment in that ares, tated that] for the French Underground ani jew thet ql N was loo -ing To! during his occupation and had 4: photo= graphs offeraug @ renard ‘the capture asc were circulated in the Paris area ae that{l in nis underground School Training had learned to mke mental photographs of features of individuals and mentioned the vortrait Parle System of Identification. ih this individual as a former German officer by ci IR, FBI dune 5, 1947 Re: ADO“PH HITLER AND EVs BRAUN INFOR.1ATION Kear the middle of the tabidBovserved san ae ee arrived at the M@Riotion thot she was BVA BEAUN of ma served many photographs but had never scen in person. Upon recdgmzing this woran@felt thet HITLER might be nearby and examined more clesely the other Members of the group sitiing at the large table. There was one man in particular having minerous charecteristics of HITLER. ‘This man was described as having the same general build and age of HITLER, was clean- shaven, and hada very short Geroan cre haircut, This man ras rather cated ai ‘felt that this party ws definitely HITLR, but yas not as nas that the woman described above was 2VA BiAUN. le HITLER suspect appeared to be friendly with everyone at the table. After the performance, which was well received, dancing was held and a number of people including guests at the hotel and those at the large table renainei for dancing. It was noticed th, stuyed with en elder! . Ronever, @r«s introduced to the young girl a She wes very Urikative in German, gay, and rat ened to want to i: ‘This girl had, during one of the intermissions, given' Motes a sort of gratuity for a fine performance and sta keep it for a souvenir. / ned the name of the young girl wac/.AEAVA (phonetic) ond = be a German but wes now a Chilian ard resided in Chile. en entioned that these people who claimed to be Chillan spoke German and there was i ‘evidence of the Spanish or Portuguese language being used, which mad ubt that they had met resided in that section of the country very 1m During the next oo I>: WER cirouloted in the village an a tHp out to Memforementioned manufacturin, eae Plant near Rio CraMOMQ@ further noticed that everyone spoke German. During the performance of the second evening at the hotel, the some teble was set up but on this evening the table contained an extra — ir and ws of the previous evening the occupants of the table cane in la ogoin observed the girt ol ust. to be EVA BRAUN end the Young judged to be HiTLER on the irl but did not observe the ma previous venting. Wess notice @ ve! ge wan of approximately fifty is We, EBL dune 5, 1947 Re: ADOLPH HITLER AND EVA ER.UN INF, SCC ERN IG are of age with steel gray hair whonlMtelieved to be a German officer olserved in the Paris area during the occupation by German troops. was unabjegto furnish any further identifying data beyond th: fact that Sas suref@ nad scen the man before. There was another man whonl@Mhad not seen before in this group, a nan ed to be elderly and who had white hair whichae wore rather iene A oc very curious, noticed something Tic ts Soces signif’ oncetning the old man. During one of the danceswmnon as “Les Sylphid" (pl a well knom ballet which is danced in a violet colored spotlight,| noticed that this light when placed on the large table caused We ocelpants’ faces to appear as though they were masks of death with the except old man whose face did not seflect as the others. This caus to believe that the old man was using make-up. Upon leorning U8, in question mas watched more closely and it was observed that he had the walk of a younger man, possibly forty to forty-five years of age. am: not wish to be too curious in view of the fact tnat W....' the Drench Underground and might possibly be recognized by the party,MBelieved to be WEISSMAN and did not ask too many questions did learnjebowever, from the young girl that she was a niece of the in believed to be my Nand that the group allegedly were fr del Mar of Chile. i persons believed ‘and EVA BRAUN actually resided at Casino. GB to the young girl th: - ‘as going to write a travelog about the comunity of Casino and describe it to prospective tourists as a very delightful, a and uncommercialized Iucation. The young girl immediately advised Mit would not be a very good idea ‘the people wisi: to keep it that Wifmand did not desire tourists. She also described it as not a fit subject to write about. the next. mornis spoke to the manager of the ho stati would like photo} end explained to him reaaingll ce of the {favelog. The manager became very vehement and said he a wish to discuss the matter as he did not desipe auvthing of that sort written about the co ity. hour la} received a call from the manager son Mlk nd his fist ieave within one hour, using the excuse that Pot vere full. PU RTO, FBI dune 5, 1447 Ret ADOLPH HITLER AND EVA BRAUN lesired to leave the following day but nag tuced down al: er. tars were sent to the hotel to pick up a: in the first car which did not accomodate g around the front of the hotel for another cl one a met talking i EA] who stated that ahe sawld Like to have a photogr gave hy Cae whiel wutogrsphed as folloms: “prom a of th wo fought ig five years arainst * HITLER, en: a fanous Ta ok: ‘The young girl acknowledged the fanous lady reference but no mention was made of EVA BRAUN. The young zirl did say, however, that her aunt did not like journalists because the, were too curious. Shortly detor RMB coving the hoteMMBocserved the lady whom believed to be EVA BRAUN and two other people leaving the hotel and walk towards the beach. They were wearing be: es. The EVA BRAUN suspect was wearing a short beach skirt. bser’ rr in the day-| Light end was even more positive that she UN. WB zentioned the she had sort of a deformity which he described as a very Wun waist with accentuated or large hips which he knew to be a characteristic of BRAIN. pager of tho totet vicars and ea I ine en syes ie vet ot ae het proceeds 30 Rio lew talked to the president of the Chamber o! regarding the proposed travelog. The result was that this Charber of Commerce representative did not want an article regarding the community as he felt that the English might learn to like her place and settle here. ocesded to Rio de Janeiro wher stayed for a fen days nas walking down the stugst in Rio de Janeiro and a large rock fe sidewalk in front of hich had been dropped from some apertnent above did not observe anybody and thought nothing mach of it. Hoy next day somone dropped a pot of some smelly substance, whi described as thick joey, out of the window and sone ‘landed o1 shoes. What ala: ii that within this "sturt* was a large piece of me] eit, which would have been dangerous if 1t had nit] felt that perhaps someone was ing to do away with Ovher hand believed it might be imagination. IY MeyCTOR, FET dune 5, 1947 he authorities in sl xperience in Casino. WM was afreid to furnish as he said he did pol + then. Breit tha : tect MME identity as » Solr info: ion to this government, ides several of friends in Hollywood, among then the other ls not idey * ne of these friends recommended the’ rite @ l DRE" the writer of a Sashington, D. C. newspaper column, "ashington erry Go Round". It was explained that PEARSON had governmental connections aid would see that the reached the authorities. Subseguently, with the aid off a letter in jvas drafted and forwarded ‘to IRES PEARSON & . setting fort jubstance the story related to agents. :-: ‘that agents contected them with regards to this Letter and im View of this fact agents were able to 4 protect their source of information, namely, Both « fully cooperative during the interview, W to leave for ue. accompanied by Amately twenty-one years ef age, onvertible « n fornia ‘This car is registered ‘the legal owner. Age Rei gnt Weight sex Race dair Byes. Complexion Features -10- ee wy “T)OCTR, FBI dune 5, 1947 VR cre oe II ccna known to heve trave. in Tibet following the fall of Paris. The following is the description o! Age Height . Weight é. Race t Complexion os Hair 7 Rut ADOLPH HITLER AND EVA BRAUN IiFOREATION a Byes Speech Hing 1 eription of the third individual believed to be Age Hei ght Weight Sex Race Complexion Hair Eyes Speech ‘The above is being forwarded to the Bureau for information Purposes and no further inquiry is contemplated here. -n- : ao lof a yo PaCTOR, FBI June 5, 1947 Re: ADJLPH HITLER AND EVA BRAUN in CONCERNING 8 ‘The Los Angeles Office indices reflect no record of the above mentioned individuals who made available the data contained in this ‘communication. The possibilities that! may be a Communist Party co Russian agent are being ccnsidered. This belief 1s taken in view o! widespread travels, aimed Fi ench Underground connections, and eae tns et ages cet) seinen ef MMMM ea the letterhesd herent described. subsequent information developed in this case or in relation Qua ‘will be appropriately furnished to the Bureau, i" r—”C— 10s Date: = July 9, 1947 Tor Logal Attache Mo de Janeiro, Brasil From Director, FBI Subject: ADOLPH HITLER AND RvA BRAUN INFORWATION CON( ae Ber Otarch of red to have observed in the tory of Casino, Boar the Urigulyian border, two individuals whos fiilvclLeved ph Hitler and Bva Braun, It is desired that through police contacts you edvioe as to the accuracy of the informtion set forth in this communication, Attachoent wy cet Foreign Service Desk DIR yyicatiors SECTION TRUNCATION. a JUL 10 1947" PM. va os ete oF SE eee ene 7 i Ee : Fano 7, 1947 = Ascdsthton, Tonneasee . — Your lotter of dune 2, 1927, recetyea and 3 annree! Ke ore glel to lure your ctecrvations ant Tas rene Batertal whtos you fur cs Stacerety youre, a Soha Bases Foover oe : : Director : Faolaglie EL Fes ccloerd costes of letters ‘i { Tagen ont, Fennsylvenio, anc. copies of letters from ae | Ae atteantine to purchase a form in Tenn Vircinia or lerth Gnrolina Re ¢ place to 11 Fa-/s80-20 0 Files were checked and? fleet} an Anvest f) faton, Temn., sugces ritennice were probably agente 3t wes moerent thet the conplaint wee groundle, fo notorious draft otzer fron the £1¥et world War, shot he resided in Peznsylvenia after his rélease-ffon, of on “or Biesiny 3 res paper nw | 2 —— June 2m 1947 Mr. J.Edgar Hoover, Chief of F.B.I. Washington, D.C. \ = 1 = Dear Mz. Hoover: iti a In a paper or magazine recently I saw a poll on « whether Hitler was alive and maybe in this country. + In looking through our files this morning I came @oross some correspondence that by the merest chance might be of help if Hitler should be hiding here. as in Wythville, Virginia and we ee in Black Mountain, North Carolina. We did not hear from hin any more, telegrams, phone calls, letters were not answered after he went to North Caroline. We