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Proseminar The Contemporary British Novel U. Zimmermann ssi!

nment 1

Winter Semester 2013/2014

In an analysis of The Remains of the Day, which is the key issue you would like to focus on? Why? Please choose one. "# " $ere to %e&i%e on a 'ey iss(e in the analysis o# )The *emains o# the +ay,- " $o(l% &hoose the $ay .r. Stevenson has /(il% his i%entity over the years. The novel has a homo%ie!eti& narrator an% an internal #o&ali0ation- there#or every aspe&t o# the novel is %es&ri/es thro(!h .r. Stevenson1s eyes. We have alrea%y esta/lishe% that he is not a relia/le narrator- /(t " /elieve that /y ta'in! a &are#(l loo' at .r. Stevenson1s personality- at the $ay he pro2e&ts a ima!e o# himsel# an% ho$ he stron!ly hol%s on to that ima!e $e $ill /e a/le to (n%erstan% $hy he ma'es o(t #or this spe&i#i& $ay o# %epi&tin! his story an% $hy he resolves (pon a&tin! the $ay he %oes. .r. Stevenson1s entire li#e revolves aro(n% his pro#ession- aro(n% /ein! a )!reat /(tler,- aro(n% this parti&(lar i%ea o# )%i!nity,. 3e pra&ti&ally %iso$ns any other aspe&t o# one1s li#e that !ets /eyon% these lines that seem to /e mar'e% very &learly. &riti&al topi& in ans$erin! )$hy, %i% he en% (p $ith this stron! &onvi&tions an% $ith all these sel# impose% restri&tions is the relationship $ith his #ather- that also nee%s to /e &are#(lly loo'e% into. s #or the rest- " /elieve that all other #a&ets o# the novel event(ally resorts to this 'ey iss(e that " have mentione%. The relationship $ith .iss 4enton- the i%eali0e% ima!e o# 5or% +arlin!ton- the alteration o# the reality that $e #re6(ently noti&e or the #eelin! that the narrator %oesn1t tell the $hole tr(th 7 " thin' all o# them #in% their el(&i%ation in the $ay the i%entity o# this &hara&ter is /(ilt. n% " m(st that this is $hat " #in% #as&inatin! in a novel- not ne&essarily the vera&ity o# it. That is $hy- i# " $ere to &hoose a 'ey iss(e in analy0in! )The *emains o# the +ay,- this $o(l% /e my main option.

le8an%ra Nova&ov

+er 12. Novem/er 2013

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