A Color-Based Target Localization Method and Its Implementation On Embedded Auto-Mobile Robot System

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MTECH Projects 2013----2014

1. Real-Time Walking Pattern Generation Method for Humanoid Robots by Combining Feedback and Feed forward Controller 2. !inari"ation of #ow-$uality !arcode %mages Ca&tured by Mobile Phones 'sing #ocal Window of (da&ti)e #ocation and *i"e-IEEE 2012 3. Per-Colorant-Channel Color !arcodes for Mobile (&&lications+ (n %nterference Cancellation Framework ,IEEE 2013 4. Modeling and Control of Thermal Printing ,IEEE 2010 5. -n .ecoding of the /012 342 567 $uadratic Residue Code-IEEE 2013 6. Ma8imum likelihood '9P )ideo streaming techni:ue for Wireless M(;-(d)anced systems ,IEEE 2013 7. #earning a Conte8tual Multi-Thread Model for Mo)ie<T= *cene *egmentation- IEEE 2013 8. Robust Head Tracking !ased on Multi&le Cues Fusion in the >ernel-!ayesian Framework-IEEE 2013 9. -nline Real-Time Task *cheduling in Heterogeneous Multi core *ystem-on-a-Chi&IEEE 2013 10. High-*&eed %mage Processing (lgorithms for Real-Time .etection of M(RF9s on ?9T ,IEEE 2012 11. (&&lication of 9thernet Power link for Communication in a #inu8 RT(% -&en C;C system ,IEEE 2013 12. Flash-aware linu8 swa& system for &ortable consumer electronics ,IEEE 2013 13. .esign2 %m&lementation2 and Performance of a #oad !alancer for *%P *er)er Clusters , IEEE 2012 14. Reducing 'nauthori"ed Modification of .igital -b@ects ,IEEE 2012 15. ( hidden Marko) model based dynamic hand gesture recognition system using -&enC= -IEEE 2013 16. 9mbedding Motion and *tructure Features for (ction Recognition ,IEEE 2013 17. 9mbedded &rocessor o&timised for )ascular &attern recognition ,IEEE 2013 18. *ecure Pro)enance Transmission for *treaming .ata ,IEEE 2013 19. Ma&&ing and (nalysis of Human Guidance Performance From Tra@ectory 9nsembles , IEEE 2013 20. Robust >ernel Re&resentation With *tatistical #ocal Features for Face Recognition , IEEE 2013 21. 9mbedded middleware and software de)elo&ment kit for area-based distributed mobile cache system ,IEEE 2013
V.Mallikarjuna (Project manager) Mobile No: +91-8297578555. Branch !: "#$ ra%a$ &