assumed he bought a farm there, possibly the cne we wrote him about. Jesse Jones, big man in Rosse: tration, i his brother cwned'the farm we wrot Jabout. ; Mr. Jones brother is @ doctor and I think lives in Waco, . | Texas, . In reading my letter looks like I got the cart ) \ A e defore the horse, correspondence I an enclosing will explain. . it I am one of many others that thinks Hitler is still Alive,and possibly here in the good country we are so ' fortunate es to live in. : RECORUET : S- oF ; bXv4gy tray 1s 2 76> oe Aline MN ‘J Ia Hertinique 13 y «1947 Zo Specisl agents Pederal Bureau ation 810 South Spring Street LOS ANGELES - Californie - USA < Dear Sirs, I bave the plessure to insert in that letter, the sommery of cur mecting in Ios Anzeles the 27th of Hoy 1047, We leave in 6 few Gays for BOGOTA in Colombia. if you went an inquiry, you can send e cebdle or & letter to the American Conmul of Hosote, we'll co to ask hin if he received a ye for us. Wetl stay about two, Locdts, and leave efter 15th does not cone very econ in the Mates exieve after my trip, come for 8 few doys in Los Anse sia TOSI at the ebme address: snd you tell to the Lady of mere cocsn't forward, ghe hse to keep that letter aid give ne when I come back. T renein dear Sire Yours fal thfully | a Ex Officer in the _ —_ forces oe lot me bo SAC, Los engelos August 2, 1947 sel Dirootor, FET ee ,, AvoUPH insu snp Ev SHAUN . sel i B iiso mion as WPORWANT fy Reference ic nada to your letter to the Bureau dated June 5, 947, in tie ‘above captioned mattar, Thero 4p enclosed copy of a letter to the Pureas frou Rio de Jansiro, Brasil, datod August 6, 1947, raflectinc inveotizetion of this matter. Photostatie copies of he : exclomures with this letter : advine that, sere travelling ia.’ Martinique, French vest Indios, it witch tine ‘they contacted the / : shed to them & report addressed to Special ‘cox =e Federal Sureau of Investigation, 510 South Spring Stree! teh fornia, U.S.A. It mas requouted that port be forarded spechel channale to avoid possible ecnscrehip. This eich ip in french a ‘ial, the information furnished =a: your office. MMMM coesoa to nave plenty of monoy Mt ead goveral South Amoricun ccuntriss. ~ “he american Consulate in Martinique conducted an Anvestigation of these wp men inurmuch as they waro supzosed to be representing « xotioa picture fire in») Walywood, Califorais which was interested in making a notion picture based on a story of Martinique. it was supposod to have u cast of 23 peravns, The fact that they were Antorestod in leaving the co etoro tho cast arrived arcused aus: ° piéion,- Tho investi cation revacled that jaa winted in Paris for passing bad checks in 1946 and since he was in lwndun at that tine, he wes indicted, tried and sentenced 4n absontia. The Governor of Martinique intended to place the men under . arrest and rotura thez to Paris, The local court pointed cut that these men could’ aot be held by the Martini from Peris, Koowing this, 2 United States inasmuch as ‘S valid visa for this country. He was unsuccessful. Am obtaining pee Pessuge. The Anorican Consul suggested that he yea cancel ; this. y; passport wero brought to him. ie Coun Sat on i oe » MAILED IO Wd7 PM, a 98 vwvestcarion nrstieg a & -2 my The fr Me, 2247, tol re aleo knoin ao was tranted a 3 tay tn the United states was to be fifteen day: Se. = ) V4 Rgo de Janeire, razil AXgugt 6, 197 SEQET ~ AIR COURIER Director, FBI ‘ Re: ADOLPH/uraEER AID eva/oraun INFORMS NC Dear Sir: Reference is made to Bureau letter dated July 9, 197 ing the above-captioned title. advised that the ormreferred to a2 Casino is a suburd of the city of Rio Grande. This suburb commonly is referred to as Casino, is a part of the municipelity of Rio Grende. advised that Casino was located in a summor reso a And that it consisted of cpproximately two hundred scattered residences. The majority of the inhabitants ere Gorman notionals or are of German descent « re According (AUIMMNMIMIMNNP:: cone vo expos tat a Nazi refugee would seek asylum or assistance in the Casino area because of the existence of the predominantly German element. The center of activity in Casino is a large hotel which includes a gambling casino. Since gambling has been pro= k hibited, the hotel manager from time to time nas endeavored to arronge’some form of entertainnent for guests and visitors from nearby Rio Grande. It may be pointed out that the Casino section |! is on the coast and that the beach which borders the suburb 7 regularly ig&frequented by residents of the city of Rio Grande. () With regsrd to the alleged necessity for passes to travel in the area of Casino, it is believed thot the allegation \ sis without specific foundation. For the information of the ‘ ‘Sureou, foreign nationals in Brazil are required by law te. possess "carteiras de identidade", which are identification cards issued officially by the Brézilian Government. Often 9 “ts when traveling from one city to another by automobile police ‘may request drivers and passengers to exhibit their identifi- cation cards or their passports. Such a request may be x 7 » BE AMGhisy gre y uf a Ret ADOLPH HI'YLult ond EVA BRAUN predicated upon s routine police investigetion. In the instent case, it is possible that a ed somo derogatory report regarding! For the information of the avec, QI cv sea that files of a Rio Police Department disclosed the following data regarding described in the referenced letter: kr. ARTHUR FOLBY, Americon Vice Consul at Rio, advised thet the Embassy had received information from ala an Consul lo, FaWeI., reflecting thet and had arrived in Wortinique an enr presence in that City led to a series of communications, photo- static copies of which are enclosod herewith and described as follows: 1. Letter dated June 13, 197 from PREDERIOK yf HUNT, fmerican Consul, Martinique, F.W.I. to Ambassador PAVLEY, Rio de Janeiro, enclosing (1) copy, = letter dated June is eis el toue te aoe I 2 Werte in tho Frenontanguege signed Sno alas 2. Letter dated June 17, 1947 from FREDERICK D. HUM, American Consul, Martinique, to Ambassador PAWLEY, Rio de Janeiro. 3. Copy of a letter dated June 25, 19)7 at Martinique from FREDERICK D. HUNT to the State Department. k. Letter dated June 30, 19k7 at Hartinique from PHEDERICK D. HUNT to Ambassador PAWLEY. |) Rio do J |, Brazil letto: to the) B Bureau dat. “iugust 6, 1947 ond en- titled "ALOLPI HITLER’AND ‘EV BRAUN, INFORNATION Cog ALSO KON AS INFORMAL‘ ENCLOSURES FHOTOSTATIC COPIES AND NEGALIVES CF THE FOLLOWING: i. Letter dated June 13, 197 from FREDERICK D. HUNT, "American Consul, Martinique, F.W.I. to Ambassador PAELEY, Rio de Janeiro with cc of ictter of 6-15 2. Letr dated 6-17-47 from FREDERICK D. HUNT to Ambassador PAWLEY. 3. OC of letr of 6-25-47 at Martinique from FREDEXICK D, HUNT to State Department. 4. Letr dated 6-30-47 at Martinique from FRLUEXICK D, HUNT to Ambassador PAWLEY. 5+ Letr dated 7-1h-47 at Rio from RALPH A. SCHVETYZEL, American Vice Consul, to FREDERICK D, HUNT, American Consul, Martinique. eet ye nt me SORE SE yy Ket ADOLEIL LER end EVA BRAUS 5+ Lettor aatoa July 14, 1947 at Rio from RALPH A. SCuNSITZER, dmerican Vice Consul, to FREDSNICK D. HUNT, American Consul, Martinique. Negatives of the above-described photostatic copies also are enclosed. Unless advised to the contrary, no further action on the instant case is contemplated by this office. Very truly yours, LA SIP: Jar Enplosure -3- £ e = ds alive ard in Ars il t HITLER had oi ted with hin te rece Acces 3 1900 so ew end had reooived two lettors fron a toc ) - Office Men, undum UNITED stabs GOVERNMENT DIRECTOR, FEE DATE: September 23, 1947 SAC, SAK FRANCISCO a 71958 ATTEIDTED IOAN AGUA AD OUY HITLER BEING ALIVE (Pep PSTRATED BY TFORKAYT) i IVTLRUAL SECURITY = wised he ‘ med ADOLS HITIER 7 is quoted heroin as follovse “S15 Sth st. S.P. Caklene, Calif. “Gertlemen Perhaps you recall Orleon Welles" attack of the martisns? FYB "I have @ lotter fron Hitler in German, thet vould multiply the sensation of Yellst 100 tixes Ive been in Europ § times the last tise in 1982 when I net Aitlor in Prenkfurt through my bro in lew, BAUD. L-CLISTOUSRY, et the offices of VerrSG:LEUN, amor of the Pranks, Zeitung. i i “Hae your paper control of @ redio At would be the worlds is greatest scnsation to reac the letter in Cermen as K would read ith oe and I vould like te inow your attitude toward the proposition. ps? Yours a eto | ST a yo - “over ph wr “I woald edvisc you on further dotails in hendling this proposals i a “and I cen sec you with tho papors in question at any time you ‘ find convenient. “ieedoa is only courege and enterjtis (associate) of the Bohomtan ‘lub Of S6Fe 4 or presen, FBT 9/23/47 It bore the return address of ‘The comunicntion transmitted theroin is quoted as follows: a “Dear Sir It seoma to me that the radio public are well "fed up’ with soap ~ opera = halitocis and B.C. and would welcome a change sth cri last trip to in 1932 mos A. Ritler calif.” When I took Jo Hitler hoax 4f you will and Delieve tee @elivory in German over ‘radio would be the most startling sensation since Orson Welles , i i of the martianste--- i “If interested, let mo know and I con come over about further details. ry + eote "Sixcerely = ht a. E ond The enclosure mentioned therein was an. sed 7 y { 3 It bore “* the return address of return to Adolf Hitler, Rolchskuigior = Berlin". Inside the envelope was an English trenslation of the purported ad allegedly received from HITLER in said Lotter in Gorzen which’ jonvelope. The translation ts st forth as follows: oa “Pronslation of Hitler's Letter i i i i "(also Enclosed) wile: Sun Franctsoo 7 oo Me + DIRECTO, FAI 9/23/47 “No doubt it 1s woll know that little has happened in my life that ould be called laughable, but when at the time of the Russian attack on Berlin I found refuge in the basenent of the Imperial Chancellory building I was informed thet my body and that of my wife (nee Ev@traun) had been covered with napthe and burred in the Chancellory garden. I could not help sniling for at this tine wo were mony kilonetors south west of Berlin on our air journey to Argentina and my friend*PERG!, on a “Condor” Line plane loaned mo with acrew of two bye South Aneriean Republic. “I have no sympathy with the Christlegend nor the anti Semitics who oall all of Jeury Christ Killers, but I do know thet overy country 48 cursed with the nmber and kind of Jevs it deserves ard will suffer from them until it expells then ~ or else "I wish only to add that my friend BORNEMAN was many yours active 4m Sweden preparing all for the recovery of our party and a closer approach ‘to our i6k Lyon if heads must roll again, "In the meen time I,am /s/ bore ¥AtL0r Rei chskeng