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The Haley Butcher Organizati n invites the community to The In!"irati n Stati n at the #n$ Satur$ay Art %al&. The goal of the Inspiration Station is to raise awareness among the Long Beach community about the iller !hil"ren#s $ospital#s usic Therapy %rogram.

&uests can visit the In!"irati n Stati n an" write heartfelt messages for the chil"ren at the hospital. The station will also feature games where participants can win pri'es. ' un$ati n St ry The $aley Butcher (rgani'ation is a ()*+c,+-, n n."r /it rganizati n "e"icate" to benefiting the lives of terminally ill chil"ren through music an" art. The organi'ation was "evelope" after the "eath of 1) year ol"* $aley Butcher. $aley suffere" from 0yel $y!"la!ia* a rare bloo" "isor"er that affecte" her bo"y#s ability to pro"uce new bloo" cells. usic was very important to $aley#s social an" aca"emic life* which is how the organi'ation came to be with the help of a close frien" an" +,ecutive -irector Samantha -ietrich.

The $aley Butcher (rgani'ation#s mission is to benefit the lives of terminally ill chil"ren through music an" art. .e strive to "o this in a variety of ways/ through fun"raising* community outreach* an" special case pro0ects.

The 0iller Chil$ren1! H !"ital

0u!ic Thera"y Pr gra2 usic therapy sessions are "esigne" to help chil"ren reach their full potential by a""ressing each in"ivi"ual chil"#s area of nee". usic therapists plan in"ivi"uali'e" an" group programs that help chil"ren a"0ust to their hospital stay an" promote the continuity of normal* chil"hoo" activities. !hil"ren* most often respon" positively to music therapy because it is a fun an" en0oyable activity

%artner Sponsor1 This pac2age will mar2et your company as uni3ue supporter of our event. Sponsor Benefits Inclu"e1 The opportunity to have promotional "isplays at booth Logo will appear on promotional flyers Signage visibility to over 300 4rt .al2 atten"ees

(n behalf of The $aley Butcher (rgani'ation* we woul" appreciate (fficial Sponsorship or %artner Sponsorship. If you are intereste" in our efforts an" contributing to our fun"raising event please email the below information to1 5uth 6atareno Sponsor !ompany 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Business !ategory8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 !ontact %erson 88888888888888888888888888888 Title888888888888888888888 ailing 4""ress 88888888888888888888!ity 88888888888888State888 9ip 888 %hone :888888888888888888888888888888888888 ;a, :88888888888888888 .eb 4""ress 888888888888888888888+mail 888888888888888888888888888 4""itional Instructions 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 8

.e loo2 forwar" to your support for our event< 5uth 6atareno =>2/>0)/?2?2
The $aley Butcher (rgani'ation is a ta,/e,empt non/profit corporation un"er section =01@cA @3A of the Internal 5evenue !o"e @+I6 ?=/?0B=)3BA

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