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Gender Identity & Transsexuality

Gender Identity and Transsexuality: An Insight to Adversity Tavahn L Moss DePaul University


Gender Identity & Transsexuality The !ur!ose o" this research !a!er serves to dee!ly analy#e and shed light u!on the adversity o" A$erica%s $ost disadvantaged !o!ulation& transsexual $en and 'o$en( !articularly those o" color) As a result o" our nation%s "unda$entally rigid vie's on gender and sexuality( this !o!ulation is i$!acted by discri$ination in all as!ects o" daily li"e) *ealth care !roviders and la' en"orce$ent notoriously exclude their needs and concerns( 'hile e$!loy$ent and housing o"ten "ail to consider their hu$anity) The in+ustice "aced by trans,!eo!les has been re"lected 'ithin the !olitical syste$ "or years( ho'ever strides are "inally being $ade to ac-no'ledge not only the rights but the very !resence o" these gender,non con"or$ists in our co$$unities)

Gender Identity & Transsexuality: An Insight to Adversity

Gender Identity & Transsexuality

Arguably society%s $ost $arginali#ed !o!ulation( "e' researchers have ta-en an interest in the study o" the lives and 'ellbeing o" transgendered A$ericans) Those that have( have "ound astonishingly dis!ro!ortionate nu$bers o" /TD rates( discri$ination( and $ental health concerns in co$!arison to the status 0uo) To understand 'hy these select individuals "ace an array o" hardshi!s in today%s society( it is i$!ortant to "irst ac-no'ledge this culture%s outloo- on the to!ic o" gender) 1"tenti$es( sex and gender are used unani$ously 'hen the o!!osite couldn%t be $ore true) 2y de"inition( gender is si$!ly a collection o" the characteristics culturally associated 'ith "e$aleness and $aleness 34orcier( 51.( !)167) In other 'ords( $asculinity and "e$ininity aren%t stagnant( but vary according to culture) As a !atriarchal nation( in 'hich $asculinity has been historically !laced in a higher regard( rigid ideas have been constructed that state 8Men should be "ully $asculine and 'o$en should be "ully "e$inine9) This stand!oint "ails to ac-no'ledge the hu$anity o" $any individuals that either e$body a degree o" both genders( or choose to not identi"y as either) 4or $any A$ericans( the conce!t o" transsexuality see$s to be a rather ne' occurrence due to the advance$ents in $edical !rocedures( ho'ever( historically the !resence o" a third gender has been recorded in $any di""erent cultures throughout ti$e) According to Mercedes Allen o" The 2ilerico Pro+ect 3 5567( 8:hat 'e understand as transgender 3in its $any di""erent "or$s7 has been understood 0uite di""erently at various !eriods o" ti$e) In the earliest ages( !eo!le 'ho 'ere seen to bridge the genders 'ere 0uite o"ten thought to !ossess 'isdo$ that traditionally,gendered !eo!le did not( and 'ere venerated "or this)9 :ithin tribes across all inhabitant continents( such as the *i+ras o" India( the Dogon and ;i$bundu o" A"rica( and the servants o" Athena and *er$a!hroditus o" Ancient Greece( intersex individuals !layed a crucial role in the s!irituality o" their co$$unities)

Gender Identity & Transsexuality


1ver 1<6 =ative A$erican tribes have revealed societal roles "or gender $ixing and gender a$biguous individuals) Peo!le o" a de"initive sex that have assu$ed a role and status o" the o!!osite are no' re"erred to as berdaches a$ongst historians) :ithin each tribal society( !eo!le 'ere revered "or their s!iritual gi"ts and had "ound $any !ur!oses 'ithin their co$$unity) Many =ative A$ericans have their o'n inter!retation o" a desired androgyny "or all !eo!le( in 'hich an individual containing $asculinity and "e$ininity 'ithin has achieved co$!leteness) In the =ava+o creation story( the "irst children o" 4irst Man and 4irst :o$an 'ere her$a!hrodite t'ins& both androgynous) The occurrence o" androgyny( ho'ever( did not necessarily indicate ho$osexuality) In "act( the entire conce!t o" ho$osexuality did not exist in these lands) It is 'idely acce!ted that in the United /tates( the unrecogni#ed rights and $istreat$ent o" the LG2T co$$unity 'ithin society are +usti"ied by the religious vie's o" the $asses) The 0uestion is then raised as to 'hy such !ractices that 'ere once dee$ed !agan and barbaric sho' $ore tolerance to'ard alternative li"estyles than the !redo$inating $onotheis$s that sought to eradicate the$) According to scholar >ita M Gross( the ine0uality "aced by 'o$en as 'ell as the disdain "or e""e$inacy in :estern culture is in !art due to 8?@hristianA religious sy$bol syste$s that contain dee!ly $isogynistic ele$ents and !ersoni"y the $ost valued and ulti$ate sy$bols as $asculine9 3 55B7) It could then be hy!othesi#ed 'hether or not a $atriarchal culture that centers its !ractices 'ithin a "e$ale,nor$ative co$$unity 'ould see- to o!!ress the $asculine or strive "or coexistence a$ongst the genders) Moving "or'ard into the !rogression o" $odern society and technology( the "irst recorded surgery to !rovide a transgendered $ale to "e$ale 3MT47 'ith reconstructed genitalia 'as !er"or$ed by Dr) Cr'in Gohrbandt in 1B.1 2erlin) 2orn >udol!h >( Dora >%s vagino!lasty(