Borfin = Ianontion of he envtope aircte elQMMoeine i's purported return address in Berlin disclosed it bore ancélled German postage stamps but no postuerk on the envelope itself, also observed a as contaired in the othor ‘the handwriting appearing thereon is quite similer interviewed by Special offic a ‘sonally addr the envelope bearing the Germin staxps, a taken tno cancelled postage stamps fron another envelope jason for attomptin: to porpotrate this hoox was to gente a sensation. pathic cose NM flushed al 77 years old and a bo a psychom yes becans gla: a} stated| had a wook heart, The interviow was discontinued ie surance thal had made no other similar efforts in the past and that (Mould attemt n further hoaxes in the futures ss DIRECTOR, Far 9/23/47 The above described letters ani envelones aro enclosed herewith for tho Anfornetion and arsistan ofthe Dursas should Ue be desirable &9 Sonpars tho handasiting pith ocher sinilar eommicntiens ressived fren other sourcens QQMMMBMB == intorcea" of she ovtoove ard no publisity he resulveds Copies of this commnicstion ere also being referred to I and HID in San Francisco as a matter of possible interest, No further action As being taken by this Division. Snolosur. ‘IVP he ec = 10 2xID SS Sederal Burran of invest” yA ze United States Department of . .stice Mashington, D.C. American umbassy cupeae eee agen 1, Grosvenor Square Zendon, We 1 (rex wont October 31, 1947 Fle phe f ——— i VIA AIR POUCH u Director, F i Washington, D. co i Doar Sir: yf Ret There is attached for the information of the Bureau, copy of OF Special Report No. 53 (OI-SR/53) dated October 4, 1947. This report contains © series of urjuments to prove | 4 thet Dr.cMorell, physician to Hitler, did not give poison to him NX or administer nercotics tn any quantity which might have contri- buted to tho irmairment of Hitler's health. ‘ 1@ statemsnts to disprove the rumors about Merell. ‘ were mede by people who knew Hitler and by scientists or chemists © Who oxerines the druzs winich Morell administered to Hitler. aa ~The runcr at Norell vas { -Glesing, @ physicien tho Nitier was started by S . to Hitler for a while yy .! after July 0, 1344, and whe, tosethor with Dr,-Brandt, "pro- 1. bably wished to get rid of the obnoxious Morell. uy 4 Ss : It ts also argued that Sitler inherited certein traits ~~ ' which manifested thenselves 4n childhood end later on, and that A , these might accountfor his crimes and other actions. q This report was made ateileble to me by AC of 8, G-2, /) = Frankfurt, Gormeny, and ccpies of same ere not being retained, '“xg> in the files of this office. rae Very truly yours, BD Rey ee area \ Je As Cimpergan eee Legal Attache, : : : JACEE pools GIGS —ZB- 65-600 SOORDED ¢ 3 gt =e en : Enclosure a rape INDEXED *” ecg ofthe = @ vie’: Se uawonaront a . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON D.C, : : Ostober 27, 1947 ce "*SAC, San Francisco There follons the report, of the Fil Laboratory on'the exantnatsoa \ of evidence received frcx your office an October 6, 1947. ‘ c “Tnting * attempted Hoax thet sia utter Being Alive (perpetrated pnfornant) Tnterna) Securd: youn rie no, * RECoKDep* MMMM 6s sed ety iO” Resresaee XS meme: eae Lotter dcted Septeuber 23, 1947 necaearart Document ae Specimens se |. QS Envelope ataresscal 48 Califa., U.S.A." and bearing return sadress er Bov. 1945 re ecu, J to Adolf Hitler, Reichskangler - Berlin." Q9 Handwritten letter in pencil t joining * "Dear Sir, Tt et th vic are well fed up" ‘ and signed ay 0 ite gc English translation of purported letter in German which a: Gllegedly received fron Iiler, beginning "No doubt tt B : om" ete. Ing return & FEOERAL ouREAU OF ewes tgay = 2 GSanranctagn. = = Laie concluded that the writing on the envelope allegedly Adolf Hitler and that tion was \e writer of the letter co liad addressed written by ‘The writing was searched in the Anonymous Letter File without effecting an identification, Since thie appears to be entirely a local, matter, copies will not be placed in the file, Specimens are being retained. tz Page 2 5a : ‘a 4 Office Memorandum * UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Tw Director, FBE pare: February 10, 1443 t : SAC, Atlanta fie / ‘SUBJECT: WHSREAROUTS CF ADOLPH HITLER = MISCELLANEOUS ae Recently wii: ras conducting i other matter at Rone, Georgia, one, Georgia, furnished the folloxing information. stated that served : with the Army in Germanysasler the close of hostiliefes and around Christnar of 19,549 mas in a village of Schwindigg . wiigh is located near Munaorf, While in company with a Cer- = ma oy the mane of! last name unknown, @@Bvisited a tolirint hone at Schwindtgg wicse oer was a menber of the Nazi Party and exhibited his membership certificate. Thin individual stated that the information concerning HITLER being tirely errcneous and that HITLER was nearb 2 RE that later in the event: aa vern about one and a half to two mites tromet digg in rection of a range of meuntains. While at this ‘tavern, @enzaced in conversation with several Germans and were drinking, at least two or three of then that HITLER was not dead but was nearby. fo avised that the area near Schwindigg is very f mountainous and of a rough terrain and that (MM opinion is a that a person would be able to hide out in ‘area indefi- nitely with a certain amount of help from persons nearb: This letter is being furnished for information pur- Poses only. 62-0 kEOORDER es 3 2 : yas ovat UNI Office Merk ndum « ols ws spores: end wemat aboard woo: We Dy Me LADD FROM + Janes H. Merritt SUBJECT: : City of New orleaas, T11. central Railroad, 2/28/48 fae, had O75: pe, of call: 7 advised the writer that Ffiegean cn the Tilinels Central Reilroad, boarded the City of Kew Orleans, a train watch left te Orleans at 8:00 As. today, nm TED Sti. 28 GOVERNMENT pare: February 28, 1948 11:35 Pee, 2/28/48 calles him and at ci linois, at 8:02 P.ll., Contrel Standard Time, tonight, On this ‘bin Theerved a aon in Seat 40) Car 10, whom Rerbelteved was ADOLP HIT Andividuel was accompanied by a woran. lescribed the c man as follows: ote Height Sila ae Weigat 180 pound: Age 59 to 60 Hair Dark brown Wearing a brom doubli Small light mustache Extrenely nervous ‘Spoke in both English and Germans (WBBM scrivec the vonan Aweasted euit Had heavy German accent. 5 follows: Age an Wed ent 135 pounds Hair Derk brown turning gray Green dress with "ne look" POSTR advised that Central Pailroad was also atoay individuals and substantiated! was sober and claimed that! s Agents board this train, wali: Ghanpaign, Tlinete, an Tilincls, wo are both very friendly to the Bureau, af the train and observe these individuals and report back to him, POSTER stated that he also celled SAC MeSWAIN in Chicago as the train was due to arrive at one station in Chicago at 11:43 P.M., OST, and at ancther station in Chicago at 11:55 Pall. POSITK stated that LcSWAIN advised that he would have Agents 5 ro = —_ cover both stations, and observe these individuals, and that McSWAIN was, call ~ the Bureau and report their findingss AOS ik POSTER informed that he thought the Bureau might have some inquiries on this matter fron the press as the information was know to the employees of the Illinots Central Railroad. T called Mr. COYNE, Mrs FLETCHER, and kr, UcQUIRE and advised ‘then of the above matters ANDENDUK: E.Fe LANE on duty 12345 AeMs 2/29/48 0 KELLY of the Springfield office oo ee: Chanpaign, Ylinois, advised that two men had left the 2 tra: ampaign for a short time but boarded the train again when it sl ‘that six or seven persons had left the train at Ki: none fitted the descriptions of the individuals in question. also checked Car 10 of the train and found Seat 40 empty. AS, this was not tov significant as he was previously told that the man and woman involved had in most of the day in the club car which was not checked by 3 wy A ee Office Memirandum, * UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ro |; Me De, Ladd QO ~ pate, Maren 3, 1948 N rom ; He B. Fletcher - ey susject: ADOLF'HI.LE? cnd wonan abvard Cty of tiew Orleans, Tl. Central kailrosa, 2/28/23 At 4:30 pm todar, I called sac xeSvain in Chicago in accord with your instructiong rith reference to the menorandun of February 28, 1048, relating to the icentitication of a passenger on the above~described train a& being Adolf Hitler. Ire Ves. tated t tris was washed out; that two Special Agents, = a: hed got on the train and had closely observed’ the Deo coon wisn corvanions Te was eo abvious to the Agents that this person was not adolf Hitler that they did not make a positive determinati of bis identity, feeling tuat it sould possibly create « situation causing absurd publicity. He stated that the person in question was not more than 42; that inst Bra foreign accent, he ned ¢ very. proneurced southern acomiy he mores trom mustache; and his gencral appearance and over-all description precluded any possibility of his being identical’with adolf Hitler. The woman accompanying him, who ously baen stated to be 42 years old, in the opinion of Agents! and ‘could not have been more than 22 or 23. She was much younger th: her repor description and she had no forsign accent whatever. BF 10s i ale : nye MAILEG Wp AUS 5 (00 DM fore: eve: re - very acer You have @ 50-59 chance finding Witbler in this location, I Seen @ nan 2 years back get out of a doz cur, th2 very taane of Hittler hee wented to find a man he fangt with Yorld ivre T under the Kiser. I should of let you knob ono 3 Ur, Hoover: tin ceo. Ian alone, Have seen hin and he dodeged out of sight. Hope you can send sone won, & &. Fron the gepo. ay Scaat 9 house = : when you cross the Hi way (will tell you more). c 0 P (zu = Office Mabon andum * UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. eee Director, FEL DATE May 6, 1948 FROM = USAC, Detroit : = SUBJECT: qyTERNAL SECURITY ~ G os D Concerning Person possibly identical with | ADOL! E ee etroit Office inter 20 tad previous. produce broker, conducts from August 17, 1946, he and his wife Hotel Chicoutimi, Chicoutimt, Province of Quebec, which he desc: + as being @ very isolated ani recote section of the province, On the first day of ther arrival they were dufounded by the appearance of @ aan in the hotel Lobby who appeared identical in every respect wth ADOLPH HITLER, ‘This unknown person was described as 5'10-1/2" to 11” and weighing 185 to . 