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Collective nouns Things

1) A library of books

2) A stalk of flower

3) A bunch of flowers

4) A bouquet of flowers

5) A comb of bananas

) A bunch of bananas

!) A bunch of gra"es

#) A bunch of keys

$) A bun%le of sticks

1&) A collection of stam"s 11) A collection of "ictures

12) An album of stam"s

13) An album of "hotogra"hs

14) A crate of fruit

15) A tray of eggs

1 ) A clutch of eggs

1!) A cluster of stars

1#) A cluster of %iamon%s

1$) A gala'y of stars

2&) A suit of clothes

21) A string of "earls

22) A string of bea%s 23) A clum" of trees

24) A forest of trees

25) A he%ge of bushes

2 ) A tuft of grass

2!) A "ack of car%s

2#) A bale of cotton

2$) A bale of wool

3&) A chest of %rawers

31) A hea" of rubbish

32) A hea" of stones

33) A "ile of stones

34) A grou" of islan%s 35) A fleet of shi"s

3 ) A fleet of cars

3!) A flight of aero"lanes

3#) A flight of ste"s

3$) A flight of stairs

4&) A reel of threa%

41) A suite of furniture

42) A stack of maga(ines

43) A stack of books

44) A stack of hay

1) A litter of "u""ies 2) A litter of kittens 3) A litter of cubs 4) A her% of goats

5) A her% of cows ) A her% of cattle !) A her% of ele"hants #) A flock of shee" $) A flock of bir%s 1&) A gaggle of geese 11) A nest of rabbits 12) A nest of mice 13) A swarm of bees 14) A swarm of ants 15) A swarm of insects 1 ) An army of ants 1!) A colony of ants 1#) A broo% of chickens 1$) A shoal of fish 2&) A school of fish

21) A school of %ol"hins 22) A school of whales 23) A troo" of monkeys 24) A troo" of lions 25) A team of o'en 2 ) A flight of bir%s 2!) A flight of bees 2#) A flight of insects 2$) A "ack of %ogs 3&) A "ack of wolves 31) A "ri%e of "eacocks

32) A "ri%e of lions 33) A team of horses 34) A %rove of horses 35) A string of horses

3 ) A flight of swallows 3!) A host of s"arrows 3#) A train of camels 3$) A mob of kangaroos 4&) A "o% of whales 41) An army of frogs 42) A catch of fish 43) A knot of toa%s 44) A "arliament of owls 45) A crash of rhinoceros 4 ) A %rove of cattle )eo"le 1) A staff of teachers 2) A choir of singers 3) A team of "layers 4) An army of sol%iers

5) A ban% of musicians ) A crew of sailors !) A "arty of frien%s #) A "osse of "olicemen $) A "atrol of "olicemen 1&) A class of "u"ils 11) A trou"e of %ancers 12) A tribe of natives 13) A troo" of sol%iers 14) A troo" of scouts 15) A com"any of actors 1 ) A host of angels 1!) A boar% of %irectors 1#) A bench of magistrates 1$) A staff of servants 2&) A crow% of s"ectators

21) A crow% of "eo"le 22) A battalion of sol%iers 23) A regiment of sol%iers 24) A ban% of "ilgrims 25) A gang of robbers 2 ) A gang of thieves 2!) A gang of "risoners 2#) A union of workers 2$) A bevy of girls 3&) A congregation of worshi""ers 31) A fiel% of runners

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