Gender Identity & Transsexuality

although considered to be highly ex!eri$ental( 'as actually a success) Dr) Gohrbrandt 'ould later go on to !er"or$ $ore sex changing o!erations( decorating hi$ as a reno'n surgeon throughout Curo!e) /everal years later( "ro$ 1B<E to 1B<B( Laurence Michael Dillon beca$e the "irst "e$ale to $ale 34TM7 to undergo !hallo!lasty) In the 'or-( Health Care for Gender Variant or Gender Non-Confor ing Children( 'ritten by Dr) Michelle 4orcier( research is co$!iled based on the gender develo!$ent o" children and also the $edical interventions that !hysicians use in order to assist 'ith transitioning) 4orcier "irst argues that the "luidity o" gender and sexuality is evident in hu$ans during the earliest o" childhood stages) 2y engaging in gender !lay( children $a-e sense o" $asculinity and "e$ininity( 'hich in turn assists in their !ersonal de"ining o" sel"hood) It is 0uite co$$on "or $any children to ex!erience cross,gender ex!ression( ho'ever( 'hen deter$ining 'hether or not one%s child $ay be gender non,con"or$ing( several ste!s $ust be ta-en) 8Cvaluation o" gender non,con"or$ity has traditionally ta-en !lace 'ithin the disci!line o" $ental health( 'ith a "ocus on body and gender dys!horia)))it is i$!ortant to $a-e clear to !arents and "a$ilies that there are currently no accurate 'ays to Fdiagnose% 'hich gender non, con"or$ing !re,!ubertal children 'ill consider the$selves transgender in adolescence9 34orcier 51.( !) 1B7) Mental health !ro"essionals are better e0ui!!ed at deter$ining 'hether or not an adolescent is $erely engaging in gender !lay or is in "act gender dys!horic) 1nce the child is considered to be transgendered( then he or she is !laced on gonadotro!in releasing $edications at the start o" !uberty) These !uberty bloc-ers stunt the develo!$ent o" sexual characteristics and allo' "or an easier transition into hor$one thera!y) Throughout the entire !rocess( $ental health !hysicians $ust 'or- closely 'ith !arents "or their

Gender Identity & Transsexuality

o'n 'ell being as 'ell) :ith the "ull su!!ort o" !arents( these children have a lo'er ris- "or anxiety( de!ression( and thoughts o" suicide) >ecorded in the +ournal( In!ustice at "very Turn: A #e$ort of the National Transgender %iscri ination &urvey( various researchers studied E(<D5 transgender !artici!ants and "ound that 8)))!eo!le o" color in general "are 'orse than 'hite !artici!ants across the board( 'ith A"rican A$erican transgender res!ondents "aring "ar 'orse than all others in $ost areas exa$ined9 3Grant( Mottet( Tanis( 5117) The sa$!le o" individuals 'as not only < ti$es $ore li-ely to live in a ho$e 'ith less than G15(555 annual inco$e( but 'ere the victi$s o" sexual assault and !hysical harass$ent) Un"ortunately( res!ondents ex!erienced double the rate o" une$!loy$ent 'hile also co$ing "ro$ a bac-ground o" intense bullying "ro$ -indergarten to senior year) In "act( nearly 1 H 'ere "orced to dro! out due to the excessive harass$ent) In the 'or-!lace( the $a+ority o" these individuals not only "elt the need to hide their gender 3or transitioning7 "ro$ their co'or-ers( but even 'ere !ressured to delay their transitioning due to outside sources) 8>es!ondents 'ho 'ere currently une$!loyed ex!erienced debilitating negative outco$es( including nearly double the rate o" 'or-ing in the underground econo$y 3such as doing sex 'or- or selling drugs7( t'ice the ho$elessness( 6DH $ore incarceration( and $ore negative health outco$es( such as $ore than double the *II in"ection rate and nearly double the rate o" current drin-ing or drug $isuse to co!e 'ith $istreat$ent( co$!ared to those 'ho 'ere e$!loyed9 3Grant( Mottet( Tanis( 511( !) .7) In conclusion( the study sho'ed that each as!ect o" A$erican li"e and institutions "ail to !rovide transgendered !eo!les 'ith +ust treat$ent and hu$an dignity)

