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(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE 114 - TREASON Who may commit treason? FILIPINO CITIZEN Where may he commit treason? ANYWHERE Are those who commit treason abroa crimina!!y !iab!e? YE" Why is it that a Fi!i#ino citi$en may commit treason e%en i& abroa ? ' (e&inition o& treason) conce#t o& a!!e*iance What a!!e*iance is owe by a non'resi ent a!ien? Why are #ena! !aws territoria!? What is the territoria!ity #rinci#!e? (oes this %io!ate the #rinci#!e o& territoria!ity? NO+ "ee Par+ ,- Art+ . o& the RPC /crimes committe a*ainst nationa! sec0rity an the !aw o& the nations) treason is a crime a*ainst a nationa! sec0rity- there&ore it &a!!s within the e1ce#tions2 Where may an a!ien commit treason? On!y in the Phi!i##ines) he owes tem#orary a!!e*iance to the *o%t+ o& the Phi!+ in ret0rn &or #rotection he recei%es What i& he was once a 3a#anese an then he becomes a nat0ra!i$e citi$en- may he sti!! be !iab!e &or treason? YE"+ There is no istinction ma e in Art+ 445 "0##osin* 0rin* time o& war- a Chinese b0sinessman- who has been resi in* in the Phi!i##ines &or ten years- eci es to %isit China+ Whi!e there- he commits treasono0s acts a*ainst the Phi!i##ines+ Is he !iab!e &or treason? "0##osin* 0rin* time o& war- a Chinese to0rist %isits the Phi!i##ines &or three ays+ On his thir ay o& stay- he commits treasono0s acts a*ainst the Phi!i##ines+ Is he !iab!e &or treason? How is treason committe ? (1) By levying war against the government "ho0! there be an act0a! mi!itary enco0nter with the *o%t+ &orces? Not necessari!y Can this be committe by 60st one #erson? NO) 0se o& the wor 7EN in e!ement 84 Is it necessary that this assemb!y o& men be arme ? NO+ There is no 90a!i&ication in the !aw "0##osin* the Phi!+ :o%t+ was at war with 3a#an+ We were a!! 0narme an we were isc0ssin* ways an means o& e&&ecti%e!y e!i%erin* the *o%t+ into the han s o& &orei*n #ower+ Liab!e &or treason? YE"+ Com#!ie with e!ements o& !e%yin* war PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena






(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(&) By a'hering to the enemies an' giving them ai' (0rin* the 3a#anese occ0#ation- certain Fi!i#inos were mo%in* aro0n - con%incin* the #eo#!e that the #rinci#!es o& the *o%t+ o& 3a#an are better than that &o!!owe by the Phi!+ Treasono0s? NO+ there is on!y a herence in this case /a herin* to the enemies an *i%in* ai or com&ort m0st conc0r2 "0##ose that 0rin* the 3a#anese occ0#ation- yo0 were a merchant en*a*e in the se!!in* o& wea#ons an yo0 were ha%in* transactions with the 3a#anese+ Treasono0s? YE"+ A herence to the enemy may be im#!ie by the nat0re o& the act committe + "0##ose yo0 were en*a*e in a trans#ortation b0siness) 3a#anese hire yo0r b0ses to trans#ort their troo#s to another #ro%ince+ Liab!e? YE"+ It wi!! irect!y stren*then the enemy;s troo#s "0##ose yo0 were a rice merchant s0##!yin* 3a#anese with rice+ Liab!e? NO+ (oes not stren*then enemy) no a herence on yo0r #art "0##osin*- 0rin* time o& war- a yo0n* Fi!i#ina &a!!s in !o%e with a 3a#anese so! ier+ Is she !iab!e &or treason? What i& she s0##!ies names o& *0erri!!a !ea ers to him? "0##osin* a #ro&essor- 0rin* time o& war- !ect0res abo0t the a %anta*es o& ha%in* a *o%ernment simi!ar to the 3a#anese+ Is he !iab!e &or treason? "0##osin* a c!ass- isc0ss an %o!0nteer to o i&&erent means to he!# the 3a#anese /i+e+ istrib0tion o& wea#ons- etc+2 Are the members !iab!e &or treason? Conviction o T!"#$on (1) Con "$$ion o %&i't < #!ea o& *0i!ty Prosec0tion nee not #resent e%i ence b0t may #resent it on!y to show the #resence o& A::RA=ATIN: CIRC>7"TANCE?" (() T"$ti)on* o T+o ,itn"$$$"$ +it- t-" $#)" ov"!t #ct WHY? @eca0se it carries with it #ena!ty o& eath an it is committe in abnorma! circ0mstance Testimony o& two witnesses to two i&&erent acts is not eno0*h &or con%iction) testimony o& two witnesses m0st be cre ib!e an be!ie%e by the co0rt Is it eno0*h that there be two witnesses? <(e#en sA i& testimony #oints to the same acts- it is eno0*h that there are on!y two witnesses

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena






(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is #roo& beyon reasonab!e o0bt /P@R(2 s0&&icient to con%ict the acc0se ? NO+ There is &0rther re90irement o& two witnesses who sho0! testi&y on the same o%ert act /treason is the on!y &e!ony in the entire RPC where P@R( is not s0&&icient2 E1tra60 icia! con&ession is not s0&&icient to con%ict a #erson o& treason) con&ession m0st be ma e in o#en co0rt P!o$"c&tion o T!"#$on Witness 84A saw #ersona!!y the acc0se in the com#any o& a 3a#anese ma6or who went to the ho0se o& a *0erri!!a o&&icer) saw the acc0se #oint at the *0erri!!a- an the !atter was tie an ra**e + Witness 8.A was wa!Bin* in the &arm !ocate across the br*y+ ha!!) saw the 6ee# where the *0erri!!a o&&icer was) saw him bein* ra**e by the 3a#anese- a&ter which they shot him+ Is the .'witness r0!e com#!ie with? NO+ "0##ose the #rosec0tion #resente three witnesses b0t the co0rt *a%e cre ence on!y to one witness+ Ac90it or con%ict? Ac90it &or non'com#!iance with the .'witness r0!e+ I& the common crimes were committe an was in any way connecte with the ob6ecti%es o& treason < !iabi!ity is se#arate Acc0se was char*e with treason an 4C acts o& Bi na##in* with ransomA #0r#ose o& ransom was to &inance their /treasono0s2 acti%ities+ Liabi!ity? Treason+ ARTICLE 11. - CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT TREASON ARTICLE 11/ - MISPRISION O0 TREASON How soon sho0! the isc!os0re be ma e? Within a reasonab!e #erio which wi!! e#en on the 60 *ement o& the 60 *e @y any #erson? NO+ re&er to e!ement 84 (oes this %io!ate the #rinci#!e o& *enera!ity? Yes- it %io!ates @>T this is an e1#ress e1ce#tion by #ro%ision o& the !aw "0##osin*- acc0se is #rosec0te &or 7T) a!!e*e in the in&o that bein* a Fi!i#ino citi$en- he owes #ermanent a!!e*iance an ha%in* Bnow!e *e o& #ersons who #er&orme acts w? the %iew o& o%erthrowin* the *o%t+- he sho0! ha%e isc!ose the same+ Liab!e? NO+ Dnow!e *e was a!rea y abo0t treason /in the &irst manner2 an not mere cons#iracy "0##osin*- acc0se is resi ent o& a city) has Bnow!e *e o& cons#iracy) re&0se to isc!ose the matter to the mayor?&isca! beca0se they are amon* the most corr0#t) isc!ose the matter irect!y to the AFP Chie& o& "ta&&+ Liab!e &or 7T? NO+ E%en i& the matter was not isc!ose to PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena






(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the #erson?s s#eci&ie in the !aw- there was no intent on the #art o& the acc0se not to isc!ose the in&o+ "0##osin* a witness sees a *ro0# o& men- a!! 0narme - isc0ssin* means to commit treasono0s acts a*ainst the *o%ernment+ He oes not isc!ose what he sees to anyone+ Liab!e? ARTICLE 112 - ESPIONA%E Where may es#iona*e in the &irst manner be committe /RPC2? "0##ose that the >" onate armaments- etc+ to the Phi!+ :o%t+ to be 0se &or its war a*ainst 7a!aysia) arms were store in a wareho0se in N0e%a Eci6a) news#a#er re#orter witho0t a0thority went insi e the wareho0se to taBe #hotos o& the arms) was sti!! ,C meters away &rom the wareho0se when he was accoste + Liab!e? YE"+ E!ements o& &irst manner o& committin* the crime were #resent "0##osin*- a news#a#er man who was accoste to! the mi!itary o&&icers that he wante to taBe the #hotos o& the mo ern war&are that he rea in Remate /tab!oi 2+ Liab!e? NO beca0se what he inten s to obtain is not anymore con&i entia!) the matter has cease to be con&i entia! beca0se o& its #re%io0s #0b!ication "0##osin*- yo0 c!imbe a tree to #hoto*ra#h con&i entia! in&ormation+ 7ay yo0 be he! !iab!e &or es#iona*e 0n er the RPC? No+ @0t yo0 may be !iab!e &or %io!ation o& CA E4E+ 7ay es#iona*e be committe in the Nationa! Library? In the @ene ictine Abbey? "0##osin* yo0 #ai the 6anitor to obtain con&i entia! in&ormation &or yo0+ Are yo0 !iab!e &or es#iona*e 0n er the RPC? How abo0t the 6anitor? 7ay es#iona*e in the secon manner be committe by a #ri%ate #erson /RPC2? No+ "0##osin* a hi*h ranBin* mi!itary o&&icer isc!oses con&i entia! matters to a bea0ty contestant &rom another nation+ Is he !iab!e &or es#iona*e? Yes+ The !aw oes not istin*0ish &orei*n re#resentati%e+ ARTICLE 113 - INCITIN% TO ,AR OR %I4IN% MOTI4E 0OR REPRISALS "0##osin* #rotesters b0rn the >" &!a* in &ront o& the >" embassy- are they !iab!e? (oes the act ha%e a ten ency to #ro%oBe war a*ainst >"? (oes the raisin* o& troo#s constit0te incitin* to war? ARTICLE 115 - 4IOLATION O0 NEUTRALITY ARTICLE 1(6 - CORRESPONDENCE ,IT7 7OSTILE COUNTRY PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena






(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* 7a!aysia is at war with the Phi!i##ines+ I& a Fi!i#ina writes a !o%e !etter to a 7a!aysian sweetheart- is she !iab!e &or %io!ation o& Artic!e 4.C? Witho0t #rohibition by the *o%ernment? With #rohibition by the *o%ernment? What i& the !etter contains the rawin* o& a heart on!y? ARTICLE 1(1 - 0LI%7T TO ENEMY8S COUNTRY 7ay this be committe by mere attem#t to &!ee? YE" ARTICLE 1(( - PIRACY IN %ENERAL AND MUTINY ON T7E 7I%7 SEAS OR IN P7ILIPPINE ,ATERS In what way is #iracy 0n er the RPC i&&erent &rom #iracy 0n er P+(+ ,F.? Piracy 0n er the RPC i& committe by a stran*er) Piracy 0n er P( ,F. i& committe by #assen*er or member o& the crew Which #iracy &a!!s 0n er the !aw o& the nations? What constit0tes hi*h seas? Phi!i##ine waters? 7ay #iracy be committe in the Pasi* Ri%er? Waters 0n er the 7en io!a @ri *e? LaBe in @0rnham ParB? F!oatin* resta0rant? "0##osin* yo0 boar e a motor boat an a #assen*er or ere other #assen*ers to *i%e him their be!on*in*s+ Is he !iab!e &or #iracy? What i& #ersons &rom another boat commit the act o& #iracy+ Which !aw wi!! a##!y- RPC or P+ (+ ,F.? "hi# &rom 7ani!a to Ceb0) whi!e waitin* &or the e#art0re o& the shi#- a #erson s0 en!y boar e the shi#- #ointe a Bni&e at yo0- eman e that yo0 *i%e yo0r be!on*in*s a&ter whichhe *ot o&&+ Crime committe ? Piracy 0n er RPC What i& it was a!so a #assen*er o& the shi# who tooB yo0r be!on*in*s? Piracy 0n er P( ,F. F!oatin* casino in 7ani!a @ay) whi!e yo0 were there- a #erson #ointe a re%o!%er at yo0 an eman e that yo0 *i%e yo0r winnin*s+ Crime committe ? <Common robbery <&!oatin* casino is not within the e&inition o& a %esse! RA /(1. ANTI-7I9AC:IN% LA, Acts P0nishab!eA (a) Aircra(t o( hil) registry* /42 chan*e in the co0rse OR estination) /.2 sei$e or 0s0r# contro! thereo& PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena






(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAL &rom 7ani!a to (a%aoA acc0se com#e!!e the #i!ot to %eer the #!ane a !itt!e to ri*ht &or a co0#!e o& min0tes+ =io!ation? Yes <re&ers to a chan*e in the co0rse Acc0se bribe the #i!ot to %eer the #!ane in e1chan*e &or money+ =io!ation? No ' there is no com#0!sion /what is #0nishe is the e!ement o& com#0!sion2 D" inition o +in (light,A &rom the moment e1terna! oors are c!ose &o!!owin* embarBation to the moment they are o#ene &or isembarBation 7ay a #!ane be consi ere in &!i*ht when the e1terna! oors ha%e been c!ose b0t it is sti!! on the *ro0n beca0se o& en*ine #rob!ems? YE"+ (oors are a!rea y c!ose - #assen*ers were a!rea y on boar ) b0t the #i!ot was sti!! waitin* &or instr0ctions &rom contro! tower) acc0se sei$e contro! o& the #!ane+ =io!ation? YE" "0##ose the oors ha%e a!rea y been o#ene b0t the #assen*ers ha%e not come o0t) acc0se sei$e contro! o& the #!ane+ =io!ation? NO+ P!ane has sei$e to be in &!i*ht A *ro0# o& sBy i%ers on boar a Phi!+ #!ane abo0t to sta*e a sBy i%in* e1hibition in L0neta) at a !atit0 e o& abo0t 4,-CCC &t+- the oor o& the #!ane o#ene an the sBy i%ers 60m#e o0t) !ast #erson- instea o& 60m#in*- sei$e contro! o& the #!ane+ =io!ation? NO ' !e*a!!y s#eaBin*- the #!ane is no !on*er in &!i*ht- notwithstan in* that it is act0a!!y &!yin* (-) aircra(t o( (oreign registry* /42 !an in*) /.2 sei$e or 0s0r# contro! thereo& Is it necessary that acts be one whi!e the aircra&t is in &!i*ht? NO- the !aw is si!ent 3a#an air!ines- a&ter it has !an e - e1terna! oors were a!rea y o#ene - acc0se bar*e into the #i!ot;s cocB#it an sei$e contro! o& the #!ane+ Liab!e? YE" >n er the same &acts- i& #!ane i& o& Phi+ Re*istry- !iab!e? NO < no !on*er in &!i*ht (c) other acts* "hi##in*- !oa in*- carryin* in any #assen*er aircra&t o#eratin* as a #0b!ic 0ti!ity w?in the Phi!i##ine any e1#!osi%e- &!ammab!e- corrosi%e- or #oisono0s s0bstance or materia! /"ec+F2 A *ro0# o& st0 ents chartere a PAL #assen*er #!ane &or their e1c!0si%e 0se &rom 7ani!a to Zamboan*a) on boar - they carrie with them bott!es o& cyani e an se%era! sacBs o& ynamite+ Liab!e? YE" "ame &acts b0t the #!ane was owne by one o& the st0 ents+ Liab!e? NO < #!ane is not w?in the contem#!ation o& G#0b!ic 0ti!ityH PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena






(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE 1(1 - ;UALI0IED PIRACY ARTICLE 1(4 - ARBITRARY DETENTION 7ay this be committe by ANY #0b!ic o&&icer? NO < on!y by those %este with a0thority 7ay this be committe by an o&&icer who arreste an etaine a #erson by %irt0e o& a warrant o& arrest iss0e by the co0rt? NO The moment there is a WOA- no arbitrary etention can be committe P0b!ic o&&icer !iab!e &or arbitrary etention may be one whoA has 0ty to maBe an arrest or etain) may recommen an arrest or etain) or may or er an arrest or etain A #ri%ate in i%i 0a! may be a!so be !iab!e &or arbitrary etention i& he acts either as an accessory- accom#!ice- #rinci#a! by in 0cement- or #rinci#a! by in is#ensab!e coo#eration Le*a! *ro0n s &or etention /42 committe the crime- /.2com#0!sory con&ine - /F2 %io!ent insanity Instances when warrant!ess arrests are !aw&0!A /42 has committe - is act0a!!y committin* or is attem#tin* to commit an o&&ense in his #resence 7ay a crime be committe in the #resence o& a #0b!ic o&&icer who is b!in ? Yes+ (ea&? Yes+ @oth? /.2 #ersona! Bnow!e *e o& the &acts that the #erson to be arreste act0a!!y committe the o&&ense 7ay a #erson be arreste base on s0s#icion? Is s0s#icion e90i%a!ent to act0a! Bnow!e *e? "0##ose the acc0se stabbe I) there was a commotion a&ter which the acc0se &!e + He was ho! in* a Bni&e an he was a!rea y staine with b!oo + He was bein* chase by the #eo#!e+ A #o!ice o&&icer came+ "eein* what was ha##enin*- he arreste the acc0se + Liab!e? NO <there is #ersona! Bnow!e *e o& the &acts that a crime has been committe an the #erson bein* arreste was the one who committe it "0##ose a crime o& robbery was committe + A!! the !i*hts were on when it ha##ene + The members o& the ho0seho! were ab!e to *i%e escri#tion o& the robbers to the #o!ice+ Three ays !ater- the o&&icer saw one o& the #ersons who &itte the escri#tion *i%en so he arreste him+ =a!i ? No+ There is no #robab!e ca0se to be!ie%e that the #erson committe the crime) he on!y has hearsay Bnow!e *e "0##osin* a woman was a %ictim o& ra#e) to*ether with her #arents- she #rocee e to the N@I to re#ort the crime+ "ince there were me ia #resent- a tasB &orce was or*ani$e + The TF PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena






(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!earne ra#ist was in @aco!o + They search an &o0n him+ There is no warrant o& arrest+ 7ay N@I tasB &orce arrest an etain him? NO+ They on!y ha%e hearsay Bnow!e *e /F2 arrest o& a #risoner who esca#e ARTICLE 1(. - DELAY IN T7E DELI4ERY O0 DETAINED PERSONS TO T7E PROPER 9UDICIAL AUT7ORITIES (istin*0ish &rom arbitrary etention When oes etention in e!ay become i!!e*a!? >#on e1#iration o& the #erio s s#eci&ie Reason behin the !awA to #re%ent any ab0se that may be committe a*ainst the acc0se so that he can a%ai! o& any !e*a! ri*hts a%ai!ab!e to him+ To whom sho0! the e!i%ery be ma e? Co0rts o& 30stice Is e!i%ery to &isca! s0&&icient? No+ He oesn;t &orm #art o& 60 icia! a0thority 7ay this be committe i& there is warrant o& arrest? NO+ E%en i& yo0 &ai! to e!i%er him as re90ire there is a!rea y a case in co0rt+ I Bi!!e his nei*hbor in the co0rse o& their town &iesta+ There was a #o!ice o&&icer+ Po!ice o&&icer ma e the arrest beca0se he saw the Bi!!in*+ Within what ho0rs sho0! yo0 be e!i%ere ? FE ho0rs "0##osin* yo0 were on!y e!i%ere on the Jth ay+ What crime is committe by the #o!ice o&&icer? =io!ation o& Art+ 4., What oes PO o i& he cannot e!i%er him so he may not be !iab!e? He sho0! re!ease him+ Ass0min* etention is a!rea y i!!e*a! oes this a&&ect the %a!i ity o& yo0r arrest? Yes+ (etention became i!!e*a!+ (oes i!!e*a! etention a&&ect yo0r crime? No+ ARTICLE 1(/ - DELAYIN% RELEAS" Is there a #erio #rescribe ? Yes+ "ame as that #rescribe in Art 4.5A F < 4, ays) 4, ays < E months) E months or more ARTICLE 1(2 - EXPULSION 7ay a Fi!i#ino be e1#e!!e &rom the Phi!i##ines? NO PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena






(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who can be e1#e!!e ? ALIEN" on!y Who can or er e1#0!sion? @0rea0 o& Immi*ration an (e#ortation to be a##ro%e by the O&&ice o& the Presi ent Con%ict has a!rea y ser%e the minim0m term o& his sentencean rea y to be re!ease &or #aro!e) con ition in his #aro!e &i1es his resi ence e%en a*ainst his wi!!+ Is con ition %a!i ? YE" "0##osin* the 7ayor o& City o& 7ani!a- in or er to sto# #rostit0tion he arreste an sent a!! #rostit0tes to @asi!an+ Is he !iab!e? Yes+ 7ay an a!ien be e#orte by the @0rea0 o& Immi*ration witho0t %io!atin* Art 4.J? Yes beca0se the @0rea0 o& Immi*ration has the a0thority to o so+ 7ay co0rt or er con%ict to chan*e the resi ence by %irt0e o& Probation Law? Yes+ There is a0thority o& !aw) co0rt by &ina! 60 *ment+ How abo0t by %irt0e o& I"LAW? (an*ero0s (r0*s Act? Yes to both+ Laws) *rantin* a0thority ARTICLE 1(3 - 4IOLATION O0 DOMICILE 30 icia! or er K search warrant "earch WarrantA an or er in writin* iss0e in the name o& the Peo#!e o& the Phi!s- si*ne by a 60 *e an irecte to a #eace o&&icer- comman in* him to search &or #ersona! #ro#erty escribe therein an brin* it be&ore the co0rt .e/uisites* /42 #robab!e ca0se) /.2 &or one o&&ense /F2 to be etermine #ersona!!y by the 60 *e /52 #artic0!ar escri#tion o& #!ace- #ersons an thin*s E&&ect o& "W that was not !e*a!!y obtaine A thin*s sei$e wo0! be ina missib!e in e%i ence "0##ose N@I a*ents con 0cte a s0r%ei!!ance o#erations &or . weeBs- a&ter which they were con%ince that there is a shab0 !ab in a certain com#o0n + The a*ents a##!ie &or the iss0ance o& "W &or %io!ation o& ((A an &or i!!e*a! #ossession o& &irearms+ Arme with the "W- the a*ents rai e the !ab+ Is the "W iss0e by the co0rt %a!i ? NO'warrant was iss0e &or two o&&enses Warrant was iss0e &or %io!ation o& ((A- when a*ents entere the com#o0n - they saw the wareho0se oor was o#en- thro0*h which they can see hi*h #owere &irearms+ They sei$e s0ch &irearms+ 7ay these be a missib!e in e%i ence? NO'not inc!0 e in "W

