Conference Grade Report Update

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Conference Grade Report

Dear Parent or Guardian: We are taking a ook at the grades o! "our chi d# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. %emem&er report cards do not come out unti a!ter the second term 'hich is in (anuar". )e o' is a ist o! immediate grades. P ease discuss the importance o! these grades 'ith "our chi d. I! "ou are unsure o! the reasoning &ehind "our chi d*s grade# ask "our chi d. The" shou d &e 'e a'are o! the reason. I! at that point the" sti can*t ans'er "our +uestion# ca ,emai me# or the teacher !or that su&-ect area# 'ith an" +uestions "ou ma" ha.e. /" num&er at schoo is (012345635784) or m" emai is (k&-ork und9! aschoo The &est 'a" to contact me is .ia emai . Thank "ou. To &etter track "our student*s progress# check :choo ;ie'. It has assignment ists and dai " updated grades. <ontact In!o: /rs. :chuder 3 kschuder9!orest (:ocia :tudies) /rs. %un+uist 3 crun+uist9!orest (:cience) /s. )-ork und 3 k&-ork und9!orest (%eading# =># /ath# ? >rt) :incere "# /s. @a"ti )-ork und

<urrent Grades:
%eading $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ /ath $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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:cience ? Aea th $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ >rt $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ =anguage >rts $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :ocia :tudies $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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