Gender Identity & Transsexuality

Much li-e the study done by Grant( Mottet( and Tanis( research conducted in "x$eriences of Transgender-#elated %iscri ination and I $lications for Health: #esults 'ro the Virginia Transgender Health Initiative &tudy "ound that

trans discri$ination 'as $ulti"aceted( !revailing in the 'or-!lace( schools( the co$$unity( and even centers "or healthcare) @ontributor( Dr Kudith 2rad"ord( "ocused her lens u!on the !o!ulation o" Iirginia( and used $ethods in order to 8i$!rove health care access by identi"ying ga!s in services needed by transgender Iirginians and reco$$ending !ossible $eans "or i$!roving access to services9 32rad"ord( >eisner( *onnold( Lavier( 51.7) In the absence o" legal !rotection "or trans individuals( $any institutions go un!unished "or their discri$inatory !ractice) The study even goes on to $ention that in states 'ith anti,gay legal agendas( the !revalence o" !sychiatric disorders being diagnosed a$ongst these !eo!le is higher) As !reviously stated in Health Care for Gender Variant or Gender Non-Confor ing Children( Gender Identity Disorder( or gender dys!horia( are co$$only !laced u!on the transgender !o!ulation( although a vast $a+ority o!!ose the notion that the vie's o" their o'n sel"hood is due to a "la' in $entality) As the $ost co$$on arena in 'hich !re+udice 'as re!orted( a light $ust be sho'n u!on the $al!ractice o" health care !roviders) =ot only is access to 0uality hos!itals and clinics o"ten unattainable 3due to the lo'er socio,econo$ic class o" $ost trans res!ondents( es!ecially those o" color7( but $any !hysicians lac- the !ro!er training and -no'ledge o" ho' to service this !o!ulation) 8More than one 0uarter o" the sa$!le re!orted needing but not being able to obtain access to at least 1 transgender,s!eci"ic service in the !ast 1 $onths) =eeded but not received services included hor$onal thera!y 3.1H7( transgender,related surgery 3 DH7( counseling or !sychothera!y 3 DH7( and gynecological care 31BH79 32rad"ord( >eisner( *onnold( Lavier(

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51.( !) 16 D7) The study concludes by ac-no'ledging several li$itations encountered 'hile conducting research,,the absence o" longitudinal studies that 'ould allo' !artici!ants to re!ort direct discri$ination( the inability to $easure chronic and acute ex!osures( and the di""iculty o" dra'ing co$!arisons bet'een e$!loy$ent( housing( and the $edical "ield) =evertheless( the study accurately !ortrays dis!ro!ortionate statistics 'hen co$!ared to cisgendered( heterosexual counter!arts( and there"ore urgent state'ide re"or$s to all institutions are necessary in order to beco$e all,inclusive) In the "inal study included in #a$id HIV Testing in Transgender Co by Co unities

unity-)ased *rgani+ations in Three Cities( by Dr Ke""ery /chulden( MT4

transgender 'o$en "ro$ =e' Mor-( Mia$i( and /an 4rancisco 'ere sa$!led( and 'ere deter$ined to be the highest at ris- !o!ulation "or *II in A$erica( do to the ha#ardous behaviors that a great deal o" the$ ad$itted to !arta-ing in) /chulden%s research yielded the "ollo'ing results: A$ong DDB $ale,to,"e$ale 3MT47 TG !artici!ants( 1 H 'ere ne'ly diagnosed 'ith *II in"ection) =one o" the < "e$ale,to,$ale !artici!ants 'ere ne'ly diagnosed 'ith *II) A large !ro!ortion o" MT4 TG !artici!ants re!orted high,ris- behaviors in the !ast year( including .JH 'ho re!orted un!rotected rece!tive anal intercourse and <<H 'ho re!orted co$$ercial sex 'or-) /everal "actors 'ere inde!endently associated 'ith increased li-elihood o" being ne'ly diagnosed 'ith *II in"ection a$ong MT4 TG !artici!ants( including having a !artner o" un-no'n *II status in the !ast year& being 5, B or N<5 years o" age& having last been tested "or *II $ore than 1 $onths ago& and having been recruited at the =e' Mor- @ity site) 3!)1517

