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We are proud Lo announce San ulego SLaLe unlverslLy's sLudenL chapLer of Lhe Amerlcan SocleLy of Clvll Lnglneers
(ASCL) wlll be hosLlng Lhe 2014 ASCL aclflc SouLhwesL Conference (SWC) from Aprll 3
Lo Aprll 3
. A LoLal of 19
ASCL sLudenL chapLers, professlonal lndusLry englneers, faculLy advlsors, and volunLeers wlll be aLLendlng Lhls
exclLlng evenL.
SLudenLs wlll apply Lhelr clvll englneerlng knowledge and Leam dynamlcs Lo Lhe LesL by compeLlng ln a varleLy of
acLlvlLles such as ConcreLe Canoe, SLeel 8rldge, Surveylng, CeoLechnlcal, Culz 8owl, and much more. AL Lhls year's
ASCL SWC, our sLudenL chapLer ranked 6
ouL of 17 schools. We are very exclLed Lo have anoLher successful year
on our very own campus!
Cur goal ls Lo make Lhls conference Lhe mosL memorable experlence! As Lhe hosL of Lhe 2014 ASCL SWC, we are
responslble for plannlng, budgeLlng, and runnlng Lhe enLlre evenL. Cur pro[ecLed expense budgeL ls $112,000. We
are ln need of ralslng $22,000 Lhrough sponsorshlps and fund ralslng evenLs. lunds would be used for venues,
caLerlng, apparel, conference maLerlals, prlnLlng/adverLlslng, and maklng lnlLlal deposlLs. Lnclosed ls our sponsorshlp
reglsLraLlon form. ?our donaLlon would help us achleve our flnanclal goals.
San ulego SLaLe unlverslLy's sLudenL chapLer ls reglsLered as a sub-group of Lhe Amerlcan SocleLy of Clvll Lnglneers
(ASCL) San ulego SecLlon. 1he ASCL San ulego SecLlon ls a Lax exempL 301(c)(3) non-proflL organlzaLlon. All
donaLlons are 100 Lax deducLlble. Lnclosed ls a Lax exempL leLLer from Lhe ASCL San ulego SecLlon and l8S W-9
lorm. Conference evenL lnformaLlon can be found on our webslLe: hLLp://
leel free Lo conLacL us lf you have any quesLlons.


Melanle loronda
2014 SWC lund 8alslng Co-Chalr[
!aylee Wllllamson
2014 SWC lund 8alslng Co-Chalr

CC: !enlene knlghL, 2014 SuSu SWC Advlsor

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1hank you for your lnLeresL ln sponsorlng Lhe 2014 ASCL aclflc SouLhwesL Conference. 8elow ls a descrlpLlon of
each sponsorshlp level and Lhe packages LhaL you wlll recelve for your generoslLy.

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lor more lnformaLlon, please conLacL Amanda CorbeLL aL[
:/%;1$& '()%*)+ <=0>>>
Sponsorshlp lncludes all appreclaLlon shown below ln addlLlon Lo speclal recognlLlon aL Awards 8anqueL.
?3/9)%8 @$#$7 '()%*)+ <A0>>>
Sponsorshlp lncludes all appreclaLlon shown below ln addlLlon Lo rofesslonal uevelopmenL uay (SWC Career
lalr - Lable reglsLraLlon, (2) parklng permlLs, (2) lunches).

B7/&3%19 @$#$7 '()%*)+ <C0A>>
Sponsorshlp lncludes all appreclaLlon shown below ln addlLlon Lo (2) Awards 8anqueL 1lckeLs.
-/&$+3%4 '()%*)+ <D0A>>
Sponsorshlp lncludes all appreclaLlon shown below ln addlLlon Lo recognlLlon aL caLered lunch.
5)78 @$#$7 <D0>>>
Sponsorshlp wlll lnclude all appreclaLlon shown below ln addlLlon Lo recognlLlon on conference L-shlrLs.
:$#$+/4$ -/+& '()%*)+ <EA>
Sponsorshlp wlll lnclude all appreclaLlon shown below ln addlLlon Lo corporaLe logo wlll be dlsplayed durlng lunch.

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Sponsors wlll be recognlzed on Lhe 2014 SWC webslLe and program.

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ConLacL name:


ClLy, SLaLe, Zlp Code:

hone: Lmall:

'$7$.& 2)1+ '()%*)+*63( "#$%& '()%*)+*63(*
$6,000 8anqueL SLeel 8rldge Sponsored by 1.?. Lln lnLernaLlonal
$3,000 ulamond Level ConcreLe Canoe
$2,300 laLlnum Level Surveylng
$1,000 Cold Level CeoLechnlcal
$1,300 CaLerlng (1P Lunch) LnvlronmenLal
$1,300 CaLerlng (l8l Lunch) lmprompLu
$1,300 CaLerlng (SA1 Lunch)
$730 8everage CarL (Lunch)
$300 8anqueL - Awards (1rophles)
$300 rograms
$300 1-ShlrLs
lor LvenL Sponsorshlp lnformaLlon, please conLacL Amanda CorbeLL aL[
lease send your company logo Lo Melanle loronda aL[

1oLal AmounL: $ lease make check payable Lo: !"#$ "&"' wlLh memo: ()*+ "&"' ,"-#.

lease mall Lhls form wlLh paymenL Lo: A11n: ASCL SuSu AMAnuA CC88L11
SAn ulLCC S1A1L unlvL8Sl1?
3300 CAMAnlLL u8lvL
SAn ulLCC CA 92182-1324

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