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Authorized By: Date: 11/13/13

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

Patrick J. Salerno Baldwinsville State !

Age: Date: Time:

18 11/13/"#13 #3:((%$

Atte$%t to %urchase alcohol &y 'raudulent $eans )*+ ,i-uors

+eturna&le in Potsda$ .illa/e 0ourt on 1"/#1/"#13 at #2:3#a$. Sus%ect was issued an a%%earance ticket 'or atte$%tin/ to %urchase alcohol with a 'ake 3D. )he sus%ect was issued an a%%earance ticket.

#114 #"""

Patrols and Potsda$ +escue dis%atched to a call on Pierre%ont Avenue. Patrol co$%leted tra''ic sto% on 5ain Street. Brenden ). Stevenson6 7128 o' Potsda$6 .!. was issued a tra''ic ticket 'or )ra''ic Device .iolation: +ed a'ter %atrol o&served the vehicle he was o%eratin/ travel throu/h a solid red li/ht at the intersection o' Pierre%ont Ave. and 5ain Street. )he ticket is returna&le to Potsda$ .illa/e 0ourt on Dece$&er 1 th6 "#13 at 8:3# a$. Patrol res%onded to a %ro%erty da$a/e accident at the intersection o' Pine Street and Sandstone Drive. :andica% %arkin/ %er$it issued to a su&;ect. :allie A. :u/ues6 7"#8 o' <ort Salo/na !6 was issued a tra''ic ticket 'or drivin/ while usin/ a $o&ile %hone on Pierre%ont Avenue. )he ticket is returna&le in Potsda$ .illa/e 0ourt on 11/""/"#13 at #8:3#a$. :andica% %arkin/ %er$it issued to a su&;ect. 0hristina =. >?0onnor6 7"#8 o' 5anlius !6 was issued a tra''ic ticket 'or no seat&elt@driver6 while drivin/ on Pierre%ont Avenue. )he ticket is returna&le in Potsda$ .illa/e 0ourt on 1"/#1/"#13 at #8:3#a$. Sarah =. Strakosch6 7"18 o' Stony Brook !6 was issued a tra''ic ticket 'or drivin/ while usin/ a $o&ile %hone on Pierre%ont Avenue. )he ticket is returna&le in Potsda$ .illa/e 0ourt on 1"/"#/"#13 at #8:3#hrs. )ina ,. Aalrath6 7438 o' Bouverneur !6 was issued a tra''ic ticket 'or drivin/ while usin/ her $o&ile %hone on Pierre%ont Avenue. )he ticket is returna&le in Potsda$ .illa/e 0ourt on 1"/#1/"#13 at #8:3#a$. )ra''ic sto% on ,awrence Avenue6 ver&al warnin/ issued.

#94( #811 #2(1

#2(8 1##1





13(" 13(( 1431 144# 1("4 1839 12#" 12(# "##3 ""#1 "3"# +ecord check co$%leted 'or the Sheri''?s >''ice 'or %istol %er$its. +ecord check co$%leted 'or another %olice a/ency. Ada$ +. Burns6 7348 o' 0olton !6 was issued a tra''ic ticket 'or unsa'e lane chan/e on Sandstone Drive. )he ticket is returna&le in Potsda$ .illa/e 0ourt on 11/""/"#13 at #8:3#a$. Do/ at lar/e co$%laint on Bay Street. Patrol res%onded. Security alar$ at the Aater )reat$ent Plant. Patrols res%onded. Black cat 'ound on ,arnard Street6 una&le to locate the owner. 0at was taken to the Potsda$ :u$ane Society. )ra''ic sto% on Sandstone Drive6 ver&al warnin/ issued. +eceived a larceny co$%laint )ra''ic sto% on 5ain Street C .er&al warnin/ issued )ra''ic sto% on =l$ Street C .er&al warnin/ issued Ben;a$in S. :a$$ond6 7188 o' 5arathon !6 was issued a tra''ic ticket 'or s%eed in zone6 48 in a 3# on 5a%le Street. )he ticket is returna&le in Potsda$ .illa/e 0ourt on 1"/#1/"#13 at 8:3# A5

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