Cover Letter 2

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November 14, 2013

Mr. Stauss Marketing Company 4430 Main Street Milwaukee, ! "31"0

#ear Mr. Staus$ ! am writing t%is letter to&ay be'ause ! am applying (or your summer sports marketing )ob. *%is )ob was very intriguing to me be'ause ! am a big sports (an an& woul& really en)oy &oing t%is as a )ob. ! %ave taken t%e !ntro&u'tion to +usiness an& a Sports Marketing 'lass in %ig% s'%ool so ! %ave met all o( t%e re,uirements (or t%is )ob. !t looks like t%is 'ompany is very organi-e& an& %ar& working an& ! woul& %ave a lot o( (un working (or you an& t%is 'ompany. ! 'an 'ontribute a lot to t%e 'ompany. .ou 'an assign me to &o almost anyt%ing, an& ! am 'apable o( &oing it. ! am a %ar& worker, an& i( ! put time into somet%ing it 'an turn out to be really %elp(ul/use(ul. ! %ave %a& some e0perien'e in marketing as ! took a 'lass in t%e %ig% s'%ool. ! %ave goo& 'ommuni'ation skills so ! am not a(rai& to speak my opinion an& let my voi'e be %ear&. 1roblem solving is one o( my strong suits. !( a problem 'omes up, ! 'an (i0 it or work out a solution t%at is best (or t%e situation. Most o( all, ! am a teenager, so ! know w%at is popular in teens an& young a&ults, so ! woul& be valuable in t%e marketing business. ! %ave e0perien'e in t%is (iel& an& ! woul& be a goo& (it. ! woul& like to meet wit% you so we 'oul& talk about t%is )ob an& me getting possibly %ire&. ! appre'iate you taking t%e time to rea& over my resume an& 'onsi&er me (or t%is )ob. .ou 'an 'onta't me almost all nig%t a(ter 4$30 be'ause be(ore t%at ! %ave s'%ool an& basketball rig%t a(ter s'%ool. !( you %ave any ,uestions or 'on'erns you 'an rea'% me at 2232435"65372. Sin'erely,

1atri'k *om(o%r&e See atta'%e& resume.

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