22. ( .eformable A-. Facial 98&ression Model for .ynamic Human 9motional *tate Recognition ,IEEE 2013 23. Coo&erating =irtual Memory and Write !uffer Management for Flash-!ased *torage *ystems,IEEE 2013 24. Real-Time %<- Management *ystem with C-T* Peri&herals ,IEEE 2013 25. Gra&h-9mbedding-!ased #earning for Robust -b@ect Tracking ,IEEE 2014 26. 9nhancing #ight !lob .etection for %ntelligent Headlight Control 'sing #ane .etection, IEEE 2013 27. *&atio-Tem&oral Traffic *cene Modeling for -b@ect Motion .etection ,IEEE 2013 28. *to&&ed -b@ect .etection by #earning Foreground Model in =ideos,IEEE 2013 29. =isual (nalysis of 9ye *tate and Head Pose for .ri)er (lertness Monitoring ,,IEEE 2013 30. ( Fast 9)olutionary (lgorithm for Real-Time =ehicle .etection,IEEE 2013 31. Counting =ehicles from *emantic Regions ,IEEE 2013 32. (utomated Real-Time .etection of Potentially *us&icious !eha)ior in Public Trans&ort (reas ,,IEEE 2013 33. .ynamical *imulation Priors for Human Motion Tracking ,IEEE 2013 34. Tracking Peo&le Motion !ased on 98tended Condensation (lgorithm ,IEEE 2013 35. %ris Recognition 'sing Possibilistic Fu""y Matching on #ocal Features ,IEEE 2012 36. 9yeball model-based iris center locali"ation for )isible image-based eye-ga"e tracking systems ,IEEE 2013 37. (n embedded real-time finger-)ein recognition system for mobile de)ices ,IEEE 2012 38. Human %dentification 'sing Finger %mages,IEEE 2012 39. ( *tereo-=ision !ased -b@ect Tracking (&&roach at Roundabouts ,IEEE 2013 40. Traffic *ign Recognition for Com&uter =ision Pro@ect-!ased #earning ,IEEE 2013 41. (utomated =isual %ns&ection of Railroad Tracks ,IEEE 2013 42. ( #arge .etector #aboratory for the .e)elo&ment and Testing of Radiation .etection *ystems ,IEEE 2013 43. Multi&le Target Tracking by #earning-!ased Hierarchical (ssociation of .etection Res&onses ,IEEE 2013 44. %ntegrating -ff-!oard Cameras and =ehicle -n-!oard #ocali"ation for Pedestrian *afety ,IEEE 2013 45. !oosted subunits+ a framework for recognising sign language from )ideos ,IEEE 2013 46. (n (ccurate (lgorithm for the %dentification of Fingerti&s 'sing an RG!-. Camera , IEEE 2013 47. *ingle-camera dedicated tele)ision control system using gesture drawing ,IEEE 2012 48. %nterconnection Framework for mHealth and Remote Monitoring !ased on the %nternet of Things ,IEEE 2013
V.Mallikarjuna (Project manager)



Mobile No: +91-8297578555. Branch !: "#$ ra%a$ &

49. (n 9mbedded *ystems #aboratory to *u&&ort Ra&id Prototy&ing of Robotics and the %nternet of Things ,IEEE 2013 50. Com&uting for the ;e8t-Generation (utomobile ,IEEE 2012 51. =irtuali"e Me ,IEEE 2012 52. *tability and Performance %n)estigation of a Fu""y-Controlled #C# Resonant Con)erter in an RT-* 9n)ironment ,IEEE 2013 53. (naly"ing the 9ffect of Gain Time on *oft-Task *cheduling Policies in Real-Time *ystems ,IEEE 2012 54. Predicti)e -* Modeling for Host-Com&iled *imulation of Periodic Real-Time Task *ets ,IEEE 2012 55. =irtuali"ation on Multicore for %ndustrial Real-Time -&erating *ystems BFrom Mind to MarketC ,IEEE 2012 56. ( *tochastic Framework for *hort-Term -&eration of a .istribution Com&any ,IEEE 2013 57. ( camera-com&uter system to su&&ort safe walking of a blind &erson,IEEE 2012 58. Portable Camera-!ased (ssisti)e Te8t and Product #abel Reading From Hand-Held -b@ects for !lind Persons,IEEE 2013 59. *&eech *ynthesis !ased on Hidden Marko) Models,IEEE 2013 60. The .esign and %m&lementation of a *mart e-Rece&tionist ,IEEE 2013 61. ( !ag of *ystems Re&resentation for Music (uto-Tagging ,IEEE 2013 62. *entence-!ased *entiment (nalysis for 98&ressi)e Te8t-to-*&eech,IEEE 2013 63. -n the =oice-(cti)ated $uestion (nswering ,IEEE 2012 64. Remote Monitoring *ystem of 9CG and Human !ody Tem&erature *ignals ,IEEE 2013 65. ( #ow-Com&le8ity 9CG Feature 98traction (lgorithm for Mobile Healthcare (&&lications,IEEE 2013 66. GRP*-based distributed home-monitoring using internet-based geogra&hical information system,IEEE 2011 67. .istributed mobility management for efficient )ideo deli)ery o)er all-%P mobile networks+ Com&eting a&&roaches,IEEE 2013 68. #anguage inde&endent on,off )oice o)er %P source model with lognormal transitions, IEEE 2013 69. %dentification of Peer-to-Peer =o%P *essions 'sing 9ntro&y and Codec Pro&erties,IEEE 2013 70. Managing $uality of 98&erience for Wireless =-%P 'sing ;oncoo&erati)e Games, IEEE 2013 71. (nalysis and Performance of Traffic of =oice and =ideo in ;etwork %ndoor P#C ,IEEE 2012
V.Mallikarjuna (Project manager) Mobile No: +91-8297578555. Branch !: "#$ ra%a$ &