190 pounds. There was no attempt at disguise, During their short period © of residence they never ssw this urknomn person in corpany of ether people except after 11 pen, in the evening when’ four or five other visitors and » the unknown individual would play chess in the lobby. further advised thet the suspicions of his wife and hinself were ensified by the folloring enunsrated pseuliar circumstances: + Ls Mhile no concrete evidence existed toe Eo that they were being spied upon and Anforration as to thelr activities was, being obtained by unknown person. Ean g tt { “ca, Upon their arrival they encountered an American colonel and his family consisting of his wife and two children. ‘They were struck by the apparent; newness of the colonel's uniform which had the appearance of neve: weds having been worn before and by the distinct European dress of his wif pe & gv and children, DBFERREE RECORDS 3s The apparent effort of several other men in the community to groom tl hadr and mustaches to forn. eral appearance similar with ADOLPH © HITLER. It was felt by th jthat this was an effort to divert’; suspicion from the individ om they encountered at the hotel, he Upon returning to that section of Canada in 1947 = no evidence of their originsl suspect nor did any of th dents discus him. In addition, those people whom they recall as grooning thenselves 4 similar to HITLER had in the meantine changed their looks. He Fa 4 Np, oe "CO De, 7 tog. Dy ae Ts 50 KY Fines COPIES Dastiuyey R20¢hV iyoy - a : & aa Letter to Director, FBI Re: INTERNAL SECURITY - G May 6, 1948 Concerning Person possibly identical : with ADOLFH HITLER indicated that he would be glad to cooperate with ‘the Bureau in any way that it may so see fit. He also indicated a willingness ‘to return to Canada if so desired by the Bureau. This letter is set forth for the purpose of information and \ there will be no further investizetion by the Detroit Office. \ ‘WPD:WAC D | ( CCOL-SMNGATIONS Sning the natier you mentioned, four enclosure 19 betie returned at this tine : Sincerely yours, John Sdycr Hoover “yj . Lirector Enclesure Newspaper clip, Tines entitled of Dr. Schacht. ping from the Los Angeles a "Worshall Plan Tins Ploudtte NOTE: Correspondent? ‘8 enclosure concerned Dr. Be Hjoluar Schacht, Hitler’ uho is very sintlar in si Hitler, ‘s Reichsbank president, ‘acial appearance to 4 yee Gq On / a ay ie "ea Veen BYP Fe i ee avinin Bed Rai C$ Date ¢ August 3, 1948 | or el, Division of Foreign Acitivity Correlation State Pepartoent 515 22nd street, Northwest Uashingtoa, PC, Troa 1 Director, FBI Re ot RFPORTED PAFSTICE OF ADOLPH #ITLCR mm sia COLONDT —_ 2 sere wk: York City, furnished this Bureau with two newspaper the publication, "1 Tiempo" published in Bogota, Colombia. ‘These clippings dea} with a current story in Bogota indicating that Rea Adolph Hitler 4s prosently in Bogota, Colombia. ‘Transxitted herewith for your information and for any action you may deca appropriate aro photootatic copies of the translations of these newspapor ¢lippings. ce Director Central Intelligence agency 2430 F Street, Hortimest Yorthnest Waghingtony bo Cm Ay oF rtercaTION oF Stet 4 sae ES piebemlbias 9 panei a um get ded Bi i tional en eummbiosoou a cote Edicha dine A tte Be ta Ty Sra U0] Ue oe i hence oot ; ¥ on CUM CSM INE a Ge RR Cr mC mC cm | Bol1omy curds epoy Vv : BINNONOIY ULUAISISy RAG does ts 8). Ca ANC led payer cama 7 or Te ere yy SEL OT OUNSEq [9 [oeIsy op UoLOeNY dJuaTOeNy EY Y Pe evo Euan te eed Aca eR Koreans Roem ti Sra orae Pa ra ou cme POT eae tee Lc eo ke 5 ROT eT Cy Citta esis aera mS a Be LZ eet a mae ed Ce Re ale ad RCN ce te Oh a ah MO Rae Med NURS Snr rer Serre Merrett a : ecg rr kaa Kena ke pet ath Sede sch da pe enn aren png : re it teas att ya SE Heer a a caaraee F sens bid dei deaicehaiiais ies MiKo isle aaa Ce pore Cs ied PA ea gc tot aert) Aa ee Re eS Soo sie athe PRT Colin esjuanouy ag id LH Re I ny hearsay rer CES oe neers ACPO AN CREA aq O1daula arvisoaay Re ern eer erence me Ste ee or pene err Roe eat la a eee Re iid reer a) * boa ee ee ee Ai eel aon Bea apes ite te ea area pe aT eee ia eo CoRR Bc ea ete ee care aN Oe a han eee rear Peete ear a teers oon ery rng So EPR kan Auden eed See ei! Te aie Rm ean pO ed er elie ore ua OAANU ap BAUM) PIOJMLI) ULOL ee ay Poe feaeotier ns bree re wernt: Pen ere ee OS a ere 43 Pret ese tM A a a Pree ate i TTY reat Roe rH teed PL PPr a Lnoe iit a a ay Prerinray at Aaa He PL ane a og Ee te it oH lata lr ne Hite rai ll P ETT a JUn europeo qué se firma H.W. K, dice fue espic of servicio det Cao a ne Pen ae eed eee arene CELLS nye Pee Te te? “maciones que posee acerca i kee ey mT pe ' PRANSLATION FRO: THE SPANISH Paotostetic copy of article which appecred in "ueve Yori Al Dia" (Sev York Day by Day}, Spenish nevepaper published dn Mew York City. Saturday, May 22, 1948. Headline on first paget IT a Boe Gut § x 48 E Bosom. e ge 5). A fantastic letter provides detaile which are arousing curiosity in the ost skepticel persons. Me nevepaper # Thove York Al Dial! reproduces the letter sent to the nevs- peer "El Tiemo" in Bogota, by the unidentified person who efmec "Aigo, acigo, anigo", The letter is ad¢ressed fror. Oranjestad, Islent of Arubc, end deted doril 27, 1948, The writer beldly states that HITLER IS MOY Ti" BOGOTA, "Arico, antgo, " cleins thet Hitler Je in verfect heclth. He lest sav Eitler azout tex ago. As soon es ver brerie out betveen the United States and Massia, Fite ler plans to cet hineel? up es hené of the western world. He hopes to cather together an army of five million nen in the western hentephere, in orcer to ead c general erusaée against Bolshevism. Munico, anigo, anigo" eererts thet Hitler hac declared that "If var breaks out about two thirds of the population of the world may succund, tut there will be sutZictent astronomical space left to allow the concuerors to extend toward eidereal paths where they will enjoy abiding greatness and peace." “antigo, amigo, amigo" clains that Hitler aspires to the conquest of the Koon and Kars, after he has completely defeatec Rissin. “unigo, amigo, anigo} provides the following data re the arrival of Eit- ler in Bogota, Colonbia:- Hitler landed from subnarine ™R,V.Z.~ 1048" in Bahishonds, const of Guae Sirs in Oolorbia, et davn of July 19, 1945, He was accompenied by six nen} two of then were recto ang precision instrunent experts; to were lieutenant colonela, one of then an infantry officer, ané tle other en artillery officer; one man was a mejor in the air corps, an’ the lost wes a submarine emert. All of then were gerbes in civilian clothes, discuiset os peasants. They cerries eoutpnent covered with ollskin, ané canvas bags conteining Anericcn dollere end \le enounting to three million dollars. The money was hidéen in householé vn etc. 147 ‘When the "group" lanted at Behishonda they vere met by four strong Quejiros Infians vho were awaiting then at a special spot in order to guide then and their equipment to arranged places. vo agente or contact men cane With these Indians, Shey had arranged everything in advance, and he bore gad a truck waiting close by. Hitler and his escort hal a very arduous trip, ‘They were forced to travel at night and sonetines at early dawn. Minelly, they arrived at @ anall port in Magialens, Here they boarded small cargo boats or arees and travelled to another port in the sane Department, They travelled third class, Fron the capital of Santander to Ponplona they travelled again ‘ty truck, and fron Pamplona to Bogota they travelled by special car. They never stopped at any hotel of any type. The contact men or liaison agents tock charge ef getting passage on boats, etc, and of providing transportation and provi- efons. Trucks and other vebiclos wars always boarded at isolated places which were at quite e distance fron any toms or cities, “hnigo, anigo, amigo" states that Hitler is an avid movie fan, ani has frequented ‘movies fron the tine of his arrival in Bogota, Colombia. Ho affiras that Hitler vore eyeclasses ani a heavy beard at first, which gxve bin the appesrance of an apathetic foreigner who seemed to be of delicate health, : Carticle 4s supposedly continued on page 18 of the neve~ paper, This page is not enclosed. - translator's note). Sumerized byt Rose R. Offenbacher Saly 28, 1948, Keo oy l | ‘TRAVSLATION FROM THE SPANISH Photostatic copy of article which appeared in "El Tienpo", Spanish nevepaper published in Bogota, Colunbia. : June 20, 1948, . Pantasy or Reality Concerning Hitler .— SESSATICUL ASSERTIONS RE THE FUMEER Tr B00Om. A Colombian confirns the story told by “amigo, anigo, antgo". The voyece by sutmarine, the death of Sve Braun and the lending in Florida. The death of Gnitdn would have been a master coup egeinst Conmunies on Hitler's The plan "becones hary" ~ the musical key. Colonblans tool: part in the adventure, Eitler has alreciy ¢1sappeared fron the savanna of Bocoti Im our edition of May we published a strange and sensational letter, post- markeé Curagao ant signed by "Antigo, amigo, anigo" ( Friend, friend, friend), In At the unidentified writer denands 50,000 dollars to reveal, with nore exact de~ tatle, the existence of Adolf Fitler in the savanna of Bogota. He furnished rather exact deteil, Yesteréry we received, place of origin unknown but ¢efinitely dis- tant Judging fron the date, a letter fron a min vio cleins to be a Colombian, and who disguises his nane in order thet he will not be identified, The un'movn man clains thet the story told by "Anigo, anico, snigo" 46 the gospel truth, and he relates his sensetionel intervention in this "affair", connecting it with the as sassination of Dr, Gaiteh, The letter of "Mr. adoro Lame Seltz" follows:- May 19, 1948, Director of " Menor, Dear Sir: There 4s nothing fantastic about the story which appeared in yesterday's edition of your newspaper which wes signed with the pseadonyn," Amico, anigo, anico", ent gives an exact account of the presence of Hitler 4n the savenna of Bogota. Since Jansary, 1945, approzinately three years, I heve been kept ine fomet regereing the plans of the ex-Chancellor of Gerneny’for the future, Purely ‘through coincidence I decane involved in thése plans. They heve been (iwclosed. to ne through a third person. In order to clerify the story, rather then confuse it, I vant to tell you how I decane a part of the Gigantic plan aceinst Soviet Connun- isn. 149 seam le | Ne J Zan a Colombian and the owner of extensive properties, I was educated in Marope and heve spent the greater part of my life outside of ny country. Just as a whim, when I was in Berlin for the Olympic Ganes in 1936, I insisted on meeting Hitler. A former classmate of mine, who was a friend of the German War Minister, intervened and arranged the introduction. I was ex trenely fevorably impressed by Hitler's brilliant and genial personality. I hed always believed that Hitler despised the Istin rece, in particuler, the Span- ieb-dnericans, but the manner vith which he received ne, the hoepitelity he ex- tended to me, and the long