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PRESENT SIMPLE (a) Form affirmative: V (inf); 3 rd pers. sg. : V+s ex: I walk John walks negative: do not/dont + V (inf); 3 rd pers. sg. : does not/doesnt + V ex. I dont walk John does not walk interrogative: Do + sub. + V (inf) ; 3rd pers. sg. : Does + sub + V (inf) ex. Do you walk? Does John walk? (b) Uses habitual a tions in the present !with ad"erbs su h as: always# every day# every Monday# never# usually et .) ex. $y grand%other always goes to &pain in winter. in te%poral and onditional lauses# instead o' the 'uture !i.e. in lauses that begin with when# after# before# as soon as# while# if et .) ex. (hen he comes he will 'ind out the truth. )*nd va veni, "a a'la ade"+rul. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (a) Form affirmative: to be !a%# are# is) , V + ing ex. I a% sleeping -ou are sleeping et . negative: to be , not + V + ing ex. I a% not sleeping !I% not sleeping) -ou are not sleeping !-ou arent sleeping) et . interrogative: to be , sub + V + ing ex. .re you sleeping? (b) Uses a tions in progress at the %o%ent o' speaking or a tions that happen o"er a li%ited period o' ti%e ex. I a% learning /nglish now. $y brother is studying law. personal plans 'or 'uture a tions ex. (here are you going during the winter holidays? EXERCICES: 1) Put the verbs ! bra"#ets !to the s m$%e $rese!t or the $rese!t "o!t !uous te!se: a) I wont go out now as it !rain) and I !not ha"e) an u%brella. b) In the e"enings she !play) ards or !wat h) 01. ) (hat the at !do)? !0aste) your pudding. d) -ou !know) why an apple !'all) down and not up? e) 0his ar !%ake) a "ery strange noise. -ou !think) it is all right? ') 0he kettle !boil) now. &hall I %ake the tea?

&) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: 2) De e te ui3i a4a la %ine? &e%eni 'oarte %ult u un prieten al %eu. 5) )re6i e spun 6iarele? )*tu4i de pu3in. .tun i de e ite4ti 6iarul? 3) 7nde %erge $ary 8n weekend? 9u 4tiu. De obi ei st+ a as+ 4i ite4te.

P(ST TENSE SIMPLE (a) Form: affirmative : regular "erbs: vb. (infinitive) + ed : irregular "erbs: the !nd form in the dictionary ex. walked went negative: did not/didnt + vb. (infinitive) ex. did not walk didnt go interrogative: Did + sub. + vb. (infinitive) ex. Did he walk? Did she go? (b) Uses: to re'er to a tions that happened at a s"ecific moment in the past ex. -esterday I %et ;eorge at the theatre. to re'er to a tions that were habitual in the past ex. (hen I was a kid I went to the %o"ies e"ery day. EXERCISE )o%plete the 'ollowing with the "erbs in the box !<see !5) %eans use <see twi e) go eat see!5) be!5) ring sing speak drink o%e take =ello# Jane .>>>>>>>>> you >>>>>>>> to that party 'or the hoir last night? -es# I did. I >>>>>>>>> 0o% with %e. (hat >>>>>>>>> it like? ?h# "ery @uiet indeed. (e >>>>>>>>>> anything ex ept o''ee and orange Aui e# and we >>>>>> %u h either ex ept 'or a 'ew little akes. .nd we >>>>>>>> any songs# e"en though it was a hoir partyB =ow strangeB >>>>>>>>> you >>>>>>>> 9igel there? -es# I >>>>>>>> hi% and I wa"ed to hi% but I >>>>>>>> to hi%. (hy not? (ell# he and his girl'riend >>>>>>>>>> too 'ar away and Aust then the 'ront door bell >>>>>>> and a poli e%an >>>>>>>> in. 0he people next door said we were %aking too %u h noiseB P(ST TENSE CONTINUOUS (a) Form affirmative: I sg. # III sg. : was , vb. (infinitive) + ing II sg. # I# II# III pl. : were , vb. (infinitive) + ing

