P Continuous Future Meaning

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1. Say if the Present Continuous expresses a) an activity happening now or b) a planned future arrangement. 1. 2. 3. . $. %. '.

Its eight oclock, Meg. Are you getting ready for school? a) What time are Paul and Paula coming for dinner tonight? Why are you laughing? Wheres !im? "es taking the dog out for a #alk. What are you doing after school? Are you en&oying the lesson? (he is #orking late ne)t *riday?

2. Use these words to write sentences. Use the present continuous. a. I + not + go out + tonight. Im not going out tonight. ,. I + meet + my friends + this e-ening. c. .om + not + come + to the /arty on .hursday. d. My sister + get married + ne)t 0ecem,er. e. I + not + go to 1ondon + tomorro#. f. I + stay at home + tonight. g. I + go to the theatre + on Monday. h. 2eorge + go to the dentist + on *riday. i. Alice + go on holiday + to Me)ico. &. 3o, + /lay foot,all + on (aturday

A4(W56 758

1. 1. 2. 3. . $. %. '. a9 ,9 a9 a9 ,9 a9 ,9

2. ,. I:m meeting my friends this e-ening. c. .om is not coming to the /arty on .hursday. d. My sister is getting married ne)t 0ecem,er. e. I:m not going to 1ondon tomorro#. f. I:m staying at home tonight g. I:m going to the theatre on Monday. h. 2eorge is going to the dentist on *riday. i. Alice is going on holiday to Me)ico. &. 3o, is /laying foot,all on (aturday.

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