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Our heart is the most vital organ in the body.

Not just does it pump blood to the rest of the body; a healthy heart is also the indicator of good health in the long run. iDiva has already given you tips to keep your heart healthy and suggested foods to keep it happy. With this Sunday being World Heart Day here!s ho" you can help a friend or a relative "hen he#she suffers from a heart attack. $. %all an ambulance. &hat should be the priority. '. Don!t panic. (sk the person suffering from the attack to try and rela). &his "ill help reduce the damage to his#her heart. *. +ive the person an aspirin ,*--mg.. (sk him#her to che" it or keep it under the tongue. /f consumed "ith "ater the tablet "ill take longer to react. (spirin "ill reduce the aggression in the blood platelets ,cells. and improve circulation. 0. 1ou could also give the patient Sorbitrate ,2mg.. &his tablet again should be kept under the person!s tongue. /f the chest pain persists you can give up to three tablets "ithin the interval of five minutes. /t is advisable for a person "ith heart3 related disease to carry Sorbitrate ,2mg. tablets "ith him#her. &he tablet could reduce blood pressure and cause giddiness. /f the patient feels giddy they should stop taking the tablet. 2. Other symptoms of a heart attack are vomiting and a burning stomach coupled "ith pain in the chest and upper arm. Do not confuse it "ith acidity. 4. Do not let the patient "alk to the doctor. (l"ays "ait for the ambulance to arrive or a neighbour or a relative to help drive the person to the nearest hospital#nursing home "ith an intensive care unit ,/%5.. 6. /f the patient collapses revive him#her "ith %78 ,%ardiopulmonary resuscitation.. 9ock lips "ith the patient and gently e)hale air into his#her lungs. :. /f the person gets s"eaty or "eak get him#her to lie do"n and support his legs "ith t"o pillo"s. ;. <ost importantly even if the attack subsides make sure the person is taken to the nearest nursing home#hospital "ith an /%5 "here an =%+ ,=lectro cardiogram. can be taken. &he doctor "ill then give him#her an injection to dissolve the blockage or conduct an angioplasty depending on the severity of the attack. &aking the patient to the nearest hospital an hour "ithin the attack "ill reduce the amount of damage to his#her heart.

$-. >eeping numbers of a fe" ambulance services in your area is also a "ise thing to do. http?"3to3assist3a3heart3attack3victim#$::'

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