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena






(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##ose co0rt iss0e a "W &or the sei$0re o& e90i#ment 0se in the #ro 0ction o& shab0) !ocation o& shab0 !ab is in a com#o0n A white ho0se- b!0e *ate+ =a!i ? NO < #!ace was not #artic0!ar!y escribe "0##ose the "W was iss0e &or i!!e*a! #ossession o& &irearms- or erin* the o&&icers to sei$e hi*h'#owere &irearms in the con o 0nit o& the acc0se !ocate in the ,th &!oor) a*ents saw that there were se%era! 0nits in sai &!oor so they in90ire ) rai e the con o 0nit a&ter the in90iry+ =a!i ? NO < #!ace not #artic0!ar!y escribe "0##ose the co0rt iss0e a "W a*ainst the acc0se &or %io!ation o& the interna! re%en0e !awor erin* the sei$0re o& ALL oc0ments containe insi e the . cabinets in the o&&ice o& the acc0se ) a*ents im#!emente the warrant) *ot a!! the oc0ments+ Prosec0tor on!y #resente those materia! an re!e%ant to the o&&ense+ =a!i ? NO < thin*s sei$e were not #artic0!ar!y escribe therein N@I a*ents a##!ie &or "W a*ainst the ho0se sai to be a shab0 !ab+ It was a!most ,#m when thy arri%e at the o&&ice o& the 60 *e) 60 *e was in a h0rry so he instr0cte the c!erB to recei%e the e%i ence the a*ents may #resent in s0##ort o& their a##!ication- ra&t the or er an brin* it tot the 60 *e+ E%erythin* was one by the c!erB+ Or er was bro0*ht to the 60 *e who si*ne it+ A*ents im#!emente the warrant+ =a!i ? NO < #robab!e ca0se was not etermine #ersona!!y by the 60 *e 7ay 60 *e e!e*ate s0ch 0ty? NO+ It is #ersona!+ 7o+ i$ vio'#tion o <o)ici'" co))itt"<= (1) -y entering0 ' we!!in*A a #!ace that satis&ies the re90isites o& omestic !i&e Is it eno0*h that there is no consent? NO'entry m0st be a*ainst the wi!! o& the owner Po!ice ma6or who is yo0r nei*hbo0r saw the oor o& yo0r ho0se s!i*ht!y o#ene ) he entere yo0r ho0se+ =io!ation? NO There was a si*n that sai G(o not enter at a!! timesH b0t the oor is s!i*ht!y o#ene + =io!ation? YE"'there is e1#ress #rohibition "0##ose the oor was !ocBe - which the #o!ice ma6or o#ene an he entere the ho0se+ Liab!e? YE" ' !ocBe oor is im#!ie #rohibition "i*n says Gno tres#assin*H- #o!ice entere + Liab!e? YE" < e1#ress #rohibition (oor was o#en- si*n says G@eware o& o*sLH Po!ice entere + Liab!e? NO+ "i*n says enter at yo0r own risB+ Po!ice entere + Liab!e? NO+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(&) -y searching0 is it necessary that the entry be one a*ainst the wi!! o& the owner? NO < it is s0&&icient that the entry is witho0t the consent o& the owner+ (1) -y re(using to leave0 ' s0rre#titio0s entryA secret!y enterin* the ho0se Po!ice entere the ho0se thro0*h the c!ose bacB oor which he o#ene + Once insi e- owner saw him an asBe him to !ea%e+ O&&icer !e&t+ Liab!e? YE"- 0n er the &irst manner < c!ose oor constit0tes #rohibition What cons0mmates the crime? Re&0sa! to !ea%e the #remises "0##osin* a #o!ice o&&icer- with the intention o& searchin* the #remises o& yo0r ho0se- entere thro0*h the s!i*ht!y o#ene &ront oor witho0t yo0r consent+ Howe%er- be&ore he be*an his search- his attention was ca0*ht by the #ict0re o& a bea0ti&0! woman #oste on yo0r wa!!+ Whi!e he was intent!y starin* at the #ict0re- yo0 catch him insi e yo0r ho0se an or er him to !ea%e- which he imme iate!y oes+ Is he !iab!e &or %io!ation o& omici!e? No+ He is not !iab!e beca0se he i not commit any o& the three acts 0n er Artic!e 4.M+ There is no im#!ie #rohibition beca0se the oor was s!i*ht!y o#ene ) he i con 0ct any search) he i not re&0se to !ea%e the ho0se a&ter ha%in* been re90ire to o so+ ARTICLE 1(5 - SEARC7 ,ARRANTS MALICIOUSLY OBTAINED> AND ABUSE IN T7E SER4ICE O0 T7OSE LE%ALLY OBTAINED Is #er60ry necessary in ma!icio0s!y obtainin* a search warrant? What i& an i!!e*a! &irearm was act0a!!y &o0n base on a ma!icio0s!y obtaine search warrant &or i!!e*a! #ossession o& &irearm? M#nn"! o Co))i$$ion (1) maliciously o-taining "0##ose yo0 ha%e a #ersistent s0itor whom yo0 on;t !iBe so yo0 re6ecte him+ He t0rne o0t to be an N@I o&&icer an he ens0e an a##!ication &or "W a*ainst yo0r &ather &or Bee#in* &irearms in yo0 ho0se- which is not tr0e+ The warrant was iss0e + What crime?s may he be !iab!e &or? Per60ry an #roc0rement o& "W w?o 60st ca0se "0##ose he came to yo0 an to! yo0 that 0n!ess yo0 answer him- he wi!! im#!ement the warrant+ In or er to sa%e yo0r &ather- yo0 answere him+ Is he !iab!e &or #roc0rin* "W w?o 60st ca0se? YE"+ The crime is cons0mmate by the mere act o& obtainin* the "W) it nee not be im#!emente + (&) a-use in the service PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (oes the !aw re90ire that &or ab0se to be committe - the "W m0st be !aw&0!!y obtaine ? The warrant en6oys the #res0m#tion o& %a!i ity since it was iss0e by the co0rt+ I& the warrant t0rns o0t to be 0n!aw&0!!y iss0e - the a*ents wo0! on!y be !iab!e &or ma!icio0s!y obtainin* "W+ ARTICLE 116 - SEARC7IN% DOMICILE ,IT7OUT ,ITNESSES "0##osin* a rai in* team con 0cte the search o& a we!!in* in the #resence o& two mai s on!y+ Are the members o& the rai in* team !iab!e &or %io!ation o& Artic!e 4FC? "0##osin* the rai was con 0cte in the #resence o& two members o& the rai in* team who were a!so resi ents o& the same !oca!ity+ Are the members o& the rai in* team !iab!e &or %io!ation o& Artic!e 4FC? "0##osin* the rai was witnesse by the twon chi! ren resi in* in the ho0se who were both M years o! ) may the members o& the rai in* team be !iab!e? Yes+ The chi! ren are not %a!i witnesses+ ARTICLE 111 - PRO7IBITION> INTERRUPTION> AND DISSOLUTION O0 PEACE0UL MEETIN% 7o+ co))itt"<= (1) -y prohi-iting or -y interrupting, w2o legal groun', the hol'ing o( a peace(ul meeting, or -y 'issolving the same What constit0tiona! ri*ht is sa&e*0ar e ? Ri*ht to #eace&0! assemb!y (0rin* a ra!!y an whi!e certain #eo#!e were s#eaBin*- somebo y threw an e1#!osi%e in the mi !e o& the crow + 7ay the #o!ice !aw&0!!y is#erse the assemb!y? YE" it has cease to be #eace&0!+ (&) By hin'ering any person (rom 3oining any law(ul association or (rom atten'ing any o( its meetings "0##ose an o&&icer #re%ente yo0- thro0*h &orce or threat &rom 6oinin* the NPA+ Liab!e? No < what is contem#!ate is the 6oinin* o& a !aw&0! or*) NPA is not a !aw&0! or* (1) By prohi-iting or hin'ering any person (rom a''ressing, either alone or together with others, any petition to the authorities (or the correction o( a-uses or re'ress o( grievances What ri*ht is sa&e*0ar e ? Ri*ht o& the #eo#!e to re ress *rie%ances ARTICLE 11( - INTERRUPTION O0 RELI%IOUS ,ORS7IP Committe on!y by #0b!ic o&&icers or em#!oyees PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is it necessary that the act be committe insi e a #!ace o& re!i*io0s worshi#? NO+ Is it necessary that it be one in a ch0rch? No+ What is im#ortant is that what is interr0#te is a ceremony+ ARTICLE 111 - O00ENDIN% T7E RELI%IOUS 0EELIN%S Whose #oint o& %iew sho0! be consi ere to etermine the act as notorio0s!y o&&ensi%e? The worshi##ers+ "0##osin* acc0se #!ace the stat0te o& the =ir*in 7ary in the a!tar an cho##e it in #ieces+ He c!aime that the =ir*in 7ary was on!y ma e o& woo + 7ay he be !iab!e &or %io!ation o& Artic!e 4FF? Yes+ ARTICLE 114 - REBELLION OR INSURRECTION Can it be committe by on!y one #erson? NO+ It is a crime o& the masses 7anner o& con%ictionA #roo& beyon reasonab!e o0bt /.'witness r0!e is not necessary2 Is it necessary that they en*a*e the *o%ernment &orces in act0a! combat? NO+ "0##osin* common crimes are committe + What crime is committe ? I& the common crime was committe in &0rtherance o& the ob6ecti%es o& rebe!!ion- the common crime is absorbe in the crime o& rebe!!ion "0##osin* an NPA comman er ha an enco0nter in 7in oro+ They amb0she the mi!itary+ What crimes are committe ? Rebe!!ion on!y+ 7ay they be #rosec0te &or m0r er? No+ It is absorbe in rebe!!ion+ "0##osin* they ra#e the a0*hter o& the @aran*ay Ca#tain? Liab!e a!so &or ra#e as it is not connecte with any #o!itica! #0r#ose+ "0##osin* the NPA comman er amb0she the *o%ernor &or bein* corr0#t+ What crime is committe ? Rebe!!ion "0##ose an NPA asBe yo0 to encash some o& their checBs an to e!i%er them+ Liab!e? NO ' mere a herence to the enemy by *i%in* them ai or com&ort is not #0nishab!e 0n er rebe!!ion 7embers o& the NPA Bi na##e a Chinese merchant an eman e a ransom+ >#on #aymentthe Chinese was re!ease an the ransom was *i%en to the o&&icers o& the NPA &or its &inances+ Crime committe ? Rebe!!ion on!y+ "0##ose the Bi na##ers istrib0te the ransom amon* themse!%es+ Crime? Di na##in* PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE 114 - A COUP D8ETAT O&&en erA mi!itary- #o!ice- or #0b!ic o&&icer or em#!oyee Di "!"nc" ?"t+""n !"?"''ion #n< co&@: 1) as to persons criminally lia-le* Rebe!!ion < #0b!ic #ersons an #ri%ate #ersons Co0# e etat < #0b!ic #ersons- mi!itary or #o!ice o&&icers &) as to manner o( commission* Rebe!!ion < risin* #0b!ic!y an taBin* arms a*ainst the *o%ernment Co0# e etat < swi&t attacB accom#anie by %io!enece- intimi ation- threat- strate*y- or stea!th 1) as to purpose* Rebe!!ion < "ection 4F5 Co0# e etat < "ection 4F5'A 4) target o( the attac$* Rebe!!ion < *o%ernment Co0# e etat < a0thorities o& the Phi!i##ines- mi!itary cam#- insta!!ation- comm0nication networBs- #0b!ic 0ti!ities or other &aci!ities 7ay co0# ; etat be committe by one #erson? YE"+ ARTICLE 11. PENALTY 0OR REBELLION> INSURRECTION> OR COUP D8 ETAT ARTICLE 11/ CONSPIRACY AND PROPOSAL TO COMMIT COUP D8 ETAT> INSURRECTION> OR REBELLION Con$@i!#c* to co))it Co&@ <" "t#t "0##osin*- mi!itary o&&icers met o0tsi e the Phi!i##ines an they a*ree an eci e to sei$e the #ower &rom the #resent a ministration) 0#on arri%a!- they were arreste an #rosec0te &or committin* cons#iracy to commit co0# e etat- are they !iab!e? NO- beca0se it was committe o0tsi e Phi!i##ine territory) it cannot be #rosec0te here beca0se it was not amon* the e1ce#tions #ro%i e &or in Artic!e o& the RPC /Cons#iracy to commit co0# e etat is a crime against public order2 ARTICLE 112 DISLOYALTY O0 PUBLIC O00ICER OR EMPLOYEES ARTICLE 113 INCITIN% TO REBELLION OR INSURRECTION "0##osin*- a member o& the NPA was *oin* aro0n recr0itin* members by incitin* them+ Crime committe ? .e-ellion- beca0se one e!ement is missin*) that the o&&en er oes not taBe PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------arms a*ainst- or is not in o#en hosti!ity with the *o%ernment) o&&en er in this case was a!rea y a member o& the NPA "0##osin*- an or inary baran*ay !ea er who was &e 0# with the Arroyo a ministrationthor0*h s#eeches- #ers0a e an con%ince #eo#!e to 6oin him in the &i*ht a*ainst the *o%ernment- what crime was committe ? 5nciting to re-ellion "0##ose the a0 ience be&ore whom he s#oBe were &ina!!y in 0ce an #ers0a e by him to 6oin the mo%ement an o%erthrow the *o%ernment- what crime was committe ? .e-ellionbeca0se the #ersons in 0ce wo0! be #rinci#a!s by irect #artici#ation) #erson who in 0ce wo0! be a #rinci#a! by in 0cement >sin* the same &acts- i& they were not con%ince - what crime was committe ? 5nciting to re-ellion ARTICLE 115 - SEDITION A 7O, COMMITTED When is #0b!ic 0#risin* eeme to be t0m0!t0o0s? Artic!e 4EF < i& it is ca0se by more than three /F2 #ersons who are arme or are #ro%i e with means o& %io!ence "0##osin*- ten /4C2 #ersons who are arme #0r#ose is to #re%ent the ho! in* o& a re&eren 0m thro0*h &orce- etc+- are they !iab!e? NO- re&eren 0m is i&&erent &rom an e!ection "0##osin*- se%era! members in the baran*ay- 0rin* the e!ctions- arme themse!%es an #rocee e to the #recincts an #re%ente the e!ections o&&icers) ins#ectors- etc+ &rom #er&ormin* their 0ties- what crime was committe ? "e ition- 0n er the 4st #0r#ose >sin* the same &acts- b0t the o&&icers were #re%ente &rom #er&ormin* their 0ties 0rin* a re&eren 0m- are they !iab!e &or se ition? YE"- 0n er the .n #0r#ose ARTICLE 146 - PENALTY 0OR SEDITION ARTICLE 141 - CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT SEDITION ARTICLE 14( - INCITIN% TO SEDITION How committe ? /42 incitin* others to the accom#!ishment o& any o& the acts which constit0te se ition by means o& s#eeches- #roc!amations- writin*s- emb!ems- etc+ /.2 0tterin* se itio0s wor s or s#eeches which ten to ist0rb the #0b!ic #eace ' c!ear an #resent an*er r0!e ' an*ero0s ten ency r0!e PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/F2 writin*- #0b!ishin*- or circ0!atin* sc0rri!o0s !ibe!s a*ainst the *o%ernment or any o& the 0!y constit0te a0thorities thereo& which ten to ist0rb the #0b!ic #eace "0##osin* I incite others to commit se ition an they commit se ition+ What crime may I be !iab!e &or? "e ition &or #rinci#a! by in 0cement beca0se "e ition was committe + 7ay the crime o& incitin* to se ition be committe by mere si!ence? YE"- by Bnowin*!y concea!in* s0ch e%i! #ractices /one o& the ways o& committin* incitin* to se ition2 ARTICLE 141 - ACTS TENDIN% TO PRE4ENT T7E MEETIN% O0 T7E ASSEMBLY AND SIMILAR BODIES ARTICLE 144 - DISTURBANCE O0 PROCEEDIN%S 7ay an acc0se #0t o0b!e 6eo#ar y as a e&ense? No+ "e#arate #ower o& Con*ress+ ARTICLE 14. - 4IOLATION O0 PARLIAMENTARY IMMUNITY (1) By using (orce or intimi'ation ' #re%entin* a member &rom atten in* a meetin* "0##osin*- there is an in%esti*ation in @asi!an to &in o0t how some members o& the Ab0 "ayya& were ab!e to esca#e) a mi!itary o&&icer ab 0cte a member o& the Con*ress who was a!ways taBin* an anta*onistic #osition a*ainst them- what crime was committe ? 7ay the mi!itary o&&icer be he! &or Bi na##in*? (i the sin*!e act o& the mi!itary o&&icer *i%e rise to two /.2 &e!onies /Bi na##in* an %io!ation o& #ar!iamentary imm0nity2? Crimes are CO7PLEIE( 0n er Artic!e 5M- 4st #art- o& the RPC /when a sin*!e act constit0tes two or more *ra%e or !ess *ra%e &e!onies2 (&) By arresting or searching "0##osin*- a con*ressman committe the crime o& homici e /#ena!ty is rec!0sion tem#ora!2 an he was arreste whi!e he was on his way to the session ha!! o& Con*ress- was the arrest !aw&0!? YE" "0##osin*- Con*ress was in session &or F months- startin* 30!y 4) the Con*ressman was arreste on A0*0st .M whi!e he was at home) #ena!ty &or the crime he committe was , yearswas the arrest !aw&0!? NO- re&er to the e&inition o& GsessionH ARTICLE 14/ - ILLE%AL ASSEMBLIES 0i!$t o!) o i''"B#' #$$")?'*

