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36/II, , e-mail: istorinst@iib.ac.rs

Times New Roman, 12.
1.5, .
(, , , ).
1,5 (1.800 )
( ),
. 600
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. 1.200
. Word
.tiff, .jpg, .eps, .cdr.
150, 300 dpi.
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- . , , 2006, 4446.
- . , , I, 19782, 30.
, ,
. . (
), ( ), .
- . , , 50 (2003) 15.
- . , 1933. , 4546
(1998-1999) 2000, 245

- . , ,
3 ( 2002) 2003, 58.
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. , ,
- . , ,
13. , 2003, 103.
() , ,
- 61, 1983, 98 (. ).
- , , . . ,
1865, 97.
- . . , , . . . ,
2003, 63.
- . , I1, .
1929, 250.
- Actes de Lavra III, par P. Lemerle, Paris 1979, 13.
o .
- : , Ibid.
- . cf.
- .
- . p. pp.
, . 2. 2007.
, . 2.000, 10.000.

1. j .


The articles should be submitted both in paper form to the Editorial Board of The
Institute of History (Address: Kneza Mihaila Street 36/II, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia)
and in digital form via e-mail (istorinst@iib.ac.rs).
The texts should be typed in MS Word application and submitted in one digital
copy. We recommend the use of Times New Roman font. The font size of the main text
should be 12pt (with 1.5 spacing) and of the footnotes 10pt (with single spacing).
Footnotes should be in the footer of each page. Contributors may submit their articles
in Serbian or in a foreign language (English, Russian, French, German).
The text should not exceed 24 pages (43.200 characters, including spaces).
Each text should include, along with the main text and footnotes, the following:
Abstract which comes after the title. It should be written in same language
as the main text and not exceed 600 characters (with spaces).
Keywords up to ten words, given in Serbian and English.
Summary should be written in English and should not exceed 1.200
characters (with spaces).
Illustrations and charts If any, should be submited apart from the Word
document in one of the following digital formats .tiff, .jpg, .eps, .cdr. Black and white
illustrations should be at resolution of at least 150, and color ones at least 300 dpi.
How to cite:
Name of the author(s) should be written just as an inital, with space between name
and full surname, in regular font. In the first citation of a monograph, its title should
contain complete information, in italic font. Place and year of publication are
written after the title, without a comma in between. Cited pages are written at the
end, without abbreviations for the words page and pages.
- . , , 2006, 4446.
Second edition of a book:
- . , , I, 19782, 30.
Articles in journals:
Name of the author(s) should be written just as an inital, with space between name
and full surname, in regular font. The title of the article should be in italic font,
followed by the journal title (full or abbreviated name), its volume and/or number
(in arabic numbers), year (in the brackets) and cited page all in regular font.
- . , , 50 (2003) 15.
- . , 1933. ,
4546 (1998-1999) 2000, 245.
(example for the journals in which the year that refers to the volume does not
match with the year of the actual publication)

- . , ,
3 ( 2002) 2003, 58.
(example for the journals of the same name but different publication places,
less known or less available journals)
Articles in edited volumes / collections of works:
Name of the author(s) should be written just as an inital, with space between name
and full surname, in regular font. The title of the article should be in italic font,
followed by the title of the collection of works, place and year of publication and
cited page all in regular font.
- . , ,
13. , 2003, 103.
Chapters in books (collective works):
The name of the publication should be written in italic, followed by the volume,
place and year of publication, cited page and the name of the author(s) (in the
brackets) all in regular font.
- 61, 1983, 98 (. ).
Primary Sources:
- , , ed. . ,
1865, 97.
- . . , , ed. . . ,
2003, 63.
- . , I1, .
1929, 250.
- Actes de Lavra III, par P. Lemerle, Paris 1979, 13.
After the first citation of the full bibliographic unit in footnotes, every other
citation should be given in abbreviated form which includes the initial of the name
and surname of the author(s) and shortened title.
For successive references to the same author and work use: Isto, Ibid.
In Serbian language the abbreviation up. should be used, while in the foreign
languages the form is cf.
Footnotes are abbreviated with nap. (in English: note)
The abbreviations str. i.e. p. and pp. are not to be used.
Dates are written in the following way, e.g. March 2nd 2007 (2. mart 2007.)
Numbers with more than three digits should be written with dots, without spaces, e.g.
2.000, 10.000.
The Contributors control and insert editorial interventions in the digital version of their
texts. If they have any objections to the interventions received from the Editiorial Board
they should clearly note that on a printed version of the text.
The admition deadline for the current year is May 1st.

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