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What separates Christianity from any "religion" in the world is its claim to an absolute written authority from God.

Having the Word of God is essential to a person's salvation and a Christian's growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. We believe that the ! "ing James #ible is the God given$ preserved word of God without error$ as promised in %salms &'! and ( and other scriptures$ and the standard by which a Christian is to govern his life. )n in depth study of the inspiration$ translation$ preservation and inerrancy of the "ing James #ible is not the purpose of this lesson but will be dealt with at length in our *ew +ife Class at the conclusion of these discipleship lessons. Purpose of this lesson: ,o ac-uaint the new Christian with the basics of the #ible and how it relates to his or her everyday life$ so that this new$ born again child of God can begin to understand how its principles are to guide every facet of the Christians walk with Jesus Christ. I. What The Bible Is A. ,he #ible is the word of God .. ,imothy /' !0 ( 0 )ll scripture is given by inspiration of God$ and is profitable for doctrine$ for reproof$ for correction$ for instruction in righteousness' John &'&1 John 2'/3 B. ,he #ible is absolute perfect ,ruth 0 John (' ( C. God's inspired revelation of the origin and destiny of all things1 the traveler's map$ pilgrim's staff$ pilot's compass$ soldier's sword$ and the Christian's charter4 D. God's will or testament to men of all ages$ revealing the plan of God for man here and now$ and in the ne5t life. E. ) record of how God dealt with man in the past$ present and future. F. Contains the message of eternal salvation for all who believe in Christ$ and eternal damnation for all who re6ect the Gospel. G. ,he most remarkable #ook ever4 7f its divine library of !! books$ there is history$ biography$ poetry$ proverbial sayings$ hymns$ laws$ parables$ riddles$ allegories$ prophecies$ records of birth$ and death$ mysteries$ adventure$ recipes$ blessings$ cursings$ and all other forms of human e5pression4 II. What The Bible Is Not A. .t is NOT a charm or good luck piece. B. .t is NOT a book of "heavenly utterances" in a supernatural language. .t is God's revelation in the most simple human language possible. C. .t is NOT a book of mysteries. .t is self interpreting$ e5plaining all the mysteries of life$ so that no mysteries remain. D. .t is NOT a book that says one thing and means another. E. .t is NOT fi5ed to the tastes$ customs$ and habits of any one nation or people. .t is a #ook to which all peoples in all ages can conform to$ and yet retain their own lawful customs and habits that are not contrary to the will of God. III. A Brief Histor of the Bible. A. ) total of !! books. B. Written by more than 82 authors. C. Written over a time span of about &$222 years. D. ,otally accurate in matters of history and prophecy.

E. *ot one contradiction. F. 9its together perfectly as if written by one man. G. ,he middle of the #ible is %salm :':$ ".t is better to trust in the +ord than to put confidence in man. " ,he middle two words in that verse are "the +ord ",he +ord is the center of the #ible I!. Is The Bible Co"pletel #eliable$ A. .t is more sure than the audible voice of God. ,his is a very critical point. .t must be understood that all "e5periences" are to be 6udged by an infallible standard which is greater than any e5perience. %eter said the Word of God was more sure than the physical appearance and audible voice of God. Compare' .. %eter ' !0& with ;atthew (' 0<. B. ,he universe was created by the spoken Word of God. Hebrews '/1 %salm //'!1 Genesis '/

!. What is the Purpose of the Wor%$ To The &nsa'e% A. ,he Word of God is active in =alvation > ?. %eter '&/ 0 "#eing born again$ not of corruptible seed$ but of incorruptible$ by the word of God$ which liveth and abideth forever. " ,he Word of God is the agent which brings about the new birth. >&?. @phesians &':$< 0 "9or by grace are ye saved through faith .... "Aomans 2' (0 "=o then faith cometh by hearing$ and hearing by the word of God. >/?. James '& says the Word of God is$ " to save your souls." B. %aul's four part summary in . Corinthians 3' 08 > ?. >&?. >/?. >8?. Jesus Christ died for our sins. Was buried. Aose from the deal. )ccording to the =criptures.

C. Bou must believe what the #ible says about sin$ your condition$ and God's plan of salvation in order to be saved. To The (a'e% D. ,he Word of God e-uips you for service 0 ",hat the man of God may be perfect$ throughly furnished unto all good works." .. ,imothy /' !0 (1 @phesians !' 20 :. E. ,he Word of God sustains you. ,his is illustrated in the #ible as "spiritual food" =ee Job &/' & and Jeremiah 3' ! .t is a complete and balanced diet. > ?. >&?. >/?. >8?. >3?. >!?. >(?. ;ilk 0 . %eter&'& Honey 0 %salm <' 2/1 %roverbs !'&8 )pples 0 %roverbs ('&$ &3' #read 0 +uke 8'8 Water 0 .saiah 33' 2$ 1 @phesians 3'&! ;eat 0 Hebrews 3' &0 81 . Cor. /' $& Cegetables 0 %salm (:'&8