conversation we held together, chenged my opinion com pletely. ron thet tine on, everytime 1 happenec to be in Germany, 1 would try to arrange to have an interview vith hin, and in thet way our friendship developed. Wore than once, I vas of service to hin in matters concerning South dnorican Di~ plonats. Once we drew up a plan for the industrialization of latin America, on the basis of German investnents, I wanted to put into practise an exerinent re~ lative to the industrialization of various lanés which I owned at that tine in the Depertnent of Verio, When the Geran experts who were going to collaborate in thie task vere ready to nale the trip to Colonbia, wer broke outs Derinc nost of the war I vrs in Tarope, excent for e brief inter ude of severe months in Colonbie ettenting to my business affairs, ant e fev éoys in sumer vhich I spent in‘Berruda, at thet tine under the rigid control of British militery muthorities. Toward the end of 1944, when I was in a Baropenn country, the nane of which I cannot divulge, I was a victin of the Soviet GPU ( Museian Secret Police), who hed definitely confirmed my close ties with Gernany, After three days of terrible persecution, I succeeded in crossing the frontier Anto another country where the Soviet Government could not operate with such free~ don, January 12, 1945,- I received e visit from X, a well known German Agent. He hinted at the possibility of Geren defeat and gave me a period of two days to think of the most suitable epot in South America es a refuge for Hitler ané @ group of Geman Scientists and officers, in case the latter should find it necessary to "disappear from the world scene" temporarily, Gan, 13, 1945.- I wrecked my brain trying to decide what spot would provide the greatest security, I decided to reconnend Colombia, my ovn country. Its vast stretches of unpopulated lends would lend thenselves perfectly ae 0 biding place for Hitler and his escort, Besides, I ovn isoleted stretches of land there which would be especielly suiteble for the plan which beset me, and since St was my native country, I could work with erecter ease, The group could easily enter the country by one of two ways: via the Pacific Coast of Sarifio, or via the unguarded coast of Guajira, Having been in Richacha, Castilletes, Bahia~ honda and Haneure, as e youth, ant being of the opinion that the trip viz the Paci- fic would davolve extreme difficulties since one woulé have to fly or come through the Panama Gano] ( I vee still unaware of the fact that there existed a submarine route between Zurope and Americas, and thet the trip would be made by submarine), I decided to recommend entrance via Guajira. \5e January 15, 1948,- I met X ant recommended that the party anter via Guajira and I gave him a travel guide which would bring Hitler and ‘Ms group from the Peninsula to my property in Narifd in a very secret manner. January 30, 1945,— Until today I have contacted X, He inatruct~ ed me to go immediately to Colombia in order to arrange details of the plan. X informed me thet the trip vould be made by sumerine and that Babiahonda vould erve as the place of entrance, Its cove would be ideally suited to this type of + Besides at only 300 Ricsian kilometers fron Bahishonis, in khe Depart= neat of Magialens, is Colombia's largest natural airplane landing field, "le Lona*. We agreed on the method of contact and musical keys based on the firet novenent of Haydn's "oy Symphony", which J must use to communicate with Gernany vie radio. Arriving in Colombia, I proceeded to select my collaborators or "contact men". Two of then were faithful fanily servants; the third, high ranidng Colombian amy officer; the fourth, a conservative leader of Antioguts the fifth, a violently anti-Communist liberal leader; the sixth, an intelligent and extrenely wealthy heiress and sports entiusiast of Yelle cel Cauca. fo make this story brief, I shall sunnarize the rest of the events: After heving mage all the necessary arrangenents, which required well over a month ang a half, during which period Ives constently in contact vith Germany ent the "Hitler Group" ( of which “amigo, anigo, anigo" did not say he forned a pert, as aid Martin Bormenn), the Innding was made in Behiahonda on July 19, 1945, at dawn, The "Ouejira Indians" which "Anigo, anigo, amigo" mentions in his atory were none other than three of the most inportent contact men. We could not take the riek of obtaining true Guajira intiane because they might have been bribed by sone one to betray us to the authorities, From here on, the story differs from the one told by “Amigo, amigo, amigo" ( whom I believe to be a tall, slender Dutchman ( Holland) who was a men~ ‘Der of the group, and whon I frequently sav at the plantation in the savanna of Bogota which Hitler and bis committee later occuptet, Reserve cennot be the conse of tergiversation of events on the part of this individual who offers to sell hie petty secrets for 50,000 dollars, I do not know what his motive is, nevertheless, this is what really occurred:~ For aix days Eitler and hie followers travelled on horseback, only at night, from Behiahonda to the "La Lona" landing field. At the agree¢ hour of ting three contact men and I waited at the rendezvous, We had succesteé in ac- quiring three smell four-passenger Stinson planes, to begin the trip fron there to Mario. Then, T ves suddenly informed by a high-ranking German officer.that Hitler had changed his mind and he had decided not to bide on my property, Hitler, Bormann, tvo German physicists and two pilots travelled by plane tos destination that I then ignored, They carried with then secret plane for the V-3 Bky Rocket bonb, the interplanetary Sky rockets and the complete re~ is! cord of the German nuclear investigation, We end the renainder of the group vould travel with the laboratory equipment and other objects which they had ‘brought fron Germany, in trucks ant vehicle as far as Jagua, and fron here we would make the rest of the trip into the interior by foot in separate stages. When I saw Hitler again, a month later, one plantation in the wanna of Bogota, I found out about their flight. At dawn on the 26th of July, they landed the planes in e flying field et la Florida, in that abandoned spot ‘delow 68th Street in Bogota. The flight vas rough. They had beer forced to fly dy night over the mountein chain with planes that hed little power ani naturally had no redio beans, The skill of the pilots vas shown under these circumstances. Once they bad landed, the pilote burned the planes and the renains were subnerged An the nearby march of Senta Maria. In Je Florida, three persons,who until thet tine had taken no part in the plan that had been revecled to me, met Hitler, One of ther owned the plante- tion where Hitler was going to stay, The latter had been averse to trusting only in me, and at the last monent he haé changed his mind, however, I contimed to be 8 part of his intinete follewing. Yor months the fight egeinst the Connunists ell over the world was led fron this plantation in the savanna. Only once, at the beginning of 1946, when the Russian Lecetion in Bogota becan to increase its personnel, did we feer that the Soviets had discovered the hiding place of the Fuehrer, Our fears were Aissipated weeks later, when GPU ( Buseian Secret Police) Agents, foilec in their attempts to track down Hitler and his group who were cheerfully conducting their Mitedle” operction, es they celled the plan,( Translator's note: "Wieble" means nist, haze or a film thet covers an object, ant it probably expresses the fact that Hitler ana his Agents were successful in concealing their identity) returned to Hoscow discouraged, Wow we Imov why the Ruselan Lecation in Bocote had such a large staff. Hitler vas avare of every one of their movenents, The "group" had. en undercover agent in the Pussian Legation itself. Germen agents end scientists kept arriving in Colombia, sone vie the secret aubuerine route across the Atlantic, and others disguised as Jevish Amnigrents, On one pleasant occasion a republican leader fron the United States visited the savanna plantation. Other, republicans ant democrats cane later, In ‘the quiet mansion the most noble of ell crusades was teking place: the ficht a eeinst the rea serpent of the bloody Muskovite Conmnism, 4nd now, the most seneationsl revelation of thie etory:~ At the beginning of this year, when the Cifferences between the United States and the Soviet Governnent were becoming more evident at the UI! sions, Hitler felt the time had arrived to start the holy war against Russia, How ever, At vee necessary to inflane ell of Amcrice, in order thet vith ite morcl and material support, the United States would abandon ite defensive policy, and launch forth ageinst Pussie. The ninth Fan American Conference was a propitious occasion, + 1S i not only wes 4t goins to be held in Hosota where 1t was ensy for the "group" to operate fron their nearby base, but it wes going to be held in Bogota at a tine when there was great uncertainty in the internal politics of Colonbie, Hitler's genius conceived the perfect plan: when the Conference was et ite height, they would sinate the leeder of the Iberal Ferty, Dr. Jorce Eliecer Gaitdn; the Commnists would be blaned for this deed as they had deen blamed for the burning of the Reichstag, The "group" had an undercover egent in Dr. Ospine Perez' cabinet who vould take charge of thie part, German agents vere to lead the pillaging and sacking of churches ané sacred building deeds which would be eesily attributed to the International Commnists. The Conference woulé terminate innediately, Colombia would sever relations with the Soviet Governnent, then the United States vould sever reletions vith the USSR, and war would cone, the grect crusade against Oommnlem, Eitler would recrpecr then to leat the western world against the Yustovites, The scheme was perfect. I 042 not learn the detells of this fentastic plan until it bad al~ reedy been finished. Bac I kmoun'I woulé have opnose’ it since the life of Gaitan seened very precious to ne. ‘The date of the coup had been chosen by Hit~ ler in accordance vith his personel astrologer, The contact man between the murderer of Dr. Gaitan and the "group" vas a conservative deputy. Eowever, this individual never aid know under whose orders he was acting. One of the indivi= duals who met the Fuehrer when the latter lended in Ia Florida hed teken it upon himself to convince the deputy of the necessity of the crine, arguing on the Dasie of internal politics. In his turn, the deputy hat no trouble convincing the murderer, a fenatic. Hitler haf conceived a mester plan. Only one detail was lacking: the "group's" confidence men