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Activity Charge Semester 1, 2013

Throughout the school year there are many incursions and excursions available to support and enrich the education program we offer at school. In 2012 some of the activities the North Fremantle students experienced were
!culptures by the !ea !uitcase stories In%term !wimming &rt "last )ings *ar# 'xcursion +hat !tyle ,usic Incursion The "ig "oo# !how Incursion $icerellos &uthors wor#shop 'du (ance Teambeat (rumming Incursion Inter%school !port $arnivals

These activities are in addition to the regular school program and participation is based upon the cost of the activity being paid for by parents. &t all times we wor# to #eep costs to a minimum by applying for grants sourcing the best -uotes for buses or using private transport. engaging only in activities lin#ed to the educational programs we have in place. and wor#ing collaboratively with the * / $. The semester 1 activity charge for children from PP to year 7 is $60 or !indergarten st"dents this is an ann"al fee #once only for 2013$ of $60 &s children participate in activities the cost will be deducted from your child0s account. If your child does not participate1 you will not be charged. If the full amount is not expended the balance will be rolled over into the next semester. If you leave the school the balance will be refunded to you. &ctivities attracting high cost 2eg. $amps3 will be negotiated separately to regular activity accounts. The first e%c"rsion for st"dents in year ** to 4 is !culptures by the !ea is on either &onday 11th or T"esday 12th of &arch' (o"r )ayment of this activity charge *efore this date +o"ld *e greatly a))reciated' I am aware that this is short notice and therefore may be difficult for some families 5 please phone !ue ,organ 2registrar on 6778 24973 or call in at the office to arrange to ma#e a partial payment.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I have enclosed : direct debited to the school account 2please choose one3 ;<0 for ============================ 2child0s name3 in year ====== .
North Fremantle *rimary !chool &ccount details "!" 01<%719 &ccount 7906%9>748

I have already paid this account for semester 11 2017 !igned =====================

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