ex. I was sleeping 0hey were eating negative : was not/were not + vb. + ing ex. =e was not reading (e werent laughing interrogative: was/were + sub. + vb. + ing ex. (ere you rying? (as he working? (b) Uses: to re'er to a tions in "rogress at a ertain %o%ent in the past ex. (hile I was writing letters# %y brother was playing the piano. EXERCICES (1) Put the verbs ! bra"#ets !to the s m$%e $ast or $ast "o!t !uous te!se: a) .s I ! ross) the road I !step) on a banana skin and !'all) hea"ily. I still !lie) on the road when I !see) a lorry approa hing. Cu kily the dri"er !see) %e and !stop) the lorry in ti%e. b) (hen I a%e in they !sit) round the 'ire. $r. Ditt !do) a rossword pu66le# $rs. Ditt !knit)# the others !read). $rs. Ditt !s%ile) at %e and !say)# <)o%e and sit down. ) (hile the guests !dan e) thie"es !break) into the house and !steal) a lot o' 'ur oat. d) &he was "ery extra"agant. &he always !buy) hersel' new lothes. (&) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: a) En ti%p e 8n er a s+ repare %a4ina# tele'onul a sunat de *te"a ori. b) De e %:ai 8ntrerupt? Dis uta% e"a 'oarte i%portant u 'ratele t+u. ) )*nd l:a% 8nt*lnit ulti%a dat+ %i:a spus + se g*nde4te s+ e%igre6e 8n )anada. d) )e au '+ ut prietenii t+i 8n "a an3+? e) 0oat+ lu%ea as ulta u aten3ie *nd a 8n eput 'urtuna. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE (a) Form affirmative: regular "erbs: have/ has !III sg.) , vb. + ed irregular "erbs: have/has + the #rd form of the verb (V#) ex. I ha"e walked &he has seen negative: have not/has not , vb+ed V# ex. ha"e not kissed hasnt drunk interrogative: have/has + sub. , vb. + ed V# ex. =a"e you seen ....? =as ;eorge arri"ed? (b) Uses a tions that started in the past but ontinue up to the present !,for# since# always# ever# never et .) ex. I ha"ent seen Daula 'or two weeks. It has rained 'or three days. =a"e you e"er seen su h a beauti'ul painting? a tions that happened at an uns"ecified moment in the past ex. I ha"e bought a new ar.

a tions that happened during an unfinished period o' ti%e !,today# this morning# this wee$ et .) ex. I ha"ent %et Deter today. EXERCISE Put the verbs ! bra"#ets !to the $rese!t $er)e"t or the s m$%e $ast te!se: 2.0his is %y house. =ow long you !li"e) here? I !li"e) here sin e 2FGH. 5. =e !li"e) in Condon 'or two years and then !go) to /dinburgh. 3. &hakespeare !write) a lot o' plays. I. I !not see) hi% 'or three years. I wonder where he is. J. =e !not s%oke) 'or two weeks. =e is trying to gi"e it up. K. )hopin ! o%pose) so%e o' his %usi in $aAor a. G. -ou !lo k) the door be'ore you le't the house? PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (a) Form affirmative% have/has + been + vb. + ing ex. &he has been rying negative: have/has + not + been + vb. + ing ex. ha"ent been listening interrogative: have/has + sub. + been + ing ex. =a"e you been waiting long? (b) Uses to insist on the uninterru"ted continuity o' the a tion ex. I ha"e been waiting 'or two hours.

P(ST PERFECT (a) Form affirmative: had , ex. had walked had slept negative: had + not , ex. had not known interrogative: had + sub, vb. + ed (regular vbs) the #rd form of irregular vbs vb. + ed V# vb. + ed V#

ex. =ad he re ei"ed...? (b) Uses to re'er to a past a tion that happened be'ore another past a tion ex. (hen I 'ound out the news $ary had already le't. EXERCISES 1) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: a) )*nd a% sosit a as+# tata ple ase. b) )ei doi 'ra3i nu se "+6user+ de J ani *nd s:au 8nt*lnit la Daris. ) )*nd au aAuns la aeroport# a"ionul de olase deAa.

&) Chose the a$$ro$r ate )orms o) the verbs to "om$%ete the %etter be%o*: Dear $ary# ha"ent written was being I a% sorry that I >> didnt write >> to you sin e )hrist%as. I >> a% >> dont write ha"e been ha"e sent "ery busy until today. 0hank you "ery %u h 'or the book that you > sent >> %e in were sending was was only Aust 'inishing De e%ber. It >> has been >> "ery interesting. In 'a t# I > only Aust 'inish >> it is being ha"e only Aust 'inished was happening ha"e walked Ly the way# a strange thing > happened >to %e last week. I > was walking > down has happened walked %et ?x'ord &treet when suddenly I >>> ha"e %et >>> our old 'riend# $rs. (i kers. &he>>> was %eeting hasnt looked did ha"e last seen didnt look >> a day older now than she > was >> when I> last saw >> doesnt look has last see were expe ting her in 2FKGB Dont 'orget we are expe ting >>> you 'or $i haels party next week. ha"e expe ted -ours#

FUTURE SIMPLE (a) Form: affirmative: will + V& ex. will be negative: will not /wont +V& ex. wont go interrogative: will + sub. +V& ex. will you buy (b) Uses: (&) to refer to a future action ex. 9ext year I will be 5H. (!) to refer to an un"remeditated future action ex. <I"e le't %y glasses upstairs. <Ill go and bring the% 'or you. FUTURE CONTINUOUS (a) Form: (&) to refer to an action that will be in "rogress in the future

ex. 0his ti%e to%orrow I will be ha"ing a lass. EXERCISES: (() Put the verbs ! bra"#ets !to the "orre"t )orm: 2) I !not wear) glasses when you !see) %e next ti%e# Ill be wearing onta t lenses. -ou probably !not re ogni6e) %e. 5) 1ery soon %y parents !retire). 3) 0he o%ing ele tion !be) the %ain topi o' on"ersation 'or the next 'ortnight. I) 0his ti%e next %onth the snow !%elt) and skiing !be) o"er. J) <I"e le't %y u%brella at Johns. <I !go) and !bring) it ba k. (+) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: 2) Da + "oi a"ea ti%p "oi iti artea. 5) $*ine pe "re%ea a easta "oi *nta la pian. 3) Dre4edintele "a des hide expo6i3ia "inerea ur%+toare. I) Da + "a aAunge 8nainte de 6e e# "a "edea s'*r4itul piesei. J) 9i%i nu "a s hi%ba prietenia noastr+.