in Wash Ancton failed in their atterpt to have the United States break with the Soviet Governnent as a result of the events of Avril 9th, I had not seen Hitler since April Sth, When I returned to the planta- tion on April 15th, 1t wes completely empty. The equipment, the laboratories, everything hag disappeared! ~- The author of the letter clains thet Bva Braun died during the subnarine trip of enboliem, Fron that tine on Hitler hed becone extremely tact= turn and apathetic. The only thing which inflened his enthusinsn wee the thought of @ world crusade agrinst the Reds or Russians. /s/ adoro Llama Belts. Rose RB. Offenbacher July 27, 1948, 2O- 183 TRANSLATION FRO! THE SPAUTISH Photostatic copy of article which eppesred in *El Tiempo", Spanish newspaper published in Bogota, Colombia. June 24, 1943. Ziction or Imthe- WE! Data RE POSSIBLE ATSIVAD OF ETTLER Di COLUMIA, A Biropeen who signe E.H.I, ond served os a Nazi epy, confirns the story re~ ported by Bndoro Lene ( or Zllane) Seltz, in the letter published lest Sun~ Ger. E.E.Z, offers to prove this statenent to Colonbian authorities by show- ing then evidence he posi Telative to preparations for Hitler's imnigra- tion to the country. The newspaper "El Tiempo" publishes # letter sent to the director by the ebovenentione? H.EsE. = EWI, cloine to have 4 with the Eitlertussolini forces in Vorld Wer II. He Ceclaree thet durin: the years 196" to 1942 when Germany, Italy end other Turopenn countries vere lenting& trong offensive erninet the Ceno= crecies, the coutries of South Anerica , especially Colontia, Peuador, Bolivia, Azgentine and Chile, vere fighting egcinst anti-denocracy through their nevs- papers and other publications, That wos wien Eitler offere( to industrialize dnerice. HH, cleins to be e Buropeen exile who hes been in dnerice since 1939, After beins trained in espionage, he ves sent es an obsezver to Latin dnerican cepitele, such as Bogota, Buenos Aires, Lina, Sentizco, Plo de Jeneiro, vhere he conticted and trike’ to sone of the Dicuest figurer in noliticnl life. In one of these encounters he carelesely telicec too mucl., and he Cocided to return to Berope beceuse of the éanger of bein: put to decth in a country far fron hie honelend. The order for his return cene to hin throuch the Syanish Dnbassy in Doenoe Aires in 1940, but since he Lampened to be in Santiago, it wos Celiveres to bin thero by one of the Svanish Inbasey events c fev deve later. He chenceé his miné ebout returning to Burope becrure he ferret he would be runishes in acm cordance to the miler of the Nasi purge. He Ceciieé to rennin in South sverice ani teke the risk of beiné llle¢ by sone other acent. Ee clrine to be the son of ¢ Latin Anorican vonan ané e Geran vio hoc rigen in military circles only pecently. \s4 “ f. Pied a Office Mens? “wdum * UNITED STafES GOVERNMENT : TO + Director, FBI are: July 14, 1948 + SAC, Wew York : REPORTED PRESENCE OF AUOLPH HITLER - IN BOSCTA, COLCABIA SECURITY SATIER - 0 2 6 1: ») a Colombian by birth but non a ncturesiced Unived states citizen, came ) to the office with to newspaper clippings from the publication “El _ TMempo", Bogota, Colonie. One of these clippinrs 4s from the issue of / June 20, 1948, the other from the issue of June 24, 1948. She also /” presented a copy of the nenspanerHiueve York al Dia" of May 22, 1948, pointing particularly to the front pape and page Se page 5 of the nenspaner mentioncd, are heing formarded herewith as a matte; of infora‘ion. It will be noted they deal with a current story that ALOLPH HITLER is now in Bonota, Colenbia, It should also be noted 20 MIN 2 2op0 receiving a \ rumor in correspondence with friends in colomela to the effect that a revolution is expected in that country on July 20 next, when the Liberals Photostatic copies of etch clipning, and of tho front pee and if p aa are expected to try to prevent the Conservatives from assembling the Conzress. — Enclosures = 4 e WP /dht 100-0 August 3, 1948 ‘woign Acitivity Correlation partons a B15 22nd Strest, sortiwcet : APPROPRIATE AGENCIES AND PISLD OFFICES + Root in bo adviee you that w York City, fumiched tas Durcm rath * Sitapings from the publicaiien, "Ki Tdoapo" published n Bopota, Coloabla. Theso c):ppinge cvs} with 2 current story in Rocota indicating that - Adolph Hiller is prosontly in Rogota, Colonh: : Trancnitted herewith for your information and for any action f . you ray deer: appropriate aro photosictic copies of the translations of = Yhove newapaper clippings. ey ay Attachments ce Eirector Central Intelligonss sguney 2430 F street, x nincton, Ta. age ae Aechmea HOR. fete: duly 16, 148 or atrud Intelligence ‘year 30 x. Street, aBhincten, Te Poca ay recatved by an relative to Tbs spelling ht Actor us Rell as of the sddress shovs tiet the writer is. wxkaen te Bio ca: be cuncluwec fru the fact ti am Yorn wiles Lunds to shes tat thew where are tre eSetats boyer of nls gftlee. peerable wheresiouts of #dolt Ww thy Lol aacent with pegerd tu Uds letter: illai, tronalation of the Gersn language. “, APPROPUTATE AGENCIES | iosie» covices a SUIP(S)/OF, tear Bector: pip is COMETH i resprolivaly ite ale Are Sees ibid ae 6 Lich author, Trevarsopey, fruition of the death of = Letter to Throctor, Centre) Intelligence »gency "the writer of thls letter has no drtention of conteuting tho ideterte confircaticn of the nured author in a frank menor or arguing what 4b Si any ways Tuy before the venti: of the tro hail bo considered fire for all tines te ccie, At nty be north wile to exacine the followings Dn tio little oonuntty of Bubore, Tontkva parish, istrict Sasrje pri Jelsah, Yagoslavia, tw cen have Lived for three yarn. ne of Une rathor tall, rotier slender with a Yolscr-bocrd, that Ag a beard as orn by the Inve Ssperor urone Joseph, wich wes Sixyly cclled haiserbesrd 41, old pustria. beir cuzbo Fuse iusbacha, both exactly like iitlor used to cob resyrctivaly 1 "The other onc is evallor, but stuulor, with carx bir, 1 4 out ite "Doth cen, know there as nerchants returned fro fcuth anerdea, ive very sudostly, but are very goner-us with the peasants and supored to be extrosely riche sey yo, tive very rocest, rocoly? nu one without previous announcast ane Uorvugh exination, are strictly guxrded by om uar’s. voatly they rove about in te forests of tho near Poacher Yountains. Algo when they aro at hove, it is always said that they are travelling or on tours, utc. ‘tnd thers 1b 45 an ummritter law not to talk about’ the troy stranger: are alnoys tole thot nothing ts known about thes. ‘the peasants an? gondances of tha currouniin, localities have becn bribed with large suas of noney and bound by obligation to konp sileutess In chort, nobody knows then or anything about theae theless 1b muls b+ advisable to ic: uss of an innccont trick, before !tlerts an. a sefinitely accepted ap a'hiowric fact. tbe tio by the roana's woath is ™Bobovo con be rouchod as follows: Cociny frv. tho norton the forzer Austrian southern rallrosa, fixa varburg (.aribor) to tho ‘Apozlowa roilroas station. Fron’ thors « alk on foot for half an hour, uostly throug. forest. under any dnocent prites @ cule can bo sect the station roster to lea! you to oth ” latter to Eirector, Ce tral Intelligence gency wrroc the south, tatbsch (Ljubljanz) C4114 (rolje) srsbelno. vext station 45 Toniiwa. Leave the trai, co about hl an koar un fout, guide necessary. 2 convinus te the noxt statin to Lipoglavas Then ap abovos 2 "Good Iuok! Ski necessar—kess your mouth sisute "Tg con ape soar under the noseg: QE toler ons) the suoller ons). “teebiren mes in the ; latter me by accident. fipogley is the sixth etetlon fre Maritor in scutherl; direction. lease, never mention ay name.” ‘the reliability of the writer of the sbovs letter 43 uiknom on:i tuere ts no recerd pertaining to his in the fltes of this Pureau. This Anferaption is boing furnished to you for xhatever action you veas uf: rupriate —= vader the oircuzatancen. Ib ds requested that no dissemination of this raterizl be mise vavside of your ‘opartacnt. = t ec: Erector of Intelligence boost General start iectinyton 25) B detention: i Pf tdont with @ tek" Snctoad of simple Hk" o: : | whose nama appecrs on the envelope writes hi ey t ir. Eiger Hoover, Chicl Federal Bureau of Investication Departnent of Justices Feshington, D.C. Dear Sir: The writer of this lotter 4s en enployee o2| Hue atso has a son cho $s en exployes of agar Hoo suffice az my introduction. ' ‘Tho enclosed letter, written in deruan, came to our office | on July 3, 1948. it was mailed in ite York City on July lst. | The contents deserve attention in ay opinion, although you my find that the writer of the letter was e crank. The letter vas addressed to ono of our enployees and the g Kithin the letter as wall as of the address shons that spel the writer is on uneducated ran or a non-Gerran, This also can be concluded fron tho fect that he wrote "Stati Uniti" behind Hen jerk watch tenis to show that the writer may be an Italfen, Thore are tno mistakes in the edirers: he woto the nord "edak. You tine ML2L aso that she Letter wes eupporadly written So G2) valesso (Prov.Trento) Italy. a) o ct | Cavelesso (Trento Province) ,Ttaly, At the enf of Moy 1946. Last autunn an issue of the Nex Yorker Strats-/eltung cane into our pesrescten. I believe that it sas the issue of October 19. ae Tn ABI «tock of the engtish uuthor,trever-Ropersresrectively his alleced: t exect confirmaticn of the ceath of Ad If Hitler and Martin Rorsarn. tac writer of this letter has no intentic: of contesting the Visterte enftrention of the naned author in a frank manner or arguing abovt it in ury vay, Rut 2efire the dentt of the tro shall be considered final for all tines to cone,it ney be vortinhile to ex ‘the following + In the little community of Bobovo, Pontkve parish, District Scare ord Jel, Yure- slavia, tre mon trve lived for three years. One cf then rather tell yrgtuer rlerder with a Xaiser-beard, that is a beard as worn by the lute Rayeror Franz Jose;h, thich mas st~t ards. celle Kaiser-beard in old Austria, Hair conted up ‘he otker cne is smaller ,tut stouter, hn dark hair, mustache, both exactly Like Hitler used to comb respectively cul it. Beth menjkncun there as merclints returne fron Scuth Anerica,sive very modestly but, are very encrcus +L eauts an? supscsed to he extremly riche one rithout previcus announeorent and thorouch examination, nre s rictly 7 fed by cn gwrés. ‘estly they rove about in the forests of the rear Bucher tuwtairs. azso xhen they are pt home, it 1s slrave said that they are trveliing cr cn teurs,ote. aid tisre it is mn wreritten law not te talk about the tro; stra peers are alzavs tusd thet nothire is chow about them. The : sini — iia Vetted wiflarse euns of rorey and bout ty OF en tO Key Mocwsitier nye heen Bidertes. Ie chentypoledy thes oF tay Ling aleul then, Nevertheless it would be advisable to look at the tro by the vv of en imorent tric fore Hitler's and Bormrn's cecth de definitely acc Dar MoMese 2 Coit: from the worth evn fee sian ft fron rourg(Yiriier) ty the Lipocla redisca? station. Prom tiers a sulk on foot fer hnlf an hour,mostly through forest. Under any Anaorent pretext a Evite crn be secured by the station master to Lend you to the i or ts EE, 2c 50 ovo, ER drow the soulh,Ledimch(Ljuoljant) GAIL (Celje) Grovelao. Newt station Ls Po v2. the train, go about half an sur on foot; guide necessary. Or continue to the next station to Lipoglava, Then as above. Joud luck! SKILL nesess™ry-~Zeen your aouth shut. smaller one), The first naar ir. the Intter ease is corceet by aeckéent. Lipoglay 1s the Tae men are knoun sixth station from Yaribor in soul.eriy direction. 