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What would you like to see in a Music Magazine?


1. What is your gender?


2. What is your age?

15 16 17 18 older than 18


3. How often do you read music magazines?


4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you say you enjoy reading about newer, beginner bands?


5. How happy would you be to pay 4.99 for a music magazine?

Very happy Happy Content Unhappy

Very unhappy


6. What kind of articles would you be interested in reading? E.g. Music reviews, upcoming local gigs, etc,.


7. Do you think it is important for a music magazine to get involved with their audience? If so, please suggest what a magazine could do to allow for a more inclusive audience. E.g. Giveaways, freebies.


8. Would freebies make you more likely to purchase a magazine?

Yes No Q9

9. Which social networks do you use, if any?

Facebook Twitter Tumblr Pinterest Instagram Fictionpress Youtube Other (please specify)


10. Have you ever been subscribed to a music magazine? Or do you frequently bu any particular magazines? Please state the magazine(s) if so.

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