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin*- there was a meetin* atten e by se%era! #ersons- the #0r#ose o& which is to e%ise ways an means o& Bi na##in*) not one o& those who atten e the meetin* was arme - is this i!!e*a! assemb!y? NO- a meetin*- to be i!!e*a!- m0st be atten e by arme #ersons "0##osin*- there were 4C #ersons- a!! arme - ha a meetin*- the #0r#ose o& which was to commit i!!e*a! !o**in*- !iab!e? NO- it is not an o&&ense #0nishab!e 0n er the RPC S"con< o!) o i''"B#' #$$")?'* Is it necessary that they be arme ? NO Is it necessary that the members o& the a0 ience be incite ? YE" ARTICLE 142 - ILLE%AL ASSOCIATIONS "0##osin*- a *ro0# &orme an association- Cheats >n!imite - the #0r#ose o& which is to e%ise ways an means to cheat witho0t bein* isco%ere - are they !iab!e? YE"- contrary to #0b!ic mora!s "0##osin*- by &orce- a &rien #re%ente yo0 &rom atten in* the meetin* o& cheats) is yo0r &rien !iab!e 0n er Artic!e 4F4? NO- association is 0n!aw&0!) what is #rohibite in Artic!e 4F4 is #re%entin* someone &rom atten in* a meetin* o& a !aw&0! or*ani$ation ARTICLE 143 - DIRECT ASSAULTS 7o+ co))itt"<= (1) By employing (orce, intimi'ation))) ' #0b!ic 0#risin* N t0m0!t0o0s N #o!itica! #0r#ose K "E(ITION ' &orce or intimi ation N ob6ecti%es o& rebe!!ion or se ition N #0b!ic 0#risin* < /min0s2 #0b!ic 0#risin* K (IRECT A""A>LT in the &irst &orm (&) By attac$ing, -y employing (orce))) "0##osin*- a *o%ernor who recommen e his niece to be a member o& the sta&& o& the mayor b0t the #ositions were a!rea y &i!!e hence she was not accommo ate ) the *o%ernor went to the o&&ice o& the mayor where he in&!icte where he in&!icte &ist b!ows 0#on the mayor- what crime was committe by the *o%ernor? >sin* the same &acts- s0##osin*- they met at a we in* an there- the *o%ernor assa0!te the mayor- what crime was committe ? @y reason o& #ast #er&ormance o& 0ties "0##osin*- in a crimina! case- the !awyer cross'e1amine the witness o& the other si e an #ractica!!y estroye his testimony) the other #arty waite &or the !awyer o0tsi e where they PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in&!icte harm on him- what crime was committe ? Direct Assault- !awyers are consi ere #ersons in a0thority- an he was attacBe by reason o& the #er&ormance o& his o&&icia! 0ties as a !awyer "0##osin* a #ro&essor was in the mi !e o& isc0ssin* !essons in c!ass when his nei*hborwho ha a !on* time #ersona! *r0 *e a*ainst him- thro0*h a stone at the #ro&essor- which hit him on the hea an Bi!!e him+ 7ay the o&&en er be !iab!e &or irect assa0!t? YE"+ The Reason &or attacB immateria! i& one in the act0a! #er&ormance i& 0ty What i& the Bi!!in* was one whi!e the #ro&essor was wa!Bin* on his way home? No < there is no irect assa0!t+ What i& the nei*hbor was act0a!!y a &ormer st0 ent an he Bi!!e the #ro&essor whi!e on his way home beca0se the !atter &ai!e him in c!ass+ 7ay the o&&en er be !iab!e &or irect assa0!t? Yes < the attacB was one connecte with #er&ormance o& o&&icia! 0ty 7ay a #erson in a0thority be !iab!e &ro irect assa0!t committe a*ainst s0bor inate? YE"+ O0a!i&ie assa0!t < It is an a**ra%atin* circ0mstance when an o&&en er s a #0b!ic o&&icer?em#!oyee "0##osin* a #ro%incia! *o%ernor %io!ate the tra&&ic r0!es an re*0!ations+ A tra&&ic en&orcer sto##e him an *a%e him a ticBet+ The *o%ernor *ot ma an shot the tra&&ic en&orcer+ 7ay the *o%ernor be !iab!e &or irect assa0!t? YE"+ Position is immateria!+ ARTICLE 145 - INDIRECT ASSAULTS Can on!y be committe in the occasion o& irect assa0!t (oes ac90itta! in (A a!so mean an ac90itta! in IA? It e#en s on the *ro0n o& ac90itta!+ I& ac90itte beca0se the act oes not constit0te irect assa0!t it a!so means the #erson sha!! be ac90itte &or in irect assa0!t) i& ac90itte &or reasons which are #ersona! on!y to the acc0se - it sha!! not mean ac90itta! in IA+ This inc!0 es bein* ac90itte beca0se o& insanity or minority+ I& ac90itte beca0se there is no *0i!t beyon reasonab!e o0bt- not ac90itte in IA+ This wo0! mean that there is a crime o& (A howe%er *0i!t o& acc0se was not s0&&icient!y #ro%en It is necessary that the o&&en er has Bnow!e *e that the #erson assa0!te is a #erson in a0thority or his a*ent? Yes+ Absence o& Bnow!e *e may constit0te a e&ense o& *oo &aith ARTICLE 1.6 - DISOBEDIENCE TO SUMMONS ISSUED BY T7E NATIONAL ASSEMBLY> ITS COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES> BY T7E CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS> ITS COMMITTEES> SUBCOMMITTEES OR DI4ISIONS ARTICLE 1.1 - RESISTANCE AND DISOBEDIENCE TO A PERSON IN AUT7ORITY OR T7E A%ENTS O0 SUC7 PERSON PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE 1.( - PERSONS IN AUT7ORITY AND A%ENTS O0 PERSONS IN AUT7ORITY A ,7O S7ALL BE DEEMED AS SUC7 P"!$on$ in A&t-o!it* ' irect!y %este with 60ris iction ' E1am#!esA mayor- 60 *e- con*ressman- members o& the boar o& irectorsteachers- a ministrators / ean- rector- Cha#!ain2- !awyers i& in act0a! #er&ormance o& #ro&essiona! 0ty or attacBe beca0se o& s0ch reason AB"nt o @"!$on in #&t-o!it* ' not %este with 60ris iction ' 0ty is the #rotection o& #ersons an #ro#erty ' maintenance o& #0b!ic or er ' E1am#!esA #o!iceman- baran*ay tano - members o& the mi!itary ARTICLE 1.1 - TUMULTS AND OT7ER DISTURBANCES O0 PUBLIC ORDER ARTICLE 1.4 - UNLA,0UL MEANS O0 PUBLICATION AND UNLA,0UL UTTERANCES 7o+ Co))itt"< 1st 6anner* Essence is #0b!ication o& &a!se news which ca0ses ama*e to the interest o& the state "0##osin* I #0b!ishe that ha!& o& 7in anao 0n er contro! o& 7ILF+ @0t it is &a!se+ Wi!! I be !iab!e? Yes+ Pre60 icia! to the interest o& the state &n' 6anner* "0##osin* I ma e a &i!m abo0t the !i&e o& Ab0 "abaya+ In the &i!m- he ma e him a hero+ 7ay I be !iab!e? Yes+ Praisin*- 60sti&yin*- e1to!!in* an act #0nishe by !aw 1r' 6anner* "0##osin* I #remat0re!y #0b!ishe a PIATCO Contract in%esti*ate by @!0e Ribbon Committee? 7ay I be !iab!e? Yes < he has no o&&icia! a0thority to #0b!ish the contract ARTICLE 1.. - ALARMS AND SCANDALS Wi!! the &irin* o& a *0n be #0nishab!e? Yes- #ro%i e the *0n is not #ointe at any one in #artic0!ar+ I& #ointe at another- the crime is ischar*e o& &irearm or *ra%e threat- #ro%i e there is no intent to Bi!!+ I& there is intent to Bi!!- the crime is either attem#te homici e?m0r er i& the wo0n is not morta!) &r0strate homici e?m0r er i& the wo0n is morta! ARTICLE 1./ - DELI4ERY PRISONERS 0ROM 9AIL PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin*- the one who esca#e is a etention #risoner- i& another #erson assists in the esca#e o& s0ch etention #risoner- is he !iab!e? YE" "0##osin*- a yo0th&0! o&&en er was committe insi e a re&ormatory instit0tion- an an o&&icer assiste in the esca#e o& s0ch yo0th&0! o&&en er- what crime was committe ? 5n(i'elity "0##osin*- a 6ai! o&&icer whose 0ty is &rom Jam'J#m- then he assiste in the esca#e o& a #risoner at aro0n F#m- what crime was committe ? 5n(i'elity "0##osin*- 0sin* the #re%io0s case- he assiste in the esca#e at aro0n 4C#m- what crime was committe ? Delivering risoners (rom !ail- beca0se he is a!rea y o&&' 0ty- an the #risoner is not anymore 0n er his c0sto y ARTICLE 1.2 - E4ASION O0 SER4ICE O0 SENTENCE "0##osin*- there is a #risoner a*ainst whom a 60 *ment o& con%iction has been ren ere ) he a##ea!e s0ch 60 *ment to the CA- an whi!e #en in*- he esca#e - is he !iab!e 0n er this artic!e? NO- the 60 *ment o& con%iction is not yet &ina! "0##ose a yo0th&0! o&&en er who is committe in a re&ormatory instit0tion esca#es+ What crime may he be #rosec0te &or? No crime- he is not yet con%icte by &ina! 60 *ment Yo0th&0! o&&en er who is incorri*ib!e in a re&ormatory instit0tion+ The co0rt #rono0nce 60 *ment+ He esca#e in @i!ibi + 7ay he be !iab!e? Yes+ "0##osin* the acc0se is #rohibite to enter mani!a+ His mother *ets sicB in mani!a+ The acc0se went to 7ani!a+ Wi!! he be !iab!e? Yes+ What is the reme y is a%ai!ab!e to him to be ab!e to %isit his sicB mother 0rin* the ser%ice o& his sentence? E1ec0ti%e c!emency ARTICLE 1.3 - E4ASION O0 SER4ICE O0 SENTENCE ON T7E OCCASION O0 DISORDERS> CON0LA%RATIONS> EART7;UA:ES> OR OT7ER CALAMITIES Fai!0re to ret0rn 5M ho0rs within the #roc!amation K a ition o& 4?, o& the 0ne1#ire term to the sentence) i& he ret0rne a e 0ction o& 4?, o& the entire sentence sha!! taBe #!ace Acc0se m0st be a con%ict not a etention #risoner ARTICLE 1.5 - OT7ER CASES O0 E4ASION O0 SER4ICE O0 SENTENCE (4IOLATION O0 CONDITIONAL PARDON) "0##osin*- the acc0se was con%icte o& homici e an was sentence to a #ena!ty o& 4C years- a&ter E years- he was *rante a con itiona! #ar on) . years a&ter- he was &o0n *0i!ty o& &r0strate homici e+ 7ay the Presi ent or er his re'arrest e%en witho0t waitin* &or con%iction o& the secon crime? 7ay he sti!! be #rosec0te se#arate!y &or %io!ation o& con itiona! #ar on? PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin*- acc0se was con%icte - sentence to 4C years) he a!rea y ser%e &or M years- was *rante a con itiona! #ar on therea&ter an it was e1#ress!y #ro%i e that the con%ict sho0! obser%e the terms an con itions o& the con itiona! #ar on &or J years) is the con ition %a!i ? YE"- the con itiona! #ar on is in the nat0re o& a #ri%ate contract between the Presi ent an the con%ict) the con%ict is &ree to acce#t or re6ect the o&&ere con itions o& the contract in the #ar on ARTICLE 1/6 A ;UASI-RECIDI4ISM "0##osin* the acc0se was con%icte o& attem#te ra#e) whi!e ser%in* his sentence- he committe an was &o0n *0i!ty o& i!!e*a! #ossession o& shab0- is he a 90asi'reci i%ist? NOthe secon o&&ense committe by him was a %io!ation o& a s#ecia! !aw) to be !iab!e- the secon crime m0st be a &e!ony "0##osin*- acc0se was a!rea y ser%in* sentence &or %io!ation o& a s#ecia! !aw- whi!e ser%in* the same- he attem#te to taBe the !i&e o& his co'#risoner- is he !iab!e? YE"- the &irst o&&ense nee not be a &e!ony ARTICLE 1/1 - COUNTER0EITIN% T7E %REAT SEAL O0 T7E %O4ERNMENT O0 T7E P7ILIPPINE ISLANDS> 0OR%IN% T7E SI%NATURE OR STAMP O0 T7E C7IE0 EXECUTI4E ARTICLE 1/( - USIN% 0OR%ED SI%NATURE OR COUNTER0EIT SEAL OR STAMP "0##osin*- the acc0se has a #en in* shi#ment- which is Be#t by the c0stoms an cannot be re!ease beca0se o& &ai!0re to com#!ete the #ayment o& c0stoms 0ties) asBe his &rien &rom 7a!acanan* to *et an en orsement &rom the Presi ent) his &rien &or*e the Presi ent;s si*nat0re an *a%e the en orsement to the acc0se ) shi#ment was then re!ease + Can the acc0se be he! !iab!e 0n er this Artic!e? NO- there was no Bnow!e *e on his #art that the si*nat0re o& the Presi ent on the en orsement was &or*e Is this an act o& accessory? Yes b0t i& acc0se is #0nishe as #rinci#a! o& Artic!e 4E. he is not an accessory o& Artic!e 4E4+ ARTICLE 1/1 - MA:IN% AND IMPORTIN% AND UTTERIN% 0ALSE COINS ARTICLE 1/4 - MUTILATION O0 COINS Is mere #ossession o& co0nter&eite coins with Bnow!e *e maBe one !iab!e? No- there m0st be act0a! 0tterin* an intent ARTICLE 1/. - SELLIN% O0 0ALSE OR MUTILATED COIN> ,IT7OUT CONNI4ANCE ARTICLE 1// - 0OR%IN% TREASURY OR BAN: NOTES OR OT7ER DOCUMENTS PAYABLE TO BEARERC IMPORTIN%> AND UTTERIN% SUC7 0ALSE OR 0OR%ED NOTES AND DOCUMENTS PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What may be the s0b6ect o& &or*ery? (oes this inc!0 e treas0ry or circ0!ar notes iss0e by a &orei*n banB be s0b6ect? How abo0t those iss0e by the Phi!i##ines? ARTICLE 1/2 COUNTER0EITIN%> IMPORTIN%> AND UTTERIN% INSTRUMENTS NOT PAYABLE TO BEARER ARTICLE 1/3 ILLE%AL POSSESSION AND T7E USE O0 0ALSE TREASURY OR BAN: NOTES AND OT7ER INSTRUMENTS O0 CREDIT "0##osin* I 0se &a!se banB note to #ay &or his the *roceries) he i not Bnow that it is &aBemay he be !iab!e &or #ossession? What is the #res0m#tion? Acc0se is the a0thor o& the &or*ery when he is &o0n in #ossession o& &a!se treas0ry notes- etc+ It is #res0me there is intention to 0tter+ ARTICLE 1/5 - 7O, 0OR%ERY IS COMMITTED "0##osin* I was in the #ossession o& a swee#staBes ticBet+ On!y the !ast n0mber is i&&erent &rom the winnin* combination so he chan*e it an #resente it as the winnin* ticBet+ 7ay I be he! !iab!e? How wo0! yo0 c!assi&y the !ottery ticBet- is it #ayab!e to bearer or or er? It is #ayab!e to bearer ARTICLE 126 - 0ALSI0ICATION O0 LE%ISLATI4E DOCUMENTS ARTICLE 121 - 0ALSI0ICATION BY PUBLIC O00ICER> EMPLOYEE OR NOTARY OR ECCLESIASTICAL MINISTER (i&&erentiate Artic!e 4JC &rom Artic!e 4J4A (etermine the nat0re o& the oc0ment &a!si&ie - i& it is !e*is!ati%e re*ar !ess o& o&&en er it is 0n er Art 4JC+ I& it is not !e*is!ati%e an &a!si&ie by a #0b!ic o&&icer who taBes a %anta*e o& his #osition?o&&ice it &a!!s 0n er Art 4J4+ An ecc!esiastica! minister is !iab!e on!y when the &a!si&ication a&&ects ci%i! stat0s o& #ersons an not ones re!i*ion >n er &o0rth manner commission- the entry &a!si&ie m0st be a &act not an o#inion "0##osin* a #risoner was arreste on 3an0ary .- .CC4 b0t the arrestin* o&&icer &ai!e to e!i%er within FE ho0rs to #ro#er a0thorities- th0s maBin* him !iab!e 0n er Artic!e 4.,+ To a%oi bein* re#riman e - the o&&icer chan*e the ate o& arrest to 3an0ary F- .CC. < ate o& t0rno%er+ Is he !iab!e 0n er the &i&th manner o& commission? YE"+ (ate is essentia!+

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What i& the ate o& arrest was on 3an0ary .- .CC4 an the #risoner was e!i%ere on 3an0ary F.CC4+ The o&&icer #!ace the ate as 3an0ary ,- .CC4 as ate o& arrest+ Is he !iab!e 0n er the &i&th manner o& commission? NO+ (ate was not essentia!+ "0##osin* the "ecretary o& PRC is in char*e with Bee#in* the *ra es o& boar e1aminees+ "he chan*e the *ra e o& one e1aminee &rom J4 to JJ+ 7ay she be !iab!e 0n er the si1th manner o& commission? Yes+ "0##osin* the Loca! Ci%i! Re*istrar iss0e a birth certi&icate to show yo0 were born ear!ier so I can r0n &or mayor+ Is the LCR !iab!e? Yes+ ARTICLE 12( - 0ALSI0ICATION BY PRI4ATE INDI4IDUALS AND T7E USE O0 0ALSI0IED DOCUMENTS 7ay there be a crime o& esta&a thro0*h &a!si&ication o& #0b!ic- o&&icia! or commercia! oc0ments? Yes+ There is no com#!e1 crime o& esta&a thro0*h &a!si&ication o& a #ri%ate oc0ment since both ha%e the same e!ement < ama*e+ (etermine which crime was &irst committe by the acc0se + The &irst crime committe is his &irst !iabi!ity+ "0##osin* I 0se a &a!si&ie be !iab!e &or? >se o& &a!si&ie oc0ment in an a ministrati%e #rocee in*? What crime may he oc0ments &or other transaction

What i& he was a##!yin* &or a !oan in a banB- an he 0se a &a!se oc0ment- what crime may he be !iab!e &or? >se o& &a!si&ie oc0ments &or other transaction ARTICLE 121 - 0ALSI0ICATION O0 ,IRELESS> CABLE> TELE%RAP7> AND TELEP7ONE MESSA%ES> AND USE O0 SAID 0ALSI0IED MESSA%E ARTICLE 124 - 0ALSE MEDICAL CERTI0ICATES> CERTI0ICATE O0 MERIT OR SER4ICE> AND T7E LI:E "0##osin* A asBe his &ather- a octor- to a me ica! certi&icate to e1c0se him &rom c!asses+ The &ather iss0e the certi&icate statin* that I was reco%erin* &rom &e%er an ha to rest &or three ays when in &act- I was ne%er i!!+ Who may be !iab!e 0n er Artic!e 4J5? The &ather+ What i& it was I;s mother who iss0e mother the certi&icate- who is !iab!e? The mother+ "0##osin* I #resente it to his #ro&essor+ 7ay he be !iab!e &or the commission o& a crime? Yes he is !iab!e 0n er Artic!e 4J, 0sin* &a!se certi&icates+ "0##osin* I wante to a##!y &or a #osition in a com#any- which re90ires at !east se%en years o& worB e1#erience+ I on!y ha two years o& worB e1#erience so he asBe a &ormer s0#erior to iss0e a certi&icate statin* that he has ha 4C years o& worB e1#erience+ 7ay his s0#erior be !iab!e? Yes &or iss0in* a &a!se certi&icate o& ser%ice ARTICLE 12. - USIN% 0ALSE CERTI0ICATES PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE 12/ - MANU0ACTURIN% AND POSSESSION O0 INSTRUMENTS OR IMPLEMENTS 0OR 0ALSI0ICATION "0##osin* a rai in the ho0se o& E+ The rai in* team con&iscate an e90i#ment 0se in the maBin* o& &a!si&ie Phi!i##ine money+ 7ay E be !iab!e &or #ossession? No- there m0st be intent to 0se+ ARTICLE 122 - USURPATION O0 AUT7ORITY In 0s0r#ation o& a0thority- is it necessary to act0a!!y #er&orm the 0ty? NO "0##osin* the acc0se was in a #arty an he wante to im#ress a *ir!+ He intro 0ce yo0rse!& as a PNP o&&icer+ 7ay he be !iab!e? YE"+ "0##osin* A went to a Chinese "tore+ He intro 0ce himse!& as an a*ent &rom @IR when in &act he was not+ He c!aime that he wante to ins#ect the store;s booB o& acco0nts+ What crime is committe ? >s0r#ation o& A0thority+ What i& the owner acce e an A was ab!e to ins#ect the booB o& acco0nts+ What is A;s crimina! !iabi!ity? >s0r#ation o& o&&icia! &0nction "0##osin* an 77(A tra&&ic en&orcer was s0s#en e &or E months+ (0rin* his s0s#ension- he contin0e to wear his 0ni&orm an irecte tra&&ic in a ma6or intersection+ What crime may he be !iab!e &or? >s0r#ation o& o&&icia! &0nction ARTICLE 123 - USIN% 0ICTITIOUS NAME AND CONCEALIN% TRUE NAME "0##osin* I to! Y he is sin*!e so that he can co0rt the !atter+ Y !ater isco%ere that I is marrie + Liabi!ity? Is one;s stat0s an essentia! #art o& his i entity? ARTICLE 125 - ILLE%AL USE O0 UNI0ORMS OR INSI%NIA "0##osin* a PNP o&&icer who was ismisse &rom ser%ice wore his 0ni&orm an went to a #0b!ic &0nction+ 7ay he be !iab!e? Yes+ He is no !on*er a0thori$e to wear the 0ni&orm+ "0##osin* P went to a whore ho0se+ He went to a room with many *ir!s wearin* i&&erent 0ni&orms inc!0 in* those o& a n0n- a n0rse- a st0 ent- an a &ire &i*hter+ 7ay the *ir!s be !iab!e? Yes+ ARTICLE 136 - 0ALSE TESTIMONY A%AINST A DE0ENDANT "0##osin* C &a!se!y testi&ie in a crimina! case a*ainst his nei*hbor+ Testimony was not *i%en cre ence+ 7ay he sti!! be !iab!e &or Artic!e 4MC? Yes+ What the !aw #0nishes is the mere act o& *i%in* &a!se testimony in a case+ Whether it is be!ie%e by the co0rt or not is immateria! as it has the ten ency to e*ra e the a ministration o& 60stice an mis!ea 60stice+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE 131 - 0ALSE TESTIMONY 0A4ORABLE TO T7E DE0ENDANT "0##osin* 7 was a e&en ant in a crimina! case+ He &a!se!y testi&ie in co0rt in his &a%or+ 7ay he be #rosec0te &or &a!se testimony in &a%orab!e to the e&en ant? Yes - whi!e he has the ri*ht to testi&y in his beha!&- this ri*ht o not carry with it the ri*ht to testi&y &a!se!y+ ARTICLE 13( - 0ALSE TESTIMONY IN CI4IL CASES ARTICLE 131 - 0ALSE TESTIMONY IN OT7ER CASES AND PER9URY IN SOLEMN A00IRMATION "0##ose a #erson ie + The heirs cannot a*ree e1tra60 icia!!y+ In the co0rse o& the 60 icia! sett!ement- one o& the heirs testi&ie &a!se!y+ Is he !iab!e? Yes+ The 60 icia! sett!ement is neither a crimina! nor ci%i! case "0##osin* a *0ar ianshi# #rocee in* is #en in* in co0rt+ In or er that this be a##ro%e - I testi&ie &a!se!y in his &a%or+ Is a *0ar ianshi# #rocee in* a ci%i! case? No+ It is a s#ecia! #rocee in*+ What crime is he !iab!e &or? Per60ry "0##osin* an em#!oyee &i!es an i!!e*a! ismissa! #rocee in*+ He e1ec0te a &a!se a&&i a%it+ What crime may he be !iab!e &or? Per60ry 7ay #er60ry be committe thr0 ne*!i*ence- im#r0 ence? No+ There m0st be a wi!&0! an e!iberate assertion o& &a!sehoo Is *oo &aith a e&ense? Yes+ Assertion m0st be e!iberate or intentiona! "0##osin* I nee e to #resent ri%er;s !icense &or his a##!ication+ He e1ec0te an a&&i a%it o& !oss which state that his !icense *ot !ost when wa!!et was snatche + Tr0th is !icense was con&iscate &or a tra&&ic %io!ation+ What crime is he !iab!e &or? Per60ry What is a materia! matter? It is the main &act which is the s0b6ect o& the in90iry or any circ0mstance which ten s to #ro%e that &act- or any &act or circ0mstance which ten s to corroborate or stren*then the testimony re!ati%e to the s0b6ect o& in90iry- or which !e*itimate!y a&&ects the cre it o& any witness who testi&ies "0##osin* : an @ a##!ie &or a marria*e !icense+ @ state in his a##!ication that he was sin*!e when tr0th was marrie b0t !e*a!!y se#arate &rom his e1'wi&e+ Ass0min* the a##!ication was sworn be&ore an a0thori$e o&&icer+ Is @ !iab!e &or #er60ry? Yes+ His stat0s is materia! matter What i& @ in icate that he is FC years o! when in tr0th he is 5, years o! + Is he !iab!e &or #er60ry? No- a*e is not a materia! matter since in either case @ is sti!! ca#acitate to contract marria*e+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What i& @ in icate that he is .4 years o! when in tr0th he is on!y 4J years o! + Is he !iab!e &or #er60ry? Yes- a*e is a materia! matter beca0se he oe not #ossess !e*a! ca#acity to contract marria*e "0##osin* a&ter &inishin* !aw- I a##!ie to taBe the bar be&ore the "C+ He sai he was ne%er con%icte tr0th is he was #re%io0s!y con%icte o& the&t+ Is #er60ry committe ? Yes- materia! matter+ Wi!! a &a!se statement o& an o#inion 0n er oath maBe acc0se !iab!e &or #er60ry+ No "0##osin* a woman was in%o!%e in case o& immora!ity+ In the co0rse o& in%esti*ation she &a!se!y testi&ie 0n er oath that she is sin*!e when in &act she was a!rea y marrie + Is she !iab!e &or #er60ry? No+ Not materia! matter+ "tat0s oes not ha%e a !e*a! e&&ect in immora!ity char*e "0##osin* H was co0rtin* his o&&icemate- W+ "he s0s#ects he is marrie an has a wi&e in the #ro%ince+ H e1ec0tes an a&&i a%it 0n er oath statin* he is sin*!e b0t the tr0th is was a!rea y marrie &or &i%e years+ H *i%es it to W a!tho0*h she ne%er asBe him to s0bmit s0ch+ 7ay H be !iab!e &or #er60ry? Yes+ It is not necessary that the e1ec0te a&&i a%it is re90ire by !aw+ It is eno0*h that it is a0thori$e by !aw+ ARTICLE 134 - O00ERIN% 0ALSE TESTIMONY IN E4IDENCE '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' RA 51/. DAN%EROUS DRU%S ACT O0 (66( (i&&erence between D#nB"!o&$ D!&B$ (DD) an Cont!o''"< P!"c&!$o!$ #n< E$$"nti#' C-")ic#'$ (CPDEC) P0nishab!e ActsA 1) 5mportation (DD an' C 2#C) mere cons#iracy or attem#t is #0nishab!e #ersons !iab!eA mana*er- or*ani$er- &inancier- #rotector?co


&) "ale, 7ra'ing, A'ministration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distri-ution an' 7ransportation (DD an' C 2#C) mere cons#iracy or attem#t is #0nishab!e #ersons !iab!eA mana*er- or*ani$er- &inancier- #rotector?co !er- broBer 7a1 Pena!tyA 'minors?menta!!y inca#acitate #ersons 0se as co0riers or messen*ers) '%ictim is minor?menta!!y inca#acitate ) PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'#ro1imate ca0se o& eath is ((?CP?EC) 'committe w?in 4CCm &rom schoo! 1) 6aintenance o( Den, Dive or .esort (DD an' C 2#C) mere cons#iracy or attem#t is #0nishab!e #ersons !iab!eA /same as 42 M#E P"n#'t*: '(( is so! ?a ministere to minor '#ro1imate ca0se o& eath is (( Escheat /!e*a! #rocee in* &or &or&eit0re o& #ri%ate #ro#erty in &a%o0r o& the "tate2 4) #mployment in an' %isiting Den, Dive or .esort (DD an' C 2#C) 8) 5llegal 6anu(acture (DD an' C 2#C) mere cons#iracy or attem#t is #0nishab!e #ersons !iab!eA /same as 42 Pres0m#tionA #resence o& CP?EC or Lab E90i#ment is prima facie #roo& o& man0&act0re M#E P"n#'t*: ' committe w? he!# o& minors ' committe w?in 4CCm resi entia!- b0siness- schoo! or ch0rch #remises ' em#!oyment o& a!ien- #0b!ic o&&icer- chemica! en*ineer or #ractitioner ' !ab is #rotecte by booby tra#s ' !ab is concea!e w? !e*itimate b0siness o#erations 9) 5llegal Chemical Diversion (C 2#C) :) 6anu(acture2Delivery o( #/uipment, 5nstrument, Apparatus or other araphernalia (DD an' C 2#C) M#E P"n#'t*: minor?menta!!y inca#acitate is 0se to e!i%er ;) <) ossession o( Dangerous Drugs (DD) ossession o( #/uipment, 5nstrument, etc) (DD) inten e &or cons0min*- in*estin*- or intro 0ction to the h0man bo y o& s0bstance #res0m#tionA #ossession sha!! be prima facie e%i ence that #ossessor has intro 0ce into his bo y the (( an sha!! be #res0me to ha%e %io!ate "ection 4,