2 8 ver anton ny name, aoe An Cavalesso (Prov, Trento) Italien, Tide Hai, LO4A, Sehr geehrter nerr Letzten Herbat kamm eine Nummer der New Yorker Staats-Zeitung in Unser sesitz, ich glaube Jene von 19, October, Darin wa: ein Buch des engi. Sckriftstell or-Roper, bzw. seine yermutlich genaue Feststellung des Todes von Adolf Hityer und Martin sormann, Der Schreiber dieser Zetlen méchte nicht die geschichtliche Feststeliung des genannten Authors gerade bestreiten oder sich irgendwie dariber auseinander setze, Aber befor der Toa der beiden alo enteiitig angenommen fir alle “eiten gelten soll, mag es doch der ihe wert sein, folgendes nachzuprifen, In dem kleigen Orte Bobovo, Gemeinde Ponikva, Bezirk Smarje pri Jelbah, Jugoslavien, Leben seit drei Jahren, zwei Manner, Hiner ziemlich gross und eher schiank, mit einen Kaiserbart, Dass will heissen, einen Bart wie ihn des selige Kaiser Franz Joseph trug, was man im alten Ostereich eben echiechtweg Kabiserbart n&nnte, Haare hochgexammt, rar Der andere ist kleiner aber gepakter, mit auniem Haar, Schnurbart, beides genau wie es Hitler keamte, bzw. stutzte, ‘ eat [ y Beide Wanner, dort als die aus Siid-Amerika guriickgekehrte Keufleute, bekannt, leben sehr Descheiden, sind aber mit den Bauern recht fret- gebig und gelten ale steinreich, os Mund halten, ; Die Manner sind unter den Namen bekann’ er kleinere: jer erste Name beiletzteren zufaalig korekt, Lipoglav tet die sechste ‘Station von Maribor in sudlicher Richtung, ~ ~ S (tte seine; I g ‘i Office Men» mdum « oxitep 2% GOVERNME To: HB. Fletcher! patE October 10, 1948 FROM Le We gonroy &'S4% eae ee telephor @ rooming house at the sbove to report that sho believes a guest who has been at her kone for the past few weeks is Adolf Hitler, this belief being base: so: xne fact that he looks samewhat ico Re, Phio poracn sross nave 42 QUMBBMBOT1 bone kwon) resides there nith his wife enc grow s~ Hs [a was incoherent and she is obviously demented. She statcememeerere-ed the Burcsu not long ago at 0 time when she was Deing persecuted and wes referrei to the local police. Gy ATI Mone. File. {O85 IE : Ea “E- : RH vega we ee _ Decexber 15, 1948 Refercnes i¢ aotu to your coammication of Decomber 5, 1918, Ten instructing tae St, Louts Office of thie Bureau fo have an Agcn contact you conseraing the inforsation which. you have set out in your letter, : Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated. 7 Sincerely youre, “fy t Joha Zdgar Hoover ~ Direotor a SONG CC+SAC, St, Louis ae ~ Drelodirs” cin: wei"2%° 15.8 copy of a lotter ForWerded to. yb: you are instructed to have an 4 ea amedistely concerning tho information set out meet Fureau files contain no inforantion in rere concerning v : 2750 con (yh ta bihocer?) | Ely Gg i roe 5 “Pennie ape A dim inl, “Longe fi ea pi elk sick on bil ily inn baddrchbed 2: boiapeis tpn wih fr hain Aiananin dh ee & bang cy ALi wv 11 Dhar emi fig 0 Whey ca Atlin Micon with, oy iu Moe i Hom. gg pu Lilade had i, Pla a Zé ,e i [foram i 7 WNFOEGES L SEL, fi Aree a eS ede, Pon Liae- iia bee we Lo mh, are ac - ¢ bk an akor Dh be Taree ay 1) pleat ihe fer Whetla omen! Gon Reef Lb Be bbe new met, ak Tie Face Aha tle. ao .. oe cnt. clerbace He eM GA LE ween vel LT Lamha ginny a aie peace 7a prelindered, eovtke: ig fom wee keene cacrtomrlin Ba Baggs inny opiton + hak fils mh fig rele mi Fisk 0 oe ras ie oad nrenwbeied "| 7 ; sey ae fe efowihy Laake 1 Bn ke eagle Anaffmre eS Vfran, Lom Lp ehh om 7 je A LE pot 5 pe eo eae i Be pit ie eae Bigekac ler, | fl elle mal me; Dvn Lona vr ong — ann awl on eee Dit Minder, Ve. i prot ee Cees GED at Bebe es bee Je Miverh Geattn, Yaar LAewer be — Gerke Lag Ef G2 cE Loire & hagpepoeued, BE, — (Bitten lo Si Uo Foran was Sy ty Be dann gw Bie schchie el Lope avant LUTLER ow ce oe ¢ iy Oe co CLO Pogyege ASE | en need anhivnl i | ew lben, vernal ta ooh me A EL, tills manele (Ge alc: re 7 lok Ce merr lla grratacé ne ore wont he pen ny “hg (jae 2 , ae) oe aT ie # Se Lee : i 7, a Se, ED Z Pei or ee Tago 09) g jep apn use = fd x, 7 argue Papen & faye Oe | Poipu oh by oh Dich pone parang bo gop ae Surg io ib) Ie or tro G fee f ah ole tarlel That bee a law Ch tg hTae und ea 4 te Jere ee tle freA (4% she v Wh went i “lanes ffs prone fe has fre a of ey, cree Chacteed ig by ow Tea. Cite theer ae et fend tte. ‘ 34 German Pianist es Calls Off Tour, Will Leave U.S. daly 5, 1949 I recetve want to thank you fur 7 the ratter you nonti one yoar lottcr of June 27, 1949, and I 15 be information conceming It wag incsed vory thoughtful of you to contact the FBI in that regard. 7 ww . Sincerely yours, — John Edgar Hoover - ee Diroctor aa a { Mer NOTs: Correspondent has written that a friend of hers from = i Chi1%e thinks Hitler 4s in South American and there was soecne” ui who used to work in Hitler's home in Europe who now resides af in Ar,entina, and has seen Hitler going into a restaurant several tincs. warrie | FokS SECTCR RILED 1S hl LL 7 nk. I Be = 7 Bee nuifee tte artce trots. of A Gti Mh Comes fter-. Chkélhe 25 PH oer for: es whe 7 ce g OF iene eng ve eck Ole her, keto autre «bt lo few seucra C eae ae at 6 eres eT nw ue he. Of nae ‘ feted Conces l t tad ee bon frend ee ie eae bug kT oe bh 0) eth i Mere ue Carne — whe CU me Bees es a coe yoctispt hn. the cercelel at- LTE eek Ketek; an eee “ Ur Chn, fee fed ft ther oa geome ankle Ah haus arb Lertea, a are bones ie The poe ee afoot 7. me] V4 -/ & Office Memurandum +» oxvrep states GovERNMENT to + ~DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: March 18, 1949 ns + sic, sy. SUBJECT: '. LOUIS ‘ ich IIE orca 8s port that he believed ADOLMMITisKi was in St i accordance with Bureau ‘etic, s imediat wed by telephone and an interview requested. M nature of employment, it vas not interview hin at his hone unt: AVisedateeeene has knowri a man, naved years. an’ s tai.en over the management or oF ~48, addressed a | At that time, for about two snip of the build. ling whe: Posades, snd ha: i quarters oamme second floor. I and presently sends his non! jy registered mail, rel receipt requested, although eay below RAIEY. : Acorn: A =, i Tas Ave, and rates another plese of businecs songplace on South Broadway, St. | no other reasor for thinking that is ADOLPH HITL ept tr a definite German meeent and nana am 1 uy saan, speaks ife's uistory, Prelininary inquiry made to deteraine who! js has reswited in very Little inforsation of value. Local credit bureaus BO information on him, and St. Louis Police fils. ts for peace dis- | turbance, etc. A usiness, advised thatl peaks jef'inite German ent, and is described as about sixty-three years of age, five ft, seven inches, one-hundred and seventy 1bs., stocky build, grey hair, partly bald, e8. The files of the ot. Louis office contained no information concernin, i }. reliable German Informant, advised that he fi wut has volunteered to become acquainted with by making purchases at place of business. informant speaks fluent i and will te able to gain tuo confidence of KRAUSE because of their mtual interest,’ 7 in Gerazny. [ogous investicatlon is being made in this matter since it is p+ at peported chiefly because of his Like t and not because of any real evidence indicating that’ ADO HAD, —in ports eny inforation of value be advised; of iso, the MLL be closed by this office. “ECORDFD - 2% HH, , decleree thet he vent to Colontia in 194: with the help of sone Brazilians, after fleeing fron Himler's agents who followed hin wherever = he went, On February 1 (1), 1945, he wos visite: by 2 German vho clained to now him well and be very fanilior with his record as @Uezi spy in Anerica, He shou- eG hin docunente to prove this, ané then shoved him an oréer which etatec that E.E.E. vas to colievorate vith this German in finding the best wa to kelp Eit~ ler ané his follovers to enter Colonbie secretl; en? sterlthily, On pein of slow torture ant decth, HE. wes forced to aié in this plan. In accordance with definite orcers received, he cot in touci: with Agent Z, contact nan no. 16, at the end of Fetrucry, 1545," kcent Z. traced for hin on o Colontian nas, pos sible points fron where Fitter, Martin Boraann, end other Germans could enter secretly. He referred me to Colonbion Acont X, contect nen no, S-Col, vith vhon he hac alrea¢y discussed and rxproved plan "ert" re eccret invigre'ton of Hite ler cné the others, based or cerdinal point Mi-Z-ph", which coincides exactly with the nost extrenely soutivestern point of Oolonbian territory. Shortly after this, H.H.E, becane {11 ané vas in 6 horoitel in Bogota, for sone length of tine. Ee rearine! in the hoen{tel until efter the German Lecation hai been seized by denoerctic forces, LEE, asserte thet he te recc: to crore thet the story tolé by Tstoro Mare Sel Fe wilt give ell the infornetion he has, including the neres of verious Colonbicns vho portictnate’ in the "-ffeir", ‘prov-{ing his ovn renein secret, He viehee that the interview will be secret C confidential, because of the fecr tht he will be eseassinatec tr other a- gents, 4f em publicity ts given hin. In retum for his providinc these proofe of Hitler's plen to enter Colombia, etc, he wishes to be compensated financially in oréer thet he ney return to hie fenily in Germany, in the United States Zone of Occupation, He cleine to be still persecuted by East agente. ] )! Suly 27, 1948, kee \€3 gota ree Uni Colomblano Confirma lo Dicho por “Amigo, Amigo, Ce eo E PH :) ee : le ce irmacione 4 i ey Carer eens les Af TeIery ne H Teeny Deki aed Gin @. dae | pb -_ C5) =| frag “o x) ih a ° “A Pes ado duetecebebayokasanatok viday Ce aed Seed [se | | , 2. Condition The folds, tosre, ereates, and oteins were examined for indications of E | simlstion, bot none was found, ndition taroughout, being ‘that of papers Folded together wien Deve beet maintained in Wat position fer sone tine during whish they were subjected to moisture ani woars he vistbie transfer froa coe shoet to another of staine frou the type : The fact that these naturel (but umatural appearing) phenomena coeur a these papers is evidenoe of genuineness since perscn® preparing forgeries a ‘The other two documents were written on a differont typewriter, the sucly tale care to match the galor closely: tha fating by different conoentrations of dye in water 1s also very difficult to te without leaving evidence. No such evidence win found. papers were out of place fa oa ood dlanrrenged it peeltlan shen the asp = were out sequence oa Coomred. “thia ia typically svcidentel, not planted. 