F. ,he Word of God keeps you clean to please God. %salm <'<0 1 John 3'/ !I. (in)e *ou Are (a'e% b the Wor% of Go%+ It ,ust Be *our Absolute+ Infallible Gui%e to Tell *ou Ho- to .i'e. To illustrate: A. @very ma6or purchase Dcar$ appliance$ etc.E is accompanied by an owner's manual which tells you how to operate it. .f you don't go by the book$ it won't work. B. ,he #ible is God's "owner's manual" for your life. God would not save you and call you to service without clear$ e5act directions$ but you must "go by the book." !II. Ho- Do I .earn the Bible$ A. ,he Holy =pirit of God will lead and guide you into all truth. God may use other instruments to aid in teaching Dbooks$ tapes$ preachers$ etc.E$ but ultimately$ truth is revealed by the Holy =pirit. John 8'&!1 John !' /0 3 B. ,he #ible is learned by comparing scripture with scripture$ relying on God's =pirit to teach you$ not your own natural intellect. ",he natural man receiveth not the things of the =pirit of God." . Corinthians. &'<0 ! !III. Basi) /uestions 0 A. Where should . start readingF )s a young Christian$ focus on the primary places which deal with your new relationship with your heavenly 9ather. ,he Gospel of John$ the @pistle of . John$ and %salm < are e5cellent places to begin. > ?. ,he Gospel of John is written that you might believe on the +ord Jesus Christ. John &2'/ >&?. ,he @pistle of . John is written that you might have complete assurance of salvation. . John 3' / 0 ",hese things have . written unto you that believe on the name of the =on of God1 that ye may know that ye have eternal life$ and that ye may believe on the name of the =on of God." >/?. %salm < is the greatest chapter in the #ible on a man's love for the Word of God.

B. What if . find something . don't understandF > ?. Gon't get upset about it. God will reveal it to you in time when you are ready. John !' & 0 ". have yet many things to say unto you$ but ye cannot bear them now." >&?. #e sure you live what you do understand. God will not give you more than you are capable of handling. )s you put into practice the things you are learning$ God will entrust you with more.


/uestions 1 Ans-ers
D%lease answer on a separate sheetE +esson 0 ,he Word of God . 'What is the #ibleF

&. ,he #ible is not a IIII$or a or a /. .s the #ible reliableF 8. )ccording to Genesis and &$ man's theory of evolution is a lie. What do we learn from the following verses regarding this sub6ectF Hebrews '/1 %salm //'! 3. What is the purpose of the word of GodF ,o the Jnsaved ,o the =aved !. What are the four key elements of the gospel according to . Corinthians 3' 08F (. 9rom .. ,imothy /' !0 ($ we understand that all scriptures is profitable from the following' :. Bour physical body needs food in order to function properly. Bour spiritual body needs food also. Give two scripture references that show us this. <. ,he #ible is likened to God's "owner's manual" for your life. #riefly e5plain why this is. 2. )ccording to .. %eter ' !0& $ the #ible is than the of God. . Who guides us into all truthF ,he #ible is also learned by scripture with and depending on God's =pirit to teach us. &. )ccording to . Corinthians &'<0 !$ why can't unsaved people properly understand what the #ible teachesF HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2e ,e"or !erses: .. %eter '& 1 %salm <'<1 .. ,imothy /' !0 (

NOTE: ,hree widely held$ but incorrect$ attitudes about the #ible are' > ?. ,he #ible is 6ust another religious book written by men. >&. ,he #ible can only be understood by the "clergy" or by years of formal education. >/?. .n order to understand the true meanings of the scripture$ you must study Greek and Hebrew. 9rom the #ible principles taught in this lesson$ you should understand that these attitudes are wrong$ and why. Write any -uestions you may have concerning the sub6ects in this lesson. Fa"ous /uotes Con)ernin3 the Bible: ",he #ible contains the mind of God$ the state of man$ the way of salvation$ the doom of sinners$ and happiness of believers. .ts doctrines are holy$ its precepts are binding$ its histories are true$ and it decisions are immutable." "Aead it to be wise$ believe it to be safe and practice it to be holy. .t contains light to direct you$ food to support you$ and comfort to cheer you. .t is the traveler's map$ the pilgrim's staff$ the pilot's compass$ the soldier's sword

and the Christian's charter." "Aead it slowly$ fre-uently$ prayerfully. .t is a mine of wealth$ a paradise of glory$ and a river of pleasure. .t is given to you in life$ will be open at the 6udgment$ and be remembered forever. .t involves the highest responsibility$ rewards the greatest labor$ and condemns all who trifle with its holy contents."

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