1=) ossession 'uring arties, "ocial >atherings, 6eetings or in the pro?imate company o( at least & ersons (DD) 11) ossession o( #/uipment, 5nstrument, etc) 'uring arties, "ocial >atherings, etc) (DD) PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1&) @se o( Dangerous Drugs ("ection 18) 4st a##rehensionA E months rehabi!itation .n a##rehensionA E years an 4 ay to 4. years Not a##!icab!e i& o&&en er is a!so &o0n to ha%e in his #ossession s0ch 90antity o& any r0*) in s0ch a case- #ro%ision o& "ection 44 sha!! a##!y (is90a!i&ie &rom Probation Law 11) Cultivation an' Culture o( lants classi(ie' as Dangerous Drugs or "ources thereo( mere cons#iracy or attem#t is #0nishab!e #ersons !iab!eA same 14) Aailure to 6aintain or Keep .ecor's o( 7ransactions (DD an' C 2#C) Recor s o& sa!es- is#ositions- etc+ o& ((?CP?EC 18) @nnecessary rescription (DD) 19) @nlaw(ul rescription (DD) 1:) 6isappropriation, 6isapplication or Aailure to Account (DD an' C 2#C) sei$e - con&iscate - or s0rren ere ((- #!ants- e90i#ment- #rocee s an #ro#erty become #ro#erty o& the "tate 1;) Bene(iting (rom rocee's (DD) 1<) .eceiving Ainancial or 6aterial Contri-utions (rom ersons (oun' >uilty o( 7ra((ic$ing Dangerous Drugs (DD) &=) lanting #vi'ence &1) Consenting or Knowingly 7olerating any %iolation o( DDA a##!ies to #0b!ic o&&icers &&) Consenting or 7olerating @se o( %ehicle or #/uipment as an instr0ment &or commission o& %io!ation o& ((A &1) %iolating .ules or .egulations 5ssue' -y DDB &4) 5ssuance o( Aalse or Arau'ulent Dangerous Drugs 7est .esult &8) %iolation o( Con(i'entiality .ule %o!0ntary s0bmission #ro*ram &9) Aailure or .e(usal to Appear as Bitness (or any %iolation o( DDA PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&:) Delay or Bungling in the rosecution o( Drug .elate' Cases F0n amenta! Conce#ts No P'"#-?#!B#ininB R&'" ' &or any #erson char*e with the %io!ation o& ((A 0n er any #ro%ision Non #@@'ic#?i'it* o t-" P!o?#tion L#+ ' &or r0* #0shers an r0* tra&&icBers In '&"nc" o D#nB"!o&$ D!&B$ <&!inB co))i$$ion o #not-"! c!i)" ' 90a!i&yin* a**ra%atin* circ0mstance /chan*es the nat0re o& the crime2 P&?'ic O ici#'$ o&n< B&i't* o vio'#tion o DDA '7a1im0m Pena!ty is a!ways im#ose 'no amo0nt o& or inary miti*atin* circ0mstance wi!! o&&set /!ower2 #ena!ty Imm0nity &rom Crimina! Prosec0tion an P0nishment <o"$ not re&er to a!! #ro%isions o& the ((A R"F&i!")"nt$: 1) Person %io!ate "ections J /em#!oyment in en2) 44 /Possession o& ((2) 4. /Possession o& Para#herna!ia2) 45 /Possession o& Para#herna!ia 0rin* #arties2) 4, /0se o& ((2) an 4P /0n!aw&0! #rescri#tion2 () He %o!0ntari!y *i%es in&ormation abo0t any o& the &o!!owin* %io!ationsA "ection 5 /Im#ortation2) , /"a!e- etc+2) E /7aintenance o& (en2) M /7an0&act0re2) 4C /7an0&act0re o& E90i#ment2) 4F /Possession o& (( 0rin* Party2) 4E /C0!ti%ation or C0!t0re2) or any act i& committe by a syn icate 1) He wi!!in*!y testi&ies a*ainst #ersons who %io!ate abo%e #ro%isions 4) In&ormation?testimony m0st com#!y with the && con itionsA a2 it is necessary &or con%iction b2 it is not yet in the #ossession o& the "tate c2 it can be s0bstantia!!y corroborate on its materia! #oints 2 in&ormant has not yet been con%icte o& a crime in%o!%in* mora! t0r#it0 e e1ce#t when no other e%i ence is a%ai!ab!e PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------e2 in&ormant sha!! strict!y com#!y with con ition im#ose by the "tate &2 In&ormant oes not a##ear to be the most *0i!ty *2 No irect e%i ence a%ai!ab!e to state e1ce#t testimony o& in&ormant T"!)in#tion o I))&nit* 1) I& in&ormation?testimony is &a!se- ma!icio0s- or ma e on!y to harass or #re60 ice the acc0se () &ai!0re or re&0sa! to testi&y w?o 60st ca0se 1) %io!ation o& con ition o& imm0nity E "ct$ o T"!)in#tion o I))&nit* 'imm0nity sha!! cease an in&ormant sha!! be #rosec0te &or the crime committe an cite &or contem#t "0bmission o& (r0* (e#en ent to Con&inement?Treatment or Rehabi!itation re&ers on!y to &$" o DD &n<"! S"ction 1. (r0* e#en ent may either s0bmit %o!0ntari!y or com#0!sori!y 4o'&nt#!* S&?)i$$ion a2 a##!ication with the ((@ by r0* e#en ent- #arents- s#o0se or any re!ati%e w?in 5th ci%i! e*ree o& consan*0inity or a&&inity b2 ((@ &i!es #etition in co0rt c2 Co0rt iss0es e1amination o& r0* e#en ent 2 I& #ositi%e- co0rt iss0es or er &or rehabi!itation in a centerA not !ess than E months b0t not more than 4 year e2 Fina! ischar*e o& r0* e#en ent &rom the center ischar*e sha!! e1em#t him &rom crimina! #rosec0tion or !iabi!ity 0n er "ection 4, Pro%i e A 42 he com#!ie with re*0!ations o& the center- @oar - an a&ter'care an &o!!ow'0# treatment /at !east 4M months2) /.2 he has ne%er been char*e or con%icte &or any o&&ense 0n er the ((A- RPC- or any s#ecia! !aw) F2 he has no recor o& esca#e or i& he has esca#e - he s0rren ers within one weeB &rom ate o& esca#e) an 52 he #oses no an*er to himse!&- to his &ami!y- or to the comm0nity+ Q (r0* e#en ent who is not rehabi!itate a&ter .n con&inement an 0#on recommen ation o& the @oar sha!! be char*e 0n er "ection 4,) i& con%icte - he sha!! be *i%en &0!! cre it &or his stay in con&inement Q 30 icia! an me ica! recor s o& r0* e#en ents 0n er ="P sha!! be con&i entia! an sha!! not be 0se a*ainst him &or any #0r#ose e1ce#t to etermine how many times he has %o!0ntari!y s0bmitte himse!& &or the #ro*ram PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Co)@&'$o!* S&?)i$$ion 1) 'rug 'epen'ent who re(uses to su-mit himsel( to %" a2 #etition is &i!e by ((@ in RTC b2 RTC con 0cts a hearin* c2 Or er by the co0rt &or e1amination o& r0* e#en ent by at !east . #hysicians ' i& #hysicians conc!0 e that he is not a r0* e#en ent- ((@ sha!! or er his re!ease ' i& either #hysician &in s him e#en ent on r0*s- co0rt wi!! consi er a!! other e%i ence ' i& co0rt &in s him a r0* e#en ent- co0rt sha!! or er his commitment &) in the course o( hearing a case, one o( the parties is (oun' to -e a 'rug 'epen'ent a2 #erson is char*e w? o&&ense #0nishab!e by im#risonment o& !ess than E years an 4 ay an is &o0n by co0rt to be a r0* e#en ent b2 @oar &i!es #etition in RTC &or con&inement in Center c2 Hearin* is con 0cte by the co0rt 2 I& RTC &in s him a r0* e#en ent- it sha!! iss0e an or er &or commitment e2 I& rehabi!itate as certi&ie - he sha!! be ret0rne to the co0rt &or ischar*e &rom the center &2 Contin0ation o& his #rosec0tion) i& &o0n *0i!ty- his commitment in Center sha!! be cre ite in &0!! *2 I& he is #rosec0te 0n er "ection 4,- an is not a reci i%ist- #ena!ty is eeme ser%e in center 0#on his re!ease an 0#on certi&ication by the @oar an the center Q Perio o& #rescri#tion o& o&&ense char*e sha!! be s0s#en e whi!e he is con&ine in rehab Q 30 icia! an me ica! recor s o& r0* e#en ents 0n er C"P or those char*e &or %io!ation o& "ection 4, sha!! be con&i entia! an sha!! not be 0se a*ainst him &or any #0r#ose) recor s o& r0* e#en ents who are not rehabi!itate or who esca#e an i not s0rren er sha!! be &orwar e to the co0rt who sha!! etermine their 0se S&$@"n$ion o S"nt"nc" &or &irst'time minor o&&en ers abo%e 4, years o& a*e b0t not o%er 4M years Con itionsA a2 has not been #re%io0s!y con%icte o& %io!ation o& ((A- RPC- or other s#ecia! !aws b2 has not been #re%io0s!y committe to a center or care o& a (OH accre ite #hysician c2 @oar &a%orab!y recommen s s0s#ension o& sentence Re#0b!ic Act PF55 s0#erse es the #ro%isions o& the ((A PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4, years an be!owA e1em#te &rom crimina! !iabi!ity) whi!e not crimina!!y !iab!e- minor sha!! be s0b6ecte to inter%ention #ro*rams abo%e 4, an 0n er 4MA &in o0t i& minor acte w? or w?o iscernment re&orme minor can eny that he was char*e with a crime or con%icte thereo& /60sti&ie misre#resentation) not !iab!e &or #er60ry or &a!si&ication2 Q The (O3 sha!! Bee# a con&i entia! recor o& #rocee in*s on s0s#ension o& sentence an sha!! not be 0se &or any #0r#ose other than to etermine whether or not #erson acc0se is a &irst'time minor o&&en er Di$@o$ition o Con i$c#t"<> S"iG"<> o! S&!!"n<"!"< DD> "tc. 42 Physica! in%entory an #hoto*ra#h 'in #resence o& co0nse! o& acc0se - re#resentati%e &rom the me ia- (O3- an e!ecte #0b!ic o&&icia! who sha!! si*n a co#y o& the in%entory .2 Items s0bmitte w?in .5 ho0rs to P(EA Forensic Laboratory &or 90a!itati%e an 90antitati%e e1amination F2 Certi&ication o& res0!ts w?in .5 ho0rs 'i& time is not s0&&icient- #artia! certi&ication may be iss0e ) &0!! certi&ication w?in ne1t .5 ho0rs 52 Fi!in* o& crimina! case in co0rt ,2 Oc0!ar ins#ection by co0rt w?in J. ho0rs &rom &i!in* E2 Within ne1t .5 ho0rs- b0rnin* or estroyin* o& items 'in #resence o& acc0se or his co0nse!- re#resentati%e &rom the me ia- (O3- ci%i! society- an any e!ecte #0b!ic o&&icia! J2 "worn certi&ication o& b0rnin* is iss0e by the @oar M2 "0bmission to the co0rt o& certi&icate P2 A&ter #rom0!*ation o& 60 *ment- the re#resentati%e sam#!e with !ea%e o& co0rt /a##ro%a!2 sha!! be t0rne o%er to the P(EA w?c sha!! estroy the same w?in .5 ho0rs &rom recei#t) co0rt is in&orme o& termination o& the case '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PD 1/6( A ANTI-%AMBLIN% LA, 7ay the ins#ector be crimina!!y !iab!e? NO In any o& the *ames s#eci&ie - is it necessary that there be bets in%o!%in* money or other ob6ect? "#orts) mere act o& #!ayin* them- #0nishab!e? NO Con<&cto! < #erson who mana*es or carries on the *amb!in* *ame or scheme M#int#in"! < #erson who sets 0# an &0rnishes the means with which to carry on the *amb!in* *ame or scheme "0##osin*- yo0 are the owner o& a boat- an there is *amb!in* *oin* on- are yo0 !iab!e? 5t 'epen's- i& yo0 can #ro%e that yo0 ha%e NO Bnow!e *e o& s0ch *amb!in* taBin* #!ace- NOT !iab!e- otherwise- yo0 are !iab!e+ "0##osin*- in a certain ma!!- &or e%ery #0rchase worth P4CC- yo0 wi!! be entit!e to a ticBet &or a ra&&!e- #ri$e o& which is 7@- is it !ottery? (o yo0 *et the &0!! %a!0e o& the money? YE" Is the #ri$e mere!y inci enta!? YE" ARTICLE (66 - %RA4E SCANDAL How committe ? "0##osin*- the act was committe in the #ri%acy o& one;s room- is it *ra%e scan a!? NObeca0se the 5th e!ement is missin* /that the act com#!aine o& be committe in a #0b!ic #!ace or within the #0b!ic Bnow!e *e or %iew2 ARTICLE (61 - IMMORAL DOCTRINES> OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS AND EX7IBITIONS AND INDECENT S7O,S Who are !iab!e? TE"T OF O@"CENITY < whether the ten ency o& the matter char*e as obscene is to e#ra%e or corr0#t those whose min s are o#en to s0ch immora! in&!0ence an into whose han s s0ch a #0b!ication may &a!!- an whether or not s0ch #0b!ication or act shocBs the or inary an common sense o& men as an in ecency

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TE"T OF O@"CENITY OF N>(E PICT>RE" < whether the moti%e o& the #ict0re- as in icate by it is #0re or im#0re- or whether it is nat0ra!!y ca!c0!ate to e1cite im#0re ima*inations+ 7ERE n0 ity in #ict0res or #aintin*s is NOT obscenity ARTICLE (6( - 4A%RANTS AND PROSTITUTES Who are %a*rants?

/42 Any #erson ha%in* no a##arent means o& s0bsistence- who has the #hysica! abi!ity to worB an who ne*!ects to a##!y himse!&?herse!& to some !aw&0! ca!!in* ' Gbat0*anH /.2 Any #erson &o0n !oiterin* abo0t #0b!ic or semi'#0b!ic b0i! in*s or #!aces- or tram#!in* or wan erin* abo0t the co0ntry or the streets witho0t %isib!e means o& s0##ort "0##osin*- I is an ab!e'bo ie man- a!most a!ways seen in #0b!ic #!aces) means o& s0##ort is thro0*h his mother who is a !a0n rywoman- is he a %a*rant? YE" "0##osin*- the mother is em#!oye - an can #ro%i e &or the s0##ort o& her son- is I sti!! a %a*rant? YE" /F2 Any i !e or isso!0te #erson who !o *es in ho0ses o& i!!'&ame) r0&&ians or #im#s- an those who habit0a!!y associate with #rostit0tes /52 Any #erson who- not bein* inc!0 e in the #ro%isions o& other artic!es o& this Co e- sha!! be &o0n !oiterin* in any inhabite or 0ninhabite #!ace be!on*in* to another witho0t any !aw&0! or 60sti&iab!e #0r#ose /,2 Prostit0tes 7ay a woman who has been in the #rostit0tion b0siness &or the !ast .C years sti!! remain a %ir*in? YE"- the 'e(inition o( prostitutes < women who- &or money or #ro&it- habit0a!!y in 0!*e to se10a! interco0rse OR !asci%io0s con 0ct A man cannot be a #rostit0te &rom the !e*a! #oint o& %iew- instea he is !iab!e as a #rinci#a! by in is#ensib!e coo#eration "0##osin*- a woman en*a*es in se10a! interco0rse at !east two times a weeB- an not asB her c0stomers &or money- is she a #rostit0te? NO oes

