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Name : dewi widia Agreeing dan Disagreeing, atau Agreement dan Disagreement adalah ungkapan untuk menyatakan persetujuan

dan ketidaksetujuan. Dalam indikator SKL ujian nasional SMK materi ini senantiasa hadir setiap tahun sebagai salah satu soal pertanyaan dalam soal N. ntuk itu mempelajari unkapan Agreeing dan Disagreeing menjadi sangat penting pagi siswa yang mau belajar terutam persiapan menjelang N !ahasa "nggris. Mari anda simak table berikut yang memuat ungkapan Agreeing dan Disagreeing dalam bahasa "nggris.
Disagreeing I disagree with you. I couldnt disagree more. I couldnt disagree less. I dont get along with that.. I agree with you, but I dont see it uite like that. Im not sure, I dont belie!e it "o, definitely not# I dont think thats !ery fair. I dont think so Are you pulling my leg$ Yes, but dont you think Yes, but on the other hand

Agreeing I agree that/ with you I couldnt agree more I got along with that Yes I know exactly what I mean. Yes that sounds like me. I thought so I suppose youre right Just always Ive always thought. Absolutely Yes, definitely You are absolutely right

Demand explanation %an you explain why &o you mean to say I dont understand why 'hy is it that (ow come &oes this mean

Right or Wrong Correct! )hats correct / *!ery+ true )hats absolutely right ,ight / -. /xactly I agree that/ with you Yes I know exactly what I mean. Wrong

"o Im afraid not "ot uite Youre close I dont know / Im not sure. I dont think so

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