FUTURE PERFECT (a) Form: affirmative% will + have + V# ex. will ha"e 'inished negative% will + not + have + V# ex. wont ha"e read interrogative% will + sub. + have + V# ex. (ill they ha"e arri"edM? (b) Uses: to refer to a future action that ha""ens before another future action ex. Ly the ti%e you arri"e ho%e I will ha"e 'inished reading the book. +E ,OIN, TO (a) Uses: informal way of e'"ressing future time ex. 0he weather is going to be worse. to e'"ress a "resent intention about a future action ex. I% going to buy a new ar. to refer to a future action that has its cause in the "resent ex. Its going to rain. Cook at the loudsB EXERCISES: (() Put the verbs ! bra"#ets !to the "orre"t )uture )orm: 2) I !buy) a new oat. 0he weather report says it !be) "ery old. 5) )o%e ba k in an hour. I !do) %y pa king by then and well be able to ha"e a talk. 3) -ou !sell) that beauti'ul house? I) Ly the end o' %y tour I !gi"e) exa tly the sa%e le ture J3 ti%es. K) ?n e you !get) used to our %ethods# you !'ind) the Aob a lot easier.

(+) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: 2) Inten3ione6i s+ r+%*i a as+ ? 5) D*n+ s+pt+%*na "iitoare "o% 'i ter%inat u 6ugr+"itul. 3) )*nd ai de g*nd s+:3i iei per%isul de ondu ere ? I) 9u:4i "a g+si un alt ser"i iu da + nu se str+duie4te %ai %ult. J) )e "ei 'a e 8n "a an3a de )r+ iun? RE-ISION (I) 1) a) b) ) d) e) ') g) h) i) A) k) F %% ! the b%a!#s * th the a$$ro$r ate )orms o) the verbs: I !know) hi% 'or a "ery long ti%e. I expe t he !go) to &yria as soon as he !get) a "isa. =e !"isit) his 'riend yesterday and !'ind out) that she !be) abroad 'or three %onths. Ly the ti%e you get ba k I !'inish) ooking. N(hy she !run) away?O NLe ause she !know) it is ti%e 'or bed and !not want) to goO. -esterday I !buy) a new wat h as %y old one !be stolen). I !lose) %y keys. I annot re%e%ber where I last !see) the%. $y %other ! o%e) to stay with us next weekend. 0hey Aust !de ide) that they !undertake) the Aob. I !not lea"e) Daris sin e we !"isit) Cou"re three years ago. (e !%eet) to%orrow a'ter you !'inish) your work.

&) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: a) 9inge de trei 6ile. b) ?ri de *te ori %erge 8n ora4# heltuie4te 'oarte %ul3i bani. 9:a% %ai unos ut pe ni%eni a4a de negliAent u banii. ) 7lti%a dat+ *nd l:a% 8nt*lnit# se g*ndea s+:4i u%pere o +%il+ 4i s+ ple e 8n $aro . d) .% "rut s+:i "orbes ieri dar alerga 8n dire 3ia opus+ 4i n:a% putut s+:l opres . e) /ste pri%a dat+ *nd 6bor u a"ionul. ') D*n+ la s'*r4itul anului "a 'i *4tigat toate o%peti3iile 4i "a 'i de"enit hiar %ai elebru de *t este. g) Da + 84i "a l+sa barb+# ni i prietenii ei %ai apropria3i nu:l "or re unoa4te. h) &e uit+ la tele"i6or de %ai %ulte ore.

Mo/a% verbs: can# could# may# might# shall# should# will# must# have to, need ,e!era% ru%e: modal verb + V !the in'initi"e) :::::P to re'er to the present or 'uture modal verb + have + V# ::::P to re'er to the past ex. -ou shouldnt eat so %u h. -ou shouldnt ha"e eaten so %u h yesterday. C(N0 COUL. Uses:

!2) "hysical or mental ability ex. 0hey an li't that box. &he an play the piano. ?bs: could will so%eti%es be repla ed by was able to when one re'ers to the past ex. =e was 'inally able to pass his exa%. !5) "ermission !in'or%al /nglish) ex. )an I take your ar? !3) logical im"ossibility ex. $ary has re'used to lend %e %oney. &he ant be so sel'ishB John ouldnt ha"e broken the window be ause he wasnt at ho%e at the ti%e. M(10 MI,HT Uses: !2) "ermission !'or%al /nglish) ex. $ay I take a pie e o' 'ruit# please? !5) "ossibility ex. =e %ay o%e to%orrow. &:ar putea s+ "in+ %*ine. I %ight ha"e lost %y keys. &:ar putea s+:%i 'i pierdut heile. E2er" ses: (() (// the !e"essar3 mo/a%s to the )o%%o* !' verbs: 2) . ept his o''er now. =e ! hange) his %ind later. 5) I !tell) hi% your address be ause I didnt know it %ysel' at the ti%e. 3) -oud better tell hi% again. =e !%isunderstand) what you said. I) I !use) your pen# please? K) John !say) su h a thingB =e is too %u h o' a gentle%an. (+) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: 2) )e bine + nu i s:a 8nt*%plat ni%i . Qi:ar 'i putut rupe g*tul. 5) C:ai "+6ut pe ;reg ast+6i? 9u. &:ar putea s+ 'ie la birou. 3) 9u se poate s+ se 'i r+t+ it. ."eau o hart+ la ei. I) &:ar putea s+ se 'i r+6g*ndit. J) Dot ple a a u%? K) Qtie s+ bat+ la %a4in+ 'oarte bine. SHOUL. Uses: 2) advisability !to re'er to so%ething that isRis not re o%%ended) ex. -ou should drink %ore %ilk. -ou shouldnt ha"e lied to the%. 5) logical e'"ectation ex. 0hey should be here by now. E2er" ses 1) (// the r 'ht mo/a% to the verbs ! bra"#ets: a) Its your 'ault# 0o%. -ou !ask) 'or an esti%ate be'ore letting the workers start painting your house. b) $y ar wont start. &o%ething !go) wrong with the engine.

) =e 'ailed the exa% but he !pass) it. =e an only bla%e hi%sel'. =e !work) %u h harder during the ter%. d) (hy didnt you wait 'or %e yesterday? I waited 'i"e %inutes. -ou !wait) a little longer. e) 0he %eeting !be) o"er by now. ') (hy are you so late? -on !be) here two hours agoB &) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: a) 9:ar 'i trebuit s+:i 8%pru%u3i %a4ina. b) &:ar putea s+ ning+ %*ine. ) 9u se poate s+ 'i 'ost a4a de neatent. d) .r trebui s+ dor%i %ai %ult. e) 9i k n:ar 'i trebuit s+ se r+6g*ndeas + 8n ulti%ul %o%ent. ') &:ar putea s+ 'i gre4it nu%+rul de tele'on. MUST Uses: !2) obligation ! o%ing 'ro% the speaker) ex. 0he tea her: John# you %ust o%e to s hool e"ery day. (!) logical e'"ectation ex. =e %ust be "ery tired. !0rebuie + e 'oarte obosit) 0hey %ust ha"e lost their patien e. (#) must not ( interdiction ex. -ou %ust not 'eed that atB H(-E TO Uses: !2) obligation !be ause o' external ir u%stan es) ex. I ha"e to walk to %y o''i e this week. 0he buses are on strike. E2er" ses: (() (// the !e"essar3 mo/a%s to the )o%%o* !' verbs: 2) I an ne"er re%e%ber peoples phone nu%bers. I always !look) the% up. 5) I 'ound that e"erything I said on the phone had been reported to the poli e. -our phone !be) tapped. 3) -ou !not tou h) that button. 0he whole house %ight explode. I) I si%ply !tell) hi% what happened. J) 0he unexpe ted death o' his wi'e !be) a great sho k to hi%. K) ?n &aturday %orning I !not get up) at G o lo k. (+) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: 2) 0rebuie s+ 'u%e6i %ai pu3in. 5) /ste inter6is+ intrarea 8n a east+ a%er+. 3) 0rebuie + sunt 'oarte bu uro4i. I) 0rebuie s+ beau eai pentru + %i s:a ter%inat a'eaua. J) Drobabil + prietena ta s:a sup+rat 'oarte tare.

NEE. Uses:


an be used as a %odal "erb or as on ordinary "erb ex. 9eed I tell you what to do? Do I need to tell you what to do? 5) neednt have + V#: to re'er to a past a tion that was not ne essary but was per'or%ed didnt need to + V&: to re'er to a past a tion that was not ne essary and was not per'or%ed ex. -ou neednt ha"e brought an u%brella. It ne"er rains in this ountry. !but you did bring an u%brella) (e didnt need to buy %ilk be ause we had plenty at ho%e. !and we didnt buy it) E2er" ses: (() F %% ! the b%a!#s us !' the a$$ro$r ate mo/a% verb: 2) -ou !run) ho%e 'or %y glasses. I ha"e a spare pair in %y bag. 5) (e !buy) ti kets be ause we all had a %onthly pass. 3) 0he %ystery !be sol"ed) in the 'uture. I) =e !be) at ho%e right now. I phoned two %inutes ago and nobody answered. J) -ou !bring) %e so %any 'lowersB K) (e !write) the essays. 0he tea her didnt e"en ask to see the%. (+) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: 2) &:ar putea s+ nu 'i 8n3eles e i:ai spus. 5) 9:ar 'i trebuit s+ ple i '+r+ s+ le spui. 3) 9:ar 'i 'ost ne"oie s+ g+tes at*ta. ?ri u%# %usa'irii n:au r+%as la %as+. I) 0rebuie s+ dor%i %ai %ult. J) &:ar putea s+ ning+ %*ine. (C) Com$%ete the )o%%o* !' se!te!"es us !' the a$$ro$r ate mo/a%: 2) 0he weather is "ery hangeable and it !rain)# so take an u%brella. 5) <0he windows broken; so%ebody !throw) a bri k through it. <9ot ne essarily# he !use) a ha%%er. 3) $o6art !play) the piano expertly when he was only 'i"e. I) I' you were in trouble you !tell) we. I would ha"e arri"ed i%%ediately. J) John !take) that rain oat with hi% T it was a lo"ely day. K) I !hand in) this report today. Its urgent. (.) Tra!s%ate !to E!'% sh: 2) &:ar putea s+:i 'i tri%is o s risoare. 5) .r 'i trebuit s+ s hi%be roata. 3) Drobabil + s:au %utat la 3ar+. 9u i:a% "+6ut de %ai bine de doi ani. I) 9:a% putut tradu e textul pe lo dar red +# da + 8%i "ei da un di 3ionar# 8l "oi putea tradu e. J) .r 'i trebuit s+ "*nd+ asa anul tre ut. . u% pre3urile sunt %ult %ai %i i. (E) Re*r te ea"h se!te!"e so that t /oes !ot "o!ta ! the *or/ or *or/s u!/er% !e/ a!/ so that the mea! !' sta3s the same4 Other "ha!'es ma3 be !e"essar34 a. It would ha"e been a good idea to take your u%brella. ................................................................................................................................... b. Its ertain to rain to%orrow. ................................................................................................................................... . I know youre tired# but thats no reason to be so irritable. ................................................................................................................................... d. 0he hotel was as o%'ortable as possible.

................................................................................................................................... e. Its possible that .nn is out. ................................................................................................................................... '. -ou are @uite wrong to eat so %u h ho olate. ................................................................................................................................... g. I% sure that isnt the road to )anterbury. ................................................................................................................................... h. )onnies %other was wrong to let the hildren wat h so %u h tele"ision. ................................................................................................................................... IF CL(USES (CON.ITION(LS) I) C%ause present si%ple past tense past per'e t Ma ! C%ause 'utureR present si%ple (ould , in'initi"e (ould , ha"e , 13

E24: I' I win the pri6e# I will all you. I' I won the pri6e# I would all you. !Da + a4 *4tiga pre%iul# te:a4 suna.) I' I had won the pri6e# I would ha"e alled you. !Da + a4 'i *4tigat pre%iul# te:a4 'i sunat.) E2er" ses: 14 Com$%ete the )o%%o* !' "o!/ t o!a%s: 2. 5. 3. I. J. K. G. S. I' she !ha"e) %ore ti%e# she would read the book. 0hey will "isit the town i' M. I' the 'il% !not be) so boring# I wouldnt ha"e le't be'ore it ended. I' %y brother li"ed in town# he !lend) %e his ar. I would ha"e told you the truth i'M (hat would you do i'M? I' we %et hi%# we !ask) hi% about his book. 0hey wouldnt ha"e returned i'M

&4 Com$%ete the )o%%o* !' se!te!"es: 2. 0he ake would ha"e been burnt i' >>>>>>>>>>>> . 5. -ou will get into trouble i' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> . 3. -ou dress would look better i' >>>>>>>>>>>>> . I. &he would not ha"e %arried hi% i' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . J. Dont gi"e hi% anything unless >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . K. I' I had ti%e# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . G. I' it hadnt been raining >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . S. I %ight ha"e learnt %ore /nglish i' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> . F. 0he tea her would not be angry with you i' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . 2H. -ou will lose your %oney i' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> . 54 Mat"h the "o%um!s to ma#e "orre"t conditional se!te!"es4 2. I' the weather is good# >>>>>>>>>>>> a. I would need to take the bus.

5. I' %y oworkers were 'riendlier# >>>>>>>>>>> 3. I' I had known you would be there# >>>>>>>>> I. I' I% late 'or work# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> J. I' I didnt ha"e a ar# >>>>>>>>>>>>>> K. I' I had graduated last year# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

b. Ill go to the bea h this weekend. . I would enAoy %y work %ore. d. I ha"e to stay at the o''i e until I 'inish. e. I would ha"e gotten a Aob by now. '. I would ha"e gone to the party.

OTHER C(SES 6HEN ( CON.ITION(L IS USU(LL1 RE7UIRE.: 6ISH , <past tense !to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "resent) , <past pre'e t !to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "ast) /x: I wish $ary were here now. !.4 "rea a $ary s+ 'ie a u% ai i.) I wish I had %et hi% last year# when I so %u h needed an expert like hi%. !.4 "rea s+:l 'i 8nt*lnit anul tre utM) (S IF , <past tense !to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "resent) , <past pre'e t !to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "ast) /x: =e beha"es as i' he owned this pla e. !&e poart+ de par + ar 'i proprietarul...) =e beha"ed as i' he had owned that pla e. !&e purta de par + ar 'i 'ost proprietarul...)