"0##osin*- a woman en*a*es in se10a! interco0rse once a year- an asBs &or money- is she a #rostit0te? NO- there is no e!ement o& habit0a!ity PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin*- it was one with on!y one man b0t re*0!ar!y- is she a #rostit0te? YE" "0##osin*- it was one with a man &or E months- 0rin* those acts- the man i not #ay a!tho0*h he Be#t on #romisin* to *i%e her money+ 7ay the woman be consi ere a #rostit0te? Yes+ Is it necessary that money is act0a!!y recei%e ? No+ "0##osin* &or e%ery se10a! act- the woman was *i%en 6ewe!!ery- may she be consi ere as a #rostit0te? Yes ' the act was sti!! one &or #ro&it "0##osin* a s90a con 0cte a rai in a ho0se in @inon o Bnown to be a #rostit0tion ho0se) rai ers o#ene a c0bic!e an &o0n a woman ha%in* se10a! interco0rse with a man+ The s90a a##rehen e the woman+ Is she !iab!e? No < e!ement o& habit0a!ity was not estab!ishe + >n er the same &acts- what i& there was #roo& that the woman has been en*a*e in se10a! interco0rse with i&&erent men &or money or #ro&it+ Wi!! she be !iab!e? Yes+ Wi!! the man be crimina!!y !iab!e? Yes < as #rinci#a! by in is#ensab!e coo#eration+ ARTICLE (61 ,7O ARE PUBLIC O00ICERS Any #erson who- by irect #ro%ision o& the !aw- #o#0!ar e!ection- or a##ointment by com#etent a0thority- sha!! taBe #art in the #er&ormance o& #0b!ic &0nctions in the *o%ernment o& the Phi!i##ines- or sha!! #er&orm in sai *o%ernment or any o& its branches- #0b!ic 0ties as an em#!oyee- a*ent- or s0bor inate o&&icia!- o& any ranB or c!ass+ "0##osin* the City :o%ernment o& 7ani!a entere into a contract with IYI Cor#+ to maintain the c!ean!iness o& the city ha!! o& 7ani!a+ The contract #ro%i e that the cor#+ wo0! e#!oy its men to c!ean the #remises o& the b0i! in*+ Are these #eo#!e e#!oye by IYI Cor#+ consi ere #0b!ic o&&icers? NO+ Is their worB a #0b!ic &0nction? Yes+ Are they a##ointe by the city *o%ernment itse!&? NO < which means they o not &a!! 0n er any o& the F ways by which a #erson can be consi ere a #0b!ic o&&icer ARTICLE (64 :NO,IN%LY RENDERIN% UN9UST 9UD%MENT ARTICLE (6. 9UD%MENT RENDERED T7ROU%7 NE%LI%ENCE Wi!! any e*ree o& ne*!i*ence maBe the 60 *e !iab!e? No < the ne*!i*ence m0st be ine1c0sab!e+ ARTICLE (6/ UN9UST INTERLOCUTORY ORDER ARTICLE (62 MALICIOUS DELAY IN T7E ADMINISTRATION O0 9USTICE PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE (63 PROSECUTION O0 O00ENSES> NE%LI%ENCE AND TOLERANCE M#nn"! o Co))i$$ion: (1) maliciously re(raining (rom instituting prosecution against violators o( the law Who may commit? P0b!ic o&&icer who has the 0ty to #rosec0te o&&en er 7ay this be committe ne*!i*ent!y? No+ (&) maliciously tolerating the commission o( o((enses "0##osin* a sm0**!er- Bnowin* that an i!!e*a! shi#ment wi!! be 0n!oa e - ta!Be to a #o!ice o&&icer an to! him not to assi*n any men in the area where the shi#ment wo0! be 0n!oa e an where it wo0! #ass whi!e bein* trans#orte - to which the #o!ice a*ree + 7ay the #o!ice o&&icer be !iab!e? Yes+ ARTICLE (65 - BETRAYAL O0 TRUST BY AN ATTORNEY OR SOLICITOR ARTICLE (16 - DIRECT BRIBERY M#nn"! o Co))i$$ion (1) By agreeing to per(orm, or -y per(orming, in consi'eration o( any o((er, promise, gi(t or present an act constituting a crime, in connection with the per(ormance o( o((icial 'uties) What cons0mmates the crime? 7ERE A:REE7ENT to *i%e a *i&t- etc+ an to o the act /between the bribe'*i%er an the o&&icer2 Is it necessary that the o&&icer act0a!!y recei%es the *i&t? NO Is it necessary that the act constit0tin* the crime to be committe be act0a!!y one by the o&&icer? NO "0##osin*- the bribe'*i%er #romise the o&&icer a *i&t- b0t a&ter he *ot what he wante - he i not *i%e the *i%e anymore- !iab!e &or irect bribery? YE" "0##ose in one case- there was an e1tensi%e cross'e1am one by the o##osin* co0nse!) the testimony o& the witness &or the #rosec0tion came to a #oint that it was ama*in* the theory o& his own case an 0n!ess correcte - the #rosec0tion wo0! !ose the case) the !awyer &or the #rosec0tion asBe the steno*ra#her to chan*e certain #ortions o& the transcri#t- an he wo0! *i%e him P,C-CCC) he a*ree that the chan*e transcri#t m0st be rea y within a weeB) the transcri#t was a!rea y a%ai!ab!e b0t be&ore it co0! be *i%en to the !awyer- he was arreste by N@I a*ents+ Liab!e? YE"- beca0se mere a*reement is eno0*h to constit0te the crime o& irect bribery PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What i& the steno*ra#her act0a!!y chan*e the transcri#t an han e it to the !awyer b0t the !atter ha no eno0*h cash an 60st sai he; be comin* bacB+ 7ay the steno*ra#her be crimina!!y !iab!e? What crime?s? Yes+ The steno*ra#her is !iab!e &or irect bribery an &a!si&ication+ What i& the !awyer ne%er came bacB? Is the steno*ra#her sti!! !iab!e? YE" What i& the !awyer came bacB an *a%e a checB which was !ater ishonore &or !acB o& &0n s+ "ti!! !iab!e? Yes+ "0##osin* I a##roache a 60 *e an to! him that i& he co0! ren er a ecision &a%orab!e to him /I2- he wi!! *i%e him two ni*hts with a se1y ancer o& his choice) the ecision was ren ere in &a%or o& I b0t he was not ab!e to #ro 0ce the #romise ancers+ 7ay the 60 *e be !iab!e? IT (EPEN(" < i& 0rin* tria!- there is ins0&&icient e%i ence &rom I b0t the ecision was sti!! ren ere in his &a%or- the 60 *e may be !iab!e &or 0n60st 60 *ment 0n er Artic!e .C5+ (&) By accepting a gi(t in consi'eration o( the e?ecution o( an act, which 'oes not constitute a crime, in connection with the per(ormance o( his o((icial 'uty) What cons0mmates the crime? Acce#tance < mere a*reement to acce#t the bribe oes not constit0te a crime "0##osin* I- who was &r0strate by the !on* !ine in *ettin* his ri%er;s !icense- *a%e one o& the em#!oyees o& LTO P,CC #esos to a!!ow him to *et ahea o& the !ine+ The LTO em#!oyee acce#te the amo0nt b0t 60st the same- he i not a!!ow I to *et ahea o& the others+ 7ay the LTO em#!oyee sti!! be !iab!e &or irect bribery? C#" < the bribe was a!rea y acce#te What i& I mere!y #romise to *i%e the LTO em#!oyee P,CC+ The em#!oyee a*ree + I was ab!e to *et ahea in the !ine an his !icense was re!ease + It t0rns o0t that I oes not ha%e the money+ He to! the LTO em#!oyee that he wo0! 60st ret0rn to #ay him b0t he ne%er i + Is the LTO em#!oyee !iab!e? No+ (1) By agreeing to re(rain, or -y re(raining (rom 'oing something which it its his o((icial 'uty to 'o, in consi'eration o( a gi(t or promise) What cons0mmates the crime? 7ere A*reement+ "0##osin* A was a##!yin* &or a ri%er;s !icense an he was s0##ose to taBe a written e1am+ He #!ace money in the rawer o& the e1aminer so the !atter a*ree to taBe the e1am &or A+ Is the e1aminer !iab!e? C#"+ What i& A #asse the written e1ams b0t he ha to wait &or the res0!ts be&ore taBin* the #ractica! e1am+ He i not want to wait so he ro##e P4CCC in the e1aminer;s rawer+ The !atter imme iate!y to! A to #rocee to the #ractica! e1am+ Liab!e? C#"+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* a sm0**!er ta!Be to the chie& o& #o!ice at the time the shi# wi!! be 0n!oa in* his i!!e*a! *oo s+ He to! the chie& that he wi!! *i%e him a !ar*e amo0nt o& money i& he wi!! re&rain &rom e#!oyin* his men at the #ier+ The chie& a*ree an i not e#!oy his men+ Is the chie& o& #o!ice !iab!e &or irect bribery? C#" < 0n er the &irst manner o& commission) re&rainin* &rom e#!oyin* his men is a!rea y a crime in itse!& /Artic!e .CM ere!iction o& 0ty2 Who e!se may be !iab!e &or irect bribery? /a2 #ri%ate #ersons who cons#ire with the o&&icers /b2 accessories an accom#!ices /c2 #rinci#a! by in is#ensab!e coo#eration Q No #rinci#a! by in 0cement < they &a!! 0n er Artic!e .4. corr0#tion o& #0b!ic o&&icia!s ARTICLE (11 - INDIRECT BRIBERY "0##osin* I is the owner o& a ta1i com#any an he *a%e a car to the new!y a##ointe LTFR@ chairman+ The chairman acce#te + Is he !iab!e? C#"+ When a #0b!ic o&&icer is #rosec0te &or either irect bribery or in irect bribery- may he !iBewise be #rosec0te &or %io!ation o& RA FC4P? C#"+ ARTICLE (11 - A ;UALI0IED BRIBERY ARTICLE (1( - CORRUPTION O0 PUBLIC O00ICIALS PD 245 - %RANTIN% IMMUNITY TO %I4ER O0 BRIBE Con<ition$ o! B!#nt o i))&nit* to # +itn"$$: /42 his testimony m0st re&er to cons0mmate %io!ations /.2 his testimony m0st be necessary &or the con%iction o& the acc0se /F2 his testimony m0st not yet be in the #ossession o& the state /52 his testimony may be corroborate on its materia! #oints /,2 witness has not been con%icte o& a crime in%o!%in* mora! t0r#it0 e "0##osin* a witness testi&ie a*ainst a #0b!ic o&&icer an a%ai!e o& this imm0nity+ A&ter oin* so- he re&0se to contin0e testi&yin*+ What is the !e*a! e&&ect? Imm0nity wi!! no !on*er attach+ 7ay the witness be inc!0 e in the in&ormation an be #rosec0te ? C#"+ "0##osin* he testi&ie b0t the testimony was &a!se+ Le*a! e&&ect? Imm0nity wi!! not attach) witness may be #rosec0te What i& he testi&ie b0t the co0rt isre*ar e his testimony an ac90itte the o&&icer- is the witness sti!! imm0ne? No < the testimony m0st be necessary &or con%iction+ ARTICLE (11 - 0RAUDS A%AINST T7E PUBLIC TREASURY AND SIMILAR O00ENSES PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M#nn"! o Co))i$$ion: (1) -y entering into an agreement with any intereste' party or speculator or ma$ing use o( any other scheme to 'e(rau' the government, in 'ealing with any person with regar' to (urnishing supplies, the ma$ing o( contracts, or the a'3ustment or settlement o( accounts relating to pu-lic property or (un's "0##osin* the (OH a##ro#riate P4CC7 &or me icine to be istrib0te ) instea o& the me icine s#eci&ie - in conni%ance with the o&&icer- the man0&act0rer istrib0te on!y me icine o& in&erior 90a!ity+ Liab!e? C#"+ "0##osin* a contract was e1ec0te between (PWH an a #ri%ate contractor) (PWH #0rchase 4CC tr0cBs o& *ra%e!- .CC tr0cBs o& san - an ,CCC ba*s o& cement+ (PWH #ai the contractor the corres#on in* amo0nt &or the materia!s b0t in conni%ance with the o&&icer- the contractor e!i%ere on!y 4C tr0cBs o& *ra%e!- 4C tr0cBs o& san - an 4CCC ba*s o& cement+ Liab!e? C#"+ Liab!e &or %io!ation o& RA FC4P? C#"+ (&) -y 'eman'ing, 'irectly or in'irectly, the payment o( sums 'i((erent (rom or larger than those authorize' -y law in the collection o( ta?es, licenses, (ees, an' other imposts "0##osin* an o&&icia! asBe a Chinese merchant to #ay &or PJCC tho0san e!in90ency ta1es when in &act on!y P,CC tho0san is to be #ai + Liab!e? C#" < eman e a !ar*er s0m than that a0thori$e by !aw What i& he asBe &or the #ayment o& on!y P.CC tho0san + "ti!! !iab!e? C#" < eman e #ayment i&&erent &rom that a0thori$e by !aw (1) -y (ailing voluntarily to issue a receipt, as provi'e' -y law, (or any sum o( money collecte' -y him o((icially, in the collection o( ta?es, licenses, (ees, an' other imposts /52 -y collecting or receiving, 'irectly or in'irectly, -y way o( payment or otherwise, things or o-3ects o( a nature 'i((erent (rom that provi'e' -y law, in the collection o( ta?es, licenses) Aees, an' other imposts ARTICLE (14 - OT7ER 0RAUDS ARTICLE (1. - PRO7IBITED TRANSACTIONS "0##osin* an RTC 60 *e- whose 60ris iction is the nationa! ca#ita! 60 icia! re*ion- #0rchase stocBs in Orti*as+ Liab!e? C#"+ What i& the RTC 60 *e #0rchase stocBs in Ceb0+ Liab!e? No+ ARTICLE (1/ - PRO7IBITED INTEREST PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* a minor was hos#ita!i$e an his *0ar ian ha to se!! some o& the #ro#erties+ With the a##ro%a! o& the co0rt- the *0ar ian so! a #ro#erty to a com#any where he is a ma6ority stocBho! er+ Liab!e? C#"+ "0##osin* the re*iona! irector o& the (ENR ha to a##ro%e !o**in* concessions+ An a##!ication by a com#any where his wi&e is a ma6ority stocBho! er was a##ro%e + Liab!e? C#" < there is in irect bene&it What i& there was a #re'n0#tia! a*reement between them- sti!! !iab!e? Not anymore+ ARTICLE (12 - MAL4ERSATION Who may commit? P0b!ic o&&icers Any #0b!ic o&&icer? No+ Is it eno0*h that he has the #hysica! char*e o& the &0n or #ro#erty to be he! !iab!e? No < he m0st be an acco0ntab!e #0b!ic o&&icer "0##osin* the (irector o& 7ani!a Zoo has a $oo caretaBer who worBs &or him+ The !atter so! the anima!s in the $oo+ Is the caretaBer !iab!e &or ma!%ersation? No < he on!y has 90a!i&ie char*e o%er the anima!s+ In this case- the (irector o& the 7ani!a Zoo is the acco0ntab!e o&&icer+ "0##osin* a %an was or ere con&iscate &or ha%in* been 0se in the commission o& a certain crime+ Howe%er- the c0sto ian so! the car+ Is he !iab!e &or ma!%ersation? C#" < the car has become #0b!ic #ro#erty a!rea y+ "0##osin* the car was 0se in the trans#ortin* o& shab0+ >#on con%iction o& the acc0se - the car was &or&eite + The P(EA chair so! the car+ What crime may he be !iab!e &or? =io!ation o& the (an*ero0s (r0*s Act "0##osin* heroin was con&iscate ) P(EA a*ents so! the #rohibite =io!ation o& (an*ero0s (r0*s Act+ r0* to other+ Crime?

"0##osin* a "WAT member was *i%en a mo ern assa0!t ri&!e to be 0se in the #er&ormance o& his 6ob+ He committe irre*0!arities- &or which he was ismisse + He was or ere to ret0rn the ri&!e b0t he re&0se an instea so! it+ What crime may he be !iab!e &or? 7a!%ersation < e%en tho0*h he has been ismisse - he is sti!! consi ere an acco0ntab!e o&&icer+ The #ro#erty c0sto ian o& (PWH &or the constr0ction o& roa s !et the e90i#ment an materia!s i !e+ As a conse90ence o& which- the resi ents *ot ho! o& the same+ What crime may the #ro#erty c0sto ian be !iab!e &or? 7a!%ersation thro0*h ne*!i*ence?aban onment

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* there was a eman ma e to an acco0ntab!e #0b!ic o&&icer to #ay within 4C ays) 4C ays ha !a#se b0t he sti!! &ai!e to acco0nt &or the shorta*e+ Liab!e? C#" < the #res0m#tion a##!ies What i& there has been a crimina! case &i!e a*ainst the o&&icer) therea&ter- he ret0rne the amo0nt he misa##ro#riate + "ti!! !iab!e? C#"- b0t the ret0rn miti*ates the !iabi!ity /crimina! !iabi!ity attaches the moment a!! the e!ements are #resent an cannot be e1tin*0ishe by the ret0rn o& the ma!%erse money- which is not one o& the *ro0n s &or e1tin*0ishment o& crimina! !iabi!ity #ro%i e &or 0n er Artic!e MP2 ARTICLE (13 - 0AILURE O0 ACCOUNTABLE O00ICER TO RENDER ACCOUNTS Is eman necessary? No < as !on* as there is a !aw re90irin* the o&&icer to ren er acco0nts ARTICLE (15 - 0AILURE O0 A RESPONSIBLE PUBLIC O00ICER TO RENDER ACCOUNTS BE0ORE LEA4IN% T7E COUNTRY ARTICLE ((6 - ILLE%AL USE O0 PUBLIC 0UNDS OR PROPERTY What constit0tes the crime o& technica! ma!%ersation? The &act that the o&&icer a##!ies the #0b!ic &0n s or #ro#erty to a #0b!ic 0se other than that &or which s0ch &0n or #ro#erty has been a##ro#riate by !aw or or inance ARTICLE ((1 - 0AILURE TO MA:E DELI4ERY O0 PUBLIC 0UNDS OR PROPERTY "0##osin* the AFP iss0e a checB to a s0##!ier b0t the isb0rsin* o&&icer re&0se to e!i%er the checB+ Liab!e? C#" < 0n er the &irst manner /&ai!in* to maBe #ayment by a #0b!ic o&&icer who is 0n er ob!i*ation to maBe s0ch #ayment &rom the *o%ernment &0n s in his #ossession2 ARTICLE ((( - O00ICERS INCLUDED IN T7E PRECEDIN% PRO4ISIONS ARTICLE ((1 - CONNI4IN% ,IT7 OR CONSENTIN% TO E4ASION "0##osin* there is a #risoner who re90este i& he co0! *o home sine his ho0se is 60st near the 6ai!+ The o&&icer consente + Is the o&&icer !iab!e? C#"+ ARTICLE ((4 - E4ASION T7ROU%7 NE%LI%ENCE ARTICLE ((. - ESCAPE O0 PRISONER UNDER T7E CUSTODY O0 A PERSON NOT A PUBLIC O00ICER ARTICLE ((/ - REMO4AL> CONCEALMENT> OR DESTRUCTION O0 DOCUMENTS The remo%a! sho0! be &or an i!!icit #0r#ose

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* the b0i! in* where the RTC is- is !eaBin*+ The steno*ra#her remo%es the #a#ers? oc0ments to sa%e them+ Is he !iab!e? No+ In concea!ment an estr0ction- the mere act o& it is #0nishab!e) !acB o& i!!icit #0r#ose or i!!e*a! moti%e is not a %a!i e&ense "0##osin* there are se%era! b!anB a##!ication &orms in the (PWH o&&ice+ One ay- a #ersonne! set it on &ire+ Is he !iab!e &or in&i e!ity? No < &orms are not oc0ments "0##osin* 0rin* tria!- #rosec0tion #resente P4CC tho0san which were 0se in an entra#ment o#eration+ It was Be#t as e%i ence+ One ay- the c!erB ran o0t o& cash so he *ot P.C tho0san &rom the e1hibit+ What crime may he be !iab!e &or? In&i e!ity o& oc0ments+ The money bi!!s #artaBe the nat0re o& a oc0ment which was 0se to #ro%e the &act o& the entra#ment an bribery /not to be 0se &or isb0rsin*2+ ARTICLE ((2 - O00ICER BREA:IN% SEAL ARTICLE ((3 - OPENIN% O0 CLOSED DOCUMENTS ARTICLE ((5 - RE4ELATION O0 SECRETS BY AN O00ICER ARTICLE (16 - PUBLIC O00ICER RE4EALIN% SECRETS O0 PRI4ATE INDI4IDUALS "0##osin* an em#!oyee o& the @IR isc!ose yo0r income to another em#!oyee+ Is he !iab!e? C#" < a #erson;s income is his secret ARTICLE (11 - OPEN DISOBEDIENCE ARTICLE (1( - DISOBEDIENCE TO ORDER O0 SUPERIOR O00ICER> ,7EN SAID ORDER ,AS SUSPENDED BY IN0ERIOR O00ICER ARTICLE (11 - RE0USAL O0 ASSISTANCE "0##ose there was no eman - may the o&&icer to whom the assistance was e1#ecte be !iab!e &or re&0sa!? NO < (eman m0st be ma e) it is necessary beca0se witho0t eman - there can be no re&0sa! ARTICLE (14 - RE0USAL TO DISC7AR%E ELECTI4E O00ICE ARTICLE (1. - MALTREATMENT O0 PRISONERS Who are the #risoners contem#!ate ? Prisoners /by &ina! 60 *ment2 an etention #risoners

7ay it be committe by any #0b!ic o&&icer? NO < on!y those who ha%e irect char*e o& the #risoners or etention #risoners PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M#nn"! o Co))i$$ion: (1) -y over'oing himsel( in the correction an' han'ling o( a prisoner or 'etention prisoner un'er his charge either (a) -y imposition o( punishments no authorize' -y the regulations, or (-) -y in(licting such punishments in a cruel humiliating manner "0##osin* a etention #risoner was bein* s0s#ecte o& ha%in* been in%o!%e in Bi na##in*) one o& the #o!icemen in&!icte in60ries an the etention #risoner s0&&ere morta! wo0n swhich mi*ht ha%e ca0se his eath were it not &or the time!y me ica! assistance+ What crime?s may the #o!ice o&&icer be !iab!e &or? 7a!treatment o& #risoners an &r0strate homici e+ The o&&enses are to be treate as se#arate crimes by %irt0e o& the #ro%ision which states Gin a ition to any other !iabi!ity &or #hysica! in60ries or ama*e ca0se RH (&) -y maltreating such prisoner t e?tort a con(ession or to o-tain some in(ormation (rom the prisoner ARTICLE (1/ - ANTICIPATION O0 DUTIES O0 A PUBLIC O00ICE ARTICLE (12 - PROLON%IN% PER0ORMANCE O0 DUTIES AND PO,ERS ARTICLE (13 - ABANDONMENT O0 O00ICE OR POSITION ARTICLE (15 - USURPATION O0 LE%ISLATI4E PO,ERS ARTICLE (46 - USURPATION O0 EXECUTI4E 0UNCTIONS ARTICLE (41 - USURPATION O0 9UDICIAL 0UNCTIONS ARTICLE (4( - DISOBEYIN% RE;UEST 0OR DIS;UALI0ICATION ARTICLE (41 - ORDERS OR RE;UESTS BY EXECUTI4E O00ICERS TO ANY 9UDICIAL AUT7ORITY What is the #0r#ose o& this #ro%ision? To #re%ent e1ec0ti%e o&&icers &rom in&!0encin* 60 icia! a0thorities "0##osin* the (e#0ty E1ec0ti%e "ecretary has a connection with a stron* #o!itica! !ea er who has a #en in* case be&ore a 60 *e+ The (e#0ty "ec+ #re#ares a !etter a resse to the 60 *ewhich states that any !e*a! assistance *i%en to the #o!itica! !ea er wi!! be a##reciate + Is the (e#0ty "ec+ !iab!e? NO+ There was no or er- no s0**estion- to the 60 *e on what to o+ ARTICLE (44 - UNLA,0UL APPOINTMENTS ARTICLE (4. - ABUSES A%AINST C7ASTITY PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A*ainst who may it committe ? Women on!y+ "0##osin* a &ema!e #0b!ic o&&icer ma e a %ances to a ma!e #risoner+ 7ay she be !iab!e? >n er the RPC- she may not be !iab!e b0t she may be he! !iab!e &or %io!ation o& the Anti'*ra&t an Corr0#t Practices Act+ "0##osin* a 60 *e sai that he wi!! ren er a ecision in &a%or o& a woman with a #en in* case be&ore her #ro%i e that she wo0! be his sweetheart+ Liab!e? NO < the #ro#osa! is neither in ecent nor immora! /e%en i& the 60 *e is marrie 2 The term +wi(e, in the thir manner is mis#!ace + The thir manner is in re&erence to the secon manner o& commission+ A woman in c0sto y cannot ha%e a Gwi&e+H "0##osin* a 60 *e in%ites a woman intereste with a #en in* case be&ore him- ta!B to him in a mote!+ Is he !iab!e? No+ The in%itation is neither in ecent nor immora!+ The in%itation is mere!y &or them to ta!B+ "0##osin*- 0n er the same &acts- he in%ites her to be his G!o%er+H The #0b!ic o&&icer is a!rea y marrie + Is he !iab!e? No+ !o%in* is neither immora! nor in ecent+ "0##osin* a war en an a woman etainee- both sin*!e- &a!! in !o%e an ha%e a re!ationshi#which res0!te in the !atter;s #re*nancy+ Is war en !iab!e? C#"+ "e10a! interco0rse o0tsi e o& marria*e is immora!+ ARTICLE (4/ - PARRICIDE Who may be the o&&en e #arty? Le*itimate or i!!e*itimate &ather- mother or chi! ) !e*itimate other ascen ant or other escen ant) !e*itimate s#o0se "0##osin* an i!!e*itimate *ran son Bi!!e his *ran &ather+ Crime committe ? 70r er or homici e- as the case may be "#o0ses inc!0 e those with e&ecti%e or &!awe marria*es+ Pres0m#tion o& %a!i ity o& marria*e a##!ies 0nti! it is terminate by &ina! 60 icia! ec!aration+ "0##osin* H an W were marrie ) at the time o& their marria*e+ W was a minor whose consent was obtaine thro0*h &orce+ A&ter three years- W Bi!!e H+ What crime i W commit? Parrici e+ There is a #res0m#tion o& %a!i ity o& marria*e+ H an W- both Fi!i#inos- were marrie in Hon* Don* witho0t a %a!i marria*e !icense+ When they went home to the Phi!i##ines- W Bi!!e H+ What crime may W be !iab!e &or? Parrici e+ W &i!e a case &or the ec!aration o& n0!!ity o& her marria*e to H+ 30 *ment was ren ere b0t H a##ea!e the case+ Whi!e a##ea! was #en in*- W Bi!!e H+ Crime committe ? Parrici e+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* the 60 *ment has a!rea y become &ina! when W Bi!!e H+ Crime? Homici e or m0r er- as the case may be+ ARTICLE (42 - DEAT7 OR P7YSICAL IN9URIES IN0LICTED UNDER EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES "0##osin* H s0r#rise W in the act o& interco0rse with another man+ H &ire his *0n at the two o& them) W was hit b0t accor in* to the octor- the in60ries W s0staine were on!y !ess serio0s ones+ Liab!e? No+ When sho0! the Bi!!in* or the in&!iction o& in60ries taBe #!ace? In the act or imme iate!y therea&ter+ When H came home one ni*ht- he saw a man- wearin* on!y 0n erwear- 60m# o0t o& the win ow o& H;s room+ Con%ince that the man has ha se10a! interco0rse his wi&e- H ran a&ter him an Bi!!s him+ Can he a%ai! o& the bene&its o& Artic!e .5F? NO < Bi!!in* sho0! be committe a&ter ha%in* one;s s#o0se in the act o& se10a! interco0rse with another+ H saw W an her #aramo0r both naBe ) H shot them+ Can he a%ai! o& the bene&its o& Artic!e .5F? No+ He i not see them in the act o& se10a! interco0rse+ H saw W naBe with P) both were oin* !asci%io0s acts #re#aratory to the interco0rse) H shot them both+ 7ay H a%ai! o& the bene&its 0n er Artic!e .F5? No+ What oes Gimme iate!y therea&ter meanH? The isco%ery- the esca#e- the #0rs0it- an the Bi!!in* sho0! a!! &orm #art o& a sin*!e act) there sho0! be no interr0#tion "0##osin* H a!rea y has a s0s#icion o& W;s in&i e!ity so he to! her that he was *oin* to the #ro%ince &or a weeB when in &act- he was not+ H !e&t home- waite &or an ho0r an ret0rne + H then saw W an P in the act o& interco0rse+ H went to the Bitchen to !ooB &or a Bni&e b0t he co0! n;t &in any) he remembere that he has a re%o!%er in the nei*hbor;s ho0se so he went there+ When he *ot his *0n- P was a!rea y #!ayin* bi!!iar s at a nearby #!ace+ H shot P ea + Is H entit!e to bene&its? C#"+ The eath o& P is sti!! the #ro1imate res0!t o& the o0tra*e o& Hwho ca0*ht him ha%in* se10a! interco0rse with his wi&e+ H s0r#rise W in the act with P) H shot P an the b0!!et a!so hit the ho0seboy who was #ee#in* thro0*h a s!i*ht!y o#ene win ow+ 7ay H be he! !iab!e &or the in60ries s0staine by or e%en the eath o& the ho0seboy? C#"+ Artic!e .5J is sti!! a &e!ony beca0se it #ro%i es a #ena!ty+ As s0ch- H is !iab!e &or the irect- nat0ra!- an !o*ica! conse90ences o& his act #0rs0ant to Artic!e 5 o& the RPC+ ARTICLE (43 - MURDER In the absence o& 90a!i&ie a**ra%atin* circ0mstance /OAC2- how wo0! yo0 c!assi&y the Bi!!in* o& a #erson? Homici e+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* on!y a *eneric a**ra%atin* circ0mstance /:AC2 is #resent- how wo0! yo0 c!assi&y the Bi!!in* o& a #erson? Homici e+ ;&#'i i"< ABB!#v#tinB Ci!c&)$t#nc" v. %"n"!ic ABB!#v#tinB Ci!c&)$t#nc" /42 OAC < cannot be o&&set by any miti*atin* circ0mstance :AC < may be o&&set by an or inary miti*atin* circ0mstance /.2 OAC < chan*es the nat0re o& the crime :AC < oes not chan*e the nat0re o& the crime) on!y increases the #ena!ty by #erio /F2 OAC ' m0st be a!!e*e in the in&ormation :AC < nee not be a!!e*e as !on* as it is #ro%en 0rin* the tria! I& a OAC is not a!!e*e b0t the #rosec0tion intro 0ce a witness or #resente e%i ence #ro%in* the e1istence o& s0ch OAC to which the e&ense co0nse! i not ob6ect- an s0ch OAC was act0a!!y #ro%en- it sti!! oes not chan*e the nat0re o& the crime b0t on!y increases the #ena!ty+ I& a #erson was Bi!!e an the acc0se was 0n er the in&!0ence o& !i90or- what crime may he be !iab!e &or? Homici e+ Into1ication is an a!ternati%e circ0mstance+ What i& the acc0se was 0n er the in&!0ence o& a #rohibite r0*- what crime may he be !iab!e &or? 70r er < in&!0ence o& r0*s in the commission o& a crime is consi ere a OAC 0n er "ection ., o& the (an*ero0s (r0*s Act+ ARTICLE (45 - 7OMICIDE ARTICLE (.6 - PENALTY 0OR 0RUSTRATED PARRICIDE> MURDER OR 7OMICIDE ARTICLE (.1 - DEAT7 CAUSED IN A TUMULTUOUS A00RAY "0##osin* the #erson who *a%e the &ata! b!ow was i enti&ie - what crime is committe ? Homici e or m0r er- as the case may be) the sit0ation is no !on*er contem#!ate 0n er Artic!e .,4+ ARTICLE (.( - P7YSICAL IN9URIES IN0LICTED IN A TUMULTUOUS A00RAY "0##osin* the #erson who in&!icte the #hysica! in60ries can be i enti&ie - what crime may he be !iab!e &or? Physica! in60ries- e#en in* on the nat0re o& the in60ries in&!icte + ARTICLE (.1 - %I4IN% ASSISTANCE TO SUICIDE ARTICLE (.4 - DISC7AR%E O0 0IREARMS "0##osin* the acc0se aime his *0n at the ho0se o& his nei*hbor- is he !iab!e &or ischar*e o& &irearms? No- he is on!y !iab!e &or a!arms an scan a!s+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* C aime his *0n at A- b0t at the time it was ischar*e - it was no !on*er aime t A+ Crime committe ? I!!e*a! ischar*e+ ARTICLE (.. - IN0ANTICIDE "0##osin* a stran*er Bi!!e a two' ay o! chi! with the 0se o& #oison+ Crime? In&antici e+ "0##osin* a mother Bi!!e her two' ay o! chi! + Crime? In&antici e ARTICLE (./ - INTENTIONAL ABORTION ARTICLE (.2 - UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION 7ay there be a crime o& 0nintentiona! abortion thro0*h recB!ess im#r0 ence? No+ The %io!ence e1erte a*ainst the #re*nant woman m0st be intentiona!+ "0##osin* a 6ee#ney ri%er who was ri%in* recB!ess!y- hit a #re*nant woman+ The im#act threw the woman se%era! meters away- as a res0!t o& which- she s0&&ere an abortion+ Crime? At most- #hysica! in60ries+ The %io!ence e1erte was not inten e + ARTICLE (.3 - ABORTION PRACTICED BY T7E ,OMAN 7ERSEL0 OR BY 7ER PARENTS Any miti*atin* circ0mstance? C#"- i& the #0r#ose was to concea! ishonor) on!y the #re*nant woman is entit!e to a%ai! o& s0ch miti*atin* circ0mstance+ ARTICLE (.5 - ABORTION PRACTICED BY A P7YSICIAN OR MID,I0E AND DISPENSIN% O0 ABORTI4ES ARTICLE (/6 - RESPONSIBILITY O0 PARTICIPANTS IN A DUEL "0##osin* in the co0rse o& the 0e!- no one was in60re or harme - may the combatants sti!! be !iab!e? C#"- 0n er the thir manner +o& commission o& 0e!A by maBin* a combat a!tho0*h no #hysica! in60ries ha%e been in&!icte + What i& one o& the combatants was serio0s!y in60re b0t s0r%i%e - may he sti!! be !iab!e &or 0e!? C#"+ ARTICLE (/1 - C7ALLEN%IN% TO A DUEL ARTICLE (/( - MUTILATION As istin*0ishe &rom #hysica! in60ries- in m0ti!ation- there is an intention to e#ri%e the o&&en e #arty o& the 0se o& any #art his bo y