Gender Identity & Transsexuality

These "indings are correlative to the results o" the !revious research studies( ho'ever "ail to recogni#e the extre$e !overty that these 'o$en live in) Also( hailing "ro$ disadvantaged bac-grounds o" lo'er socio,econo$ic standings( sexual education and access to healthcare are luxuries not granted to their !ers!ective co$$unities) :ith such a lo' rate o" e$!loy$ent( discri$ination in the 'or-!lace( and even the absence o" education necessary to $a-e one hirable( these 'o$en have beco$e stuc- in a constant cycle o" !overty and degradation) Their 0uality o" li"e is o"tenti$es only su!!orted by !artici!ating in the underground econo$y o" sex 'or-( drug !edaling( etc) 4ro$ a 4e$inist stand!oint( the to!ic o" transgender inclusion has le"t the !o!ulation divided "or 0uite so$e ti$e no') =oted authors and activists( Kanice >ay$ond and /heila Ke""erys( have o!enly discussed their disa!!roval "or trans,inclusion) 1thers have been cited "or using threats o" violence and antagonis$ against trans"e$inists and their !artners) 1ne o" the 'idely held ideas su!!orting trans,exclusion is that MT4 'o$an have !reviously held $ale !rivilege( and there"ore can never relate to the biological 'o$an%s ex!erience) More !rogressive "e$inists such as Kudith 2utler and Kudith *albersta$ have "ully su!!orted the ne' 'ave o" trans"e$inis$( in 'hich the rights( !olitics( and struggles o" these 'o$an are !er"ectly co$!atible 'ith the "e$inist agenda) Throughout this analysis( e$!hasis on the $any hardshi!s o" adversity trans !eo!le "ace everyday that a""ects their 0uality o" li"e have been dis!layed) Multi!le studies have yielded astonishing results that sho' +ust ho' $arginali#ed this co$$unity is) >egardless o" being H o" the A$erican !o!ulation( no hu$an should be rendered invisible by the un+ust !ractices o" the the $edical( educational( and housing syste$s( and belie"s o" the status 0uo) Due to the "act that this !o!ulation is so s$all( and o"ten ti$es unattainable( there are $any studies that should be

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conducted in the "uture) 4irst( the !ercentage o" all trans !eo!le%s that are able to engage in hor$one thera!y should be discovered) /econdly( $ore in de!th analyses o" the lives trans $en and 'o$en o" color $ust be acco$!lished) 2y "inding and releasing accurate in"or$ation to the !ublic and healthcare !roviders( the un0uestioned !resence o" transgender A$ericans 'ill "orce society to ac-no'ledge their hu$anity and civil rights)

>e"erence List 2rad"ord( K) 3 51.7 Cx!eriences o" Transgender,>elated Discri$ination and I$!lications "or *ealth: >esults 4ro$ the Iirginia Transgender *ealth Initiative /tudy) A$erican Kournal o" Public *ealth 4orcier( M) M) 3 51.7 *ealth @are "or Gender Iariant or Gender =on,@on"or$ing @hildren)O >hode Island Medical Kournal: n) !ag) Abstract) Grant( K) M)( Mottet( L)A)( Tanis( K) 3 5117

Gender Identity & Transsexuality


I=KU/TI@C AT CIC>M TU>=: A >CP1>T 14 T*C =ATI1=AL T>A=/GC=DC> DI/@>IMI=ATI1= /U>ICM( CLC@UTIIC /UMMA>M) =ational Transgender Discri$ination /urvey Gross( >) M) 3 5567 Garland o" 4e$inist >e"lections: 4orty Mears o" >eligious Cx!loration) 2er-eley: University o" @ali"ornia /chulden( K)D) 3 5567 >a!id *II Testing in Transgender @o$$unities by @o$$unity,2ased 1rgani#ations in Three @ities)OAssociation o" /chools o" Public *ealth

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