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Mountain Top Inn & Suites 728 West 3rd Street Maryville, MO 64468 (816 447!

7"#6 $ountaintopsuites%&$ail'( o$

September 27, 2013 Ms. Robin Jones University of Miami 2600 College lv!. Miami, "# $6231 %ear Ms. Jones& ' am please! to inform yo( t)at Mo(ntain *op 'nn + S(ites !oes )ave t)e ,illtop room available on -pril 1., 201/ for (p to 300 st(!ents. *)e ,illtop room is available from 0&00 am to /&00 pm on -pril 1., 201/. 1i!eo (sage is available at a re!(2e! rate of 7. !ollars, a !is2o(nt of .03 from t)e original 1.0 !ollars. 'n a!!ition, g(est servi2es manager, Ron Reynol!s, 4ill be present for set (p if nee!e!. ,e may be rea2)e! at ...51101. elo4 are t)e available l(n2) options 4e )ave. 6ri2es in2l(!e 4ater or tea for !rin7s. o Caesar sala!, 2)i27en breast, an! green beans 8 179 o C)i27en -lfre!o, Caesar sala!, an! garli2 brea! 8 179 o 6(lle! por7 san!4i2), "ren2) fries, an! a gar!en sala! 8 179 o -t an a!!itional t)ree !ollars to t)e liste! pri2es above, %essert :C)o2olate Ca7e an! Raspberry C)eese2a7e; an! 6epsi pro!(2ts are available.

*)an7 yo( for yo(r interest in Mo(ntain *op 'nn + S(ites for yo(r ann(al St(!ent -4ar!s #(n2)eon. <e )ost events s(2) as t)is on a reg(lar basis an! are e=2ite! to )ost t)is ban>(et for yo( an! yo(r st(!ents. 6lease 2onfirm yo(r reservation by Mar2) 1., 201/. Sin2erely yo(rs, -s)ton ?ibert Sales@Avent Coor!inator Mo(ntain *op 'nn + S(ites

Mountain Top Inn & Suites 728 West 3rd Street Maryville, MO 64468 (816 447!7"#6 $ountaintopsuites%&$ail'( o$

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