5 3+ Dypmerttiog ‘ ‘The Marriage paper, GL and typed on a machine equipped with ‘ aypo cong ATLA paper OL wn 2p wan srpad on wawnan rice’, end with é Gercan alphabet characters. : + might be possible to definitely 7, Anclnsive 1¢ knows spocinens could be Continued next pace 183 ” Office Memo, s:ndum ) UNITED states GOVERNMENT, To + RB. 7, HARBO FROM D. J. Parsons suBJECT: ED HOAX mBOUT ADOLF HITLER, S2ING : ALIV! a Y ‘aL SUURITY = G, 65-53615, Attachment | 1 aan O71 OCT 17 iv4g r er ¢ Ca Kenedy ay tii, Pocky. Vie Atenlt Orlow, Wy 65,’ Dt GY Viwtinne > ' = 4 kt. prim (a » Ettonaiy, AL eed ma LOBe, A totnartiy, Of WE 689 TE: du bur CS Aiatee, a 1632 We oe ee om Iruntdrnns aAn oy Gow Cun, Clint dtgerornd, Oh the Barer o hee, g’ 7 7 Dvr aman rime ty te “Trade, aa Net aga Pipe Comte G6 Ca, oe | “ al bey ah with Frew ow Bw nla te Mae Ah CLE MF ee path ama ea fied acre t ereiae ey A Moven gure Mlerly lrg HL Pris Sh nO Pee a : ieee a Fora tly Map PVT ARE a ‘ AIR Lom ng ae rh Le + Pidetin we (ine Vite : ™ ‘gud Ona OTE SRL WT Pig Oe BREE a eT Tyee a . a AT ORT Za sano 65 “F7 Us Jy 1 AbaA Gg wy wpe (mae Gt Mormons) hea tag! ae UA | plane arenes na seve @ Prear o4 Fire js i ” See my ean wie Ey yr ily, bak he, : “143 ce we ey soa Der Oberbiirgermeister der Reichshauptetadt ro at Ss net DAES 2 BE A onan wo + Henk cuacercnnn durch: Gol oh Pak rend iv4 Ce are ele ye c (og Die Erechienenen su 1 und 2 erkliren, daé oie rein erisober abstammng und mit keiner die Eheschiiesung ms- echlieSenden Erbkrankheiten befallen sind, Sie beantragen wit Biicksicht anf die Kriegsereignisse wegen anJerordentlicher ‘UnstEnde die Kriegstrunung und beantragen weiter Gas Aurgedot — mindlich entgegensunehmen und von sSmtlichen Fristen Abstand su nehmen. “ a i ; 4 a Den Antriigen wird stattgegeben. Das miindlich abgegebens Aufgebot ist geprift und fiir ordmngegem’S befunden worden, i oh komme aunmebr sum felerlichen Akt der Eheschliesung. hb wart dex od ten Seugen su 3 und 4 frage ich Sie © Alias, its Ohi fan ob Sie gewil2s 1, die Khe mit : i o Ansugehen. oon Sn Fie, ay warten. 1 od Sie t sind, die Rho mit einsug . osen Palle bitte ich auch Sie mit antworten. ~ : : Maohdem nunnehr beide Verlobte die Erklirung abgegeden haben dic Ehe eiasngehen, exkiire teh die Bhe vor dem Gesete, Feohtadsig'fur gesqplossen. deriin, an QB agri ions -* Vorgelesen und unterschrieben: 44) Ehemamns # x 2.) Ehefran: ” fra BW “Bvw 3+) Rouge m 14 O1- fv 4+) Zenge su 2: 5e) - 45 BFE TC, EES Gevgny © rovers @ far peTCer LBAELE* 48 WATE be ap Bein i sooye berg tay re. MPL PUNE FT ES Ce peste: Dede da dem debren dye Lametee, Ghepbte, ep Right versnivorten spponpen, eine ‘Wer ke. gringen, dade Ach. sich, mummehr vor. Be- epiigung dieser {r¢ischpn Leufbahn entschlos- gre, feng Wedehen, wos Prepon aohnen, 093... wooh,Jongen sabre, troper Frounischaft aus - freien Willow in.die achon fast Delagerte Stadt bereinken, us ihr Schicksal mit dex meinen su teilen. Sie geht auf ihren Funsch als meine. Gattin agtretr tn ten Tod. ‘Er wird uns des er- eotzen, oan peine Arbeit in Dienst peines Volkes wos beiden reubte. Was ich besitse,gehirt - soweit es {berhaupt von Wert ist ~ der Partei. Sollte Giese nicht mebr existioren, den Staat, sollte (46 Oa y . ‘ a aye os FT LED” Gee Bert g? wore mht ac Tees ee peGeT? 252 : | | | Entscheidung von mir nicht mehr notwendig. Teh -habe meine Comflde in den von mir in Leufe der Jahre angeksuften Samelungen nionals ftir private Zweoke, sondern stets mur fiir den ansben einer Geloric in einer Heizatstadt Ling i @.¢.Donan gosemelt. Dass dieses Vernichtnis vollsogen wird, wire mein herslichster Wunsch. ~ um Pestamentsvollstrecker srnenne ich meinen treuesten Parteigenossen . Mertin Boruenn. Br ist berochtigt, alle Entocheidungen endgiltig und rechtsgiltig su treffen. Bs ist ihe gestattet, elles das, was perstnlichen Erinnerungewert dbesitst, oder sur Erhaltung eines kleinen birgerlichen Lebens notwendig iat, ‘meinen Geschvistern absutrennen, : | tebonso vor allen der Mutter meiner Frau uni seinen, dha genau dekannten treuen Mitarbeitern und Mit- € s -2- ne r auch der Steat vernichtet werden, ist eine weitere | Y { 1 1 eres 197 ¢ wl arbeiterinnen, an der Spitse meinen alten Sekre- thren, Sekretirinnen, Frau Winter, usw., die mich Jahrelang durch ihre Arbeit unteretitcten. Ich selbst und meine Gettin wihlen, um er Schande des Absetrens oder der Kapitulation su entgeben, den Tod. Bs ist unser Wille, sofort an der Stelle verbrannt su werden, an der ich den grossten Teil meiner tiglichen Arbeit im Teufe eines swilfjthrigen Dienstes an seinen Volke geleistet habe. , “ y Gegeben su Berlin, den 29. April 1945, 4.00 Uhr om Sous? oi ip a _ Mredtviag os Vltrs (7. (fr. 1% i 1 ee, i 1. aL Mein politisches Testazent. _ Seit doh 1914 als Freivilliger seine Descheidene Kraft im ersten, dem Reich eufge- svungenen Weltkrieg einsetste, sind nuneebr ther dreissig Jahre vergengen. In diesen drei Jehrsehnten haben mich ‘dei all meinem Denken, Hendeln und Leben mur @ie Liebe und Treue su meinen Volk bewegt. Sie gaben mir die Kraft, schverste Entechlisse su fassen, wie sie bisber noch keines Sterblichen gestellt worden sind. Ich habe meine Zeit, mei- ne Arbeitskraft und meine Gesunfheit in diesen drei Jehrsehnten verbraucht. Bs ist unwahr, dass ich oder irgend- Jemand anderer in Deutschland den Krieg im Jahre 199 1939 gevollt haben. Er wurde gewollt und ange- stiftet susschliesslich von jenen internationalen Steateminnern, die entweder jidisoher Herkunft waren oder flr jidische Interessen arbeiteten. Ich habe suriele Angebote sur Bistungsbeschriin- Kung und Bistungsbegrensung gemacht, die die Nachvelt nicht auf alle Bwigkeiten wegsuleugnen vernag, ale dese die Verantwortung fiir den Aus— bruch dieses Krieges auf mir lasten kinnte. Ich habe weiter nie gewollt, dass nach dem ersten unseligen Weltkrieg ein sweiter gogen England oder gar gegen Amerika entsteht. Es werden Jehr- bunderte vergehen, aber gus den Ruinen unserer StSdte und Kunstdenketler wird sich der Hass ge- gen das, letzten Endes verantwortliche Volk in- wer wieder erneuern, dom wir das alles cu verdan- ken haben: Dem internationalen Judentum und seinen Helfern! Ich babe noch drei Tage vor Ausbruch des @eutsch-polnischen Krieges dem britischen Bot- schafter in Berlin eine Lésung der deutsch-polni- schen Problene vorgeschlagen - Mhnlich der im Palle des Saargebietes unter internationaler Kontrolle. Auch dieses Angebot kann ficht weg- geleugnet werden. Es wurde nur aoe ~~ i ¢ | 3 vervorfen, well dis massgebenden Kreise der engs Uachen Politik den Krieg winschten, teile der erhofften Geschifte wegen, teils getrieben durch . eine, vor internationalen Judentun veranstaltete Propaganda. f Toh habe aber auch keinen Zveifel dartbér gelassen, dass, wenn die Volker Buropas wieder war als Aktionpakete dieser internationalen Geld- und Finansverschworer angesehen verden, dam such fenes Yolk mit sur Verantwortung gerogen werden wird, das der eigentlich Schuldige an diesem mir- - @erischen Bingen ist: Das Judentum! Ich habe wei- ter keinen darliber im Unklaren gelassen, dass die- ses Mal nicht sur Millionen Kinder von Buroptiern Ger erischon Volker veriungern werden, nicht our Miliionen ervachsener Miner Sen'Yod erleiden und nicht mur Bundertteusende an Frauen und Kindern 4n den St5dten verbrannt und su Tode bosberdiert werden dirften, ohne dass der eigentlich Schuldi- ge, wer auch durch husanere Mittel, seine Schuld su bissen bat. . Yach einem sechsjthrigen Kampf, der einst in die Geschichte trots aller BUckechlage ale robe oul voliste und tapferste Bekundung des Lebensvillens - | @ines Volkes eingehen wird, kam ich mich nicht yon ! Ger Stadt trennen, die die Hauptatadt dieses Reiches ; det. Da die Krifte su gering sind, um dem feindli- , chen Ansturm gerade an dieser Stelle noch linger standsubalten, der eigene Widerstand aber durch ebenso verblendote wie charakterlose Subjekte allmthlich entwertet wird, stchte ich mein Schick- * wal ait jenem teilen, das Millionen anderer such auf sich gonomnen haben, infem ich in dieser Stadt | Dleibe. Ausserdem will ich nicht Peinden indie -— ‘ Hinde fallen, aie sur Erlustigung ihrer verhots- ten Massen ein neues, von Juden arrangiertes Schau- epiel bendtigen. : a Ich hatte mich dsher entschlossen, in Berlin su bleiben und dort aus freien Stiicken in den Augenblick den Tod su wihlen, in dem ich glaube, dass der Sits des Fihrers und Kanelers selbst nicht mehr gehalten werden kann. Ich sterbe ait froudiger Hersen angesichts der mir bewussten m- ernesslichen Taten Teistungen unserer Soldaten { en ger Front, § Frauen wpsuse, den Leistun- gen unserer rn Arbeiter und densa der Ge- echichte einaaligen Binsats unserer Jugend, die seinen Nansen trigt. ay o2 ee a Luigi Gertie tree Hota Revddn sneha th Be mont Munstors SH aa ep 2 1s ‘oa aca f L we a ee) Dass ich ihney allen meinen tefsten Horsen kommenien Dank susspreche, dat 80 solbdstverstindlich wie mein Wunsch, dasg sie deshalb den Kempf unter keinen Vastanton aufgeben mdgen, sondern, gans gleich wo immer, !ihn gegen die Foinde des Vaterlandes weiterfthron, getreu den Bekenntnissen eines grossen Clauspwite. dus don Opfer unserer Soldaten und aus meiner eigenen Yorbundenheit mit ihnen bis in den Tod, wird in @er deutschen Geschichte so oder so einnal wieder Ger Sanen aufgehen sur atrahlenden Wiedergeburt der nationalsorialistischen Bewegung uni danit sar Verwirklichung einer wahren Volksgemeinschaft. Viele tapferste Miunner und Frauen haben eich entschlossen, ihr Leben bis suletet an das meine su binden. Ich habe sie gebeten und ihnen endlich befohlen, dies nicht su tun, sondern em weiteren Kempf der Nation teilsunchnen. Die Fibrer der Iracen, der Marine und der Luftwaffe bitte ich, wit Bussorsten Mitteln den Widerstandsgeist unse- rer Soldaten im nationaleorialistischen Sinne su | veratirken unter dem besonderen Hinweis darauf, @ass auch ich selbst, als der Grinder und Schipfer @ieser Bewegung, den Tod dem feigen Absetzen oder gar einer Kapitulation vorgezogen habe. “& O04
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