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6th GRADE - MRS.


Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these policies. Students will be responsible for knowing and following these policies this year. These have been set into place to help each child be responsible and successful in my sixth grade classroom. HOMEWORK: Students shou d e!"e#t to h$%e &'-(' )*nutes o+ ho)e,o-. e%e-/ e%en*n0. If they do not have specific homework, they are expected to be reading, working on daily work, studying spelling and vocabulary words, studying for tests, and or working on upcoming pro ects. 1LANNERS: Students are re!uired to write "## assignments, reminders, and important dates in their planner. This is an organizational tool that we hope will help students make an easy transition into the unior high next year. Students are expected to have their planners signed every $ednesday. The planners will be checked on Thursday. This is a great mid%week check%in for parents and students. Student&s who have their planners signed on Thursday will receive a '$hat&s in the (ag) reward ticket. 1ARENT 2 TEACHER COMMUN3CAT3ON 4OLDERS: $e are all busy people so a consistent way that we can communicate is through the planners and *ommunication +olders. Co))un*#$t*on 4o de-s #o)e ho)e e%e-/ 4-*d$/ un ess the-e *s NO SCHOOL. Students will be using this folder to bring home schoolwork, letters, and other information. I ask that empty the folder, look through the contents, sign the folder, and return the folder on ,onday. Students who have their folders signed on ,onday will receive a '$hat&s in the (ag) reward ticket. SNACK: There will be a -.%-/ minute break each day designated to have a snack. I encourage students to bring in a healthy snack. 0o pop, chips, cookies, candy, etc. GRAD3NG: The grading scale is as follows1 "2 345%-..67, " 348%4967, "% 34.%4-67, (2 355%547, ( 358%5967, (% 35.%5-67, *2 395%9467, * 398%9967, *% 39.%9-67, :2 3;5%;467, : 3;8%;967, :% 3;.%;-67, + 3/46 and below7. Students are expected to complete their homework on time. If they do not, their grade will be reduced. Students $-e on / $ o,ed th-ee $te $ss*0n)ents "e- te-) ,*th the*- $te s *". A+te- th-ee5 the 6est the/ #$n -e#e*%e on the $ss*0n)ent *s 7'8. <rades are available online through the program called School =iew. If you have not applied for a School =iew username and password, please ask me for an application form or pick one up in the office. <rades are updated continuously. <rade reports and missing work reports will be sent on periodically throughout the year. #ook for them to come home in the *ommunication +older. I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand these policies and pledge to follow them to the best of my ability.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Student

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parent?<uardian

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