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (i&&erentiate m0ti!ation &rom attem#te ?&r0strate #arrici e- in&antici e- homici e or m0r er+ In the m0ti!ation- there is mere!y an intent to e#ri%e the o&&en e #arty o& the 0se o& any #art o& his bo y) in P7HI- there is an intent to Bi!! ARTICLE (/1 - SERIOUS P7YSICAL IN9URIES M#nn"! o co))i$$ion: /42 by wo0n in* /.2 by beatin* /F2 by assa0!tin* /52 by a ministerin* in60rio0s s0bstance /Art+ .E52 (i&&erentiate "PI &rom &r0strate #arrici e- in&antici e- homici e or m0r er+ In "PI- whi!e the in60ry in&!icte may be morta! or s0&&icient to ca0se the eath o& a #erson- i& there is no intention to Bi!!- the crime wi!! remain "PL) in &r0strate P7HI- there is an intent to Bi!! ARTICLE (/4 - ADMINISTERIN% IN9URIOUS SUBSTANCES OR BE4ERA%ES ARTICLE (/. - LESS SERIOUS P7YSICAL IN9URIES ARTICLE (// - SLI%7T P7YSICAL IN9URIES AND MALTREATMENT RA 5(/( - ANTI-4IOLENCE A%AINST ,OMEN AND T7EIR C7ILDREN ACT (e&ine se10a!- #sycho!o*ica!- #hysica!- an economic ab0se+ (e&ine sta!Bin*+ (e&ine @attere Woman "yn rome+ (oes it ha%e the same e&&ect as a 60sti&yin* circ0mstance? Who are the women #rotecte by the !aw? "0##osin* the o&&en er an the woman were on!y #hone #a!s an ha ne%er met each other in #erson+ 7ay the man be !iab!e 0n er this !aw? No+ They %ictim an o&&en er i not ha%e a G atin* re!ationshi#+H "0##osin* that the %ictim was a #rostit0te who ha se10a! interco0rse with the o&&en er &or the &irst time+ 7ay the o&&en er be !iab!e 0n er the !aw? C#"+ There is se10a! re!ationshi# between them+ RA Anti-7#GinB L#+

What is ha$in*? How is it committe ? Who are the #ersons !iab!e an what are their !iabi!ities? PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which #hysica!- menta!- an #sycho!o*ica! tests or trainin* o& the AFP- PNP- P7A- an CAT are not consi ere as ha$in*? Those a##ro%e by the NAPOLCO7 an "ecretary o& Nationa! (e&ense+ What #hysica! in60ries are contem#!ate 0n er this stat0te? Those en0merate 0n er the RPC /serio0s- !ess serio0s an s!i*ht #hysica! in60ries2+ Abortion is not inc!0 e + ARTICLE (//-A TO (//-D RAPE How is ra#e c!assi&ie ? As a #0b!ic crime+ /ra#e can be #rosec0te a0thorities can initiate the &i!in* o& the com#!aint2 M#nn"! o co))i$$ion: /42 se10a! act /carna! Bnow!e *e o& a woman by a man2 Is it s0&&icient that a man has carna! Bnow!e *e o& a woman? NO < it m0st be accom#anie or atten e by any o& the circ0mstances en0merate 7ay a woman be crimina!!y !iab!e &or ra#e 0n er the &irst manner? ' As #rinci#a! by in 0cement? C#"+ ' As #rinci#a! by in is#ensab!e coo#eration? C#"+ ' As #rinci#a! by irect #artici#ation? C#"+ ONLY i& there is cons#iracy ' As an accom#!ice or accessory? C#"+ Atten ant circ0mstancesA /a2 thro0*h &orce- threat or intimi ation Is it necessary &or the crime to be cons0mmate that there be &0!! #enetration? No < #artia! is s0&&icient In the e%ent that &orce was 0se - what e*ree o& resistance m0st be #0t 0# by the o&&en e #arty? "ame as i& she was e&en in* her !i&e "0##osin* the woman i not o&&er any resistance) she was sim#!y re!0ctant+ Is the man !iab!e? No+ /b2 when the o&&en e #arty is e#ri%e o& reason or is otherwise 0nconscio0s "0##osin* the o&&en e #arty was as!ee#+ When she woBe 0#- she saw a man on to# o& her an she 60st !et him be+ Is the man sti!! !iab!e? It e#en s+ I& there was a!rea y #enetration be&ore she woBe 0#- the man wo0! be !iab!e since the woman;s resistance is 0nnecessary consi erin* the crime ha a!rea y been cons0mmate ) i& there was no #enetration yet an the woman i not resist- there is no ra#e+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena

e o&&icio- w?c means







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* a tab!et- which has the e&&ect o& aro0sin* a woman se10a!!y- was secret!y ro##e by a man into his ate;s rinB+ A&ter the e&&ect BicBs in- he in%ites her to his #!ace an has se10a! interco0rse with her+ Is he !iab!e? No+ There were no atten ant circ0mstances #resent+ The woman was sim#!y ma e to !oosen her inhibitions /c2 by means o& &ra0 0!ent machination or *ra%e ab0se o& a0thority Is it necessary that there be &orce- threat- or intimi ation? No+ 7ay the o&&en er sti!! be !iab!e e%en i& there is consent o& the woman? C#"+ Fra0 0!ent machinations inc!0 e #romise to marria*e in or er to sec0re a woman;s consent to se10a! interco0rse "0##osin* thro0*h a #romise o& marria*e- A a*ree to ha%e se10a! interco0rse with her boy&rien ) b0t when she became #re*nant- he isa##eare + Crime committe ? Ra#e+ "0##osin* a man ha se10a! interco0rse with the a0*hter o& his common'!aw wi&e+ The *ir! is 4P years o! + Is he !iab!e? C#"+ There is *ra%e ab0se o& a0thority+ A!so a##!ies to #ro&essor ha%in* se10a! interco0rse with st0 ent- *0ar ian with war - a o#tin* &ather with his a o#te a0*hter+ / 2 when the o&&en e #arty is 0n er 4. years o! or is emente I& %ictim is a minor- the char*e o& ra#e is a!ways accom#anie by %io!ation o& R+ A+ JE4C "0##osin* a *ir! worBe as a #rostit0te who a*ree to ha%e se10a! interco0rse with the acc0se in e1chan*e &or a certain amo0nt o& money+ "he was 44 years- 44months- an .P ays o! at the time o& the commission o& the o&&ense+ 7ay the acc0se be he! !iab!e &or ra#e? C#" < re*ar !ess o& the consent o& the o&&en e #arty- se10a! interco0rse with a chi! 0n er 4. years o! is a!ways ra#e+ /.2 se10a! assa0!t How committe ? @y insertin* one;s #enis into another;s mo0th or ana! ori&ice or by insertin* any instr0ment or ob6ect into the *enita! or ana! ori&ice o& another #erson) both m0st be atten e by any o& the circ0mstances en0merate in the &irst manner 7ay the o&&en e #arty be ma!e? C#"+ "0##osin* in a ra#e case- there is one #rinci#a! by irect #artici#ation an . #rinci#a!s by in is#ensab!e coo#eration+ The #rinci#a! by irect #artici#ation marries the %ictim+ Who bene&its &rom the #ar on #ro%i e by the !aw? The #rinci#a! by irect #artici#ation+ (oes the #ar on e1ten to his co'acc0se ? R+ A+ MF,F is si!ent+ There is no o&&icia! inter#retation by the "0#reme Co0rt+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE (/2 - :IDNAPPIN% AND SERIOUS ILLE%AL DETENTION Is it necessary that there be #hysica! e#ri%ation o& !iberty &or a #erson to be consi ere etaine ? No+ "0##osin* a #erson was etaine in a b0i! in*) he was &ree to roam aro0n b0t o&&en ers i not a!!ow him to *o o0t o& the b0i! in*;s #remises+ (etention? C#"+ "0##osin* he was a!!owe to *o o0t b0t he chose to stay insi e the b0i! in* &or sec0rity #0r#oses+ (etention? No+ Atten ant circ0mstancesA /a2 i& the etention !asts &or more than three ays "0##osin* the o&&en e #arty is etaine &or on!y one ay b0t is a minor+ Di na##in*? C#" < this wo0! &a!! 0n er the 5th circ0mstance "0##osin* the o&&en e #arty is 5, years o! an is a baran*ay tano + He was etaine &or two ays+ Di na##in*? C#" < this wo0! &a!! 0n er the 5th circ0mstance /b2 when the etention is committe by sim0!atin* #0b!ic a0thority /c2when serio0s #hysica! in60ries are in&!icte or threats to Bi!! o&&en e #arty are ma e "0##osin* the in&!iction o& #hysica! in60ries was on!y inci enta!- may o&&en ers sti!! be !iab!e? C#" < the !aw oes not maBe istinction as to whether the in60ries were in&!icte intentiona!!y or acci enta!!y+ / 2 when the %ictim is a minor- a &ema!e- or a #0b!ic o&&icer Di na##in* &or ransom ' What oes ransom mean? Ransom is money- #rice or consi eration #ai or eman e &or re em#tion o& a ca#t0re #erson or #ersons) a #ayment that re!eases one &rom ca#ti%ity "0##osin* A was co0rtin* @- &ema!e &rien - b0t she ne*!ecte his #ro#osa!s+ A Bi na##e @;s sister) the con ition &or her re!ease was &or @ to a*ree to become A;s *ir!&rien + @ a*ree an A re!ease her sister+ What crime i A commit? Di na##in* &or ransom Is the crime o& *ra%e threats absorbe in Bi na##in*? C#"+ "0##osin* A owes I P,C-CCC) A cannot #ay so I Bi na##e his mother an wo0! on!y re!ease her i& A #ays his ebt+ What crime may I be !iab!e &or? Di na##in* &or ransom+ Notwithstan in* the &act that the amo0nt asBe o& is !e*a!!y 0e to I? C#"+

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A borrowe a car &rom I b0t re&0se to ret0rn it so I Bi na##e A;s brother) the car was ret0rne an the brother was re!ease + What crime i I commit? Di na##in* &or ransom ' the car was consi ere ransom+ "0##osin* A Bi na##e I an bro0*ht him to Ca%ite+ On the same ni*ht- A was Bi!!e + Crime committe ? 70r er < there was no in ication o& A;s intention to etain I+ Bi na##in* was on!y inci enta!+ "0##osin* I was Bi na##e an was bro0*ht to La*0na+ Ransom was eman e b0t not &orthcomin* so I was Bi!!e + Crime committe ? "#ecia! com#!e1 crime o& Bi na##in* with homici e ARTICLE (/5 - UNLA,0UL ARREST "0##osin* A saw @ in the act o& committin* the&t so he arreste @+ A Be#t him &or .'F ho0rs a&ter which- he bro0*ht @ to the #ro#er a0thorities+ Is a !iab!e? No ' the arrest &a!!s 0n er %a!i warrant!ess arrests "0##osin* a #o!ice o&&icer has been s0s#ectin* that his ho0seboy has been stea!in* the 6ewe!!ery o& his wi&e so he tooB the ho0seboy into c0sto y an bro0*ht him to the m0nici#a! ha!! &or #ro#er action+ Liab!e? C#" b0t &or the crime o& arbitrary etention since the o&&en er is a #0b!ic o&&icer+ What i& there was a!rea y an or er &or the s0s#ension o& the #o!ice o&&icer at the time he arreste his ho0seboy+ "ti!! !iab!e? C#"- this time &or 0n!aw&0! arrest+ "0##osin* I s0s#ecte that his mai has been taBin* the 6ewe!!ery o& his mother so I tooB his mai to the #o!ice+ Liab!e? C#"+ There is on!y mere s0s#icion+ Arrest is not a %a!i warrant!ess arrest+ ARTICLE (26 - :IDNAPPIN% AND 0AILURE TO RETURN A MINOR 7ay the #arents be crimina!!y !iab!e &or this crime? C#"- i& they are se#arate an one o& them &ai!s to ret0rn the chi! to the other;s c0sto y "0##osin* H an W were !e*a!!y se#arate ) c0sto y o& the chi! &rom 7on ay'Fri ay is with W whi!e it was with H 0rin* the weeBen s+ One weeBen - H bro0*ht the chi! to the #ro%ince- an a&ter &i%e ays- they sti!! ha not ret0rne + Is H !iab!e? C#"+ "0##osin* in a 60 icia! #rocee in*- the mother was e#ri%e o& the c0sto y o& her chi! ren which was *rante to the ("W(+ The mother tooB her chi! ren an i not a!!ow ("W( to taBe them+ Liab!e? ARTICLE (21 - INDUCIN% A MINOR TO ABANDON 7IS 7OME PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* the acc0se assemb!e some minors in the #ro%ince an to! them abo0t 7ani!a+ The minors were mesmeri$e by his stories o& the !i&e in the city+ That e%enin*- when the acc0se was abo0t to !ea%e &or 7ani!a- he saw three minors who wante to *o with him+ He tooB them with him to 7ani!a+ Liab!e? No+ "0##osin* the acc0se #ers0a e the minors to *o with him to 7ani!a with the #romise o& *i%in* them !0crati%e 6obs+ The minors went with the acc0se + Liab!e? C#"+ ARTICLE (2( - SLA4ERY ARTICLE (21 - EXPLOITATION O0 C7ILD LABOR ARTICLE (24 - SER4ICES RENDERED UNDER COMPULSION IN PAYMENT O0 DEBT ARTICLE (2. - ABANDONMENT O0 PERSONS IN DAN%ER AND ABANDONMENT O0 ONE8S O,N 4ICTIM M#nn"! o co))i$$ion: /42 by &ai!in* to ren er assistance to any #erson whom the o&&en er &in s in an 0ninhabite #!ace wo0n e or in an*er o& yin* "0##osin* the #erson I &o0n i not ha%e a wo0n b0t 60st &ainte an !ost conscio0sness) I i not *i%e him any assistance+ Liab!e? No+ What i& he was 0nconscio0s beca0se o& star%ation- is I !iab!e i& he i not ren er assistance? C#"+ /.2 by &ai!in* to he!# or ren er assistance to another whom the o&&en er has acci enta!!y wo0n e or in60re "0##osin* I intentiona!!y in60re somebo y in an iso!ate #!ace an !e&t him there+ Is I !iab!e? No+ /F2 by &ai!in* to e!i%er a chi! - 0n er J years o& a*e- whom the o&&en er has &o0n aban one to the a0thorities or to his &ami!y- or by &ai!in* to taBe him to a sa&e #!ace Is it necessary that the minor be wo0n e ? No- b0t the minor m0st be &o0n in an 0nsa&e #!ace+ ARTICLE (2/ - ABANDONIN% A MINOR The #0r#ose o& aban onment is to a%oi the ob!i*ation o& taBin* care o& s0ch minor ARTICLE (22 - ABANDONMENT O0 MINOR BY PERSON ENTRUSTED ,IT7 7IS CUSTODYC INDI00ERENCE O0 PARENTS PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In in i&&erence o& #arents- may the #arents a!so be !iab!e &or %io!ation o& RA JE4C/Anti'Chi! Ab0se Law2? C#"+ ARTICLE (23 - EXPLOITATION O0 MINORS ARTICLE (25 - ADDITIONAL PENALTIES 0OR OT7ER O00ENSES ARTICLE (36 - ;UALI0IED TRESPASS TO D,ELLIN% "0##osin* the o&&en er was a #0b!ic o&&icer+ What crime may he be !iab!e &or? =io!ation o& omici!e+ "0##osin* the bacB oor was o#en- acc0se entere thro0*h the sai oor+ The owner saw him an to! him to !ea%e b0t he i not+ Liab!e? No+ Entry was not a*ainst the wi!! o& the owner+ Po$$i?'" <" "n$"$ in t!"$@#$$ to <+"''inB: /42 #0r#ose was to #re%ent harm on the acc0se - the owner o& the we!!in*- or thir #erson /.2 #0r#ose is to ren er some ser%ice to h0manity or 60stice /F2 #!ace is a ca&S- ta%ern- inn- an other #0b!ic ho0se- whi!e the same is o#en ARTICLE (31 - OT7ER 0ORMS O0 TRESPASS ARTICLE (3( - %RA4E T7REATS "0##osin* the threat was ma e an it was re!aye to the #erson a&ter three ho0rs+ Is o&&en er sti!! !iab!e? C#"+ I& the threat was 0se as a means to commit another crime- the threat is absorbe in s0ch crime+ ARTICLE (31 - LI%7T T7REATS "0##osin* I ma e the &o!!owin* threat to YA ' GI& yo0 on;t !en me yo0r booB- I wi!! be &orce to cheat+H What crime may I be !iab!e &or? Li*ht threats ' GI& yo0 on;t a!!ow me to cheat- I wi!! taBe yo0r booB an se!! it+H What crime may I be !iab!e &or? :ra%e threats ' GI& yo0 on;t !en me yo0r booB- I not #ay my ebt+H What crime may I be !iab!e &or? Li*ht threats ARTICLE (34 - BOND 0OR %OOD BE7A4IOR PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE (3. - OT7ER LI%7T T7REATS ARTICLE (3/ - %RA4E COERCIONS "0##osin* a #o!ice o&&icer- thro0*h %io!ence- #re%ente I &rom 6oinin* the NPA+ 7ay the #o!ice o&&icer be !iab!e? No < the #o!ice o&&icer is 60sti&ie + "e%era! arme men s0rro0n e the &arm in a certain area+ @eca0se o& their &ear- the &armers i not *o o0t o& their ho0se to har%est #a!ay+ What crime may the arme men be !iab!e &or? :ra%e threats+ "0##osin* A boar e a ta1i an the ta1i bro0*ht yo0 somewhere es#ite yo0r e&&orts to sto# the ri%er+ Liab!e? No+ ARTICLE (32 - LI%7T COERCIONS "0##osin* the #0r#ose o& the sei$0re by o&&en er was to se!! the #ro#erties sei$e an not to a##!y to the ebt+ Crime committe ? Robbery < there was intent to *ain /ass0min* there was %io!ence in the sei$0re2 (istin*0ish &rom ser%ices ren ere 0n er com#0!sion o& ebt 0n er Artic!e .J5+ >n er Artic!e .J5- s0##ose I is in ebte to A b0t he cannot #ay+ A asBe I to worB as a 6anitor in his o&&ice as #ayment &or his ebt+ Liab!e? No < he m0st ha%e been ma e to worB as a ho0seho! ser%ant or &ar !aborer+ ARTICLE (33 H ARTICLE (35 Artic!es .MM an .MP are now co%ere by the #ro%isions o& the Labor Co e+ ROBBERY "0##osin* a #erson was i%este o& his ce!! #hone+ As the robbers were &!eein*- they were in t0rn- i%este o& the ce!! #hone they tooB &rom yo0+ Are the robbers !iab!e? C#"+ When the thin* taBen is a motor %ehic!e- crime committe is a!ways carna##in*- whether it was taBen with or witho0t &orce- %io!ence- etc+ What is essentia! is the s0b6ect matter o& the crime+ "ame is tr0e with %io!ation o& Anti'catt!e r0st!in* !aw+ The s0b6ect taBen is !ar*e catt!e+ "0##osin* A sto!e a car with 6ewe!!ery an money insi e+ What crime is he !iab!e &or? Carna##in*+ "0##osin* an o&&en er has taBen #ossession o& the ob6ect b0t o&&en e #arty &o0*ht bacB an was ab!e to retrie%e his sto!en #ro#erty+ Is o&&en er sti!! !iab!e? C#"+ The crime is cons0mmate by the mere act o& taBin*+ It is not necessary that o&&en er has ha s0&&icient time to is#ose o& the ob6ect or #ro#erty+ Its ret0rn oes not #rec!0 e the e1istence o& robbery+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* yo0 threaten another #erson to retrie%e yo0r #ersona! #ro#erty+ Are yo0 !iab!e &or robbery? No+ There is no intent to *ain+ ROBBERY ,IT7 4IOLENCE A%AINST OR INTIMIDATION O0 PERSONS: "0##osin* A- @- an C wante to rob the wea!thiest &ami!y in the baran*ay+ On their way to the ho0se- they saw one o& its resi ents an Bi!!e him in or er there wi!! be no o##osition 0rin* the robbery+ They then #rocee e to the ho0se an robbe it+ What crime are they !iab!e &or? Robbery with homici e+ "0##osin* 0rin* a robbery a shoot'o0t ens0es between the robbers an the son o& the owner o& the ho0se+ One o& the robbers is Bi!!e + What crime are they !iab!e &or? Robbery with homici e+ "o !on* as a #erson is Bi!!e by reason or on occasion o& the robbery+ "0##osin* that whi!e &!eein*- robbers saw a #erson who witnesse the crime an Bi!!e him+ Crime? Robbery with homici e+ I& 0rin* the robbery- a #o!icemen res#on e an was Bi!!e are the robbers !iab!e &or? Robbery with homici e+ 0rin* the shoot'o0t+ What crime