IF ONL1 , <past tense !to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "resent) , <past pre'e t !to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "ast) /x: I' only I had %ore 'ree ti%eB !9u%ai de:a4 a"ea %ai %ult ti%p liberB) I' only he hadnt 'orgotten to bring a %apB !9u%ai de n:ar 'i uitat s+ adu + o hart+B) IT8S TIME9, <past tense !to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "resent) , <past pre'e t !to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "ast) /x: Its ti%e we le't. It was about ti%e they had %ade up their %inds. 6OUL. R(THER , in'initi"e !sa%e subAe t in both senten es) , <past tense !di''erent subAe ts; to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "resent) , <past pre'e t !di''erent subAe ts; to re'er to a hy"othetical situation in the "ast) /x: Id rather translate the whole text. !.4 pre'era s+ tradu ...) Id rather you translated the whole text. !.4 pre'era a tu s+ tradu iM) Id rather they had translated the whole text yesterday. !.4 pre'era a ei s+ 'i tradusM) E2er" ses: 14 Su$$%3 a su tab%e te!se o) the verbs ! bra"#ets: 2. I wish I !know) his na%e. 5. Its ti%e we all !go) ho%e. 3. Id rather you !lea"e) now. I. Dont you wish you ! o%e) earlier?

J. =e a ts as i' he !know) /nglish per'e tly. K. I' only he !not drink) so %u h last nightB G. =e said he wished he !ne"er see) %e. S. I 'eel as i' %y head !be) on 'ire. F. Its about ti%e you !get) the tea ready. 2H. I' only he !tell) %e the whole storyB 22. Id rather they !buy) the house now. 25. I wish I !not break) the "ase. &4 F ! sh ea"h o) the se!te!"es ! su"h a *a3 that t mea!s the same as the o!e *r tte! be)ore t: 2. 0hey didnt at h the plane. 0hats why they didnt arri"e yet. I' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. Its %y opinion that you should ut down on s%oking. I' I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. $y brother doesnt like %o"ies so he ne"er goes to the ine%a. I' %y brother>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I. =e le't the town without telling %e. I' only >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> J. I% sorry I dont know the answer. I wish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K. Lut 'or his presen e o' %ind there %ight ha"e been a serious a ident. I' it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> G. -ou wont get a loan i' you ant pro"e that you are trustworthy. 7nless >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S. I would ha"e liked John to stay at ho%e last night. Id rather John >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 54 Rea/ the )o%%o* !' se!te!"es a!/ ma#e a%% the !e"essar3 "orre"t o!s: 2. =e a ts as i' he knows /nglish per'e tly. 5. I' he had worked harder as a student he wouldnt be une%ployed now. 3. I would help you i' I had heard about your trouble. I. I wish I know what is wrong with %y ar. J. Id rather you dont tell the% about our hange o' plans. :4 Com$%ete ea"h se!te!"e so that t mea!s the same as the se!te!"e above t: a. (ithout this %edi ine# the patient would ha"e got worse. I' she >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. I% sure it wasnt the %eat that %ade you ill. It ouldnt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . .lthough she is old# $rs. Cogan rides her bi y le long distan es. In spite >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d. Its a pity I ate those last two rea% akesB I wish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e. I started Aogging two years ago. Its two years >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '. Dlease lea"e the lassroo% i%%ediately a'ter the bell rings. .s soon as >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> g. Dlease dont tell the do tor that I ha"e been eating ho olates. Id rather >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h. I' Aogging is new to you# you %ay 'ind it tiring at 'irst.

I' you are not >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i. I think youd better not take too %u h exer ise. I' I were >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

REPORTE. SPEECH ST(TEMENTS (hen the reporting "erb is in the present or 'uture tense# no tense hange is ne essary. e.g. NI a% "ery tiredO. &he o'ten says she is "ery tired.

(hen the reporting "erb is ! the $ast# the 'ollowing hanges o ur: : : : : e.g. $rese!t s m$%e be o%es $ast te!se s m$%e $rese!t "o!t !uous be o%es $ast te!se "o!t !uous $rese!t $er)e"t be o%es $ast $er)e"t )uture be o%es )uture ! the $ast NI dont like /nglishO =e said he didnt like /nglish. NI% wat hing the 'il%# I annot help youO &he said she was wat hing the 'il% and ould not help %e. NI ha"ent seen %y brother 'or a long ti%eO =e said he hadnt seen his brother 'or a long ti%e. NIll all you to%orrowO. &he said she would all %e the next day. ?0=/U )=.9;/& in reported spee h when the reporting "erb is in the past: : : : : : : !o* be o%es the! here be o%es there to/a3 be o%es that /a3 3ester/a3 be o%es the /a3 be)ore tomorro* be o%es the !e2t /a3 !e2t *ee# be o%es the !e2t;)o%%o* !' *ee# et . IMPER(TI-ES I%perati"es be o%e in'initi"es in reported spee h. e.g. N&top ryingBO =e told %e to stop rying.

