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After settling myself on a quite comfy log and reading pages 1-2 + a little bit of page 3 of my The Blue Mountain Three our !olo Boo"# $ no% feel obligated to describe %here $ am& '(ery%here $ loo" there are lea(es) the sun dappling through some but other than that it is a shady area& !urrounding me are thistles *$ thin"+ $,m not quite sure %hat they are called but they ha(e thorns and pric"les) this is %hat they loo" li"e- *$ dre% it %ith pen in my -ournal and yet ha(e to figure out the right %ay to add pictures from my camera onto my computer+&

'arlier $ heard a mouse and after hearing a couple more crac"les of little feet on dry lea(es) %hen $ loo"ed o(er $ could see the blur of a mouse running on a log not far from %here $ %as sitting& $ couldn.t see him %ell because some lea(es %ere in the %ay of my (ision& $ also heard %hat $ thin" to be a squirrel a couple meters a%ay from myself& 10:59 A bird has been hopping closer to me e(ery once in a %hile then flies a%ay& /pdate0 there are no% t%o of them 1escription- flies in short %ing beats) shorter bea") bro%n) blac" and %hite) t%itchy mo(ement.s ma"es lots of noise %hilst flying&

They fle% a%ay and $ tried to loo" up %hat "ind of birds they %ere in my field guide but too" too long) $ am going to attempt to dra% them&

$,(e heard many things) the flapping of %ings) the quiet sound of a goose that fle% o(er the trees abo(e me) and e(en the bar"s of the dogs& $,(e seen dead trees *some on the ground+) dragonfly.s flying together and a lot of thorns *my legs are all scratched up for proof+& $,(e felt the roughness of bar") the pain of thistle and the tic"le of a fly on my hand&

I made a poem: ere it is li"e $,m the only person on earth) the animals greet me %ith the flapping of %ings) the call of a goose and the sounds of dogs on the loose& $,(e seen trees that don.t loo" so pleased) dragonflies %hi22ing past my head) $ feel as thou $,m in my bed) and thorns) they are e(ery%here& The roughness of bar") my fingers run along) the thistles as they scratch at my legs& $ said hi to the fly as he tic"led my hand& $ pray that the %orld doesn.t tear apart all trees and nature so that one day other children my age en-oy this e3perience&

$ hear bugs flying and chirping The slight rustle of lea(es $ s%ell the scent of trees) they smell s%eet) clean and %onderful&

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