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lrom my experlence Lhe besL place Lo flx Lhls ls durlng Lhe pre-dellvery
sLage. 1hls phase offers SC much opporLunlLy for plugglng everyLhlng you

1hls sLage of plannlng/llalson wlLh schools ofLen does noL exlsL - and we are
mlsslng a Lrlck. Pere, Lhe Lralner and/or servlce could really work
collaboraLlvely Lo "[olnLly" reflne Lralnlng goals and measurable ouLcomes
soughL. Work hard on Lhls. "Pow wlll you know Lhls has worked for
you ...eLc?"

Lngaglng ln Lhls process wlll also provlde schools wlLh addlLlonal lncenLlve
Lo achleve %7#&1 ',( poslLlve ouLcomes, havlng shared ownershlp on Lhese
from Lhe wrlLlng sLage (and no-one llkes Lo mlss ouL on achlevlng goals
Lhey'd wrlLLen/co-deslgned).

Also, durlng Lhls seL-up phase phase, negoLlaLe Lhe besL ways Lo
ascerLaln feedback (afLer x ? Z Llme), and galn advance permlsslon for Lhese

Pavlng sald Lhls, schools (llke many) wlll Lend Lo guard Lhelr busy sLaff from
spendlng valuable Llme glvlng feedback for research sake only.

re-empLlng Lhls, Lhe Lralner can explaln Lhe Lrue purpose of feedback and
how lL wlll serve Lo beneflL sLaff (Lralners need Lo work on whaL Lhese
beneflLs wlll be). ulLlmaLely, feedback needs Lo vlewed by all of us as a
vehlcle for glvlng school a beLLer servlce/deal, and for dellverlng Lhe
orlglnal goals LhaL were seL of A 8 C .

1he Lralner should also negoLlaLe whaL 'conLlnued/posL Lralnlng
work/supporL' wlll look llke ln order Lo scaffold Lhelr goal achlevemenL
(maklng calls, skype, pop-lns). uolng Lhls aL Lhe ouLseL drlves home your
LoLal lnLenLlon Lo bulld relaLlonshlp and provldes Lhem wlLh added
lncenLlve Lo succeed.

1he exclLlng blL of all Lhls (for me) ls developlng/wrlLlng a servlce sysLem
LhaL ensures Lhls happens everyLlme, for every Lralnlng. ur loan C 8ees

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