NDont go there.O &he told %e not to go there. 7UESTIONS .ll hanges that apply to state%ents also apply to @uestions. In addition to these# the word order o' reported @uestions is the sa%e as that o' si%ple state%ents; there is no in"ersion as in a si%ple @uestion. e.g. N(hat is the %atter?O =e asked %e what the %atter was. NDo you speak ;er%an?O &he asked %e i' I spoke ;er%an. NDid Daul gi"e you the book?O =e asked %e i' Daul had gi"en %e the book. E2er" ses: 14 Put the )o%%o* !' se!te!"es !to re$orte/ s$ee"h0 !tro/u" !' them * th a verb ! the $ast te!se: 2. I% sorry I% late. 5. I a% "ery stupid. 3. &he is @uite har%ing but hasnt %u h sense. I. =e an o%e in when I ha"e 'inished %y work. J. 0he lo k will ne"er work again i' you try to %end it. K. I lost %y te%per yesterday %orning. G. Ill o%e as soon as I an. S. I"e sold all those you ga"e %e yesterday. F. I was "ery ill yesterday. 2H. =e learnt all this nonsense a long ti%e ago. 22. I ha"e been here be'ore. 25. &he has done her ho%ework well. 23. (e are li"ing in another house now. 2I. I ha"e been shopping all the %orning. 2J. I ha"e not told you anything yet. 2K. -ou %ay see the photographs i' you like. 2G. &he has written %e a long letter. 2S. I a% gi"ing a party this week to all %y 'riends. &4 Put the )o%%o* !' se!te!"es !to re$orte/ s$ee"h * th the !tro/u" !' verb ! the $ast te!se4 -ar3 the !tro/u" !' verb: he asked, enquired, wondered, wanted to know, et"4 2. (here are you going? !=e asked %e ...) 5. =ow will you do that? !0hey wanted to know ... ) 3. (ho will o%e to the pi tures with %e? I. (hen was your dress 'inished? J. (hy are you so sad? K. (hat is the %atter? G. (hi h book are you taking? S. (here should we %eet tonight? F. (ho showed you %y work? 2H. =ow ould you be so unkind?

22. (hen did they tell you that? 25. (hy has she not eaten anything? 23. (hat a% I to do? 2I. (hat is the ti%e? 54 Put the )o%%o* !' se!te!"es !to re$orte/ s$ee"h * th the !tro/u" !' verb ! the $ast te!se4 -ar3 the !tro/u" !' verb4 2. .re you enAoying yoursel'? 5. Did you see the Ving yesterday? 3. Does she always wear a hat? I. =a"e you seen %y new hat? J. Do I look all right? K. .re the grapes sour? G. Is it ti%e to go? S. (ill the taxi be here at eight o lo k? P(SSI-E -OICE Dassi"e onstru tion: the appropriate 'or% o' the "erb , the past parti iple !the past parti iple W "b. , ed 'or regular "erbs; 3rd 'or% o' the "erb 'or irregular "erbs) e.g. &o%eone has stolen %y books. $y books ha"e been stolen. 0hey ga"e %y sister an orange. $y sister was gi"en an orange. .n orange was gi"en to %y sister. (e %ust look into this %atter. 0his %atter %ust be looked into. 0hey le't the wounded behind. 0he wounded were le't behind. E2er" ses: 14 Com$%ete the )o%%o* !' $ass ve vo "e se!te!"es ! the te!ses su''este/: 2. 0his pi ture !a%*a3s a/m re). T Dresent 5. =is leg !hurt) "ery badly in an a ident. T Dast 3. 0his exer ise !/o) "ery are'ully. T Dresent )ontinuous I. 0he box !!ot o$e!) 'or the last hundred years. T Dresent Der'e t J. 0he 0ower o' Condon !)ormer%3 use) as a prison. T Dast K. 0wo o' %y dinner plates !brea#). T Dresent Der'e t G. . big battle !) 'ht) here 5HH years ago. T Dast S. -ou ! !v te) to lun h to%orrow. T Dresent )ontinuous F. 0his play !)or'et) in a 'ew years ti%e. T Xuture 2H. 0he bridge !bu %t) last year. T Dast 22. $y brother !!ever beat) at tennis. T Dresent Der'e t 25. /nglish !s$ea#) all o"er the world. T Dresent