72. Malayalam *&eech Recognition system and its a&&lication for )isually im&aired &eo&le, IEEE 2013 73. Modification of *&hin8 A for embedded system im&lementationIEEE 2013 74. #earning-!ased (uditory 9ncoding for Robust *&eech Recognition,IEEE 2013 75. Real Time *M*-!ased hashing scheme for securing financial transactions on (TM systems,IEEE 2011 76. Physiological Parameter Monitoring from -&tical Recordings With a Mobile Phone, IEEE 2012 77. The Research of $tD9mbedded and 9mbedded #inu8 (&&lication in the %ntelligent Monitoring *ystem Control-IEEE 2011 78. .esign and %m&lementation of the #ab Remote Monitoring *ystem !ased on 9mbedded web technology-IEEE 2010 79. The design of granary en)ironmental monitoring system based on (RM1 and G*MIEEE 2011 80. ( Pa&erless Fa8 Machine with ( *ingle-Touch PanelEIEEE 2008 81. .e)elo&ing Fig!ee .e&loyment Guideline 'nder WiFi %nterference for *mart Grid (&&lications -IEEE 2011 82. ( Reliable Transmission Protocol for Fig!ee-!ased Wireless Patient Monitoring -IEEE 2012 83. ( *mart 9CG Measurement *ystem !ased on Web-*er)ice--riented (rchitecture for Telemedicine (&&lications -IEEE 2010 84. GRP*-!ased .istributed Home-Monitoring 'sing %nternet-!ased Geogra&hical %nformation *ystem-IEEE 2010

85. (n aggressi)e &ower o&timi"ation of the (RM1-based core using R(F-R ,IEEE 2012 86. ( Power-9fficient AG bit (RM Processor 'sing Timing-9rror .etection and Correction for Transient-9rror Tolerance and (da&tation to P=T =ariation ,IEEE 2012 87. ( cloud com&uting-based image codec system for lossless com&ression of images on a Corte8-(0 &latform ,IEEE 2012
V.Mallikarjuna (Project manager)



Mobile No: +91-8297578555. Branch !: "#$ ra%a$ &

88. .FCloud+ ( TPM-based secure data access control method of cloud storage in mobile de)ices ,IEEE 2012 89. *u&&orting (udio *treaming in (&&lication Cloud for 9mbedded *ystems,IEEE 2012 90. ( low cost web based remote monitoring system with built-in security feature for )ulnerable en)ironments -- IEEE 2013 91. %ntegration of face recognition and sound locali"ation for a smart door &hone system , IEEE 2013 92. 9ye state analysis using iris detection based on Circular Hough Transform ,IEEE 2011 93. Circular though transform based eye state detection in human face images-- IEEE 2013 94. ( tem&erature auto-monitoring and frost &re)ention real time control system based on a F-!99 networks for the tea farm,IEEE 2012 95. .ata ac:uisition system design of bridge rubber bearing test machine on (RM1,IEEE 2012 96. Research of the robot for the elderly based on star &ositioning,IEEE 2012 97. The (&&lication of Wireless *ensor ;etwork Technology in 9arth:uake .isaster,IEEE 2012

V.Mallikarjuna (Project manager)



Mobile No: +91-8297578555. Branch !: "#$ ra%a$ &

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