"0##osin* robbers esca#e an #o!icemen were ab!e to catch 0# with them in another #ro%ince+ (0rin* the shoot'o0t- one robber was Bi!!e whi!e two #o!icemen were in60re + What crime are they !iab!e &or? Robbery with homici e an #hysica! in60ries+ Homici e is *i%en a *eneric meanin*) it contem#!ates #arrici e- m0r er- an in&antici e+ "0##osin* a robber acci enta!!y #0!!e the tri**er o& his *0n an Bi!!e another robber who was his son+ Crime committe ? Robbery with homici e) not #arrici e+ "0##osin* a mai was ho*tie an Bi!!e by robbers+ Crime? Robbery with homici e e%en i& there is treachery+ "0##osin* a robber ste##e on a two' ay o! chi! instant!y Bi!!in* the !atter+ Crime? Robbery with homici e) not in&antici e+ (istin*0ish robbery &rom irect briberyA In both- there is intimi ation+ I& threat o& #rosec0tion was 0se to maBe a #erson #art &rom his money an #erson act0a!!y committe a crime an was intimi ate to #art with his money < there is bribery+ Howe%er- i& char*es were mere!y concocte - the crime committe is robbery+ "0##osin* there is a resta0rant which was ins#ecte by sanitary o&&icers an therea&ter a %io!ation o& c!ean!iness or inance was isco%ere + The sanitation o&&icers intimi ate the Chinese owner with threats o& !e*a! cases an asBe &or P,C-CCC in e1chan*e &or their si!ence+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chinese owner *i%es them the sai amo0nt+ What crime are the sanitation o&&icers !iab!e &or? (irect @ribery+ >n er the same &acts- i& there is act0a!!y no %io!ation o& c!ean!iness or inance an threats o& #rosec0tion are base on concocte &acts- the crime committe by the sanitary o&&icers is robbery+ "0##osin* &i%e robbers a*ree to commit crime o& robbery o& @anB I on!y+ The banB mana*er was shot ea by one o& the robbers+ Who is?are !iab!e &or the Bi!!in* o& the banB mana*er? A!! members o& the ban sha!! be e90a!!y !iab!e as #rinci#a!s+ >n!ess- bein* #resent in the scene o& the crime- they attem#te to #re%ent the Bi!!in* or assa0!t o& another #erson by their co'robber /e1ce#t i& there is an a*reement to Bi!! a!! those who *et in their way+2 "0##osin* A- @- an C cons#ire to rob the ho0se o& I) C tooB a woman o0t o& the ho0se an ra#e her+ Liabi!ity? A an @ < robbery on!y) C < robbery with ra#e+ A an @ were not #resent when C ra#e the woman so they were not in the #osition to #re%ent C &rom committin* the ra#e+ ROBBERY ,IT7 0ORCE UPON T7IN%S: "0##osin* a man s!ashes the ba* o& a #asser'by an taBes her ce!! #hone an wa!!et+ What crime is committe ? The&t+ The 0se o& &orce 0#on thin*s m0st be 0se as a means to *ain entry to a b0i! in* or ho0se+ "0##osin* a #art o& the ho0se was set on &ire by the acc0se in or er to i%ert the attention o& the ho0seho! members whi!e his co'acc0se robbe the ho0se+ Crime committe ? Robbery with arson+ "0##osin* a&ter a robbery was committe in a #0b!ic b0s- the %ehic!e was set on &ire+ Is the crime committe a s#ecia! com#!e1 crime o& robbery with arson? No+ the robbery was a!rea y cons0mmate when the b0s was set on &ire+ T-" conc"@t o <"@"n<"nci"$ A "0##osin* there is a ho0se) a 6acent to it is a *rocery an there is a oor connectin* the two+ The o&&en er estroys the oor o& the *rocery an enters thr0 the connectin* oor an robbe the ho0se+ Liab!e? C#"+ Robbery with &orce 0#on thin*s+ M#nn"! o co))i$$ion: 1) in an inha-ite' house, pu-lic -uil'ing, or e'i(ice 'evote' to worship a2 0n!aw&0! entry /e&&ecte thro0*h o#enin* not ma e &or entrance2 "0##osin* o&&en er entere thro0*h the win ow o& a ho0se an sto!e %a!0ab!es+ Crime committe ? Robbery+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* owners 0se the win ow &or enterin* the ho0se+ O&&en er entere thro0*h the win ow an sto!e %a!0ab!es+ Crime committe ? The&t+ I& o&&en er entere thro0*h the oor the crime committe is robbery+ "0##osin* the o&&en er- a&ter breaBin* the win ow- GreachesH &or %a!0ab!es insi e the ho0se+ Crime committe ? The&t+ Force 0#on thin*s was not 0se as a means to enter the ho0se+ "0##osin* acc0se broBe the win ow o& a car an tooB %a!0ab!es within his arm;s reach+ Crime committe ? The&t+ "0##osin* there is a wareho0se+ Acc0se entere thro0*h the s!i e o#enin* an tooB ,C ca%ans o& rice+ Crime committe ? Robbery+ There is 0n!aw&0! entry b2 breaBin* oor /e1terna!2- wa!!- win ow- roo&- &!oor "0##osin* acc0se entere thro0*h the oor o& a ho0se+ A&ter taBin* %a!0ab!es- o&&en er breaBs the win ow in or er to esca#e+ Crime committe ? The&t+ The win ow was not broBen to e&&ect entrance "0##osin* a car#ort is enc!ose with a *ate+ Acc0se broBe the *ate an tooB the %ehic!e insi e the car#ort+ Crime committe ? Carna##in*+ I& o&&en ers tooB %a!0ab!es insi e- the crime is robbery+ "0##osin* o&&en er tooB the sto!en car to a nearby street- remo%e its stereo an &!e !ea%in* the car behin + Crime committe ? Carna##in*+ There is materia! #ossession o& the car c2 thro0*h the 0se o& #icB!ocBs or &a!se Beys PicB!ocBA 0se so!e!y &or the commission o& the crime) mere #ossession is #0nishab!e+ Fa!se BeyA inc!0 es a *en0ine Bey sto!en &rom owner "0##osin* A 0se a &a!se Bey to o#en the oor o& their nei*hbor;s ho0se) when he o#ene the oor- he saw a motorcyc!e in the sa!a an tooB it+ What crime may A be !iab!e &or? Carna##in* 2 by sim0!atin* or #reten in* to be a #0b!ic a0thority "0##osin* a 7era!co !ineman asBe #ermission to con 0ct e!ectrica! ins#ection insi e yo0r ho0se+ >#on entry- he taBes yo0r #ro#erty+ It t0rns o0t- he was mere!y #0r#ortin* himse!& to be 7era!ce !ineman+ Is he !iab!e &or robbery? No+ A 7era!co !ineman is not a #erson in a0thority+ e2 0se o& &ictitio0s name PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* I #reten e to be a !on* !ost re!ati%e to *ain yo0r #ermission to s!ee# in yo0r ho0se &or the ni*ht+ Once insi e- he taBes yo0r %a!0ab!e items+ Crime committe ? The&t+ There is no 0se o& &ictitio0s name+ &2 by breaBin* oor /interna!2- war robe- chest- !ocBe or sea!e &0rnit0re or rece#tac!e "0##osin* a h0sban an wi&e !ocBe the oor o& the master;s be room when they !e&t &or worB+ The o&&en er broBe the oor an tooB the co0#!e;s 6ewe!!ery+ Crime commite ? Robbery+ "0##osin* the oor o& the master;s be room was not c!ose + O&&en er entere an tooB a !ocBe 6ewe!!ery bo1+ He then estroye the !ocB an tooB the %a!0ab!es+ Crime committe ? Robbery+ "0##osin* the sai 6ewe!!ery bo1 is not !ocBe or sea!e b0t mere!y c!ose + The o&&en erthinBin* it was !ocBe - estroye the bo1 an tooB the 6ewe!!ery+ Crime committe ? The&t+ *2 by remo%in* or taBin* away s0ch locked or sealed &0rnit0re- chest- rece#tac!e to be broBen or &orce o#en o0tsi e the #!ace o& robbery "0##osin* the o&&en er tooB a sea!e 6ewe!!ery bo1 &rom an inhabite ho0se an bro0*ht it o0tsi e an broBe it o#en+ What crime i he commit? Robbery+ I& what he broBe o0tsi e the inhabite ho0se was a c!ose 6ewe!!ery bo1- what crime i he commit? The&t+ "0##osin* o&&en er tooB a sea!e 6ewe!!ery bo1 &rom an inhabite ho0se with the intention to breaB it o0tsi e+ Howe%er- the son o& the owner catches him with the bo1 whi!e he was on his way o0t+ Crime committe ? Cons0mmate robbery+ The bo1 nee not be broBen+ The crime is cons0mmate by the mere act o& taBin*+ &) in an uninha-ite' house or pu-lic -uil'ing a2 0n!aw&0! entry /e&&ecte thro0*h o#enin* not ma e &or entrance2 b2 breaBin* oor /e1terna!2- wa!!- win ow- roo&- &!oor c2 thro0*h the 0se o& #icB!ocBs or &a!se Beys 2 by breaBin* oor /interna!2- war robe- chest- sealed or closed &0rnit0re or rece#tac!e "0##osin* the o&&en er breaBs o#en a !ocBe rece#tac!e &rom an 0ninhabite ho0se+ Crime committe ? The&t+ I& the rece#tac!e was sea!e or c!ose - the crime committe is robbery with &orce 0#on thin*s+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* a #asser'by saw a !ocBe 6ewe!!ery bo1 insi e a #arBe car+ He breaBs the win ow o& the car an taBes the 6ewe!!ery bo1 home where he #!anne to &orce it o#en+ Crime committe ? The&t+ e2 by remo%in* or taBin* away s0ch sea!e or c!ose &0rnit0re- chest- rece#tac!e to be broBen or &orce o#en o0tsi e the #!ace o& robbery ARTICLE 116 - ;UALI0IED T7E0T When the&t is committe by a omestic ser%ant) or act is committe with *ra%e ab0se o& con&i ence) or taBin* o& cocon0t &rom a cocon0t &arm or #!antation) or taBin* o& &ish &rom a &ish#on or &ishery+ PD 1/1( - ANTI-0ENCIN% LA, Can be #rosec0te conc0rrent!y with the&t or robbery 0n er the RPC FenceA any #erson who b0ys- se!!s- ac90ires- #ossesses- Bee#s- concea!s- or is#oses o& sto!en items /s0b6ect o& robbery an the&t2 an Bnows that s0ch items were sto!en+ P0rchasin* 0n!icense car #arts may maBe the b0yer !iab!e &or %io!ation o& the Anti'Fencin* Law+ The se!!er is re90ire to ac90ire !icense be&ore se!!in* s0ch secon 'han items+ PD .1( - ANTI-PIRACY AND ANTI-7I%7,AY ROBBERY LA, I& a crime o& robbery is committe on the streets- or on any hi*hway- roa - or bri *e in iscriminate!y < it is hi*hway robbery 0n er P+ (+ ,F.+ I& it is committe thro0*h a so!itary act- the crime is sim#!e robbery on!y+ "0##osin* o&&en ers ro e a b0s an - whi!e it was tra%e!!in* a!on* E("A- i%este the other #assen*ers o& their %a!0ab!es+ Crime committe ? "im#!e robbery on!y+ Act is so!itary+ O&&en er bene&itin* &rom the #rocee s o& crime committe #0nishab!e 0n er P+(+ ,F. is #0nishe as a co'#rinci#a!+ ARTICLE 11. - S,INDLIN% T-" t v. E$t# # ' THEFT K 7ateria! Possession N 7isa##ro#riation ' E"TAFA K 30ri ica! Possession N 7ateria! Possession N 7isa##ro#riation ' NO CRI7E /on!y ci%i! !iabi!ity2 K Ownershi# N 30ri ica! Possession N 7ateria! Possession N 7isa##ro#riation PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7ateria! Possession /7P2A there is on!y act0a!- #hysica! #ossession o& the #ro#erty) owner has better ri*ht than #ossessor) a!so ca!!e #hysica! #ossession 30ri ica! Possession /3P2A is #resent when #ossession arises &rom !aw&0! transactions either by a contract o& a*reement- e1#resse or im#!ie - written or %erba!) or by %irt0e o& a #ro%ision o& the !aw Ownershi# o& #ro#ertyA There is ownershi# when there is no more ob!i*ation to ret0rn e1act!y the same #ro#erty *i%en or !ent to the acc0se ) ownershi# is trans&erre to him "0##osin* a #ro&essor owns a crimina! !aw booB+ A "t0 ent a##roaches him an borrows the booB Bnowin* it contains #ersona! notations by the #ro&essor+ The #ro&essor !en s the booB 0nti! 7arch 4J+ Is there 7P? C#"+ Is there 3P? C#"- base on the %erba! a*reement /there is a contract2 (oes the st0 ent ha%e a better ri*ht o%er the booB than the #ro&essor? C#"+ There is !aw&0! trans&er o& #ossession base on the contract+ "0##osin* the &o!!owin* ay- the #ro&essor asBs &or the booB+ 7ay the st0 ent re&0se to ret0rn it? C#"+ "t0 ent has better ri*ht o%er it+ "0##osin* on 7arch 4J- the #ro&essor asBs &or the booB b0t st0 ent te!!s him that he co0! no !on*er ret0rn it beca0se he so! it to another st0 ent+ What crime is committe ? Esta&a+ /7P N 3P N 7is2 "0##osin* a #ro&essor asBs his st0 ent to brin* the booB to his o&&ice in 7aBati+ "t0 ent taBes the booB to Recto instea an se!!s it to a booBstore+ What crime is committe ? THEFT+ /7P N 7is2 There is no 3P since there is no a*reement nor contract between them to *i%e st0 ent better ri*ht o%er the booB+ "0##osin* a&ter an ho0r- the #ro&essor chan*es his min asBs the st0 ent &or the ret0rn o& the booB+ 7ay he o so? C#"+ The #ro&essor sti!! has better ri*ht o%er the booB an may asB &or its ret0rn at any time+ On!y 7P was *i%en to the st0 ent+ In or inary cases o& the&t- #ro#erty is taBen+ In esta&a- with ab0se o& con&i ence- #ro#erty is %o!0ntari!y !ent or *i%en to the o&&en er+ "0##osin* the #ro&essor !en s his booB to his st0 ent an asBs abo0t what wi!! ha##en i& the !atter cannot ret0rn the booB+ The st0 ent s0**ests that i& he !oses the booB he wi!! *i%e the #ro&essor the !atest e ition o& the booB to taBe its #!ace+ The #ro&essor a*rees+ Is st0 ent bo0n to ret0rn the e1act same booB? No+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7P? C#"+ 3P? C#"+ Ownershi#? C#" < st0 ent is no !on*er ob!i*e to ret0rn the borrowe item+ "0##osin* the st0 ent so! the booB+ What crime i he commit? No crime+ He is ci%i!!y !iab!e on!y+ "0##osin* A borrows his nei*hbor;s biBe &or &i%e ays+ On the si1th ay- A is 0nab!e to ret0rn the biBe beca0se he so! it to another #erson+ What crime may A be !iab!e &or? Esta&a+ /7P N 3P N 7is2 I& A was mere!y asBe by his nei*hbor to brin* the biBe to a sho# &or re#air- b0t A se!!s it instea - what crime may A be !iab!e &or? The&t /7P N 7is2 I& A was to! to ret0rn the biBe on the si1th ay &rom the ay it was borrowe b0t both he an the nei*hbor a*ree that i& it cannot be ret0rne - A wi!! *i%e his nei*hbor a new biBe instea what crime may A be !iab!e &or i& he misa##ro#riates the biBe? No crime+ @0t A is ci%i!!y !iab!e+ "0##osin* " has been Bee#in* a 4-CCC #eso bi!! in his wa!!et &or ., years+ : borrows the bi!!+ 30st to be s0re that : ret0rns the e1act bi!!- " iss0es a recei#t which states the seria! n0mber o& the bi!!+ : &ai!s to ret0rn the bi!! an s#en s it &or himse!&+ What crime? Esta&a+ /7P N 3P N 7is2 "0##osin* : borrows P,CC &rom "+ " *i%e the st0 ent 4-CCC #esos instr0ctin* the st0 ent to ha%e it enominate to two P,CC bi!!s- taBe one o& the bi!!s an ret0rn the other to him+ : ne%er ret0rns the P,CC+ What crime may he be !iab!e &or? The&t+ /7P N 7is2 : borrows a P4-CCC bi!! &rom "- s0b6ect to the con ition that i& in case it cannot be ret0rne - : wi!! *i%e " twice the amo0nt #!0s interest instea + " a*rees+ I& : misa##ro#riates the amo0nt borrowe - what crime may he be !iab!e &or? No crime+ There is ownershi# a!rea y+ "0##osin* F a##roaches Y to borrow the !atter;s car an to 0se it as a bri a! %ehic!e &or his co0sin;s we in*+ Y !en s it to be ret0rne on 7on ay+ I& F oes not ret0rn the car an se!!s it to another #erson- what crime is he !iab!e &or? Esta&a+ /7P N 3P N 7is2 "0##osin* Y !en s his car to F with the a*reement to ret0rn it on the ay a&ter the we in*+ @oth a*ree that i& the car was not ret0rne - F wi!! *i%e a better an newer mo e! instea + I& F misa##ro#riates the car- what crime is he !iab!e &or? No crime+ Ownershi# was a!rea y *i%en since F was not ob!i*e to ret0rn the same car to Y+ "0##osin* P *i%es his car Beys to his ri%er an instr0cts him to &i!! 0# his car with *as+ (ri%er ne%er ret0rns an se!!s the car to his &rien + What crime may the ri%er be !iab!e &or? Carna##in*+ "0b6ect o& the&t is a motor %ehic!e /7P N 7is2

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Bin o& #ossession oes a banB te!!er ha%e o%er the money e#osite by the banB;s c!ients? 7ateria! #ossession on!y+ "0##osin* banB te!!er taBes the money e#osite by a c!ient+ What crime may the te!!er be !iab!e &or? O0a!i&ie The&t+ The crime o& the&t is committe with ab0se o& con&i ence+ "0##osin* the acc0se - a #0b!ic o&&icer in char*e o& #0rchasin* s0##!ies- was *i%en the money to #0rchase hi*h 90a!ity rice) he ma e an a*reement with the s0##!ier o& to #ro%i e &or ,C sacBs o& rice at ha!& the #rice+ Crime committe ? Fra0 s a*ainst the #0b!ic treas0ry 0n er Artic!e .4F+ "0##osin* a schoo! asBs &or e#osit in case o& breaBa*es+ At the en o& the schoo! year- the st0 ent asBs &or the e#osit ar*0in* that no breaBa*es occ0rre + The schoo! re&0ses to ret0rn the amo0nt e#osite + 7ay the schoo! be !iab!e &or esta&a? No+ The schoo! is not bo0n to ret0rn the e1act money bi!!s #ai by the st0 ent+ Ownershi# is trans&erre to the schoo!+ "0##osin* a sa!es re#resentati%e o& an a##!iance com#any a##roache I as a #ros#ecti%e c0stomer- e1#!aine the bene&its o& the a##!iance he was se!!in*+ Not con%ince - he *a%e I a tria! #erio o& one weeB- a&ter which- i& the #ro 0ct is not ret0rne - it wo0! be consi ere so! + I no !on*er ret0rne the #ro 0ct beca0se he ha so! it to another+ Was there misa##ro#riation? C#"+ @0t co0! I be !iab!e &or esta&a? No+ I& a #artic0!ar #ro#erty is *i%en to another thro0*h a contract o& e#osit an e#ository misa##ro#riates it an cannot ret0rn the same- the e#ository is !iab!e &or esta&a+ "0##osin* a com#any was bo0n to e!i%er a #acBa*e to I b0t the #acBa*e was e!i%ere to 7 instea + It t0rns o0t- 7 an I ha the same name+ 7 taBes #ossession o& the #ro#erty in tr0st &or the tr0e owner /base on the #ro%ision o& the !aw2+ I& 7 misa##ro#riates the contents o& the #acBa*e- is he !iab!e &or esta&a? C#"+ Con%ersionA is#osin* o& #ro#erty an actin* as i& one is the owner o& a #ro#erty) actin* in %io!ation o& a con ition a*ree or im#ose 0#on+ (etermine i& there is a %io!ation o& the terms an con itions by the a*ent a*ainst the #rinci#a!+ I& there is- con%ersion e1ists beca0se the a*ent acte beyon a0thority *i%en to him+ "0##osin* when the #ieces o& 6ewe!!ery were *i%en to I+ he was mere!y instr0cte by Y to se!! it within FC ays- an i& not so! - to ret0rn the same+ I so! the items on cre it+ Was the sa!e on cre it within the sco#e o& the a0thority o& I? C#"+ 7ay he be !iab!e &or esta&a? No+ What i& instea o& se!!in* it- I *a%e the 6ewe!!ery to a s0b'a*ent who so! it to Z- who co0! not #ay+ Is I !iab!e &or esta&a? No ' there was no e1#ress #rohibition &or I to *i%e the items to a s0b'a*ent) i& there is an e1#ress #rohibition- I is !iab!e &or esta&a beca0se there wo0! be con%ersion in that case+