&4 Put the )o%%o* !' se!te!"es !to the $ass ve vo "e * th a $erso!a% sub<e"t : 2. 0hey ga"e m3 % tt%e s ster a ti ket# too. 5. Deople will show the v s tors the new buildings. 3. &o%eone has already paid the e%e"tr " a! 'or his work. I. 0hey pro%ise us higher wages. J. &o%ebody will tell 3ou what ti%e the train lea"es. K. &o%eone ordered the $r so!ers to stand up. 54 Re*r te ea"h se!te!"e so that t /oes !ot "o!ta ! the *or/s u!/er% !e/ a!/ so that t "o!ta !s a $ass ve )orm: a. &o%eone le't the phone o'' the hook all night. ................................................................................................................................... b. 0he go"ern%ent has announ ed that petrol pri es will rise to%orrow. ................................................................................................................................... . . burglar broke into house last week. ................................................................................................................................... d. Deople asked %e the way three ti%es. ................................................................................................................................... e. 0he 'ruit:pi kers pi k the apples early in the %orning. ................................................................................................................................... '. Its ti%e the authorities did so%ething about this proble%. ................................................................................................................................... g. Cots o' people had parked their ars on the pa"e%ent. ................................................................................................................................... h. 0he go"ern%ent agreed with the report and so they hanged the law. ................................................................................................................................... i. -ou ha"e to 'ill in an appli ation 'ro%. ................................................................................................................................... A. 0hey dont know what happened to the ship. ................................................................................................................................... :4 Re*r te ea"h se!te!"e so that the mea! !' sta3s the same: a. 0hey ha"e de ided to an el the %at h. It >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. (e thought it was ne essary to send a telegra% It >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . (e ha"e agreed to %eet again in a 'ortnight. It >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d. 0here is a ru%our that the ouple are to seek a di"or e. It >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e. 0here is on'ir%ation o' $r. Ja ksons resignation. It >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '. (e belie"e that the ship has sunk. It >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RE-ISION (II) 14 Com$%ete ea"h se!te!"e be' !! !' as sho*!0 so that t mea!s the same as the se!te!"e above t4 a. 0he 'il% dire tor %ade the a tor do the s ene again.

0he a tors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. <Dont 'orget to olle t the theatre ti kets# Deter# his 'riend said. Deters 'riend re%inded >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . I dont want hi% to stay out so late. Id rather he >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d. I think the play should ha"e started by now. I think its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e. <I% sorry I ruined the per'or%an e# said the a tor to the dire tor. 0he a tor apologised >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '. ?nly a talented author ould ha"e written a play like that. 0hat play >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> g. 0here is not %u h likelihood o' su h a thing happening again. I dont >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h. $y painting still needs 'ra%ing. I ha"ent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i. =ow long is her new 'il%? =ow long does >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A. =e is appearing in a %usi al 'or the 'irst ti%e. 0his is 'irst ti%e ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) &4 The *or/ ! "a$ ta%s at the e!/ o) ea"h o) the )o%%o* !' se!te!"es "a! be use/ to )orm a *or/ that ) ts su tab%3 ! the b%a!# s$a"e4 F %% ea"h b%a!# ! th s *a34 a. (hen I tried to learn )hinese# I 'ound it >>>>>>>>>>>> . !D?&&ILC/) b. During %y last holiday in Xran e I used %y Xren h "ery >>>>>>>>>>> . !&7))/&&) . .s a result o' being >>>>>>>>>>>>>> # I bought the wrong ti ket. !79D/U&0.9D) d. I asked the >>>>>>>>> 'or the bill# but she didnt understand %e. !(.I0) e. Xailing the exa% was a great >>>>>>>>>>>>> . !DI&.DD?I90) '. $y tea her told %e %y spelling was 'ar too >>>>>>>>>>>> . !.))7U.0/) g. 0he arri"al o' %y &wedish 'riend was @uite >>>>>>>>>>>> . !/YD/)0) h. Jean is rather untidy and her work is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . !?U;.9I&/) i. I 'ind I an learn with a lot o' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . !U/D/.0) A. I% a'raid this paragraph is >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; rewrite it please. !;U.$$.U) 54 Com$%ete ea"h se!te!"e so that t mea!s the same as the se!te!"e above t4 a. (heres the theatre? )ould you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ? b. =ow 'ar is the bus stop? (ould you %ind >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ? . I dont want to go to Condon. Id rather >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . d. 0urn le't at the 'irst turning. 0ake >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . e. Xew people like li"ing here. 9ot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . '. -ou ant swi% anywhere here. 0here is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . g. )an you des ribe 9orwi h? (hat is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ? h. It would be ni e to li"e in Ceeds. Id >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .

:4 The *or/ ! "a$ ta%s at the e!/ o) ea"h the )o%%o* !' se!te!"es "a! be use/ to )orm a *or/ that su tab%3 ! the b%a!# s$a"e4 F %% ea"h b%a!# ! th s *a34 a. (e ga"e up eating sugar be ause it is >>>>>>>>>>>>>> . !=/.C0=) b. =e de ided to buy a new >>>>>>>>>>>> book and learn new re ipes. !)??V) . (e threw the wine away as it was >>>>>>>>>>>>> . !DUI9V) d. &he o%plained to the nurse >>>>>>>>> about her ba k. !/9D) e. .lthough he 'ell hea"ily# he was >>>>>>>>>>>> . !I9J7U/) '. (hen I said I would stop s%oking# he stared at %e in >>>>>>>>>>>> . !L/CI/1/) g. 0he pain in her 'oot ga"e her another >>>>>>>>>>> night. !&C//D) h. (e sent the steak ba k as it was >>>>>>>> ; al%ost raw in 'a t. !D?) i. 0he do tor said there was no >>>>>>>>>>> o' %y getting worse. !CIV/C-) A. =e %ade a rapid >>>>>>>>>>>>> 'ro% his atta k o' <'lu. !U/)?1/U)


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