Oman College Details

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Oman Government Colleges and Private colleges:

S.No College Name Government Technical Colleges: 1 2 " $ % 6 ' Al Musanna College of Technology !gher College of Technology #bra College of Technology #br! College of Technology N!&wa College of Technology Salalah College of Technology Sh!nas College of Technology Web Address www.! www.!br! www.ctsh!

Universities: 1 2 " $ % Sultan (aboos )n!*ers!ty N!&wa )n!*ers!ty Sohar )n!*ers!ty ,hofar )n!*ers!ty Ma-an )n!*ers!ty College .man www.un!& www.soharun!

Private Colleges: 1 2 " $ % M!ddle /ast College for #nformat!on Technology Caledon!an College of /ng!neer!ng Modern College of 0us!ness and Sc!ence 1MC0S2 Muscat College Ma&oon College www.mec!

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The follow!ng four com3an!es are recru!t!ng all ' 4o*ernment Techn!cal Colleges. /ach com3any !s ha*!ng the!r +uota !n each college. So5 you forward your resume to all $ com3an!es.

%& A'(NA)A MANAGEMENT * "RD CONSU'TANT 6A#SA7 A7 AM,AN# uman 8esource 9 Publ!c 8elat!ons Manager .ff!ce : $;2<$;$. 1.C2 .man Commerc!al center P...0o=> 6?6. P.C> 112. 8uw!. Sultanate of .man Tel> 2$'@66'2 6a=> 2$'@66%? Mob!le> ??121616 /AMa!l> hrfa!salnoorBhotma!l.com5 2. BAHWAN CYBERTEK LLC. P...0o= ?'5 Postal code 11' Wad! Cab!r Sultanate of .man. Tel > 1?6@2 2$%6'1%$ 6a= > 1?6@2 2$%6'1$@ /ma!l > #nd!a A 0angalore 0ahwan CyberTeD P*t. 7td. Prest!ge Mer!d!an #5 1;th 6loor5 )n!t 1;125 :2?5 M4 8oad5 0angalore E %6;;;1 Tel> 1?12 @; $;'$%$%$ < 2%%?;??6 < ?' /ma!l > #nd!a A Chenna! 0ahwan CyberTeD P*t. 7td. 0ahwancyberteD #T ParD 1$@5 8a-!* 4andh! Sala! 1.M82 .DD!yam Thora!3aDDam Chenna!A6;; ;?' Tel> F?1A$$A$"$$?;;;5 "?2"?;;; 6a= > 1?12 $$ $"$$?222 ema!l> +& G'O,A' ,US#NESS NET)OR- '&'&C 7etty P.Cutts Page " of 6

Coord!nator .ff!cer P...0o= "";5 P.C. 11@5 Al arthy Com3le=5 Sultanate of .man Tel> F?6@ E 2$$@;;12 < '25 6a=> F?6@ E 2$$@;;?2 Mob!le> F?6@ E ?21;2;'6 /.Ma!l> / Ma!l> r!& /.Ma!l > / Ma!l> h!

.& TEC"N#CA' * ADM#N#STRAT#/E TRA#N#NG #NST#TUTE '&'&C Man! ShanDar 4eneral Manager P...0o= ""'5 Mad!nat Sultan (aboos P.C. 11%5 Sultanate of .man Tel> F?6@ A 2$6?"'6' < 6@5 6a=> F?6@ A 2$6;1;?%5 F?6@ 2$6?"'6% /AMa!l> swam!Btat! /AMa!l> umanathBtat! www.tat!

My com3any !s 47.0A7 0)S#N/SS N/TW.8C 7.7.C. 4enerally5 th!s com3any gett!ng resume from -ob webs!te # reg!stered th!s webs!te. # got the offer through th!s webs!te. So5 you reg!ster your !nformat!on !n deta!l th!s webs!te and also you forward your u3dated resume to abo*e com3any ma!l !d. #n your resume also you ment!on the 3ost a33l!ed for GGG When you send your resume through ma!l5 ment!on your 3ost a33l!ed for..5 !n the sub-ect column. And also register 0o1r details in 2ollo3ing 3e4site:

Oman )e4sites:

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T!mes of .man www.t! t! !s the No.1 news 3ortalH !n Sultanate of .man. The webs!te !s also the onl!ne face of T!mes of .man5 the oldest /ngl!shAlanguage news3a3er !n .man. 6ounded !n 6ebruary 1?'% as a tablo!d news weeDly5 T!mes of .man became a broadAsheet Muscat 6est!*al 2;;? www.muscatAfest!* Muscat 6est!*al !s a way of e=chang!ng culture through> .man er!tage> Trad!t!onal 6olD Art 9 Trad!t!onal and!crafts and!crafts 9 Trad!t!onal 9 #nternat!onal Arts C!dsI 9 6am!ly Programmes S3orts 9 /nterta!nment. S3orts .man Welcome to the 3lace where we can commun!cate w!th each other and where we can e=change our *!ews about .man s3orts. We ho3e that our s!te fulf!ll your s3ort!ng w!shes. Th!s s!te !s for you and from you and we looD forward to enr!ch. .man Nat!onal Trans3ort Com3any Welcome to .manIs largest buses and coaches com3any M!n!stry of 6ore!gn Affa!rs www.mofa.go*.om Th!s webs!te was des!gned to !ntroduce to the *!s!tor the SultanateIs most d!st!nct!*e fore!gn 3ol!c!es and 3r!or!t!es on cruc!al reg!onal and !nternat!onal !ssues. M!n!stry of #nformat!on Th!s s!te has 3lent!ful com3rehens!*e !nformat!on about the Sultanate and conta!ns more than forty ma!n and branch s!tes5 addresses and connect!ons to other useful s!tes. M!n!stry of Man3ower www.man3ower.go*.om The M!n!stry 3ro3oses and !m3lements man3ower general 3ol!c!es !n l!ne w!th the State econom!c and soc!al ob-ect!*es. .man Tour!sm Portal www.omantour!sm.go*.om Powered by the Sultanate of .manIs M!n!stry of Tour!sm. M!n!stry of !gher /ducat!on www.mohe.go*.om Recr1itment Sites: .man Mob!le www.omanmob! .man Mob!le5 the fa*our!te mob!le o3erator !n .man5 br!ngs you the e=3er!ence of always be!ng connected5 howe*er you want and where*er you are. 68!/N,! mob!le!end!mob! 68!/N,! mob!le5 the lead!ng 3anAreg!onal Mob!le J!rtual NetworD .3erator 1MJN.2 !n Page % of 6

the SAM/A reg!on that benef!t our o3erator 3artners *!a !ncreased marDet share and 3os!t!*e bottomAl!ne !m3act by 68!/N,! mob!le target!ng marDet segments that are cur Nawras htt3><<< Nawras5 the SultanateKLMs customerAfr!endly commun!cat!ons 3ro*!der5 offers you great *alue5 3leas!ngly d!fferent ser*!ce and e=cellent +ual!ty. 4et closer w!th Nawras.

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