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* A owns a 6ewe!!ery worth P4CC-CCC+ A *i%es it to @ &or the !atter to se!! it at a #rice !ess than 4CCD+ They a*ree that i& @ s0ccee s- he sha!! recei%e 4CT commission+ @ *oes to C an asBs him to se!! the #ro#erty on the same con ition with a commission o& ,T+ C oes not se!! the 6ewe!!ery an Bee#s it &or himse!&+ 7ay @ be !iab!e &or esta&a? No+ Owner *a%e the 6ewe!!ery to the a*ent &or the !atter to se!! it+ The a*ent in t0rn *i%es it to a s0b'a*ent a!so &or the 6ewe!!ery to be so! + There&ore- the a*ent- @- acte within a0thority *i%en to him by the owner+ There is no con%ersion+ >n er the same &acts b0t A te!!s @ that he is #rohibite &rom *i%in* it to a s0b'a*ent+ @ *i%es it to a s0b'a*ent who misa##ro#riates the 6ewe!!ery+ 7ay @ be !iab!e &or esta&a? C#"+ @ acte beyon the a0thority *i%en to him+ There is con%ersion committe by @ A te!!s @ to se!! the 6ewe!!ery base on cash basis b0t @ se!!s the 6ewe!!ery on insta!ment basis to his o&&icemate+ A&ter &ew ays- the o&&icemate !oses her 6ob an co0! no !on*er #ay the insta!ments a*ree 0#on+ Is @ !iab!e &or esta&a? C#"+ There is con%ersion+ @ acte in %io!ation o& #rior a*reement+ "0##osin* an im#orter recei%es *oo s in tr0st+ The ownershi# o& the *oo s remains with the banB who &0!!y #ai s0ch *oo s+ The im#orter is bo0n to #ay the banB the #rocee s o& the sa!e o& the *oo s or to ret0rn the same to the banB+ I& im#orter &ai!s to #ay the banB an to ret0rn the *oo s- is he !iab!e &or esta&a? C#"+ The im#orter is *0i!ty o& esta&a by misa##ro#riation+ Esta&a cannot be committe by a #artner in a #artnershi#) by a co'owner or by a 6oint owner o& a #ro#erty+ Howe%er- i& #artner- 6oint owner- or co'owner misa##ro#riates #ro#erty which is a!rea y se#arate or *i%en to a thir #erson or entire!y to the other #artner- the misa##ro#riator may be he! !iab!e &or esta&a+ "0##osin* (- a #artner to a b0siness- was tasBe to #ay ta1es &or the b0siness+ Istea o& #ayin* the ta1es- ( 0se the money to #!ay in the casino an !ost a!! o& it+ 7ay ( be !iab!e &or esta&a? C#"+ The money was misa##ro#riate + It was *i%en &or a s#eci&ic #0r#ose+ "0##osin* the a ministrator o& the estate o& ecease L- misa##ro#riate certain #ro#erties o& L+ 7ay L be !iab!e &or esta&a? C#"+ The #ro#erty was *i%en to him in tr0st+ "0##osin* A #awne his ce!! #hone b0t the #awnsho# i not ret0rn the item e%en a&ter A;s re em#tion o& the same+ 7ay the #awnsho# be !iab!e &or esta&a? C#"+ The ce!! #hone was *i%en to them in tr0st+ No%ation o& the contract or ob!i*ationA Is no%ation a *ro0n to e1tin*0ish crimina! !iabi!ity? No+ The *ro0n s &or the e1tin*0ishment o& crimina! !iabi!ity are en0merate in Artic!e MP o& the RPC+ No%ation is not one o& the *ro0n s state therein+ 7oreo%er- no%ation is a chan*e or amen ment o& terms or con itions a*ree 0#on by the #arties who are #ri%ate in i%i 0a!s+ It is not within the #ower o& #ri%ate in i%i 0a!s to e1tin*0ish crimina! !iabi!ity+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* A@C Cor#+ em#!oys co!!ection a*ents aro0n the co0ntry who are ob!i*e to co!!ect amo0nts within their 60ris iction &or the com#any+ A@C Cor# has a #o!icy that co!!ections are to be remitte within FC ays &rom co!!ection+ 3- a Ceb0 co!!ectin* a*entco!!ecte P,CC-CCC on (ecember 4- .CCM *i%in* him 0nti! (ecember F4 to remit the amo0nt co!!ecte + "0##osin* one ni*ht- 3 #!aye in the casino with his *ir!&rien an her &ami!y+ In the co0rse o& their stay- 3 !ost the entire amo0nt+ Ass0min* it was (ecember 4C- .CCM- is 3 !iab!e &or esta&a? No+ There is no ob!i*ation 0nti! (ecember F4+ "0##osin* that on (ecember F4- 3 &ai!e to remit the amo0nt- is he !iab!e &or esta&a? C#"+ 3 was ho! in* the amo0nt in tr0st an he a!rea y has the ob!i*ation to ret0rn it to its ri*ht&0! owner+ "0##osin* a&ter (ecember F4- the com#any *i%es 3 a eman !etter &or the money *i%in* him &i%e ays to t0rn it o%er+ On 3an0ary ,- 3 ma e no #ayment+ Two ays !ater- 3 e1ec0tes a #romissory note to ass0rin* #ayment o& the amo0nt thro0*h month!y insta!ments+ The #resi ent acce#ts the con ition+ A&ter three months- 3 e&a0!ts in #ayment+ 7ay 3 be char*e o& esta&a? C#"+ The crimina! !iabi!ity o& 3 has a!rea y attache since his ob!i*ation to #ay arose on (ecember F4+ There is a #res0m#tion o& misa##ro#riation when he &ai!e to remit the amo0nt co!!ecte + E%en i& the #romissory note was a %a!i no%ation o& his initia! ob!i*ationthis oes not bear any e&&ect to his crimina! !iabi!ity+ "0##osin* on (ecember .F- 3 went to 7ani!a an con&esse to the #resi ent o& A@C Cor# that he ha misa##ro#riate the money+ 3 asBe &or &or*i%eness an s0**este that he wi!! re#ay the amo0nt thro0*h sa!ary e 0ction e%ery month+ On the same ay- 3 si*ns a #romissory note #re#are by the com#any;s !awyer- 0#on the a##ro%a! o& the #resi ent+ A&ter two months- 3 was &ire an co0! no !on*er #ay the ba!ance+ 7ay the com#any char*e 3 with esta&a? No+ There was no crime since the ob!i*ation oes not arise 0nti! (ecember F4+ The #romissory note e1ec0te on (ecember .F is a %a!i no%ation o& the initia! ob!i*ation+ "ince there is no ob!i*ation- there is no esta&a committe + It oes not e1tin*0ish crimina! !iabi!ity beca0se there is no crimina! !iabi!ity to s#eaB o&+ Post atin* o& the checB sho0! be #rior to or sim0!taneo0s with the contractin* o& the ob!i*ation+ I& it is iss0e in #ayment o& a #re'e1istin* ebt- there is on!y ci%i! !iabi!ity+ "0##osin* one a&ternoon- E #0rchases *rocery items worth P4C-CCC &rom =+ "ince E oes not ha%e eno0*h cash at that time- he iss0es a checB in #ayment o& the items bo0*ht+ = a*rees an a!!ows E to taBe the *rocery items home+ I& the checB bo0nce- may E be !iab!e &or esta&a? C#"+ The checB was iss0e sim0!taneo0s!y with the contractin* o& the ebt+ "0##osin* be&ore the checB was encashe - E taBes it bacB an iss0es a i&&erent checB+ When the !ater checB was encashe - it t0rne o0t that the acco0nt i not ha%e s0&&icient &0n s+ 7ay E be !iab!e &or esta&a? No+ The !ater checB was iss0e &or #ayment o& a #re'e1istin* ebt+ 7ay E be !iab!e &or %io!ation o& @+P+ ..? C#"+ PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In i<"'it* in t-" c&$to<* o @#@"!$ v. "$t# # ' In in&i e!ity- the o&&en er m0st be a #0b!ic o&&icer in char*e with the c0sto y o& oc0ments remo%e - concea!e or estroye ) in esta&a- the crime may be committe by any #erson+ In in&i e!ity- the intent to e&ra0 is not nee e whi!e in esta&a- the act m0st be one with intent to e&ra0 + "0##osin* a c!ient estroys the oc0ments o& a banB to concea! &act o& the e1istence o& a !oan+ What crime is he !iab!e &or? Esta&a+ There is intent to e&ra0 + BATAS PAMBANSA BL%. (( - ANTI-BOUNCIN% C7EC:S LA, :oo &aith an honest intention are not e&enses in a #rosec0tion &or %io!ation o& @+P+ ..+ since it &o!!ows *enera! #rinci#!es o& ma!0m #rohibit0m) it oes not #0nish a #erson &or non'#ayment o& contract0a! ebt b0t &or iss0in* a b0m checB) it was enacte to #rotect the interest o& #eo#!e in checBs as a s0bstit0te &or money) a worth!ess checB is etrimenta! i& #!ace in circ0!ation M#nn"! o Co))i$$ion (1) 6a$ing or 'rawing an' issuing any chec$ to apply on account or (or value (6a$er, issuer, 'rawer are punishe' -ut en'orser is notD the coEconspirators are also lia-le) 1$t R"F&i$it" < #erson iss0es- maBes or raws checB in #ayment o& acco0nt or &or %a!0e ' E%en i& checB is iss0e as a *0arantee &or the ob!i*ation o& another or on!y as co!!atera! or sec0rity &or the monetary ob!i*ation o& another- the iss0er is sti!! !iab!e 0n er @+P+ .. "0##osin* A iss0es a checB to @- antici#atin* that in the &o!!owin* weeB- &0n s were comin* in &rom #ayments to be ma e by his other c!ients+ The checB is #ost ate &or the &o!!owin* weeB+ When @ encashe the checB- it was ishonore &or !acB o& &0n s+ A sets 0# *oo &aith as a e&ense an honest be!ie& that his other c!ients wo0! be #ayin* him in the amo0nt that wo0! s0&&ice #ayment o& his ob!i*ation on time+ Is A !iab!e &or %io!atin* @+P+ ..? C#"+ "0##osin* A iss0e a checB as e%i ence o& a !on* time a*reement with @+ On the bacB o& the checB- A in icate that the checB is not inten e &or #ayment b0t mere!y to e%i ence an e1istin* ob!i*ation+ I& the checB bo0nces- may A be !iab!e &or %io!ation o& @+P+ ..? No+ The checB is not iss0e as #ayment o& ob!i*ation or &or %a!0e+ (n< R"F&i$it" < checB is ishono0re by the banB &or !acB o& &0n s- ins0&&iciency o& &0n s- or that acco0nt is c!ose I& the checB is ishonore &or any other reason- there is no %io!ation o& @+P+ ..- #ro%i e that the acco0nt o& the iss0er ha s0&&icient &0n s

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* at the time A iss0e a checB &or P4CC-CCC- he ha P.CC-CCC in the banB+ @e&ore the #resentation o& the checB- A *a%e notice to the banB to sto# #ayment beca0se the #ayee i not com#!y with his ob!i*ation+ 7ay A be !iab!e &or %io!ation o& @+P+ .. i& the checB is ishonore by the banB? No+ A ha s0&&icient &0n s an reason &or the ishonor was the sto# #ayment notice+ "0##osin* A i not ha%e eno0*h money to #ay the ebt an he Bnew o& the ins0&&iciency o& the &0n + 7ay he be !iab!e &or %io!ation o& @+P+ ..? C#"+ The checB wo0! ha%e been ishonore 60st the same &or ins0&&iciency o& &0n s+ 1!< R"F&i$it" < Payee or ho! er *i%es notice o& ishonor an eman s the %a!0e o& the checB

A %erba! eman is not acce#tab!e) there sho0! be a &orma!- written eman o& #ayment 4t- R"F&i$it" < the maBer- rawer- or iss0er- ha%in* seen the notice o& ishonor or eman o& #ayment- &ai!s to #ay the amo0nt o& the checB within &i%e banBin* ays A!! o& the re90isites m0st conc0r Wi!! the mere iss0ance o& a b0m checB maBe a #erson !iab!e &or %io!ation o& @+P+ ..? No+ Iss0ance o& a worth!ess checB is not a crime+ Wi!! the ishonor by the banB o& the checB maBe the iss0er !iab!e? No+ Is the mere e%i ence o& notice s0&&icient? No+ There m0st be e%i ence o& recei#t o& the notice o& ishono0r or eman o& #ayment+ >#on recei#t o& the notice o& ishonor- is iss0er a!rea y !iab!e? No+ He is sti!! *i%en &i%e banBin* ays to #ay+ Fai!0re to #ay a&ter s0ch #erio wi!! maBe the #erson !iab!e+ A&ter s0ch #erio - #res0m#tion o& Bnow!e *e o& the ins0&&iciency o& &0n s on the #art o& the acc0se sets in+ (&) Aailure to maintain su((icient (un's to cover the value o( the chec$ in the event the chec$ is presente' (or payment @+P+ .. *i%es the iss0er the ob!i*ation to maintain in his acco0nt s0&&icient %a!0e to co%er the amo0nt o& the checB iss0e &or a #erio o& PC ays co0nte &rom the ate a##earin* on the checB / ate o& iss0ance+2 "0##osin* A iss0es a checB an at that time- A ha more than eno0*h &0n s to co%er the %a!0e o& the checB+ @e&ore the PC' ay #erio e!a#se - A with rew the amo0nt s0&&icient to co%er the %a!0e o& the checB+ 7ay he be !iab!e &or %io!ation o& @+P+ ..? C#"+

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "0##osin* @ #resente to the banB a checB iss0e to him by A beyon PC ays &rom the ate o& iss0ance+ The checB was ishonore &or !acB o& &0n s+ 7ay he be !iab!e &or %io!ation o& @+P+ ..? Accor in* to a ecision o& the "0#reme Co0rt < C#" the iss0er is sti!! !iab!e+ The !aw re90ires banBs an &inancia! instit0tions to in icate on the &ace o& the checB or on its bacB- the reason &or ishonorin* the same+ Is it necessary to ha%e a testimony &rom a banB em#!oyee to bacB 0# the c!aim o& #res0m#tion o& Bnow!e *e? No+ I& the re90isites conc0r- there is a!rea y a #rima &acie e%i ence o& %io!ation o& @+P+ ..+ Pena!ty is a &ine twice the amo0nt o& the %a!0e o& the checB b0t not e1cee in* P.CC-CCC or im#risonment o& one year or both+ "C iss0e a circ0!ar instr0ctin* !ower co0rts to im#ose on!y the #ena!ty o& a &ine+ This is o beca0se 0n!ess the acc0se is a b!atant %io!ator o& @+P+ ..- the co0rt a o#ts a !ibera! %iew a*ainst the acc0se + ARTICLE 11/ - OT7ER 0ORMS O0 S,INDLIN% "0##osin* A r0ns o0t o& cash so he #!e *es his ce!! #hone to @ &or P,-CCC+ Their a*reement was &or A to #ay bacB the amo0nt within FC ays an &or @ to ret0rn the ce!! #hone+ A&ter a weeB- @ !ea%es the ce!! #hone on his tab!e+ A sees it !yin* aro0n so he taBes it+ Is A !iab!e? C#"+ A is !iab!e &or other &orms o& swin !in* 0n er Artic!e F4E+ At the time o& the taBin*- @by %irt0e o& the a*reement- has the !aw&0! #ossession o& the ce!! #hone e%en i& A is the owner+ The taBin* is wron*&0!+ ARTICLE 1(6 - ARSON "0##osin* I- with intent to Bi!!- intentiona!!y b0rne T to eath what crime i I commit? 70r er+ "0##osin* N b0rne the bo y o& O+ O was a!rea y ea + What crime? Arson+ ARTICLE 1(2 - ,7O ARE LIABLE 0OR MALICIOUS MISC7IE0 It cannot be committe ne*!i*ent!y) it m0st be e!iberate+ ARTICLE 11( - PERSONS EXEMPT 0ROM CRIMINAL LIABILITY A##!ies on!y when the crime o& either the&t- esta&a- or ma!icio0s mischie& is committe or m0t0a!!y ca0se byA 42 s#o0ses- ascen ants or escen ants- or re!ati%es by a&&inity within the same !ine .2 wi owe s#o0se with res#ect to the #ro#erty o& ecease s#o0sebe&ore the same has been istrib0te PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F2 brothers- sisters- brothers'in'!aw an sisters'in'!aw who are !i%in* to*ether "0##osin* A;s brother'in'!aw !oses his ce!! #hone to a snatcher+ One weeB a&ter- he &in s it in A;s #ossession+ The brother'in'!aw char*es A with %io!ation o& the Anti'Fencin* Law+ Ass0min* that A !i%es with his brother'in'!aw- wi!! the case #ros#er? C#"+ A is not e1em#t &rom crimina! !iabi!ity 0n er Artic!e FF.+ It a##!ies on!y when crime committe is the&testa&a- or ma!icio0s mischie&+ CRIMES A%AINST C7ASTITY Pri%ate crimes ' can be initiate by the o&&en e #arty on!y or by his #arents- *ran #arents- or *0ar ians i& o&&en e #arty is inca#acitate + "0##osin* a 4P year o! woman re&0ses to &i!e a case o& acts o& !asci%io0sness+ Her &ather si*ns the com#!aint+ 7ay the co0rt taBe 60ris iction o& the case? No+ The %ictim is a!rea y !e*a!!y ca#acitate + "0##osin* the woman is on!y 4C years o! ? C#"- the co0rt may taBe co*ni$ance o& the case+ ARTICLE 111 - ,7O ARE %UILTY O0 ADULTERY Is committe by a marrie woman ha%in* se10a! interco0rse with a man not her h0sban AN( by the man Bnowin* her to be marrie 7arria*e contem#!ate may ha%e e&ects b0t there m0st not be a 60 icia! ec!aration o& n0!!ity or ecree o& ann0!ment iss0e by the co0rt Is the #resentation o& an eyewitness necessary to #ro%e the se10a! interco0rse? No+ Presentation o& e%i ence o& o##ort0nity to ha%e se10a! interco0rse between the acc0se is s0&&icient "0##osin* the #rosec0tion #resente e%i ence that W- a marrie woman- an D- her nei*hborchecBe 'in to a mote! room at 4ACC #+m+ an checBe 'o0t at 4CACC#+m+ Is the e%i ence eno0*h to warrant con%iction &or a 0!tery? C#"+ ARTICLE 114 - CONCUBINA%E A sin*!e act o& se10a! interco0rse between a marrie man an a woman not his wi&e is not #0nishab!e+ "e10a! interco0rse is #0nishab!e 0n er any o& the &o!!owin* circ0mstancesA 42 maintainin* a conc0bine or mistress in the con60*a! home or we!!in* .2 cohabitation in any other #!ace /!i%in* to*ether as h0sban an wi&e2 F2 se10a! interco0rse with another woman 0n er scan a!o0s circ0mstances /o#en to #0b!ic2 ARTICLE 11/ - ACTS O0 LASCI4IOUSNESS PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ha there been se10a! interco0rse- the o&&en er wo0! be !iab!e &or ra#e ARTICLE 112 - ;UALI0IED SEDUCTION "e 0ctionA act o& se10a! interco0rse I& both e!ements o& R+ A+ MF,F an 90a!i&ie se 0ction are #resent- acc0se may be char*e o& the hi*her crime /ra#e2) i& %ictim is be!ow 4M- acc0se may be char*e o& %io!ation o& R+ A+ JE4C+ "0##osin*- a hi*h schoo! teacher &e!! in !o%e with a 4J'year o! &ema!e st0 ent an the st0 ent &e!! in !o%e with him a!so+ The st0 ent becomes #re*nant with her an the teacher;s chi! + What crime may the teacher be char*e with? Ra#e thro0*h *ra%e ab0se o& a0thority an %io!ation o& R+A+ JE4C+ ARTICLE 113 - SIMPLE SEDUCTION The o&&en e #arty may not be #rostit0te) woman has to be o& *oo re#0tation Committe by means o& eceit ' this inc!0 es a &a!se #romise o& marria*e+ ARTICLE 115 - CONSENTED ACTS O0 LASCI4IOUSNESS Ha there been se10a! interco0rse- the man wo0! be !iab!e &or 90a!i&ie se 0ction or sim#!e se 0ction ARTICLE 14( - 0ORCIBLE ABDUCTION TaBin* o& a woman a*ainst her wi!! with the #resence o& !ew o& o&&en e #arty is immateria! esi*ns or !asci%io0s intent) a*e esi*n can on!y be #ro%en

I& there is no !ew esi*n- the crime committe is Bi na##in*) !ew by the act0a! #hysica! acts o& the o&&en er ARTICLE 141 - CONSENTED ABDUCTION

=ictim is a woman o%er 4. years o! an 0n er 4M an is a %ir*in) she is taBen with her consent A!so Bnown in or inary #ar!ance as tanan ARTICLE 145 - BI%AMY Contractin* a s0bse90ent marria*e be&ore the 4st marria*e is isso!%e The o&&en er wi!! not inc0r crimina! !iabi!ity i& there is a 60 icia! ecree o& isso!0tion o& &irst marria*e or 60 icia! ec!aration o& #res0m#tion o& eath PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos
UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena







(ATTY. MAXIMO P. AMURAO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE 1.1 - PREMATURE MARRIA%E Can be committe on!y by woman who contracts marria*e within FC4 ays a&ter the eath o& her h0sban or se#aration &rom the same) or be&ore *i%in* birth i& she is #re*nant- at the time o& her h0sban ;s eath The reason &or the #ro%ision is to #re%ent o0bt&0! #aternity ARTICLE 1.5 - SLANDER BY DEED The i&&erence o& s!an er by ee &rom acts o& !asci%io0sness is that in the !atter- there is #resence o& !ew esi*n+ This e#en s 0#on the circ0mstance o& time- #!ace- or manner o& commission "0##osin* C wante to taBe re%en*e a*ainst his o&&icemate Z &or a #ranB she committe a*ainst him+ In the #resence o& their other co'worBers- C con&ronte Z an *rabbe her breasts+ What crime may C be !iab!e &or? "!an er by ee + There is no !ew esi*n+ C on!y wante to embarrass Z+

PREPARED BY: Dyann Kristi Catapang & Katheri Ann Charcos

UPDATED BY: Katrina Ayn Ayza Cue, Louresse atricia !ane "oriaso & #ze$iel !oshua %illena


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