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Ekstraksi Gigi Sulung

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Instrumen pencabutan gigi sulung

Warwick James elevators

Warwick James elevator elevating retained primary molar roots

Couplands elevator.

Posisi operator saat ekstraksi rahang atas

Posisi Operator saat ekstraksi gigi anterior dan rahang bawah kiri

Posisi operator saat ekstraksi rahang bawah kanan

Extraction technique for upper primary anterior teeth.

Extraction technique for upper primary molars. Buccopalatal primary movement

Extraction technique for lower anterior teeth. The single root is flattened mesiodistally. Primary movement is buccolingual with rotational delivery.

Lower primary anterior forceps applied to a single root of a lower primary molar; an alternative to using molar forceps. Lower primary anterior forceps applied to a single root of a lower primary molar; an alternative to using molar forceps

Position of lower molar forceps beaks at the neck of the tooth.

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