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The term socialization has been drawn from Sociology where it is treated as a process by which an individual develops into

a functioning member of the group according to its standards, conforming to its modes, observing its traditions, and adjusting himself to the social situations.

Socialization is the process by which children and others adopt the behaviour patterns of the culture that surrounds them.

An all encompassing, never ending educational process from

which values, attitudes, beliefs, and gender roles are acquired.

It is a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behaviour, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position

Primary method of learning culture, establishing the boundaries of what is seen as right and wrong.

National Regional Community Family Peers/friends

Primary socialization Secondary socialization Developmental socialization Anticipatory socialization

Stage One, Infancy Stage Two, early childhood Stage Three, play age Stage Four, school age Stage Five, adolescence Stage Six, young adulthood Stage Seven, adulthood Stage Eight, later life.

Attraction Theory Interpersonal Communication Motives Lack of Volition

Individuals are attracted to the groups activities Individuals are attracted to the groups goals Individuals are attracted to the prestige associated with membership in the group Individuals are attracted to group members

People often initiate and maintain interactions in order to satisfy their interpersonal needs.

Six Interpersonal Communication Motives

Inclusion Affection Control Escape Pleasure Relaxation

Some people join groups because they have no choice .

Cohesion Consensus Communication Satisfaction Loneliness

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